Sunday, April 17, 2011

Senkha, Oliver & Nialos: April 16

Macglynn says: Speakin' 'a vacation, it's vacation.

Sènkha says: Yes, yes it is.

Macglynn says: Whuttya wanna do?

Sènkha says: Hm. I'd...well. I mean. I know you don't want me poking around in your mind, so. That's out.

Macglynn says: It's... Ah'd not mind it, fer practice.

Sènkha frowns slightly and then lights up. "Wait, you need practice, too! Why don't you try it on me?"

Macglynn waves his hands. "No. Ain't gunna happen."

Sènkha says: Why not?

Nialos yells: Oi! I come to visit, and there ain't even a welcoming party?

Macglynn says: 'Cause y'know wh-

Sènkha yells: Dad?

Macglynn just stares at the door.

Nialos yells: No, I'm the tree- well. I guess they do talk, kind of.

Sènkha stands up...and nearly falls over, her legs are shaking so much. "--Light."

Macglynn gets up too. "Stay there. Ah kin get th' door."

Sènkha says: Right.
Sènkha sits back down.

Macglynn opens the door.

Nialos yells: This a bad time? I'll just- not be here.

Macglynn yells: Y'gunna come in, or y'gunna stand out there an' yell lahk a moron?

Nialos yells: ... Someone told me to wait!

Macglynn yells: Git th' hell in here.
Macglynn says: Lizards outsahd. Ah hope Emry don't fight 'im.

Nialos hops off his giant proto-drake, hitting its haunch. It flies away! "You have weird neighbors."

Macglynn says: Ain't met 'em yet.
Macglynn says: Welcome ta Surwich.
Macglynn grins.

Sènkha stays seated, though she's leaning forward in her seat and trying to get a look outside the door.

Nialos motions towards the door. "Erm, thanks! Was this, uh, a bad time? I didn't exactly mention this ahead of time."

Sènkha says: It's fine! Come on in! I'm just a little shaky's all. It's always a good time.
Sènkha says: ...unless we're-- well, never mind.

Nialos blinks, rolling the words around in his mouth. "I like saying 'time', huh...? And oh! Alright then."

Macglynn says: Senkha jus' became a knife.
Macglynn nods at Nialos.

Nialos says: She- what.

Sènkha says: I managed telekinesis.
Sènkha says: And also floating.

Nialos says: That's, uh. Really, really not normal for most people, I think.

Macglynn says: No, it really ain't, but y'kin color me impressed.

Nialos looks around the home, smiling. "This is very... Gilnean."

Sènkha says: Is it? Why are you lurking in the door, get in here.

Macglynn says: Gilnean settlement.

Sènkha is still leaning.
Sènkha leeeeeeeeeeeans.

Macglynn says: An' yeah, come in. Sit down.

Nialos says: Just. I'm not really used to Gilnean houses being so...
Nialos says: Not filled with bodies.

Macglynn says: Well'n COME IN an' fix that!

Nialos says: I am in!

Macglynn smacks Nialos upside the head.
Macglynn says: In more!

Nialos smacks Macglynn upside the head.
Nialos says: Happy?

Macglynn says: Better.

You smile at Nialos.
Sènkha says: Hi, Dad.

Nialos resumes looking around the home, smiling. "Hi there, dear- wow. You really did choose a fine one here."

Sènkha says: It's smaller than our house in Elwynn, but it's also...grander.
Sènkha says: I've never seen such high ceilings, except in Cathedrals or the Keep.

Nialos says: Gilnean. Gilneas and grand go together like... like...

Macglynn says: Gilneans seem t' take real pride in 'grandness'.

Nialos says: Dicks and Goldshire.

Macglynn says: Classy.
Macglynn fingerguns.

Nialos grunts. "Sorry. Been on the front too long, I guess."

Macglynn says: Well heck, y'lost somethin' there, 'cause y'jus' apahl'gized t'me 'bout not bein' classy.
Macglynn stares. Oliver, epitome of class.

Nialos chuckles heartily, switching his focus to Senkha. "So. A knife, huh?"

Sènkha indicates the knife on the table. "I'd show you again, but it's got me all worn out. Otherwise I'd be up there giving you a hug."
Sènkha says: Managed to shield myself from a brutal, if requested, assault. And then I floated. That was weird.

Nialos says: I- wait. What?

Macglynn says: Yeah, she spilled a bag 'a tricks or somethin'.

Sènkha reaches up and taps her temple lightly. She looks exhausted, though not in the same way she has since waking up--more in the "I just ran a fucking marathon" way. "I just started by trying to extend my inner wards outward and then moved on from there."

Nialos stares. Blankly. "Uh. Right."

Macglynn only gets it because he's bonded to her. It's okay, Nialos.

Sènkha says: It's...complicated. The good news is that this...mind stuff is good for more than just getting me kidnapped and almost dead.
Sènkha gives a thumbs up!

Nialos says: Really? Well, that's good. I'd hate to have to fight through hell again. Twice is enough.

