Orgo points at you.
Orgo starts to charge.
Stehl points at you.
Stehl says: You.
Orgo says: Tonight?
You blink at Stehl.
Chadley says: Me.
Stehl says: How'd swimming go.
Chadley says: How do you think.
Stehl says: You're still not in the water, so. I don't know.
Orgo sighs.
Orgo says: Ya seen that MacGlynn, fella?
Chadley says: As willing as I was to throw flagstones into the ocean with no end in sight, swimming while armored through water that is mostly feces struck me as a little-
You raise your eyebrow inquisitively at Orgo.
Orgo says: I'm gonna start sendin' 'im recruitment papers in th' mail every day.
Stehl says: His address is... I think 3 Log Lane Eastvale Logging Camp.
Orgo snorts.
Orgo says: Ya just write their name on it, stick it in th' box.
Orgo says: Ain't rocket science.
Chadley also snorts, continuing, "Anyway, I took a day of stares from the public before I crawled out of there. I am not doing that again."
Stehl says: You'll do it again if I tell you to do it.
Chadley's cheek twitches. He doesn't argue.
Stehl says: Fortunately, I think you've had your fill of swimming. Can you do pushups?
Chadley says: Of course I can do pushups.
Stehl says: Can you do a handstand.
Chadley says: I've never really tried.
Stehl says: Try it! Then do pushups while doing a handstand.
Stehl says: Get going.
Chadley squints at Stehl in disbelief. "You're - no, I know you're not joking, but that's impossible. I can't learn to do that in a day."
Chadley says: Much less minutes.
Stehl says: Doesn't stop you from trying.
Chadley slides down from the ledge, mumbling something under his breath as he does. He tears his gloves off and drops them to the ground. He faces away from Stehl, his shoulders rising as he takes a preparatory breath.
Stehl says: You know, you'll wind up facing me like that.
Chadley says: I trust I'll make an ass of myself no matter which direction I'm facing.
Stehl says: No worries, I'll make it worth your while. Lesson time!
Chadley turns his head. He does not look like he has no worries.
Stehl says: Get going. Just do the handstand for now.
Chadley rolls his head back forward and looks at the ground. He pivots forward, letting his hands contact the ground and his arm strength to support him. It goes about as well as anyone's first try at a handstand, and he does a complete flip onto his back.
Stehl says: So. When you try that again, two things. One, try without your boots. They're going to cause you to go off balance more than anything else you have on right now. Two, what happens when you force Light into the ground through your hands?
Chadley says: I've never done so before. Through my feet, yes, but...
Stehl says: Try it.
Arenvald glances down from Tobi's back at the sound of a nominally familiar voice.
Chadley stands, dusting himself off. He bends to undo the buckles on his boots and kicks them off, tossing them in a pile to the side with his gloves. "Alright."
Arenvald says: Why're ye proddin' that man 'ta run 'roun' barefoot. Don't ye know wot goes on in this square?
Stehl says: Do handstands, not run around.
Arenvald says: ...That ain' any better.
Chadley turns around.
Stehl says: S'his training, not yours. So, I see no reason for you to complain and distract him.
Arenvald peers down at him. "They teachin' paladins 'te do circus tricks now?"
Chadley says: I question his methods too, Sir, but I'll trust it has some point to it.
Arenvald eyes Stehl for a minute, then rumbles a gruff laugh.
Stehl says: It'd be more useful than the drivel I hear others spout, to be honest. But, no. One needs a good sense of balance to avoid getting floored in a fight on potentially unbalanced ground.
Arenvald says: Only mebbe in teachin' ye 'umility an' mebbe not te be takin' orders from a man who may 'it ye wit' a fish...
Stehl says: If I hit him with a fish, it'll be for a good reason.
Chadley looks at Stehl. "Please don't hit me with a fish."
Stehl says: I make no promises.
Arenvald snickers.
Stehl says: Besides, I don't have any fish on hand.
Arenvald says: Don' say I dinna warn ye, lad.
Chadley says: I'm warned daily, it seems.
Stehl says: By me, half the time.
Arenvald says: Wot're ye up ta wot makes people tell ye not t'be doin' thin's all the time?
Stehl says: Teaching by example.
Chadley says: Sparring is apparently cruel.
Arenvald hrr hrr hrrs. "That it is, son. Course, it's worse on th' field."
Stehl says: That doesn't look like a handstand, Chadley.
You let out a long, drawn-out sigh.
Stehl says: It looks like chatting, which you can do while you're upside-down.
Arenvald says: Yer jes' gonna make all th' blood run 'ta 'is 'ead.
Stehl says: First he has to do it.
Chadley takes a step back, casting his gaze downward. As before, he pivots himself forward. This time, however, he does as instructed. He calls the Light to him, forcing it into the ground as his hands touch down. There's a loud CRACK and one of the cobblestones shatters where his hand contacts. He still falls over.
Arenvald snickers.
Stehl says: A little much. Try to force it in at an even rate instead of all at once.
Arenvald continues to watch. It's sort of like a cart wreck, apparently, albeit with fewer bodies.
Chadley quickly sits back up and rubs the shoulder he landed on with a groan. "Do we have to do this right here?"
Arenvald eyes Stehl and rumbles, amusedly, "'At's wot she said."
Stehl says: No. But you started here, so there's no sense in moving.
Mairèad sits quietly on the wall, observing.
Chadley says: I'd really not mind. It wouldn't-
You blink at Mairèad.
Mairèad says: Don't mind me. Unless yer gunna do somethin' that you don't want me seein'.
Stehl says: Here, I can completely emasculate you if you'd like.
Arenvald drawls, "This oughta be good."
Mairèad frowns slightly but doesn't comment on Stehl's words.
Chadley gets to his feet, very much looking like he'd rather be dead. He doesn't answer any of them, instead attempting yet another handstand. His hands illuminate with holy energy on contact, softer this time. He catches himself midair, managing to "walk" himself backward for a second before falling onto his stomach.
Chadley says: Stehl, -please- can we do this elsewhere...
Stehl says: Sure.
Mairèad 's eyes go wide upon seeing Chadley's acrobatics. She glances over to Stehl. "...Stehlfire, if y'don't mind me askin', what're you tryin' to teach him?"
Stehl says: I mind you asking, because I've already had to answer it.
Mairèad says: I mean. You are th'trainer and all, but this seems...roguish.
Arenvald says: Ye'd be better served doin' real trainin' exercises too, son. But...
Arenvald eyes Stehl, still looking amused. "S'ppose that's wot ye get."
Stehl says: He's not ready for actual training from me.
Leanan peers, unabashedly. Public Paladin training. She can watch all she likes, yo.
Arenvald says: Zat so. He seems like a capable 'nuff lad 'ta me.
Mairèad says: Well, no shit. I don't know that handstands'll change that, though. I'm not th'professional here.
Chadley gets back up. He turns around. "I made a choice! Why must some asshole come around every day and try to talk me out of it?!"
Stehl says: There we go. There's some teeth. Come on, we'll find a more out of the way location.
Leanan pouts, "Caw. Was gettin' good."
Arenvald smirks. "Not so much out of. More like... jes' pointin' out silly buggers when I see it."
Arenvald says: But oi, suit yerself lad. Mebbe ye can get a job wit' the Darkmoon folks.
Stehl says: You're riding a lizard with wings and have pigs on your arms.
Chadley walks backward a moment before turning to grab his belongings. He deliberately avoids eye contact with Arenvald, and follows after Stehl.
Mairèad's frown deepens significantly, though she doesn't say anything in Chadley's defense beyond, "Jest let him pass through and go on to his trainin'."
Arenvald says: An'? Yer point bein'?
Stehl says: I don't think you can comment on silly.
Chadley walks in complete silence.
Chadley looks around as they enter the graveyard. "Here?"
Stehl says: Here, a nice, out of the way spot.
Stehl says: Only the dead will watch, and they don't care for the actions of the living.
Stehl says: Mostly because, you know, dead.
Chadley puts his gloves on the wall and sits to remove his boots again. "Typically." When he finishes, he gets back up and stares at the ground. "... Right then." The Light shines around his arms before he tries anything this time, his eyes wide open in concentration on the ground before him. He attempts his fourth handstand, Light shooting into the ground on contact. He kicks his legs up to balance himself and manages to hold for a few good seconds before letting himself collapse out of exhaustion.
Stehl says: Not bad.
Chadley says: The Light. Should I really use it as a crutch like that?
Stehl says: No. But you're not using it as a crutch here. It's not helping you stay up. If anything, you're burning more energy.
Chadley says: ... Wait. Then what's the point of shooting it into the ground like you asked? I'm sure the only reason I'm staying up as long as I am is because I'm also asking for strength.
Stehl says: I wanted to see you do it.
You stare Stehl down.
Chadley says: Now you're kidding.
Stehl says: Partially. I wanted to see you do it, but the reason I gave for you doing handstands is accurate.
Stehl says: Also, why waste time just training one thing when you can train two?
Chadley says: The handstanding I understand. What am I training by shooting Light into the ground?
Stehl says: Your ability to manipulate it. Also, it gives you an idea of how you'll act under pressure. The pressure of strange things.
Chadley says: Did it really require -that- to see how I react under pressure of the bizarre? This is by far not the strangest thing you've put me through.
Chadley says: Although probably the most frustrating.
Chadley gets up and rolls the shoulder he keeps landing on, frowning.
Stehl says: Good.
Stehl says: S'enough of that, then. How's practicing shields going.
Chadley frowns deeper a moment. "That's it?" A pause. "I've managed something. Small things. I practiced on apples from the tree after you left." He looks up and around for something and then lifts a hand. A flash of white, and a confused bee flies by surrounded by a bubble.
Stehl says: Good. So, what would you like to learn now.
Chadley says: I think I've barely learned the other things...
Stehl says: And you can keep practicing them if you'd like. Or learn more on them now, don't care really. You're the one learning.
Chadley says: I guess since I know how to do them it's more on me for practice, uh- hm.
Chadley says: The hammers of Light.
Stehl says: Ooh, good. I love those.
Chadley says: I've seen every paladin make them.
Stehl says: Some can't. Liotuse and Rosalinde were surprised that I can.
Stehl says: But...
Stehl holds out his hand, Light coalescing into it. Slowly, a faint shape of a hammer forms, solidifying over a few seconds, "It's not easy, but the 'easier' one is Justice. This will generally knock somebody senseless if it hits them."
Chadley watches with half-concealed awe as the Light takes a tangible form in Stehl's hand. "How do you do it."
Stehl says: Instead of focusing it in my hand or another object, I force it into the air itself. So I can grab onto it. It takes a lot of energy, so I ordinarilly just draw some from nearby sources.
Stehl says: Of course, this one doesn't take nearly as much as the other one.
Chadley says: Does the consecrated ground here make it easy?
Stehl says: If I were on it, yeah. Here, it's a strain but not nearly as much as if I took it from myself.
Stehl says: Now, when I throw it...
Stehl tosses the faintly glowing hammer at the ground, where it detonates with a thunderclap, "It doesn't inflict any real harm. It's just there to incapacitate people."
Chadley watches with rapt interest as he does this. He lifts his hands and tries it himself after, doing as he said and trying to focus his Light into the air around him. What results is a crackling noise and a blinding glow for a split second.
Chadley jumps at his own mistake.
Stehl says: Forcing it into a physical form is not simple. S'harder than a shield.
Chadley says: I noticed.
Stehl says: Now. The other one.
Chadley 's hands drop back to his sides. He's not even gonna touch this one.
Stehl holds up his hand again, Light once again swirling to his hand. After a much longer time, another hammer forms. This one is larger and is actually on fire, "Wrath. This one will explode violently when it hits something."
Stehl says: It also is pretty damn fast when you throw it. Mostly because it isn't fully a physical object. Just Light compressed into the shape of one.
Chadley looks up at the blazing hammer. "That's the one I wanted to see."
Stehl says: Now. Come up here. You need to see just what this thing does when I throw it. Don't worry, it's going out into the lake.
Chadley says: I'm going to believe you.
Stehl draws his arm back and lets fly, the hammer spiralling out across the lake. It crashes into the water roughly near the middle and explodes in a brilliant starburst of holy energies, "Anybody who tells you that the Light is not meant to harm?"
Stehl says: Clearly has no control over it.
Chadley watches the display, expression now tense. He doesn't say anything, but the lesson is apparently clear enough.
Stehl says: We choose to protect people not only because it's the right thing, but because if we chose not to? We'd inflict so much damage.
Chadley says: For all your warnings, it's only right now that I think I'm afraid.
Stehl says: Good. Because at some point? You're going to have to learn how to stop me from hitting you with one of those.
Stehl says: S'all for now. Go practice or something.
Chadley says: ...
Chadley goes back to put his shoes and gloves on. "Wise, I suppose."
Stehl says: Light protect.
Chadley nods, muttering, "Likewise."
Monday, April 25, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Mairèad & Chadley: April 22
Mairèad says: Sorreh about earlier. Mr. Lius is kind of inc-- yes.
Chadley says: I'm well aware that Mr. Lius is an asshole.
Mairèad sighs with annoyance, drumming her fingers on the spine of the book she's carrying. "Dickhead," she corrects. "And he got of our commandin' officers showed up and made him feel like an arse."
Mairèad says: But I am sorreh.
Chadley sighs. "I should have expected it, after last night."
Mairèad says: What happened last night? Di-- you know. We should get outta the street so Emma doesn't run us over.
Chadley says: I've changed my mind; Stehl's still a jerk. And Emma can walk around.
Chadley walks anyway.
Chadley says: Where are we going.
Mairèad says: Light, what -happened-? And we kin go sit somewhere quiet... mebbe by one 'a the lakes?
Chadley shrugs and keeps walking. "Whatever. And Light, last night. So I'd spent the night practicing and stopped by the Blue Recluse for some water. Turns out, so had Stehl and a few of his... friends."
Mairèad says: Uh oh. Probably Lius, then, and Toos.
Chadley says: Lius, Liotuse, some woman, and some dwarf.
Chadley says: The woman is the one that started it.
Chadley frowns at the fish smell.
Mairèad says: ...not th'Gundorf, I hope. And th'woman...I ent met any women with them before, except Lius' student, and she's stupid and wouldn't know how to start somethin' if you taught her fer twenty years.
Mairèad sets her shield to the side, rolling her shoulders painfully. "So what'd they say? What were they doin'?"
Chadley says: This dwarf didn't have a gun. In fact, he appeared to be wearing similar armor to Stehl's, so I assume he was a paladin. I think the woman may have been, too, or maybe a squire. I don't know. I wasn't paying attention. I just wanted to leave.
Chadley says: I tried leaving, but Stehl called me back.
Mairèad makes a sound not unlike "fffff" and says, "Th'dorf was our commander, then. Colonel Hardcheese. No, I'm not kiddin'."
Chadley says: Hardcheese...? Well, he was only there briefly. Didn't say much to me.
Mairèad says: He humiliated Lius today, so you kin rest assured that he ent a horrible person.
Chadley says: Oh, good, I like him.
Mairèad nudges Chadley lightly and chuckles. "I figured y'would. Do you want a shoulder rub, Chad? I need to practice me healin' magic and with all th'work Stehlfire's been havin' you do, you could probably use one."
Chadley 's brows press together. "Is there no other way you could practice?"
Mairèad wrinkles her nose. "I know y'don't like bein' touched. I jest thought I'd offer, since I know I could use one. But if you'd rather not, it's okay."
Chadley slouches. "Fine. Do it. Just don't make us look like a couple."
Mairèad snorts and shakes her head. "Errybody around here knows I'm Shep's girl," she points out. "Take off yer breastplate. I promise, platonic shoulder rubs onleh. So what'd Stehlfire and his friends do in specific?"
Chadley pulls off his tabard and undoes the various straps and buckles holding the breastplate to his chest. He takes the time to fold the tabard and set both items out neatly on the grass.
Chadley says: If you say so. But if anyone says a -word-...
Mairèad says: If anyone says a word, I'll punch them in the teeth.
Chadley says: Uh- please don't...
Chadley says: And- they didn't really do much, I guess. Just spent about an hour humiliating me for laughs.
Chadley says: Which I'm used to.
Chadley says: I also learned that almost all of them know my father, I guess proving the old saying that people are always more famous after their death.
Chadley begins to groan.
Mairèad shifts around behind Chadley, murmuring a word of blessing. Her fingertips begin to glow, and although the sensation burns a bit at first, it soon becomes the whole soothing Light thing Chadley's likely used to.
Mairèad says: From what I hear, he's had a lotta influence in this city. I guess around this time last year, someone kidnapped him and tortured him and wanted to publically execute him.
Mairèad keeps her voice carefully neutral, as if discussing climate changes in the past year.
Chadley winces and then stiffens in reaction to the burning, but eventually relaxes. "And people stopped that from happening?"
Mairèad says: Yahar. I guess that, at the time, he was one of th'onleh deaders what knew his place and didn't try to cause hell in Stormwind. And he tried to keep the other ones in line, too.
Mairèad works her fingers gently against a particularly nasty knot. "Plus it was part of a riot... lots of innocent people were hurt and killed. His death would've jest said that tearin' the city apart 'cause yer cranky is okay."
Chadley doesn't allow himself to relax fully, remaining slouched forward with a sober expression. "Did it happen because of what he is? Or was it just... random?"
Mairèad says: Depends who you ask. Some people think it was 'cause he's a deader. Some people think he was jest random. I haven't asked him about it meself...figure if I'd almost died and been tortured, I wouldn't wanna tell me about it either.
Chadley says: What would he even care? He's dead.
Chadley says: Probably didn't even hurt to be tortured.
Mairèad rolls a shoulder, making a weird spider pattern with her fingers. "I heard th'person what tortured him wielded the Light, but not like you and me...he used it like a Blood Knight. It didn't come to him 'cause he was faithful, it was 'cause he stole it."
Chadley continuously slouches more and more forward, the pressure of her fingers on his back probably not helping this at all. His eyes are wide now. "He used the Light as torture...? That's disgusting. That's more disgusting than..." He shakes his head.
Chadley says: Than a Death Knight.
Mairèad tries to pull Chadley into a more upright position so she can actually loosen the knots in his shoulders. "I agree," she says, barely audibly. "Anyway. That's probably why so many people know him. I guess he's been tryin'a lay low more recently."
Mairèad says: Cultists kidnapped his wife so she could marry a giant tauren and give birth to their snake god, so he wants to keep thin's quiet.
Chadley slowly looks over his shoulder. "-What-?"
Mairèad says: It's jest what I heard. I guess she's some sort of...I don't even know. Somethin' powerful.
Chadley says: Something- I don't even want to know. I don't even -know- what I want to know. I can't keep ignoring this fucking corpse, Mairead.
Mairèad sits back and rests her hands in her lap. "What are y'gunna do?"
Chadley leans back forward, holding his head between his arms, "I don't -know-. I don't want anything to do with it and yet everything about me already has -everything- to do with it!"
Mairèad says: ...mebbe Shep could help you.
Chadley says: How?
Mairèad says: Well. He invents things. Usually things what make yer dad hurt or itchy...I don't laugh 'cause I try to be nice to him, but I do on the inside.
Mairèad says: But what if he could make you somethin' so that you could be near yer dad without feelin' sick? Then you could talk to him and get closure.
Chadley says: Can he really create something capable of suppressing spiritual energy?
Mairèad says: If anyone could, Shep could. Whaddya mean, spiritual energy? I thought y'jest felt sick 'cause he's an abomination.
Mairèad is so nice to Mr. MacGlynn, really.
Chadley says: I- I do. But, you know, the Light reacting to it? They're all animated by that disgraceful magic, after all...
Mairèad says: So you think th'Light's jest makin' you feel sick 'cause of all th'necromancy in yer dad?
Chadley scoots away from Mairead, removing his gloves and setting them beside his breastplate. He pulls his tabard back on.
Chadley says: I don't know. Something like that, I guess.
Mairèad says: Well. If Shep knew about what was goin' on with you, I bet he'd be able to help. Mebbe he could make you a pill or somethin'.
Chadley says: I've been practicing meditation to stop it from happening. I don't think pills would help.
Chadley says: It's a spiritual flaw, not a physical one.
Mairèad says: You'd be surprised how many things pills kin help. At least let Shep take a look and give it a try... it'd be worth it if you could go through Stormwind and not get sick errytime yer near a deader. And th'Light itself is spiritual, right?
Mairèad says: But it manifests in the physicaly. Mebbe this is the same.
Chadley says: I really, really don't think it'll do any good, Mairead.
Mairèad says: It wouldn't hurt to try at least.
Chadley says: Also, no offense to your boyfriend or whatever he is now, but I'm not going to be popping medication just invented on the fly.
Mairèad says: I could try it first, if y'like. Jest to make sure it works alright. But you -need- to get this closure, Chad. Y'won't be able to move on with yer life unless you do.
Chadley says: I KNOW I need to get this done! I don't need anybody reminding me of something I remind myself every Lightdamned minute! I just don't think you- It's not going to work. I'll humor you. But it won't work.
Mairèad seems taken aback at this sudden outburst, though she simply nods. "Alright. You know I'll try and help you any way I know how, Chad. Y'know that, right?"
Chadley looks at her, looking a little taken aback about it himself. "I- I know. Thank you. I'm sorry."
Mairèad says: ...Chad, you know there's nothin' you kin do that'll evarrr make me stop lovin' you. We're family. That ent gunna change, no matter what happens. I jest wanna make sure yer alright.
Chadley says: I'm... glad to hear you say that, though usually when people say things like that it's because they're trying to persuade someone of something.
Chadley says: What do you want me to do, then?
Chadley says: You personally.
Mairèad says: Me personally? I... I want you to be able to talk t'yer dad. Even jest once. He's actually not a jackass, and...
