Saturday, October 30, 2010

Senkha & Ludovick: October 29

Ludovick knocks on the door, holding a package wrapped in plain, brown paper in the crook of his right arm.

Senkha is sitting quietly by the fireplace, reading. Every so often, her eyes dart back to Dizzy's room and then to the door. When she hears the knock on the door, she stiffens warily and stands, calling out quietly, "Who is it?"

Ludovick replies in his usual monotone voice, rubbing idly at his left eye with a balled fist. "Ludovick."

Senkha exhales slowly and undoes the locks on the door. She opens it just enough for Ludo to get inside and beckons him in, the wards around the door thrumming. "I'm glad to see you, Ludo. Come on in."

Ludovick steps inside with a bow of his head, cradling the package with care. "It is good to see you, Senkha."

Senkha gives Ludo a soft smile as she closes and relocks the door, once again causing the wards to hum. "You'll have to excuse my caution...the -thing- that seeks to take my daughter was in these parts earlier. I cannot afford to be at all uncautious."

Ludovick quirks a brow at this, standing with his typical rigid posture, as if a rod has been shoved up his back. "Excuse me?" He asks, frowning. "Did I hear you correctly? What sort of creature would wish to abduct a child?"

Senkha wrinkles her nose and gestures to the seats by the fireplace, indicating that they should sit. "A madman. He's convinced that Dizzy is -his- daughter, not ours. He's caused more trouble than I care to think of." She turns slightly so that the silvery scar on her cheek shows more obviously. "He's like the thing that won't die."

Ludovick makes quite the face at this, working his jaw in displeasure. "How odd," he comments, instead stepping towards her to hand the package over. It feels like it has cloth, or something of the sort inside. "Do you require my aid in ridding yourself of him?" He gestures towards the package. "Ziichi mentioned your daughter liked to wear 'pretty dresses', so I thought I would perhaps give a long overdue gift of thanks for your friendship."

Senkha hugs the package to her chest and smiles at Ludo. "I appreciate it, and I know Dizzy will as well. As to be frank, we can use all the help we can get. Oliver and I have handily dispatched with several of his incarnations, but unfortunately actually destroying him is proving more of a hassle than I typically care to admit." As she talks, she walks over to the door to her daughter's room and places the package on the floor there so that Dizzy will see it when she wakes up.

Ludovick returns to his deadpan expression, watching Senkha go and return. He makes a sweeping motion with his right hand towards the chairs. "Ladies first," he says flatly, bowing his head.

Senkha nods her gratitude and goes to take a seat in the corner, in one of the chairs that's tilted towards the others, ideally suited for conversation.

Ludovick walks with a slight limp, seating himself after she does with care. He sits with a straight-backed posture, hands clasped together in his lap. "I apologize that our last efforts in arranging tea did not go well," he says in reference to the 'Faronne incident'.

Senkha wrinkles her nose almost delicately, crossing her legs. She runs her hands lightly over the new scars on her abdomen, humming thoughtfully. "Nothing that weekend really went as I would have hoped. Much of it thanks to that...Price woman." Though she says woman, it's pretty clear she's thinking of far less ladylike terms.

Ludovick makes a slight face at this, though he quickly composes himself back to his blank look of apathy. "Yes, I believe she has caused all of us quite a bit of trouble," he comments, patting at his jacket with his right hand. "Do you mind if I smoke?"

Senkha shakes her head. "Not at all," she answers and sighs, resting her hands on her knees. "My apologies if the subject is delicate for you. She somehow managed to concoct a drug made of -souls- that she forced on my husband, creating an addiction for him within the first dosage. It's affected my every waking thought since." She tucks her hair behind her ears nervously, glancing up the stairs to her bedroom and then back down at her hands in her lap.

Ludovick visibly winces at all of the Faronne talk, busying himself with taking a cigarette out and lighting it, puffing away as if to occupy himself. However, he can't stay busy with it forever, and does speak, frowning. "Senkha, may I request your confidence in a delicate matter? I apologize for already ruining our evening with such heavy subjects, but I am afraid you have already got my mind started on such."

Senkha nods quickly, lowering her voice. "Naturally, I'm happy to keep any confidence of an old friend. I fear that these days, heavy subjects are simply to be expected; you needn't apologize."

