Friday, April 22, 2011

Mairèad & Chadley: April 21

Mairèad says: Much better. Light, there should be laws against that.

Chadley says: I like sitting here. The canal doesn't look like sludge at this part, and there's no noise.

Mairèad says: It's probably th'cleanest part in th'canals, unless you go to the outer edge of town.
Mairèad says: Otherwise... if y'get too close to Old Town, you find all th'poisons and if yer too close t'where the Park used t'be, it's all ash and sludge.

Chadley says: It's sort of a black color around the Dwarven District as well. I hear they dump their refuse in their lava canals in ironforge. Probably do the same here.

Mairèad says: Ugh. I'm glad I haven't been swimmin' in th'canals...jest th'lakes outside a' town.

Chadley says: ... I fell in once.
Chadley scowls.

Mairèad wrinkles her nose and shakes her head. "I'm sorreh. Hope y'got cleaned up rill good after. Say, how's yer trainin' comin' along? Is Stehlfire bein' good to you?"

Chadley says: ... It's funny you mention that. I was just thinking about how... well, easy it's been. Perhaps 'easy' isn't the correct word, but compared to what I was expecting from him?

Mairèad brightens some. "So he hasn't been beatin' on you too hard, then? What have you been doin'?"

Chadley says: Not... at all, really. Not beyond what you'd expect from training. It's like those first two days he was just trying to scare me off.
Chadley says: And, well, today I tried learning shielding.
Chadley says: Keyword being 'tried'.

Mairèad says: How'd you do?

Chadley says: ... Figured my saying 'tried' was a hint enough.

Mairèad chuckles at this, reaching back to touch her own shield lightly. "What'd he have t'say about that?"

Chadley waves a hand. "Oh, no, I didn't mean shields like that. I meant holy shields. And he told me it wasn't a problem. Guess it's not something anybody gets right away."

Mairèad nods. "Yahar, most 'a the things y'learn ent stuff y'get right away. I think th'onleh reason I was so quick about thin's was 'cause I'd had lots 'a practice on th'ship."

Chadley nods, giving a sigh as he does. "Yeah. I guess I'm just jealous."

Mairèad 's smile fades, and she shakes her head. "Don't be jealous, Chad. I could nevarrr heal th'way you amount 'a trainin' would change that."

Chadley says: I don't want to be stuck healing all my life.

Mairèad says: Why not?

Chadley says: Because that's just not how I want to spend my life. I don't want to hide behind everybody or wait around inside until after everybody's been-

Mairèad looks at Chadley and, after a moment, reaches to squeeze his hand. "Y'know, even if I'm protectin' people, I get absolutely nowhere without havin' someone healin' me. Imagine if I stood between a village and a dragon, and I charged in without someone healin' me. It'd bite me in half, and th'village would be saved fer exactly five seconds longer than if I'd jest stayed home."
Mairèad says: So I mean. It's yer life, but...people like you are rilly needed.

Chadley says: I'm of no use stuck in the Cathedral or whatever barracks I'm shipped off to. It's mostly corpses that get brought to me.

Mairèad says: Once you've got some more trainin', you should see about joinin' up with a unit, like th'Division. Light, I didn't tell you, did I? Stehlfire's me new commandin' officer.

Chadley blinks at you.

Mairèad says: What?

Chadley says: Y-you didn't tell me that! You're in-
Chadley looks at her tabard. "You're in the Seventh Legion now?"

Mairèad says: Onleh as of a few days ago. I kin't ship out until I'm ordained, but I guess I impressed them.
Mairèad sounds more embarrassed than proud, as if she doesn't want to seem like she's bragging.

Chadley says: That's amazing! Where are you shipping out to, when you do?

Mairèad says: I don't know fer sure's mostly classified information. They jest killed a shark whale, though, which means they're badass.
Mairèad says: I jest hope I don't get dead.

Chadley says: I heard about that.
Chadley says: I don't think you'll die, either.

Mairèad says: Rilly?
Mairèad looks up at Chadley, chewing on her lower lip.

Chadley says: It took you less than half a year to have your ordination. They don't just hand those out to anybody.

Mairèad nods and smiles slightly. "Though, t'be fair, I've been fightin' most 'a me life. But...y'rilly think I'll be alright?"

Chadley says: Not if you keep thinking you won't be like that.

Mairèad 's smile broadens and she leans over to kiss Chadley on the cheek. "Yer the onleh one not in th'unit what hasn't said I'm crazy fer this. I jest wanted t'go where I could do th'most good, y'know?"

Chadley says: Yeah. Welcome to how I feel. And you might be a bit crazy... I'd definitely not want to throw myself in with the elite right at first.

Mairèad says: Well. I've nevarrr thought you were crazy fer wantin' to be a palerdin, so fair's fair. And...yahar, I know. It's early. But...if I kin protect people better in th'Legion, I wanna do that.

