Friday, April 15, 2011

Mairèad & Chadley: April 14

Mairèad shuffles through the books on the table, trying to find a specific title and frowning when it isn't there.
You blink at Chadley.
Mairèad says: Hey. I shouldn't be surprised t'find you in here.

Chadley glances up at the sound of footsteps. "Were you looking?"

Mairèad says: Not fer you specifically. I was mostly lookin' fer a book on armorsmithin'. Would you believe, the smithy fucked up me armor, not nine days before me ordinashun.

Chadley says: You're kidding. What are you gonna do? Do you know anything about smithing yourself?

Mairèad shakes her head, sighing sadly. "I figure that I'll jest wear a white robe for the ceremony itself...that's how they used t'do it in the old Silver Hand...and pray I can find a better smithy." She takes a seat beside Chadley.

Chadley tags his page and shuts his book. "Just about nothing's going right for you this week, huh?"

Mairèad says: Light, it rilly ent. Not t'menshun that Shep left, too. Though... at least he sent me bewwy from Northrend, along with a weird note about ducks.

Chadley says: ... Ducks?

Mairèad says: Mm, ducks.

Chadley says: What... exactly about ducks?

Mairèad says: Something about them bein' wet. I think it was code.

Chadley gives this thought for a moment. "I see. Not my business."

Mairèad shrugs. "You kin share the bewwy if you like. Though I know y'don't like drinkin' very much. Did you git a chance t'talk to Mr. Crowe?"

Chadley says: No, I didn't... I actually wanted to ask you about that. Do you know where I can find him? I'm finding nobody else available... except, uh. Stehl.
Chadley says 'Stehl' like someone says 'termite infestation'.

Mairèad says: I don't...usually, if he wants to meet with me, we end up just meeting in the graveyard or in front of the Cathedral. Is Stehlfire takin' squires?

Chadley says: I guess. He offered it to me. But good Light that man is fucking bizarre.

Mairèad says: He is, but Light. If I hadn't met Mr. Crowe, I'd've given a lot to be able t'train under Stehlfire.

Chadley says: ... Why? He seems talented, but he's a lunatic.

Mairèad says: Have y'evarrr heard 'im talk 'bout the Light and bein' a palerdin?

Chadley says: Those brief, rare moments where he makes sense? Yes.

Mairèad chuckles. "They ent so brief and rare, I think. Most of me conversations with him are pretty good. He doesn't have th'same connection to th'Light that you do, but..."
Mairèad says: Well. His connection is more fiery, but yer th'onleh person I know that's got such a strong...connection. I'm saying connection a lot. I'm sorreh.

Chadley says: Who exactly is he? Why is he so interested in me? He follows me around like a shadow. An obnoxious, giant shadow.

Mairèad says: He was actually raised by the Silver Hand...he was born in Southshore, y'know, and saw both his parents die when the Horde took it, twenty years ago. Or so. History ent me best subject.
Mairèad says: And then...well, then he was raised by the Silver Hand, or at least that's how he made it sound. And as t'why he's got such an interest in's prolly 'cause he sees what errybody else sees in you and y'don't see in yerself.
Mairèad says: ...raised like brought up, not raised like from th'dead.

Chadley says: I- I figured you meant that.
Chadley says: And... fantastic, I guess. I suppose that explains entirely why he goes out of his way to ruin my day.

Mairèad says: When I asked him about it, he said he wanted t'break you and build you back up agin. That's kinna what Mr. Crowe did fer me, a few times.

Chadley says: He said that about me. To you.

Mairèad says: He did. I asked him why he bugs you s'much.

Chadley says: So what you're saying is that him annoying me like that is an intentional test of my patience.

Mairèad says: It might be.
Mairèad says: Honestly, Chad...fer whatever reason, Stehlfire seems t'care 'boutchoo and want you t'be a rill good palerdin.

Chadley says: I really don't get it.

