Sunday, October 24, 2010

Senkha, Dizzy & Marius: October 23

Ariadine yaaaawns, and rubs her eyes. Long days require long rests. Her hair hangs loosely past her shoulders. Glorious, glorious bedhead.

Senkha sits on the doorstep outside, her geistskin armor in her hands along with a needle and thread. She's very intently concentrating on mending it, pausing every so often to touch the skin on her right cheek.

Ariadine wanders across the house, her bare feet not making a sound. She smiles at the sight of her mother at the doorstep and hurries behind her for a surprise hug.

Senkha jumps slightly at the surprise hug and then chuckles, putting down the armor and her needle, her arms coming up to hug Dizzy. "Morning, sleepyhead. Did you have good dreams?"

Ariadine smiles and nods, "Yeah, real good." She sits beside Senkha, "Did you?"

Senkha shrugs, turning to face Dizzy a bit better. "I don't think I dreamed. I was too tired."

Ariadine wiggles her toes and looks at them thoughtfully as she speaks, "Those kinda sleeps 'r real nice too."

Senkha says: Mm, I wish I had more of them sometimes. I'm pretty sure your Daddy's going to have had more than his fair share of that kind of sleep by the time he wakes up.

Ariadine says: He's gonna be okay, right?

Senkha smiles brightly and nods, looping her arm around Dizzy's shoulders. "Yeah, he'll be fine. He's had worse than this fact, that whole...thing last night with him being alive probably made it so he'll be better even sooner."

Ariadine smiles happily, "'S real good!"

Senkha nods again, still smiling, though her smile fades slightly. "How about you? How's your arm? No more hurting, right?"

Ariadine looks to her arm, the runes are gone but 'NO HOPE' is faintly scarred."I feel real good! No more hurting."

Senkha runs her thumb over the scars, silent for a moment. She takes a slow, heavy breath. "...I'm sorry that I wasn't there, Dizz. I'm sorry I couldn't come. I'm sorry I..." She lets the words trail off there.

Ariadine smiles sadly at Senkha and hugs her, "'S not your fault 'r anythin'. I know you woulda come if'n you could." She pauses, "Please don't cry, Momma."

Senkha swallows hard; she was getting ready to do just that. She blows out a quiet breath, silently counting to ten. "I just didn't want you to be hurt or scared...or think that I wouldn't come for you, because you know, no matter what anyone says, if you ever need me, I'll come for you."

Ariadine nuzzles Senkha's cheek, "I know, I b'lieve you ferever 'n ever."

Senkha 's breath hitches as Dizzy nuzzles against her, but she forces herself not to cry. Instead, she smiles. "That's good, Dizz. Never forget that. It'll never change." She then laughs quietly. "We keep missing our chance to have breakfast for dinner, huh?"

Ariadine shrugs, "'S okay, I'm real pay-shunt!"

Senkha says: That you are! A million times more patient than I am, I'll tell you that!

Ariadine nods sagely, "'S okay, 'm real may-chur too."

Senkha gives Dizzy a slanted grin. "Now, who told you that?"

Ariadine says: I did!

Senkha says: You did! Do you know what it means?
Senkha stiffens and holds Dizzy closer as the ground moves. Earthquakes, what the hell, man.

Ariadine says: Means I'm real omnibiblishunt... Uh, SUPER ALL KNOWING SMART.

Senkha now does laugh, less out of disdain and more out of omg so cute. "So you're super all knowing smart enough to tell me...hmm. To tell me how to spell mnemonic?"

Ariadine says: Yeah! I can spell ev'rything now 'cause you are a super good teacher!
Ariadine says: M-e-n-e-m-o-b-m-l-i-b-d-i-b-l-y-b-u-n-k.

Senkha grins and laughs, nodding and deciding that it's fair enough. "Close enough! And, hmm. Super-all-knowing-smart enough to tell me how to get to the stars for a vacation?"

Mariius pulls back his hood with a quiet shake of his head. A smile.
Mariius lids his eyes.
Mariius says: -Evening, you two.

Senkha has her arm around Dizzy's shoulders. Her right cheek looks like something bit into it and she's moving stiffly, as if heavily bandaged. She blinks at Marius' facial hair. What is that she doesn't even. "Marius, it's good to see you."

Mariius nods.

Ariadine smiles shyly at Marius and waves. She doesn't recognize him.

