Monday, April 18, 2011

Mairèad & Lucasus: April 17

Lucasus blinks at you.

Mairèad closes her eyes and begins turning her holy symbol over in her hands as she prays. Her words can't really be heard, but whatever she's praying about, it seems important.

Lucasus remains seated on the bench. He looks to be wearing new armor, which is unfortunately too large for him. A long cloak hangs down his back and a red hood is pulled up over his head. A knit brow and curious eyes are directed at Mairead.

Mairèad finishes her prayer, exhaling slowly, and bends to kiss the floor of the Cathedral. Another kiss is pressed to the holy symbol in her hands, which she then lifts to touch to her forehead. With this done, she stands and turns...and sees Lucasus. He's staring right at her, so she can't pretend she didn't see him, and her expression is one of "FFFFFUUUUUU--" After a minute, though, she walks over to his bench, chewing on her lower lip.
Mairèad says: Hi.

Lucasus looks up at her and clears his throat, offering a small smile. "...hi, Mair." He glances around briefly before pulling his hood back and adjusting his spectacles. Eyes set back on her as he pushes himself to his feet. "H-how are you?"

Mairèad fiddles with the hem of her tabard some, tugging it down as if to straighten it, though it doesn't need straightening. She offers a slight smile as well. "Doin' pretty good, and yerself?" She's chewing on her lip hard enough that it's grown a bit bloody.

Lucasus clears his throat again and nods. "I'm.. good mostly." He nods quickly, "We've.. well.. things have been sort of crazy.. " He pauses for a long moment, rich with all manner of awkward, "Ah.. so your ordination is coming up, hm?"

Mairèad laughs at nothing, becuase that's what you do! "Yahar, I was there at th'trial thing. That's some crazy sh-- stuff." She glances up innocently as Brother Benjamin walks by. "And...yahar, it's this Saturday. Six in th'evenin'. Lotsa people'll be there."

Lucasus' smile lifts a touch, "I, ah.. I'm planning on being there." He peers at her, as if unsure if thats alright.

Mairèad says: Y'are! Well...good! I'm glad to hear it. I...yahar. I'm rilly glad you kin make it.
Mairèad sounds genuinely glad, if a touch awkward. She looks over at the bench and, after a moment's pause, asks, "...mind if we sit?"

Lucasus blinks and looks ot the bench as well. "O-oh, sure.. " He nods and plops back down.

Mairèad sits with about as much grace, clanking somewhat as she does. She clicks her teeth a few times. "So, um. How're...y'know, things."

Lucasus glances sidelong at her, "G-good, I guess. I've been doing a lot of training.. and.. studying.. " He clears his throat, "I'm trying for my Guardianship with the Sigil this week.. "

Mairèad has been staring straight ahead before glancing sidelong at him. She quickly looks away. "Oh! That'll be good fer you. They're good people...feel bad fer not stoppin' by th'boat more after...well, y'know. Things."

Lucasus 's brow knits slightly, "I, ah.. I understand.. you don't need to feel bad." He pauses and glances over at her slightly, "H-how are things for you?"

Mairèad has resumed biting her lip, though she stops this after a moment, dabbing away at the blood. "...been doin' okay, I suppose. Personal dramatics aside. Tryin'a figure out if I wanna join th'Crusade or th'Seventh Legion after me ordinashun."

Lucasus 's eyes go wide. "Y-you... really? The Seventh Legion?" He's now staring at her and blinks when he sees the bit of blood on her lip. "...are you okay?"

Mairèad nods, blotting at the blood. Her finger glows for a moment and her lip seals itself. She starts biting on her thumbnail instead. "Yahar, nearly errybody I know's joined th'Ghost Division...Stehlfire's group. Even me d-- me tra-- Mr. Crowe."

Lucasus nods a bit, as he watches her heal herself. "Oh.. " He clears his throat. "Well.. I'm.. I'm sure you'll be great for whoever you join.. "

Mairèad smiles slightly. "Thanks. I'm sure you'll be a great Guardian...I hope things don't go bad fer th'Sigil when y'have that trial, finally. Yer a good protector type."

Lucasus blinks, "You.. you think?" He chuckles uneasily, "I.. I think that has yet to be proven."

Mairèad says: It's instinctual fer you. You see someone y'care about and y'wanna keep 'em safe. Yer like me that way.

