Saturday, February 19, 2011

Team Idle Hands: Garden Wing

Sameal says: Hmmm... So Kama and the dragon weren't enough to slow you down... Impessive.

Nialos says: Oh.

Llew says: You'll be no different.

Nialos says: A ponce.
Nialos says: Lovely.

Oliver says: A gloatin' ponce.

Llew draws his blades, eyes narrowing.

Oliver 's blade is loose on his back. One quick movement and it'll be in his hands. His fingers twitch again.

Sameal says: Ponce? Hmmm. Your names are cute, but I'm afraid M'Lady, the one who just shouted, is correct. You have trespassed upon sacred soil... You will die.

Nialos says: I do that everyday. Still livin'.
Nialos says: ... Sort of.

Oliver spits a vile black substance onto the sand.

Sameal says: Hmm... I'll correct the mistakes of the past then. Let's begin.

Oliver says: Such manners.

Nialos says: A gloating, well-mannered ponce.

Sameal summons a magical barrier and calls forth his Voidwalker.

Nialos says: We are so luc--

Sameal says: You'll be fighting Phankath here... I don't expect much, but don't die too soon... Kill.
Sameal 's minion rushes forward, claws extended.

Llew naturally gets nailed.

Oliver 's blade is swiftly drawn. He plunges it into the demon as it rushes past him toward Llew.

Llew is knocked back into the sand, but thanks to Oliver's hit, is cleared for attack. He rises, shadowstepping to Samael to bury a dagger in his back.

Sameal 's minion cries out, all damage flowing into him as he is banished and the barrier around his master lowers.

Oliver says: Go, Nialos!

Nialos staggers some from the previous blow, but manages to regain his footing rather quickly. He charges forward, leaping up and bringing his blade down in a heavy swing.

Sameal brings up his arm and yells out as the blade sinks itself into his arm and shoulder. "Hmm... perhaps something more... potent..."
Sameal jumps back, repeating the process, but this time a Felguard coming forth.
Sameal 's minion rushes forward, axe raised in a mighty arc at the one who harmed his master.

Nialos brings his blade up to defend, but not in time - the Felguard's axe slices down the Knight's chest, sending him sputtering backwards into the dirt.

Oliver reaches a hand out. A dark energy shoots forward and wraps itself around the demon, pulling it straight to him and onto his outstretched, awaiting blade.

Llew rushes the demon, from the side, sliding at its midsection.

Oliver didn't realize the armor was quite so thick! It prevents any major damage to the demon, and he manages to free it as Llew rushes its side.

Nialos rolls back into a stand, hurling a sickening coil towards the demon.

Sameal 's minion is about to bring his axe down on the creature slashing at his midsection but stops as he's hit by the coil, snarling he instead rushes at the weakest target, the one he attacked earlier...

Nialos bellows and rushes forward, colliding with the demon. He grunts as it lodges his feet into the sand.
Nialos says: Oliver!

Oliver 's eyes flare in rage and he bullrushes the demon, slamming his spiked shoulder into its exposed chest area, to both damage it and knock it back

Llew rolls with his previous swipe, turning as the felguard is shoved backward by Oliver's attack. He lifts his blade in a position that will hopefully drive the demon right onto it.

Haaghun yowls in pain as it is sent back into the Nether, taking Sameal's sheild with it.

Nialos again rushes towards Sameal, aiming to impale the Elf on his blade. However, a bone shield manifests just before impact.

Sameal summons forth his fel armor, it absorbing a bit of the blow but himself taking a good portion of the hit. He stumbles back, cursing. "You lot... are getting annoying."
Sameal summons forth another shield, and this time calls forth a succubus temptress from the Nether.
Sameal orders the temptress forward. "Distract them... I must prepare..."
Angeth rushes forward, her whip lashing out at the one who had attacker he master last.

Nialos grunts as the whip connects with a shoulder, and he dives out of the way for Oliver. "Take it down, dammit!"

Oliver looks up. The matte black ooze from before has begun to leak from his pores. His eyes widen as Nialos is charged, bringing something of a human expression back to his face. "Light -damn- it!" He charges the succubus with a heavy slash of his blade.

Llew growls, an inhuman sound, and rushes the temptress, swiping his blade at the back of her neck.

Nialos charges forward and goes for a decapitation.

Sameal holds his bleeding arm and shoulder, the pain his minions felt now returned to him... "Damn you... this is not over.... you WILL die...
Sameal calls forth a magic carpet and hops on, leaving a trail of blood on the ground as he flies limply away. "THIS IS NOT OVER!"

Nialos tries to step forward, chuckling. "Oh n-" He grunts, falling to one knee.
Nialos kneels down.

Llew moves quickly over to Nialos, touching his shoulder.

The madness in Oliver's expression fades and he runs to Nialos, sliding down in the sand to his side. His eyes flare and a pulse of unholy energy leaves his hand- a mending death coil.