Mariius lofts his brows, examining the facade of the home. "... It's nice." -He says, if gently. "-Big. Good build. I used to have a friend that lived out this way in a similar model."
Mariius says: But then; it seems you've had trouble here all the same.

Senkha gives Dizzy a sideways hug. "Dizzy, you remember Mr. Marius, right? He's a really good friend of Mommy and Daddy's." She watches Marius' assessment of her house. "Mm. An unwanted friend knows how to find it and how to get into our heads from outside."
Senkha glances over towards the graveyard behind Marius where she buried Bordros' most recent head last night. Her bitten cheek twitches.

Mariius says: Mn. But I'm here to see that changed. *-And with an abrupt lurch of his shoulder, he swings a massive pack off one pauldron and into his hands.*
Mariius says: I think it's time Bordros and my wards get aquainted.

Senkha says: I think that would be an excellent idea. I'd love to watch and help, if you don't case we ever have to move again and just for the knowledge itself.

Ariadine punches the air, "Gonna get his ass-beat real bad!"
Ariadine nods sagely.

Senkha grins and ruffles Dizzy's hair, standing with some difficulty and collecting her armor and sewing materials as she does. "Like he did last night."

Mariius says: That's fine, Senkha. You can speak while I work; Tell me what's happened. It will be some time, but the best of these precautions cannot come quickly.

Senkha says: Mm, I'd rather it take a while and be done -right- than for it to be rushed we find ourselves vulnerable.

Mariius says: Moreover. I've fashioned something for your daughter.

Ariadine blinks.

Senkha gives Dizzy an excited grin. "Hear that? Presents for you, Dizz."

Ariadine points at herself. Who, me?

Mariius nods at you.

Ariadine grins, "I like presents lots."

Mariius says: -It's a charm. A deeply powerful little trinket; something that will give your aggressive problem a nasty shock should he manage to snare you directly. once spent, the power it holds will be spent as well-- But in that process, he may find himself reduced to ash.
Mariius says: -May I come in, Senkha?

Senkha says: Of course.
Senkha gestures to the door, holding it open.

Ariadine follows Senkha!
Ariadine scuttles off to her room.

Senkha says: --er. Sorry about the mess in the kitchen. Breakfast-for-dinner was kind of interrupted last night.

Mariius picks out a bit of counterspace-- and methodically, quietly, begins setting out his tools.

Senkha indicates the mess of eggs, dirty dishes, flour, and other things that would've gone into a wonderful meal if the night hadn't turned into so much what-the-fuckery.

Mariius says: I'll help you clean, dove.

Senkha half smiles and half cringes as she hears this, touching the wound on her cheek again. She nods and starts piling up dishes to throw in the tub to wash. "...Oliver was alive last night," she blurts after a moment of gathering.

Mariius starts off with the 'gift' he'd developed earlier in the week-- Back when he'd first learned of these targeted attacks, and had procured a small amount of ash left-over from one of Bordros' charred vessels.

Ariadine emerges from her room with a packet of crayons and her journal. Coloring time.
Ariadine spreads her materials out over the rugs.

Stehl-the-whelp comes trotting downstairs, yawning himself, and littering flowers on the stairs. He curls up next to Dizzy to inspect her drawing.

Mariius parts the lid on a delicate box. Inside, a small silver heart-shaped charm is inlaid with a bright emerald shell. It dangles from a thin silver chain; something simple and elegant.

Ariadine begins to draw a Scarlet and Stehl adventure!

Mariius says: --One of the most powerful emotions in this world, Senkha, are derived from the raw power of a mother's rage.

Senkha grins wryly, placing the stacked dishes in the sink and touching the back of her head. "--I think I broke your wards with it," she admits sheepishly.

Mariius holds the box to her inspection. "--This is for Dizzy. It's imbued with your imprint; Something I used to fashion a spellward that will react to sinister intention. I've keyed it to recognize Bordros' presence with a sample of ash I'd recovered from one of his many incarnations."

Senkha looks in the box, not an expert on warding but definitely an expert on pretty jewelry. "It's beautiful. I think she'll love's certainly already giving me some peace of mind about..." She hesitates before saying, "...when I can't be there."

