Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Stehl & Chadley: April 20

Stehl says: So. How're your arms.

Chadley drops down onto the nearest bench. "Sore."

Stehl says: Sucks to be you. Today you learn how to make your punches count.

Chadley says: You're going to make me punch the tree now, aren't you.

Stehl says: No. Stand up.

Chadley stands up and faces Stehl. "Okay?"

Stehl says: Over here.

Chadley approaches not with obvious apprehension, but it's there.

Stehl taps the middle of his tabard, the golden circle, "Hit that as hard as you can."

Stargul takes a seat on the bench.

Stehl 's various flames flicker briefly.

Chadley looks at Stehl skeptically. "... Alright." He steps forward, balls his fist, winds his arm back, and punches directly in the center of Stehl's chest. His hand contacts with a loud clang and he pulls back, shaking it out.
Chadley says: Son of a bitch!

Stehl draws his fist back uttering, "My turn!" Before he gives his squire a chance to properly react, his arm shoots out like a piston to hit Chadley in the center of his tabard. Just an average blow for him.

Rhiawyn glances over her shoulder curiously at the sound of the blow landing.

Stargul says: Crazy lad.

Chadley is impacted directly in his chest, not having had the time at all to recover. He falls backwards onto the ground with a crash of metal, now coughing. "You didn't say you were-!"
You let out a hacking cough.

Stargul says: Ya need some 'elp lad?

Rhiawyn says: I say, what in the world? Are you all right?

Stehl says: As you can see, there's a huge difference between your physical strength and mine. Also a huge difference between our armor, but that's not the main point.
Stehl says: Now. How are you going to make it so you don't break your hand and still manage to get a good blow in?

Marodox looks at the man lecturing the other, sitting, man.

Chadley gets his wind back and looks up, now noticing the scene they've caused. Before he can react to any of them, he looks back up at Stehl. "I... don't know?"

Marodox smiles at Sophea.

Sophea waves at Marodox.

Rhiawyn places her hands on her hips, foot tapping. "I hope you didn't break a rib on the boy."

Marodox blushes and turns around.

Stargul says: Speak for yourself lass. I hope a rib di' break. Builds character ya know.

Sophea chuckles softly and finds a seat near the fountain.

Rhiawyn says: There's surely better ways to build character than busting a bone or two.

Marodox says: Did the boy agree to this abuse?

Stargul says: Scars to us men are trophies lass. It be a law of manitude.

Rhiawyn says: I thought scars were reminders to duck in the future.

Marodox sighs, rubbing the scar on his stomach.

Stargul says: ... Only if in places they'll kill ye.

Stehl holds his fist in the air, his armor glowing faintly. For a moment the glow intensifies, before it rushes along his amor and to his hand, "You put more energy into your aura and focus it on your fist. And he agreed to be my squire."

Chadley curls and arm around his side as Stehl speaks, pressing his fingers into his ribs. Did he break one? Good question. He winces as he presses a bruise, allowing a flicker of light to illuminate it for a second. He looks around again at the people.

Stehl says: I warned him multiple times before this point, and offered chances to step out. So.

Chadley frowns and climbs back up to his feet.

Rhiawyn hides a smile behind a hand. "Do you normally bust your squires on their backsides like that?"

Chadley turns around. "I'm fine. Kindly let it be."

Marodox says: His rib may be badly injured, which would require medical attention.

Stehl says: Same as I was taught, yes. Example is the best teacher. Not preaching and droning.

Stargul says: Lad, perhaps if ye want ter build strength, ye coul' go a few roun's with me. Jus' wrestlin' though. Don' like ta shock men in metal.

Chadley 's tone grows a little sharp. "I said I'm -fine-."

Marodox shrugs. Who knows?

Stargul says: Lad, I was offerin' ta help ya ge' stronger.

Rhiawyn looks at Marodox. "I guess if he says he's fine, he's fine." She looks up to Stehl. "Bust him another one, I guess," she adds with a grin.

Sophea pauses a moment, then shakes her head and continues on her way.

Marodox says: Cruel people.

Chadley swallows. He takes a moment to find his temper and sighs. "I don't need help. That's the point of this. But thank you."

