Saturday, April 16, 2011

Mairèad & Matteo: April 15

Matteo seats himself lightly.

Mairèad is magnetically drawn to benches. It happens. She rests her arms on her knees and leans forward, looking somewhat exhausted, and eventually asks, "Why'd you wanna train me, Mr. Crowe?"

Matteo says: I wish to train you so that you may be both successful in your own life and a paladin that serves faithfully those around her.
Matteo says: Why do you ask?

Mairèad says: But I mean, why me? What was it about -me-? I...I know this sounds all vain and demandin', but...

Matteo says: You wish to know why I believed you to be a worthy student?

Mairèad wrinkles her nose and eventually says, as if the words taste bad, "It wasn't 'cause you thought I'd be a good lay or somethin', was it?"

Matteo blinks stupidly, "The thought did not once occur, I can assure you."

Mairèad exhales and nods. "Alright. I...I guess I jest needed t'make sure that people see me fer more'n that, that's all."

Matteo says: I saw you as a youth earnestly faithful and passionately seeking knighthood for the right reasons, rather than the wrong ones, and I wished to help you.

Mairèad nods slowly, not exactly looking at Matteo. "So faithful and passionate about th'right things, then," she repeats, as if trying to convince herself of those words.

Matteo says: You wanted to become a paladin to defend people. This is the right reason.
Matteo says: I see plenty of recruits doing it to fight. It's unfortunate. A paladin must train and earn their strength and hope never to use it.

Mairèad says: That's what I hope. I don't like people like th'golem, folks what claim t'be palerdins but jest wanna fight...always thought they'd be better berserkers.

Matteo says: They would be.
Matteo says: They're usually following the light in their own way, but it is not my way. It is not Uther's way.
Matteo says: It seems to me to be treating the Light as a means to an end.

Mairèad says: Instead of a goal to be reached.

Matteo says: Or a method by which to live one's life.

Mairèad says: Have y'met th'golem, Mr. Crowe? She's a bit mad, rilly.
Mairèad laughs halfheartedly and distractedly.

Matteo shakes his head, "Afraid I have not."

Mairèad says: That's prolly fer th'best. She's...well, you'd not like her much. Stehlfire doesn't, though he defends her against idiots, like he does anyone else.
Mairèad hesitates a while before asking, "...Mr. Crowe, did you evarrr know yer father?"

Matteo says: I did.

Mairèad says: What was he like?

Matteo says: He was a military man by blood.
Matteo says: He was a man of honor and strength. Perhaps, a good deal like Genn Greymane.

Mairèad says: And a good man, then?

Matteo glances away, frowning faintly, "He was the best man that he could be. But perhaps not the best man that the would could see."

Mairèad says: Was he good t'you?

Matteo says: He was... good, I suppose, albiet distant. I was not, at the time, the warrior he wanted from me, but he left me to my devices without scorn.

Mairèad says: That's good of him. And y'turned out right good fer it, whatever th'case may've been.
Mairèad says: ...d'you think someone kin turn out good if their father...I mean, if their dad's kind of...well...-awful-?

Matteo smiles faintly and looks at Mairead once more, "My father was distant. He did not raise me. We are not slaves to our heritage. You, Mairead, are certainly good, if that is what you are asking."

Mairèad nods again, chewing on the inside of her lower lip. "And y'think there's more t'me than jest puttin' out, right?"

Matteo says: Mairead, you are soon to be a knight. There is much, much more to you than just that.
Matteo says: If we were all to be judged in such a fashion, would I not simply be a killer for my actions on the battlefield?

Mairèad says: Do people evarrr look at you as jest a killer?

Matteo says: Yes, of course.
Matteo says: But that does not mean they are correct.

Mairèad says: Jest...I been thinkin' a lot, y'know? Me dad came back to Stormwind a couple'a days ago, and he said...he said some thin's that...well. I feel out of sorts in a lotta ways.

Matteo says: That does not make him correct.
Matteo glances around from a moment before brushing his hand over his face lightly, "If you would desire to know, my father's life was cut short by his brother. This man married my mother and claimed himself to be my father. The things he said about me have not nor ever will be true."

Mairèad says: ...rilly?

Matteo nods.

Mairèad considers this, still chewing on her lower lip thoughtfully. "How'd you get over th'things he'd say t'you? How'd you learn t'tell what's true and what ent?"

