Friday, April 15, 2011

Mairèad & Shepard: April 14

Mairèad says: ...Shep?

Shépard is staring intently at the moat.

Mairèad says: It is you! When did you git back?! Light, I've missed you so much, I know you've onleh been gone a few days, but it's be-- what're y'lookin' at?
Mairèad latches on!

Shépard sputters like he's been hit in the gut, shushing Mairead as he continues staring.
Shépard says: ... I'm trying to see. If there are fish in there.

Mairèad looks down into the moat. "I, um. Don't think there're fish in th'king's moat. Mostly in th'canals and fountains. When did you git back?" she asks quietly.

Shépard 's shoulders sag as he looks to Mairead - the normal worgen glow of the eyes is somewhat more pronounced. "About- uh. An hour ago?"

Mairèad says: Oh! If I'd known, I would've stuck around Cathedral Square instead of goin' to the library. Are...yer eyes're rilly bright tonight.

Shépard says: Really? Maybe it's the moonlight. Or- hm. Hey, did you get my gift?

Mairèad's slightly concerned expression melts into her usual bright smile. "I did! How'd you know it was exactly what I needed? I haven't started drinkin' it yet, since it jest got here, but I thought I'd break into it tonight and have a pity party."

Shépard says: Why a pity party? Did something happen? ... Was it Conobar's fault?

Mairèad says: Oh Light, no. Not Conobar...he hasn't shown his face since y'kicked 'is ass. No, it was me dad this time.

Shépard's eyebrows knit together in concern, a hand coming to rest on Mairead's shoulder. "Your father? Did he hurt you? How badly? Do you need anything?"

Mairèad's eyes go somewhat wide. Shepard is touching -her-. "Not physically, no. He jest...said some nasty shit, and was gen'rally an embarrassment to 'umanity in general."

Shépard says: That's -awful-. Tell me all about it.
Shépard says: Actually, let's go somewhere more peaceful. And not near a ledge.

Mairèad says: ...alright. D'you wanna go where we usually go?

Shépard says: Uh. Hrm. How about. Oh hey!
Shépard says: Wanna go to Dalaran?

Mairèad says: Oh! ...sure?

Shépard nudges Mairead, effectively telling her to scoot back. "Alright, um. Step over there."

Mairèad steps back, eyebrows almost up to her hairline.

Shépard claps his hands together, a thin arcane mist creeping up along his palms. "Okay. I've- I can do this."

Mairèad just watches, eyes wide.

Shépard says: Hah!

Mairèad says: Is it safe?

Shépard says: ... Uh.
Shépard says: Maybe?

Mairèad exhales slowly and nods. "I'll trust you."
Mairèad steps through the portal!

[they reach Dalaran, via portal]

Shépard says: Oh look! It worked.

Mairèad 's eyes have gone from dinner-plate-sized to moon-sized. "Holy shit, Shep..." She's looking around with an amazed smile on her face. "Y'did it! Light, it's so...-purple-!"

Shépard says: It is, isn't it? They have a horrible decor going on here, though. The tables are -huge-.
Shépard says: I feel bad for the Gnomes here.

Mairèad says: Why d'you feel bad fer th'Gnomes?

Shépard says: I- well. C'mon, I'll show you.

Mairèad says: ...ooh, Light!
Mairèad says: That's Highlord Fordring and the statue for the war against th'Lich King, isn't it?

Shépard says: That's the memorial for the Lich King's defeat.

Mairèad smiles up at Shepard and reaches back to take his hand, not quite thinking. "I saw him, you know. Highlord Fordring. He's not that tall in rill life."
Mairèad says: But he makes y'feel good, jest bein' around him.

Shépard chuckles softly. There's no fliching or freezing, or even a real reaction. "Bet he isn't as golden, either."
Shépard looks about, muttering quietly to himself. "Let's see... the lounge is over- ah, this way."

Mairèad says: Sort of. His armor glows, like most palerdins', and he's got-- lounge? Lead th'way. I wanna see where y'do yer livin'.
You look at Drool.
Mairèad says: Fersakin...
Mairèad says: I kin't believe they're allowed here.