Macglynn counts on his fingers. Has it really been only twice?

Nialos catches Oliver's counting, sighing. "Twice for me."

Sènkha frowns thoughtfully, apparently also counting inwardly. "...the pirates? Was that the first time?" she guesses.

Nialos shrugs, finally striding over towards Senkha. His arms are thrown open for a hug. "Not like it matters. For all my grumblings, I'd still punch Sargeras for you."

Macglynn 's hand drops and he shrugs as well. "Good news is it's been weeks since anythin' bad's happened."

Sènkha wraps her arms around Nialos' waist, hugging him tightly. "Actually, Dad, I'm really glad that you came. I wanted to write to you, but I hadn't gotten around to it yet."

Nialos snorts, returning the hug with equal effort. "Trust me, I've been getting enough. Orders this, orders that - not to mention that Shepard's letters have been pouring in like clockwork."
Nialos says: And really? A whole week? How has the world not ended again?

Sènkha says: I -think- that it's because we've had our comms off. That and only a few people know we're here.
Sènkha says: I was thinking...well. You know, it'd kind of be. I mean. I don't know if I asked before, because I might've been drunk. And it'd be mostly ceremonial at this point. But, um...
Sènkha drops her voice and speaks really quickly, "...I'dlikemymaidennametobeGarhelm."

Macglynn blinks at you.
Macglynn chuckles at you.

Nialos blinks, then looks back towards Oliver. "The hell did she say?"

Macglynn says: Ah dunno. Maybe y'should ask 'er ta repeat 'erself.

Sènkha 's cheeks are flushed, and she looks rather sheepish. "...I'd like my maiden name to be Garhelm. If, um. If that's alright with you. I know it's...well, legally pointless now. But, um. Well. It's the symbolism of the thing."

Nialos' gaze darts back to Senkha, something akin to shock apparent on his face. "... Wha- well. Sure!"

Sènkha says: Really?

Nialos says: Hah! Why not? You practically already are to begin with, like you said.
Nialos says: This, uh. This does mean, though, that you'd also have a new mother. Sort of.
Nialos says: Well, when we find her, I mean.

Macglynn wonders if Senkha has sparkleblood now.

Nialos thinks she doesn't need it; life's fucked up enough as it is.

Sènkha looks slightly wary at this. "Do you think she'd want me? And how's that going? I should be out there helping..."

Macglynn whispers: Vacation, Senkha.

Sènkha says: ...vacation. Right. Sorry.

Nialos snickers quietly, planting a kiss on Senkha's forehead. "She'd love you. Trust me. And, well. It's going... slowly. But surely."

Sènkha says: own mother was pretty awful, and Alma sounds great. So. A new mother would -not- be a bad thing at all.

Nialos says: Well then! It's settled. ... Wait, how does this even work.

Sènkha frowns slightly. "Well. I think now, it'd be mostly ceremonial, but we could go in to Stormwind and have it made legal and all that."

Nialos says: Hmm. Best hold off, then.

Sènkha says: Yes. But when we go back.

Nialos says: From what I heard on that damn comm, city's not the best place- and yes, yes. First thing.

Sènkha says: Mm, were you listening during the trial?, I shouldn't care, I really shouldn't.

Nialos says: Nah, I just caught the end. Nothin' your boys and girls can't handle, I'm sure.

Macglynn says: Whut th' hell is goin' on out there?

Sènkha says: ...we really do have odd neighbors, don't we.

Nialos says: Stupid.

Macglynn opens the door and peers outside.
Macglynn closes the door, shrugging.
Macglynn says: Hell if Ah know.

Sènkha says: I think we've more bizarre neighbors than we realize. But I think we're also pretty well-liked because we supply eggs and also dead demons.

Nialos steps off to the side. He decides to lean against the table with a smile. "Dead demons, huh?"

Macglynn says: Th' forest is full 'a demons. Whole damn area is. Ah kill 'em.

Nialos gives Oliver a thumbs up! "Good! ... Wait, when did this forest even sprout up?"
Nialos says: I sure as hell don't remember it.

Macglynn shrugs. Who knows?
Macglynn says: No clue!

Nialos says: Delightful!
Nialos says: Random forests, demons... it's almost like the wars again.

Sènkha says: It's probably been here a while, just got found again after the Cataclysm. Dad, you should spend the night and you two should go out hunting in the morning.
Sènkha smiles up at Oliver fondly. "I've not seen Oliver looking this healthy--mostly--since I met him."

Macglynn says: It's true. Y'don't feel lahk a jackass fer killin' demons.

Nialos says: Well. Guess I could spend the night. But.

Sènkha says: But?

Nialos says: The idea of a random forest? Reminds me of the Blackwald.

Sènkha says: What's the Blackwald?

Macglynn says: Th' whut na'?

Nialos says: It's an old, creepy forest back home in Gilneas. Kinda like this place.
Nialos says: Always... well, scared me. As a kid.

