Saturday, February 19, 2011

Khaelanna vs. Team Idle Hands

Khaelanna yells: [Qiraji] "Kh'shab ahpt ras'zuj! T katc tajh m'rh ni'cht s'k m'jh H'satl SHAD'RA!!"

Apophan yells: Come to meet your end, Denouncers.

The ground beneath their feet begins to seethe and writhe. From under the sands crawl thousands of small spiders, creeping into pants legs and sleeves, causing irritation, discomfort, and distraction.

Llew stumbles back a bit as all the bugs come forth. "What th---"

Nialos doesn't seem all that bothered by the bugs, but his eye twitches. "...Annoying."

Oliver tries to push himself up again as bugs swarm around his body. His muscles stiffen and he almost collapses, but something drives him. He climbs to his feet and staggers to the others.

Nialos immediately sends a shard of ice towards the giant spider. Going straight for the -eyes-.

Marìus lofts his hands. A soft shudder rattles through his bones; The creation of an imprint, reaching into the flesh of his allies and establishing a mender's connection. He's prepared to mitigate incoming damage.

Llew rushes the Black Widow, following the ice shards, throwing star slicking through the air toward her abdomen.

Oliver steps forward. He has a hard time of it still. Instead, his swarm collects itself and flies to Khaelanna, the cloud of flesheaters getting their fill today.

Khaelanna raises one arm. A steaming fissure opens at Llew 's feet and from it a purple blast of searing Twilight magic issues forth, forcing the attacker back a step and carrying the possibility of serious damage if they don't move quickly enough.

Marìus honestly loves spiders. He really does. At the moment, however? Not quite. There's a shiver in the back of his mind-- An ethereal warning, in fact. The Sigil and allied comrades managing the distraction 'outside' are under *heavy fire.*

Llew is a slick rogue and darts out of the way!

Nialos runs forwards, hacking at spidery legs and whatnot in wild abandon.

Oliver hunches over. Bleeds more. He snarls and straightens out again, fists clenched, trying to get a grip of his movement.

Marìus thrusts out one arm. Narrows his eyes. "Oliver-- Goddess-bless, don't give up. One foot at a time. Manage your hatred and prepare."

Llew follows Nialos, sprinting at the Black Widow. He lets out a roar, his own eyes flashing dark as he thrusts at her abdomen with his main blade.

Nialos calls out over his shoulder. "Oliver! Your rotten ass is not allowed to drop!"

Oliver laughs. And then charges. He can't swing his blade effectively so he resorts to body attacks. He's an effective blunt weapon. He slams his plagued body into the Widow.

Ariadine nervously drums her fingers against the side of her leg. At the sight of Marius and Oliver she slips back into the crowd of somber and silent cultists.

Khaelanna raises both arms and shards of ice drop in rapid succession upon the group, dangerous sharp projectiles piercing anything not protected.

This is another one of those moments that Llew curses his simple leather armor.

Nialos dodges around the falling ice shards, moving his blade to hack at the main body.

Marìus all but -leaps- to one side. He's fast to loft his hands-- Raise barrier, shielding, against the onslaught. But Llew-- *Shit*.

Llew finds himself pummeled with shards of ice. He hunkers down, trying to deflect them to no avail. Rising, his already bloodied face now more bloody, he rushes forward in a rage, once again shoving his main blade at the Widow's midsection.

Marìus' talons crook, outstretched. Mending leaps to his fingertips, cast for their burdened ally.

Oliver allows the shards to penetrate into him. Whatever madness drives him, he moves as though possessed, not caring as ice hails down onto him. He raises a blighted fist and tries to punch her in the face.

Khaelanna has a bloody lip.

The air above their heads crackles and sparkles as it heats. An acrid scent of burning ozone permeates the area. An orange ball of flame coalesces… pulsing and glowing. Orange, black and purple tendrils of Twilight Flame explode with a hiss from its surface. The air around their bodies erupts in burning Twilight Flame. The searing tendrils injure and inhibit all but the most agile fighter. Can you move fast enough to survive?

Llew draws back, wiping the blood from his face. Agile yet -- yay rogue tank -- he manages to avoid being crisped.