Ludovick bows his head in a nod, lowering his voice as well as he regards her with an even gaze. "I seek to redeem Lady Price," he says bluntly, watching her to gauge her reaction, as if she may throw him out of the house for the very idea.

Senkha 's eyebrows shoot way up, almost into her hairline. She doesn't speak for a moment, and before she does speak, she vaguely touches her hand to the whip scars on her exposed back. "...that is quite a heavy task," she murmurs, finally. "Is she -willing- to be redeemed or is she still stubborn in her..." She screws up her mouth as if all the words she's thinking of taste bad. "...maliciousness?"

Ludovick purses his lips for a moment, then takes a drag off his cigarette. "A little of this and a little of that," he says with a bit of a scowl. "There is good in her, Senkha. She needn't die because no one is willing to understand," he says flatly.

Senkha looks skeptical but nods, glancing at the stairs once again. "You're as good-hearted as Oliver in that sense," she comments dryly. Now her hand touches the ugly scar down her abdomen. "...just be careful, my dear friend. So much care can often cost lives."

Ludovick almost mimes her, except he goes to pat at the area where his left shoulder meets his chest idly. "I am doing my best. I simply do not want her slaughtered whe-," he cuts himself off, looking down at the ring on his right index finger. -
Ludovick shoots Senkha an apologetic glance, mouthing 'Ziichi' before muttering into the ring.

Senkha looks mildly alarmed at this, though she keeps her mouth shut, touching her hand to her own signet ring.

Ludovick continues to mutter into the ring, looking concerned and suddenly very, very tired.
Ludovick mutters something that sounds a lot like 'Mariius', sighing.

Senkha raises an eyebrow at Ludo, very curious but reluctant to ask for clarification. After a moment, she settles for a logical question: "Is Ziichi alright? Dizzy was very worried about her earlier today."

Ludovick looks up from his muttering to open his mouth as he looks at Senkha before closing it. Jerking his head in a 'so-so' sort of manner before turning his attention back to the ring.
Ludovick is taking quite a few drags from his cigarette now, looking flustered.

Senkha continues to watch Ludo with concern, waiting until he's finished talking to his hand to speak again. Occasionally, she manages a sad sort of smile at him, trying to be some help without interrupting the ring conversation.

Ludovick slaps the palm of his hand against his forehead as he mutters.
Ludovick covers his face with his palm.

Senkha says: ...does she need you, Ludo?

Ludovick shoots Senkha the most dead tired look, holding up a finger as if to say 'one moment'. Talk faster, Ziichi.

Senkha nods and folds her hands in her lap, looking infinitely patient. Woman must deal with a dead husband who has the guiltiest guilt complex of all time or something.

Ludovick mutters something about being 'concerned', head now buried in his hands as his cigarette pokes out from between two fingers.

Senkha looks as if she may want a cigarette herself. Without really thinking much about it, she reaches over and pats Ludo on the head, gently and comfortingly. Yay frands.

Ludovick turns his head a little to look at Senkha, smiling sadly as he flat out speaks in his normal tone into the ring. "Would you talk to Senkha?"

Senkha raises an eyebrow at Ludo, looking surprised at his suggestion. "--eh?"

Ludovick sighs, pushing himself to lean back against the chair, shaking his head at her with a shrug. "Will you promise to be safe at least?"
Ludovick is still talking into the ring of wonder.
Ludovick lets out a long, drawn-out sigh.

Senkha still looks surprised but folds her hands in her lap just the same and looks at the rug. Intently.

Ludovick rubs at his temple with his thumb and forefinger. "Remember that I love you, lamb," he says quietly, letting out another sigh.

Senkha glances uncertainly at Ludo, pursing her lips.

Ludovick smacks the back of his head against the wall as if suffering with this conversation. "I love you very much, and I will. Please, call on me should you require anything," he says into the ring, eyes going wide a moment later at what is probably response.
Ludovick mutters a very sad sounding "Goodnight, lamb," into the ring before laying his hand in his lap, looking over at Senkha. Suddenly, he looks a hell of a lot older, and a hell of a lot more tired. "Ziichi says hello," he says flatly.

