Sunday, February 6, 2011

Mairèad & Shepard: February 5

Shepard eyes you up and down.

Mairèad looks up as Shepard's shadow falls over her and instantly blanches, which is quite a feat, considering her blotchy red face and swollen eyes.

Shepard grunts before gesturing off in a random direction. "Come."

Mairèad's shoulders sag slightly, like a dog about to be taken out back and shot, but she closes her libram obediently and stands, not looking at Shepard. " 'kay."

Shepard says: You were right.

Mairèad has been staring at the ground all this time, crying silently again, but at this, she actually stops walking. "What."

Shepard says: You were right.

Mairèad says: ...y-... you...I mean...y--
Mairèad just stares at Shepard, a blotchy, swollen, snotty mess who is now confused on top of contrite.

Shepard's gaze falls to the ground, a contemplative expression evident. "There was no way you could know. I never told you anything."
Shepard says: We are both to blame, but. You deserve this, this... apology.

Mairèad also looks at the ground, rubbing at her nose and making what almost sounds like a worgen-snort with her sniffling. "Shoulda gissed anyway. Shouldna pushed. I...nnn?" She looks up again, blinking rapidly.

Shepard clears his throat, clearly uncomfortable with his display. "I am sorry, Mairead."

Mairèad says: ...Shep, I... I'm sorreh, too. So sorreh. Was bein' selfish an' tryin'a push too much 'cause I was skeerd 'a losin' you an' din' wantchoo t'be al-alone, an' I almos' lost you fer g-good...I'm so sorreh, Shep, I'm so sorreh.
Mairèad is now crying properly, an ugly cry with crumbly faces and everything.

Shepard's brows shoot up, looking around in worried confusion. Finally, he slowly makes his way towards Mairead, hesitantly moving to wrap an arm around the sobbing girl.

Mairèad jumps slightly at this, not expecting it, but it doesn't take her long to wrap her arms around Shepard's waist and bury her face in his chest, still sobbing like an idiot.

Shepard says: I will keep running, as I always have. However, I...
Shepard swallows his fear with an audible gulp, his voice hoarse. "I am tired of doing so alone. I would like- I would like a friend."

Mairèad looks up at Shepard, swallowing hard herself and trying to stop crying. It mostly works, save for a few stray tears. "I wanna be yer friend, Shep. Nuffin' more. I love you like a friend, nuffin' more. I know that na'."

Shepard quickly nods, eyes shifting to stare at the tree. "Good. ... Also."
Shepard says: Treat Nialos with respect from now on. He may be a corpse, but. He is an honorable one.

Mairèad hides her face in Shepard's chest again. Stupid deader respect. Gets her every time. " 'cause you aksked, I will," she mutters.
Mairèad says: 'e 'its like a whale shark.

Shepard says: Yes, he does. But sometimes, that is what one needs. We may know of our problems inside, but it can take an outside voice to truly make us see.
Shepard says: And he cared enough to try. Not many would.

Mairèad smiles about this, despite herself, and sighs. "Yahar. Mos'ly 'e cared 'boutchoo, though. An' I aksked fer it. 'e din' bean you too 'ard wiff the sage life advice, did 'e?"

Shepard says: He does on a regular basis, and while I never ask, I am grateful. But truthfully, it was not his words that made me realize my errors tonight.

Mairèad says: It wun'?

Shepard grunts. "For once, Bryn had words of wisdom. I do not expect such an event to occur again."

Mairèad laughs weakly, shaking her head. "Bryn ent all that 'er 'eart inna right place, but some bad stuff makes 'er 'ead git confused. What'd she say t'you?"

Shepard says: She told me an old story. Something she heard from a storyteller in Gilneas.

Mairèad says: One 'a them Gilnean fairy stories?

Shepard says: Mm.

Mairèad says: But not one you wrote?
Mairèad may be smiling as she says this. Hard to tell with her still hiding her face.

Shepard says: Indeed. But I do not feel like recounting the entire tale. Far too long, and Bryn's accent makes it... 'difficult', to repeat.

Mairèad now actually does laugh and looks up at Shepard again. "I'm glad she told it. Lucky to 'ave a friend like 'er. Shep, I rilly am so sorreh. If I coulda took back erryfin' that 'appened, I would."

Shepard says: Do not wish for such a thing.
Shepard says: What has happened, happened. We will now learn from it.

Mairèad nods and then realizes she's still hugging Shepard. She starts to let go, but first asks, "...y'don' mind if I still snuggle, d'you?"

Shepard flicks an ear, as he usually does. "So long as you do not kiss me again."

Mairèad laughs and shakes her head. "No, ent doin' that agin." She glances side-to-side conspiratorially and then stage-whispers, "Y'got dog breath."

Shepard says: That is a given. I am a giant dog.

Mairèad nods, smiling sadly though snuggling closer. "A good'un, though. Like a lab'r a golden sh-- hee."

Shepard says: ... Personally, I would prefer to be considered a wolf.

Mairèad says: Wolves're fiercer anyway. An' they got packs.
Mairèad nods sagely, adding, "I been readin'."

Shepard raises a brow, glancing down. "Is that so?"

Mairèad nods again, still looking up at Shepard. "Learnin' 'bout wolves. Figger if I'm friends wiff you an' Bryn an' Con (sometimes), should know what t'esspect."

Shepard says: Ah. Well. I do not know if we are exactly like wolves, but I suppose that is a wise thing to do.

Mairèad smiles at this, though her smile fades quickly. She asks, in a tentative voice, " 'ow's yer 'ead?...I din' do too much of a number on it, did I?"

Shepard 's ears fold back, but he does his best to maintain a calm expression. "It was... difficult to manage. Painful. But the stream has run its course, and things are relatively normal again."

Mairèad's shoulders sag; if she had longer ears, they would be drooping. "Glad yer be'er na'," she murmurs with a soft sigh. "Now I know be'er'n t'yell atchoo after y'look at me like I got three 'eads."

Shepard says: As I mentioned earlier, you... did not know. Few can really comprehend what it means, regardless.

Mairèad says: Know a li'l be'er na'. I promise I won' do anyfin' like that evarrr agin. I nevarrr wan'ed t'cause you pain.

Shepard says: Perhaps at a later date, I can attempt an explanation. For now, however, I fear I must rest. My body is still exhausted.

Mairèad nods, stepping back slightly and desnuggling a little bit. "Y'gunna sleep a'righ'? Need me t'do anyfin' fer you? Anyfin' at all?"

Shepard shakes his head, chuckling quietly. "Do not worry. I will be fine. This is not the first occurence, just... well. I will be fine."

Mairèad says: Okie. If yer sure. I'll pray fer you jest th'same.

Shepard says: As you wish, Mairead.

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