Sunday, April 17, 2011

Mairèad & Stehl: April 16

Mairèad says: It's probably a dumb question, but y'never know if you don't ask, right? I was...well. Yer Division probably wants people what ent newly ordained, huh?
Mairèad says: People with more experience?

Stehl says: To some extent, yes. We'll be heading out to fight some very dangerous things soon.
Stehl says: I won't turn down a sword arm, but I'd rather have one who hasn't recently relearned fighting.

Mairèad says: That's what Mr. C-- Ma-- D-- Mr. Crowe. That's what he said. That it'd be rill dangerous. I'm jest tryin'a figger out where I'd do th'most good, and I already know lotsa folks in yer unit.
Mairèad nods, chewing on her lower lip. "That's fair, I think. I still hafta see if the Crusade accepts me."

Stehl says: The Crusade definitely will.
Stehl says: They've taken on a ton of novices for finishing off the Scourge in the north. Though I think it'll turn towards the Forsaken soon enough.

Mairèad says: Good. Th'Fersakin need to go away. Mr. Crowe said, too, that I should see about helpin' out in the Highlands.

Stehl says: Not without being sure of yourself.
Stehl says: It's bad out there.

Mairèad says: I'm pretty sure of meself, honestly. I know that I kin fight, I know that I kin face danger. I'm jest not sure where I'd be the most needed.

Stehl says: Where you're needed is entirely up to you.

Mairèad says: How d'you mean?

Stehl says: I mean that the Light isn't here to tell us what to do. For whatever reason, it chose you and me and hundreds of others to carry its power. No strings, no rules, nothing. Just three words. It's up to us to choose where we go and how we use it.

Mairèad nods and presses her fingers against the table. "I'll need to think about it some more. But...well. Thanks, Stehlfire. Fer that and...and fer what yer doin' fer Chadley. He needs someone like you."

Stehl says: S'no problem. I'm just doing what I think is right.

Mairèad says: Why did you wanna train Chad so much, by th'way? I told him that you saw potential in him, when we talked about it, but I dunno fer sure.

Stehl says: I'm tired of seeing all these wishy-washy 'paladins'. Or Light-touched who have failed entirely.

Mairèad nods. "And y'think Chad's got what it takes?"

Stehl says: I want to see some rise above the nonsense that's overtaken this city and -do the right thing-.
Stehl says: I don't know. I have to try. If I don't, he'll slip further away.

Mairèad says: Yer right about that. He's...well. I -should- be harsher on him, and I have been lately...-screamed- at him fer bein' so nasty about Mr. MacGlynn...but I'm his best friend, not his mam. He needs someone like you.

Stehl says: Pardon me for saying this, but his friends should be the first to try to turn him around. But. If I have to be the one to try to put him on the right path? I will.

Mairèad lowers her eyes. "Yer right, I know. I've been tryin'...we haven't seen each other in two years, and even when he came back, he jest left again t'go train in Redridge. But I'll keep tryin'. I think...honestly, I think he'll be a better palerdin than me."
Mairèad says: ...eventually.

Stehl says: There is no measurement system for judging how good a paladin is. Aside from whoever has the worst death.

Mairèad smiles wryly and nods. "Right. Sorreh. I'll keep tryin', though, tryin' t'make sure Chad doesn't go down th'wrong path. I think, so long's he's got people like you--and I guess me--in his life, he'll turn out good."

Stehl says: My only worry is that he won't stand up when the time comes. He's almost too accepting of things. Even though he thought I was joking, he followed through with it for hours.

Mairèad shakes her head. "He wanted to prove that he wasn't weak. Evarrr since I known him, he's been th'weaker one. I kick his arse regularly. But he would've stayed out there all night...dunno if it'd be t'prove it t'you or to himself."

Stehl says: He has nothing to prove. He just has to listen and find his own path.

Mairèad says: I agree. But that's something he has to find for himself, isn't it?

Stehl says: Yes, it is. And he will, one way or another. I've made the fork in the road clear enough for a blind person to see it.

Mairèad says: And that's why I'm glad he's got you, Stehlfire.
Mairèad stands slowly, pushing back from the table. After a brief hesitation, she bubbles herself and gives Stehl a hug around the shoulders. "Light bless you. I'll see y'around."

Stehl says: Light protect.

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