Monday, April 18, 2011

Stehl, Liotuse, & Chadley: April 18

Stehl says: Guess what tiiiiime it iiiiiis.

Chadley sits on the bench with his head low, hands held above his lap. A pale holy aura coils faintly around him, and his eyes are closed in meditation. He seems to ignore Stehl.

Stehl sounds way too cheeful. He should be shot.
Stehl shuffles closer.

Líotuse says: You should get a bucket of lava.
Líotuse says: And throw it on him.

Stehl squats down so he's eye to eye with Chadley.

Chadley 's eyes open and the aura fades. He flattens his brows. "Hi."

Stehl says: Hey. You ready to punch things.

Chadley says: I think you saw to it yesterday that my arms won't work for a week.

Stehl says: Too bad! Up with you.

Líotuse says: Make them work.
Líotuse grins, waving to Chadley. Even if he doesn't know him.

Chadley pushes himself up from the bench with a groan and follows stiffly after Stehl. He looks at Liotuse. He doesn't wave back, just gives that same flat look.

Líotuse wilts like a flower.
Líotuse says: ...Stehl would it be too much if I went to find Cet and bother him?

Stehl says: Yes.

Líotuse says: Darn.
Líotuse says: ...Also I'm following you two.

Chadley says: Where are we-

Stehl says: See this tree?

Chadley says: ... Yes?

Stehl says: How do you feel about hitting it.

Chadley says: Do my feelings on the subject actually matter?

Stehl says: Only slightly.
Stehl says: I'm going to have you punch something.

Líotuse clears his throat and makes a point of going to the mailbox.

Chadley says: I can't say I've much interest in punching a tree.

Stehl says: What do you have interest in punching.
Stehl says: Hold that thought.

Chadley says: ...

Líotuse says: Moment.

Chadley says: Forsaken work.

Stehl says: Okay!
Stehl says: Let's go get one.

Ephie dies.

Líotuse spits on Ephie.

Castell growls menacingly.

Stehl says: Begin the punchening.

Castell growls menacingly at Stehl.

You stare Ephie down.

Stehl says: No, my squire needs that. To hit it.
Stehl says: Repeatedly.

Castell tells Stehl NO. Not going to happen.

Líotuse says: ...I'm sad to say I've seen weirder things than a naked worgen defending an undead.

Chadley says: Should I punch the dog, too?

Castell growls menacingly at you.

Stehl says: Should you?

Líotuse says: The dog means yes.
Líotuse says: Follow Stehl's teachings. Everything can. And should be punched.

Stehl says: We need a new thing to punch.

Líotuse says: Bye.

Stehl says: What, why.

Chadley approaches the corpse and prods it with his foot. "Well. Uh. Okay then." He looks at Stehl.

Líotuse says: You'll have me punched.

Castell growls menacingly at you.

Stehl says: Not at all.

Castell barks at you.

Líotuse says: Liar.

Stehl says: Besides. Chadley's a wimp.

Líotuse stares you down.

Stehl says: You can punch back.

You let out a long, drawn-out sigh.

Stehl says: Do it, for the Alliance.

Chadley looks back down at the Forsaken corpse, grimacing.

Líotuse says: He seems distracted.

Stehl says: Boy!

Chadley says: Not that distracted.

Líotuse says: ...Shit I've been caught.

Stehl says: Hit this man. It's okay, he's kind of like a paladin.

Líotuse tries to pop Chadley on the middle of his tabard anyways with a weak left straight.

Chadley is popped in the stomach. He may have been turned around, but he still wasn't paying the most attention. He staggers back once, coughs, and frowns. "Fine, dammit!"

Líotuse says: Wait was he supposed to start or me.
Líotuse says: I'm bad at this.

Chadley aims a punch for Lio's face as he's turned.

Líotuse gets Chadley's curled gauntlet on the right side, eyes scrunching up as he takes a step forward with it. "-Ow-."

Stehl says: Quickly. Don't take that shit.

Chadley is already aiming for another. Think fast, Lio!

Líotuse says: I should consider removing my cast and getting into my armour. But I'll bite.
Líotuse pivots low suddenly, swinging around and leading with his left foot. What little momentum is built is thrown into a left uppercut for Chadley's gut again. Might as well keep that going.

Chadley tries to block it with his elbow, but isn't quite fast enough. His elbow is instead brought down on Lio's extended arm. He oofs as his fist contacts his gut and gives a wild left swing in response.

Líotuse has his left arm batted aside a moment and catches Chadley's own responding left in his vision. His right arm is jerked up for an awkward block. It doesn't work as well as it did in his head, Chadley's response glancing off the front of his cast and smacking into Lio's head, trying to take a step back to gather some distance.

Stehl says: ... This is beautiful. My minions dance to the mad tune I play. Which is really just me yelling 'PUNCH. PUNCH HARDER.'

Chadley doesn't allow for distance. He steps forward in tune and balls both of his fists, recklessly swinging at the man. As Stehl goads them on, he growls, "My arms -don't work-."

