Saturday, February 19, 2011

Drathnor vs. Team White Sigil

Drathnor yells: As you wish. The gods bless my axe this day!

Nialos yells: The gods don't bless a thing. I'm taking my daughter back!

Apophan yells: Drathnor... Ash'kira n'k-k-ki RAH
Apophan yells: Your daughter belongs to the Will of a most holy group...
Apophan yells: INQUISITOR!

Nialos yells: Bullshit it does!

Drathnor yells: You shall rue the day you steeped foot upon these Holy grounds!

Apophan yells: END THIS FARCE!

Marìus yells: -Words, and only words. Be silent, all of you. Focus.

Khaelanna yells: [Qiraji] "Kh'shab ahpt ras'zuj! T katc tajh m'rh ni'cht s'k m'jh H'satl SHAD'RA!!"

Apophan yells: Come to meet your end, Denouncers.

Drathnor yells: Shroken, Teloran! RIP THEM APART!

Shroken charges forward. The large wolf rushes at Mayru lunging and attempts to tackle and snap his jaws around her neck.

Teloran jumps onto Wilhiem clawing at his face.

Mayrù screams as the wolf pulls her down, her hands buckle under its neck as she tries to push it away.

Liotuse swings around immediately. They need Mayru for healing services and Wilhiem has proven he can stitch himself up. He swings his rifle around, jamming the end of the barrel against the wolf's body and pulling the trigger.

Shroken is shot in the side, as the astral wolf fades out and vanishes.

Mayrù rolls to her side, coughing out a "Th-thank you." She reaches out for Wil, as she see's he's under assault too and channels her soothing shadow energies.

Wilhiém is getting clawed at! He lets out a growl, writhing about on the ground - throwing a fist out, one after another, at the wolf's muzzle with his right hand, shielding away with his left.

Dyna 's sword lifts in defense of Mayru, but- suddenly Liotuse! Her sharp gaze darts between the wolf attacking Wilhiem, and the thing that summoned them. Her eyes narrow and she lunges for Drathnor with holy Judgement at the tip of her sword as she swings down hard toward his arm.

After getting hit in the jaw, Teloran backs up in pain.

Wilhiém scrambles up to his feet, adjusting his nose with an audible crack. Delightful.

Drathnor lifts his hands up into the air a massive wall of fire plummets to the ground and heads straight for Liotuse.

Teloran gets ready for another attack at Wilhiem, grabbing for his arm.

Liotuse turns and - stands his ground. Mayru's sort of behind him, not wanting to avoid the thing. He -screams- as the wind whips and slathers him with magma.

Drathnor says: HAHA! You fool! Feel the power of the gods! Burn in their fires! BURN!

Wilhiém 's arm is pulled, popped, and probably cracked. Ow.

Drathnor laughs at Liotuse.

Liotuse looks like he's been through hell, literally. Fire and lava enjoy his company far too much. He breaks free of the tornado, returning Drathnor's mocking with a savage, bloody grin. He lunges straight for Drathnor's left arm, leading with his brutally sharp knives.

Mayrù pulses out her shadows to sooth the newly recieved magma burns about Lio's body. Her magic then shifts toward Wil to stiffle the pain he's feeling, giving him the boost he needs to keep fighting.

Wilhiém hisses. As he'd imagine, the wolf has locked his jaws about his arm - with the burst of shadow-energy, he throws out teh hooked, rusted sword with his free arm, aiming to -behead- the bothersome thing.

After taking the hit, Teloran drops to the ground in pain.

Dyna's eyes widen as a whirlwind of Magma strikes at Tuse, and she pulls back her sword to throw another Light-infused blow for Drathor; it flies for the arm that was used to burn-the-crap-out-of-Tuse, vengefully.

Drathnor yanks the axe from his back its searing heat can be felt coming off the blade, he swings for Liotuse's chest "YOU DIE UPON THIS FEILD!"

Liotuse gurgles and spits up blood as the mighty axe shears through his reinforced tunic, only managing to pull himself off it and fall onto his back.

Mayrù's up on her feet, shadows arching off of her toward Lio (and Wil XD) "No you don't. You get up."

Wilhiém snaps his arm back with a pop. Pop! He shakes it about, and leaps towards Drathnor, sword out, shield throwd aside as to ease the movement. He aims a horizontal slash at hsi midsection.

Drathnor says: You fools cannot win!
Drathnor Slams his axe into the ground lightning arcs out from the blade towars all those inj his way

Dyna 's lips twist in a snarl as LIotuse goes down like a cheap whore and she lurches forward in a whirlwind of holy energy and rage and stuff and attacks Drathnor with the power of Spanish meltdowns.

Liotuse scrambles to backtrack, his body weak as his elbows slip far too many times in the sand. Trying to get out of the fight and maybe get that deep, open wound seen to. He fumbles to get a round into his rifle, pulling on the hammer and firing the flintlock at Drathnor.

Mayrù focuses on her wounded allies, soothing their pains with shadows and willing their flesh to numb and mend.

Drathnor gasps he looks down at a new wound in his side "you shall pay for that....dearly

Apophan yells: *As the final line of defense begins to crumble, a bolt of lightning slams into Anna d'Khael and Drathnor. Energizing them for whatever their final attacks shall be*

Wilhiém lets out a wail. He's been chopped at, burnt, electrocuted... with the last little tidbit of effort, he puts all of the remaining strength into a throw - and throws his shield out towards the cultist in an ark. DESPERATE MEASURES.

Dyna is into it, now. She darts to the side and aims to cleave the figure in the side as she makes to get behind him for more stabbing.

Liotuse manages to slip another round into the barrel of his firearm. His eyes are distant yet -frenzied-, darkness lurking at the edges of his vision. It's hard to recognize him anymore at this point, nor does he feel much this close to the edge. With an unnerving stare he pulls the trigger, firing once more at Drathnor.

Mayrù cries out as the lightning hits her, shaken she pulses out shadows in an almost aimless torrent -- ohlightpleasenoonedie!

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