Lucasus smiles a bit, "I guess so." He shrugs and takes a deep breath. "Mair.. I, ah.. " He clears his throat, "I've been wanting to apologize to you.. I just.. I don't know.. I guess I'm chicken or something.. "

Mairèad gives Lucasus a wry, teasing smile. "Y'are," she agrees, "but so's erry other boy between sixteen and twenny. I'm used to it by now. What'd y'wanna apologize fer?"

Lucasus clears his throat again and shrugs, "I don't know.. everything?" He chuckles and lifts a hand to rub down his face. "I.. feel awful. About how things ended.. and.. just sort of ignoring you.. I just haven't known what else to do. And I'm sorry."

Mairèad exhales slowly and reluctantly, staring straight ahead. "...I felt used," she admits after a moment. "I know I wasn't fair t'you...I know bein' in love with Shep still wasn't fair t'put you through...and I'm sorreh fer that. But...I felt used."
Mairèad says: Still do, kinna.

Lucasus' face turns into the very saddest of frowns, his brow knitting. "Mair.. I.. that's not how it was.. you have to believe me.. I'm.. " He sighs heavily and then says with a bit more resolution, "I'm not like that."

Mairèad looks over at Lucasus finally, looking somewhat pained. "I wanna believe that...but, I mean. It's kinda hard t'do when th'day after we almost bump uglies, y'run the other way. And...I don't think we woulda worked out anyway, but I wish we'd -tried-."

Lucasus turns to look at her, his face a mirror of her's. "You.. you confused me so much, Mair. You confused me and you scared the nether out of me.. and I was stupid.. and I shouldn't have done what I did, I know.. but.. I never claimed to know what I was doing. And I just.. with Shep.. and all of that.. I just couldn't." He shrugs, "I'm really sorry.. " He sighs, "I wish I could go back and start over and we could just be friends because I think we'd make good friends."

Mairèad nods vaguely, looking back down at the hem of her tabard, which she straightens out and tugs on. "We would," she agrees. "Luke, I don't think I've been fair t'you. I know y'couldn't have meant what happened. Shit, y'barely e'en knew y'had a dick 'til I came around. It was reminded me so much'a the others...Mr. Smythe, Jacky and Lucy, even me own dad. Was like bein' slapped, y'know?"

Lucasus frowns as he looks over, watching her fiddle with her tabard. "I.. I know. But it wasn't like that." He offers again in a quiet voice. "Anyway.. I'm.. I'm sorry it made you feel like that. That's never what I wanted."

Mairèad nods, starting to bite her lower lip again, then quickly bringing her thumbnail to her mouth to prevent more bleeding. "I know. I...I know. I think that's why I was so willin' t'try with you. I wanted things t'be different...I wanted t'have somethin'..."
Mairèad sighs defeatedly, dropping her hand into her lap. "...somethin' real."

Lucasus furrows his brow, "But I think you do. Have something real, I mean.. with Shep."

Mairèad rolls a shoulder, sighing quietly. "Sometimes, I think I do. More and more often, lately. I jest have no idea how t'do th'whole 'love' thing. Errythin's been so fucked up t'this point." She glances over at Lucasus. "You figured it out yet?" she asks.

Lucasus blinks and his cheeks flush a little. "I, ah.. no, I don't think so." He looks down at his hands with a faint smile on his lips, "I mean.. I sort of have someone.. but I don't know if its -love- or anything.. "

Mairèad smiles slightly. "That ginger lass? I saw her around th'Cathedral with Miss Rosa last night."
Mairèad says: Saw you two t'gether at th'trial.

Lucasus blinks and nods a little, smiling more, "Ah.. yeah.. her name's Lia." He clears his throat.

Mairèad says: Pretty name. She...she seems like she'd be more willin' t'let you protect her than I was.
Mairèad blushes somewhat, giving Lucasus a sheepish grin.

Lucasus glances at her with a bit of a smirk. "M-maybe just a little." He shrugs and lets out a deep breath of relief. "I'm.. I'm really glad we're talking.. "

Mairèad's smile grows slightly less sheepish, slightly more relieved. "Me too. I guess I kinda missed talkin' t'you, despite errythin'."

Lucasus smiles and nods, "Me too. I've missed having you around."

Mairèad says: Yahar. ...think it's probably still gonna be weird fer a while, but...well. I think you'll make a good friend.

