Thursday, February 17, 2011

Senkha (Itzhal) & Apophan: February 16

Apophan says: Let's have a little chat, you and I.

Senkha doesn't respond because that is how mature she is.

Apophan says: Hmm, I would have thought the aggressive side of you a little more... hm, *he chuckles* nevermind.

Senkha bursts out laughing at this, opening her eyes. "You think you know -anything- about -me-?" Senkha's voice has left the building.

Apophan says: I think I know more than you'd like me to know, and your self-defense with laughter is over... it's unbecoming one with your potential.

Senkha says: Self-defense? This is just classically funny.

Apophan says: How so?

Senkha says: Because you think you're winning.

Apophan says: You see, that's just the thing,.
Apophan says: I couldn't care less about winning.

Senkha says: Isn't that nice for you.

Apophan chuckles, "Isn't it just?"

Senkha says: This is a very boring conversation.
Senkha closes her eyes again.

Apophan says: Don't you want to stay out?

Senkha's eyes remain closed. "No."

Apophan says: I'd think it's more boring being constantly restrained by Senkha.
Apophan says: Only let out when -she- wants it.

Senkha says: That's how it's supposed to be. It's what I was made to do.

Apophan snorts, "Made to do."

Senkha says: Mm.
Senkha says: Like you made the Shadowbrat. You know, I've been thinking about her...

Apophan says: And you think I'm pathetic.
Apophan says: Ah yes "Shadowbrat"

Senkha says: Realized something.

Apophan says: Do share.

Senkha says: We went poking around in her mind, back before she took over. She doesn't look like a fifteen-year-old girl. She looks like a woman in her late twenties.
Senkha says: Kind of slutty, too.

Apophan narrows one eye and widens the other.
Apophan says: Show me.

Senkha says: No.

Apophan flicks his tongue, "Show me."

Senkha sticks out her tongue. "No."

Apophan says: Show me and I will remove your cocoon.

Senkha shakes her head, laughing. "The cocoon is tourniquetting her leg wounds, which she keeps reopening. I'd rather not."

Apophan says: Then how about just your arms and torso.

Senkha says: To what end? So I can flail?
Senkha snickers. "Oh great 'Sssssovereign,' thank you for giving me the privilege of flailing."

Apophan rolls his eyes at you.
Apophan says: You are most welcome, Senkha.
Apophan gently pats you.
Apophan says: Or do you prefer something different.

Senkha says: I will show you if you let me go home.

Apophan says: Tempting.

Senkha says: Bullshit.

Apophan snaps, "Darn, I thought you'd been duped."

Senkha says: Sorry to disappoint.
Senkha says: Anyway. Blonde, buxom, whorish. In purple robes.

Apophan murmurs and brings a claw to his chin.

Senkha says: It occurred to me, recently, that it made no sense for someone as immature as Ariadine to have a soul that old.
Senkha says: Or mind.

Apophan quirks a brow.
Apophan says: This is most intriguing... And for offering it freely, you will get your choice of food and bedding. Unfortunately, location is already selected, as you know.
Apophan snickers.

Senkha opens her eyes slightly and smiles. "You're liars, both of you, though -you- may not know that you are."

Apophan says: Oh, how am I a liar?

Senkha says: Dizzy is not gone. Ariadine is the one who is nothing, a shadow of her mother.
Senkha says: An Imprint.

Apophan narrows a single eye.

Senkha closes her eyes again, smiling still.

Apophan flicks his tongue and grins, "Why do you think I went to the trouble to get you?"

Senkha says: You must be excellent at Poker.

Apophan says: And if you do not work out, There's still another...

Senkha says: You mean Marius, don't you?

Apophan smirks, "And you think we're so different."

Senkha says: How does my realizing that you're completely batshit insane make us any less different?

Apophan says: The fact you're still deluding yourself in thinking you're not.

Senkha says: Oh, I know I'm mad.

Apophan says: But you don't embrace it.

Senkha says: Nope.

Apophan says: It's like walking around with a leg and an arm tied behind your back. You allow yourself to be limited by your hesitations and the rest of your mind. You allow yourself to stagnate and die rather than grow and evolve.
Apophan says: It is honestly rather saddening.

Senkha grins. "All a matter of perspective. I've heard this all before."

Apophan says: Oh, I'm sure you have.

Senkha says: Mmhm.

Apophan says: And honestly, Senkha, I know you're not going to change soon... it will take some work... but you will change.

Senkha says: Keep telling yourself that, champ.

