Sunday, February 27, 2011

Senkha & Oliver: February 26

Macglynn walks into the back room where his wife rests, letting the door shut partially behind him. He drops into the chair.

Sènkha is still lying silent and motionless, looking as peaceful as possible. She just barely twitches at the sound of Oliver dropping into the chair, but it's barely noticeable.
To Macglynn: Her voice is sleepy, groggy, like she is first thing in the morning. "Mmm...that you?"

Turín says: S'cuze me.
Turín dips his head, trudging to the back room.

Zeichi lifts her head and looks at Turin. "Don' do anythin' dumb!"

Turín shakes his head at Ziichi's comment, knocking on the door softly. "Mind if I come in?"

Macglynn leans faaaaar back in his chair, on the back two legs, so that he can push a window open. He almost falls, though, as Senkha talks at his brane. He looks at her, then quickly at the door. He rights himself.

Zeichi says: ...Olly's gonna slug 'im one'a these days, if'n e's on 'bout th'blade 'gain...

Macglynn says: ... Must ya?

Zeichi is looking towards the back room, eyebrows narrowed.

Turín says: Just wanted to apologize for being stupid and see if Senkha was getting any better.

To Macglynn: "...Oliver?"

Macglynn says: Only person y'gotta apologize ter fer bein' a idiot is yers- Senkha?
Macglynn looks at you.

Turín says: .. 'eh?

Zeichi cants her head, listening in like a nosy brat. She's going to be insufferable about people not fighting on the ship, after Salarous' change to the will.

Sènkha is just lying there, snoozing away. She probably doesn't appreciate visitors right now.

Macglynn gets up from his chair and is instantly at Senkha's bedside. Turin? Who's Turin? "Ah'm here. Senkha. Talk again." Oliver probably looks crazy.

To Macglynn: "...are you there? You sound like you're underwater."

Turín blinks, slowly closing the door and walking away. "Damn man's just as crazy as I am.." he mutters under his breath, making way back to the main cabin.

Macglynn kneels by her bedside and takes her hands, expression hopeful.
Macglynn whispers: "Well, we're above it, hah. That really you?"

To Macglynn: There's the sense of a smile, though her body doesn't move at all. " 'course it's me. Feel really sleepy, though."

Macglynn whispers: "Y'been asleep fer a whole week na'. Yer gunna be lahk yer made 'a jelly when y'get outta this bed."
Macglynn stares at her. He mouths the words, Why don't you wake up?
Macglynn whispers: And his thoughts- Why don't you wake up?

To Macglynn: She seems distraught at this question. "She's not letting me...says my mind needs to heal, too. I'm sorry. I wish I didn't."
To Macglynn: For a moment, he'd get the image of a mind in ruins: so much destruction caused by years and years of abuse and neglect, none of it being given enough time to heal properly.

Macglynn lets her hands go and stands. He walks back over to the chair, pushing the window open before he sits. When he sits, he slouches.
Macglynn whispers: "Well, Ah- Ah miss you."

To Macglynn: The sense that she'd be crying, if she was capable of doing so. "I miss you too. I...what's on my legs?"

Macglynn strikes a match and lights his pipe, the open window carrying away the smoke. He looks at Senkha and frowns.
Macglynn whispers: "Braces," he says honestly. He can't really lie to her. "Y'was... awful messed-up."

To Macglynn: "...I didn't scare you, did I? I didn't mean to scare you."

Macglynn whispers: "... Ah was afraid, yes."

To Macglynn: A sense of reluctance. "I didn't expect to survive. It was a choice between doing what I did and them taking my mind by force. I thought--" She seems to have a need to justify her decision to go right ahead, give up, and die when everyone told her not to.

Macglynn whispers: "We told ya we was comin'. Ah admit, Ah got th' timin' a bit wrong, but... we did promise." A pause. "Y'saved Dizzy."

To Macglynn: "I know. I know you did. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I just...I did?" Somehow, this information doesn't seem to make her as happy as it should. " she going to leave again?"

Macglynn whispers: "Ah'm not sure at this point if y'want that or not."

To Macglynn: "I'm afraid of her, Oliver."

Macglynn whispers: "Are you afraid 'a her, or afraid 'a what she brings t' us?"

To Macglynn: "Afraid of losing her. Afraid of what she brings to us. It's not her fault, I know, but...Light, Oliver, four times in as many months." She seems to withdraw some, clearly ashamed of herself. "...I'm afraid that if I love her too much, she'll leave again."

Macglynn whispers: "It'd happen regardless. But Ah dunno what t' say. She feels as much guilt's you'd expect outta this." I don't know what to say. I don't know what to do. Light, I don't want to talk about this.

To Macglynn: "I don't want her to feel guilt. I just...I don't want to-- I'm sorry. I'm sorry. We won't talk about this. I'm sorry." I don't want to keep losing her. I can't take it happening again and again. I'm not strong enough.

Macglynn whispers: "No. No no no- we need t' talk about... fine. We'll talk about it when yer awake."

To Macglynn: So much confusion. Eventually, she just says, again, "I miss you."

Macglynn whispers: My fault for forcing her into this anyway, fuck's sake, she's too young- no, not thinking about that eith- "Come back t' me soon."

To Macglynn: It was my choice, neither of us had any idea. "I will. I will try. Do...where are we? It seems noisy."

Macglynn whispers: His thoughts are blocked. She's weak enough that she can't pry. "Yeah, don't kill me, we're on th' boat."

