Saturday, February 19, 2011

Team White Sigil: Insect Wing

As they enter the area, the buzzing sound.... gets louder...

Liotuse looks behind him to Mayru and Dyna. There's a nod to them, then looks over to Oliver. "Light be with you three. And the same to you."

Oliver says: ... Light be with us all.

Wilhiém says: I hear bugs.

Liotuse says: You're in -Silithus-.

Mayrù wrinkles her nose, "B-bugs?"

Wilhiém says: And I -love- it.

Liotuse shakes his head.

Dyna blinks back at Mayru quietly.
Dyna says: You'll be fine, dear.

Liotuse spreads his hands wide. "This little valley looks inviting."

Apophan's voice booms over the Windstones, "Xia chk'rik ik i ki k!!!!"

Liotuse sighs. "Chittering too! Fantastic!"

Wilhiém grins widely. "...this is amazing."

The Hivemother lets loose an earsplitting shriek.

Liotuse grimaces and immediately brings his fists up over his ears.

Wilhiém fights back the urge to take notes and draws his sword instead.

Mayrù says: -amazing-?

Wilhiém says: Have you -seen- anything like this before?

Liotuse slogs his way through the water, spitting as he glances right. "There's a path."

Three eggs plop from the queen's, well... thing.

Wilhiém still fights back the urge to take notes.

The eggs hatch, from each emerges a tentacled, mutated trespasser. Apophan's voice echoes, "Behold. Your. FATE!"

Liotuse recoils a bit, shifting to the right and trying to find a more shallow part. There. At least he can sort of stand, raising his longswords. "Try us."
Liotuse glances up at the Silithid queen, then down to the mutations. "Why. You three are as ugly as your mother. Now that's impressive."

Insect A says: You shall be one of us soon... Very soon... So you should not say such things...

Liotuse fakes a loud gasp, glancing back to his three companions. "They respond pretty well. Maybe I can teach them the art of comebacks."

Wilhiém says: Shhh, shh, I already have self-esteem issues.

Insect A opens his mouth impossibly wide and let's a shrieking battle cry. He then jumps into the air and lands on top of Liotuse, weapon in hands.

Liotuse blinks at the creature's speed, trying to raise his weapons to deflect. His reaction was off and slow, crashing underneath the water with the mutated creature on him.

Insect A says: DIE! DIE!DIE!

Insect B stares with the white blank eyes the staff glowing as it aimed at Mayru casting a sinister curse of pain at the person.

Mayrù inhales sharply, hand gripping at her chest as the curse sinks into it's mark.

Insect C grabs his weapons in both hands charges at Willhiem, swinging his axe at his chest.

Wilhiém coughs, gurgling, letting out guttural swears as the axe lunges between the plates, no doubt breaking something important.

Mayrù shakes her head and arches her shadows out toward the injured, warding them and soothing their pain.

Liotuse -grapples- the monstrosity with his right arm, trying to jerk it around and reverse their positions so he's above it. Underneath the sick liquids they're immersed in, he lunges with the sword in his other hand to impale it.

Dyna growls and steps infront of Mayru protectively. She casts out her right hand, a golden celestial hammer flies forth aimed for Insect B's chest.

Insect B laughes as he snaps his staff to the right deflecting the hammer, "Infidel!"

The Hivemother lets out a shriek. Hivecall.

Insect A grabs Liotuse by his robes and pulls him forth, with a curved knife in his other hand.

Insect B slams the staff onto the water making a small tidal wave fly toward Mayru.

Mayrù lifts her arms in front of her face to try and block the rushing water. She sputters and coughs once it passes, gasping for air.

There's a lovely fresh spurt of red colour in the liquid as the knife slips into Lio, bypassing his tunic and the piece of metal beneath it.

Insect C raises his hand out of the water grabbing Willhiem's shouders bringing his blade in from behind stabbing him in the back.

Mayrù holds a hand over her throat, focusing on working past the pain she's feeling. Her other hand arcs to throw soothing shadows toward Liotuse.

Wilhiém growls. He turns, swings, bringing out the hooked sword and aiming -just- below the attacher's sternum, hooked up, aiming to gut it - in the nicest way possible.