Mariius says: -If he tries to hurt her, your Imprint will recognize the intent and trigger the spell I've interwoven through the charm itself. Not only will you know that something is wrong; You'll feel drawn to it. Can use this strange instinct to find her.
Mariius says: The spell itself is as powerful as Salarous' fare; A flare of reconstituted holy energy; Enough that it would see a ghoul combust on the spot. If triggered, the necklace will crumble; There's a lot of energy in this little trinket, and it won't survive the expulsion.
Mariius says: But it's something.
Mariius says: I didn't know how to fashion it. Salarous keeps these materials for his jewelcrafting. I found the pendant-- and got to work.

Senkha smiles, touching the pendant with her index finger. "It means so much to me, Marius. Thank you. And my thanks to Salarous, too...does he know you took this?"

Mariius says: He doesn't; but we trade materials often. It's no bother. *-And he hands it over quietly.*
Mariius says: -When you slip it around her neck, the charm will activate.

Senkha hugs the box to her chest for a moment and closes her eyes, as if to imbue it with even more of her essence, though she has no idea -how- to do that. "Thank you," she repeats, quietly, and sets the box on a cleared-off piece of counterspace.

Mariius nods at you.
Mariius lets out a puff of a sigh, lofting his eyes to the space around him.
Mariius says: ... Well then.

Senkha says: Mm.

Mariius flicks a glass bowl with purified water from his flask. Not seconds later and he slits the palm of one hand with his ritual athame, curling the wounded hand into a tight fist to perpetuate the flow of blood. It drips steadily into the basin beneath it.

Senkha mindlessly begins scrubbing away at some egg that got onto the counter last night. "...what all do you know about Bordros?" she asks after a moment's silence. "I mean...I know he's got a rune -book- instead of a rune -blade- and killing him is a bitch..."

Mariius says: I know the name. And I know I've known him as an enemy in the past. But to be painfully honest Senkha; So many antagonists knock at my doorstep that time has stripped him from me. If I possessed knowledge of him once, I know nothing now beyond vague inclinations. Perhaps I thought him destroyed.

Senkha gives Marius a sad smile; she knows all about having way too many enemies. "We thought he was destroyed the night before last, but last night, as we were getting ready for dinner, Dizzy started screaming and clutching at her arm, and we heard his voice." Only now does her own voice betray the horror she felt in that moment, a horror she's been hiding from her husband and daughter.

Mariius shakes out his injured palm, sealing the shallow wound with a flicker of mending. Thereafter, dark ink-- Midnight Ink-- is added to the unusual concoction.
Mariius says: He projects thoughts and sensations through the mental plane, then.
Mariius glances at her. Two fingertips swirl through the thick, murky solution before him.

Senkha nods, grimacing. "I was able to ward Dizzy's mind last night, but it took a lot of concentration. The good news, though, is that it was -very- easy for me to enter his mind. For all his offensive understanding, he doesn't have an inkling about defense."

Mariius says: A curious thing, for a man that shows mental prowess. What do you know of this book?
Mariius' hands roam to a small, carefully wrapped bundle set gently on the countertop. The cloth is soft, white and intricate, and it's folded back to reveal a faintly glimmering Vial of the Sunwell.
Senkha says: Only that it's what houses his soul. Oliver told me last night to make sure that I destroyed it, but he's no fool. He doesn't keep the book on his's likely with whoever is helping him to keep reviving.
Senkha's eyes widen at the sight of the vial, though she doesn't comment on it, not knowing specifically what it is. It's shiny, though, and obviously powerful. Impressed Senkha is impressed.

Mariius removes the small plug, unscrewing a secure cap and peering at the contents therein. It's two years old, now-- And he's used the dwindling contents -very- sparingly.
Mariius tips the containt just-so. Finger-tap. A sole droplet connects with his prepared solution-- and there's a flash. Blinding light. It simmers and dies, leaving a calm and completed ward-ink ready-to-use in the glass basin.
Mariius : -A motion of his hands. Snap-- pop. The container is sealed, and re-wrapped with silent reverence.

Senkha cringes at the sudden flash of light, holding her hands in front of her face. She watches the vial be sealed and wrapped and put away with a sort of awe and a definite aura of ooh shiny.

Mariius says: -Vial from the Sunwell, Senkha. *-He purses his lips.* -Old, now. Old power.

Senkha's mouth falls open at this. "The -Sunwell-?" she asks in a hushed voice, like they're speaking during a prayer or something. "Light...

Mariius lifts his eyes, peering in her direction. "--It's not a sample I can simply 'refill', and so I use it very sparingly. Not even the ship's wards contain this specific touch-- I reserve it for dire situations or places of great and precious quality. My child's bedroom, for example."