Stehl unclenches his fist, the energy gathered in it dissipating, "Where was I? Right, if you do that thing I did? You'll have a... 'harder' fist, correct? Like iron instead of that pudgy excuse for flesh."

Marodox mutters to himself.

Rhiawyn waves a hand dismissively. "If you need patchin' up I'll be over there."

Chadley looks down at his hand and clenches his fist again. "I've been practicing my aura. I still don't think I could apply it like this, though."

Stargul stands up, summoning a static charge around himself.

Chadley jumps a little at the sudden burst of electricity.

Stargul says: Lad, yer a pansy.

Stehl says: Try it. You have...

You stare Stargul down.

Stehl reaches into his tabard and pulls out a suspiciously broken pocketwatch, "Three minutes."

Marodox says: Just waiting for a friend.

Stargul waves to Chadley and walks away.

Stehl says: Once your three minutes are up, punch me.

Chadley peers at the watch. "Does that thing even work?"

Stehl says: Repeat until you succeed. Begin.

Chadley blinks. "Wait, I asked-" He throws up an arm in frustration and then closes his eyes, trying to concentrate. A pale glow begins to form at his fingertips and then slowly begins to coil its way up his arms.

Khriana draws a purple arrow from her quiver as she'd draw her bow, knocking the arrow.

Stehl glances at the draenei, "You have two seconds to put that down before I break it, miss. I'm trying to train my squire and he needs to focus."

Khriana turns and aims the arrow at Stehl.

Stehl says: ... You know you won't it won't turn out like you want it to.

Khriana fires. As the arrow neared Stehl, it would simply dissipate into nothing.

Chadley flinches, but maintains his concentration. The illumination surrounding his arms grows brighter, and then suddenly disappears, all but his right hand. He opens his eyes and charges at Stehl- probably at the same time the arrow flew.
Chadley aims a punch for Stehl's chest!

Stehl blinks at where the arrow used to be and turns to face Chadley again. Caught completely off-guard, he stumbles back a step from the blow, "Not bad."

Khriana would begin giggling as a purple cloud began to form over Stehl's head. It would begin to rain grape-flavored Kaja Cola.

Chadley stumbles back as well, the impact causing an audible crack from his knuckles. He clutches his hand in pain, but grins. For once.
Chadley 's grin then completely fades at the sudden... soft drink downpour, what?
You look at Khriana.
Chadley says: Piss off. Seriously.

Khriana smiles and shrugs.

Stehl ignores the down-pour, the liquid hissing as it hits his armor, "Practice it some more in your free time. Focus on getting it set up as quickly as possible more than the force of it."

Khriana says: ... You got to punch someone.

Stehl says: He was doing it anyways.

Khriana says: Now he has a drink.

Chadley says: Did you hit your head in the accident?

Khriana says: ... Did you?

Chadley says: I'll take that as a yes.

Khriana says: ... Don't make me get you with orange.

Stehl says: Miss.

Khriana says: It is still experimental.

Chadley says: Then experiment elsewhere.

Stehl says: You're disrupting my training. Go away.

Khriana says: You're training on a walk-way.
Khriana says: Go to the command barracks.

Chadley says: So you can just walk on by.

Stehl says: I'm training to the side of it, and you're shooting arrows at people.

Khriana says: ... Correction. Gags.

Stehl says: It's not appreciated.
Stehl says: And I imagine most people do not appreciate it, judging from the normal reactions it seems to get.

Khriana 's chimera would turn to look at Chadley. It would have a filter over each mouth. The right one would inhale deeply.

Chadley isn't paying attention to the chimaera.

Stehl shoves a hand towards Chadley, a shining barrier surrounding him, "Restrain your animal and leave us be."

Khriana 's chimera would breath out, breathing flavored ice like a sno-cone. It would be blueberry flavored as it piled up on a bench.

Chadley has a shield of Light thrown up around him just in time to have a glob of icy blue muck pile around him, but leave him untouched. His eyes are wide. "What just-"

Khriana says: Taste it. It's good for cooling your body down and for energy. Some sugar.

Chadley looks at the blueberry sludge piled on the ground. He steps around it, making a face. "I'll pass."
You look at Stehl.
Chadley says: Should we go somewhere else?

Khriana says: Try it, please. I'll go away if you do.

Stehl says: I was thinking maybe some lunch. Babble some more things for you to practice, too.

