Saturday, February 19, 2011

Entrance to AQ and Kamazlek Fight

MacGlynn's Strike Team finds themselves in the desert ruins of Ahn'Qiraj. A dragon roars in the distance as lightning flashes from the many obelisks.

Oliver looks over the group, and down at the crystal in his hand. He clenches it and stuffs it back in with his belongings, shaking his head. "We ready? No? Good, let's go."

Something appears barring the path ahead...

Khaelanna yells: Feel despair by entering here! The gates will close behind you and your sinful ways will be stripped from you one scream at a time by the rightful rulers of Azeroth!!

Oliver says: So, they a'ready know we're here.

Wilhiém nods. He adjusts the large, horned helm over his head. "Brilliant." Seals it.

Nialos says: Damn well figures.

Oliver says: If we ain't dead yet, Ah reckon that means we still stand a chance.

Liotuse shifts his lower jaw around, peering about the area as he slips the rifle out of its scabbard on his back, cocking the hammer.

Mayrù readjusts her satchel and chews at her lower lip, glancing around the group.

Oliver smiles. He clenches a hand to ease sudden shaking. "Well? Let's go."

Nialos says: Right behind you, Oliver.

Mayrù grips onto Dyna's hand, "We'll be alright!"

Dyna smiles faintly, and squeezes Mayru's hand. "- We'll get him back."

Mayrù says: -Scared?

Oliver looks up at the giant twitching legs. "Light."

Kamazlek yells: Ya come 'ere seekin'da impossible, little ones.Ya efforts be wort'less.. no one escapes owa land..

Llew eyes Kamazlek up and down.

Nialos says: ... Well, he's a charmer.

Oliver says: Jus' one guy?

Nialos says: Don't underestimate him, Oliver.

Oliver says: They must be full 'a themselves.

Liotuse brings the stock of his firearm to his shoulder, peering down the barrel. Finger on the trigger but not firing.

Nialos says: Old Gods, ancient power...

Llew says: Don't underestimate them, Oliver.

Dyna glances sidelong at Mayru, and offers a somewhat enigmatic smile, shaking her head. She turns to peer at the newcomer, and her eyes narrow.

Nialos says: They've got a lot of tricks up their sleeves.

Liotuse says: But this guy's got flesh himself.

Oliver draws his blade. "An' flesh cuts real easy."

Wilhiém winces. "Careful."

Mayrù rolls her shoulders lightly and glances ahead, hushidly replying to Dyna, "I am."

Wilhiém draws a massive shield in front of him, inching forwards. He adjusts a few valves on his armor.

Oliver straightens and steps forward. He's smiling. "Y'got somethin' 'a mine."
Oliver says: Ah ain't leavin' 'til Ah get it back.

Nialos draws his blade, smirking. "Mine too, y'know."

Llew moves in behind Oliver.

Oliver says: Then we'll say y'did a good job tryin' ta stop us.

Kamazlek yells: [Saron] Rruh Ehhga gh Ighrahf!
Kamazlek yells: I WILL RIP OUT YA SOULS!

Nialos says: ... The hell was th-- oh.

Wilhiém yells: None left.

Mayrù lifts her hands up, palms facing upwards, nearby shadows crawl toward her an wrap her body. "Here we go...."

Oliver grins.

Wilhiém says: ...I am -not- getting cooked again.

Liotuse exhales slowly, murmering a soft prayer to the Light. He'd need it.

Llew draws his blades, his voice low. "Shut him up."

Oliver waves his blade, almost mockingly. "Ah think my soul deserves a break, eh?"

Dyna 's features grow quiet, and her burly form- which is definitely wearing some pretty awesome heavy red armor and not flimsy brown chainmail- grows quite rigid. Her lips move in prayer.

Nialos says: Pfft. Never a break for us.

Oliver says: Come at us!

Kamazlek grinned, "With pleasure!"

Mayrù says: Just breathe.... stay aware.... we... we've got this!

Kamazlek set his arm aflame, charging at the group. "DIE!"

Nialos drops into a combat stance, readying himself. "'Course we d-"

Wilhiém drops to the side, covering himself with the shield. Too many times was he cooked. He's used to this!

Kamazlek 's arm rippled the flame surging through his arm at the Alliance.

Dyna 's lips twitch in a distinct frown, and she lunges to the side. Fire. Why was it always with the -fire-?

Oliver really shouldn't mock, especially when fire is involved and he is a zombie. Flame tears at him until he disperses it with a blast of cold.

Liotuse just drops to a knee, twisting his upper half away and trying to shield himself with his left arm.

Mayrù 's shadowed form splays outwords into a cloud of purple ribbons, the fire passes through her shadows and reforms.

Llew hit the sand, avoiding any coming fire.

Nialos stamps a foot down, conjuring a sickly green shield to absorb the flames.