Ariadine draws Stehl and Scarlet shooting flower-fart lazers at a dark figure with blue eyes.

Senkha continues to stare with her mouth hanging open, now looking at Marius directly. Tears have come to her eyes, and her voice is choked as she speaks. "Marius, I-- thank you. I can't say how honored I am."

Mariius smooths one hand over the cloth that safeguards the vial's remnants. "-Would you like to see it?" -And he holds it out gingerly. "-Keep it in the house, with you. The presence of the vial alone will further fortify the wards here; And serve warning to Bordros' ilk."

Ariadine scribbles "DARGON KILLER" over the dark figure's head and begins to add more and more multi-colored flowers to the fart-flower-laser-beams.
Ariadine offers Stehlp a crayon, "Whaddya think 's missin'?"

Senkha holds the vial as if she's holding the most precious thing in the world ever. AND BREAKS IT! No. She doesn't break it, but she does look at it wordlessly, breathless at the sort of honor and trust this means. "This is--" She shakes her head unable to finish the sentence and holds the wrapped vial close to her heart. "I will find someplace where those earthquakes won't shake it loose. I...thank you."

Mariius inclines his head.

Stehlp points to several places on the drawing: Scarlet needs to be prettier, the dark man needs to have scars from where Mommy tore him apart, and Stehlp's muscles need to be bigger.

Mariius peers into the small bowl between his hands. He paces with it, evaluating the household as he goes. One clawtip drags through the inky solution. And for lack of a better place to start-- he starts with the door to the home. It's an entrance; Both a physical path and a symbolic origin.

Ariadine gives the dark figure lots of ugly scars, gives Scarlet long eyelashes, and bulks up the Stehlp.

Stehlp chitters his approval.

Ariadine grins, this is true art.

Mariius says: ... Why don't you give her that necklace. Please don't mind if I grow distant-- the work takes my mind from me, at times.

Senkha watches Marius silently, still holding the vial close to her heart, as delicately as if she's holding a baby. She nods silently. "...still have to tell you what happened to Oliver last night. It...let me know."

Ariadine adds in Oliver with a smiley-face rune sword and instead of his usual blue eyes and white hair she gives him brown eyes and sandy-blonde hair.

Senkha holds tightly to the vial in one hand and picks up the box with Dizzy's necklace in the other. She turns and knocks on the door to Dizzy's room. "Monkey? Can I come in?"

Ariadine says: Yeah!

Mariius taps an ink-ladden talon against the woodframe-- and starts the intricate process. Scritch-scritch-scratch. One becomes dozens becomes hundreds of tiny little symbols and circles; Runeweaving, true to every form. Golden eyes grow dim and far-away, where pupils twitch and dilate between structures. Seen but not seen. Not even the quakes can shake him from it.

Senkha slips into Dizzy's room, plopping down cross-legged on the rug. She chuckles at the picture. "You're quite the artist, Dizz! You should draw something for Mr. Marius to thank him for helping us today."

Ariadine nods solemnly and pulls up a new sheet of paper and begins to draw a very large Marius with an epicly long beard and giant fists with a white kitten on his head.

Senkha smiles and places the box down on the floor in front of her, lifting the lid. She nestles the vial on her lap and lifts the necklace from where it's nestled. "Dizz, look at this. Mr. Marius brought a necklace for'll protect you from the bad man."

Mariius' hand moves with the confidence of a man possessed. The design-- the rites-- the complications; They're all at the cusp of his mind's eye, writ into wood and across walls and windows and frames and furniture. He doesn't double-back; Doesn't erase a single mark with the smudge of one hands. A streak-- a hard line. Intersecting cross-patterns loop through base constructs and overley's. Here-- Here. Yes, this-- Protection. Guardianship. Second nature. Senkha may be initially perplexed by the fact that her entire households is getting chalked up BUT HEY it'll be gone soon really!
Mariius spreads his hands against the wall, paused. His inkbowl sits between the cradle of one forearm. Silence; He's feeling through his work. It's solid. He continues.

Ariadine 's eyes widen, "Woah..."
Ariadine smiles, "'S pretty." She gently prods the pendant.

Senkha nods, smiling at Dizzy. "It's got a part of me in it so that if he ever comes after you again, I'll blow him to pieces." She moves to fasten the necklace around her daughter's neck. "Just like I promised."