Chadley says: I'm not licking your winged beast's regurgitations off the cobblestones.
Chadley says: Lunch? That sounds suspiciously pleasant.

Khriana says: Just try it.
Khriana says: It's blueberry.

Caylla links her sleeves together, eyeing the gathered trio.

Chadley says: I'm not trying it. Go away.

Khriana draws a pink arrow and aims it at Chadley.

Stehl says: We'll stop by the baker and the cheese shop. I have some meat I can grab too.

Chadley turns to look at the draenei and her knocked pink arrow.

Khriana fires the arrow. It would dissipate as a pink cloud formed over Chadley's head. The pink cloud would be - cotton candy.

Chadley doesn't even look shocked anymore, just annoyed. "Let's go get that lunch," he says, turning around and picking a piece of pink fluff from his tabard.

Khriana says: Taste it.

Stehl says: Excellent! I'm starving.

Khriana says: It's candy.

Chadley says: No.
Chadley continues to pick bits of cotton candy out of his armor and hair as they walk.

Stehl says: Handled yourself well there.

Chadley sniffs one of the pieces before tossing it aside. "Thanks," he mumbles.

Stehl says: And now to find the baker. Who hides from me when I want to pay him for baked goods.
Stehl says: AH HA.

You blink at Thomas Miller.

Stehl says: Sell it to me!

Chadley says: What have you done to this poor man?

Stehl manages to purchase two loaves of bread before the baker heads off again, "Nothing! It's this city, I tell you!
Stehl says: He's been driven mad!

Chadley says: ... I'll believe that.

Stehl says: Just like that dwarf lady who also sells bread in Ironforge! She doesn't sleep, I tell you.

Chadley says: ...
Chadley says: How do you walk so fast with all of that plate?

Stehl says: Years of adjusting to the weight of it.
Stehl says: Cheese me!

Chadley mills around as Stehl picks out his cheese. A matter of most importance.

Stehl cackles as a wedge of cheddar is added to the loaves.
Stehl says: Where to.

Chadley says: Uh- I was just following you.

Stehl says: Bah!

Chadley says: So the seals. Are there any tricks to speeding it up, or is it just about getting used to it?

Stehl says: It's really just reliant on how well you can manipulate the Light. There are limits to how much you can force into any one thing, such as your hand, though.
Stehl says: Here's good.

Chadley shrugs and sits. "So in that case, it does come down to practice. I know I can do better than that."

Stehl tosses a loaf to Chadley and reaches into his bag to pull out a knife, "It also drains you depending on how much you force into an object. Your aura naturally isn't very taxing. But forming the seal does take some of your energy and Light.

Chadley says: What about maintaining it?

Stehl says: Just takes a bit of focus. Once it's there, it's easy to keep there.
Stehl says: Of course, there isn't a lot of reason to force it to stay there for an extended period of time. Not unless you're in a big battle.

Chadley says: I'll spend the night practicing that, then. I think now that I've done it once I understand it somewhat.

Stehl slices off a piece of cheese and tosses it to Chadley before working on his own, "For you, maintaining it will probably give you a headache over time. Once you get used to it, you'll barely notice the strain on your head."

Chadley says: I'm... used to headaches.

Stehl says: I can imagine.

Chadley says: What's that supposed to mean?

Stehl says: You frequent Stormwind.

Chadley says: Has it always been this way?

Stehl says: It was better a few years back. There was still some problems, but that was to be expected. It's a big melting pot for all members of the Alliance. That includes crazies.
Stehl says: It's not being helped by the near-constant catastrophes that keep happening.
Stehl says: Also, most of the people who aren't crazy have all marched off to some battle and died.

Chadley says: I met a woman the other day that was handing out pamphlets for demonic rights.

Stehl says: She would have been set on fire two years ago.
Stehl says: And her remains poked at by the orphans, with sticks.

Chadley says: I guess I just missed this city when it was still sane, then.

Stehl says: Eh. Could be worse.

Chadley says: Have you seen worse? As far as cities go, I mean.

Stehl says: Define worse. I've been in Stratholme before and after the culling. I've gone into the Undercity before. And Silvermoon, but the elves mostly danced around on tables and ignored us.
Stehl says: Shattrath was bad, actually. There wasn't any real violence beyond occasional brawls between the Aldor and the Scryers. But it was a huge mess.