Kamazlek grinned, "Dat's right, scatta and show me ya defensives, little ones."

Nialos immediately moves up on Kamazlek's left, his blade moving down in a vertical arc, runes blazing as an aura of plague encircled the weapon.

Llew comes up out of the sand in a fluid motion, drawing his throwing star from within his leathers and flinging it at Kama's exposed neck

Mayrù waves her hands out before her, ripplies of shadow press form from her hands, moving to their mark to fortify those who've been hurt.

Oliver 's flesh absorbs the shadow almost greedily. The burns fade some.

Wilhiém grins widely. Mmmm, a charge. The shadow-network responds greedily.

Dyna 's quiet gaze fixes intently on the troll, and her lips, still moving in prayer, fall still a moment as she calculates. Her jaw clenches, and she thrusts a palm forward, holy energy lancing out in a bright arc of righteous flame.

Wilhiém chuckles. He flicks open his gauntlet - dark shapes dart out towards the troll, paralytic-bugs. If connected and successful, the partial paralysis and nausea would set in within a minute or so after the bite.

Oliver does a frontal charge, a wild look beginning to develop in his eye. A plague leaks from his flesh, which would make a painful addition to his full-body slam against the troll.

Liotuse rises back into a standing position, picking his target even as his leather smolders. The large troll's right shoulder. His finger clutches the trigger, firing his rifle.

Kamazlek growled, he grasped the first blade and sent a ripple of shadow energy through it. Ducking his head as the ninja star grazed him, leaving a long cut. He roared. "Rise!" He lifted a minion from the sand in the way of the paralytic bug. A small breath before glancing towards the death knight charging at him, he growled. Being knocked back, fighting to regain his composure. He spat against the sand, and shrieked as the bullet lodged within his shoulder blade. "Annoying..little..pests!"

The monstrosity lunges at Llew, it's rusted weapons in it's hands. It then screams in a gut-wrenching voice. "DIEEEEEEE!!"

Ixxie shambles towards Nialos, intent on chewing his arm.

Troshkag charges to Wilhiem swinging with his pick.

An undead orc looks at Nialos, he may be dead but he still has his axe in hand as he raises it and swings it at Nialos.

A ghoul rises from the ground first a hand then a head soon a whole body the body moves cracking before reaching down grabbing a staff the head stuck sideways as the zombie using his staff casted spells resembling shadow bolts at Tavin

Llew staggers back as he is hit with surprising force. Weakened for a moment, he lets out a bellow of pain-fueled anger, and shoves his main blade at his attacker's head.

Nialos' grin turns into a snarl as the two minions assault him. Attempting to shake them off, he twirls around and moves to cleave the undead.

The shambling corpse stiffens as the blade pierces it's skull and exits through the back. It then goes limp, it's black tongue lolling to the side and it's arms drop it's rusted weapons.

Oliver snarls and turns to face his attacker. He brings the pommel of his blade into the construct's skull, shattering it.

The cleave slices his chest in half one side falling from the other and he dies back into the sand.

Ixxie splits in two. The top half will moans and claws at the ground, while the bottom half lays still.

Mumbling something in an unintelligable(sp) language the zombie is struck hard on the head before a lard crack is heard the zombie falling to a pile of bones

Kamazlek cackles. "I will keep ya from passin' fa da Glory of da Gods!"

Mayrù bursts another torrent of shadows toward her allies, aiming to soothe their wounds and dampen the pain they feel.

The final ghoul's body drops back into the ground leaving only a pickaxe.

Dyna spies the last undead; her heavily armored form emmits a glare of holy energy which surges faintly as she thrusts a palm forward, lunging after with the rather enormous sword she wields. Holy judgement gogogo! Filthy undead.

Kamazlek cackles, "Glad ya enjoyed mah little friends, now fa real powa!"
Kamazlek yells: Time ta face da rage.. of da Maw's fait'ful.. da Forgetten Drakkari.. Hhan..Ghaskurrf, Fah ehhga ar ah grih eh ah Ehhga! Burn in the void!

A mass of black flame consumes the lumbering troll.
Kamazlek cranks his fist back, he charged at Mac, hand extended, transfering his greatest.

Nialos staggers back, bathed in the shadowy flames. Without thinking, he conjures a second runic blade behind the Troll, which moves to swipe at his hind.

Oliver runs at Kamazlek in a rage. A green haze forms around him, empowering him further as the magical flames are absorbed. He raises his sword and brings it down in a downward arc, runes blazing. Plague erupts from his throat, coating anything in front of him.

Kamazlek blinks, he wails, the blade wrenching down into him. He growls, being covered in the spray of plague, coughing up blood madly. "Ga- GAH!" He scratches at his skin, blood erupting from his body as the blade nearly cut him clean.
Kamazlek winces, cackling. "S-So even Deat' can die..heh.."

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