Sènkha says: I wish it wasn't a warzone. I wish I could see it for myself. Did you live close to it?

Nialos says: Fairly. Was fine during the day!

Macglynn says: ... Wait.

Nialos says: Then, uh. Then it wasn't during the night. Bunch of creepy buggers. And giant spiders.

Macglynn says: Was this th' place Shep's home was at?

Sènkha says: Oh wait, I -have- been there, haven't I? When Shepard ran off that one time.

Nialos says: Hm? What?

Macglynn says: Ah r'member a creepy forest, anyway. But Ah reckon they's ever'where.

Sènkha says: I can't remember why, but Shepard ran off to Gilneas. We ended up following him and that's when I found out that he's yours. Saw his old house, too.

Nialos says: Huh. Not much left of it.

Sènkha says: There isn't. Did you see the pages all over the place there?

Nialos says: Didn't pay much attention to that kind of thing. Was too busy cursin' up a storm.
Nialos says: Spent weeks buildin' that damn place... the door alone took days.
Nialos lets out a long, drawn-out sigh.

Macglynn says: This place makes y'think 'a home.

Nialos says: Before all this- this Forsaken business? Yeah.

Sènkha wrinkles her nose. "I hope that the Horde drops the pretense and that we can kill that Sylvanas bitch and put an end to all of this."
Sènkha says: I can almost see the argument they'd have for holding onto Lordaeron...most of them used to -live- there...but taking Gilneas?

Nialos says: Well, they ain't gettin' it without a fight. Gilneas has always been home to stubborn dogs. Now it's just a literal thing.

Macglynn chuckles.

Sènkha says: How's the fighting there?

Nialos says: Plague-y.
Nialos glances to Oliver. "Few of the Forsaken Knights have thrown their lot in with Sylvanas - had to put them down."

Macglynn says: She's taken a few 'a our Knights by force.

Sènkha says: ...can she -do- that?

Nialos says: Aye, I know. Heard about Koltira.
Nialos says: As for if she can... well. It hasn't gone unnoticed. Few grumblings in the Hold.

Macglynn says: Few's a unnerstatement.
Macglynn says: Thassarian's furious.

Nialos says: But, we're stuck in the same situation as the Crusade.

Sènkha says: ...weren't they lovers?
Sènkha says: Thassarian and Koltira? That was the rumor, anyway.

Macglynn blinks at you.
Macglynn says: Uh.

Nialos blinks, then cackles madly. "Oh- oh Light."
Nialos says: They'll never live that down, huh?

Macglynn laughs maniacally.
Macglynn says: Light, they says that outside 'a th' Hold, too?
Macglynn laughs.

Sènkha says: Well...I mean. We never knew for sure, you know, when we were stationed with the Ebon Blade in Icecrown. -That- was a cheerful lot, let me tell you.

Nialos quietly snickers to himself.

Sènkha says: But...-were- they?

Nialos says: We, uh. Don't know?

Macglynn says: Whut he said.

Sènkha says: Oh. I thought...I thought it was kind of like a hivemind collective thing.

Macglynn says: ...

Nialos says: Erm. Not quite.

Sènkha says: Oh.

Macglynn says: Ah'd hate t'be still stuck in a hivemind with most 'a those idiots.

Nialos says: The last link died with Arthas, thank the Light.

Sènkha says: Well, I mean before. That was the rumor. That they were lovers while they were in the Scourge and then it was the bad thing about being freed...the -only- bad thing. That they had to fight against each other.

Macglynn says: Th' skurge don't make rumors.
Macglynn stares you down.

Sènkha says: No, the Scourge didn't make the rumors, it's just what we heard.

Nialos says: Hah, well. It's- they're just very, very close.
Nialos says: It's a... rivalry.
Nialos looks at Macglynn.
Nialos says: Right?

Macglynn shrugs. "Ah never cared t' think about it."

Nialos shrugs. Who knows?

Sènkha says: ...huh.

Nialos says: Still waitin' to see what Thassarian will even do, though. Not like he's got a giant support group going for him.

Sènkha says: You mean in Andorhal?

Nialos says: Eh. It's complicated.
Nialos says: If we support him, the Horde will say we've gone Alliance solely. If we don't? Well. We just lose.
Nialos says: He can try rallying help from those who fought in Andorhal, but.
Nialos shrugs. Who knows?

Sènkha says: Well, obviously the Alliance supports him.

Macglynn says: Whut's worse is diplomacy risks more 'a us bein' forced t' her will.

Sènkha says: ...we should just set her on fire.

Macglynn says: But th' Ebon Blade kin't declare war on th' whole Horde.

Sènkha says: That will solve everything.
Sènkha says: Also it would be really funny.

Nialos quietly snickers to himself.

Macglynn smiles softly. "It would be."

Nialos says: Bet the Highlord is tearin' his hair out over this mess.

Macglynn sighs. "Ah'm 'bout ready ter."

Macglynn says: But fuck it. Vacation.

Nialos says: Enjoy it while it lasts, then.

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