Liotuse jerks himself back to remove the knife from his torso, finding his actions a bit easier without as much pain to deal with. He lets go of both his swords to reach out and grab the creature's neck, jerking to try and break whatever now passes as its neck.

A resounding crack is heard, and the creature goes limp. It now banks in the liquid, not stirring for a moment.

Dyna 's eye tics. She snarls and lunges at the thing that hurt Mayru, holy energy bursting from her weapon to smack the carapace- hard.

A massive proboscis descends from the Hivemother and into each of the remaining pets... She unshackles herself from the wall...

Insect B falls to the water,dead

The Queen drops down and hisses angrily at the intruders to her hive. However, lethargy has taken its toll.
The Queen spits acid in all directions. The poison splatters against the fluid, sending it flying.
The Queen's deathwail echoes across the desert... the Silithid on the outside battle would become enraged.

Liotuse manages to break the surface of the liquid, gasping for air as he gestures to the others to follow him, seeing the collapsed Hivemother.
Liotuse sets a hand to the open knife wound in the side of his torso, trying to wipe the crap away from the area. He doesn't want that infected, wiping at his eyes as well. "You... okay Mayru? Took some hits..."

Mayrù drops her levitation spell as she settled on the bank. She nods distantly and closes her eyes to regain her focus. "I'll... Be fine, let's press onwards."

Liotuse sheathes his swords, reaching back for his rifle to work hastily to clean the flintlock mechanism. "We've got to keep moving then. I think that might have taken longer... than it should've." It's clear he's trying to catch his breath.

Dyna 's lips remain thin, and she hovers guardedly close to Mayru, frowning. She doesn't say anything, but her jaw is clenched.

Wilhiém crawls out, coughing, spitting, swearing. He pulls off his helm and shakes his head about. He winces - hand darting behind his armor - and tugging the network shut once again.

Liotuse coughs and spits. He doesn't even want to question what he was just swimming in. "Thanks for the save by the way. May. Didn't see it but I did notice I didn't feel like I was just -stabbed-."

Wilhiém says: Liotuse. Get over here.

Liotuse stops.

Mayrù smiles weakly, "Of course. I can surpress the pain and keep you fighting. We'll fix wounds once we reach triage."

Wilhiém stretches out a hand. On it - a small bug, stinger extended. "Adrenaline shot. Bring up to neck. Twist head. Numbs pain, gives a boost."

Liotuse stretches up to his full height, shaking his head as he seems to zone out. Centering himself and taking a few seconds to stretch out his arms. "I'm fine. A stab isn't much and we've just started. Keep it for yourself."

Dyna 's jaw clenches as she casts a worried glance towards Tuse, and frowns faintly. She seems more interested in staring at her boots now.

Mayrù loops in arm with Dyna's and lean's her cheek on the woman's shoulder as they walk -- some small comfort.

Wilhiém winces. "Whatever you wish." He brings the insect to his own neck, the stinger goign in-out. Hisses, tosses it aside.

As the group nears, they could hear the pained roars of Bryagh.

Liotuse says: ...Company.

Wilhiém says: Familiar.

Liotuse says: It can't fly and it's wounded on the left side. Stay on that side. Abuse it's lack of mobility. Watch the head.

Apophan yells: You will go no closer, BLASPHEMING TRESSPASSERSSS!
Apophan yells: Flee, then, Acolyte.
Apophan slams his scythe to the ground, it burns into the rocks.

Wilhiém says: That.
Wilhiém says: Is a cow.

Apophan says: You've caused my beloved Bryagh much pain... and for that... you will die. You've slain the Hivemother... do you know how long it takes to GROW ONE?!

Liotuse says: A while. Mad bastard, aren't you? Maybe we'll help next time we visit if you hand us our people back.

Apophan says: No matter, I have a surprise for you...

Wilhiém taps his chin. "No, but I would be interested to find out."

Apophan says: An old friend...

Liotuse loads the rifle, cocking the hammer and slinging it onto his bac but instead draws his longswords.

Mayrù reaches out to grip limply at Dyna's wrist, ".... Oh light."

Wilhiém says: ...the penguin is not here, is it?

The broken, twisted and mutilated shell of Strahm steps forward. Lightweight bands of Elementium cover his chest and back.