Chadley says: Well. I'm not sure a city infested with scourge qualifies as a city so much as it does a hive that needs to be knocked down. I've been to Shattrath, but just once. It looked like a wreck, but the whole planet was.

Stehl says: Yeah, but it was safe.
Stehl says: A fel reaver managed to break in once, and one of the wind chimes just ended it in a matter of seconds.

Chadley says: ... Wind chi-
Chadley snorts. It's almost a laugh. "The Naaru?"

Stehl says: Yeah.

Chadley says: I got a glimpse of the one in the central part of the city when I went there. I wish I could have stayed longer to see it.

Stehl says: They're neat. But they always make this chime noise.
Stehl says: And there's -three- in that central hub. Two normal ones and A'dal, who as far as I can tell? Is something like... six naaru in one.

Chadley says: Three? I didn't see the others... but I thought it was amazing. Like being face-to-face with pure Light.

Stehl says: Yeah. They're about as close as you get to being part of the Light. Though they just don't... do anything with it.

Chadley says: I wonder why.

Stehl says: I think it's partially so we can fight for ourselves. But. I could never get a proper answer. Not from the Aldor, not from the Sha'tar, not from the naaru.

Chadley says: And yet they insist on being among us. How bizarre.
Chadley finally realizes he has chessebread. He stuffs a bite into his mouth.

Stehl shrugs a shoulder and pops open his visor, cramming a mixture of cheese and bread chunk into his mouth. He closes his visor again and takes a moment to actually eat it, "It's not that they insist to be around us. Rather, we just kind of..."
Stehl says: Gravitated to them.

Chadley glances up as Stehl pops his visor open. He frowns and then takes another bite of his own sandwich. "I think I can understand why, even if I can't explain it."
Chadley shrugs a shoulder.

Stehl says: They stand for the passive side of the Light. The one that's there to help if needed, but will stand aside for those meant to to the job.

Chadley says: I guess it's natural we gravitate toward them for that, then. I know we tend to take advantage of people like that.

Stehl says: But are we the ones taking advantage of them? They claimed their army of Light would come and fight the Legion.
Stehl says: Who was there? No angels, no naaru, just us.

Chadley raises an eyebrow as he swallows another mouthful of cheesebread. "Do you think they've some kind of hidden agenda or something?"

Stehl says: Everybody does, no matter how much Light streams off them.
Stehl says: How long has the Legion been out there? Is it coincidence they showed up when they did on Argus?

Chadley says: I'd never even thought about that before.

Stehl says: Not all that is holy is pure-hearted. They have their plans and it certainly involves fighting the Legion in some form. To what ends?

Chadley says: I... couldn't even fathom. Do you think they're something we'll have to worry about?

Stehl says: Us? No.
Stehl says: Their plans seem to work on a timescale that is well beyond our lifespans.

Chadley says: Well what about future us?
Chadley says: ... I guess that doesn't even matter, does it. Enough to worry about.
Chadley shoves the last bite of his sandwich into his mouth.

Stehl says: There won't be a future if we don't do the right thing now. Whatever the naaru do? Will have little effect on that.

Chadley says: No, I know you're right. That was a pointless thing to say.

Stehl says: S'not pointless. It's just not something we'll probably have to worry about personally.

Chadley says: Just our unlucky immortal friends, I suppose.

Stehl says: So! Enough paranoid speculation. Did you want to learn anything else, or just wander off on your own to practice.

Chadley blinks. "Did you have anything in mind? I want to know everything I can. I want to be able to..." He frowns and scratches his cheek. "Well, anyway. I've got a lot of catching up to do."

Stehl says: Nothing specific. You managed to do what I wanted you to learn, since that'll be the starting point for a lot of things I'll be teaching.

Chadley says: ... then maybe I should go practice.

Stehl says: You know where to find me.

Chadley pushes himself up. "I do. And I also want to thank you. I owe you an apology for my initial rudeness."

Stehl says: It's no problem. It was warranted in some regard. Light protect, Chadley.

Chadley bows. "Also true. Light be with you." He turns and walks off. A huge chunk of pink fluff is stuck on his shield.

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