Senkha looks up again, frowning. "Dizzy said she was threatening to kill herself today. Was that more of...that?"

Ludovick shakes his head. "She said she is going to Darkshore, and that she does not wish to see anyone. I told her Marius would not approve, though she seemed to think that he finds her a burden."
Ludovick nearly spits Marius's name.

Senkha grimaces and shakes her head. "He doesn't. He's...well. The trouble with Marius being a stand-in for your father is that he is a stand-in for everyone's father. You don't have the exclusivity...well."
Senkha says: But he never thinks of people as a burden.

Ludovick nods at this, taking a much needed drag off his cigarette. "I may not like the man, but I do know that he cares for her, as do I, and many others. I almost wish to meet her in Darkshore and drag her back to that damned ship, but what good would it even do, Senkha?" He asks with an exasperated sigh, propping his head up in his right hand, elbow resting on his knee.

Senkha sighs and reaches over, resting her hand on Ludo's forearm, comfortingly. "The trouble is that I think Ziichi...well. She's been very fifteen lately. I tend to see her as older because of the hell she's been through, but at the end of the day, she's very fifteen. I know how abysmally I behaved when I was that age, and all I had to bear were the wounds from my parents' unkindness. I can't imagine...well." She shakes her head as if clearing some image from her mind.

Ludovick lids his eyes at this, nodding lazily as he pats the hand on his forearm, withdrawing his own hand afterwards to take another drag from his cigarette. At the thought of what Ziichi has been through, Ludovick shudders somewhat, having seen insider her mind. "I wrote to Marius," he says quietly, "About helping her." He looks over at Senkha, almost as if saying 'yes, I have even done that'.

Senkha 's eyebrows shoot up again. "Helping her how?" she asks after a moment's quiet, bringing her hand back to rest in her lap. Vaguely, she glances towards the book she left by the fireplace.

Ludovick sits back up, letting his hands fall into his lap once again. "Ziichi told me that she wishes to rid of her mind of," he pauses, searching for the right words, "certain things. I believe I can help, with of course, assistance from Marius and perhaps others."

Senkha actually sits straight up at this, staring at Ludo as if he's just said something unbelievable. "She-- you're going to do what? Remove...but. that--" Any composure she may have had is diminishing rapidly. Her brane is borked :(

Ludovick doesn't seem all too shocked by this, as if he's some sort of scientist with an odd theory about kobolds that no one will accept. "It is the only option I can think of other than letting the girl waste away and die, which I am not going to sit by and do," he spits, not angry at Senkha, perhaps just bitter over the whole subject. "I wish to understand more about what is going on in her mind. Perhaps preform...," he pauses, tapping at his bearded chin.
Ludovick says: A mental exorcism, if you will.

Senkha stares straight ahead as if puzzling through the problem herself. "...would work if it was an imprint that Borgen left there causing the nightmares but can physical torture leave imprints without mental invasion?" She stands, walking over to her book and flipping through, dazedly. "I...huh. Are you going to remove her memories or try to find the source of the nightmares?" She sounds somewhat flustered still and somewhat scientific.

Ludovick puffs away on his cigarette, which is nearly down to the end of itself. "Never remove her memories, Senkha. Never," he says flatly. "I only wish to find the source of her nightmares and ferret it out like the demon it is." He watches her flip through the book with a lazy sort of interest, as if too tired to give details away when she can simply spout them out for him.

Senkha trails her fingers down the page and visibly blanches at what she reads. "So a simple physical act can leave an imprint. The invasion doesn't have to be mental. But is it better to remove the imprint for her or to teach her to fight back?"

Ludovick 's brow raises at this, and he folds his left leg, resting his ankle atop his right knee. "That, my friend, is a matter of time. How much time do you think she has? If it is decided she can last long enough, then training her to fight it herself would be ideal. If not, we must kill it before it kills her," he says bluntly.

Senkha gives a wry smile, leaning backwards. Her concern seems to have diminished significantly. "Marius trained my Guardian to destroy an imprint in the course of a few hours. Granted, he's called me a bit of a prodigy, but I think that if the three of us worked together on Ziichi, she could manage it, too. If she doesn't seem to be making progress, we can destroy it."
Senkha sounds more than a little proud when she talks about being a prodigy, like a child talking about the only thing she's good at. Because, well. Yeah.