Nialos 's eyes flare as the energy shoots through him, his wounds suddenly beginning to heal, slowly repairing the damage done.

Anna's drake, Emerzh, roars a challenge to the adventurers

Llew pulls away from the knights, his eyes lifting to the sky.

Nialos 's shoulders roll as the last wound closes, and he rises with a grunt. "... Like I said earlier. Gettin' too old for this." Sighing, he looks at Oliver with a tired expression. "Where to?"

Oliver stands. The black still drips from him. It looks... rather unpleasant.
Oliver says: Forward.
Oliver says: We ready?

Llew frowns.

Oliver says: Don't answer that.

Nialos says: Too bad.
Nialos says: Ready as we'll ever be.

Oliver says: Good.
Oliver says: ... We're bein' watched.

Rulkan's body appears to be incased entirely in a thick layer of ice. As the denouncers move forward, large cracks form in the barrier before the entire casing shatters. Rulkan's eyes open slowly allowing a blue glow to shine through his helm.
As Rulkan stands, the water from the pool in the center of the area, overflows, harming none, but settling just below the knees on the dead orc and the others.

Nialos says: ... Damn.
Nialos says: The one time we need a Paladin.

Oliver wrinkles his nose, lifting one foot and stepping back. The black dripping from him pools of the water's surface and separates like oil.

Rulkan lets out a hearty chuckle.

Nialos steps back, settling in a defensive stance. "Well. This should be interesting."

Llew sometimes curses his leathers. This is one of those times.

Water shoots upward out of the pond of water and arcs off toward the closest denouncer. As the water reaches the target, the particles begin to freeze before attempting to pull them down to their knees.

Nialos does his best to resist, but eventually he succumbs to the pull and falls to his knees. "Sonnuva-"

Oliver can't charge very effectively when he's bogged down by water. Instead, he relaxes, and from his throat and under his armor rise thousands of tiny carrion beetles. They swarm toward Rulkan to devour his delicious dead flesh.

Llew sprints, as nimble in water as he is on land. He rushes Rulkan, aiming a dagger at a gap between the orc's helm and pauldron -- a bit of exposed neck.

Rulkan reaches up as the beetles come to him, ripping his helmet off with a chuckle as black blood dribbles out of his mouth, enjoying the beetles and unflinching as a result of the gash from the dagger.
Rulkan looks forward toward Oliver, a small grin forming on his face before he would rush forward across the water, attempting to bring his mace around to hit the denouncer.

Oliver can't dodge very well, either. He falls back into the water with a loud splash.
Oliver is only further enraged by this. He hates water. An aura of frost forms around him and he scrambles on top of the water, supported by his ice. He charges toward Rulkan, using the slippery ice for more momentum.

Llew uses his turning momentum to fling a throwing star at the back of Rulkan's now helmless head.

Nialos finally manages to break free from the ice's clutch, his blade spearing upwards towards Rulkan's cranial region.

Rulkan stumbles backwards as a result of Oliver's charge, Llew's throwing weapon embedding itself into the stitching across the death knight's neck and Nialos's blade creating a shallow slice across the side of his head.
Rulkan turns around, enraged by the metal stuck in the back of his head and faces Llew.
A blue glow gathers around Rulkan's hand before slowly decending towards the ground. The energy quickly changes into a mixture of frost and ice as the death knight raises his hand to whip out towards the nearest target.

Llew lets out a sharp grunt as the ice whip lashes him across the face. He stumbles back, splashing into the water.

Rulkan chuckles loudly.

Oliver takes advantage of Rulkan's back being turned. He again charges, and his beetles swarm down with him, a combined charge of blade and swarm.

Llew rises from the water in a rage, half-blinded by the blood in his eyes. He rushes Rulkan again, swiping his main blade at the orc's head.

Nialos; blade flashes red, producing a second, floating copy. Charging forwards, the blades stand primed to skewer up through Rulkan's armpits.

Rulkan 's muscle tense up and weaken as the beetles flow into his body, Oliver's blade making a clean cut through the weakness in the back of his plate armor, barley poking through the other side. He doesn't even seem to pay attention to the other two attacks.

Khaelanna yells: Look within yourself and feel the pain that only the Gods can bring! Turn from your unholy worship of insubstantial "light" and take up the ways of the TRUE GODS of Azeroth, awesome creators of the very soil you walk upon!

Rulkan takes a step forward, pulling Oliver's sword out slightly before twisting around to slam the tip of his spiked pummel towards Oliver's neck.
Rulkan yells: You dare touch me!? You have no earned the right to even look upon me alliance scum!

Llew roars at the sight of Oliver being run through. He leaps at Rulkan's back, bringing his dagger down toward the back of his neck.

Nialos' second runeblade begins to flicker, but maintains its presence. Desperate, he aims both blades towards Rulkan's forehead. "Just. DIE."

