Saturday, February 19, 2011

Attackers vs. Bryagh

There is a distant roar...
Bryagh howls as his shadow passes overhead and into the next area, electricity flashes wildly off the obelisks.

Dyna glances back at Mayru, and moves to return to her side and grab her by the arm before hauling after Bryagh.

Oliver rips his blade from the troll in time to look up at the flying beast. A black blight oozes from the corners of his mouth, and his eyes don't seem quite right.

Mayrù drops her shadows, frowning as she glances around the group, "Do I need to patch anyone up?"

Oliver says: Let's -GO-.

Liotuse slowly reloads his rifle, wincing with the motions. He was nice and seared through the leather but made no mention. The rifle is slung onto his back, drawing his longswords.

Dyna says: - No time, love.

The massive purple dragon lets loose a rock-shattering roar, challenging any to come near the power crystal for the defensive matrix.

Wilhiém winces. He lifts a single hand, darts behind his armor. Shadow-ebergy flickers about as he flimsily patches himself up.

Oliver stops as the walls shake from the roar. He looks for the source.

Liotuse says: ...I suppose that's the next bastard.

Wilhiém says: Cute. Colorful.

Nialos 's blade flashes red, sending a sweeping aura of crimson through the Knight's body. "Hmf. Ugly as hell."

Oliver says: Who here's good with lizards.

Liotuse nods, managing a grin as he brings his longswords up. "And purple. I'm starting to kick myself for not bringing my Northrend crossbow."

Wilhiém cracks his neck. "I thought you liked purple."

Dyna's blue eyes narrow and she places herself firmly in front of Mayru, a low growl emanating from her throat.

Liotuse says: Nope. I do however. Like the idea of flanking and surrounding a dragon to divide its attention. Then taking it down.
Liotuse glances to the others, raising a brow.

Nialos says: Strike the underbelly.

Dyna says: Tia was right.
Dyna blinks, frowning, and pulls a small fortune card from her belt. She passes it silently back to Mayru. "- For luck."

Oliver says: Ah like both these ahdeas. Let's do both. Split up, distract its attention. Make it rear or take off, an' strike it.

Mayrù exhales slowly, laying a hand on Dyna's shoulder, "Do what you all must, I'll keep you all guarded." She takes the fortune card and nods, slipping it into her robes.

Liotuse says: It's patrolling. The moment we cross that threshold... it's on. What Nialos said. Underbelly.

Llew immediately moves off toward the dragon, fading from sight.

Mayrù reaches into the hem of her silk glove, pulling out a pendant on a silver chain. She set's in in Dyna's palm, "For luck."

Oliver says: Let's go.

Dyna glances at Mayru and offers a faint smile. She leans in and kisses the woman's forehead, then salutes and charges after.

Nialos says: ... I think I got it's attention.

Wilhiém shrugs. "I do too." He lets out a low growl, shield out, sword out, both basically pointy extensions of fists. Aims for the left wing.

Bryagh snarls.

Oliver runs around the dragon's side.

Liotuse scrapes his dual longswords against each other, grimacing. The thing has some -foul- breath.

Bryagh rears back and blasts flame in all directions.

Llew is ON FIRE.


Mayrù calls for shadows once more. gogoshadowform.

Bryagh lets out a rumbling snarl. Apophan's voice booms through the windstones floating around. "YOU WILL DIE... HERE"

Liotuse is -barely- able to roll underneath the torrent of flame, kicking up sand.

Dyna charges forward, her massive sword at the ready- and is stopped by a massive gout of flame. Shadow of a dragon? More like watch out for it's face. Her armor heats up red-hot.

Nialos dances around the flames, slowly but surely making his way towards the dragon's right side! He strikes at the wings with a simple swing.

Mayrù is guarded from the fire because Dyna's in front of her.

Llew is knocked out of stealth by the sudden burst of flame, but is luckily very close. However, burning, he stabs almost blindly at Bryagh's chest.

Bryagh howls in pain.

Mayrù reaches forward to touch Dyna's shoulder, shadows arm from her fingertips and toward the other injured by the flames, the magics am to quell the burns and cool the armor.

Bryagh snarls at Maryu for repairing his pretty fire.

Mayrù blinks several times as the dragon's gaze fixes on her. Her features draw blank. Oh noes.

Dyna quails a moment, the far too familiar reek of burned flesh emanating up through her heavy armor- but at the shadowy touch and the stilling of the burns, she shakes herself, and makes a crooked lunge forward, shouting something incoherently to regain the dargon's attention and unleashing a holy judgement straight at it's stupid ugly face.