Apophan says: But in the meantime, I'm afraid the defensive matrix will be quite operational when your friends arrive...

Senkha says: I'm sure it will.

Apophan brings a claw to Senkha's head, "I could pull you out of there and put you in a stick... would you like that?"

Senkha says: ...a stick?
Senkha says: That's fucking retarded.

Apophan reaches into his robes and pulls out two needle-like totems. They glow a faint white.
Apophan says: I'm sure if you could, you'd want one of these back...

Senkha says: Why would I?

Apophan flicks his tongue, "They're your cousin."

Senkha says: Uh huh.
Senkha says: Which explains why he's still walking around and perfectly fine.
Senkha says: I was wondering how that worked.

Apophan chuckles and sighs, "No, but he likely still has quite a few holes... And while you can mend the damaged areas, you can't... return lost memories."

Senkha says: He'll live.

Apophan says: My you just have a little answer to everything, don't you?
Apophan grins, "Quite preciousss, really."

Senkha says: I'm sure you're just plain charmed.

Apophan says: Quite, actually.

Senkha says: I'm flattered.

Apophan says: I should hope so, I'm rather difficult to impress.
Apophan says: Honestly, I'm surprised I haven't just flattened you yet.
Apophan says: Maybe I want to dangle some hope in front of your friends before I crush them utterly... or perhaps I want to drag them here and convert them into homunculi like Strahm...
Apophan says: Or perhaps my hive is just hungry.
Apophan shrugs at you. Who knows?
Apophan says: We'll see.

Senkha says: Or maybe you know that I'd rather you kill me than put up with this nonsense.
Senkha says: And you're not going to give me what I want.

Apophan gently pats you.
Apophan says: So -adorable-
Apophan says: Like a raving little child.

Senkha says: Aren't I just?

Apophan says: So let's analyze this, shall we?
Apophan says: You're bloodied and battered and barely on life support at all. Eventually you will wind down. I have been at this much longer than you, and I'm not limited by ... mmm... morality in any bone of my being.
Apophan says: And I've got near unlimited time to just pour into you, my little pet project.
Apophan says: So... will this be fruitful, or just entertaining?
Apophan rests his chin on his knuckles.

Senkha says: Probably just entertaining. I'll die before I serve you.

Apophan says: "Willingly"

Senkha says: Yeah, good luck with that.

Apophan says: You see, I find the whole "I must corrupt you to serve me,"... thing rather wasteful.
Apophan says: To be perfectly honest, I've just wanted to have a little chat with you... it's a rare thing I find one such as myself.

Senkha says: Minus the desire to be a hairless cow-man half on fire.

Apophan says: Well, that's optional.
Apophan grins at you wickedly.
Apophan says: Honestly, I just want to give you an environment to thrive in, and in order to do that, I had to... bring about conditions of your unveiling.

Senkha says: "Conditions of my unveiling"?

Apophan says: I needed Senkha MacGlynn to be asleep and unfunctional... in order for you to come alive...
Apophan flicks his tongue, "And here you are."

Senkha says: She's fully functional.
Senkha says: And will continue to be so until you let me go or until we die.

Apophan says: Is she really? You see... you make a differentiation between say, an imprint and an actual personality...
Apophan says: I make the split more cleanly. You are the real Senkha MacGlynn... but you needed to be near death to come out.
Apophan says: And by the end of this, my dear, you will thank me for this empowerment.

Senkha says: I'm perfectly empowered without your existence.
Senkha says: And I will let us both die before I let you destroy her.

Apophan chuckles, "Who said anything about destroy. I am talking about completion."

Senkha says: You're going to explain whether I want you to or not, aren't you?
Senkha says: Just please don't sing. I don't want to have to start playing the bees again.

Apophan says: Oh I'm sure I could make it rhyme along with Twinkle Twinkle, but I'd rather not have you want to kill yourself after being subjected to my singing.
Apophan says: But no, you're smart enough to know what I mean by completion.

Senkha says: Sure I am.
Senkha closes her eyes again. "Are you done?"

Apophan sighs, "Such a waste."

Senkha says: Mm. You're not very good at this.

Apophan says: Not you, I meant your friends and family who -my- family will gleefully slaughter.
Apophan gently pats you.
Apophan says: Nighty night.

You laugh.
Senkha says: Was that supposed to upset me?

Apophan says: No.

Senkha says: Liar.

Apophan says: It was supposed to make you laugh.
Apophan grins at you wickedly.

The bees start singing "Poker Face."

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