Ludovick bows his head at this, producing a small metal case from the inside of his jacket as he snuffs his cigarette out inside it, closing the lid and stowing it away again. "Did he now?" Ludovick asks, eyes always on hers if possible. "At any rate, I simply want Ziichi to sleep in peace, and not the sleep of the dead." At even admitting this, Ludovick sighs, swiping his now free hand back to rub at the back of his neck.

Senkha nods her understanding. "Dreamless Sleep potions occasionally help me...admittedly, when my nightmares were the worst, I was either not in a place where I could afford them or was too physically injured to take them." She continues to meet Ludo's eyes her gaze honest and open. "Have you taught her meditation techniques at all? When I was afraid to sleep, Stehl taught me to meditate so my mind could rest."

Ludovick shakes his head, looking guilty all of a sudden. "No, I am afraid we simply never had the time." At this, Ludovick begins to dig around inside his jacket for another cigarette, as if distraught.

Senkha nods her understanding, shifting the blame from Ludo. "And I know Ziichi isn't very patient. She wants immediate relief for her pain...I...nngh." She grimaces, looking away quickly and suddenly giving a funny sounding laugh. "I remember how it works. Trying to fill that Lightdamned hole and nothing's big enough. Not sleeping for weeks on end because you're afraid of what you'll see when you close your eyes. Feeling like the rest of the world is moving on when you're stuck in one place." She seems unaware that she's rambling on about ~feelings~ and simply gives another short laugh.

Ludovick listens to her, eyes on her at all times as he lights up his fresh cigarette and draws from it every now and then. "I know exactly what you mean," he says, voice a dead monotone. "It pains me to know that, well, I do know how the girl feels in a way, and yet I cannot help her. I tried every idea short of flage-," he breaks off, as is remembering himself, taking in a deep breath and exhaling. "I failed her, forgive me."

Senkha sighs and shakes her head, her hand once more going to the scars on her back. "I can't wish the whip's lash on any one I love, especially not on one who's done nothing to deserve it," she murmurs. "Ultimately, the only thing that can heal those wounds is time, but Ziichi...she hurts too much to allow for it. So there really is no other option."

Ludovick lids his eyes as he nods in agreement with her, though he slowly opens them brow knitting as he studies her like some odd sort of bug he's never seen before. "You do understand that flagellation is a joyous occasion, and not one to despair at, do you not? I apologize if I am overstepping my bounds, Senkha, but your comment has me curious."

Senkha nods, brushing her hands at the air in Ludo's general direction as if to dismiss any offense in his comment. "It's a escape. I've stopped doing it because it causes pain to the ones I love, but I do understand."

Ludovick doesn't seem too happy with this at all, lips pursing tightly as he looks away from her. "Those who love you should understand. I go through the same thing with Ziichi," he admits.

Senkha says:'s not that. It's...well.
Senkha closes her eyes and turns her head towards the stairs. "--Oliver and I are bonded. What I feel, he feels. I wouldn't cause him pain he doesn't want, Well."
Senkha can't really put it into words, but she assumes Ludo knows what she means.

Ludovick 's eyes glance back to her, though his head is still turned away. "I see," he says flatly. "At any rate, I am glad to know I am not alone in my wish for self-purification. So few truly do understand, and I am sure you know this."

Senkha laughs dryly and nods. "It's not something most people understand, no. I'm...I'm glad that you do."

Ludovick lips curve into a smile as he finally looks all the way back to her, cigarette resting in his mouth, bouncing as he speaks. "It is all I have, and it is all I need, friend," he says, expression that of someone thinking fondly of an old friend.

Senkha reaches over and squeezes Ludo's wrist again, lightly, sharing a similar smile with him. "My confessor is the same way. He...well. Used to be part of the Scarlet Crusade. He's a good man, though."

Ludovick nearly laughs at this, and does in fact, barely stifle a snicker. Oh, the irony. "Oh? May I ask who this man was? Perhaps I know him through the, er, church?"