Stehl says: Make them work!

Líotuse curls his arms and draws them up to guard his head from each blow, forearms taking the punishment. His preferred right leg snaps up and over to go for Chadley's... gut. Again. At the same time he sort of throws Stehl's orders about punching out the window.

Stehl says: He has a cast on, hit him harder!

Chadley is winded as the knee slams into his gut, unguarded. A snarl of frustration and his arm swings out, elbow aimed straight for Lio's neck.

Wintersedge hugs Ephie.
Wintersedge says: Poor Ephie...

Líotuse says: Not really, no. This is what a Forsaken gets by running into the city.

Stehl says: Knock knock, who's there, THE ALLIANCE.

Mandragoras says: That's damn right.

Wintersedge says: Someday maybe we can cure her.

Mandragoras says: Cure her? She's a Forsaken.

Stehl says: Cure her of existing.
Stehl says: Punch more, monkies.
Stehl says: Strength through adversity! Keep it up!

Líotuse was peering between his forearms this whole time. And tries his best to pull back. All he does is mitigate it by managing to hop back -after- the elbow taps firmly into his throat, sending Lio into a coughing fit and lowering his arms a bit.

Chadley makes a sound that almost seems pained when he does this, but takes advantage of the opening by charging forward again with another flurry of noodle-fists.

Líotuse makes a shameful display of blocking a good clean half of them, wincing every time another connects. To be fair. The guy's coughing like a smoker.

Chadley looks at Stehl for a brief second before continuing his attempts to beat an injured man with noodles. He aims for the face again. He's weak enough right now that all that leather would probably nullify any force he can muster.

Stehl says: ... Alright, enough. You're just. Flopping now.

Chadley says: S-so is... he.
Chadley steps back, sounding both tired and frustrated.

Líotuse gets whacked in the face with one gauntlet, another contacting after that as well before the coughing Lio gets his hands up. "I'm not flopping I had a broken arm and now I just want the cast off even if it's too early."

Stehl says: How much longer is it supposed to be.

Líotuse says: I don't know. It's been maybe a week. And a few days. Lius injected me with some miracle serum in a syringe. Something about blood vessels and broken bones being sped up. For recovery.

Chadley gives himself a moment to catch his breath. "I could... heal it," he offers.
Chadley says: Not... gonna fix the bone, but... help.

Líotuse finally notices himself, dropping his guarding position and shaking his head. "No. No. You're... about to collapse." He grins. Though not at the young man's expense. Just looking cheerful in general. Red spots on his face from being smacked or not.

Chadley confirms this by taking a single step toward the fountain and then collapsing against it. He nods. "Good fight. I think. Not really."

Líotuse laughs loudly, nodding once as he steps over and down to pat Chadley's shoulder. "Not really, no. On both accounts. Maybe when we're both more... capable. We can spar, eh?"

Chadley nods again, this time cut short by a cough. "Yeah. If Stehl leaves me capable."

Stehl says: If.

Chadley says: ... If.
You let out a hacking cough.

Líotuse clears his throat, left hand rubbing at it as he straightens up. "-If- anything. It'll help build stamina."

Stehl says: Exactly.

Orgo snorts. "Don't make palerdins like they used ta."

Chadley ignores the commentary. "... So now what."

Líotuse says: I'm thinking of wandering off to take some good shears to this cast and risk it being exposed too early and broken again. You guys?

Stehl says: We're going whale hunting. Shark whales.

Chadley says: ... What?

Stehl says: But that's later tonight.
Stehl says: Not you.
Stehl says: Legion nonsense.

Chadley says: Why is the Legion fighting whales.

Stehl says: They're sharks. And they're eating supply lines.
Stehl says: Whole.

Líotuse says: ...Oookay then. I guess I'll mentally prepare for fighting a shark whale then.

Chadley coughs again. "Fair enough."

Stehl says: Learn how to breathe underwater too.
Stehl says: That'll help.

Líotuse says: I'll rig something.

Stehl says: I just need to float. And not get devoured.

Líotuse says: I haven't seen you ever wear anything beyond that armour.
Líotuse says: You're sinking.

Stehl says: Yeah. So I need to make it float for ten minutes.
Stehl says: And then get the hell out of there.

Líotuse says: That will go.
Líotuse says: Swimmingly.

Stehl says: You're treading in dangerous waters.

You begin to groan.

Líotuse says: ...I woke up a short while ago, I'm running on about half here.

Stehl says: Excuses.

Líotuse says: I'll come up with some puns later for when we're actually out there.

Stehl says: You'll have a whale of a tale, I'm sure.

Líotuse says: ...I'm going to go remove my cast. Later.

Stehl says: Gator.

Líotuse waves over his shoulder.

Stehl says: Enjoy the day off.

Chadley rests his head back against the fountain as Stehl walks off. He then slowly falls onto his side. "Light protect. Ugh."

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