Ariadine grins widely, she likes the idea of bad-guys getting blown to pieces.
Ariadine adds herself to the picture sporting her new necklace and riding on the back of a steroid pumped Stehl.

Senkha sits back on her heels, observing Dizzy. "It's very pretty on you. Mr. Marius is a good man for helping with this...he's almost your grandfather sort of, in a way."

Ariadine claps excitedly.
Ariadine says: I like fam'lee.

Mariius' pace is wicked. If he was moving fast before he's lightning now. It's easy to get caught up and swept away once a Construct began fleshing itself out beneath one's hands. All the hundred-thousand little peices start fitting together; Start taking on a life and a purpose all their own. That purpose is growing with each 'penstroke', programming itself to Marius' intended design. There isn't an inch of floorspace that isn't struck with black ink or shot-through with contact equations. He's a hundred steps ahead of himself whilst still strangely and fully aware of the endless tapestry behind him.

Senkha smiles as well, picking the Sunwell vial up again and holding it tenderly. "So do I. We're lucky to have family like Mr. Marius."

Ariadine says: What's that?

Senkha says: This, my little monkey, is a vial of water from the Sunwell. The Sunwell is where the High Elves got all of their magical power until the Lich King destroyed it. If we keep it safe here, it will keep -us- safe.
Senkha oversimplifies leik woah for Dizzy's benefit.

Ariadine totally doesn't get it and will skew all information gathered for future lols.
Ariadine nods sagely.

Senkha says: And right now, Mr. Marius is drawing runes all over the house to keep the bad man out...everything about him.

Ariadine grins, "Can I help make runes too?"

Senkha shakes her head. "Now that we can't help with. Mr. Marius has been doing this for thousands of years; we don't want to accidentally mess things up."

Ariadine says: Okaaaaay.
Ariadine goes back to drawing her thank-you note.

Senkha smiles, leaning forward to inspect the thank-you note. "Hmm. I'll bet that if you worked real hard at it, you could be a famous artist someday."

Ariadine nods sagely, "I bet I could. But I don't wanna draw. I wanna be a brain fixer."

Senkha says: A brain fixer! What do brain fixers do?

Ariadine smiles proudly, "'Y fix brains." Duh, mom.

Senkha seems surprised, but nods understandingly. "How do they fix brains?"

Ariadine says: Hard work an' brain magic.

Senkha says: Brain magic? You mean like what I do?

Ariadine nods at you.

Senkha is about as touched by this as she was by the gift of the Sunwell vial. She reaches over to ruffle Dizzy's hair. "I'm sure you'll be an amazing brain-fixer, Monkey. Maybe we can work together someday."

Ariadine says: I bet we could! But then I would be grown up and I'll be the boss!

Senkha raises her eyebrows and laughs. "Oh will you? And what will we do when you're the boss?"

Ariadine says: We'll fix people with broken souls and brains!
Ariadine says: Make them sleep and be happy 'gain!

Senkha says: Make them sleep?

Ariadine says: People with hurt souls can't sleep happy.

Senkha smiles sadly, touching her temple with her right hand. "Mm. Though I don't know that even the most powerful brain fixers can fix that. Mr. Marius is the most powerful brain fixer I know..."

Ariadine says: I'll be powerful-er!
Ariadine is super serious.

Senkha says: I'm sure you will! Just promise you'll be know how Mommy gets headaches sometimes?

Ariadine nods at you.

Senkha says: It's because sometimes, my mind is so powerful that it hurts me. Be careful...let your mind grow on its own.

Ariadine blinks at you.
Ariadine nods at you.

Senkha ruffles Dizzy's hair again. "When things are a little less crazy for us, maybe I can see about Mr. Marius teaching you the way he taught me."

Ariadine 's eyes widen and she tackle-hugs Senkha, "Thankyouthankyouthankyou!"

Senkha laughs in surprise, hugging Dizzy back. "It's no problem, Monkey. I bet your mind's just waiting for someone to teach you how to use it to fix people.'

Ariadine nods solemnly.

Senkha says: It'll probably take some time, and Mr. Marius might not be able to start teaching you for a little while, but we'll get there.

Ariadine says: I'm real pay-shunt!

Senkha kisses the side of Dizzy's head, smiling. "Good girl."

Ariadine hugs Senkha again, and crawls onto her lap.

Senkha shifts the Sunwell vial aside to make room for Dizzy and holds onto her, giving a sigh of contentment. She does reach up to touch the bite marks on her cheek for a second, though.

