Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Senkha & Oliver: April 11

Macglynn says: Well, ha's yer third day 'a doin' absuh-lutely nuthin'?

Sènkha sets aside her book and smiles up at Oliver, a bit hesitantly. "Hey."
Sènkha says: Relaxing. Full of absolutely nothing but this book, seeing your smiling face, and the chickens outside.

Macglynn gives a real smile at this, stepping forward and removing his blade as he does. He sets it against the wall and sits in the open chair. "That whut y'wanted?"

Sènkha nods, her smile growing somewhat less hesitant. "Mm. I feel like I can focus on actually getting better rather than on everything else in the world--the company, the trial, gang wars, the cult..."

Macglynn says: Did y'know we was contracted ta be secyur'ty at th' trial?

Sènkha says: You were? That's...confusing. I thought the rest of the company wanted to stay out of that business.

Macglynn says: Well, Ah guess with enough coin waved in their face they's willin'a be neutrul'y involved. Ah considered sahnin' up ta go jus' 'cause Ah'd hate fer somethin' bad ta happen, but...

Sènkha says: But you're not very neutral.

Macglynn says: Ah kin be neutral!

Sènkha reaches over to link her fingers with Oliver's. "I believe it, if whatever is neutral is actually the greater good. You know, I've been thinking about doing good today...thinking a lot today, actually."

Macglynn says: Oh?

Sènkha says: Mm. I was thinking about how...-not- good it is to do good and expect it paid back. If you're really doing good, wouldn't you pay it forward?

Macglynn says: Yuh do it when it's needed.

Sènkha says: So just...do good whenever and not worry about paying people back for doing good for you or expecting anything in return. Right?

Macglynn says: Well. Y'shouldn' mix 'good' with 'debt'.
Macglynn says: Unless it's a friendly loan.
Macglynn nods.

Sènkha nods again, crossing her legs slowly and painfully. "I was mostly thinking about it since I can't stop thinking about the things Marius and Ziichi said...as if I owed them. Or something. I don't know."

Macglynn says: ... Well, they gone through a lot fer yah. Ah kin see why it'd sting if'n y'wasn't at their side durin' a hard tahm. But if'n that's whut they meant when they said that, they was wrong. This ain't a gang. Y'don't - owe favors.

Sènkha sighs quietly and rests her head back against the wall. "Hnn. I hate feeling like I'm abandoning them. I'm just...not sure what good I am to anyone in this condition."

Macglynn says: They was pissed 'cause we wasn't at the meetin', raht?

Sènkha says: I think so. I'm not entirely sure.

Macglynn says: ... Well what th' heck, Ah'd 'a figgered us out 'a place. Considerin' we... ain't Sigil.

Sènkha says: That's what I thought, too. I mean...I knew what they were going to talk about, and I knew it might be the end of the Sigil. And I didn't feel it was my place...
Sènkha says: I mean. I had opinions. I know you did, too. But...we aren't -Sigil-.

Macglynn says: Yeah. Maybe they figgered on us comin' 'cause we got signets'r sumthin'? Heck, Ah dunno. Could'a mentioned it ter us, either way.
Macglynn leans back in his chair and frowns.

Sènkha hesitates and then adds. "There's...something else I've been thinking about, too. I don't know if you'll want to hear it, but I... I..."
Sènkha says: I don't want to control you when you feed your blade anymore.

Macglynn says: ... Really?
Macglynn blinks.
Macglynn sinks in his chair, looking up at the ceiling. "Oh, thank all that's holy."

Sènkha nods quickly. "I don't mind coming along for the ride, and each kill feels wonderful and all, but I... it's like when I'm doing that, I'm -too- powerful. Like I-- what? You don't mind?"

Macglynn says: Ah don't want y'havin' nuthin'a do with this blade, Senkha.

Sènkha says: ...I. It feels too powerful. It feels too much. I don't want to -use- it. I don't want to participate. It's enough to just feel what it's like to run again, that's... and I mean, the killing is incredible. But...
Sènkha sighs down at her hands, rubbing her thumbs against her fingers. "I feel like the Lich King must've felt whenever we do that. I feel sick."

Macglynn is still staring straight upward. "Yep."

Sènkha says: I... is it bad if I just came along? Not physically...I think I can train myself to come along with you without my body actually being in danger. But just...just to feel the fight, not be part of it? Do you think that's possible?
Sènkha says: Or is that asking too much?