Shépard says: Mm. Sadly, they're still allowed here.
Shépard says: Neutral city.

Mairèad says: Nn. Well. Lead on, then, love.

Shépard says: Anyway! Off to the lounge with a funny name!
Shépard says: This is where I eat.

Mairèad says: Leg-er-de-main. Ooh, how fancy! Is the food any good?

Shépard says: The best around, I think. No magic used, even.
Shépard says: Something about good meals fostering productive students.

Mairèad says: I believe it! I always think better on a full stomach. ...izzat a whale in that picture?

Shépard says: Ah. That.
Shépard says: It's, uh. There for shock value, I think. Amy and I joked about it last night.

Mairèad says: Amy? Who's that?

Shépard says: Friend of mine from Stormwind. Her mother recently had her enrolled here, too.

Mairèad says: Oh. It's good that yer makin' friends in Dalaran.
Mairèad somehow manages not to fly into a frothing rage at the idea of Shepard with another female. PROGRESS.

Shépard says: Yes, except that she's six years younger than me.

Mairèad is relieved! Though she doesn't show it in either her face or voice, just a little in her smile. "Aww, she must rilly look up t'you, then."

Shépard snorts, shaking his head. "And yet, she could probably weave a spell better than me." A quiet laugh. "That's me - bested by a child."

Mairèad holds onto Shepard's hand with both hands now, looking up at him with concern. "Shep...yer jest startin' out. You kin't expect t'be Rhonin overnight."

Shépard huffs very much like a child would. "But mother, I want magical power and experience -now-." A blink, then a mischievous giggle.

Mairèad -stares-. Who are you and what have you done with Shepard. She manages an impish grin in return, after a moment, saying, "Well, yer jest gunna hafta wait 'til yer older."

Shépard says: You just don't understand. You didn't have the ability to magically alter the fabric of reality with your mind like me.

Mairèad says: ...kin you rilly do that?
Mairèad is still holding onto Shepard's hand.

Shépard gestures towards the large assembly of free tables with his other hand. "Well. Not yet."

Mairèad nods and, not letting go of Shepard's hand, walks over to one of the tables to sit. "Let me know when y'kin. I'd love t'see lotsa different historical things."

Shépard says: Oh, really? You'd have to be quiet as a mouse. Otherwise, you'd have the Bronze Dragonflight after my non-existent tail.

Mairèad says: I kin be very quiet when I need t'be.
Mairèad says: Make a mouse look like Stehlfire.

Shépard says: Silly and loud with questionable tastes?

Mairèad says: And on fire.

Shépard throws his head back, laughing like it were natural. "Anyway, enough with the playful banter. What's this about your father?"

Mairèad blinks several times at the abrupt change in direction, still holding Shepard's hand. "...well. He found me in th'Square a couple'a days ago. I thought he'd prolly jest ask if he had t'pay fer me agin, but..."
Mairèad says: He was lookin' fer a dorf, and when he found out th'dorf hit on me, he got rill upset.
Mairèad says: I asked him why he cared, and he said, rilly loud, "CAUSE YER ME DAAAUUUUGHTERRRRR."

Shépard leans back at the sudden imitation, eyes wide. "Really? He said -that-?"

Mairèad says: Yelled it, more like.
Mairèad says: Before I could say anythin', he said, "But then agin, I tried hittin' on you th'first time I met you, so I kin't blame 'im." And he laughed.

Shépard says: Well, that's just... awkward.

Mairèad says: The best part was that at the end, he said, "Hey! At least I gotta hot daughter!" And laughed some more.
Mairèad says: Not e'en awkward-like...more like he was in a bar and celebratin'.

Shépard coughs into his fist, forcing a smile. "That's, uh. That's- well."

Mairèad says: Awful?

Shépard gently pats Mairead' hand. "Very. But I'm supposed to be supportive and uplifting in my approach."