Senkha says: Miles Campion.
Senkha smiles very fondly at the thought of Mr. Campion, eyeing her whelp curled up by the fireplace and snoring. "Strangest confessor ever."

Ludovick seems quite intrigued by all this, even lifting his chair a little to scoot closer and listen. "I have not heard the name, but he sounds to be a most interesting man. What was so strange about him?"

Senkha laughs at this. Where to begin! "Well, he smokes like a chimney and curses like a sailor, for starters. He has a whelp whom he's raising as a daughter and was involved in a crime ring. He was also married to a man." Senkha blinks after saying this and adds, " confidence, of course."

Ludovick makes a bit of a face at all of this, more of shock than disgust. "One out of five isn't bad," he mumbles to himself, turning his attention back to Senkha after a drag from his cigarette. "He sounds like quite the character, Senkha. And of course, I will not breathe a word."

Senkha smiles her appreciation and touches Ludo's hand lightly again. "Thanks, Ludo. It's been wonderful seeing you again, even though things are far from the way they were."

Ludovick smiles in return, genuine, placing a hand over hers. "It has been wonderful seeing you as well. I must confess that I do not make, well, friends that easily, so it is quite the pleasure to have someone to speak to about things other than faith, not to say that faith is not important," he adds, as if catching himself, clearing his throat. "Also, if I may bring up a heavy subject yet again...," he trails off, smile fading into a thin line.

Senkha simply nods her encouragement, sitting back in her chair.

Ludovick removes the cigarette from his mouth, blowing a cloud of smoke away from her. "If you find a way for your husband to combat his addiction to the drug, Zeal, please inform me," he says bluntly.

Senkha exhales slowly and looks back at the stairs. "...from what we understand of the drug, it binds itself to the soul. Short of removal of those souls from the soul to which they've bonded..." She looks worriedly at Ludo, putting two and two together.

Ludovick leans his head down to smack the palm of his hand against his forehead, resting his head there as his elbow props his arm up against his knee. "I was afraid of that," he says with a sigh.

Senkha slips off the chair and moves closer to Ludo, resting her hand lightly on his knee. " long have you been using it?" she asks in a barely audible voice.

Ludovick doesn't look at her, as if painfully ashamed of the fact that this conversation is even happening. "Perhaps a week, maybe longer," he says quietly, staring down at his boots as his cigarette hangs precariously in-between the middle and index finger of his right hand. "It was forced on me at first, I will have you know," he adds.

Senkha squeezes his knee lightly. "It was forced on Oliver as well. made him -alive-." Her voice drops to a hoarse whisper at the last word, and she takes a shaking breath.

Ludovick gulps at this, not having known the effects of Zeal on an undead man until now. "It -what-?" He asks her far more sharply than intended, head turning to stare at her in disbelief.

Senkha grimaces at this. Despite the obvious implications of such a situation, the memory obviously isn't entirely pleasant for her. She nods. "He was alive. Blood, heartbeat, warm skin. I've never seen him so happy. But..." She trails off, not sure how to explain herself further, because really, how do you explain that you prefer your husband as a zombie?

Ludovick shudders at this, turning his gaze back to the floor. He bites back quite a few choice words on the subject, not very cozy with the undead being given anything but a sword to the skull. "It does not do that to the living," he says, toying with the cigarette in-between his fingers before taking a much needed drag.

Senkha gives a short, wry laugh, shaking her head. "Obviously. What -does- it do to you, if you don't mind my asking?"

Ludovick doesn't seem to find the subject too humorous, shooting her a surly glare before going back to pretending the rug on the floor is very interesting. "Euphoric pleasure," he spits. "Followed by nightmares."

Senkha says: ...that sounds about right. When it wore off, Oliver...he decayed before my eyes. And all the work I'd done for him was undone.

Ludovick huffs through his nose, shoulders hunched. "Lady Price must be stopped," he says flatly, "but not with the threat of death. She is a good woman, Senkha. That woman is just simply lost for the time being."

Senkha nods reluctantly, not quite agreeing but more acquiescing. "She -must- be stopped. Ludo...Marius and I want to test a sample of Zeal to see what it's really made of. If we did that, we could possibly break your addiction without ripping the souls from where they're bound to your own."