Nialos finds himself shielded by a glowing mass of runic green, absorbing the Twilight Flames. He summons his runeblade yet again, and begins to hack in a frenzy at the giant freaking spider.

Marìus finds himself lunging through agitated sand a second time, ignoring the grotesque little spiders that still chew tiny holes through bare, unfortunate skin. A duo of them skitter into his mouth as he gasps-- and he bites into their delicate bodies, swallowing the refuse, closing his eyes to channel another mender's spell.

Oliver is an angry, shambling zombie right now. No, he's not going to dodge attacks. He's going to eat them. In the face.

Llew moves in quickly once again, slicing at Anna's midsection to keep her focus on him. He drives his blade, intent on tearing her open.

Focus regained, splayed hands clap together. Energy shifts. Marius threads the essence of renew between his allies. Who was...? *There*.

Khaelanna deflects part of the attack.

Oliver charges forward at her again. A horrible, black, corrosive substance leaks from anywhere something can leak from, and a choking gas rises from his throat. He's not thinking, but he's quite caustic.

Khaelanna throws a shimmering cloak over herself and vanishes from view, emerging behind Llew and rapidly shooting a small Fireball toward them. It hisses with near-solar heat as it boils forth, seeking flesh.

Llew apparently can dodge a rear attack.

Oliver turns as she blinks behind them.

Nialos whips around, snarling. "Tricky bitch..."
Nialos lunges forward, plague encasing his blade as it speeds towards the spider's abdoman.

Llew turns, flinging another throwing star aimed at Anna's throat.

Her position shifts. Marius' eyes follow the spideress as she moves behind Llew. It's an opportunity to lunge-- and he takes it. Claws, brutal, extend. He charges with a hard, blunt edge to his motions: And ever 'graceful' (hah) - does the only thing he's made for in close-quarters. Attempting to body-check her like a four-hundred-pound train.

Khaelanna glares angrily at Oliver.

Apophan yells: *As the final line of defense begins to crumble, a bolt of lightning slams into Anna d'Khael and Drathnor. Energizing them for whatever their final attacks shall be*

Oliver gives a low laugh. "Ah w-wonder ha' many bodies you-" He's interrupted as he retches up more black. So instead he casts. Tendrils of unholy reach into the ground to pull up what they can- apparently there's something, because one old weatherbeaten corpse rises. Oliver falls to his knees from the effort of the cast. His minion attacks.

Below their feet the ground near the mage begins to glow with blinding Twilight power, drawing life from those remaining within it. If caught within Neptulon's Fist you will feel your arms and legs turn frigid and your heart slow, as cold grips you. As their hearts slow, they feel fear grip them: they -must- break loose or the Fist might drag you into Death's domain! Only the most determined of fighter possesses the will to escape its penetrating grasp!

Llew leaps away at the last second, but is still knocked off his feet and hits the sand.

Oliver can't really avoid much. He's gripped. Thankfully, he's already dead and doesn't seem too bothered by the paralytic cold.

Nialos rages forth from the icy tomb, breaking off shards of ice, his eyes glaring daggers at the spider. His blade swings in a massive arc, aiming for legs, chest, anything.

Llew rises from the sand, sprinting forth with the intent to bodycheck Anna back into the dirt.

Marìus' better powers turn inwards. Focus-- Soft light. Oliver, goddess-bless: GET BACK ON YOUR FEET-! The spell is flung and cast, meant to energize his brutally savaged wounds.

Oliver is on his back. He can't move. He can hardly think. But now he's energized. He reels around to face Khaelanna. "YOU COME T' ME." He shoots out a death grip, pulling her to where he's locked in place and sends another plated fist into the side of her head.


"Darkness will consume you and all Denouncers! You will fail and never see daylight again! The Gods have returned and the destruction of your world is imminent! For me and the Faithful, we choose ASCENDANCY!!" Khaelanna laughs at Oliver.

Oliver retches black again. His entire body is shaking.

Nialos says: Oliver. Hold it together.

Wilhiém 's eyes roll back as he coughs, spits, and lets out obscenities.

Nialos says: We're almost done.

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