Mairèad sighs and looks away, shaking her head. "It ent me place."
Chadley says: It is your place if I ask.
Mairèad shrugs a shoulder, still looking away. "I jest want you to be happy, Chad. Yer content sometimes, but it feels like yer nevarrr happy. And I want you to be happy."
Chadley lies back on the grass and looks up at the branches overhead. "I know I'm not."
Mairèad flops down on her stomach, studying Chadley. "It hurts t'see someone y'love not be happy. You jest wanna fix it, but y'don't know how."
Chadley says: My mom is dead. So is Thomas. Any place that holds any value to me has been destroyed. Everything I do seems to lead me back to some fucking thing with my father's face and I don't even know if I can pass my training.
Mairèad shakes her head, reaching over to squeeze Chadley's hand in a gesture of reassurance. She lets go quickly. "You'll pass yer trainin'. It might take a while, you'll get there. Jest... y'gotta lotta stuff t'work out between now and then, and I kin't do that fer you." She gives him a sad smile. "Wish I could, but..."
Chadley says: Is all of this getting in my way?
Chadley says: Do you think that's why?
Mairèad hesitates and then nods. "I'm no mind fixer, but if I had to guess what's standin' in yer way, I'd say yer dad's a good place to start."
Chadley says: If there was such a thing as a mind fixer, I'd not be here on the grass crying like an idiot.
Chadley sits up.
Chadley says: I'll need to meditate a lot more, if I'm to be near that.
Mairèad doesn't sit up; she still just lies there, looking up at Chadley with a concerned frown. "What kin I do to help?"
Chadley says: ... Or try your damned uninvented pills.
Chadley says: I... don't know what you can do. I have a lot of thinking to do.
Mairèad nods, finally sitting up. She looks very much like she would like to latch onto Chadley much the way she usually does Shepard, but instead she simply reaches out her hand, murmuring a word of blessing.
Chadley pulls his friend into a hug, not saying a word.
Mairèad looks completely surprised at this, not reacting for a moment, but eventually wrapping her arms around Chadley and holding him close. She doesn't say anything either.
Chadley lets go abruptly. "I'm going home now." He stands, picking up his things as he does so.
Mairèad nods, standing as well. She reaches up and kisses the corner of Chadley's mouth. "Light bless you and keep you, Light shine upon you and grant you peace."
Chadley tries to shrug her away when she does this. "Yeah, I ask it for that, too. Goodnight. Light bless."
Mairèad steps back and lets Chadley walk way. "You too."
Chadley says: I'm well aware that Mr. Lius is an asshole.
Mairèad sighs with annoyance, drumming her fingers on the spine of the book she's carrying. "Dickhead," she corrects. "And he got of our commandin' officers showed up and made him feel like an arse."
Mairèad says: But I am sorreh.
Chadley sighs. "I should have expected it, after last night."
Mairèad says: What happened last night? Di-- you know. We should get outta the street so Emma doesn't run us over.
Chadley says: I've changed my mind; Stehl's still a jerk. And Emma can walk around.
Chadley walks anyway.
Chadley says: Where are we going.
Mairèad says: Light, what -happened-? And we kin go sit somewhere quiet... mebbe by one 'a the lakes?
Chadley shrugs and keeps walking. "Whatever. And Light, last night. So I'd spent the night practicing and stopped by the Blue Recluse for some water. Turns out, so had Stehl and a few of his... friends."
Mairèad says: Uh oh. Probably Lius, then, and Toos.
Chadley says: Lius, Liotuse, some woman, and some dwarf.
Chadley says: The woman is the one that started it.
Chadley frowns at the fish smell.
Mairèad says: ...not th'Gundorf, I hope. And th'woman...I ent met any women with them before, except Lius' student, and she's stupid and wouldn't know how to start somethin' if you taught her fer twenty years.
Mairèad sets her shield to the side, rolling her shoulders painfully. "So what'd they say? What were they doin'?"
Chadley says: This dwarf didn't have a gun. In fact, he appeared to be wearing similar armor to Stehl's, so I assume he was a paladin. I think the woman may have been, too, or maybe a squire. I don't know. I wasn't paying attention. I just wanted to leave.
Chadley says: I tried leaving, but Stehl called me back.
Mairèad makes a sound not unlike "fffff" and says, "Th'dorf was our commander, then. Colonel Hardcheese. No, I'm not kiddin'."
Chadley says: Hardcheese...? Well, he was only there briefly. Didn't say much to me.
Mairèad says: He humiliated Lius today, so you kin rest assured that he ent a horrible person.
Chadley says: Oh, good, I like him.
Mairèad nudges Chadley lightly and chuckles. "I figured y'would. Do you want a shoulder rub, Chad? I need to practice me healin' magic and with all th'work Stehlfire's been havin' you do, you could probably use one."
Chadley 's brows press together. "Is there no other way you could practice?"
Mairèad wrinkles her nose. "I know y'don't like bein' touched. I jest thought I'd offer, since I know I could use one. But if you'd rather not, it's okay."
Chadley slouches. "Fine. Do it. Just don't make us look like a couple."
Mairèad snorts and shakes her head. "Errybody around here knows I'm Shep's girl," she points out. "Take off yer breastplate. I promise, platonic shoulder rubs onleh. So what'd Stehlfire and his friends do in specific?"
Chadley pulls off his tabard and undoes the various straps and buckles holding the breastplate to his chest. He takes the time to fold the tabard and set both items out neatly on the grass.
Chadley says: If you say so. But if anyone says a -word-...
Mairèad says: If anyone says a word, I'll punch them in the teeth.
Chadley says: Uh- please don't...
Chadley says: And- they didn't really do much, I guess. Just spent about an hour humiliating me for laughs.
Chadley says: Which I'm used to.
Chadley says: I also learned that almost all of them know my father, I guess proving the old saying that people are always more famous after their death.
Chadley begins to groan.
Mairèad shifts around behind Chadley, murmuring a word of blessing. Her fingertips begin to glow, and although the sensation burns a bit at first, it soon becomes the whole soothing Light thing Chadley's likely used to.
Mairèad says: From what I hear, he's had a lotta influence in this city. I guess around this time last year, someone kidnapped him and tortured him and wanted to publically execute him.
Mairèad keeps her voice carefully neutral, as if discussing climate changes in the past year.
Chadley winces and then stiffens in reaction to the burning, but eventually relaxes. "And people stopped that from happening?"
Mairèad says: Yahar. I guess that, at the time, he was one of th'onleh deaders what knew his place and didn't try to cause hell in Stormwind. And he tried to keep the other ones in line, too.
Mairèad works her fingers gently against a particularly nasty knot. "Plus it was part of a riot... lots of innocent people were hurt and killed. His death would've jest said that tearin' the city apart 'cause yer cranky is okay."
Chadley doesn't allow himself to relax fully, remaining slouched forward with a sober expression. "Did it happen because of what he is? Or was it just... random?"
Mairèad says: Depends who you ask. Some people think it was 'cause he's a deader. Some people think he was jest random. I haven't asked him about it meself...figure if I'd almost died and been tortured, I wouldn't wanna tell me about it either.
Chadley says: What would he even care? He's dead.
Chadley says: Probably didn't even hurt to be tortured.
Mairèad rolls a shoulder, making a weird spider pattern with her fingers. "I heard th'person what tortured him wielded the Light, but not like you and me...he used it like a Blood Knight. It didn't come to him 'cause he was faithful, it was 'cause he stole it."
Chadley continuously slouches more and more forward, the pressure of her fingers on his back probably not helping this at all. His eyes are wide now. "He used the Light as torture...? That's disgusting. That's more disgusting than..." He shakes his head.
Chadley says: Than a Death Knight.
Mairèad tries to pull Chadley into a more upright position so she can actually loosen the knots in his shoulders. "I agree," she says, barely audibly. "Anyway. That's probably why so many people know him. I guess he's been tryin'a lay low more recently."
Mairèad says: Cultists kidnapped his wife so she could marry a giant tauren and give birth to their snake god, so he wants to keep thin's quiet.
Chadley slowly looks over his shoulder. "-What-?"
Mairèad says: It's jest what I heard. I guess she's some sort of...I don't even know. Somethin' powerful.
Chadley says: Something- I don't even want to know. I don't even -know- what I want to know. I can't keep ignoring this fucking corpse, Mairead.
Mairèad sits back and rests her hands in her lap. "What are y'gunna do?"
Chadley leans back forward, holding his head between his arms, "I don't -know-. I don't want anything to do with it and yet everything about me already has -everything- to do with it!"
Mairèad says: ...mebbe Shep could help you.
Chadley says: How?
Mairèad says: Well. He invents things. Usually things what make yer dad hurt or itchy...I don't laugh 'cause I try to be nice to him, but I do on the inside.
Mairèad says: But what if he could make you somethin' so that you could be near yer dad without feelin' sick? Then you could talk to him and get closure.
Chadley says: Can he really create something capable of suppressing spiritual energy?
Mairèad says: If anyone could, Shep could. Whaddya mean, spiritual energy? I thought y'jest felt sick 'cause he's an abomination.
Mairèad is so nice to Mr. MacGlynn, really.
Chadley says: I- I do. But, you know, the Light reacting to it? They're all animated by that disgraceful magic, after all...
Mairèad says: So you think th'Light's jest makin' you feel sick 'cause of all th'necromancy in yer dad?
Chadley scoots away from Mairead, removing his gloves and setting them beside his breastplate. He pulls his tabard back on.
Chadley says: I don't know. Something like that, I guess.
Mairèad says: Well. If Shep knew about what was goin' on with you, I bet he'd be able to help. Mebbe he could make you a pill or somethin'.
Chadley says: I've been practicing meditation to stop it from happening. I don't think pills would help.
Chadley says: It's a spiritual flaw, not a physical one.
Mairèad says: You'd be surprised how many things pills kin help. At least let Shep take a look and give it a try... it'd be worth it if you could go through Stormwind and not get sick errytime yer near a deader. And th'Light itself is spiritual, right?
Mairèad says: But it manifests in the physicaly. Mebbe this is the same.
Chadley says: I really, really don't think it'll do any good, Mairead.
Mairèad says: It wouldn't hurt to try at least.
Chadley says: Also, no offense to your boyfriend or whatever he is now, but I'm not going to be popping medication just invented on the fly.
Mairèad says: I could try it first, if y'like. Jest to make sure it works alright. But you -need- to get this closure, Chad. Y'won't be able to move on with yer life unless you do.
Chadley says: I KNOW I need to get this done! I don't need anybody reminding me of something I remind myself every Lightdamned minute! I just don't think you- It's not going to work. I'll humor you. But it won't work.
Mairèad seems taken aback at this sudden outburst, though she simply nods. "Alright. You know I'll try and help you any way I know how, Chad. Y'know that, right?"
Chadley looks at her, looking a little taken aback about it himself. "I- I know. Thank you. I'm sorry."
Mairèad says: ...Chad, you know there's nothin' you kin do that'll evarrr make me stop lovin' you. We're family. That ent gunna change, no matter what happens. I jest wanna make sure yer alright.
Chadley says: I'm... glad to hear you say that, though usually when people say things like that it's because they're trying to persuade someone of something.
Chadley says: What do you want me to do, then?
Chadley says: You personally.
Mairèad says: Me personally? I... I want you to be able to talk t'yer dad. Even jest once. He's actually not a jackass, and...
Mairèad sighs and looks away, shaking her head. "It ent me place."
Chadley says: It is your place if I ask.
Mairèad shrugs a shoulder, still looking away. "I jest want you to be happy, Chad. Yer content sometimes, but it feels like yer nevarrr happy. And I want you to be happy."
Chadley lies back on the grass and looks up at the branches overhead. "I know I'm not."
Mairèad flops down on her stomach, studying Chadley. "It hurts t'see someone y'love not be happy. You jest wanna fix it, but y'don't know how."
Chadley says: My mom is dead. So is Thomas. Any place that holds any value to me has been destroyed. Everything I do seems to lead me back to some fucking thing with my father's face and I don't even know if I can pass my training.
Mairèad shakes her head, reaching over to squeeze Chadley's hand in a gesture of reassurance. She lets go quickly. "You'll pass yer trainin'. It might take a while, you'll get there. Jest... y'gotta lotta stuff t'work out between now and then, and I kin't do that fer you." She gives him a sad smile. "Wish I could, but..."
Chadley says: Is all of this getting in my way?
Chadley says: Do you think that's why?
Mairèad hesitates and then nods. "I'm no mind fixer, but if I had to guess what's standin' in yer way, I'd say yer dad's a good place to start."
Chadley says: If there was such a thing as a mind fixer, I'd not be here on the grass crying like an idiot.
Chadley sits up.
Chadley says: I'll need to meditate a lot more, if I'm to be near that.
Mairèad doesn't sit up; she still just lies there, looking up at Chadley with a concerned frown. "What kin I do to help?"
Chadley says: ... Or try your damned uninvented pills.
Chadley says: I... don't know what you can do. I have a lot of thinking to do.
Mairèad nods, finally sitting up. She looks very much like she would like to latch onto Chadley much the way she usually does Shepard, but instead she simply reaches out her hand, murmuring a word of blessing.
Chadley pulls his friend into a hug, not saying a word.
Mairèad looks completely surprised at this, not reacting for a moment, but eventually wrapping her arms around Chadley and holding him close. She doesn't say anything either.
Chadley lets go abruptly. "I'm going home now." He stands, picking up his things as he does so.
Mairèad nods, standing as well. She reaches up and kisses the corner of Chadley's mouth. "Light bless you and keep you, Light shine upon you and grant you peace."
Chadley tries to shrug her away when she does this. "Yeah, I ask it for that, too. Goodnight. Light bless."
Mairèad steps back and lets Chadley walk way. "You too."
Friday, April 22, 2011
Mairèad & Chadley: April 21
Mairèad says: Much better. Light, there should be laws against that.
Chadley says: I like sitting here. The canal doesn't look like sludge at this part, and there's no noise.
Mairèad says: It's probably th'cleanest part in th'canals, unless you go to the outer edge of town.
Mairèad says: Otherwise... if y'get too close to Old Town, you find all th'poisons and if yer too close t'where the Park used t'be, it's all ash and sludge.
Chadley says: It's sort of a black color around the Dwarven District as well. I hear they dump their refuse in their lava canals in ironforge. Probably do the same here.
Mairèad says: Ugh. I'm glad I haven't been swimmin' in th'canals...jest th'lakes outside a' town.
Chadley says: ... I fell in once.
Chadley scowls.
Mairèad wrinkles her nose and shakes her head. "I'm sorreh. Hope y'got cleaned up rill good after. Say, how's yer trainin' comin' along? Is Stehlfire bein' good to you?"
Chadley says: ... It's funny you mention that. I was just thinking about how... well, easy it's been. Perhaps 'easy' isn't the correct word, but compared to what I was expecting from him?
Mairèad brightens some. "So he hasn't been beatin' on you too hard, then? What have you been doin'?"
Chadley says: Not... at all, really. Not beyond what you'd expect from training. It's like those first two days he was just trying to scare me off.
Chadley says: And, well, today I tried learning shielding.
Chadley says: Keyword being 'tried'.
Mairèad says: How'd you do?
Chadley says: ... Figured my saying 'tried' was a hint enough.
Mairèad chuckles at this, reaching back to touch her own shield lightly. "What'd he have t'say about that?"
Chadley waves a hand. "Oh, no, I didn't mean shields like that. I meant holy shields. And he told me it wasn't a problem. Guess it's not something anybody gets right away."
Mairèad nods. "Yahar, most 'a the things y'learn ent stuff y'get right away. I think th'onleh reason I was so quick about thin's was 'cause I'd had lots 'a practice on th'ship."
Chadley nods, giving a sigh as he does. "Yeah. I guess I'm just jealous."
Mairèad 's smile fades, and she shakes her head. "Don't be jealous, Chad. I could nevarrr heal th'way you amount 'a trainin' would change that."
Chadley says: I don't want to be stuck healing all my life.
Mairèad says: Why not?
Chadley says: Because that's just not how I want to spend my life. I don't want to hide behind everybody or wait around inside until after everybody's been-
Mairèad looks at Chadley and, after a moment, reaches to squeeze his hand. "Y'know, even if I'm protectin' people, I get absolutely nowhere without havin' someone healin' me. Imagine if I stood between a village and a dragon, and I charged in without someone healin' me. It'd bite me in half, and th'village would be saved fer exactly five seconds longer than if I'd jest stayed home."
Mairèad says: So I mean. It's yer life, but...people like you are rilly needed.
Chadley says: I'm of no use stuck in the Cathedral or whatever barracks I'm shipped off to. It's mostly corpses that get brought to me.
Mairèad says: Once you've got some more trainin', you should see about joinin' up with a unit, like th'Division. Light, I didn't tell you, did I? Stehlfire's me new commandin' officer.
Chadley blinks at you.
Mairèad says: What?
Chadley says: Y-you didn't tell me that! You're in-
Chadley looks at her tabard. "You're in the Seventh Legion now?"
Mairèad says: Onleh as of a few days ago. I kin't ship out until I'm ordained, but I guess I impressed them.
Mairèad sounds more embarrassed than proud, as if she doesn't want to seem like she's bragging.
Chadley says: That's amazing! Where are you shipping out to, when you do?
Mairèad says: I don't know fer sure's mostly classified information. They jest killed a shark whale, though, which means they're badass.
Mairèad says: I jest hope I don't get dead.
Chadley says: I heard about that.
Chadley says: I don't think you'll die, either.
Mairèad says: Rilly?
Mairèad looks up at Chadley, chewing on her lower lip.
Chadley says: It took you less than half a year to have your ordination. They don't just hand those out to anybody.
Mairèad nods and smiles slightly. "Though, t'be fair, I've been fightin' most 'a me life. But...y'rilly think I'll be alright?"
Chadley says: Not if you keep thinking you won't be like that.
Mairèad 's smile broadens and she leans over to kiss Chadley on the cheek. "Yer the onleh one not in th'unit what hasn't said I'm crazy fer this. I jest wanted t'go where I could do th'most good, y'know?"
Chadley says: Yeah. Welcome to how I feel. And you might be a bit crazy... I'd definitely not want to throw myself in with the elite right at first.
Mairèad says: Well. I've nevarrr thought you were crazy fer wantin' to be a palerdin, so fair's fair. And...yahar, I know. It's early. But...if I kin protect people better in th'Legion, I wanna do that.
Chadley says: I more meant the 'wanting to be somewhere you can do good'. Nobody's ever actually tried to dissuade me from becoming a paladin, except my mom.
Mairèad nods, looking back out over the water. "Thing is, y'don't necessarily hafta be a fighter t'be doin' th'most good."
Chadley sighs. "I know. We even just talked about this. But it's just what I want to do."
Mairèad says: Then I'll try and help you all I kin. I'm tryin'a learn a new style 'a fightin''s th'way Mr. Crowe usually fights, but I'm no good with big swords and maces like he is. Mebbe we could practice together.
Chadley says: A two-handed weapon?
Chadley smiles, just barely. "Do they make them in your size?"
Mairèad giggles. "I think that's half th'problem. Most 'a the two-handed weapons I've found are taller'n I am!"
Chadley says: Maybe find one made for Dwarves.
Mairèad says: Mebbe, or jest a rilly big one-handed weapon.
Mairèad says: What's Stehlfire have you usin'?
Chadley says: ... My fists, mostly.
Chadley looks down at his hands in his lap and flexes his fingers. There's an audible crack.
Mairèad blinks and looks at Chadley's hands. "...did you break yer hands?" she asks after a moment, sounding like she's torn between amused and concerned.
Chadley shakes his head, feeling out his left hand with his right. "No, not broken. Just... abused. I punched a tree hard enough to crack it today."
Mairèad says: Wow, congratulations. I punched a wergin th'other day, though I don't think that's as impressive.
Chadley says: He showed me how to apply a seal to my fist to strengthen my blows. So it wasn't really me doing it as much as it was the Light. Why did you punch a worgen?
Mairèad says: Because he was bein' dumb and tried t'bite me.
Chadley says: Tried to -bite- you?!
Mairèad says: Mmhm. Fortunately, I don't think he'd be allowed t'Stormwind if he was still feral and able t'pass on th'curse.
Mairèad says: But me and Mr. Crowe tag-teamed him and kinda crushed his head like a walnut. Then he scratched me armor and ran off.
Chadley says: Light. I hope the guard caught him and put him down.
Mairèad shakes her head. "Not as far's I know. He tried t'walk up to me today and do his sad puppy routine. I told him to get lost and some other wergin started yellin' at me and callin' me a wergin-hater."
Chadley says: Aren't you sleeping with one.
Mairèad shakes her head. "Nooo, not yet. I mean. I want to, but he's...well. He's nevarrr done anythin' before, save fer me kissin' him. It's a, um. Process. That I don't mind much, usually."
Chadley says: No, if I can recall, you actually quite enjoy the process.
Mairèad says: Most 'a the time. It's jest slower'n a great whale swimming t'Northrend.
Mairèad says: Which...I -think-, I don't why I went nuts and did stuff with Luke.
Chadley says: I really hope you don't intend on starting your own collection of pants.
Mairèad says: Oh Light no. Trust me, if it were up t'me, I'd jest be with Shep, always. Shep or you, but that's mostly 'cause I know there's not much I could do t'make you hate me, so there'd be nothin' to worry about.
Mairèad says: But...if y'wanna rilly be with someone, they gotta want you, too. And he does. Jest...
Mairèad sighs. "How am I in the fuckin' Seventh Legion and talkin' about this."
Chadley shrugs a shoulder. "You're just a person. If you're smart, your life won't be the military."