Macglynn sits back up straight in the chair for a moment before leaning forward slightly. "If that's whut y'want. Ah jus' don't want y'ta be hurt."

Sènkha says: I don't -want- to be hurt. I don't want to feel that power again. It's not fair to you...unless it's to save your life or someone else's, I don't want to fight through you...control your actions when you're fighting.
Sènkha says: ...I thought that, maybe, to make up for it, I could... I mean. You could, um. Control...me. For a little while.

Macglynn looks up and gives her an even stare for a moment before simply saying, "No."

Sènkha says: --alright.

Macglynn allows the awkward silence to persist.

Sènkha clicks her teeth together. "So."

Macglynn says: Maybe jes' fer- maybe we could go outsahd an', well. Not control, but sorta halfway, maybe jus' feel th' fresh air or somethin, hell, Ah don't know.

Sènkha says: Well, I just meant. I mean. You've controlled me before. I don't mind doing that to you when we're not fighting. Just...the fighting. Too powerful.

Macglynn says: No more fightin'. Jus'- dun' even come near me n'more when Ah do that.

Sènkha says: I won't. I'm sorry I followed you the other night. I just wasn't sure what you wanted.

Macglynn looks at you.
Macglynn says: Yuh'd 'a been confused if Ah had told yah.
Macglynn says: Ah didn' think yah'd be dumb enough ta stay so near.

Sènkha says: I didn't mean to stay so near. And give me a little more credit; I know how your blade works.

Macglynn says: Well, Ah'd hope y'would. Ah'm sorry fer not makin' sense th' other day. It made sense at th' tahm.

Sènkha says: What part of it didn't make sense?

Macglynn says: Er. Not bein' clear on whut Ah wanted.

Sènkha says: Oh. Well, I don't think -you- really knew.
Sènkha says: I mean, when I'm hungry...just -regular- hungry...I have a hard time figuring out what I want.

Macglynn laughs. "A'rite, maybe y'do get it."

Sènkha grins and lifts Oliver's hand to kiss his fingers. "Mm, just because I don't eat souls doesn't mean that I don't feel hunger. Speaking of, how are the demon souls working for you? Satisfying enough? It sure felt good."

Macglynn presses his thumb against her nose playfully when she does this. "Pain in th' ass, but Ah felt bad fer th' murlocs."

Sènkha wrinkles her nose and snaps her teeth at his thumb, not actually trying to bite it, just being a dork. "Not for the demons, though."

Macglynn 's thumb dodges and pushes her nose back again, giving her that pig-snout appearance. Now she looks like a dork, too. He smirks before the inevitable shoving-away of his hand. "Would you?"

Sènkha grabs his hand with both of hers and brings it down so that she can kiss his thumb. Take that! "Fuck no."
Sènkha says: I was just wondering...like do demons' souls sate the blade more than murlocs' souls?

Macglynn takes his hand back. "No. Soul's a soul. Don't matter ha' big an' powerful an' importan' y'was, in death."

Sènkha says: That's oddly comforting.

Macglynn says: Ah'm suhprahsed th' tr'ints worked. Most elumen'al things don't.
Macglynn says: An' ha' so?

Sènkha says: Well, death making equals of us all. I don't know why that's comforting, but it is.

Macglynn says: Those with better fortune tend ta fahnd it terrifyin'.

Sènkha says: Mm, death isn't really terrifying, at the end of the day. You can't stop it from coming.

Macglynn looks down at the floor as Lucy wanders by, pecking at unseen insects in the cracks. He picks her up without even a hint of a struggle. "Don't stop a lot 'a folk from tryin'."

Sènkha raises an eyebrow at Oliver. "Why are you afraid of it? Damnation?"

Macglynn looks at Lucy. "Ah bet you dun' even know whut death is." Yes, he's talking to his chicken. He gives Senkha a long look after her question. "Ah never said Ah was afraid."

Sènkha says: ...forget I asked that. Just... a blip, is all.

Macglynn says: Ain't ready, sure. But not afraid.

Sènkha says: I'm honestly not ready either. I... not when dying would mean leaving you behind. I don't want that.

Macglynn says: It'll happen even'chully.

Sènkha says: I know. ...what will you do then?