Matteo breaks eye contact once more, "I went through plenty of trials and tribulations. I came out of it a knight."

Mairèad says: So thin's like this...d'you think the Light sends them to us so we kin grow?

Matteo nods, "There is no doubt in my mind that without some push from the light, I would not be here today."

Mairèad says: Learnin' this sorta thing's hard. Feels like errybody in me life that I've looked to fer love's jest ended up usin' me and throwin' me out, save fer you, Shep, and Chad.
Mairèad says: ...well, and me mam, but she's me mam.

Matteo says: I certainly know the feeling, Mair.
Matteo says: After my uncle murdered my father, I ended up leaving my home. I've not seen any member of my family since then.

Mairèad says: D'you think they made it to Stormwind?

Matteo shrugs, "I wouldn't care if they had. They let me go, and I let them go."

Mairèad says: Kin y'do that?

Matteo says: I had to.
Matteo says: Otherwise I would've killed him myself.

Mairèad says: Doesn't it evarrr git lonely?

Matteo says: The years have been lonely, yes.
Matteo says: I certainly wouldn't lie about that. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone. It was... what I had to do, I suppose.

Mairèad says: ...kin you make a new family? One that you choose yerself?

Matteo says: I have tried to.

Mairèad says: Have you succeeded at all?

Matteo says: Unfortunately, lingering remnants of the war have prevented it, so far. But I will... hopefully rid myself of them, one day.
Matteo pinches the bridge of his nose, before rubbing his forehead lightly.

Mairèad says: D'you mean that yer afraid t'get close to people or that th'war's made it hard for people to git close t'you?

Matteo says: Both. And I don't sleep well at all.
Matteo says: There were things during that war, Mairead, that I would wish no one see. Not even my enemies.

Mairèad tilts her head, considering. "Shep doesn't sleep well either, though that's because he remembers errythin'. Why do those things keep you from havin' a new family?"

Matteo says: I remember things that I wish very much to forget. I can see them sometimes, when I close my eyes, or when I sleep. How can I care for someone else such as my child fully when I can hardly get rest?

Mairèad says: What if it wasn't a wee child, though? What if it was jest someone that...that you'd already done lots fer? And...I mean, fer th'record. I think you'd be a great dad.
Mairèad 's ears have gone bright red.

Matteo returns his gaze to Mairead, studying her for a moment before smiling slowly, "Thank you, Mair. What are you trying to get across?"

Mairèad continues to chew on her lower lip very hard, scuffing her toes on the ground. "Jest...well, I mean. Y'been kinda...kinda more of a dad t'me than me own dad's been. And, um." She trails off into mumbling, cheeks burning red still.

Matteo continues to simply smile, "I would consider you a daughter, Mairead, if your own father cannot see what a lovely young woman you are."

Mairèad looks up now, smiling a bit more widely. "Y'would?"

Matteo nods, chuckling lightly, "I will be here for you as much as I can be, Mair."

Mairèad says: And I'll do th'same fer you. If...I mean, if that's alright.

Matteo says: It is. It certainly is.

Mairèad smiles and, after a moment's hesitation, gets up and sits on the bench beside Matteo, hugging him from the side. Awkwardly.

Matteo returns the hug as best he can from his position.

Mairèad draws back after a moment, pushing some hair out of her face and grinning rather derpishly. "Well. That's. I mean. Yahar."

Matteo says: I hope this helps your self image, Mair. I certainly believe you are a wonderful young woman. You've made your mistakes, yes, but we all have. It's part of growing.

Mairèad says: I hope it helps yers, too. I dunno much about yer past, but...honestly, yer a good man, Mr. Crowe. I think y'sell yerself short a lotta th'time. I'm gladder to have trained under you than I would've been under fer Tirion himself, 'a course.
Mairèad says: I mean, who'd pass that up?

Matteo says: Not I.
Matteo chuckles lightly, "You certainly do make me feel better, Mair. I was worried I'd make an awful teacher."

Mairèad shakes her head rather firmly. "You don't make an awful teacher. It's not jest about th'Light that I've learned under you... I mean. I guess that's why yer like a rill dad. Y'don't leave the lesson off at th'words of th'libram."

Matteo says: Leaving them off there would be a mistake. It would leave out half of being a paladin.