Chadley says: You can have problems outside of practicing your salute.
Mairèad says: That's true. Light, I wonder if you'd end up in th'Seventh, too, 'cause Stehlfire is yer trainer?
Chadley laughs. "As the medic, told to go sit back in the barracks some more, maybe. No way I could keep up with the elite."
Mairèad says: Hey, y'nevarrr know. But if you did end up bein' back in th'barracks or back at camp, that'd be pretty wicked. At least I'd be able to look forward to seein' you immediately after we finished.
Chadley smiles. "I guess so. I'd be out of this city, anyway."
Mairèad says: This city's nuts. Say, next time Shep takes me to Dalaran, y'wanna come with me?
Mairèad says: There's nobody there, and it's -rilly- beautiful. ...well. Except in th'Purple Parlor. There it's jest -rilly- tall.
Chadley 's expression lights up. "Dalaran? You've been going to Dalaran? If there's one thing I miss about the North it's that city. I'd -love- to go."
Mairèad grins broadly and nods. "Good! Next time Shep's in th'city, I'll ask if you kin come with us. It's a shame you two don't talk more often. I think you'd be rilly good friends."
Chadley says: Have you seen the size of the library there? You can't even see the -ceiling-. And what makes you say that?
Mairèad starts to say something, but then changes her mind and says something else. "You've got a lotta th'same interests. Shep's th'kinda guy what you could jest give books to ferever and he'd nevarrr want anythin' else."
Chadley says: Well. I do put them down eventually, but... If you insist he's not an ass, I'll trust that.
Mairèad says: Have y'evarrr talked to him, besides that one time we went out to eat?
Chadley says: Not really, no. I don't "talk to" people.
Mairèad says: Except me.
Chadley says: That's because you talked endlessly at me until I had no choice but talk back. Stehl used the same method.
Chadley says this flatly.
Mairèad doesn't look at all sorry for this. "Well, you were th'onleh person I knew what was me own age. And now y'kin't imagine life without me, yahar?"
Chadley says: To be honest, I thought you were dead until a few months ago.
Chadley says: But now you're the closest thing to family I have.
Mairèad says: ...same. I mean. I've got me mam, but she'll probably hightail it outta port th'second I'm ordained. And Cap'n Teach doesn't count.
Chadley says: I've just got... you, after Southshore. I mean, I guess I've got-
Chadley begins to groan.
Mairèad squeezes Chadley's hand. "You don't hafta count him if y'don't want to. I know it's what he wants, but you gotta want it, too."
Chadley 's hands clench. The one she holds wraps not intentionally around hers, hers just happens to be there. "I don't want to hear what he wants."
Mairèad says: I know y'don't. Which is why I don't evarrr say when he's told me t'say hi.
Mairèad says: ...Chad, would you replace him? I mean, if someone what you thought was a better dad came along.
Chadley says: Why do you think my last name is Fairdale?
Chadley suddenly realizes he's clenching her hand and drops it. He looks down at the canal, trying very hard not to blink.
Mairèad says: Did you rilly like Uncle Thomas more than y'liked yer old dad?
Mairèad rests both hands in her lap, apparently unphased by Chadley's clench of doom.
Chadley still looks at the water, still unblinking. "He wasn't as... fun, I guess. Or interesting. But he was there, and he helped me learn to read and write, and everything else I missed out on."
Mairèad says: ...that's kinda what Mr. Crowe's been fer me, onleh more than that. It''s different, fer girls.
Chadley says: How so?
Mairèad says: He's taught me so much, but he also makes it rilly clear that if anyone evarrr hurts me, he'll tear their faces off and stick 'em to his shoulders like Mr. Lius does.
Mairèad says: And...I mean. I like bein' able to take care 'a meself. I like that I don't need someone to -let- me fight.
Mairèad says: But...I guess it's jest good to know that there's someone what's always willin' and able t'know who -you- are and remind you. Does that make sense?
Chadley scratches under an eye. "I guess. Maybe."
Chadley says: Not really.
Mairèad wrinkles her nose. "It's hard to explain. All I know's that I didn't realize there was anythin' missin' from that part 'a me life until Mr. Crowe and me talked th'other night. I told him what Cap'n Teach said and...Light, th'look on his face."
Mairèad says: Shep'd kill fer me in a heartbeat, but not even he looked that pissed when I told him. He jest held me and told me I was his sunshine.
Chadley says: Well, it was pretty disgusting.
Mairèad 's cheeks flush. "Yahar, it was."
Chadley makes a face. "I really didn't need to know he calls you that."
Mairèad says: He doesn't. He calls me Straps.
Chadley says: ... Straps.
Mairèad says: Mmhm.
Chadley says: I don't get it.
Mairèad says: 'Cause I latch onto him, like straps.
Chadley begins to groan.
Chadley says: Why did I ask.
Mairèad says: 'Cause yer curious.
Chadley says: I often regret my curious nature.
Chadley says: It's only balanced out by the fact that I'm often too cowardly to act on my curiosity.
Mairèad says: Mm, you probably get into a lot fewer awkward situations than Shep, then. Mebbe you could teach him a thing or two.
Mairèad says: And he could do the same.
Chadley says: A thing or two about what?
Mairèad says: Errythin'.
Chadley says: I'm... not sure I really have anything to teach anybody, Mair.
Chadley says: But I'll talk to him because I should humor my best friend.
Mairèad says: You teach me a lot. You help me be more down to earth, not so flighty and silly. You taught me what it rilly meant to be a palerdin. You taught me what it's like to have a family.
Mairèad says: Not to mention that most 'a me book knowledge comes from you. No time fer readin' much beyond charts onboard.
Chadley smiles. "Down to earth? Is my miserable attitude contagious?"
Mairèad grins back, leaning forward on her lap to look at Chadley sideways. "Sometimes. Yer jest more serious about life than I am. Sometimes, that's not so great, but I think it's helped me be realistic."
Chadley says: I find that the moment I grow comfortable with something, it tends to be destroyed. I don't like complaining because I know my life could be worse, but that's why I ditched my idealism.
Mairèad says: Well, yer comfortable with me, right? And I'm still here, despite tryin' to destroy us. You kin still call on th'Light, too. Rilly well. Right?
Chadley laughs. "I've been giving pretty pathetic displays lately when I call on it. And you're right, you're still here. Somehow."
Mairèad reaches over and kisses Chadley on the corner of the mouth again. "Always will be. Promise."
Chadley says: I like sitting here. The canal doesn't look like sludge at this part, and there's no noise.
Mairèad says: It's probably th'cleanest part in th'canals, unless you go to the outer edge of town.
Mairèad says: Otherwise... if y'get too close to Old Town, you find all th'poisons and if yer too close t'where the Park used t'be, it's all ash and sludge.
Chadley says: It's sort of a black color around the Dwarven District as well. I hear they dump their refuse in their lava canals in ironforge. Probably do the same here.
Mairèad says: Ugh. I'm glad I haven't been swimmin' in th'canals...jest th'lakes outside a' town.
Chadley says: ... I fell in once.
Chadley scowls.
Mairèad wrinkles her nose and shakes her head. "I'm sorreh. Hope y'got cleaned up rill good after. Say, how's yer trainin' comin' along? Is Stehlfire bein' good to you?"
Chadley says: ... It's funny you mention that. I was just thinking about how... well, easy it's been. Perhaps 'easy' isn't the correct word, but compared to what I was expecting from him?
Mairèad brightens some. "So he hasn't been beatin' on you too hard, then? What have you been doin'?"
Chadley says: Not... at all, really. Not beyond what you'd expect from training. It's like those first two days he was just trying to scare me off.
Chadley says: And, well, today I tried learning shielding.
Chadley says: Keyword being 'tried'.
Mairèad says: How'd you do?
Chadley says: ... Figured my saying 'tried' was a hint enough.
Mairèad chuckles at this, reaching back to touch her own shield lightly. "What'd he have t'say about that?"
Chadley waves a hand. "Oh, no, I didn't mean shields like that. I meant holy shields. And he told me it wasn't a problem. Guess it's not something anybody gets right away."
Mairèad nods. "Yahar, most 'a the things y'learn ent stuff y'get right away. I think th'onleh reason I was so quick about thin's was 'cause I'd had lots 'a practice on th'ship."
Chadley nods, giving a sigh as he does. "Yeah. I guess I'm just jealous."
Mairèad 's smile fades, and she shakes her head. "Don't be jealous, Chad. I could nevarrr heal th'way you amount 'a trainin' would change that."
Chadley says: I don't want to be stuck healing all my life.
Mairèad says: Why not?
Chadley says: Because that's just not how I want to spend my life. I don't want to hide behind everybody or wait around inside until after everybody's been-
Mairèad looks at Chadley and, after a moment, reaches to squeeze his hand. "Y'know, even if I'm protectin' people, I get absolutely nowhere without havin' someone healin' me. Imagine if I stood between a village and a dragon, and I charged in without someone healin' me. It'd bite me in half, and th'village would be saved fer exactly five seconds longer than if I'd jest stayed home."
Mairèad says: So I mean. It's yer life, but...people like you are rilly needed.
Chadley says: I'm of no use stuck in the Cathedral or whatever barracks I'm shipped off to. It's mostly corpses that get brought to me.
Mairèad says: Once you've got some more trainin', you should see about joinin' up with a unit, like th'Division. Light, I didn't tell you, did I? Stehlfire's me new commandin' officer.
Chadley blinks at you.
Mairèad says: What?
Chadley says: Y-you didn't tell me that! You're in-
Chadley looks at her tabard. "You're in the Seventh Legion now?"
Mairèad says: Onleh as of a few days ago. I kin't ship out until I'm ordained, but I guess I impressed them.
Mairèad sounds more embarrassed than proud, as if she doesn't want to seem like she's bragging.
Chadley says: That's amazing! Where are you shipping out to, when you do?
Mairèad says: I don't know fer sure's mostly classified information. They jest killed a shark whale, though, which means they're badass.
Mairèad says: I jest hope I don't get dead.
Chadley says: I heard about that.
Chadley says: I don't think you'll die, either.
Mairèad says: Rilly?
Mairèad looks up at Chadley, chewing on her lower lip.
Chadley says: It took you less than half a year to have your ordination. They don't just hand those out to anybody.
Mairèad nods and smiles slightly. "Though, t'be fair, I've been fightin' most 'a me life. But...y'rilly think I'll be alright?"
Chadley says: Not if you keep thinking you won't be like that.
Mairèad 's smile broadens and she leans over to kiss Chadley on the cheek. "Yer the onleh one not in th'unit what hasn't said I'm crazy fer this. I jest wanted t'go where I could do th'most good, y'know?"
Chadley says: Yeah. Welcome to how I feel. And you might be a bit crazy... I'd definitely not want to throw myself in with the elite right at first.
Mairèad says: Well. I've nevarrr thought you were crazy fer wantin' to be a palerdin, so fair's fair. And...yahar, I know. It's early. But...if I kin protect people better in th'Legion, I wanna do that.
Chadley says: I more meant the 'wanting to be somewhere you can do good'. Nobody's ever actually tried to dissuade me from becoming a paladin, except my mom.
Mairèad nods, looking back out over the water. "Thing is, y'don't necessarily hafta be a fighter t'be doin' th'most good."
Chadley sighs. "I know. We even just talked about this. But it's just what I want to do."
Mairèad says: Then I'll try and help you all I kin. I'm tryin'a learn a new style 'a fightin''s th'way Mr. Crowe usually fights, but I'm no good with big swords and maces like he is. Mebbe we could practice together.
Chadley says: A two-handed weapon?
Chadley smiles, just barely. "Do they make them in your size?"
Mairèad giggles. "I think that's half th'problem. Most 'a the two-handed weapons I've found are taller'n I am!"
Chadley says: Maybe find one made for Dwarves.
Mairèad says: Mebbe, or jest a rilly big one-handed weapon.
Mairèad says: What's Stehlfire have you usin'?
Chadley says: ... My fists, mostly.
Chadley looks down at his hands in his lap and flexes his fingers. There's an audible crack.
Mairèad blinks and looks at Chadley's hands. "...did you break yer hands?" she asks after a moment, sounding like she's torn between amused and concerned.
Chadley shakes his head, feeling out his left hand with his right. "No, not broken. Just... abused. I punched a tree hard enough to crack it today."
Mairèad says: Wow, congratulations. I punched a wergin th'other day, though I don't think that's as impressive.
Chadley says: He showed me how to apply a seal to my fist to strengthen my blows. So it wasn't really me doing it as much as it was the Light. Why did you punch a worgen?
Mairèad says: Because he was bein' dumb and tried t'bite me.
Chadley says: Tried to -bite- you?!
Mairèad says: Mmhm. Fortunately, I don't think he'd be allowed t'Stormwind if he was still feral and able t'pass on th'curse.
Mairèad says: But me and Mr. Crowe tag-teamed him and kinda crushed his head like a walnut. Then he scratched me armor and ran off.
Chadley says: Light. I hope the guard caught him and put him down.
Mairèad shakes her head. "Not as far's I know. He tried t'walk up to me today and do his sad puppy routine. I told him to get lost and some other wergin started yellin' at me and callin' me a wergin-hater."
Chadley says: Aren't you sleeping with one.
Mairèad shakes her head. "Nooo, not yet. I mean. I want to, but he's...well. He's nevarrr done anythin' before, save fer me kissin' him. It's a, um. Process. That I don't mind much, usually."
Chadley says: No, if I can recall, you actually quite enjoy the process.
Mairèad says: Most 'a the time. It's jest slower'n a great whale swimming t'Northrend.
Mairèad says: Which...I -think-, I don't why I went nuts and did stuff with Luke.
Chadley says: I really hope you don't intend on starting your own collection of pants.
Mairèad says: Oh Light no. Trust me, if it were up t'me, I'd jest be with Shep, always. Shep or you, but that's mostly 'cause I know there's not much I could do t'make you hate me, so there'd be nothin' to worry about.
Mairèad says: But...if y'wanna rilly be with someone, they gotta want you, too. And he does. Jest...
Mairèad sighs. "How am I in the fuckin' Seventh Legion and talkin' about this."
Chadley shrugs a shoulder. "You're just a person. If you're smart, your life won't be the military."
Chadley says: You can have problems outside of practicing your salute.
Mairèad says: That's true. Light, I wonder if you'd end up in th'Seventh, too, 'cause Stehlfire is yer trainer?
Chadley laughs. "As the medic, told to go sit back in the barracks some more, maybe. No way I could keep up with the elite."
Mairèad says: Hey, y'nevarrr know. But if you did end up bein' back in th'barracks or back at camp, that'd be pretty wicked. At least I'd be able to look forward to seein' you immediately after we finished.
Chadley smiles. "I guess so. I'd be out of this city, anyway."
Mairèad says: This city's nuts. Say, next time Shep takes me to Dalaran, y'wanna come with me?
Mairèad says: There's nobody there, and it's -rilly- beautiful. ...well. Except in th'Purple Parlor. There it's jest -rilly- tall.
Chadley 's expression lights up. "Dalaran? You've been going to Dalaran? If there's one thing I miss about the North it's that city. I'd -love- to go."
Mairèad grins broadly and nods. "Good! Next time Shep's in th'city, I'll ask if you kin come with us. It's a shame you two don't talk more often. I think you'd be rilly good friends."
Chadley says: Have you seen the size of the library there? You can't even see the -ceiling-. And what makes you say that?
Mairèad starts to say something, but then changes her mind and says something else. "You've got a lotta th'same interests. Shep's th'kinda guy what you could jest give books to ferever and he'd nevarrr want anythin' else."
Chadley says: Well. I do put them down eventually, but... If you insist he's not an ass, I'll trust that.
Mairèad says: Have y'evarrr talked to him, besides that one time we went out to eat?
Chadley says: Not really, no. I don't "talk to" people.
Mairèad says: Except me.
Chadley says: That's because you talked endlessly at me until I had no choice but talk back. Stehl used the same method.
Chadley says this flatly.
Mairèad doesn't look at all sorry for this. "Well, you were th'onleh person I knew what was me own age. And now y'kin't imagine life without me, yahar?"
Chadley says: To be honest, I thought you were dead until a few months ago.
Chadley says: But now you're the closest thing to family I have.
Mairèad says: ...same. I mean. I've got me mam, but she'll probably hightail it outta port th'second I'm ordained. And Cap'n Teach doesn't count.
Chadley says: I've just got... you, after Southshore. I mean, I guess I've got-
Chadley begins to groan.
Mairèad squeezes Chadley's hand. "You don't hafta count him if y'don't want to. I know it's what he wants, but you gotta want it, too."
Chadley 's hands clench. The one she holds wraps not intentionally around hers, hers just happens to be there. "I don't want to hear what he wants."
Mairèad says: I know y'don't. Which is why I don't evarrr say when he's told me t'say hi.
Mairèad says: ...Chad, would you replace him? I mean, if someone what you thought was a better dad came along.
Chadley says: Why do you think my last name is Fairdale?
Chadley suddenly realizes he's clenching her hand and drops it. He looks down at the canal, trying very hard not to blink.
Mairèad says: Did you rilly like Uncle Thomas more than y'liked yer old dad?
Mairèad rests both hands in her lap, apparently unphased by Chadley's clench of doom.
Chadley still looks at the water, still unblinking. "He wasn't as... fun, I guess. Or interesting. But he was there, and he helped me learn to read and write, and everything else I missed out on."
Mairèad says: ...that's kinda what Mr. Crowe's been fer me, onleh more than that. It''s different, fer girls.
Chadley says: How so?
Mairèad says: He's taught me so much, but he also makes it rilly clear that if anyone evarrr hurts me, he'll tear their faces off and stick 'em to his shoulders like Mr. Lius does.
Mairèad says: And...I mean. I like bein' able to take care 'a meself. I like that I don't need someone to -let- me fight.
Mairèad says: But...I guess it's jest good to know that there's someone what's always willin' and able t'know who -you- are and remind you. Does that make sense?
Chadley scratches under an eye. "I guess. Maybe."
Chadley says: Not really.
Mairèad wrinkles her nose. "It's hard to explain. All I know's that I didn't realize there was anythin' missin' from that part 'a me life until Mr. Crowe and me talked th'other night. I told him what Cap'n Teach said and...Light, th'look on his face."
Mairèad says: Shep'd kill fer me in a heartbeat, but not even he looked that pissed when I told him. He jest held me and told me I was his sunshine.
Chadley says: Well, it was pretty disgusting.
Mairèad 's cheeks flush. "Yahar, it was."
Chadley makes a face. "I really didn't need to know he calls you that."
Mairèad says: He doesn't. He calls me Straps.
Chadley says: ... Straps.
Mairèad says: Mmhm.
Chadley says: I don't get it.
Mairèad says: 'Cause I latch onto him, like straps.
Chadley begins to groan.
Chadley says: Why did I ask.
Mairèad says: 'Cause yer curious.
Chadley says: I often regret my curious nature.
Chadley says: It's only balanced out by the fact that I'm often too cowardly to act on my curiosity.
Mairèad says: Mm, you probably get into a lot fewer awkward situations than Shep, then. Mebbe you could teach him a thing or two.
Mairèad says: And he could do the same.
Chadley says: A thing or two about what?
Mairèad says: Errythin'.
Chadley says: I'm... not sure I really have anything to teach anybody, Mair.
Chadley says: But I'll talk to him because I should humor my best friend.
Mairèad says: You teach me a lot. You help me be more down to earth, not so flighty and silly. You taught me what it rilly meant to be a palerdin. You taught me what it's like to have a family.
Mairèad says: Not to mention that most 'a me book knowledge comes from you. No time fer readin' much beyond charts onboard.
Chadley smiles. "Down to earth? Is my miserable attitude contagious?"
Mairèad grins back, leaning forward on her lap to look at Chadley sideways. "Sometimes. Yer jest more serious about life than I am. Sometimes, that's not so great, but I think it's helped me be realistic."
Chadley says: I find that the moment I grow comfortable with something, it tends to be destroyed. I don't like complaining because I know my life could be worse, but that's why I ditched my idealism.
Mairèad says: Well, yer comfortable with me, right? And I'm still here, despite tryin' to destroy us. You kin still call on th'Light, too. Rilly well. Right?
Chadley laughs. "I've been giving pretty pathetic displays lately when I call on it. And you're right, you're still here. Somehow."
Mairèad reaches over and kisses Chadley on the corner of the mouth again. "Always will be. Promise."
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Senkha & Oliver: Braning in Surwich, Part 1
Senkha is doing a crossword puzzle! Because that's what she does.
Macglynn shuts the door behind him. When he doesn't see Senkha downstairs, he looks up and shrugs before removing his blade and cloak. "Y'there?"
Senkha chuckles, setting down her crossword puzzle and calling down the stairs, "No, I ran away. With my fully-functioning legs. I'm halfway to Tanaris by now."
Macglynn says: Well, shit. Na' Ah gotta head back out an' git y'back.
Senkha says: Mm, I'm just trouble like that. Coming upstairs or are you going to make me scoot down on my arse?
Macglynn looks up. "Th' second one'd be funnier."
Oliver would likely hear a heavy shuffling upstairs, along with the footfalls of Senkha's brace. A moment later, one of the pillows comes flying down the stairs, beaning him in the head.
Macglynn ... was not expecting that at all. It smacks him in the face with an audible 'FWUMP' and he takes a step back, catching it in his arms, looking startled. "This is abuse!"
Senkha shuffles back to the bed noisily and calls back downstairs, "I'll be up here, awaiting your revenge with terrified and bated breath."
Macglynn removes his pipe from his bag before letting it drop to the floor beside his blade's point. Senkha would suddenly find a single, tiny beetle flying around her face, doing its best to pester her. Oliver turns to climb the stairs.