Mairèad grins wryly, leaning her head on her hands and looking at Chadley. "If it was me, I'd take it. There ent many palerdins in th'city that're as well-known and powerful as Stehlfire is. Rilly, th'onleh way you'd do better's if you were squired by Tirion himself."

Chadley says: You mean to tell me that crackpot is well-respected? I knew he was a superior, but what -is- his rank?

Mairèad says: I'm not sure, exactly. I know he's got a whole unit under him, with jest one person over him. I know that the entire White Sigil respects him as their contact with th'military.
Mairèad says: And I know that most people that come to Cathedral Square listen when he tells them to stop being stupid.

Chadley sinks into the chair, a 'why me?' expression blatantly painted on his face. "Light above, I called him an asshole. No wonder nobody will train me."

Mairèad says: ...t'be fair, he is an asshole to you. But...he rilly ent as bad as you'd think, based on his usual behavior.

Chadley sighs, looking up at the bookshelf in front of him and not directly at his friend. "What do you think I should do."

Mairèad says: Onleh you kin decide that, Chad. If it were me, though, I'd suck it up, apologize, and ask if th'offer was still open.

Chadley says: Had a feeling you'd say that.
Chadley snorts. "I just fear I'd regret the decision."

Mairèad says: I don't think y'would. What've you got to lose now, honestly? Y'ent trainin' with Copernicus anymore, and if you keep waitin', errybody will think yer too old fer trainin'.
Mairèad says: And that'd be a waste...Chad, you've got -such- a gift. I jest don't want it to go t'waste.

"Cecil," he corrects her, and he outstretches a hand to push himself back up in his seat. "I didn't say I'd not consider it. But to be quite honest, he terrifies me."

Mairèad says: Why's it terrify you?

Chadley says: Because he's a faceless madman that can break my spine?

Mairèad says: If he took you on as his squire, he'd have an obligation to th'Light to -not- break yer spine. A madman he may be, but...I don't think he'd let you fail, Chad. That reflects badly on him.

Chadley says: I always asked him how he got to his rank, and he'd always change the subject. But I guess he did somehow.

Mairèad says: Most people of that rank have seen a lot of battle and horrible things. I wouldn't want to talk about it either.

Chadley says: ... I guess not.
Chadley says: I'll think about it. That's all I can say. The way he acts toward me hasn't really given me a favorable opinion, even if he -is- respectable on the battlefield.

Mairèad grins and shakes her head. "Y'know how much I love you, Chad, but yer rilly one t'talk about makin' favorable first impressions."

Chadley says: I'm not loud and invasive.

Mairèad says: No, but yer kind of a dick when people're jest tryin'a mind their own business around you. But that's got nothin' t'do with Stehlfire.

Chadley looks prepared for a rebuttal, but just sighs again. "No, it doesn't. But like I said, I can promise to think about it, nothing more."

Mairèad says: Mm, I'm not askin' you t'do either. I jest...I wanna make sure yer alright, Chad. Whatever y'choose t'do. And I'll say that I honestly think y'should go with Stehlfire as yer trainer. And that if y'do, you kin bitch t'me about him, and I won't disagree.
Mairèad says: And that's all I'll say about it.

Chadley says: ... Thank you for your opinion.
Chadley says: -- I mean that. Not sarcasm.

Mairèad grins. "I've known you fer a long time, Chad. I kin tell when yer bein' sarcastic."
Mairèad says: Anyway, I oughta leave you to yer readin'. I know Stehlfire's actually got a history in smithin'...I might ask him what he'd do, armor-wise.

Chadley grumbles something that sounds suspiciously like, "Light's sake, what -can't- he do," but it could have been a cough. He nods at her. "Thanks. Wanted to get about thirty more pages in tonight, at least."

Mairèad stands, still smiling, and gives Chadley a quick hug around the shoulders and a kiss to the corner of his mouth. "Love you. Light be with you."

Chadley says: Mmf. Same.

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