Bryagh whimpers as his head shoots to the side from the blow

Wilhiém charges at the wing - and proceeds to hack and tear and climb, and basically make the thing -bleed- in the nastiest way possible. He's making his way to the neck - and throws out a hooked blade, to its base.

Bryagh lifts his wing, preventing a complete break, but his shoulder drops from the injury.

Liotuse doesn't even take a moment to collect himself, his feet slipping into the sand for support as he pushes off the ground and dives for -underneath- the left wing, jerking both his longswords up to try and score a hit into its underbelly.

Bryagh roars as he rears back, his black blood spewing over the attackers. The drake backs away snapping and slashing at the foes and bleeding profusely.
Bryagh gets a... glint in his eye.
The Dragon rears back and howls, dust left dormant for thousands of years rattles off the walls as he makes a break for it.

Wilhiém falls off with a womanly shriek.

Liotuse is knocked on his ass, eyes shutting with pain as he lets everyone know it. Swear after swear. It passes, or at least he tucks it into a corner he won't pay any mind for the next little while.

Nialos is blown back by the dusty shriek, colliding with the nearby wall with an 'oof!' "... Son of a bitch."

Oliver manages to remain on two feet, though lifts an arm to shield himself from the blast. He looks ahead.
Oliver says: Two ways t' go from 'ere.

Liotuse lets his head fall back a moment, taking a breather before he pushes himself to his feet and is sure to grab his blackened swords. A flick to remove the drake blood.

Nialos says: ...Damn it all.
Nialos says: I hate dragons.

Wilhiém pockets a long, leathery, blood-soaked strap of the dragon-webbing. Grins.

Liotuse rolls his shoulders back, taking in a fresh lungful of air. Or it's stale. And sandy.
Liotuse says: ...Well which one are we hitting first?
Liotuse glances between the two directions.

Oliver says: ... We need this t'be fast. We should split.

Llew looks to Oliver with a slight frown.

Nialos says: Huh. Sounds like a bad idea.
Nialos says: Let's do it.

Liotuse says: You sure dividing will conquer as much? There's a lot of 'what ifs' in that. And I know you want -...
Liotuse glances to Nialos. He shakes his head with a chuckle.

Oliver says: This is a'ready suicide. We seem t'be handlin' ourselves better'n Ah expected.

Wilhiém nods silently. "Time is of issue here, I... understand as much." He coughs into his hand. "Yep, my ribs are intact. I think."

Liotuse looks down at his charred leather suit.

Nialos says: Pfft. Daughter's on the line.

Oliver says: This'll be quicker if we cover more ground.
Oliver says: So.

Liotuse says: ...And in case they want to move prisoners on us. Alright. I see the merits.

Oliver says: We still have ways t'communicate.
Oliver looks at Mayru and Dyna. "Ah know th' two 'a you won't split. Wil an' Liotuse, y'should go with 'em.

Wilhiém wrinkles his nose. "...right."

Oliver points over yonder.
Oliver says: Go that way.

Liotuse furrows his brows a touch. "...You sure you don't want Mayru? Or can you guys patch yourselves up a bit?"

Nialos waves Liotuse off. "Eh. If it gets bad, I can manage some healing."

Oliver says: Nialos an' Ah kin keep up. Ah trust Llew not t'be lit on fire twice in one night.

Llew snorts. Grumbling. "You'd be surprised." He steps up.

Oliver says: Th' three 'a us'll be headed right.

Liotuse nods, looking over to Llew. Then down to himself. "I think he'll be luckier than me."

Wilhiém chuckles. "I can offer some patching for those burns. As someone that had to deal with this.. rather... frequently." He winces.

Liotuse lifts a boot, wiping off his longswords on the inside of his foot. "...It's horrible to say. But I hope this was the direction the fucking dragon went. We have one more than you guys."

Mayrù stands silently as the groups are decided. She pulls the fortune card Dyna had given her out and turns it over in her hand, emerald gaze watching over it distantly. She chews her lower lip and smiles as she exhales, "... We're doing well so far."

Oliver 's hand begins to shake again. His fist clenches quickly to stop it. "Ah think we're done waitin' around."

Llew grints his teeth, frowning deeply. And flings his dagger at that stupid snake.

Nialos taps his foot impatiently. "Let's get the show on the road."

Oliver says: Nobody hesitate t'call fer help. If we's able, we'll come runnin'.

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