Senkha swats at the beetle, not trying to kill it as much as get it away from her face or even catch it in her hand. She wrinkles her nose and blows out air and basically looks completely ridiculous as she does so.
Macglynn reaches the top of the stairs and blinks as he finds his wife flailing around. "Whut th' heck is you doin'?" The beetle expertly dodges her hand, purposefully going to annoying places like her ear so she can hear it buzz.
Senkha continues to try and catch the beetle, hitting herself in the head several times before finally giving Oliver a plaintive look. "Alright, alright, I'm sorry for the pillow!" she protests far louder than she actually needs to. Dat buzzing, man.
Macglynn grins and takes a few long strides toward the bed, hands clasped behind his back. "Ah'm very happy t' hear that!" The buzzing ceases. The beetle is nowhere to be seen.
Senkha now frowns, looking around for any sign of the beetle. "Light, it didn't bore into my head, did it?" She sounds slightly panicked; unwittingly, the memory of Apophan's snake boring into Strahm's head flashes across her mind.
Macglynn blinks. The beetle crawls out harmlessly from behind her ear and onto her cheek, where it flicks its wings and takes off back toward Oliver. He cants his head, his grin a softer smile now. "Think yuh'd feel that."
Macglynn circles a finger around the top of his head, indicating bug-boring. "Kinna hard t'miss."
Senkha 's cheeks flush and she laughs sheepishly. "Probably," she agrees, tilting her head to the side. "I need to start getting used to your bugs playing tricks on me. I think they've inherited your mischief."
Macglynn chuckles. The bug returns to him and disappears beneath his bandana as he steps forward to seat himself on the bedside.
Macglynn says: Naw, that was jus' me.
Senkha smirks and sits up enough to lean against Oliver, because cold, undead, husband in plate is more comfortable than cushy pillows. "Just you, huh?" she teases, kissing his cheek. "How are 'just you'?"
Macglynn says: Well, Ah s'pose Ah'm jus' fahn.
Macglynn smirks slyly at you.
Macglynn says: Think Ah owe y'some practice.
Senkha says: So you got things sorted then?
Senkha smiles at Oliver hopefully.
Macglynn says: Y'could say Ah did.
Senkha 's smile grows wider. There's a sense of curiosity to her, and she very clearly wants to ask for details, but instead, she simply presses another kiss to Oliver's cheek and says, "I'm proud of you. I'm so proud of you."
Macglynn 's smile weakens as she kisses his cheek, and he straightens the way he sits. "So we gunna try this na'?"
Senkha pushes aside her curiosities and just smiles at Oliver, shifting again to sit back against the pillow. "Yes. Whenever you're ready."
Macglynn gives a short nod. Just as before, he's quick to enter the depths of her mind, and it's still an unpleasant experience. He hesitates before doing anything, but taking the risk, he peers into her memories with an open gaze.
Senkha is still stuck on that memory of the snake being forced into Strahm's mind. It's a bizarre memory--warped and melting like a Dali painting, voices going too slow and too fast, everything very hot and thirsty. The only thing that comes through clearly is Strahm's scream of agony as the snake bores into his mind, all while the Apophan is laughing hysterically.
Macglynn does nothing to interfere with these memories, but he does look for something brighter. Forcefully, like he's demanding it of her mind, he shifts to more cherished memories. "Ain't here fer none 'a that," he mutters, as if justifying himself.
Almost instantly, their music is playing. His cold arms are around her, but not around her. It's dark, and there's a great deal of pain throughout. She's crying. He's crying. But despite this, she feels safe and loved.
Macglynn wraps his arms around her to match, picking at her thoughts to get deeper. -Why are even your good memories so dark?- He stops searching as a curiosity overcomes him. The memories are harshly discarded and he instead looks to dreams. Perhaps, he thinks, he can find what she hopes to have, not what's preventing her from having it.
Some of her dreams are hazed over; she's not proud of them and doesn't want to share with the class. Most of them have to do with him being alive. Some involve her walking again. Most are just simple things: family, friends. People not getting hurt or lost or leaving. Not having to worry about waking up one morning and being back alone in Theramore.
Macglynn 's very much interested in those that she's unwilling to share, though it pains him to admit that to himself. With his inexperience, the sheer desire to see them is enough to will them open to him. With the grace of a buffalo his mind tries to gaze into what's in these thoughts, and he's hardly aware he's doing it. He becomes aware quickly, though. He holds back, prying gently. "Let me see," he asks.
Fair is fair, after all; Senkha reluctantly removes some of the haze. She dreams about Oliver being alive again, really alive, because he was so happy the last time. Not putting on a show happy, really happy. She dreams of working alongside Marius and training people like herself, but she'd have to have thousands of years to master her mind that way, and she doesn't have that. She only has maybe sixty more at the most, and at this rate... She dreams of Dizzy's mental problems going away, of her being a normal sixteen-year-old girl with normal sixteen-year-old girl problems. She dreams-- there's so much haze over this one. She thinks he would probably guess it anyway.
Macglynn does guess, but his curiosity drives him to try and peel away the haze just the same. The pain is lessening, though still present, as he grows more accustomed to doing this with no ill intent.
--the last time you found this, you tried to kill me.-- Senkha is putting up a tiny bit of a struggle, though not much of one. Fair -is- fair, though: she lets him peel back the haze, and of course, he can see that she wants to be like him. Not undead. Not dependent on a runeblade. Not damned ("though I am already, so that's kind of..." HAZE). But everyone she loves has hundreds of years. Thousands. And she has maybe a few decades, if that. Along with these thoughts is a pervading sense of shame. She knows it's wrong to want this. She knows he hates that she wants this. She wishes she didn't.
Macglynn is not in the least bit surprised and forces away a racuous laugh in the back of his own mind. Giving a sigh, he withdraws until it's her real face he sees. While he's gained some skill in searching, the removal is still a painful experience.
Macglynn says: ... Hey. Uh.
Macglynn looks at you.
Macglynn says: Question.
Senkha opens her eyes and looks at Oliver. She still looks vaguely embarrassed, as if he's just seen her popping bacne or something else gross. "Mm."
Macglynn holds up a finger. He then proceeds to remove his pauldrons, gauntlets, and tabard, leaving him only in his chestplate. He uncinches the buckles, and the layers fall away to reveal a deep, black, ugly wound just below his shoulder. Thousands of beetles also skitter inside a hole just under his ribcage as the light hits them. He looks at the wound, then at her. "Got this in th' woods t'day. Could y'help with it, maybe?"
Senkha blinks at the two injuries and, after a moment, nods. "Alright," she answers quietly, closing her eyes. Without much more warning, Oliver would feel the peculiar sensation of Senkha in his very bones again, only this time, she's seeking out those two wounds and pulling the flesh together. It's more difficult with dead flesh than with living; instead of generating new cells, the skin has to be pulled together, the wound unmade. It takes her longer than it usually would, this puzzle, but several minutes later, the wound on his shoulder is nearly entirely sealed, and the one under his ribcage looks much better. "How do you normally seal your wounds?" she wonders. "Blood magic?"
Macglynn looks down at the giant hole beneath his ribcage. "Huh. Been a while since Ah seen that one full closed up." He touches his hand to the newly stitched flesh under his shoulder and smiles. "Thanks. An' not really- unholy magic. Ain't so diffrint from shadow. Keeps me t'gether, too."
Senkha frowns thoughtfully. She's still trying to tug at the edges of his wounds to close them entirely and, after another several minutes of tugging, manages to close the wound under his ribcage. "I'll get the hang of it sooner or later, I suppose. It's hard when I have to tell your body to do something that it doesn't do naturally."
Macglynn laughs, his muscles twitching at the bizarre sensation of her being in his bones. "Ah'd argyuh there ain't nuthin' m'body -does- do natur'ly." He looks down again at the torso wound. Something really large moves around underneath it and he rolls his eyes.
Macglynn says: ... Y'kin give up on that one, Senkha.
Macglynn says: 'S been there a while na'.
Senkha withdraws, frowning at the wound still and muttering something about having to practice. "It's...a lot of energy. But it's mostly like surgery. I'd have to employ shadow magic to -really- get things to close, but I don't know if I'm capable."
Macglynn sighs, leaning over again to wrap his now bare, clammy arm around her shoulder. The torso wound she just sealed suddenly bursts open, the beetles reopening the entry to their home. "Ah'm gunna curse m'self fer sayin' this, but y'could try."
Senkha looks reluctant and shakes her head, eyeing the reopened wound with contempt. "I don't think I could. I've never been able to use any sort of magic...if I had, I'd have been able to set things on fire like Selvie, and then we wouldn't be here. Which. I mean. I'm glad we are. But I'm just saying, you know. I... hnnn."
Macglynn says: This ain't magic t' you?
Senkha says: No. It's... I can't explain it. It's more forcing my will on your mind and body. If that makes sense.
Macglynn says: Ah think magic sounds more pleas'nt.
Senkha shakes her head, pressing her hands to her eyes. "No, it -can't- be... I... I need to ask Marius about this." For some reason, the idea of her abilities being anything like magic is very upsetting.
Macglynn furrows his brow and looks at his wife with a frown. "Them assholes y'grew up with usin' magic don't make it a bad thing, Senkha."
Senkha shakes her head again. "It's not magic," she states firmly. "Magic's different from this. This is just... it's my brain being too big for my head. That's all."
Macglynn holds his hand out in front of her and gives her a sad smile. The moist air gives him plenty to work with, and the water collects above his hand in a shape that resembles a rosebud. It falls into his hand. "Even Ah kin admit not ever'thin' Ah got is terrible."
Senkha looks at the rosebud, frowning softly. "Magic is divided into two categories: divine and arcane. The ability to do divine magic is a gift from the Light, the gods, or faith. Arcane magic... that's fire. And frost. And the bending of time and space itself." She sounds like she's reciting things that she's known for a long time but hasn't thought much about in that time. "If this is divine, then...who? But it couldn't be divine, because I follow the Light, and it's not Light. And if it's arcane..." She drops her hands on her lap helplessly, looking wounded. "...where was it twenty years ago when I needed it?"
Macglynn says: Th' world lahks t' screw us that way.
Macglynn takes his arm off her shoulders and sits back. Indeed, he's a good example.
Senkha says: -Why-? If this is arcane, why can't I conjure a flame? Or make a rose out of ice? I just... and if it's divine, -who-?
Senkha leans her head on Oliver's disgusting, plague-ridden shoulder, not caring a whit for the dried blight there. "I wish Marius was still speaking to me. I wish... oh Oliver, what if it's... oh Light." She covers her eyes with her hands again, groaning.
Macglynn looks down at her and quickly reaches a hand up to stop her, but not quick enough. He presses his brows together out of concern, but he instead just lets her talk, placing a hand over the back of her head. "Didn' write that letter yet, hm," he grumbles.
Senkha shakes her head. "I keep trying, but every time I try, it comes out like I'm complaining. I don't want to complain. I want to say 'I'm sorry, even though I don't know what I did, and you should come have binary brew with us.'"
Senkha says: ...what if it's the Old Gods? What if that's the divine magic I'm tapping into?
Macglynn says: Senkha, y'ain't turnin' circles on th' floor talkin'a yerself in a language nobody kin unnerstand. Y'ain't channelin' Old Gods. As fer Maryus...
Macglynn says: Dun' do neither. Ask 'im ha' 'e is. Ha' things is holdin' up in court. Jus' be 'is friend lahk y'always been.
Macglynn says: More'n that, obviously, sure 'e's heared enough about that, but y'know whut Ah mean.
Macglynn says: "It's been a while since we talked. Ah worry 'bout you."
Macglynn shrugs.
Senkha drops her hands and stares at Oliver as if he's just given her the answer to life, the universe, and everything. "When did you get so smart?" she asks, still leaning her head against his shoulder. "I feel like an idiot for not thinking of that myself."
Macglynn blinks at you.
Macglynn says: Uh...
Senkha says: I'm sitting here, trying to write all of these letters explaining myself, when really, I should've been asking how he is.
Macglynn says: This ain't sarcasm, is it?
Senkha says: Not at all. I'm just... I can't believe I didn't think of that myself.
Macglynn says: Oh. Well.
Macglynn says: Y'should do that.
Macglynn nods.
Senkha sags, looking somewhat defeated. "I've been so selfish since waking up, haven't I?"
Macglynn says: If y'got a big enough load on yer back, it's hard ta think 'bout anythin' but it.
Senkha says: ...hnn. I know I need to be here, but... Light, I feel like a horrible person for it.
Macglynn says: D'y'feel ready ta go back?
NO NO NO NO NO, screams Senkha's brain. "...I don't feel ready. I feel...obligated. Like I'm letting people down. Like it's selfish of me to be here." After a moment, she adds in a softer voice, "Like on Gin and Lisa's farm."
Macglynn says: Hmm.
Macglynn says: Ah'm a ter'ble person'a give advice here, 'cause Ah'd prob'ly feel th' same way!
Macglynn looks at her and smiles. "But Ah tell y'whut Ah hear that shit's all turned ta a puh-litical drama fest an' ever'body's regrettin' bein' involved."
Macglynn points to his comm ring. Hours of entertainment.
Senkha finally gives Oliver a small smile. "I know you would. And has it? What've you heard?"
Macglynn says: Ah been ketchin' bits an' pieces. Somethin' 'bout a bomb threat, folk leavin' Sigil ta git away from this... sounds lahk folk is done with these games.
Senkha says: Maybe it's a good time to invite Marius down here to visit, then, so he can get away from it all. Maybe I could find some contacts to ship in some Binary Brew and we could sit on the beach and be drunk.
Macglynn says: Y'should ask 'im!
Macglynn says: ... In yer second letter.
Senkha says: ...the second letter.
Macglynn says: Well jus sayin', y'dunno ha' things is. A invaht t' go drinkin' may have bad tahmin' if'n y'ain't sure.
Macglynn nods as if he knows this from experience.
Senkha says: Have you done such a thing before?
Macglynn says: ... Aye, wrote a bud sayin' we should git shitfaced sometahm. Wrote me back sayin' 'is wife an' kids was killed by a bear an' 'e didn' much care ter.
Macglynn looks at Senkha with a Very Serious expression.
Senkha says: ...if you and Dizzy were killed by a bear, I would be shitfaced -before- anyone could write to me.
Senkha says: That said, it's very good that we're not in Dalaran. They have far too much alcohol available far too readily.
Macglynn points at a cabinet across the room. "Ah made sure t'bring m'self home enough fer years ta come."
Senkha says: Well that's good. At least I won't drink alone for years to come then. Only drunks drink alone.
Senkha nods sagely.
Macglynn says: When there's two 'a us, we's alcoholics.
Senkha sighs quietly and looks up at Oliver. "May I... hnn. I don't want to probe. I know that you don't like it very much."
Macglynn says: May y'whut.
Senkha says: ...look in your mind.
Macglynn looks at her curiously. "Fer why?"
Senkha 's mouth twists a little bit. "Because I like getting to know your stories. You had a happier life before than I did, and...well, it's nice to see. Makes me happy to see it."
Macglynn thinks, and even seems ready to respond, that it shouldn't matter- she's happy now, right? Except then he remembers that she's just short of miserable most of the time and closes his eyes. "Go fer it, Ah guess."
Macglynn shuts the door behind him. When he doesn't see Senkha downstairs, he looks up and shrugs before removing his blade and cloak. "Y'there?"
Senkha chuckles, setting down her crossword puzzle and calling down the stairs, "No, I ran away. With my fully-functioning legs. I'm halfway to Tanaris by now."
Macglynn says: Well, shit. Na' Ah gotta head back out an' git y'back.
Senkha says: Mm, I'm just trouble like that. Coming upstairs or are you going to make me scoot down on my arse?
Macglynn looks up. "Th' second one'd be funnier."
Oliver would likely hear a heavy shuffling upstairs, along with the footfalls of Senkha's brace. A moment later, one of the pillows comes flying down the stairs, beaning him in the head.
Macglynn ... was not expecting that at all. It smacks him in the face with an audible 'FWUMP' and he takes a step back, catching it in his arms, looking startled. "This is abuse!"
Senkha shuffles back to the bed noisily and calls back downstairs, "I'll be up here, awaiting your revenge with terrified and bated breath."
Macglynn removes his pipe from his bag before letting it drop to the floor beside his blade's point. Senkha would suddenly find a single, tiny beetle flying around her face, doing its best to pester her. Oliver turns to climb the stairs.
Senkha swats at the beetle, not trying to kill it as much as get it away from her face or even catch it in her hand. She wrinkles her nose and blows out air and basically looks completely ridiculous as she does so.
Macglynn reaches the top of the stairs and blinks as he finds his wife flailing around. "Whut th' heck is you doin'?" The beetle expertly dodges her hand, purposefully going to annoying places like her ear so she can hear it buzz.
Senkha continues to try and catch the beetle, hitting herself in the head several times before finally giving Oliver a plaintive look. "Alright, alright, I'm sorry for the pillow!" she protests far louder than she actually needs to. Dat buzzing, man.
Macglynn grins and takes a few long strides toward the bed, hands clasped behind his back. "Ah'm very happy t' hear that!" The buzzing ceases. The beetle is nowhere to be seen.
Senkha now frowns, looking around for any sign of the beetle. "Light, it didn't bore into my head, did it?" She sounds slightly panicked; unwittingly, the memory of Apophan's snake boring into Strahm's head flashes across her mind.
Macglynn blinks. The beetle crawls out harmlessly from behind her ear and onto her cheek, where it flicks its wings and takes off back toward Oliver. He cants his head, his grin a softer smile now. "Think yuh'd feel that."
Macglynn circles a finger around the top of his head, indicating bug-boring. "Kinna hard t'miss."
Senkha 's cheeks flush and she laughs sheepishly. "Probably," she agrees, tilting her head to the side. "I need to start getting used to your bugs playing tricks on me. I think they've inherited your mischief."
Macglynn chuckles. The bug returns to him and disappears beneath his bandana as he steps forward to seat himself on the bedside.
Macglynn says: Naw, that was jus' me.
Senkha smirks and sits up enough to lean against Oliver, because cold, undead, husband in plate is more comfortable than cushy pillows. "Just you, huh?" she teases, kissing his cheek. "How are 'just you'?"
Macglynn says: Well, Ah s'pose Ah'm jus' fahn.
Macglynn smirks slyly at you.
Macglynn says: Think Ah owe y'some practice.
Senkha says: So you got things sorted then?
Senkha smiles at Oliver hopefully.
Macglynn says: Y'could say Ah did.
Senkha 's smile grows wider. There's a sense of curiosity to her, and she very clearly wants to ask for details, but instead, she simply presses another kiss to Oliver's cheek and says, "I'm proud of you. I'm so proud of you."
Macglynn 's smile weakens as she kisses his cheek, and he straightens the way he sits. "So we gunna try this na'?"
Senkha pushes aside her curiosities and just smiles at Oliver, shifting again to sit back against the pillow. "Yes. Whenever you're ready."
Macglynn gives a short nod. Just as before, he's quick to enter the depths of her mind, and it's still an unpleasant experience. He hesitates before doing anything, but taking the risk, he peers into her memories with an open gaze.
Senkha is still stuck on that memory of the snake being forced into Strahm's mind. It's a bizarre memory--warped and melting like a Dali painting, voices going too slow and too fast, everything very hot and thirsty. The only thing that comes through clearly is Strahm's scream of agony as the snake bores into his mind, all while the Apophan is laughing hysterically.
Macglynn does nothing to interfere with these memories, but he does look for something brighter. Forcefully, like he's demanding it of her mind, he shifts to more cherished memories. "Ain't here fer none 'a that," he mutters, as if justifying himself.
Almost instantly, their music is playing. His cold arms are around her, but not around her. It's dark, and there's a great deal of pain throughout. She's crying. He's crying. But despite this, she feels safe and loved.
Macglynn wraps his arms around her to match, picking at her thoughts to get deeper. -Why are even your good memories so dark?- He stops searching as a curiosity overcomes him. The memories are harshly discarded and he instead looks to dreams. Perhaps, he thinks, he can find what she hopes to have, not what's preventing her from having it.
Some of her dreams are hazed over; she's not proud of them and doesn't want to share with the class. Most of them have to do with him being alive. Some involve her walking again. Most are just simple things: family, friends. People not getting hurt or lost or leaving. Not having to worry about waking up one morning and being back alone in Theramore.
Macglynn 's very much interested in those that she's unwilling to share, though it pains him to admit that to himself. With his inexperience, the sheer desire to see them is enough to will them open to him. With the grace of a buffalo his mind tries to gaze into what's in these thoughts, and he's hardly aware he's doing it. He becomes aware quickly, though. He holds back, prying gently. "Let me see," he asks.
Fair is fair, after all; Senkha reluctantly removes some of the haze. She dreams about Oliver being alive again, really alive, because he was so happy the last time. Not putting on a show happy, really happy. She dreams of working alongside Marius and training people like herself, but she'd have to have thousands of years to master her mind that way, and she doesn't have that. She only has maybe sixty more at the most, and at this rate... She dreams of Dizzy's mental problems going away, of her being a normal sixteen-year-old girl with normal sixteen-year-old girl problems. She dreams-- there's so much haze over this one. She thinks he would probably guess it anyway.
Macglynn does guess, but his curiosity drives him to try and peel away the haze just the same. The pain is lessening, though still present, as he grows more accustomed to doing this with no ill intent.
--the last time you found this, you tried to kill me.-- Senkha is putting up a tiny bit of a struggle, though not much of one. Fair -is- fair, though: she lets him peel back the haze, and of course, he can see that she wants to be like him. Not undead. Not dependent on a runeblade. Not damned ("though I am already, so that's kind of..." HAZE). But everyone she loves has hundreds of years. Thousands. And she has maybe a few decades, if that. Along with these thoughts is a pervading sense of shame. She knows it's wrong to want this. She knows he hates that she wants this. She wishes she didn't.