To Macglynn: She doesn't pry; more because she knows he doesn't like it than because she can't. And she's tired. But amused. "Should've figured. Have people been leaving me alone? I haven't been under any orgies, have I?"

Macglynn whispers: "Ah, uh... haven't... been in here at all tahms." He sounds almost embarrassed to admit this. "So Light, Ah hope not. Mostly jus' Turin an' some elf squirt with crayon pictures buggin' me."

To Macglynn: A sudden sense of dread. "...we're not adopting that, too, are we?" Senkha apparently has this mental image of Oliver collecting children like people collect Pokemon cards.

Macglynn whispers: She can probably -sense- that he's staring at her. Staring HOLES into her.

To Macglynn: If it's possible for someone to shrink back mentally, Senkha does so. "...sorry."

Macglynn whispers: "T' answer yer queshun, no, th' last thing Ah need is fer another child that turns out t'be a blood elf spy robot or somethin'. Ah'd lahk t'make sure this one we a'ready got kin take care 'a itself anyways."

To Macglynn: Despite herself, she's amused by this. "That'd be good, wouldn't it? Is she alright? I mean...she's not hurt or scared, is she?"

Macglynn whispers: "She's mostly worried about you. An' Ah think she thinks Ah'm angry at 'er so she's avoidin' me. Ah'm jus' givin' 'er space."

To Macglynn: Please don't hate me for not wanting to see her. "She probably needs it. Light, I hope that I won't have a lot of people coming and lining up to see me (if) when I wake up."

Macglynn whispers: Oliver seems torn on even addressing this at all. He knows why she doesn't want to see her. But he knows Dizzy's feelings on the matter. And he just wants everybody to be happy, dammit. He opts to not address it. "Ah'll boot 'em out th' door."

To Macglynn: I just don't know if I can be who she needs me to be when I wake up. I'm so afraid of waking up. But she still smiles inwardly. "I appreciate that. Is everyone alright? Dad, Llew...?"

Macglynn whispers: "We're all fahn. More'r less. Llew an' Nialos 'a got some more features in common now, but..."

To Macglynn: "...Llew didn't die, did he?!"

Macglynn whispers: "Features, not livin' status. Lost 'imself an eye, though knowin' him, 'e'll jus' use it as a way t' impress womenfolk."

To Macglynn: SO much relief. "Oh thank the Light. I mean, not that he lost an eye, just that he's not dead." After a moment's hesitation, "Did they save Strahm, too?"

Macglynn whispers: "... Not really, no."

To Macglynn: "I didn't expect they would. Did they at least lay him to rest?"

Macglynn whispers: "Ah ain't rightly sure. Ah think they's still holdin' out on savin' his soul. Or they may 'a killed him by na'." All I know is that if he's been dead this long and somehow comes back, I am going to- (his thoughts cloud again)

To Macglynn: If she could, she'd be shaking her head. "Unless they got that snake out of him, there's no saving his soul anymore. The Apophan trapped it in one of his needles. Like Llew's memories."

Macglynn whispers: "... needles?"

To Macglynn: "He keeps needles on him. He offered one to Her in exchange for serving him. Said that they had Llew's memories. And then he used another one on Strahm while I watched. White stuff came out of his head."

Macglynn cringes visibly. Not that she'd see it.
Macglynn whispers: "... An' he keeps all these things? As in, they's all in tact somewhere?"

To Macglynn: "As far as I know. I didn't really get much of a chance to check on them daily." She sounds more amused by this than sarcastic. Whistling in the dark.

Macglynn whispers: "... Ah wonder if Maryus knows about these. Light, what else may 'e be keepin'? Ha' many souls y'think is trapped?" Clearly, someone with a vampiric runeblade is exactly the person to be worried about trapped souls.

To Macglynn: "I don't know. His axe imbibes power, though...some Blood Elf came at him with some glowy bottle, like Marius' bottle of Sunwell water, and tried to attack him with it. His axe ate it." Light, I should've told them all of this before they came, what if they'd died because I didn't say anything?

Macglynn whispers: (His thoughts are still clouded. Whatever thoughts he has on what she's thinking, he apparently doesn't find them necessary to share.) "When yer feelin' too tired t' talk, Ah may let 'im know these things."

To Macglynn: "I'm sorry I'm so tired. I'm sorry this is taking so long. I miss you so much." Please don't be sad for me. Please don't hate me. I wish you could be here with me.

Macglynn glances up at Salarous, though says nothing. He offers a smile. When he leaves, he looks back at Senkha.
Macglynn says out loud, probably looking like a crazy person, "Ah don't hate you. Shut up an' rest." He laughs quietly.

To Macglynn: "...I can't hear you well enough when you speak. Sounds like you're years away."
Sènkha is, to all intents and purposes, shut up and resting.

Macglynn whispers: "... Ah said Ah don't hate you, an' shut up an' rest."

To Macglynn: "Oh. I'm sorry." After a moment's nervousness and hesitation. "...will you hold me?"

Macglynn rests his pipe on the wooden stand beside the chair and rises to walk to her bedside. He sits next to her, causing the bed to sink with his weight.
Macglynn whispers: "Yeah."

Senkha's leg braces screech as the bed moves under her; she gives no indication of waking, even at the racket.
To Macglynn: Sleepily. "I can feel it when you do, you know. I can feel...Marius was in here, wasn't he? Is he okay?"

Macglynn holds her hands in his own again. Squeezes.
Macglynn whispers: "He's... Y'know what, jus' assume ever'body lost an eye."

To Macglynn: The sense of a giggle. "I should lose one, too, so I can be fashionable."

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