Ariadine says: Momma can I be a pumpkin-dragon for Hallow's End?

Senkha laughs. "I've been meaning to ask you what you wanted to be for Hallow's End. And sure, we can do that. We're going to go Trick-or-Treating with Miss Kyrita and Ziichi and...the draenei who doesn't have a jaw."

Ariadine perks at the names, "Ziichi, Keereetuh, and Locobocobusts?"

Senkha says: Locobocobusts?
You blink at Ariadine.

Mariius knocks quietly.

Senkha slips Dizzy off her lap and gets up to open the door. She smiles at Marius. "How's it going?"

Mariius gestures behind him. "... Just her room left." -And he rolls his sleeve across his nose, smearing the blood from it. "If she's alright with that."

Ariadine says: 'S okay!

Mariius inclines his head.

Senkha looks down at Dizzy and smiles. "We'll step out to give you room to work."

Ariadine nods at Mariius.
Ariadine says: Is he like... A jillion years old?

Senkha gapes at the chalk all over the walls and floors, the windows, the ceilings. She has to blink a few times before she answers Dizzy. "Ten thousand. I think."

Ariadine says: Jillion.

Mariius gets back to work. Given the scale of the household; This won't take too long. The rest... --Well. The walls outside are softly illuminated with the scrawl.

Senkha shrugs, not wanting to argue it. "Jillion."

Mariius : -And it passes soon enough. He eventually appears at the thresholde to Dizzy's room looking moderately worn. "... Well then."

Senkha cradles the vial of Sunwell water in her hands and puts an arm around Dizzy's shoulders. She looks up to Marius with a smile. "All done?"

Mariius says: -- I suggest you shield your eyes momentarily. Just about.

Senkha nods and lets go of Dizzy's shoulders to cover her eyes.

Ariadine covers her eyes but tries to peek through her spread fingers but shuts them tight as

Marius kneels. In the end. Every last connecting symbol ultimately links up with small circle in the middle of the main room. It's the heart of the ley. Marius sinks to his knees and plants one hand against the floor, dead-center in the middle of this icon. With a sharp breath, a word of lasting power curls past his lips. The ink adorning the walls flares brilliantly; Paints the whole of the household in a cascade of triggered energy. There's a thrum-- a heartbeat of sound and sensation-- and then nothing. The writing is gone. It's curled up like ash, spend, crowding the floor with sweepable soot.
Mariius pushes the back of one palm against his nose.

Senkha continues to hold her hand over her eyes, wincing slightly at the sound, then removing her hand to look around in amazement. "Uther's beard..." she murmurs.

Mariius says: ... -- It's set. The ley is binding... -And the mess is easily cleared.
Mariius says: You may not see them, but it's there.

Senkha says: I believe you. Marius...this means the world to me. To us. I...

Mariius smooths two fingertips through the ash on the ground. "--This is just a byproduct of that activation."
Mariius peers up at Senkha quietly.

Senkha shrugs simply, giving a smile that says that words and thanks simply aren't enough. "Thank you."

Mariius says: -You needn't thank me, Senkha. I want to protect you-- and your family.
Mariius says: The least you deserve is a safe home.

Ariadine moves up to Marius and offers him her thank-you card. "Thank you Mister Maryus!"

Mariius blinks. Takes this 'card'. Blinks again.
Mariius peers at it.

Senkha 's smile grows wider and warmer. She places a hand over her heart and watches the interaction, a twinkle in her eye.

Mariius says: ... You know.
Mariius peers at Dizzy seriously.

Ariadine blinks at Mariius.

Mariius says: ... That is a -perfect- likeness of me. *Yes. He grins.* You're a very talented artist.

Ariadine beams proudly, "Thank you!"
Ariadine salutes Mariius with respect.

Mariius points at the paper. "... You even added Clarice. She's amazing, Senkha."
Mariius says: I'll take this home and frame it.
Mariius patpat's Dizzy's head affectionately.

Senkha is smiling brightly, like she may burst with pride. "Isn't she? I told her that she should be an artist, but she wants to be a brain fixer."

Mariius smiles a little.

Senkha says: And I think she can be whatever she sets her mind to.

Mariius says: -Who's to say *-And he flips up the thank-you card, presenting it to Senkha's inspection.* -That brightening someone's day with art alone isn't enough, in large part.
Mariius peers back at Dizzy. "-Kindness is never wasted. You can help people with it."