Macglynn shrugs a shoulder. "Never really think that far 'head."

Sènkha nods slowly, biting her lower lip. "This is a very grim conversation."

Macglynn says: It really is. Light, most'a muh conversations is grim in some kinna way these days. Must come with bein' dead.

Sènkha says: You could almost call your conversations grave.

Macglynn says: 'Fore all this, Ah was th' lahf 'a th' party.

Sènkha says: ...I'm not very good at this. Um. Don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen again?

Macglynn says: ... Dun' take this th' wrong way, but yer jokes is a little... stiff.

Sènkha says: Pfft, your sense of humor's just gone cold.

Macglynn says: Say that tomb m'face!

Sènkha groans, but still has to think a little bit. "I think the embarrassment would kill you," she finally states, lamely adding, "...again."

Macglynn reaches over and pats her on the shoulder. "Y'git a gold star fer tryin'."

Sènkha says: I did try very hard. Puns are just...not really my thing. I don't think I'm quite witty enough for them.

Macglynn says: Ah always figgered Ah was jus' dumb enough fer 'em.

Sènkha says: No, it takes a special kind of wit to be punny. Most of my wit's the flirtatious kind.

Macglynn says: Demonstrate th' diff'rence.

Sènkha laughs. "Oh, Light. It's been a while. One second..." She reaches up and adjusts her robe so that it's giving a -far- better view of her chest. She turns a saucy grin on Oliver. "And what'll you do if I don't demonstrate the difference, hmm?"

Macglynn shrugs. "Ah guess Ah jes' won't know th' diff'rence." That said, he is eyeing her chest.

Sènkha folds her arms across her chest in such a way that it looks like she has -far- more cleavage than she actually does. "Really, I doubt you'd know the difference even if I -did- explain it."

Macglynn says: This ain't wit, this is stickin' yer tits in m'face fer a reaction!

Sènkha laughs, dropping her arms to her sides. "See, if you were just a customer in the bar, you'd respond with something like 'well why don't you show me and we can see' or something similarly horrible."
Sènkha says: And then I'd say more mocking things to try and crush your ego and you'd have to prove your manliness to me.
Sènkha says: And then sex.

Macglynn says: It maht'a worked better on me if'n Ah weren't dead.

Sènkha says: So you mean if you still had hormones to react to tits.

Macglynn says: Well sure, turn this all sah-incey.

Sènkha laughs and slowly tries to stand and seat herself on Oliver's lap. "Either way, you'd have been fun. Bet you would've come and danced with me lots and pretended not to see me tripping over my own feet."
Sènkha says: Like you do-- er. Did.

Macglynn says: If it means anythin', y'was gettin' real good.

Sènkha says: Mostly because I was borrowing from your knowledge.

Macglynn chuckles. "A cheater! Should'a known."

Sènkha snaps her fingers playfully. "Mm, guess I should've learned earlier that cheaters never prosper. Here's what I get, I suppose, for trying to learn to dance the easy way."

Macglynn says: Ah think that's a bit harsh! Ah'd 'a jus' settled with another naht out on th' ice.
Macglynn grins.

Sènkha says: Maybe I can get Shepard to make me an ice skating extension for these braces.

Macglynn is still holding his chicken, who's only stayed put for so long because she's eyeing a beetle slowly hiking its way across the fabric of Oliver's tabard. "Maybe y'kin put wheels on 'em!"

Sènkha says: Well then you'd push me down a hill or something.
Sènkha says: That wouldn't end well at all.

Macglynn says: Na' why d'yah reckon Ah'd do such a thing?

Sènkha gives Oliver a devilish grin, resting her arms around his shoulders. "Because it would make you laugh. At least until I ended up in a heap at the bottom of the hill."

Macglynn says: M'good lady, Ah may be a Knight 'a th' Ebon Blade, but Ah am not a twisted bastard.

Sènkha says: Well, good sir knight, it seems I have misjudged you most grievously. Praytell, how can I make up for my error in judgement?

Macglynn thinks for a moment. "Sex?"

Sènkha bursts out laughing and kisses Oliver on the forehead. "Twist my arm."

Macglynn says: Ah don't have to.

Sènkha says: ...sarcasm really is dead on you, isn't it?
Sènkha sticks her tongue out because she is mature.

Macglynn says: Jus' lahk ever'thin' else.

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