Mairèad says: You've also looked out fer me when y'didn't have with Nerb and that whole mess, and other times. I know bein' a palerdin's a lifestyle thing, not jest a job, but...I guess I kin tell you actually give a damn about me, and that's somethin' new.
Mairèad says: ...fer me, at least.

Matteo chuckles lightly, "As we've established, you're a daughter to me. I couldn't help but care. You needed me and I could tell it. I wasn't going to fail you."

Mairèad says: And I'm not gonna fail you, either. Not you, not th'Light, not th'people what believe in me.

Matteo says: I know you won't.

Mairèad smiles and exhales slowly. After a moment, her smile fades somewhat. "I dunno how I feel about havin'...well. Havin' Cap'n Teach at me ordinashun."

Matteo says: He doesn't have to come.
Matteo says: Of course, if he says anything innapropriate, I'll have to politely ask him to catch my fist with his face.

Mairèad can't help but smile at this. "You'd do that?" she asks.

Matteo says: Probably twice.

Mairèad says: I'll jest have t'talk to me mam about it before...the onleh reason he's comin' at all's 'cause she threatened his stash 'a bewwy.

Matteo nods, "Sounds like a choice fellow. I'll support your choice, Mair, whatever it may be."

Mairèad says: Either way, I'm glad it's you that'll be doin' the ceremony and most errythin' about it.

Matteo says: It'll be a good ceremony, Mair.
Matteo says: And I'll be as proud as any father.
Matteo chuckles.

Mairèad 's cheeks flush, less with embarrassment and more with omg yey daddies. "I didn't tell'smithy fucked up me armor. It won't be ready fer a while yet, so I'm gunna wear a white robe instead."

Matteo says: That'll work quite well, I think.

Mairèad says: D'you have ceremonial armor that you'll be wearin'?

Matteo says: Probably my officer's armor. The golden alliance armor, that is.

Mairèad says: That's th'stuff you were wearin' when I first met you, isn't it?

Matteo says: Yes.

Mairèad says: Oh! Speakin' of things that relate to when I met you...I finished th'poem fer you and Miss Ysolte, even if y'ent gittin' married anymore. Shep said it was rill good when I read it to him.

Matteo says: Did you?
Matteo loses his smile for a moment.

Kentolian sniffs Matteo.

Matteo looks at Kentolian.

Kentolian barks at Matteo.

Matteo says: Can I help you, sir?

You peer at Kentolian searchingly.
Mairèad says: Stand up.

Kentolian tilts his head, right ear hanging down adorably like a puppy.

Mairèad says: Y'ent doin' yer race any favors by actin' like this.

Kentolian barks at you.

Matteo twists his lips, "Hm."

Kentolian leans his head down, giving a puppy face to be petted.

Mairèad says: I am not pettin' you. Yer a wergin, not a puppy. Stand up and have some dignity.

Matteo says: Aye.

Kentolian whimpers.

Mairèad says: Dignity.

Kentolian leans his head against Mairead's lap.

Matteo says: I don't think he understands the concept.

Mairèad looks extremely upset to have a head leaning against her lap. "Yer not a puppy. Yer a wergin. Git off me and have. some. dignity."

Kentolian growls at Mairead.

Matteo stares Kentolian down.
Matteo says: Step back.

Kentolian barks at Matteo.

Matteo says: We've no interest in whatever you're trying to do.

Mairèad narrows her eyes at the worgen. "Don't you growl at me and don't you bark at Mr. Crowe."

Kentolian thinks and barks at Mairead then growls at Matteo, making it the other way around.

Matteo says: Proof enough that he understands what we're saying.
Matteo says: Well enough, understand this: Leave us be.

Kentolian blinks at Matteo.
Kentolian bites Matteo. Ouch!
Kentolian bites you. Ouch!

Mairèad says: Light's sake, you lot have th'potential t'be a proud race. A rilly proud race, one what's overcome a -lot- of advers-- HEY.

Matteo snaps his fist at the worgen's head.

Mairèad does the same from the other side.

Kentolian whimpers.

Matteo says: Leave.

Mairèad says: ...Light, I feel bad fer Shep.

Matteo says: Aye. It's like Death Knights: Some of them are quite proud and respectable individuals. However, some are... touched.

Mairèad says: Many're touched. I dunno how Stehlfire does it, sittin' around Cathedral Square all day and smackin' th'idiots.

Matteo says: I have no clue either.