Macglynn is not in the least bit surprised and forces away a racuous laugh in the back of his own mind. Giving a sigh, he withdraws until it's her real face he sees. While he's gained some skill in searching, the removal is still a painful experience.
Macglynn says: ... Hey. Uh.
Macglynn looks at you.
Macglynn says: Question.
Senkha opens her eyes and looks at Oliver. She still looks vaguely embarrassed, as if he's just seen her popping bacne or something else gross. "Mm."
Macglynn holds up a finger. He then proceeds to remove his pauldrons, gauntlets, and tabard, leaving him only in his chestplate. He uncinches the buckles, and the layers fall away to reveal a deep, black, ugly wound just below his shoulder. Thousands of beetles also skitter inside a hole just under his ribcage as the light hits them. He looks at the wound, then at her. "Got this in th' woods t'day. Could y'help with it, maybe?"
Senkha blinks at the two injuries and, after a moment, nods. "Alright," she answers quietly, closing her eyes. Without much more warning, Oliver would feel the peculiar sensation of Senkha in his very bones again, only this time, she's seeking out those two wounds and pulling the flesh together. It's more difficult with dead flesh than with living; instead of generating new cells, the skin has to be pulled together, the wound unmade. It takes her longer than it usually would, this puzzle, but several minutes later, the wound on his shoulder is nearly entirely sealed, and the one under his ribcage looks much better. "How do you normally seal your wounds?" she wonders. "Blood magic?"
Macglynn looks down at the giant hole beneath his ribcage. "Huh. Been a while since Ah seen that one full closed up." He touches his hand to the newly stitched flesh under his shoulder and smiles. "Thanks. An' not really- unholy magic. Ain't so diffrint from shadow. Keeps me t'gether, too."
Senkha frowns thoughtfully. She's still trying to tug at the edges of his wounds to close them entirely and, after another several minutes of tugging, manages to close the wound under his ribcage. "I'll get the hang of it sooner or later, I suppose. It's hard when I have to tell your body to do something that it doesn't do naturally."
Macglynn laughs, his muscles twitching at the bizarre sensation of her being in his bones. "Ah'd argyuh there ain't nuthin' m'body -does- do natur'ly." He looks down again at the torso wound. Something really large moves around underneath it and he rolls his eyes.
Macglynn says: ... Y'kin give up on that one, Senkha.
Macglynn says: 'S been there a while na'.
Senkha withdraws, frowning at the wound still and muttering something about having to practice. "It's...a lot of energy. But it's mostly like surgery. I'd have to employ shadow magic to -really- get things to close, but I don't know if I'm capable."
Macglynn sighs, leaning over again to wrap his now bare, clammy arm around her shoulder. The torso wound she just sealed suddenly bursts open, the beetles reopening the entry to their home. "Ah'm gunna curse m'self fer sayin' this, but y'could try."
Senkha looks reluctant and shakes her head, eyeing the reopened wound with contempt. "I don't think I could. I've never been able to use any sort of magic...if I had, I'd have been able to set things on fire like Selvie, and then we wouldn't be here. Which. I mean. I'm glad we are. But I'm just saying, you know. I... hnnn."
Macglynn says: This ain't magic t' you?
Senkha says: No. It's... I can't explain it. It's more forcing my will on your mind and body. If that makes sense.
Macglynn says: Ah think magic sounds more pleas'nt.
Senkha shakes her head, pressing her hands to her eyes. "No, it -can't- be... I... I need to ask Marius about this." For some reason, the idea of her abilities being anything like magic is very upsetting.
Macglynn furrows his brow and looks at his wife with a frown. "Them assholes y'grew up with usin' magic don't make it a bad thing, Senkha."
Senkha shakes her head again. "It's not magic," she states firmly. "Magic's different from this. This is just... it's my brain being too big for my head. That's all."
Macglynn holds his hand out in front of her and gives her a sad smile. The moist air gives him plenty to work with, and the water collects above his hand in a shape that resembles a rosebud. It falls into his hand. "Even Ah kin admit not ever'thin' Ah got is terrible."
Senkha looks at the rosebud, frowning softly. "Magic is divided into two categories: divine and arcane. The ability to do divine magic is a gift from the Light, the gods, or faith. Arcane magic... that's fire. And frost. And the bending of time and space itself." She sounds like she's reciting things that she's known for a long time but hasn't thought much about in that time. "If this is divine, then...who? But it couldn't be divine, because I follow the Light, and it's not Light. And if it's arcane..." She drops her hands on her lap helplessly, looking wounded. "...where was it twenty years ago when I needed it?"
Macglynn says: Th' world lahks t' screw us that way.
Macglynn takes his arm off her shoulders and sits back. Indeed, he's a good example.
Senkha says: -Why-? If this is arcane, why can't I conjure a flame? Or make a rose out of ice? I just... and if it's divine, -who-?
Senkha leans her head on Oliver's disgusting, plague-ridden shoulder, not caring a whit for the dried blight there. "I wish Marius was still speaking to me. I wish... oh Oliver, what if it's... oh Light." She covers her eyes with her hands again, groaning.
Macglynn looks down at her and quickly reaches a hand up to stop her, but not quick enough. He presses his brows together out of concern, but he instead just lets her talk, placing a hand over the back of her head. "Didn' write that letter yet, hm," he grumbles.
Senkha shakes her head. "I keep trying, but every time I try, it comes out like I'm complaining. I don't want to complain. I want to say 'I'm sorry, even though I don't know what I did, and you should come have binary brew with us.'"
Senkha says: ...what if it's the Old Gods? What if that's the divine magic I'm tapping into?
Macglynn says: Senkha, y'ain't turnin' circles on th' floor talkin'a yerself in a language nobody kin unnerstand. Y'ain't channelin' Old Gods. As fer Maryus...
Macglynn says: Dun' do neither. Ask 'im ha' 'e is. Ha' things is holdin' up in court. Jus' be 'is friend lahk y'always been.
Macglynn says: More'n that, obviously, sure 'e's heared enough about that, but y'know whut Ah mean.
Macglynn says: "It's been a while since we talked. Ah worry 'bout you."
Macglynn shrugs.
Senkha drops her hands and stares at Oliver as if he's just given her the answer to life, the universe, and everything. "When did you get so smart?" she asks, still leaning her head against his shoulder. "I feel like an idiot for not thinking of that myself."
Macglynn blinks at you.
Macglynn says: Uh...
Senkha says: I'm sitting here, trying to write all of these letters explaining myself, when really, I should've been asking how he is.
Macglynn says: This ain't sarcasm, is it?
Senkha says: Not at all. I'm just... I can't believe I didn't think of that myself.
Macglynn says: Oh. Well.
Macglynn says: Y'should do that.
Macglynn nods.
Senkha sags, looking somewhat defeated. "I've been so selfish since waking up, haven't I?"
Macglynn says: If y'got a big enough load on yer back, it's hard ta think 'bout anythin' but it.
Senkha says: ...hnn. I know I need to be here, but... Light, I feel like a horrible person for it.
Macglynn says: D'y'feel ready ta go back?
NO NO NO NO NO, screams Senkha's brain. "...I don't feel ready. I feel...obligated. Like I'm letting people down. Like it's selfish of me to be here." After a moment, she adds in a softer voice, "Like on Gin and Lisa's farm."
Macglynn says: Hmm.
Macglynn says: Ah'm a ter'ble person'a give advice here, 'cause Ah'd prob'ly feel th' same way!
Macglynn looks at her and smiles. "But Ah tell y'whut Ah hear that shit's all turned ta a puh-litical drama fest an' ever'body's regrettin' bein' involved."
Macglynn points to his comm ring. Hours of entertainment.
Senkha finally gives Oliver a small smile. "I know you would. And has it? What've you heard?"
Macglynn says: Ah been ketchin' bits an' pieces. Somethin' 'bout a bomb threat, folk leavin' Sigil ta git away from this... sounds lahk folk is done with these games.
Senkha says: Maybe it's a good time to invite Marius down here to visit, then, so he can get away from it all. Maybe I could find some contacts to ship in some Binary Brew and we could sit on the beach and be drunk.
Macglynn says: Y'should ask 'im!
Macglynn says: ... In yer second letter.
Senkha says: ...the second letter.
Macglynn says: Well jus sayin', y'dunno ha' things is. A invaht t' go drinkin' may have bad tahmin' if'n y'ain't sure.
Macglynn nods as if he knows this from experience.
Senkha says: Have you done such a thing before?
Macglynn says: ... Aye, wrote a bud sayin' we should git shitfaced sometahm. Wrote me back sayin' 'is wife an' kids was killed by a bear an' 'e didn' much care ter.
Macglynn looks at Senkha with a Very Serious expression.
Senkha says: ...if you and Dizzy were killed by a bear, I would be shitfaced -before- anyone could write to me.
Senkha says: That said, it's very good that we're not in Dalaran. They have far too much alcohol available far too readily.
Macglynn points at a cabinet across the room. "Ah made sure t'bring m'self home enough fer years ta come."
Senkha says: Well that's good. At least I won't drink alone for years to come then. Only drunks drink alone.
Senkha nods sagely.
Macglynn says: When there's two 'a us, we's alcoholics.
Senkha sighs quietly and looks up at Oliver. "May I... hnn. I don't want to probe. I know that you don't like it very much."
Macglynn says: May y'whut.
Senkha says: ...look in your mind.
Macglynn looks at her curiously. "Fer why?"
Senkha 's mouth twists a little bit. "Because I like getting to know your stories. You had a happier life before than I did, and...well, it's nice to see. Makes me happy to see it."
Macglynn thinks, and even seems ready to respond, that it shouldn't matter- she's happy now, right? Except then he remembers that she's just short of miserable most of the time and closes his eyes. "Go fer it, Ah guess."
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Stehl & Chadley: April 20
Stehl says: So. How're your arms.
Chadley drops down onto the nearest bench. "Sore."
Stehl says: Sucks to be you. Today you learn how to make your punches count.
Chadley says: You're going to make me punch the tree now, aren't you.
Stehl says: No. Stand up.
Chadley stands up and faces Stehl. "Okay?"
Stehl says: Over here.
Chadley approaches not with obvious apprehension, but it's there.
Stehl taps the middle of his tabard, the golden circle, "Hit that as hard as you can."
Stargul takes a seat on the bench.
Stehl 's various flames flicker briefly.
Chadley looks at Stehl skeptically. "... Alright." He steps forward, balls his fist, winds his arm back, and punches directly in the center of Stehl's chest. His hand contacts with a loud clang and he pulls back, shaking it out.
Chadley says: Son of a bitch!
Stehl draws his fist back uttering, "My turn!" Before he gives his squire a chance to properly react, his arm shoots out like a piston to hit Chadley in the center of his tabard. Just an average blow for him.
Rhiawyn glances over her shoulder curiously at the sound of the blow landing.
Stargul says: Crazy lad.
Chadley is impacted directly in his chest, not having had the time at all to recover. He falls backwards onto the ground with a crash of metal, now coughing. "You didn't say you were-!"
You let out a hacking cough.
Stargul says: Ya need some 'elp lad?
Rhiawyn says: I say, what in the world? Are you all right?
Stehl says: As you can see, there's a huge difference between your physical strength and mine. Also a huge difference between our armor, but that's not the main point.
Stehl says: Now. How are you going to make it so you don't break your hand and still manage to get a good blow in?
Marodox looks at the man lecturing the other, sitting, man.
Chadley gets his wind back and looks up, now noticing the scene they've caused. Before he can react to any of them, he looks back up at Stehl. "I... don't know?"
Marodox smiles at Sophea.
Sophea waves at Marodox.
Rhiawyn places her hands on her hips, foot tapping. "I hope you didn't break a rib on the boy."
Marodox blushes and turns around.
Stargul says: Speak for yourself lass. I hope a rib di' break. Builds character ya know.
Sophea chuckles softly and finds a seat near the fountain.
Rhiawyn says: There's surely better ways to build character than busting a bone or two.
Marodox says: Did the boy agree to this abuse?
Stargul says: Scars to us men are trophies lass. It be a law of manitude.
Rhiawyn says: I thought scars were reminders to duck in the future.
Marodox sighs, rubbing the scar on his stomach.
Stargul says: ... Only if in places they'll kill ye.
Stehl holds his fist in the air, his armor glowing faintly. For a moment the glow intensifies, before it rushes along his amor and to his hand, "You put more energy into your aura and focus it on your fist. And he agreed to be my squire."
Chadley curls and arm around his side as Stehl speaks, pressing his fingers into his ribs. Did he break one? Good question. He winces as he presses a bruise, allowing a flicker of light to illuminate it for a second. He looks around again at the people.
Stehl says: I warned him multiple times before this point, and offered chances to step out. So.
Chadley frowns and climbs back up to his feet.
Rhiawyn hides a smile behind a hand. "Do you normally bust your squires on their backsides like that?"
Chadley turns around. "I'm fine. Kindly let it be."
Marodox says: His rib may be badly injured, which would require medical attention.
Stehl says: Same as I was taught, yes. Example is the best teacher. Not preaching and droning.
Stargul says: Lad, perhaps if ye want ter build strength, ye coul' go a few roun's with me. Jus' wrestlin' though. Don' like ta shock men in metal.
Chadley 's tone grows a little sharp. "I said I'm -fine-."
Marodox shrugs. Who knows?
Stargul says: Lad, I was offerin' ta help ya ge' stronger.
Rhiawyn looks at Marodox. "I guess if he says he's fine, he's fine." She looks up to Stehl. "Bust him another one, I guess," she adds with a grin.
Sophea pauses a moment, then shakes her head and continues on her way.
Marodox says: Cruel people.
Chadley swallows. He takes a moment to find his temper and sighs. "I don't need help. That's the point of this. But thank you."
Stehl unclenches his fist, the energy gathered in it dissipating, "Where was I? Right, if you do that thing I did? You'll have a... 'harder' fist, correct? Like iron instead of that pudgy excuse for flesh."
Marodox mutters to himself.
Rhiawyn waves a hand dismissively. "If you need patchin' up I'll be over there."
Chadley looks down at his hand and clenches his fist again. "I've been practicing my aura. I still don't think I could apply it like this, though."
Stargul stands up, summoning a static charge around himself.
Chadley jumps a little at the sudden burst of electricity.
Stargul says: Lad, yer a pansy.
Stehl says: Try it. You have...
You stare Stargul down.
Stehl reaches into his tabard and pulls out a suspiciously broken pocketwatch, "Three minutes."
Marodox says: Just waiting for a friend.
Stargul waves to Chadley and walks away.
Stehl says: Once your three minutes are up, punch me.
Chadley peers at the watch. "Does that thing even work?"
Stehl says: Repeat until you succeed. Begin.
Chadley blinks. "Wait, I asked-" He throws up an arm in frustration and then closes his eyes, trying to concentrate. A pale glow begins to form at his fingertips and then slowly begins to coil its way up his arms.
Khriana draws a purple arrow from her quiver as she'd draw her bow, knocking the arrow.
Stehl glances at the draenei, "You have two seconds to put that down before I break it, miss. I'm trying to train my squire and he needs to focus."
Khriana turns and aims the arrow at Stehl.
Stehl says: ... You know you won't it won't turn out like you want it to.
Khriana fires. As the arrow neared Stehl, it would simply dissipate into nothing.
Chadley flinches, but maintains his concentration. The illumination surrounding his arms grows brighter, and then suddenly disappears, all but his right hand. He opens his eyes and charges at Stehl- probably at the same time the arrow flew.
Chadley aims a punch for Stehl's chest!
Stehl blinks at where the arrow used to be and turns to face Chadley again. Caught completely off-guard, he stumbles back a step from the blow, "Not bad."
Khriana would begin giggling as a purple cloud began to form over Stehl's head. It would begin to rain grape-flavored Kaja Cola.
Chadley stumbles back as well, the impact causing an audible crack from his knuckles. He clutches his hand in pain, but grins. For once.
Chadley 's grin then completely fades at the sudden... soft drink downpour, what?
You look at Khriana.
Chadley says: Piss off. Seriously.
Khriana smiles and shrugs.
Stehl ignores the down-pour, the liquid hissing as it hits his armor, "Practice it some more in your free time. Focus on getting it set up as quickly as possible more than the force of it."
Khriana says: ... You got to punch someone.
Stehl says: He was doing it anyways.
Khriana says: Now he has a drink.
Chadley says: Did you hit your head in the accident?
Khriana says: ... Did you?
Chadley says: I'll take that as a yes.
Khriana says: ... Don't make me get you with orange.
Stehl says: Miss.
Khriana says: It is still experimental.
Chadley says: Then experiment elsewhere.
Stehl says: You're disrupting my training. Go away.
Khriana says: You're training on a walk-way.
Khriana says: Go to the command barracks.
Chadley says: So you can just walk on by.
Stehl says: I'm training to the side of it, and you're shooting arrows at people.
Khriana says: ... Correction. Gags.
Stehl says: It's not appreciated.
Stehl says: And I imagine most people do not appreciate it, judging from the normal reactions it seems to get.
Khriana 's chimera would turn to look at Chadley. It would have a filter over each mouth. The right one would inhale deeply.
Chadley isn't paying attention to the chimaera.
Stehl shoves a hand towards Chadley, a shining barrier surrounding him, "Restrain your animal and leave us be."
Khriana 's chimera would breath out, breathing flavored ice like a sno-cone. It would be blueberry flavored as it piled up on a bench.
Chadley has a shield of Light thrown up around him just in time to have a glob of icy blue muck pile around him, but leave him untouched. His eyes are wide. "What just-"
Khriana says: Taste it. It's good for cooling your body down and for energy. Some sugar.
Chadley looks at the blueberry sludge piled on the ground. He steps around it, making a face. "I'll pass."
You look at Stehl.
Chadley says: Should we go somewhere else?
Khriana says: Try it, please. I'll go away if you do.
Stehl says: I was thinking maybe some lunch. Babble some more things for you to practice, too.
Chadley says: I'm not licking your winged beast's regurgitations off the cobblestones.
Chadley says: Lunch? That sounds suspiciously pleasant.
Khriana says: Just try it.
Khriana says: It's blueberry.
Caylla links her sleeves together, eyeing the gathered trio.
Chadley says: I'm not trying it. Go away.
Khriana draws a pink arrow and aims it at Chadley.
Stehl says: We'll stop by the baker and the cheese shop. I have some meat I can grab too.
Chadley turns to look at the draenei and her knocked pink arrow.
Khriana fires the arrow. It would dissipate as a pink cloud formed over Chadley's head. The pink cloud would be - cotton candy.
Chadley doesn't even look shocked anymore, just annoyed. "Let's go get that lunch," he says, turning around and picking a piece of pink fluff from his tabard.
Khriana says: Taste it.
Stehl says: Excellent! I'm starving.
Khriana says: It's candy.
Chadley says: No.
Chadley continues to pick bits of cotton candy out of his armor and hair as they walk.
Stehl says: Handled yourself well there.
Chadley sniffs one of the pieces before tossing it aside. "Thanks," he mumbles.
Stehl says: And now to find the baker. Who hides from me when I want to pay him for baked goods.
Stehl says: AH HA.
You blink at Thomas Miller.
Stehl says: Sell it to me!
Chadley says: What have you done to this poor man?
Stehl manages to purchase two loaves of bread before the baker heads off again, "Nothing! It's this city, I tell you!
Stehl says: He's been driven mad!
Chadley says: ... I'll believe that.
Stehl says: Just like that dwarf lady who also sells bread in Ironforge! She doesn't sleep, I tell you.
Chadley says: ...
Chadley says: How do you walk so fast with all of that plate?
Stehl says: Years of adjusting to the weight of it.
Stehl says: Cheese me!
Chadley mills around as Stehl picks out his cheese. A matter of most importance.
Stehl cackles as a wedge of cheddar is added to the loaves.
Stehl says: Where to.
Chadley says: Uh- I was just following you.
Stehl says: Bah!
Chadley says: So the seals. Are there any tricks to speeding it up, or is it just about getting used to it?
Stehl says: It's really just reliant on how well you can manipulate the Light. There are limits to how much you can force into any one thing, such as your hand, though.
Stehl says: Here's good.
Chadley shrugs and sits. "So in that case, it does come down to practice. I know I can do better than that."
Stehl tosses a loaf to Chadley and reaches into his bag to pull out a knife, "It also drains you depending on how much you force into an object. Your aura naturally isn't very taxing. But forming the seal does take some of your energy and Light.
Chadley says: What about maintaining it?
Stehl says: Just takes a bit of focus. Once it's there, it's easy to keep there.
Stehl says: Of course, there isn't a lot of reason to force it to stay there for an extended period of time. Not unless you're in a big battle.
Chadley says: I'll spend the night practicing that, then. I think now that I've done it once I understand it somewhat.
Stehl slices off a piece of cheese and tosses it to Chadley before working on his own, "For you, maintaining it will probably give you a headache over time. Once you get used to it, you'll barely notice the strain on your head."
Chadley says: I'm... used to headaches.
Stehl says: I can imagine.
Chadley says: What's that supposed to mean?
Stehl says: You frequent Stormwind.
Chadley says: Has it always been this way?
Stehl says: It was better a few years back. There was still some problems, but that was to be expected. It's a big melting pot for all members of the Alliance. That includes crazies.
Stehl says: It's not being helped by the near-constant catastrophes that keep happening.
Stehl says: Also, most of the people who aren't crazy have all marched off to some battle and died.
Chadley says: I met a woman the other day that was handing out pamphlets for demonic rights.