Liotuse tosses a 'shut up for now' look over his shoulder at Wilhiem.

Stràhm approaches alongside the Apophan. Black sclera-colored eyes stare intently at the trespassers. A smoking rifle is held in both hands across his chest. A chest that is covered with plates of Elementium melded to his skin. "Yes, Sovereign."

Apophan says: Destroy these intruders... I tire of their pathetic mewlings.

Stràhm says: As you command.

Liotuse backpedals, murmering lowly to his group. Perhaps too low for Apophan or Strahm to hear. "Aim to incapacitate. Not kill."

Apophan looks at Strahm.

Wilhiém looks disappointed.

Apophan says: Aim to decapitate.

Wilhiém mimicks the cow with a hand-puppet.

Liotuse flashes Apophan a grin. You just had to catch that didn't you? Lio gives his longswords a whirl in each hand, already trying to spike his adrenaline.

Strahm aims his rifle ahead of him at the group.

Dyna just stares. Her expression does not appear to change, and her hand grips Mayru's, her features strangely flat. More holy energy bristles, forming a haze about her thick red armor.

Liotuse tries to pivot and dart to the left as he sees the end of the rifle his way. All he manages to do is relocate it to the left side of his midsection. His tunic and the metal within it stands no real chance, the round striking deep.

Mayrù 's hand jerks up as the bullet flies, enveloping it in shadows the lessen the damage it would do to it's target.

Apophan chuckles, "I think I will enjoy watching thiss..." he moves over to his other cultists.

Wilhiém winces and spits on the ground. "Fookin' cultists." He re-seals his helm and dashes out, spiked shield in front of him - towards Minion!Strahm.

Liotuse lets himself fall to the side. Laying down would be a bit more comfortable than standing with a bullet wound now. He slips the throwing knife out of his right boot, snapping his wrist to try and catch Strahm low in the leg.

Kamazlek cackles a little gnomish cackle. "Very amusing!"

Dyna releases Mayru and moves forward, bringing her large red blade up as she darts forward and slamming forward with holy judgement, blade glittering with Light.

Stràhm hardly makes a noise as he's impaled, cut, and stabbed with a flying projectile. Still, he stares with a high intensity within his black-clouded eyes at the group.

Strahm vanishes in a sudden crack of electricity. He appears here, then there, and seemingly everywhere at once. But when he finally remains still, both blades are held out, the rifle strapped to his back. ( AOE all roll )

Apophan snarls his flaming eyes widen in abject rage.

Mayrù moves closer to Liotuse, waving her hands forward to soothe his pain with more shadow energy!

Wilhiém throws the shield aside. He hisses, winces, then pulls off hsi gauntlet - bare hand darting for Strahm's throat. He would attempt a drain, simple shadow-sort - if successful, it would significantly weaken the poor... beaten... thing.

Liotuse dips his head in thanks to Mayru, struggling to get to his feet. He doesn't bother picking up his longswords, stumbling into a charge to break for Strahm's right and snap his left leg around in a strike to his kidney. Plating or not, he might be able to feel it.

Dyna's eyes briefly close as she lunges forward, closing the small distance between herself and the thing that used to be her husband. She doesn't hesitate- her sword plunges down for his collar, striking at the throat; holy energy sizzles as she infuses the strike with righteous vengeance.

Apophan says: My creation. Kill them.

Stràhm falters slightly, eyes lidding partially at the battering. The grip on his throat seems to drain him, and the kick to his metal-plated side may have done it, too. Or that oddly weak chop to the collar bone. His attention, however, abruptly and fully shifts to Wilhiem. One of his swords is raised up, and made to cut him vigorously across the chest.

Wilhiém hisses. The drain fills him, mending - the pain mostly negated. The sword slides between the plates, blood gushing out. He falls to his side, grasping, attempting to flimsily heal what he can.

The Door to the Watchers Terrace creaks open.

Apophan turns and his eyes widen... in horror.
Apophan roars with bestial vigor. So fierce!

Mayrù frowns sadly toward Strahm's desecrated body. Shadows swirl around her hand and she lobs a mind blast toward him, fully geared to just disable him.

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