Chadley says: I more meant the 'wanting to be somewhere you can do good'. Nobody's ever actually tried to dissuade me from becoming a paladin, except my mom.

Mairèad nods, looking back out over the water. "Thing is, y'don't necessarily hafta be a fighter t'be doin' th'most good."

Chadley sighs. "I know. We even just talked about this. But it's just what I want to do."

Mairèad says: Then I'll try and help you all I kin. I'm tryin'a learn a new style 'a fightin''s th'way Mr. Crowe usually fights, but I'm no good with big swords and maces like he is. Mebbe we could practice together.

Chadley says: A two-handed weapon?
Chadley smiles, just barely. "Do they make them in your size?"

Mairèad giggles. "I think that's half th'problem. Most 'a the two-handed weapons I've found are taller'n I am!"

Chadley says: Maybe find one made for Dwarves.

Mairèad says: Mebbe, or jest a rilly big one-handed weapon.
Mairèad says: What's Stehlfire have you usin'?

Chadley says: ... My fists, mostly.
Chadley looks down at his hands in his lap and flexes his fingers. There's an audible crack.

Mairèad blinks and looks at Chadley's hands. "...did you break yer hands?" she asks after a moment, sounding like she's torn between amused and concerned.

Chadley shakes his head, feeling out his left hand with his right. "No, not broken. Just... abused. I punched a tree hard enough to crack it today."

Mairèad says: Wow, congratulations. I punched a wergin th'other day, though I don't think that's as impressive.

Chadley says: He showed me how to apply a seal to my fist to strengthen my blows. So it wasn't really me doing it as much as it was the Light. Why did you punch a worgen?

Mairèad says: Because he was bein' dumb and tried t'bite me.

Chadley says: Tried to -bite- you?!

Mairèad says: Mmhm. Fortunately, I don't think he'd be allowed t'Stormwind if he was still feral and able t'pass on th'curse.
Mairèad says: But me and Mr. Crowe tag-teamed him and kinda crushed his head like a walnut. Then he scratched me armor and ran off.

Chadley says: Light. I hope the guard caught him and put him down.

Mairèad shakes her head. "Not as far's I know. He tried t'walk up to me today and do his sad puppy routine. I told him to get lost and some other wergin started yellin' at me and callin' me a wergin-hater."

Chadley says: Aren't you sleeping with one.

Mairèad shakes her head. "Nooo, not yet. I mean. I want to, but he's...well. He's nevarrr done anythin' before, save fer me kissin' him. It's a, um. Process. That I don't mind much, usually."

Chadley says: No, if I can recall, you actually quite enjoy the process.

Mairèad says: Most 'a the time. It's jest slower'n a great whale swimming t'Northrend.
Mairèad says: Which...I -think-, I don't why I went nuts and did stuff with Luke.

Chadley says: I really hope you don't intend on starting your own collection of pants.

Mairèad says: Oh Light no. Trust me, if it were up t'me, I'd jest be with Shep, always. Shep or you, but that's mostly 'cause I know there's not much I could do t'make you hate me, so there'd be nothin' to worry about.
Mairèad says: But...if y'wanna rilly be with someone, they gotta want you, too. And he does. Jest...
Mairèad sighs. "How am I in the fuckin' Seventh Legion and talkin' about this."

Chadley shrugs a shoulder. "You're just a person. If you're smart, your life won't be the military."
Chadley says: You can have problems outside of practicing your salute.

Mairèad says: That's true. Light, I wonder if you'd end up in th'Seventh, too, 'cause Stehlfire is yer trainer?

Chadley laughs. "As the medic, told to go sit back in the barracks some more, maybe. No way I could keep up with the elite."

Mairèad says: Hey, y'nevarrr know. But if you did end up bein' back in th'barracks or back at camp, that'd be pretty wicked. At least I'd be able to look forward to seein' you immediately after we finished.

Chadley smiles. "I guess so. I'd be out of this city, anyway."

Mairèad says: This city's nuts. Say, next time Shep takes me to Dalaran, y'wanna come with me?
Mairèad says: There's nobody there, and it's -rilly- beautiful. ...well. Except in th'Purple Parlor. There it's jest -rilly- tall.

Chadley 's expression lights up. "Dalaran? You've been going to Dalaran? If there's one thing I miss about the North it's that city. I'd -love- to go."

Mairèad grins broadly and nods. "Good! Next time Shep's in th'city, I'll ask if you kin come with us. It's a shame you two don't talk more often. I think you'd be rilly good friends."

Chadley says: Have you seen the size of the library there? You can't even see the -ceiling-. And what makes you say that?

Mairèad starts to say something, but then changes her mind and says something else. "You've got a lotta th'same interests. Shep's th'kinda guy what you could jest give books to ferever and he'd nevarrr want anythin' else."

Chadley says: Well. I do put them down eventually, but... If you insist he's not an ass, I'll trust that.