Stehl says: She would have been set on fire two years ago.
Stehl says: And her remains poked at by the orphans, with sticks.
Chadley says: I guess I just missed this city when it was still sane, then.
Stehl says: Eh. Could be worse.
Chadley says: Have you seen worse? As far as cities go, I mean.
Stehl says: Define worse. I've been in Stratholme before and after the culling. I've gone into the Undercity before. And Silvermoon, but the elves mostly danced around on tables and ignored us.
Stehl says: Shattrath was bad, actually. There wasn't any real violence beyond occasional brawls between the Aldor and the Scryers. But it was a huge mess.
Chadley says: Well. I'm not sure a city infested with scourge qualifies as a city so much as it does a hive that needs to be knocked down. I've been to Shattrath, but just once. It looked like a wreck, but the whole planet was.
Stehl says: Yeah, but it was safe.
Stehl says: A fel reaver managed to break in once, and one of the wind chimes just ended it in a matter of seconds.
Chadley says: ... Wind chi-
Chadley snorts. It's almost a laugh. "The Naaru?"
Stehl says: Yeah.
Chadley says: I got a glimpse of the one in the central part of the city when I went there. I wish I could have stayed longer to see it.
Stehl says: They're neat. But they always make this chime noise.
Stehl says: And there's -three- in that central hub. Two normal ones and A'dal, who as far as I can tell? Is something like... six naaru in one.
Chadley says: Three? I didn't see the others... but I thought it was amazing. Like being face-to-face with pure Light.
Stehl says: Yeah. They're about as close as you get to being part of the Light. Though they just don't... do anything with it.
Chadley says: I wonder why.
Stehl says: I think it's partially so we can fight for ourselves. But. I could never get a proper answer. Not from the Aldor, not from the Sha'tar, not from the naaru.
Chadley says: And yet they insist on being among us. How bizarre.
Chadley finally realizes he has chessebread. He stuffs a bite into his mouth.
Stehl shrugs a shoulder and pops open his visor, cramming a mixture of cheese and bread chunk into his mouth. He closes his visor again and takes a moment to actually eat it, "It's not that they insist to be around us. Rather, we just kind of..."
Stehl says: Gravitated to them.
Chadley glances up as Stehl pops his visor open. He frowns and then takes another bite of his own sandwich. "I think I can understand why, even if I can't explain it."
Chadley shrugs a shoulder.
Stehl says: They stand for the passive side of the Light. The one that's there to help if needed, but will stand aside for those meant to to the job.
Chadley says: I guess it's natural we gravitate toward them for that, then. I know we tend to take advantage of people like that.
Stehl says: But are we the ones taking advantage of them? They claimed their army of Light would come and fight the Legion.
Stehl says: Who was there? No angels, no naaru, just us.
Chadley raises an eyebrow as he swallows another mouthful of cheesebread. "Do you think they've some kind of hidden agenda or something?"
Stehl says: Everybody does, no matter how much Light streams off them.
Stehl says: How long has the Legion been out there? Is it coincidence they showed up when they did on Argus?
Chadley says: I'd never even thought about that before.
Stehl says: Not all that is holy is pure-hearted. They have their plans and it certainly involves fighting the Legion in some form. To what ends?
Chadley says: I... couldn't even fathom. Do you think they're something we'll have to worry about?
Stehl says: Us? No.
Stehl says: Their plans seem to work on a timescale that is well beyond our lifespans.
Chadley says: Well what about future us?
Chadley says: ... I guess that doesn't even matter, does it. Enough to worry about.
Chadley shoves the last bite of his sandwich into his mouth.
Stehl says: There won't be a future if we don't do the right thing now. Whatever the naaru do? Will have little effect on that.
Chadley says: No, I know you're right. That was a pointless thing to say.
Stehl says: S'not pointless. It's just not something we'll probably have to worry about personally.
Chadley says: Just our unlucky immortal friends, I suppose.
Stehl says: So! Enough paranoid speculation. Did you want to learn anything else, or just wander off on your own to practice.
Chadley blinks. "Did you have anything in mind? I want to know everything I can. I want to be able to..." He frowns and scratches his cheek. "Well, anyway. I've got a lot of catching up to do."
Stehl says: Nothing specific. You managed to do what I wanted you to learn, since that'll be the starting point for a lot of things I'll be teaching.
Chadley says: ... then maybe I should go practice.
Stehl says: You know where to find me.
Chadley pushes himself up. "I do. And I also want to thank you. I owe you an apology for my initial rudeness."
Stehl says: It's no problem. It was warranted in some regard. Light protect, Chadley.
Chadley bows. "Also true. Light be with you." He turns and walks off. A huge chunk of pink fluff is stuck on his shield.
Chadley drops down onto the nearest bench. "Sore."
Stehl says: Sucks to be you. Today you learn how to make your punches count.
Chadley says: You're going to make me punch the tree now, aren't you.
Stehl says: No. Stand up.
Chadley stands up and faces Stehl. "Okay?"
Stehl says: Over here.
Chadley approaches not with obvious apprehension, but it's there.
Stehl taps the middle of his tabard, the golden circle, "Hit that as hard as you can."
Stargul takes a seat on the bench.
Stehl 's various flames flicker briefly.
Chadley looks at Stehl skeptically. "... Alright." He steps forward, balls his fist, winds his arm back, and punches directly in the center of Stehl's chest. His hand contacts with a loud clang and he pulls back, shaking it out.
Chadley says: Son of a bitch!
Stehl draws his fist back uttering, "My turn!" Before he gives his squire a chance to properly react, his arm shoots out like a piston to hit Chadley in the center of his tabard. Just an average blow for him.
Rhiawyn glances over her shoulder curiously at the sound of the blow landing.
Stargul says: Crazy lad.
Chadley is impacted directly in his chest, not having had the time at all to recover. He falls backwards onto the ground with a crash of metal, now coughing. "You didn't say you were-!"
You let out a hacking cough.
Stargul says: Ya need some 'elp lad?
Rhiawyn says: I say, what in the world? Are you all right?
Stehl says: As you can see, there's a huge difference between your physical strength and mine. Also a huge difference between our armor, but that's not the main point.
Stehl says: Now. How are you going to make it so you don't break your hand and still manage to get a good blow in?
Marodox looks at the man lecturing the other, sitting, man.
Chadley gets his wind back and looks up, now noticing the scene they've caused. Before he can react to any of them, he looks back up at Stehl. "I... don't know?"
Marodox smiles at Sophea.
Sophea waves at Marodox.
Rhiawyn places her hands on her hips, foot tapping. "I hope you didn't break a rib on the boy."
Marodox blushes and turns around.
Stargul says: Speak for yourself lass. I hope a rib di' break. Builds character ya know.
Sophea chuckles softly and finds a seat near the fountain.
Rhiawyn says: There's surely better ways to build character than busting a bone or two.
Marodox says: Did the boy agree to this abuse?
Stargul says: Scars to us men are trophies lass. It be a law of manitude.
Rhiawyn says: I thought scars were reminders to duck in the future.
Marodox sighs, rubbing the scar on his stomach.
Stargul says: ... Only if in places they'll kill ye.
Stehl holds his fist in the air, his armor glowing faintly. For a moment the glow intensifies, before it rushes along his amor and to his hand, "You put more energy into your aura and focus it on your fist. And he agreed to be my squire."
Chadley curls and arm around his side as Stehl speaks, pressing his fingers into his ribs. Did he break one? Good question. He winces as he presses a bruise, allowing a flicker of light to illuminate it for a second. He looks around again at the people.
Stehl says: I warned him multiple times before this point, and offered chances to step out. So.
Chadley frowns and climbs back up to his feet.
Rhiawyn hides a smile behind a hand. "Do you normally bust your squires on their backsides like that?"
Chadley turns around. "I'm fine. Kindly let it be."
Marodox says: His rib may be badly injured, which would require medical attention.
Stehl says: Same as I was taught, yes. Example is the best teacher. Not preaching and droning.
Stargul says: Lad, perhaps if ye want ter build strength, ye coul' go a few roun's with me. Jus' wrestlin' though. Don' like ta shock men in metal.
Chadley 's tone grows a little sharp. "I said I'm -fine-."
Marodox shrugs. Who knows?
Stargul says: Lad, I was offerin' ta help ya ge' stronger.
Rhiawyn looks at Marodox. "I guess if he says he's fine, he's fine." She looks up to Stehl. "Bust him another one, I guess," she adds with a grin.
Sophea pauses a moment, then shakes her head and continues on her way.
Marodox says: Cruel people.
Chadley swallows. He takes a moment to find his temper and sighs. "I don't need help. That's the point of this. But thank you."
Stehl unclenches his fist, the energy gathered in it dissipating, "Where was I? Right, if you do that thing I did? You'll have a... 'harder' fist, correct? Like iron instead of that pudgy excuse for flesh."
Marodox mutters to himself.
Rhiawyn waves a hand dismissively. "If you need patchin' up I'll be over there."
Chadley looks down at his hand and clenches his fist again. "I've been practicing my aura. I still don't think I could apply it like this, though."
Stargul stands up, summoning a static charge around himself.
Chadley jumps a little at the sudden burst of electricity.
Stargul says: Lad, yer a pansy.
Stehl says: Try it. You have...
You stare Stargul down.
Stehl reaches into his tabard and pulls out a suspiciously broken pocketwatch, "Three minutes."
Marodox says: Just waiting for a friend.
Stargul waves to Chadley and walks away.
Stehl says: Once your three minutes are up, punch me.
Chadley peers at the watch. "Does that thing even work?"
Stehl says: Repeat until you succeed. Begin.
Chadley blinks. "Wait, I asked-" He throws up an arm in frustration and then closes his eyes, trying to concentrate. A pale glow begins to form at his fingertips and then slowly begins to coil its way up his arms.
Khriana draws a purple arrow from her quiver as she'd draw her bow, knocking the arrow.
Stehl glances at the draenei, "You have two seconds to put that down before I break it, miss. I'm trying to train my squire and he needs to focus."
Khriana turns and aims the arrow at Stehl.
Stehl says: ... You know you won't it won't turn out like you want it to.
Khriana fires. As the arrow neared Stehl, it would simply dissipate into nothing.
Chadley flinches, but maintains his concentration. The illumination surrounding his arms grows brighter, and then suddenly disappears, all but his right hand. He opens his eyes and charges at Stehl- probably at the same time the arrow flew.
Chadley aims a punch for Stehl's chest!
Stehl blinks at where the arrow used to be and turns to face Chadley again. Caught completely off-guard, he stumbles back a step from the blow, "Not bad."
Khriana would begin giggling as a purple cloud began to form over Stehl's head. It would begin to rain grape-flavored Kaja Cola.
Chadley stumbles back as well, the impact causing an audible crack from his knuckles. He clutches his hand in pain, but grins. For once.
Chadley 's grin then completely fades at the sudden... soft drink downpour, what?
You look at Khriana.
Chadley says: Piss off. Seriously.
Khriana smiles and shrugs.
Stehl ignores the down-pour, the liquid hissing as it hits his armor, "Practice it some more in your free time. Focus on getting it set up as quickly as possible more than the force of it."
Khriana says: ... You got to punch someone.
Stehl says: He was doing it anyways.
Khriana says: Now he has a drink.
Chadley says: Did you hit your head in the accident?
Khriana says: ... Did you?
Chadley says: I'll take that as a yes.
Khriana says: ... Don't make me get you with orange.
Stehl says: Miss.
Khriana says: It is still experimental.
Chadley says: Then experiment elsewhere.
Stehl says: You're disrupting my training. Go away.
Khriana says: You're training on a walk-way.
Khriana says: Go to the command barracks.
Chadley says: So you can just walk on by.
Stehl says: I'm training to the side of it, and you're shooting arrows at people.
Khriana says: ... Correction. Gags.
Stehl says: It's not appreciated.
Stehl says: And I imagine most people do not appreciate it, judging from the normal reactions it seems to get.
Khriana 's chimera would turn to look at Chadley. It would have a filter over each mouth. The right one would inhale deeply.
Chadley isn't paying attention to the chimaera.
Stehl shoves a hand towards Chadley, a shining barrier surrounding him, "Restrain your animal and leave us be."
Khriana 's chimera would breath out, breathing flavored ice like a sno-cone. It would be blueberry flavored as it piled up on a bench.
Chadley has a shield of Light thrown up around him just in time to have a glob of icy blue muck pile around him, but leave him untouched. His eyes are wide. "What just-"
Khriana says: Taste it. It's good for cooling your body down and for energy. Some sugar.
Chadley looks at the blueberry sludge piled on the ground. He steps around it, making a face. "I'll pass."
You look at Stehl.
Chadley says: Should we go somewhere else?
Khriana says: Try it, please. I'll go away if you do.
Stehl says: I was thinking maybe some lunch. Babble some more things for you to practice, too.
Chadley says: I'm not licking your winged beast's regurgitations off the cobblestones.
Chadley says: Lunch? That sounds suspiciously pleasant.
Khriana says: Just try it.
Khriana says: It's blueberry.
Caylla links her sleeves together, eyeing the gathered trio.
Chadley says: I'm not trying it. Go away.
Khriana draws a pink arrow and aims it at Chadley.
Stehl says: We'll stop by the baker and the cheese shop. I have some meat I can grab too.
Chadley turns to look at the draenei and her knocked pink arrow.
Khriana fires the arrow. It would dissipate as a pink cloud formed over Chadley's head. The pink cloud would be - cotton candy.
Chadley doesn't even look shocked anymore, just annoyed. "Let's go get that lunch," he says, turning around and picking a piece of pink fluff from his tabard.
Khriana says: Taste it.
Stehl says: Excellent! I'm starving.
Khriana says: It's candy.
Chadley says: No.
Chadley continues to pick bits of cotton candy out of his armor and hair as they walk.
Stehl says: Handled yourself well there.
Chadley sniffs one of the pieces before tossing it aside. "Thanks," he mumbles.
Stehl says: And now to find the baker. Who hides from me when I want to pay him for baked goods.
Stehl says: AH HA.
You blink at Thomas Miller.
Stehl says: Sell it to me!
Chadley says: What have you done to this poor man?
Stehl manages to purchase two loaves of bread before the baker heads off again, "Nothing! It's this city, I tell you!
Stehl says: He's been driven mad!
Chadley says: ... I'll believe that.
Stehl says: Just like that dwarf lady who also sells bread in Ironforge! She doesn't sleep, I tell you.
Chadley says: ...
Chadley says: How do you walk so fast with all of that plate?
Stehl says: Years of adjusting to the weight of it.
Stehl says: Cheese me!
Chadley mills around as Stehl picks out his cheese. A matter of most importance.
Stehl cackles as a wedge of cheddar is added to the loaves.
Stehl says: Where to.
Chadley says: Uh- I was just following you.
Stehl says: Bah!
Chadley says: So the seals. Are there any tricks to speeding it up, or is it just about getting used to it?
Stehl says: It's really just reliant on how well you can manipulate the Light. There are limits to how much you can force into any one thing, such as your hand, though.
Stehl says: Here's good.
Chadley shrugs and sits. "So in that case, it does come down to practice. I know I can do better than that."
Stehl tosses a loaf to Chadley and reaches into his bag to pull out a knife, "It also drains you depending on how much you force into an object. Your aura naturally isn't very taxing. But forming the seal does take some of your energy and Light.
Chadley says: What about maintaining it?
Stehl says: Just takes a bit of focus. Once it's there, it's easy to keep there.
Stehl says: Of course, there isn't a lot of reason to force it to stay there for an extended period of time. Not unless you're in a big battle.
Chadley says: I'll spend the night practicing that, then. I think now that I've done it once I understand it somewhat.
Stehl slices off a piece of cheese and tosses it to Chadley before working on his own, "For you, maintaining it will probably give you a headache over time. Once you get used to it, you'll barely notice the strain on your head."
Chadley says: I'm... used to headaches.
Stehl says: I can imagine.
Chadley says: What's that supposed to mean?
Stehl says: You frequent Stormwind.
Chadley says: Has it always been this way?
Stehl says: It was better a few years back. There was still some problems, but that was to be expected. It's a big melting pot for all members of the Alliance. That includes crazies.
Stehl says: It's not being helped by the near-constant catastrophes that keep happening.
Stehl says: Also, most of the people who aren't crazy have all marched off to some battle and died.
Chadley says: I met a woman the other day that was handing out pamphlets for demonic rights.
Stehl says: She would have been set on fire two years ago.
Stehl says: And her remains poked at by the orphans, with sticks.
Chadley says: I guess I just missed this city when it was still sane, then.
Stehl says: Eh. Could be worse.
Chadley says: Have you seen worse? As far as cities go, I mean.
Stehl says: Define worse. I've been in Stratholme before and after the culling. I've gone into the Undercity before. And Silvermoon, but the elves mostly danced around on tables and ignored us.
Stehl says: Shattrath was bad, actually. There wasn't any real violence beyond occasional brawls between the Aldor and the Scryers. But it was a huge mess.
Chadley says: Well. I'm not sure a city infested with scourge qualifies as a city so much as it does a hive that needs to be knocked down. I've been to Shattrath, but just once. It looked like a wreck, but the whole planet was.
Stehl says: Yeah, but it was safe.
Stehl says: A fel reaver managed to break in once, and one of the wind chimes just ended it in a matter of seconds.
Chadley says: ... Wind chi-
Chadley snorts. It's almost a laugh. "The Naaru?"
Stehl says: Yeah.
Chadley says: I got a glimpse of the one in the central part of the city when I went there. I wish I could have stayed longer to see it.
Stehl says: They're neat. But they always make this chime noise.
Stehl says: And there's -three- in that central hub. Two normal ones and A'dal, who as far as I can tell? Is something like... six naaru in one.
Chadley says: Three? I didn't see the others... but I thought it was amazing. Like being face-to-face with pure Light.
Stehl says: Yeah. They're about as close as you get to being part of the Light. Though they just don't... do anything with it.
Chadley says: I wonder why.
Stehl says: I think it's partially so we can fight for ourselves. But. I could never get a proper answer. Not from the Aldor, not from the Sha'tar, not from the naaru.
Chadley says: And yet they insist on being among us. How bizarre.
Chadley finally realizes he has chessebread. He stuffs a bite into his mouth.
Stehl shrugs a shoulder and pops open his visor, cramming a mixture of cheese and bread chunk into his mouth. He closes his visor again and takes a moment to actually eat it, "It's not that they insist to be around us. Rather, we just kind of..."
Stehl says: Gravitated to them.
Chadley glances up as Stehl pops his visor open. He frowns and then takes another bite of his own sandwich. "I think I can understand why, even if I can't explain it."
Chadley shrugs a shoulder.
Stehl says: They stand for the passive side of the Light. The one that's there to help if needed, but will stand aside for those meant to to the job.
Chadley says: I guess it's natural we gravitate toward them for that, then. I know we tend to take advantage of people like that.
Stehl says: But are we the ones taking advantage of them? They claimed their army of Light would come and fight the Legion.
Stehl says: Who was there? No angels, no naaru, just us.
Chadley raises an eyebrow as he swallows another mouthful of cheesebread. "Do you think they've some kind of hidden agenda or something?"
Stehl says: Everybody does, no matter how much Light streams off them.
Stehl says: How long has the Legion been out there? Is it coincidence they showed up when they did on Argus?
Chadley says: I'd never even thought about that before.
Stehl says: Not all that is holy is pure-hearted. They have their plans and it certainly involves fighting the Legion in some form. To what ends?
Chadley says: I... couldn't even fathom. Do you think they're something we'll have to worry about?
Stehl says: Us? No.
Stehl says: Their plans seem to work on a timescale that is well beyond our lifespans.
Chadley says: Well what about future us?
Chadley says: ... I guess that doesn't even matter, does it. Enough to worry about.
Chadley shoves the last bite of his sandwich into his mouth.
Stehl says: There won't be a future if we don't do the right thing now. Whatever the naaru do? Will have little effect on that.
Chadley says: No, I know you're right. That was a pointless thing to say.
Stehl says: S'not pointless. It's just not something we'll probably have to worry about personally.
Chadley says: Just our unlucky immortal friends, I suppose.
Stehl says: So! Enough paranoid speculation. Did you want to learn anything else, or just wander off on your own to practice.
Chadley blinks. "Did you have anything in mind? I want to know everything I can. I want to be able to..." He frowns and scratches his cheek. "Well, anyway. I've got a lot of catching up to do."
Stehl says: Nothing specific. You managed to do what I wanted you to learn, since that'll be the starting point for a lot of things I'll be teaching.
Chadley says: ... then maybe I should go practice.
Stehl says: You know where to find me.
Chadley pushes himself up. "I do. And I also want to thank you. I owe you an apology for my initial rudeness."
Stehl says: It's no problem. It was warranted in some regard. Light protect, Chadley.
Chadley bows. "Also true. Light be with you." He turns and walks off. A huge chunk of pink fluff is stuck on his shield.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Mairèad & Lucasus: April 17
Lucasus blinks at you.
Mairèad closes her eyes and begins turning her holy symbol over in her hands as she prays. Her words can't really be heard, but whatever she's praying about, it seems important.
Lucasus remains seated on the bench. He looks to be wearing new armor, which is unfortunately too large for him. A long cloak hangs down his back and a red hood is pulled up over his head. A knit brow and curious eyes are directed at Mairead.
Mairèad finishes her prayer, exhaling slowly, and bends to kiss the floor of the Cathedral. Another kiss is pressed to the holy symbol in her hands, which she then lifts to touch to her forehead. With this done, she stands and turns...and sees Lucasus. He's staring right at her, so she can't pretend she didn't see him, and her expression is one of "FFFFFUUUUUU--" After a minute, though, she walks over to his bench, chewing on her lower lip.
