Saturday, February 12, 2011

Senkha & Ariadine: February 12

Senkha is cocooned in a wrapping of fel magic and arcane energy, strapped to a throne by tendrils of shadow, and guarded by three giant wasps. The three wasps are doing a jig.

Ariadine ascends the stairs, a very wide and smug grin spread across her face. "Sometimes I wonder if you purposely put yourself in these kind of situations. A lack of luck really can't be coincidence at some point."

Senkha is disinterestedly watching the bugs do their dance. When Ariadine ascends the stairs, a brief look of longing crosses her face, but it is soon replaced with the disinterested stare at the wasps. "I was beginning to wonder when you'd decide to show up."

Ariadine claps her gloved hands together, a look of joy much akin to a child being shown a long waited for birthday present. "Oh! But I am kept busy by the Sovereign. But I must admit I was disappointed when told I couldn't come to see you until I was done with my own business."
Ariadine 's head tilts from side to side as she speaks in a sing-song tone, "You know I love seeing my Mommaaa."

Senkha rolls her eyes and continues to watch the wasps. They've ceased jigging and begun to waltz, almost gracefully.

Macglynn whispers: The constant imagery of happy, simple things falters for a moment at the realization of Ariadine. They return, though. He knows all him being angry will do will make things harder.

Ariadine watches the bugs in mild interest, "I wonder if it's a peaceful feeling... knowing what you are meant to do in your life. No self doubt or worry. You are given a task by a master and you do it." Her gaze shifts back to Senkha.
Ariadine says: What do you think is going to happen to you here?

Senkha keeps a level gaze on the wasps, a faint smile playing on her lips as if something pleasant has crossed her mind. "I haven't the foggiest. Likely, you'll try to upset me somehow. You've already demonstrated that much."

Ariadine says: Not what I am going to do to you. I will probably not be permitted to take part in most of what will be done...
Ariadine lets out a long, drawn-out sigh.
Ariadine says: They've already destroyed one of your legs. If they don't want you for your body, and will slowly tear it away I won't be there for much anyways.

Senkha says: Damn shame, that.

Ariadine says: Yes, damn shame.
Ariadine bats her eyelashes, "Tell Daddy I said hello. It must be fun feeling so useless."

Senkha says: Are you going to do anything or are you going to sit here and try to taunt me?

Ariadine shrugs, "If you thinking I'm attempting at taunting you then you are sadly mistaken. I just want to satiate my curiosity. Talk. No point in taunting you anyways."
Ariadine says: It would be like beating a dead horse. Pointing out the horrible situation you are in is like talking about the weather at this point.

Senkha chuckles. "Yes, it is, isn't it? Odd that I'm the one tied up here; you'd think it'd be Oliver or -you-. Guess it was just my turn or something." The thought seems to amuse her far more than it should.
Senkha says: Oh, excuse me, not you.
Senkha says: Silly me. It's been a long couple of days.

Ariadine laughs quietly to herself, "Silly you."

Senkha continues to laugh; the wasps resume a cheerful jig and somewhere, the bugs above them start playing the music to which they are dancing. "You should know, by the way, that I undid everything you did to Llew. He's better than new. Good to know, hmm?"

Ariadine shrugs, "We didn't expect anything less. It was fun while it lasted though."

Senkha says: Glad you enjoyed yourself.

Ariadine says: Pretty impressive what you did. I'll give you that. You probably were digging your own grave even more though by aiding him. You just keep impressing us.
Ariadine says: Oh yes, I did. Nothing like reducing a proud and arrogant man to a sniveling pile of self doubt and regret.
Ariadine says: Fun stuff.
Ariadine claps excitedly.

Senkha says: Not really hard, when you think about it. His Guardian wasn't even drawn out or developed. That's kind of like reducing a child to tears by taking its candy away.
Senkha smiles fondly as one of the wasps bows to her in a gentlemanly way. "Won't be a problem for Llew again."

Ariadine smiles, "I don't know. Guardians reflect their host. I wouldn't expect too much from the man."

Senkha says: And that, Ariadine, is your problem. You think yourself to be incredibly high and mighty, more powerful than anyone you meet.
Senkha bobs her head at the wasps; they begin a cheerful reel. "And you'll keep finding yourself surprised and taken off-guard, by people like Llew."

Ariadine frowns, "Why shouldn't I feel powerful? I am." Her left hand twitches slightly in subdued fury. "As for Llew, he hasn't taken me off guard yet."

Senkha says: You -think- you're powerful because everyone's told you that you are and poked at you until you can't think any differently. But you're young; you've yet to discover what true power -is-.

Ariadine sneers, "What do you know about true power? You are here because you lack the will to use your own." Shadow dances around her feet, "You -lost-, Senkha. You lost. We won. The powerful won."
Ariadine closes her eyes and smiles reverently, "Do you feel that power whispering to you here? It offers us true power and we are accepting it."

Senkha laughs, shaking her head. "I feel a headache coming on from a little girl, sounding every bit like the petulent teenager she is. And no. I don't lack the will to use what I have. I lack the desire to harm others."
Senkha says: Knowing what one can do, understanding ones own excessive strength, and refusing to use it--that is power, Ariadine.

"True power is not letting petty worries like harming those around you get in your way." Ariadine frowns, "I don't know why we are getting into this."

Senkha says: You wanted to talk. We're talking. And get in the way of what, Ariadine?

Ariadine says: Getting in the way of you honing your power into something great.

Senkha says: "Something great" meaning what? You're throwing a lot of vagueries at me, Ariadine, and sounding very much like your master.
Senkha giggles, clearly amusing herself. "All you need is the forked tongue and the hiss."

Ariadine's mouth tightens into a thin white line. Damnit she thought he sounds cool when he talks like that.

Senkha says: ...something great meaning...?

Ariadine lashes out at Senkha, unleashing a burst of shadow into Senkha mind. It's intent is to unleash a burst of pain. If it dropped Senkha's defenses enough she'd try to press into her mind and pull out some unpleasant memory.
Ariadine turns around and storms out of the vagina room. If there was a door to slam, it would be slammed.

Senkha hisses in pain at the attack, but the hiss is followed by laughter.
To Ariadine: "Nice try, princess..." The connection goes dead.

Ariadine snarls furiously as the laughter follows her out of the room.

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