Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Senkha & Oliver: April 8

Sènkha is holding a half-empty bottle of rum by the neck.

Macglynn says: Nobody died, we got Ar'brey back, an'- yer drunk, ain't yuh.
Macglynn 's gryphon touches ground.

Sènkha nods happily, toasting to Oliver. "I started drinking about the time I heard thasshoo found Arubrey. I can't decide if I am happy or annoyed."

Macglynn says: Well, shit, hold up fer me there, huh?
Macglynn dismounts from the gryphon and ties a payment to the bird's leg. It takes off back toward the keepers.

Sènkha says: I started drinking right after Wil asked questions about Arubrey. I can't decide if I am happy or annoyed. Happy 'cause he can take the company. Annoyed 'cause he's gonna wanna talk about everything and I'm tired.

Macglynn says: Well Ar'brey's out lahk a candlestub, so 's all prob'ly gunna wait 'til t'marruh. So in mah opinion, y'should come insahd with me an' have a few more drinks.
Macglynn grins.

Sènkha grins. "You wanna get drunk, too, dontcha? Well, we should go to the other inn, 'cause this one's full of Blood Elves."
Sènkha says: And I'll talk to Aboobies tomorrow and...hehehe, boobies...and then I will give him keys and then we can move to Surwich!
Sènkha claps excitedly! "Yay!"

Macglynn snorts. "Light damn, yer wasted. Ah got some ketchin' up ta do." He walks up to her and swiftly lifts her into his arms. "This way, yeah?" He walks off toward the Hero's Welcome.

Sènkha cheers as she's lifted, brandishing her cane like a wand of celebration. "You do! I'm glad nobody died. But I am still concerned."

Macglynn says: Me too. Ah think Ar'brey maht be a monster.

Sènkha says: A monster? Does that mean I can't give him the keysh?

Macglynn says: Well. A fair warnin' is all.
Macglynn says: You. Gimme somethin'.

Sènkha swings her feet cheerfully and takes another swig from her bottle. In between swigs, she's trying to sing, but it's not clear what song it's supposed to be.

Macglynn has a drink filled up for him! A foul-smelling thing with no head, and it looks thick. He looks at it in disgust. "Light Ah'm glad Ah kin't taste. Whuddya want?"

Sènkha says: ...can I have, like, some juice? To put my rum in? 'Cause I can't taste it anymore. Maybe that's good, though.

Macglynn looks at Stefen Cotter. "This shit y'gave me's strong, raht?" He says this with a deadpan. Holy Light, Senkha is hammered. When assured it will, he pays for some juice and picks up both drinks with one hand, Senkha more... slung over his shoulder as she sings.

Sènkha is singing a song that Oliver probably could guess at, if she was giving any real thought to getting the words right or singing in a key. Every now and then, it becomes clear that the song is about an Elvish lady.
Sènkha says: --washing her feet by candlelight. Firsshe washed an' then she dried...

Macglynn walks her over to a chair and deposits her into it. He lowers himself into the nearest chair and scoots closer, putting his arm around her shoulder and kicking his feet up onto the table. He raises his mystery deader drink. "To things goin' fuckin' raht."

Sènkha raises her rum bottle. "To things going fucking right. For once. And to SURWISH!" She takes a long swig of drink, smiling as she does.

Macglynn clanks his glass against her rum bottle and chugs it back. He shakes his head when he sets the bottle down. "Oh, whoah."

Sènkha says: Izzit strong?

Macglynn 's eyes flicker- several blinks. "Shit. Na' wunner it cost so much."
Macglynn downs some more! Tonight is gonna be a good night.

Sènkha grins at Oliver, leaning across the table and wiggling her fingers at him in a tiny wave. "Soooo tell me about the expedition! What'd you find besides a boobie?"

Macglynn downs even more, and then slams the glass down on the table with a sharp CLACK. He's very serious as he says, "ANCIENT EVIL PLANTS."
Macglynn says: Ah killed 'em, though.

Sènkha says: Evil plants? That's -horrible-! But I'm glad you killed them. Evil plants are evil.

Macglynn says: They really is. Holy shit, y'wasn't watchin'? There was piles an' piles 'a dead bodies but they was fuckin' with all ever'body's brains t'be lahk flowers an' hell Senkha it were weird but then Ah killed 'em.
Macglynn nods.
Macglynn drinks some more.

Sènkha shakes her head. "I wasn't watching. I should've been but I was feeling very, very, very sorry for myself on account of I can't walk." Senkha makes a sadface.

Macglynn peers at her over his glass. "Ah realleh dunno whut t'say ta that 'cause Ah mostly sit around feelin' sorreh fer m'self too. Kin't say nyuthin' without bein' a Light-damned hip-uh. Liar."

Sènkha says: I shouldn't be feeling sorry for myself. That's why Sheechee hates me. And why Mariuszh is going to jail. Or something. I think. I don't know.
Sènkha takes another swig of rum, pondering.