Mairèad has let go of Shepard's hand and is now resing her head in both of her hands, letting her hair fall in her face.
Mairèad says: Mm, I kinna don't want supportive and upliftin' now. I jest... Shep, y'know. I'm rilly glad that th'first thing you thought of when y'met me wasn't "I'd like t'fuck that."

Shépard says: I believe my first thought was...
Shépard says: "Who is this girl, and Light is she tiny."

Mairèad says: And I know you'll prolly never love me th'way I love you, but at least I kin rest assured that if y'evarrr do, it's not 'cause you wanna put it in me.

Shépard says: I'd probably phrase it differently. Like. 'Hammer your shield', or 'Light your Cathedral'.

Mairèad 's head is still resting in her hands, face somewhat buried. "I've had sex lotsa times. Not with lotsa people, but...I've nevarrr made love. Isn't that sad?"

Shépard says: Not really.
Shépard says: I doubt many people our age "make love", preferring to romp around without abandon. That's less... stressful.

Mairèad shakes her head. "Not when you sit down and think about it. Then y'realize that every. fuckin'. bloke. in your life jest wanted you fer your body, nothin' else. Except fer you and Chad."

Shépard leans forward, smiling. "Well, that's the thing, Mairead. You've thought about it."

Mairèad sighs, shoulders shrugging almost involuntarily. She seems like she might be crying. "Sometimes, I wish I hadn't. It was much easier when I jest thought...when I thought I could jest have fun. But now I gotta wonder what I rilly have t'offer anyone."

Shépard reaches out, running a hand down Mairead's back. "Well. I'm glad you're here- and I think you've got plenty to offer."

Mairèad looks up at this contact; her eyes are red. For a moment, she looks like she wants to say something about his hand on his back, but instead, she just asks dully, "Like what?"

Shépard says: For one, you make me smile. That's like- like moving a mountain. And you make me feel warm? Almost like- like the sun? You just.
Shépard holds his hand on Mairead's back, staring hard, clearly thinking. "You've got a way about you that isn't innocnet, but that's good. You're sobering."
Shépard says: I almost feel like- well. Hm. How to phrase this... like the day won't be completely horrible. And I'm sure you do that for more people than you know.

Mairèad blinks at Shepard a few times. "That's...y'rilly feel that way about me, Shep?" she asks hoarsely.

Shépard smiles cheerfully, resuming the back-stroking action. "'Course. You're my friend, Mairead. My best friend, even. That already means you're of greater value than a book to me."

Mairèad hesitates a moment and then scoots her chair over so that she's close enough to rest her head on Shepard's shoulder. "That's exactly how I feel about you," she tells him after a moment, in a very low voice. "Exactly."

Shépard slides his entire arm around Mairead now. "See, you're worth your weight in gold. I'm biased, but."
Shépard says: I wouldn't spend you on the greatest books ever written. Because. Something heartfelt and emotional.

Mairèad looks up at Shepard with an almost reluctant smile, her arms instinctually going around his waist. "Somethin' heartfelt and emotional, huh? Wait'll I tell th'Stormwind papers how bad you've gotten with words since y'started usin' magic."
Mairèad says: They'll be heartbroken.

Shépard shakes his head; there's a small trail of residual energy left behind, clearly coming from the eyes. "I haven't lost my touch. Honest. Just. I don't know."

Mairèad says: It's okay. Bein' poetic on th'spot ent easy. I've been tryin' since Mr. Crowe made me his squire.
Mairèad sighs softly and looks back down, still resting very much against Shepard. "I miss you so much when y'ent in Stormwind. It's colder."

Shépard says: Well, maybe I can bring you here for visits, then. I was told that relaxation is important to my studies.
Shépard says: Then we both benefit - we're together like old times, and we're out of Stormwind.

Mairèad smiles up at Shepard again, most of the worry gone from her features. "D'you sleep here, too? Or d'you sleep down in th'woods? I know there's woods down there, even though I haven't seen 'em."

Shépard says: Yes, there are woods. But giant, glowing trees aren't really that great for sleeping.
Shépard says: I sleep in Mar-- my mentor's home. She cast a ward around it; no magic gets in during the day.

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