Mairèad says: Hi.
Lucasus looks up at her and clears his throat, offering a small smile. "...hi, Mair." He glances around briefly before pulling his hood back and adjusting his spectacles. Eyes set back on her as he pushes himself to his feet. "H-how are you?"
Mairèad fiddles with the hem of her tabard some, tugging it down as if to straighten it, though it doesn't need straightening. She offers a slight smile as well. "Doin' pretty good, and yerself?" She's chewing on her lip hard enough that it's grown a bit bloody.
Lucasus clears his throat again and nods. "I'm.. good mostly." He nods quickly, "We've.. well.. things have been sort of crazy.. " He pauses for a long moment, rich with all manner of awkward, "Ah.. so your ordination is coming up, hm?"
Mairèad laughs at nothing, becuase that's what you do! "Yahar, I was there at th'trial thing. That's some crazy sh-- stuff." She glances up innocently as Brother Benjamin walks by. "And...yahar, it's this Saturday. Six in th'evenin'. Lotsa people'll be there."
Lucasus' smile lifts a touch, "I, ah.. I'm planning on being there." He peers at her, as if unsure if thats alright.
Mairèad says: Y'are! Well...good! I'm glad to hear it. I...yahar. I'm rilly glad you kin make it.
Mairèad sounds genuinely glad, if a touch awkward. She looks over at the bench and, after a moment's pause, asks, "...mind if we sit?"
Lucasus blinks and looks ot the bench as well. "O-oh, sure.. " He nods and plops back down.
Mairèad sits with about as much grace, clanking somewhat as she does. She clicks her teeth a few times. "So, um. How're...y'know, things."
Lucasus glances sidelong at her, "G-good, I guess. I've been doing a lot of training.. and.. studying.. " He clears his throat, "I'm trying for my Guardianship with the Sigil this week.. "
Mairèad has been staring straight ahead before glancing sidelong at him. She quickly looks away. "Oh! That'll be good fer you. They're good people...feel bad fer not stoppin' by th'boat more after...well, y'know. Things."
Lucasus 's brow knits slightly, "I, ah.. I understand.. you don't need to feel bad." He pauses and glances over at her slightly, "H-how are things for you?"
Mairèad has resumed biting her lip, though she stops this after a moment, dabbing away at the blood. "...been doin' okay, I suppose. Personal dramatics aside. Tryin'a figure out if I wanna join th'Crusade or th'Seventh Legion after me ordinashun."
Lucasus 's eyes go wide. "Y-you... really? The Seventh Legion?" He's now staring at her and blinks when he sees the bit of blood on her lip. "...are you okay?"
Mairèad nods, blotting at the blood. Her finger glows for a moment and her lip seals itself. She starts biting on her thumbnail instead. "Yahar, nearly errybody I know's joined th'Ghost Division...Stehlfire's group. Even me d-- me tra-- Mr. Crowe."
Lucasus nods a bit, as he watches her heal herself. "Oh.. " He clears his throat. "Well.. I'm.. I'm sure you'll be great for whoever you join.. "
Mairèad smiles slightly. "Thanks. I'm sure you'll be a great Guardian...I hope things don't go bad fer th'Sigil when y'have that trial, finally. Yer a good protector type."
Lucasus blinks, "You.. you think?" He chuckles uneasily, "I.. I think that has yet to be proven."
Mairèad says: It's instinctual fer you. You see someone y'care about and y'wanna keep 'em safe. Yer like me that way.
Lucasus smiles a bit, "I guess so." He shrugs and takes a deep breath. "Mair.. I, ah.. " He clears his throat, "I've been wanting to apologize to you.. I just.. I don't know.. I guess I'm chicken or something.. "
Mairèad gives Lucasus a wry, teasing smile. "Y'are," she agrees, "but so's erry other boy between sixteen and twenny. I'm used to it by now. What'd y'wanna apologize fer?"
Lucasus clears his throat again and shrugs, "I don't know.. everything?" He chuckles and lifts a hand to rub down his face. "I.. feel awful. About how things ended.. and.. just sort of ignoring you.. I just haven't known what else to do. And I'm sorry."
Mairèad exhales slowly and reluctantly, staring straight ahead. "...I felt used," she admits after a moment. "I know I wasn't fair t'you...I know bein' in love with Shep still wasn't fair t'put you through...and I'm sorreh fer that. But...I felt used."
Mairèad says: Still do, kinna.
Lucasus' face turns into the very saddest of frowns, his brow knitting. "Mair.. I.. that's not how it was.. you have to believe me.. I'm.. " He sighs heavily and then says with a bit more resolution, "I'm not like that."
Mairèad looks over at Lucasus finally, looking somewhat pained. "I wanna believe that...but, I mean. It's kinda hard t'do when th'day after we almost bump uglies, y'run the other way. And...I don't think we woulda worked out anyway, but I wish we'd -tried-."
Lucasus turns to look at her, his face a mirror of her's. "You.. you confused me so much, Mair. You confused me and you scared the nether out of me.. and I was stupid.. and I shouldn't have done what I did, I know.. but.. I never claimed to know what I was doing. And I just.. with Shep.. and all of that.. I just couldn't." He shrugs, "I'm really sorry.. " He sighs, "I wish I could go back and start over and we could just be friends because I think we'd make good friends."
Mairèad nods vaguely, looking back down at the hem of her tabard, which she straightens out and tugs on. "We would," she agrees. "Luke, I don't think I've been fair t'you. I know y'couldn't have meant what happened. Shit, y'barely e'en knew y'had a dick 'til I came around. It was reminded me so much'a the others...Mr. Smythe, Jacky and Lucy, even me own dad. Was like bein' slapped, y'know?"
Lucasus frowns as he looks over, watching her fiddle with her tabard. "I.. I know. But it wasn't like that." He offers again in a quiet voice. "Anyway.. I'm.. I'm sorry it made you feel like that. That's never what I wanted."
Mairèad nods, starting to bite her lower lip again, then quickly bringing her thumbnail to her mouth to prevent more bleeding. "I know. I...I know. I think that's why I was so willin' t'try with you. I wanted things t'be different...I wanted t'have somethin'..."
Mairèad sighs defeatedly, dropping her hand into her lap. "...somethin' real."
Lucasus furrows his brow, "But I think you do. Have something real, I mean.. with Shep."
Mairèad rolls a shoulder, sighing quietly. "Sometimes, I think I do. More and more often, lately. I jest have no idea how t'do th'whole 'love' thing. Errythin's been so fucked up t'this point." She glances over at Lucasus. "You figured it out yet?" she asks.
Lucasus blinks and his cheeks flush a little. "I, ah.. no, I don't think so." He looks down at his hands with a faint smile on his lips, "I mean.. I sort of have someone.. but I don't know if its -love- or anything.. "
Mairèad smiles slightly. "That ginger lass? I saw her around th'Cathedral with Miss Rosa last night."
Mairèad says: Saw you two t'gether at th'trial.
Lucasus blinks and nods a little, smiling more, "Ah.. yeah.. her name's Lia." He clears his throat.
Mairèad says: Pretty name. She...she seems like she'd be more willin' t'let you protect her than I was.
Mairèad blushes somewhat, giving Lucasus a sheepish grin.
Lucasus glances at her with a bit of a smirk. "M-maybe just a little." He shrugs and lets out a deep breath of relief. "I'm.. I'm really glad we're talking.. "
Mairèad's smile grows slightly less sheepish, slightly more relieved. "Me too. I guess I kinda missed talkin' t'you, despite errythin'."
Lucasus smiles and nods, "Me too. I've missed having you around."
Mairèad says: Yahar. ...think it's probably still gonna be weird fer a while, but...well. I think you'll make a good friend.
Lucasus glances at her with a smile, "I'm excited for your ordination. I've never gotten to see one before.. "
Mairèad's smile grows wider at this. "Yahar, from what errybody's sayin', it's gunna be rill unique. Though I'm kinna ceremonial armor got fucked up by th'smithy a couple'a days ago, so I'll hafta wear a robe instead."
Lucasus 's brow knits, "It.. it did? He can't fix it?"
Mairèad shakes her head, expression growing a bit more annoyed. "No, and I gave him a piece 'a me mind about it, too. Stehlfire says I should learn t'fix armor meself so I don't run into this on th'field. I'm pissed, though."
Lucasus frowns a bit. "Maybe.. Rosa's really good with armor.. maybe she could look at it?"
Mairèad chuckles wryly. "If I'd known that a week ago, I'd'a been glad t'hear it. Me armor's bein' remade, design and errythin'. It'll take weeks."
Mairèad says: Good thing is that it's jest th'ceremonial stuff. Me field armor's jest fine.
Lucasus blinks, "Oh.. well.. that's good." He chuckles a little and looks down at himself. "I.. got new armor."
Lucasus says:, ah.. doesn't really fit.
Mairèad finally looks at Lucasus properly and raises her eyebrows at what she sees. She only chuckles, though. "You'll grow into it. That's what palerdins do."
Lucasus chuckles a bit, "I.. I think I'm going to have Mr. Balder fit it better for me. I sort of had to buy it in a rush.. " He shrugs.
Mairèad says: 'Cause'a th'Delahans, y'mean?
Lucasus nods a bit, "Yeah... " He sighs.
Mairèad says: How're things goin' with that? I...well. It was suspicious, but th'elf lady said not t'speculate.
Lucasus shrugs, "There was a mistrial.. cause of the bomb threat.. so they're rescheduling it for a secret time and place. Not open to the public.. "
Mairèad says: That ent gunna end well at all. Luke...mebbe you and yer Lia should stay away from th'trial. I jest gotta bad feelin'...I don't trust it. If they were willin'...I mean, it's jest speculation. But...
Lucasus furrows his brow as he looks over at her, "If I'm needed at the trial.. I'll be there." He shrugs, "But I don't want to be anywhere near it if I don't have to be."
Mairèad says: I know. I know you'll do yer duty and I know you'll protect people, if it comes t'that. I jest...nnn. I don't wanna see you hurt. I don't wanna see th'people you love hurt.
Lucasus smiles over at her and reaches across to pat her hand with his plated one. "Neither do I. We're all being really careful.. " He nods.
Mairèad says: I believe it. Must be nice, havin' folks like that. Hopefully, if I'm in th'Crusade or th'Legion, I kin have that sorta thing, too.
Lucasus nods a bit, "I'm sure you will.. " He offers a smile, "Hey, you know what I just thought of..?"
Mairèad says: What?
Lucasus says: We should spar some time.
Mairèad says: We should.
Lucasus grins ever so slightly as he glances at her, "I bet you'd be surprised at how much I've learned.. "
Mairèad says: Especially since y'won't be afraid of hurtin' me this time.
Mairèad says: But I oughta warn you...I'll be ordained Saturday. So unless y'wanna go up against a fully-fledged palerdin...
Mairèad tries to sound menacing.
Lucasus chuckles a little, "Maybe later this week."
Mairèad says: Say, Luke, who would you go with: th'Argent Crusade or th'Seventh Legion?
Lucasus blinks, "I.. ah.. the Crusade, I think. I mean.. Highlord Fordring is.. he's the bravest, strongest paladin there is."
Mairèad says: He is.
Lucasus nods a bit. "That's who I'd pick to serve under."
Mairèad says: Alright. I'm jest tryin' t'decide where I'd do th'most good, y'know?
Lucasus nods to her, "Sure." He smiles, "You'll be a big help no matter what you choose."
Mairèad smiles back. "I hope so. Anyway...I oughta get goin' and check back on a few things fer th'ordinashun. I'll see you around?"
Lucasus stands up and nods, "Oh, okay. I hope so." He offers a smile and hesitates for a moment before sort of opening his arms to her.
Mairèad also hesitates for a moment before walking into Lucasus' arms and wrapping her arms around his waist. "Good t'see you, Luke. Light bless you," she says, stepping back and giving a small wave before heading out.
Lucasus waves back. "Light keep you, Mair."
Mairèad closes her eyes and begins turning her holy symbol over in her hands as she prays. Her words can't really be heard, but whatever she's praying about, it seems important.
Lucasus remains seated on the bench. He looks to be wearing new armor, which is unfortunately too large for him. A long cloak hangs down his back and a red hood is pulled up over his head. A knit brow and curious eyes are directed at Mairead.
Mairèad finishes her prayer, exhaling slowly, and bends to kiss the floor of the Cathedral. Another kiss is pressed to the holy symbol in her hands, which she then lifts to touch to her forehead. With this done, she stands and turns...and sees Lucasus. He's staring right at her, so she can't pretend she didn't see him, and her expression is one of "FFFFFUUUUUU--" After a minute, though, she walks over to his bench, chewing on her lower lip.
Mairèad says: Hi.
Lucasus looks up at her and clears his throat, offering a small smile. "...hi, Mair." He glances around briefly before pulling his hood back and adjusting his spectacles. Eyes set back on her as he pushes himself to his feet. "H-how are you?"
Mairèad fiddles with the hem of her tabard some, tugging it down as if to straighten it, though it doesn't need straightening. She offers a slight smile as well. "Doin' pretty good, and yerself?" She's chewing on her lip hard enough that it's grown a bit bloody.
Lucasus clears his throat again and nods. "I'm.. good mostly." He nods quickly, "We've.. well.. things have been sort of crazy.. " He pauses for a long moment, rich with all manner of awkward, "Ah.. so your ordination is coming up, hm?"
Mairèad laughs at nothing, becuase that's what you do! "Yahar, I was there at th'trial thing. That's some crazy sh-- stuff." She glances up innocently as Brother Benjamin walks by. "And...yahar, it's this Saturday. Six in th'evenin'. Lotsa people'll be there."
Lucasus' smile lifts a touch, "I, ah.. I'm planning on being there." He peers at her, as if unsure if thats alright.
Mairèad says: Y'are! Well...good! I'm glad to hear it. I...yahar. I'm rilly glad you kin make it.
Mairèad sounds genuinely glad, if a touch awkward. She looks over at the bench and, after a moment's pause, asks, "...mind if we sit?"
Lucasus blinks and looks ot the bench as well. "O-oh, sure.. " He nods and plops back down.
Mairèad sits with about as much grace, clanking somewhat as she does. She clicks her teeth a few times. "So, um. How're...y'know, things."
Lucasus glances sidelong at her, "G-good, I guess. I've been doing a lot of training.. and.. studying.. " He clears his throat, "I'm trying for my Guardianship with the Sigil this week.. "
Mairèad has been staring straight ahead before glancing sidelong at him. She quickly looks away. "Oh! That'll be good fer you. They're good people...feel bad fer not stoppin' by th'boat more after...well, y'know. Things."
Lucasus 's brow knits slightly, "I, ah.. I understand.. you don't need to feel bad." He pauses and glances over at her slightly, "H-how are things for you?"
Mairèad has resumed biting her lip, though she stops this after a moment, dabbing away at the blood. "...been doin' okay, I suppose. Personal dramatics aside. Tryin'a figure out if I wanna join th'Crusade or th'Seventh Legion after me ordinashun."
Lucasus 's eyes go wide. "Y-you... really? The Seventh Legion?" He's now staring at her and blinks when he sees the bit of blood on her lip. "...are you okay?"
Mairèad nods, blotting at the blood. Her finger glows for a moment and her lip seals itself. She starts biting on her thumbnail instead. "Yahar, nearly errybody I know's joined th'Ghost Division...Stehlfire's group. Even me d-- me tra-- Mr. Crowe."
Lucasus nods a bit, as he watches her heal herself. "Oh.. " He clears his throat. "Well.. I'm.. I'm sure you'll be great for whoever you join.. "
Mairèad smiles slightly. "Thanks. I'm sure you'll be a great Guardian...I hope things don't go bad fer th'Sigil when y'have that trial, finally. Yer a good protector type."
Lucasus blinks, "You.. you think?" He chuckles uneasily, "I.. I think that has yet to be proven."
Mairèad says: It's instinctual fer you. You see someone y'care about and y'wanna keep 'em safe. Yer like me that way.
Lucasus smiles a bit, "I guess so." He shrugs and takes a deep breath. "Mair.. I, ah.. " He clears his throat, "I've been wanting to apologize to you.. I just.. I don't know.. I guess I'm chicken or something.. "
Mairèad gives Lucasus a wry, teasing smile. "Y'are," she agrees, "but so's erry other boy between sixteen and twenny. I'm used to it by now. What'd y'wanna apologize fer?"
Lucasus clears his throat again and shrugs, "I don't know.. everything?" He chuckles and lifts a hand to rub down his face. "I.. feel awful. About how things ended.. and.. just sort of ignoring you.. I just haven't known what else to do. And I'm sorry."
Mairèad exhales slowly and reluctantly, staring straight ahead. "...I felt used," she admits after a moment. "I know I wasn't fair t'you...I know bein' in love with Shep still wasn't fair t'put you through...and I'm sorreh fer that. But...I felt used."
Mairèad says: Still do, kinna.
Lucasus' face turns into the very saddest of frowns, his brow knitting. "Mair.. I.. that's not how it was.. you have to believe me.. I'm.. " He sighs heavily and then says with a bit more resolution, "I'm not like that."
Mairèad looks over at Lucasus finally, looking somewhat pained. "I wanna believe that...but, I mean. It's kinda hard t'do when th'day after we almost bump uglies, y'run the other way. And...I don't think we woulda worked out anyway, but I wish we'd -tried-."
Lucasus turns to look at her, his face a mirror of her's. "You.. you confused me so much, Mair. You confused me and you scared the nether out of me.. and I was stupid.. and I shouldn't have done what I did, I know.. but.. I never claimed to know what I was doing. And I just.. with Shep.. and all of that.. I just couldn't." He shrugs, "I'm really sorry.. " He sighs, "I wish I could go back and start over and we could just be friends because I think we'd make good friends."
Mairèad nods vaguely, looking back down at the hem of her tabard, which she straightens out and tugs on. "We would," she agrees. "Luke, I don't think I've been fair t'you. I know y'couldn't have meant what happened. Shit, y'barely e'en knew y'had a dick 'til I came around. It was reminded me so much'a the others...Mr. Smythe, Jacky and Lucy, even me own dad. Was like bein' slapped, y'know?"
Lucasus frowns as he looks over, watching her fiddle with her tabard. "I.. I know. But it wasn't like that." He offers again in a quiet voice. "Anyway.. I'm.. I'm sorry it made you feel like that. That's never what I wanted."
Mairèad nods, starting to bite her lower lip again, then quickly bringing her thumbnail to her mouth to prevent more bleeding. "I know. I...I know. I think that's why I was so willin' t'try with you. I wanted things t'be different...I wanted t'have somethin'..."
Mairèad sighs defeatedly, dropping her hand into her lap. "...somethin' real."
Lucasus furrows his brow, "But I think you do. Have something real, I mean.. with Shep."
Mairèad rolls a shoulder, sighing quietly. "Sometimes, I think I do. More and more often, lately. I jest have no idea how t'do th'whole 'love' thing. Errythin's been so fucked up t'this point." She glances over at Lucasus. "You figured it out yet?" she asks.
Lucasus blinks and his cheeks flush a little. "I, ah.. no, I don't think so." He looks down at his hands with a faint smile on his lips, "I mean.. I sort of have someone.. but I don't know if its -love- or anything.. "
Mairèad smiles slightly. "That ginger lass? I saw her around th'Cathedral with Miss Rosa last night."
Mairèad says: Saw you two t'gether at th'trial.
Lucasus blinks and nods a little, smiling more, "Ah.. yeah.. her name's Lia." He clears his throat.
Mairèad says: Pretty name. She...she seems like she'd be more willin' t'let you protect her than I was.
Mairèad blushes somewhat, giving Lucasus a sheepish grin.
Lucasus glances at her with a bit of a smirk. "M-maybe just a little." He shrugs and lets out a deep breath of relief. "I'm.. I'm really glad we're talking.. "
Mairèad's smile grows slightly less sheepish, slightly more relieved. "Me too. I guess I kinda missed talkin' t'you, despite errythin'."
Lucasus smiles and nods, "Me too. I've missed having you around."
Mairèad says: Yahar. ...think it's probably still gonna be weird fer a while, but...well. I think you'll make a good friend.
Lucasus glances at her with a smile, "I'm excited for your ordination. I've never gotten to see one before.. "
Mairèad's smile grows wider at this. "Yahar, from what errybody's sayin', it's gunna be rill unique. Though I'm kinna ceremonial armor got fucked up by th'smithy a couple'a days ago, so I'll hafta wear a robe instead."
Lucasus 's brow knits, "It.. it did? He can't fix it?"
Mairèad shakes her head, expression growing a bit more annoyed. "No, and I gave him a piece 'a me mind about it, too. Stehlfire says I should learn t'fix armor meself so I don't run into this on th'field. I'm pissed, though."
Lucasus frowns a bit. "Maybe.. Rosa's really good with armor.. maybe she could look at it?"
Mairèad chuckles wryly. "If I'd known that a week ago, I'd'a been glad t'hear it. Me armor's bein' remade, design and errythin'. It'll take weeks."
Mairèad says: Good thing is that it's jest th'ceremonial stuff. Me field armor's jest fine.
Lucasus blinks, "Oh.. well.. that's good." He chuckles a little and looks down at himself. "I.. got new armor."
Lucasus says:, ah.. doesn't really fit.
Mairèad finally looks at Lucasus properly and raises her eyebrows at what she sees. She only chuckles, though. "You'll grow into it. That's what palerdins do."
Lucasus chuckles a bit, "I.. I think I'm going to have Mr. Balder fit it better for me. I sort of had to buy it in a rush.. " He shrugs.
Mairèad says: 'Cause'a th'Delahans, y'mean?
Lucasus nods a bit, "Yeah... " He sighs.