Mairèad says: Have y'evarrr talked to him, besides that one time we went out to eat?

Chadley says: Not really, no. I don't "talk to" people.

Mairèad says: Except me.

Chadley says: That's because you talked endlessly at me until I had no choice but talk back. Stehl used the same method.
Chadley says this flatly.

Mairèad doesn't look at all sorry for this. "Well, you were th'onleh person I knew what was me own age. And now y'kin't imagine life without me, yahar?"

Chadley says: To be honest, I thought you were dead until a few months ago.
Chadley says: But now you're the closest thing to family I have.

Mairèad says: ...same. I mean. I've got me mam, but she'll probably hightail it outta port th'second I'm ordained. And Cap'n Teach doesn't count.

Chadley says: I've just got... you, after Southshore. I mean, I guess I've got-
Chadley begins to groan.

Mairèad squeezes Chadley's hand. "You don't hafta count him if y'don't want to. I know it's what he wants, but you gotta want it, too."

Chadley 's hands clench. The one she holds wraps not intentionally around hers, hers just happens to be there. "I don't want to hear what he wants."

Mairèad says: I know y'don't. Which is why I don't evarrr say when he's told me t'say hi.
Mairèad says: ...Chad, would you replace him? I mean, if someone what you thought was a better dad came along.

Chadley says: Why do you think my last name is Fairdale?
Chadley suddenly realizes he's clenching her hand and drops it. He looks down at the canal, trying very hard not to blink.

Mairèad says: Did you rilly like Uncle Thomas more than y'liked yer old dad?
Mairèad rests both hands in her lap, apparently unphased by Chadley's clench of doom.

Chadley still looks at the water, still unblinking. "He wasn't as... fun, I guess. Or interesting. But he was there, and he helped me learn to read and write, and everything else I missed out on."

Mairèad says: ...that's kinda what Mr. Crowe's been fer me, onleh more than that. It''s different, fer girls.

Chadley says: How so?

Mairèad says: He's taught me so much, but he also makes it rilly clear that if anyone evarrr hurts me, he'll tear their faces off and stick 'em to his shoulders like Mr. Lius does.
Mairèad says: And...I mean. I like bein' able to take care 'a meself. I like that I don't need someone to -let- me fight.
Mairèad says: But...I guess it's jest good to know that there's someone what's always willin' and able t'know who -you- are and remind you. Does that make sense?

Chadley scratches under an eye. "I guess. Maybe."
Chadley says: Not really.

Mairèad wrinkles her nose. "It's hard to explain. All I know's that I didn't realize there was anythin' missin' from that part 'a me life until Mr. Crowe and me talked th'other night. I told him what Cap'n Teach said and...Light, th'look on his face."
Mairèad says: Shep'd kill fer me in a heartbeat, but not even he looked that pissed when I told him. He jest held me and told me I was his sunshine.

Chadley says: Well, it was pretty disgusting.

Mairèad 's cheeks flush. "Yahar, it was."

Chadley makes a face. "I really didn't need to know he calls you that."

Mairèad says: He doesn't. He calls me Straps.

Chadley says: ... Straps.

Mairèad says: Mmhm.

Chadley says: I don't get it.

Mairèad says: 'Cause I latch onto him, like straps.

Chadley begins to groan.
Chadley says: Why did I ask.

Mairèad says: 'Cause yer curious.

Chadley says: I often regret my curious nature.
Chadley says: It's only balanced out by the fact that I'm often too cowardly to act on my curiosity.

Mairèad says: Mm, you probably get into a lot fewer awkward situations than Shep, then. Mebbe you could teach him a thing or two.
Mairèad says: And he could do the same.

Chadley says: A thing or two about what?

Mairèad says: Errythin'.

Chadley says: I'm... not sure I really have anything to teach anybody, Mair.
Chadley says: But I'll talk to him because I should humor my best friend.

Mairèad says: You teach me a lot. You help me be more down to earth, not so flighty and silly. You taught me what it rilly meant to be a palerdin. You taught me what it's like to have a family.
Mairèad says: Not to mention that most 'a me book knowledge comes from you. No time fer readin' much beyond charts onboard.

Chadley smiles. "Down to earth? Is my miserable attitude contagious?"

Mairèad grins back, leaning forward on her lap to look at Chadley sideways. "Sometimes. Yer jest more serious about life than I am. Sometimes, that's not so great, but I think it's helped me be realistic."

Chadley says: I find that the moment I grow comfortable with something, it tends to be destroyed. I don't like complaining because I know my life could be worse, but that's why I ditched my idealism.

Mairèad says: Well, yer comfortable with me, right? And I'm still here, despite tryin' to destroy us. You kin still call on th'Light, too. Rilly well. Right?

Chadley laughs. "I've been giving pretty pathetic displays lately when I call on it. And you're right, you're still here. Somehow."

Mairèad reaches over and kisses Chadley on the corner of the mouth again. "Always will be. Promise."

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