Lucasus glances at her with a smile, "I'm excited for your ordination. I've never gotten to see one before.. "

Mairèad's smile grows wider at this. "Yahar, from what errybody's sayin', it's gunna be rill unique. Though I'm kinna ceremonial armor got fucked up by th'smithy a couple'a days ago, so I'll hafta wear a robe instead."

Lucasus 's brow knits, "It.. it did? He can't fix it?"

Mairèad shakes her head, expression growing a bit more annoyed. "No, and I gave him a piece 'a me mind about it, too. Stehlfire says I should learn t'fix armor meself so I don't run into this on th'field. I'm pissed, though."

Lucasus frowns a bit. "Maybe.. Rosa's really good with armor.. maybe she could look at it?"

Mairèad chuckles wryly. "If I'd known that a week ago, I'd'a been glad t'hear it. Me armor's bein' remade, design and errythin'. It'll take weeks."
Mairèad says: Good thing is that it's jest th'ceremonial stuff. Me field armor's jest fine.

Lucasus blinks, "Oh.. well.. that's good." He chuckles a little and looks down at himself. "I.. got new armor."
Lucasus says:, ah.. doesn't really fit.

Mairèad finally looks at Lucasus properly and raises her eyebrows at what she sees. She only chuckles, though. "You'll grow into it. That's what palerdins do."

Lucasus chuckles a bit, "I.. I think I'm going to have Mr. Balder fit it better for me. I sort of had to buy it in a rush.. " He shrugs.

Mairèad says: 'Cause'a th'Delahans, y'mean?

Lucasus nods a bit, "Yeah... " He sighs.

Mairèad says: How're things goin' with that? I...well. It was suspicious, but th'elf lady said not t'speculate.

Lucasus shrugs, "There was a mistrial.. cause of the bomb threat.. so they're rescheduling it for a secret time and place. Not open to the public.. "

Mairèad says: That ent gunna end well at all. Luke...mebbe you and yer Lia should stay away from th'trial. I jest gotta bad feelin'...I don't trust it. If they were willin'...I mean, it's jest speculation. But...

Lucasus furrows his brow as he looks over at her, "If I'm needed at the trial.. I'll be there." He shrugs, "But I don't want to be anywhere near it if I don't have to be."

Mairèad says: I know. I know you'll do yer duty and I know you'll protect people, if it comes t'that. I jest...nnn. I don't wanna see you hurt. I don't wanna see th'people you love hurt.

Lucasus smiles over at her and reaches across to pat her hand with his plated one. "Neither do I. We're all being really careful.. " He nods.

Mairèad says: I believe it. Must be nice, havin' folks like that. Hopefully, if I'm in th'Crusade or th'Legion, I kin have that sorta thing, too.

Lucasus nods a bit, "I'm sure you will.. " He offers a smile, "Hey, you know what I just thought of..?"

Mairèad says: What?

Lucasus says: We should spar some time.

Mairèad says: We should.

Lucasus grins ever so slightly as he glances at her, "I bet you'd be surprised at how much I've learned.. "

Mairèad says: Especially since y'won't be afraid of hurtin' me this time.
Mairèad says: But I oughta warn you...I'll be ordained Saturday. So unless y'wanna go up against a fully-fledged palerdin...
Mairèad tries to sound menacing.

Lucasus chuckles a little, "Maybe later this week."

Mairèad says: Say, Luke, who would you go with: th'Argent Crusade or th'Seventh Legion?

Lucasus blinks, "I.. ah.. the Crusade, I think. I mean.. Highlord Fordring is.. he's the bravest, strongest paladin there is."

Mairèad says: He is.

Lucasus nods a bit. "That's who I'd pick to serve under."

Mairèad says: Alright. I'm jest tryin' t'decide where I'd do th'most good, y'know?

Lucasus nods to her, "Sure." He smiles, "You'll be a big help no matter what you choose."

Mairèad smiles back. "I hope so. Anyway...I oughta get goin' and check back on a few things fer th'ordinashun. I'll see you around?"

Lucasus stands up and nods, "Oh, okay. I hope so." He offers a smile and hesitates for a moment before sort of opening his arms to her.

Mairèad also hesitates for a moment before walking into Lucasus' arms and wrapping her arms around his waist. "Good t'see you, Luke. Light bless you," she says, stepping back and giving a small wave before heading out.

Lucasus waves back. "Light keep you, Mair."

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