Mairèad says: How're things goin' with that? I...well. It was suspicious, but th'elf lady said not t'speculate.
Lucasus shrugs, "There was a mistrial.. cause of the bomb threat.. so they're rescheduling it for a secret time and place. Not open to the public.. "
Mairèad says: That ent gunna end well at all. Luke...mebbe you and yer Lia should stay away from th'trial. I jest gotta bad feelin'...I don't trust it. If they were willin'...I mean, it's jest speculation. But...
Lucasus furrows his brow as he looks over at her, "If I'm needed at the trial.. I'll be there." He shrugs, "But I don't want to be anywhere near it if I don't have to be."
Mairèad says: I know. I know you'll do yer duty and I know you'll protect people, if it comes t'that. I jest...nnn. I don't wanna see you hurt. I don't wanna see th'people you love hurt.
Lucasus smiles over at her and reaches across to pat her hand with his plated one. "Neither do I. We're all being really careful.. " He nods.
Mairèad says: I believe it. Must be nice, havin' folks like that. Hopefully, if I'm in th'Crusade or th'Legion, I kin have that sorta thing, too.
Lucasus nods a bit, "I'm sure you will.. " He offers a smile, "Hey, you know what I just thought of..?"
Mairèad says: What?
Lucasus says: We should spar some time.
Mairèad says: We should.
Lucasus grins ever so slightly as he glances at her, "I bet you'd be surprised at how much I've learned.. "
Mairèad says: Especially since y'won't be afraid of hurtin' me this time.
Mairèad says: But I oughta warn you...I'll be ordained Saturday. So unless y'wanna go up against a fully-fledged palerdin...
Mairèad tries to sound menacing.
Lucasus chuckles a little, "Maybe later this week."
Mairèad says: Say, Luke, who would you go with: th'Argent Crusade or th'Seventh Legion?
Lucasus blinks, "I.. ah.. the Crusade, I think. I mean.. Highlord Fordring is.. he's the bravest, strongest paladin there is."
Mairèad says: He is.
Lucasus nods a bit. "That's who I'd pick to serve under."
Mairèad says: Alright. I'm jest tryin' t'decide where I'd do th'most good, y'know?
Lucasus nods to her, "Sure." He smiles, "You'll be a big help no matter what you choose."
Mairèad smiles back. "I hope so. Anyway...I oughta get goin' and check back on a few things fer th'ordinashun. I'll see you around?"
Lucasus stands up and nods, "Oh, okay. I hope so." He offers a smile and hesitates for a moment before sort of opening his arms to her.
Mairèad also hesitates for a moment before walking into Lucasus' arms and wrapping her arms around his waist. "Good t'see you, Luke. Light bless you," she says, stepping back and giving a small wave before heading out.
Lucasus waves back. "Light keep you, Mair."
Stehl, Liotuse, & Chadley: April 18
Stehl says: Guess what tiiiiime it iiiiiis.
Chadley sits on the bench with his head low, hands held above his lap. A pale holy aura coils faintly around him, and his eyes are closed in meditation. He seems to ignore Stehl.
Stehl sounds way too cheeful. He should be shot.
Stehl shuffles closer.
Líotuse says: You should get a bucket of lava.
Líotuse says: And throw it on him.
Stehl squats down so he's eye to eye with Chadley.
Chadley 's eyes open and the aura fades. He flattens his brows. "Hi."
Stehl says: Hey. You ready to punch things.
Chadley says: I think you saw to it yesterday that my arms won't work for a week.
Stehl says: Too bad! Up with you.
Líotuse says: Make them work.
Líotuse grins, waving to Chadley. Even if he doesn't know him.
Chadley pushes himself up from the bench with a groan and follows stiffly after Stehl. He looks at Liotuse. He doesn't wave back, just gives that same flat look.
Líotuse wilts like a flower.
Líotuse says: ...Stehl would it be too much if I went to find Cet and bother him?
Stehl says: Yes.
Líotuse says: Darn.
Líotuse says: ...Also I'm following you two.
Chadley says: Where are we-
Stehl says: See this tree?
Chadley says: ... Yes?
Stehl says: How do you feel about hitting it.
Chadley says: Do my feelings on the subject actually matter?
Stehl says: Only slightly.
Stehl says: I'm going to have you punch something.
Líotuse clears his throat and makes a point of going to the mailbox.
Chadley says: I can't say I've much interest in punching a tree.
Stehl says: What do you have interest in punching.
Stehl says: Hold that thought.
Chadley says: ...
Líotuse says: Moment.
Chadley says: Forsaken work.
Stehl says: Okay!
Stehl says: Let's go get one.
Ephie dies.
Líotuse spits on Ephie.
Castell growls menacingly.
Stehl says: Begin the punchening.
Castell growls menacingly at Stehl.
You stare Ephie down.
Stehl says: No, my squire needs that. To hit it.
Stehl says: Repeatedly.
Castell tells Stehl NO. Not going to happen.
Líotuse says: ...I'm sad to say I've seen weirder things than a naked worgen defending an undead.
Chadley says: Should I punch the dog, too?
Castell growls menacingly at you.
Stehl says: Should you?
Líotuse says: The dog means yes.
Líotuse says: Follow Stehl's teachings. Everything can. And should be punched.
Stehl says: We need a new thing to punch.
Líotuse says: Bye.
Stehl says: What, why.
Chadley approaches the corpse and prods it with his foot. "Well. Uh. Okay then." He looks at Stehl.
Líotuse says: You'll have me punched.
Castell growls menacingly at you.
Stehl says: Not at all.
Castell barks at you.
Líotuse says: Liar.
Stehl says: Besides. Chadley's a wimp.
Líotuse stares you down.
Stehl says: You can punch back.
You let out a long, drawn-out sigh.
Stehl says: Do it, for the Alliance.
Chadley looks back down at the Forsaken corpse, grimacing.
Líotuse says: He seems distracted.
Stehl says: Boy!
Chadley says: Not that distracted.
Líotuse says: ...Shit I've been caught.
Stehl says: Hit this man. It's okay, he's kind of like a paladin.
Líotuse tries to pop Chadley on the middle of his tabard anyways with a weak left straight.
Chadley is popped in the stomach. He may have been turned around, but he still wasn't paying the most attention. He staggers back once, coughs, and frowns. "Fine, dammit!"
Líotuse says: Wait was he supposed to start or me.
Líotuse says: I'm bad at this.
Chadley aims a punch for Lio's face as he's turned.
Líotuse gets Chadley's curled gauntlet on the right side, eyes scrunching up as he takes a step forward with it. "-Ow-."
Stehl says: Quickly. Don't take that shit.
Chadley is already aiming for another. Think fast, Lio!
Líotuse says: I should consider removing my cast and getting into my armour. But I'll bite.
Líotuse pivots low suddenly, swinging around and leading with his left foot. What little momentum is built is thrown into a left uppercut for Chadley's gut again. Might as well keep that going.
Chadley tries to block it with his elbow, but isn't quite fast enough. His elbow is instead brought down on Lio's extended arm. He oofs as his fist contacts his gut and gives a wild left swing in response.
Líotuse has his left arm batted aside a moment and catches Chadley's own responding left in his vision. His right arm is jerked up for an awkward block. It doesn't work as well as it did in his head, Chadley's response glancing off the front of his cast and smacking into Lio's head, trying to take a step back to gather some distance.
Stehl says: ... This is beautiful. My minions dance to the mad tune I play. Which is really just me yelling 'PUNCH. PUNCH HARDER.'
Chadley doesn't allow for distance. He steps forward in tune and balls both of his fists, recklessly swinging at the man. As Stehl goads them on, he growls, "My arms -don't work-."
Stehl says: Make them work!
Líotuse curls his arms and draws them up to guard his head from each blow, forearms taking the punishment. His preferred right leg snaps up and over to go for Chadley's... gut. Again. At the same time he sort of throws Stehl's orders about punching out the window.
Stehl says: He has a cast on, hit him harder!
Chadley is winded as the knee slams into his gut, unguarded. A snarl of frustration and his arm swings out, elbow aimed straight for Lio's neck.
Wintersedge hugs Ephie.
Wintersedge says: Poor Ephie...
Líotuse says: Not really, no. This is what a Forsaken gets by running into the city.
Stehl says: Knock knock, who's there, THE ALLIANCE.
Mandragoras says: That's damn right.
Wintersedge says: Someday maybe we can cure her.
Mandragoras says: Cure her? She's a Forsaken.
Stehl says: Cure her of existing.
Stehl says: Punch more, monkies.
Stehl says: Strength through adversity! Keep it up!
Líotuse was peering between his forearms this whole time. And tries his best to pull back. All he does is mitigate it by managing to hop back -after- the elbow taps firmly into his throat, sending Lio into a coughing fit and lowering his arms a bit.
Chadley makes a sound that almost seems pained when he does this, but takes advantage of the opening by charging forward again with another flurry of noodle-fists.
Líotuse makes a shameful display of blocking a good clean half of them, wincing every time another connects. To be fair. The guy's coughing like a smoker.
Chadley looks at Stehl for a brief second before continuing his attempts to beat an injured man with noodles. He aims for the face again. He's weak enough right now that all that leather would probably nullify any force he can muster.
Stehl says: ... Alright, enough. You're just. Flopping now.
Chadley says: S-so is... he.
Chadley steps back, sounding both tired and frustrated.
Líotuse gets whacked in the face with one gauntlet, another contacting after that as well before the coughing Lio gets his hands up. "I'm not flopping I had a broken arm and now I just want the cast off even if it's too early."
Stehl says: How much longer is it supposed to be.
Líotuse says: I don't know. It's been maybe a week. And a few days. Lius injected me with some miracle serum in a syringe. Something about blood vessels and broken bones being sped up. For recovery.
Chadley gives himself a moment to catch his breath. "I could... heal it," he offers.
Chadley says: Not... gonna fix the bone, but... help.
Líotuse finally notices himself, dropping his guarding position and shaking his head. "No. No. You're... about to collapse." He grins. Though not at the young man's expense. Just looking cheerful in general. Red spots on his face from being smacked or not.
Chadley confirms this by taking a single step toward the fountain and then collapsing against it. He nods. "Good fight. I think. Not really."
Líotuse laughs loudly, nodding once as he steps over and down to pat Chadley's shoulder. "Not really, no. On both accounts. Maybe when we're both more... capable. We can spar, eh?"
Chadley nods again, this time cut short by a cough. "Yeah. If Stehl leaves me capable."
Stehl says: If.
Chadley says: ... If.
You let out a hacking cough.
Líotuse clears his throat, left hand rubbing at it as he straightens up. "-If- anything. It'll help build stamina."
Stehl says: Exactly.
Orgo snorts. "Don't make palerdins like they used ta."
Chadley ignores the commentary. "... So now what."
Líotuse says: I'm thinking of wandering off to take some good shears to this cast and risk it being exposed too early and broken again. You guys?
Stehl says: We're going whale hunting. Shark whales.
Chadley says: ... What?
Stehl says: But that's later tonight.
Stehl says: Not you.
Stehl says: Legion nonsense.
Chadley says: Why is the Legion fighting whales.
Stehl says: They're sharks. And they're eating supply lines.
Stehl says: Whole.
Líotuse says: ...Oookay then. I guess I'll mentally prepare for fighting a shark whale then.
Chadley coughs again. "Fair enough."
Stehl says: Learn how to breathe underwater too.
Stehl says: That'll help.
Líotuse says: I'll rig something.
Stehl says: I just need to float. And not get devoured.
Líotuse says: I haven't seen you ever wear anything beyond that armour.
Líotuse says: You're sinking.
Stehl says: Yeah. So I need to make it float for ten minutes.
Stehl says: And then get the hell out of there.
Líotuse says: That will go.
Líotuse says: Swimmingly.
Stehl says: You're treading in dangerous waters.
You begin to groan.
Líotuse says: ...I woke up a short while ago, I'm running on about half here.
Stehl says: Excuses.
Líotuse says: I'll come up with some puns later for when we're actually out there.
Stehl says: You'll have a whale of a tale, I'm sure.
Líotuse says: ...I'm going to go remove my cast. Later.
Stehl says: Gator.
Líotuse waves over his shoulder.
Stehl says: Enjoy the day off.
Chadley rests his head back against the fountain as Stehl walks off. He then slowly falls onto his side. "Light protect. Ugh."
Chadley sits on the bench with his head low, hands held above his lap. A pale holy aura coils faintly around him, and his eyes are closed in meditation. He seems to ignore Stehl.
Stehl sounds way too cheeful. He should be shot.
Stehl shuffles closer.
Líotuse says: You should get a bucket of lava.
Líotuse says: And throw it on him.
Stehl squats down so he's eye to eye with Chadley.
Chadley 's eyes open and the aura fades. He flattens his brows. "Hi."
Stehl says: Hey. You ready to punch things.
Chadley says: I think you saw to it yesterday that my arms won't work for a week.
Stehl says: Too bad! Up with you.
Líotuse says: Make them work.
Líotuse grins, waving to Chadley. Even if he doesn't know him.
Chadley pushes himself up from the bench with a groan and follows stiffly after Stehl. He looks at Liotuse. He doesn't wave back, just gives that same flat look.
Líotuse wilts like a flower.
Líotuse says: ...Stehl would it be too much if I went to find Cet and bother him?
Stehl says: Yes.
Líotuse says: Darn.
Líotuse says: ...Also I'm following you two.
Chadley says: Where are we-
Stehl says: See this tree?
Chadley says: ... Yes?
Stehl says: How do you feel about hitting it.
Chadley says: Do my feelings on the subject actually matter?
Stehl says: Only slightly.
Stehl says: I'm going to have you punch something.
Líotuse clears his throat and makes a point of going to the mailbox.
Chadley says: I can't say I've much interest in punching a tree.
Stehl says: What do you have interest in punching.
Stehl says: Hold that thought.
Chadley says: ...
Líotuse says: Moment.
Chadley says: Forsaken work.
Stehl says: Okay!
Stehl says: Let's go get one.
Ephie dies.
Líotuse spits on Ephie.
Castell growls menacingly.
Stehl says: Begin the punchening.
Castell growls menacingly at Stehl.
You stare Ephie down.
Stehl says: No, my squire needs that. To hit it.
Stehl says: Repeatedly.
Castell tells Stehl NO. Not going to happen.
Líotuse says: ...I'm sad to say I've seen weirder things than a naked worgen defending an undead.
Chadley says: Should I punch the dog, too?
Castell growls menacingly at you.
Stehl says: Should you?
Líotuse says: The dog means yes.
Líotuse says: Follow Stehl's teachings. Everything can. And should be punched.
Stehl says: We need a new thing to punch.
Líotuse says: Bye.
Stehl says: What, why.
Chadley approaches the corpse and prods it with his foot. "Well. Uh. Okay then." He looks at Stehl.
Líotuse says: You'll have me punched.
Castell growls menacingly at you.
Stehl says: Not at all.
Castell barks at you.
Líotuse says: Liar.
Stehl says: Besides. Chadley's a wimp.
Líotuse stares you down.
Stehl says: You can punch back.
You let out a long, drawn-out sigh.
Stehl says: Do it, for the Alliance.
Chadley looks back down at the Forsaken corpse, grimacing.
Líotuse says: He seems distracted.
Stehl says: Boy!
Chadley says: Not that distracted.
Líotuse says: ...Shit I've been caught.
Stehl says: Hit this man. It's okay, he's kind of like a paladin.
Líotuse tries to pop Chadley on the middle of his tabard anyways with a weak left straight.
Chadley is popped in the stomach. He may have been turned around, but he still wasn't paying the most attention. He staggers back once, coughs, and frowns. "Fine, dammit!"
Líotuse says: Wait was he supposed to start or me.
Líotuse says: I'm bad at this.
Chadley aims a punch for Lio's face as he's turned.
Líotuse gets Chadley's curled gauntlet on the right side, eyes scrunching up as he takes a step forward with it. "-Ow-."
Stehl says: Quickly. Don't take that shit.
Chadley is already aiming for another. Think fast, Lio!
Líotuse says: I should consider removing my cast and getting into my armour. But I'll bite.
Líotuse pivots low suddenly, swinging around and leading with his left foot. What little momentum is built is thrown into a left uppercut for Chadley's gut again. Might as well keep that going.
Chadley tries to block it with his elbow, but isn't quite fast enough. His elbow is instead brought down on Lio's extended arm. He oofs as his fist contacts his gut and gives a wild left swing in response.
Líotuse has his left arm batted aside a moment and catches Chadley's own responding left in his vision. His right arm is jerked up for an awkward block. It doesn't work as well as it did in his head, Chadley's response glancing off the front of his cast and smacking into Lio's head, trying to take a step back to gather some distance.
Stehl says: ... This is beautiful. My minions dance to the mad tune I play. Which is really just me yelling 'PUNCH. PUNCH HARDER.'
Chadley doesn't allow for distance. He steps forward in tune and balls both of his fists, recklessly swinging at the man. As Stehl goads them on, he growls, "My arms -don't work-."
Stehl says: Make them work!
Líotuse curls his arms and draws them up to guard his head from each blow, forearms taking the punishment. His preferred right leg snaps up and over to go for Chadley's... gut. Again. At the same time he sort of throws Stehl's orders about punching out the window.
Stehl says: He has a cast on, hit him harder!
Chadley is winded as the knee slams into his gut, unguarded. A snarl of frustration and his arm swings out, elbow aimed straight for Lio's neck.
Wintersedge hugs Ephie.
Wintersedge says: Poor Ephie...
Líotuse says: Not really, no. This is what a Forsaken gets by running into the city.
Stehl says: Knock knock, who's there, THE ALLIANCE.
Mandragoras says: That's damn right.
Wintersedge says: Someday maybe we can cure her.
Mandragoras says: Cure her? She's a Forsaken.
Stehl says: Cure her of existing.
Stehl says: Punch more, monkies.
Stehl says: Strength through adversity! Keep it up!
Líotuse was peering between his forearms this whole time. And tries his best to pull back. All he does is mitigate it by managing to hop back -after- the elbow taps firmly into his throat, sending Lio into a coughing fit and lowering his arms a bit.
Chadley makes a sound that almost seems pained when he does this, but takes advantage of the opening by charging forward again with another flurry of noodle-fists.
Líotuse makes a shameful display of blocking a good clean half of them, wincing every time another connects. To be fair. The guy's coughing like a smoker.
Chadley looks at Stehl for a brief second before continuing his attempts to beat an injured man with noodles. He aims for the face again. He's weak enough right now that all that leather would probably nullify any force he can muster.
Stehl says: ... Alright, enough. You're just. Flopping now.
Chadley says: S-so is... he.
Chadley steps back, sounding both tired and frustrated.
Líotuse gets whacked in the face with one gauntlet, another contacting after that as well before the coughing Lio gets his hands up. "I'm not flopping I had a broken arm and now I just want the cast off even if it's too early."
Stehl says: How much longer is it supposed to be.
Líotuse says: I don't know. It's been maybe a week. And a few days. Lius injected me with some miracle serum in a syringe. Something about blood vessels and broken bones being sped up. For recovery.
Chadley gives himself a moment to catch his breath. "I could... heal it," he offers.
Chadley says: Not... gonna fix the bone, but... help.
Líotuse finally notices himself, dropping his guarding position and shaking his head. "No. No. You're... about to collapse." He grins. Though not at the young man's expense. Just looking cheerful in general. Red spots on his face from being smacked or not.
Chadley confirms this by taking a single step toward the fountain and then collapsing against it. He nods. "Good fight. I think. Not really."
Líotuse laughs loudly, nodding once as he steps over and down to pat Chadley's shoulder. "Not really, no. On both accounts. Maybe when we're both more... capable. We can spar, eh?"
Chadley nods again, this time cut short by a cough. "Yeah. If Stehl leaves me capable."
Stehl says: If.
Chadley says: ... If.
You let out a hacking cough.
Líotuse clears his throat, left hand rubbing at it as he straightens up. "-If- anything. It'll help build stamina."
Stehl says: Exactly.
Orgo snorts. "Don't make palerdins like they used ta."
Chadley ignores the commentary. "... So now what."
Líotuse says: I'm thinking of wandering off to take some good shears to this cast and risk it being exposed too early and broken again. You guys?
Stehl says: We're going whale hunting. Shark whales.
Chadley says: ... What?
Stehl says: But that's later tonight.
Stehl says: Not you.
Stehl says: Legion nonsense.
Chadley says: Why is the Legion fighting whales.
Stehl says: They're sharks. And they're eating supply lines.
Stehl says: Whole.
Líotuse says: ...Oookay then. I guess I'll mentally prepare for fighting a shark whale then.
Chadley coughs again. "Fair enough."
Stehl says: Learn how to breathe underwater too.
Stehl says: That'll help.
Líotuse says: I'll rig something.
Stehl says: I just need to float. And not get devoured.
Líotuse says: I haven't seen you ever wear anything beyond that armour.
Líotuse says: You're sinking.
Stehl says: Yeah. So I need to make it float for ten minutes.
Stehl says: And then get the hell out of there.
Líotuse says: That will go.
Líotuse says: Swimmingly.
Stehl says: You're treading in dangerous waters.
You begin to groan.
Líotuse says: ...I woke up a short while ago, I'm running on about half here.
Stehl says: Excuses.
Líotuse says: I'll come up with some puns later for when we're actually out there.
Stehl says: You'll have a whale of a tale, I'm sure.
Líotuse says: ...I'm going to go remove my cast. Later.
Stehl says: Gator.
Líotuse waves over his shoulder.
Stehl says: Enjoy the day off.
Chadley rests his head back against the fountain as Stehl walks off. He then slowly falls onto his side. "Light protect. Ugh."
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