Rulkan 's head jolts backwards as Oliver's sword pushes directly through Rulkan's neck. Black blood bubbles and gushes out of the wound instantly, though the orc does not appear to show the appropriate pain. Nialos' sword's sliding on either side of his mohawk as Llew's dagger lands in his neck. Rulkan growls loudly, regretting the decision he is about to make.
Rulkan falls to his knees, looking up at Oliver with a smirk as his palm lays flat against the ground.
Rulkan's right knee falls to the ground as both of his palms press firmly against the soil. His fingers curl into the dirt before he stands up, causing a large shard of ice to shoot out of the ground toward a denouncer.

Llew lets out a roar as Oliver goes down, and leaps onto Rulkan's back to drive his other dagger into the orc's back.
Llew yells: Come back here, you crazy bitch!

Rulkan collapses against the ground, all of the water in the area receding seemingly into the death knight, who's body begins to ice over again.

Oliver goes rigid as the ice spike rails straight through his body. He collapses over the spike, the black ooze travelling down it into the water. His hands grasp feebly at it, but he can't make his fingers work.

Llew rushes to Oliver, looking to Nialos. "Pull him off!"

Nialos does as he's told, holding the other Death Knight over his shoulder. "Damn it all..."
Nialos says: C'mon... away from... from -that-.

Llew helps as much as he can. "Shit . . ."

Nialos shuffles off towards the sand waaaaay over there, carrying Oliver with him. "... I'll do what I can."

Oliver is lifted from the spike. The wound is huge- straight through his midsection is a hole that leads the entire way through. He doesn't seem bothered, if there's pain, but his muscles tense and loosen beyond his control.

Nialos gently lays Oliver down, a palm immediately finding itself over the other Death Knight's chest. "This... is going to be tough."

Llew watches, helpless.

Oliver lifts a hand. He waves it almost mindlessly in the direction they need to be headed before it falls back to his side. His back arches as his muscles stiffen again.

Nialos' blade begins to glow a dull red, which pours through his arm and into Oliver. "Stow it, Oliver. I can do this much..."

Oliver's swarm spills out from his wound, covering the ground around the three. Despite their nature, they don't bite. The flesh glows an unholy red as it knits, but it's not much- the wound is still a gaping mess. Just a smaller mess.

Nialos relents, drawing his hand back. "That's as much as I can do for now without draining my reserves."

Oliver says: G-go.
Oliver says: She's dying. Please-

Llew says: We aren't leaving you here!

Nialos taps Oliver's forehead, and proceeds to lift the man up. "Damn straight. Come on."

Llew says: C'mon, Oliver. We need you there. -She- needs you.

Nialos says: Yep. Think of it like this; you now get a rest. Cheer us on.

Oliver tries to struggle, but his upper and lower body don't seem to be communicating quite right. He's lifted, and resigns to using what energy he has to support himself.

Nialos says: Right. Llew. Lead the way.
Nialos says: Hope you don't mind the bumpy ride!

Oliver says: Fngh.

Llew pauses, peering around.

Apophan has Senkha in a magical cocoon floating next to him.

Marìus says: .. Heliorn's forces are holding-- but only barely.

Llew pauses, jaw tightening as Senkha comes into view. He glared at Apophan, rage building. So many bad memories.

Nialos glances back, blinking. "... Marius?"

Marìus rolls his shoulders.
Marìus says: -We have work to do.

Nialos says: Damn straight we do.
Nialos sets Oliver down. "We're down a man here."

Oliver looks up at the stairs and the dais behind them. He then sees Senkha. His eyes flare and he struggles in Nialos' grip- and yay, he's set down!

Marìus says: -Keep him out of the immediate line of fire.


Llew yells: I'll have your fucking tongue as a belt, you monster!

Drathnor yells: As you wish. The gods bless my axe this day!

Nialos yells: The gods don't bless a thing. I'm taking my daughter back!

Oliver flops over like a dead fish. He snarls in an almost inhuman manner and tries to push himself up.

Wilhiém says: WHo the -fuck- put your ass in charge?

Apophan yells: Drathnor... Ash'kira n'k-k-ki RAH

Marìus says: ... Nice to see you, Will.

Wilhiém winks, grins, finger-guns.

Apophan yells: Your daughter belongs to the Will of a most holy group...
Apophan yells: INQUISITOR!

Nialos yells: Bullshit it does!

Liotuse glances over, blinking to Marius. It's Lio with two knives, longswords and a rifle. "How's it going O fearless leader?"

Drathnor yells: You shall rue the day you steeped foot upon these Holy grounds!

Apophan yells: END THIS FARCE!

Marìus yells: -Words, and only words. Be silent, all of you. Focus.

As they turn toward the dais, goal in sight, a large, dark, spider-like form drops to the stairs, blocking access. The Lord-Inquisitor Anna d'Khael, Hand of Shad'ra, raises an arm and thrumming arcane swirls around her.

Nialos drops into a combat-ready stance. "Right."

Llew draws his blades and narrows his eyes.

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