Macglynn tilts back the very last of his slimy, creepy booze and then slams the glass back down on the table. "Maryus is goin'a jail 'cause 'a deli hams, not 'cause 'a you. Yah done nuthin' wrong, fuck'sake, yer lahf's a circus."

Sènkha says: Circuses are fun. Did you ever go to the circus?
Sènkha says: Llew had a circus. Only he hurts.

Macglynn says: Ah feel bad fer that poor sunnuvabitch too. But yeah, Ah snuck in once when Ah was thirteen. Ah couldn' afford ta go. Muh fav'rit thing was th' trap-eez girls.
Macglynn smirks.

Sènkha says: They were the ones with big tits! They used to let me come in and try on their costumes and sometimes, they taught me stuff. You know, I was gonna join the circus if it wasn't for Riley.
Sènkha says: I would've been a trapeze girl. Or a tightrope girl.

Macglynn says: Heh.

Sènkha grins and leans back in her chair some, polishing off the last of the rum. "I still have one of the costumes they gave me, y'know. Brought it allllll the way from Andorhal when we ran 'way. I was lucky, 'cause I'd already thought lots about running so I had shit packed. Selvie had to leave everything behind." The idea strikes her as funny and she giggles.

Macglynn raises his glass and shouts, "More, please!" The barmaid hustles over and refills the glass with the strange sludge. He thanks the woman and downs a significant amount. "Would it still fit?"

Sènkha says: Prob'ly. I haven't grown a lot since then. Might be a little tight across the chest.

Macglynn gets a somewhat blank look on his face. "Huh."

Sènkha grins and tilts her head towards Oliver. " 'Cause you made me smile and laugh and stuff. And I'm stubborn. Or else you would've kept saying no."

Macglynn says: That annoyed th' shit outta me, it did. Some young purty woman stalkin' me an' tryin'a sit close ta me wherever Ah went.
Macglynn says: Y'flirt creepy, love.

Sènkha pretends to look insulted. "Well, you -are- creepy, so we're fair."

Macglynn says: Lahk Ah kin help that any! Ah's fuckin' dead!

Sènkha says: Well exactly! I'm creepy and you're creepy, so it works.
Sènkha says: 'sides, would you rather I have -stopped-?

Macglynn pauses for an excessively long amount of time. "Ah kin't ans'ur that 'cause Ah dunno ha' things'd be diff'rint."

Sènkha says: Things would be different if I'd stopped 'cause I wouldn't have married you and that would be so sad. Oliver, I am -so glad- that I married you, you know that? SO glad.

Macglynn leans back in the chair so the front two legs lift. "Yer a strange girl, Senkha. Don't deny y'ain't gave me somethin' ain't never thought Ah'd have, but- shit, whut th' hell woman, Ah's been dead ten years an' muh insides is made 'a diseases an' bugs."

Sènkha shrugs both shoulders. "I know. So'll my insides be, too, someday. I dunno, really, why that doesn't bother me as much as it logically should. I think it's because...well, I mean. I dunno. You're cold. And you're smelly. But you're -real-."

Macglynn says: ... Think jus 'bout ever'body else is real, too. But whuttyah mean by that? Why does th' ahdea 'a someday maybe fahndin' undeath make y'happy?

Sènkha says: Means never leaving you. Like...so, okay. When I met you, I was totally alone. But then...I don't really know what made me decide you were worth pursuing even though you are dead. I think something inside me just said, "Go after him" and I said "okay."

Macglynn sighs. "Forever ain't somethin' y'really wanna see, is it?"

Sènkha says: Probably not. But I don't want to be without you or you be without me. I mean, hell, if we're lucky? I've got mayyyyyyy be sixty more years. And then you've got forever alone.
Sènkha says: And it was going to be me too alone, in Paradise, but now I'm damned, too, so it'll be me alone in hell and that'll suck.

Macglynn sets the glass down after a long drink. "Ah did this."

Sènkha says: No no no no. You did good things, Oliver! See, 'cause now, we'll be together.

Macglynn sinks into his chair. "Ah should jus' throw my libram off th' city; ain't no better'n any'a them crazed initiates."

Sènkha says: Yes you -are-. You did what you did 'cause you love me, and maybe a little bit 'cause you're selfish, but 'cause you love me, too, and you want me to be happy.

Macglynn says: Ah want y'ta be-
Macglynn says: Yer never happy. Never, ever ever happy.
Macglynn leans on her shoulder like a leaning post.

Sènkha frowns. "Am too. I'm happy when I'm with you. You make things better. 'sides, I gave up on trying to be happy a long time ago. It doesn't happen."

Macglynn says: Bullshit y'gave up on tryin'. Why else we movin' ta Surwich? Shurely y'heared th' deli ham tower got exploded.
Macglynn reaches for his drink. Reeeeaches. He grabs it! and takes a long swig.