Mairèad says: I was thinkin' that maybe after I'd been ordained, I'd want to try an' serve th'Crusade as part 'a Stehlfire's unit. I know it's dangerous and all, but...well, isn't that what palerdins do? Stand between others and danger?

Matteo says: What unit is that?

Mairèad says: Th'Seventh Legion. I think they're called th'Ghost Division, 'cause they get in, get out, and get it done.

Matteo chuckles faintly, "The unit of which I am a member."

Mairèad says: You are?

Matteo says: Mmhmm.

Mairèad says: Well. I think that'd be another good reason t'join. I know that they do a lot of rill dangerous stuff, but...well. May's well do what I wanted t'be a palerdin fer, right?

Matteo says: Well, Mairead, I will warn that the division is nicknamed 'the suicide squad'.
Matteo says: And for a reason.
Matteo says: But... It is your decision. Do what makes you happy.

Mairèad says: Bein' happy's important, but doin' what's right's important, too.

Matteo nods, "Don't sacrifice one for the other, though."

Mairèad shakes her head. "I won't. Th'things that make me, Chad, Shep, me mam...I won't trade that fer what's right unless I absolutely have to."

Matteo says: Just remember a sacrifice like that is permanent.

Mairèad nods soberly. "I know. It's not somethin' to take lightly. And I know I've got a lot t'lose, if I did join a suicide squad. d'you, so..." She bites on the inside of her lower lip again.

Matteo says: I have a lot more experience than you do, Mair.

Mairèad says: Suicide's suicide. And bein' on a ship doesn't count fer nothin', y'know. I ent th'Twilight's Hammer, I know, but...well, I've stared down death before.

Matteo chuckles faintly, "You really don't know war like I do, Mair. Being on a ship's not war."

Mairèad says: No, I suppose it ent. But...well, where'm I supposed t'get experience, if not by goin' to war?

Matteo says: By joining a much less extreme unit.
Matteo says: The division you're discussing will be fighting the biggest and best in this war.
Matteo says: You should start much smaller.

Mairèad tries not to make a face at this but she doesn't really succeed.

Matteo says: I know, it's not glorious.
Matteo says: During my first true battle, though, I was nearly slain.

Mairèad says: We all have to go through that someday, don't we?

Matteo shakes his head, "The confrontation with death is not the point here. The point is, my inexperience lead to such. If I had been combatting a lich, rather than regular footsoldiers, I would have most certainly died."

Mairèad still makes a face that suggests she's thinking "I didn't become a paladin to shoo people off the steps." Still, she reluctantly agrees, "I guess that's a good point."

Matteo says: If I were you, I would start with the Highlands.
Matteo says: Get accustomed to the fight, perhaps venture into Grim Batol, such things as this.

Mairèad relaxes some and nods. "That sounds better than what I thought I'd start out doin'...I mean. I know humility is important and there are no unimportant jobs fer th'Light, but..."

Matteo says: Aye, I understand that.
Matteo says: I'd just not make any hasty decisions such as joining an elite devision.

Mairèad says: I don't know if they'd take me, anyway. It sounds like, if it's such an elite division, they'd want people with more experience anyway.

Matteo says: Anyway, Mair, I should begin the trek home. I'm glad we had this talk -- all of it.
Matteo says: And aye, there's that as well.

Mairèad nods and wraps her arms around Matteo's shoulders again, less hesitantly this time. "I am too, all of it. Thanks fer...fer everythin'."

Matteo returns the hug, "Anytime, Mair. You know where to find me, don't you?"

Mairèad says: Not specifically, no.

Matteo says: Right, right.
Matteo removes a piece of charcoal and some scrap of paper from his belt, etching down an address situated in Lakeshire before handing the paper to her, "There you are. Feel free to drop by anytime."

Mairèad says: Alright. I will. I...I'm jest stayin' in the Cathedral until I kin get some coin t'gether to live somewhere else.

Matteo says: Do you need help?

Mairèad shakes her head. "Nah, it's good t'spend time with the other squires and novitiates. And when I don't wanna sleep there, I've been carin' fer Shep's estate while he's in Dalaran."'

Matteo nods, "Ah, of course. You're welcome to my couch anytime you should wish it, as well."
Matteo stands, smiling, "Good eve, Mair."

Mairèad says: Good evenin', Mr. Crowe.

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