Ludovick grunts, moving to lean back in his chair. "I could bring you a sample, though to be honest I do not know how long I could keep it in my possession without succumbing to temptation."

Senkha looks at Ludo hesitantly. "What if you had help? If, perhaps, someone helped to turn your mind from the craving?" She looks down quickly. "I understand if not. There are other ways of obtaining a sample."

Ludovick puts out his cigarette, already starting on yet another. Chain-smoking is go. "Forgive me for being so foolish, but I am afraid I do not follow you, friend. When it comes to Lady Price, I work alone. She trusts me, and I an extent."

Senkha hesitates a moment longer, then closes her eyes and furrows her brow. A moment later, Ludo would feel a sense of someone pushing at his mind--gently, not unkindly, but definitely wanting to come in.

Ludovick glares at Senkha for a moment, though his gaze softens to more of a miserable frown. "My mind is not the most hospitable place, Senkha, I will warn you," he says with a tinge of humor. "I am ashamed to say my want for this Zeal has grown quite strong. At first, I thought myself able to resist it through sheer force of will. However, the want for it, combined with," he purses his lips tightly for a moment, "other forces makes such resistance difficult. I will accept your offer of assistance, if you accept my request for silence."

Senkha gently retreats from his mind, less as a sign of fear and more out of respect. "I never share any secrets I discover when I delve into someone's mind. And...I've been into the worst minds this world has to offer. Believe me." She gives him a small smile.

Ludovick bows his head, cigarette resting in his mouth as he presses his hands together almost as if in prayer, tips of his fingers resting at the bridge of his nose. "I will put my trust in you, as an old friend," he says, returning her smile. "I apologize in advance for what you will find there. I assure you I have atoned for every transgression."

Senkha raises her hand to her heart, inclining her head in respect and understanding. "If you were to delve into my mind deeply enough, you'd find that I am in no position to judge you in any way, my friend. Our sins are likely of equal weight."

Ludovick smirks, staring at nowhere in particular across the room. "It pains me to think that I almost wish to challenge you on such. Perhaps it is a childish impulse brought out by our meeting once again."

Senkha 's smile turns devilish. She leans back in her chair. "For several years after leaving Andorhal, I was a contract thief and assassin and I relished in the killing." Gauntlet thrown.

Ludovick quirks a brow, parting his hands from their position of prayer to sit up in his chair, fingers stroking his beard as he plucks the cigarette from his mouth. "After Lordaeron fell I joined the Scarlet Crusade and tortured dozens of men and undead alike," he says with a wolfish grin, almost as if delighting in horrible secret telling.

Senkha presses her lips together a moment, pausing as if to think. "I lost myself to anger and tortured my husband, forcing him to relive his death again and again...all because of a miscommunication."

Ludovick smirks at this, probably a bit too happy at the thought of zombie-husbot getting his due. "I strangled a woman simply because the service I paid for was not preformed in a timely manner."
Ludovick shoots Senkha a 'your go' look.

Senkha gives a wry smile, clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth. "I slept with more men than I can count to make extra money while I was a barmaid."

Ludovick flat out bursts into laughter at this, slapping his knee. "Dear friend, I slept with the whole of Lordaeron before I was seventeen!"

Senkha also laughs, shaking her head. "Not -all- of Lordaeron, unless something happened while I was sleeping that I didn't know about." To this she adds, "The reason the pirates captured me was because I betrayed my friends to them...and that was the reason no one rescued me either."

Ludovick looks about ready to make a joke at Senkha's expense, though he thinks better of it and instead focuses on making this friendship as awkward as possible. "I impersonated a dead man tonight. A dead man I killed while in service to the Crusade. I used every bit of information I learned about him from our torture session. That is, before he expired."

Senkha 's laughter seems to be dying down significantly; we're getting into unhappy stuff here. "I killed children once. Once. It was a contract job, and I didn't cause them pain. I...stopped contracting after that. Fucking goblins."

Ludovick notices her pace changing, and his expression molds to fit it. He becomes deadpan, like he is with most company, taking drags from his cigarette after nearly every sentence. "I gave information that sent an innocent man to his death, simply because I was feeling impotent at the time."

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