Sènkha says: It did? The one across from our house?
Sènkha says: And I guess I'm trying. More like, though, I'm not -expecting- it anymore. I expect things to go wrong, so when they do, I'm not sad about it.

Macglynn says: Yeah. Ah kin akshully say Ah knuh ha' that is. 'S lahk- Ah used ter be th' first ta rush ta ever'body's aid... but then- there was jus' so much. Lahk hell, Ah kin't keep up wi' that, an' Ah dun' even need'a sleep!

Sènkha says: Imagine if you did! We'd have both of us gone completely insane months ago. As it is...

Macglynn says: Ah'm a'ready insane. Kin't be undead without bein' a little insane.
Macglynn says: Souls is all cockeyed, y'kna'?
Macglynn says: Fuckin' hell, 'a all things t'be pissed about t'day, it's that Ah didn' git ta -kill- nuthin'?
Macglynn says: That ain't me.
Macglynn says: Ah dunno whut that is.

Sènkha says: Maybe you're hungry?

Macglynn leans his head back. "It's been a while, it's true. But that's still a part 'a that, y'see?"

Sènkha says: How d'you mean?

Macglynn says: Light damn, Senkha, th' killin'! Ah don't -want- that t'be a part 'a me.

Sènkha lowers her eyes, sadfacing over not picking up on it right away. "I don't think most people do."

Macglynn says: You enjoy it.

Sènkha says: I didn't used to.
Sènkha says: But then it turned into my job, so I figured I should just give in and enjoy the rush. 'Cause there was always a rush and I hated it.
Sènkha says: But then I figured it'd never go away, so I might as well enjoy it instead of feeling like hell every time I did it.
Sènkha says: That's why I'm bad and you're good.
Sènkha nods sagely.

Macglynn says: If Ah give in'ta that rush, th' blade'll claim me an' Ah truly wun' be no better'n them crazed initiates.
Macglynn takes another drink. Fucking sword.

Sènkha says: I know. You're stronger'n I am. I couldn't do it. I tried, for like three years, I tried. And then I just stopped trying 'cause I didn't think things'd ever get better.

Macglynn waves a hand. "Yer also whut," -he brain cheats- "Twenny-four? C'mon, yer es'pected'a do stupid shit. 'S jus' sad Ah let'cha do it. Lahk th' nekermancy. Did y'know Ah was plannin' on it fer weeks?"
Macglynn says: Ah'm a fuckin' villain.

Sènkha sighs and shakes her head. "Didn't we say we weren't gonna do this anymore? This 'I'm so much worse'n you' thing? You know I would've done it myself if I hadn't been afraid of you leaving me over it."
Sènkha says: Why'd you been planning on it?

Macglynn says: B'cause y'wanted it so bad.
Macglynn dumps the last of his second drink down his throat.

Sènkha says: So really, it's not so much that you're -evil- as it is that you gave me what I wanted.

Macglynn says: Yeah, but it were a bad thing.
Macglynn leans forward, crossing his arms over the table and resting his head in them.

Sènkha says: So're a lot of things we do.
Sènkha says: I don't want to be depressed drunks, Oliver. This is supposed to be happy. We're getting -away- from this shit.

Macglynn says: Ah's jus' been in a shit mood th' past month, an' th' alkerhol ain't doin' nuthin' t' help it. Muh 'pologies.
Macglynn straightens in his chair.

Sènkha says: Yeah, we really haven't had the best of months, have we? We should...I dunno. Maybe Shurwish will help. Surwich, I mean. Like Sandwich but with sur.

Macglynn says: Izzat ha' y'purnunce it? Ah always wunner'd if'n it was Sur-witch'r Sur-wick... or maybe Shur-wick or- hell, Gil-neens purnounce things wurd.

Sènkha says: I don't know! It's like...I think it's like sandwich. Either that or I'm hungry.

Macglynn says: Fuck. Y'kna' whut? Ah miss food.
Macglynn says: Here Ah go bein' a sad drunk agin, but hell. Kin y'blame me?

Sènkha says: You want a sandwich? Because I will -totally- eat a sandwich for you right now.

Macglynn laughs.

Sènkha says: No, no! This is good! This can be happy! Here, let me get a sandwich.
Sènkha says: And I'll eat it.
Sènkha says: And you'll feel it.
Sènkha says: And it'll be good! And that's what we'll do from now on, we'll stop feeling sorry for ourselves and we'll make our life happy!
Sènkha slams her hand on the table determinedly, causing the waitresses to -glare-.

Macglynn says: Ah used t'be happy as hell. Always knew, things could be worse. Ah dunno whut 'appened'a me, but Ah'll be there 'gin, jus y'watch.
Macglynn raises his glass.

Sènkha has finished her rum, so instead, she raises her hand and gives the glass a high-five!

Macglynn 's eyes widen. "Barmaid! This woman's run outta drink! FIX THIS." The barmaid has had just about enough of them, but complies.

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