Ariadine is totally loving this, "I'm onna good start!"

Senkha smiles her agreement and appreciation. This is such a good night compared to the last two, seriously.

Mariius says: You certainly are, m'dear.
Mariius says: Senkha... By the by.

Senkha says: Mm?

Mariius says: -There's a campsite I'd like to show you to. Some place secluded and hard to find; a place you and your family can go to relax without incident. I'd like to show you there.

Senkha says: I would appreciate that. I...also need to talk to you about something that happened last night. Unrelated to Bordros.

Mariius nods at Ariadine.
Mariius says: Certainly.
Mariius says: Let me know when you're free. Dizzy would probably like it there, too.

Senkha glances nervously at Dizzy, chewing the inside of her lower lip. "Would, ah. Would it be alright for us to speak privately?" She seems to be asking Dizzy's permission more than Marius'.

Ariadine nods at Senkha and runs back to her room and tries to yank Stehl by the tail and drag him with her has she runs.

Stehlp is dragged, yelping, back to Dizzy's room!

Mariius helps himself to a seat once she's left the room. he tucks the little card into a secure place in his pack, and then mottles at the sweat on his brow with the back of one hand.

Senkha runs her hand through her hair a few times and finally blurts out, "How much time has to pass before you can tell if someone's pregnant?"

Mariius says: ... Well, that depends on the woman. Missing your cycle, spotting or cramping; Tenderness of the breasts... --All possible signs. Some tests are available as well... But why do you ask?

Senkha swallows hard. "You're not going to believe this...but, um. Oliver was alive last night. Flesh and blood. Heartbeat. He could feel. He could -eat-. He could..." Senkha leaves off there.

Mariius lofts his brows. What.
Mariius says: ... I don't-- ...
Mariius says: -I don't know that I... -understand- how that happened. *And he furrows his brows.* But you're-- Senkha. Even if-- ...

Senkha brings her hands up to her hair again, her distress evident. "I don't either! It must have been dark magic, and I wasn't here to stop it, and I don-- even if what?"

Mariius says: ... Senkha-- you're barren.

Senkha blinks a few times as if not quite processing this. "I'm-- " She lowers her hands to her abdomen, pressing against the scar under the leather. "--but I thought if I..." Again she stops and finally says, "...oh."

Mariius thins his lips.

Senkha forces a laugh, shaking her head. "Well. That answers -that- question." Her smile doesn't completely reach her eyes.

Mariius says: ... When you were on the floor, with Oliver, after what They did to you. I had my hands in your insides, Senkha. I knew then, but it just-- Unless something's *changed* since, you were not capable of pregnancy.

Senkha's shoulders sag some, and the look in her eyes grows cold. "I see," she says quietly. "I suppose it's just as well. We couldn't anyway...last night was just a fluke. A mistake."

Mariius says: ... I'm glad you were able to experience it all the same. Though I-- ... feel, for Oliver.
Mariius says: He came to terms once. Having to again is-- ... Mn.

Senkha says: --he knew it was limited. He told me as soon as he saw me that he had five hours. But he...he wants it again. I don't know what to make of it.

Mariius says: -Wouldn't you-?

Senkha says: Of course! I understand and...and part of me wants it, too. I just don't know if it's -right-. If this...whatever it was. If it's right to use it.

Mariius says: ... I wouldn't, Senkha. It will make him hate what he is more than he does, and destroy his contentment with the life he's learned to create for himself in undeath.

Senkha exhales slowly, relief showing on her features. "That's what I'd thought. I was glad to see him back to 'normal' last night...even with the pain he went through to get there."

Mariius nods quietly.
Mariius says: ... Don't let him ache for what he's lost, Senkha.

Senkha says: I won't.

Mariius says: -Make him believe in what he has now. *-And he nods.*
Mariius bows before you.

Senkha, for just a moment, sags with the weight of the past several days. She closes her eyes and looks far older than she is, but she nods and walks forward, wrapping her arms around Marius' waist in a hug.
Senkha says: Thank you, Marius. For everything. You have my gratitude--and my love.

Mariius says: Ironbolt's Halloween Ball is coming up in just over an hour, now. *-And he smooths a palm over her hair.* -Try to perk a bit. You're family to me; I want to see you smile more. Quakes and all. *A wry look*

Senkha looks up at Marius and gives him a smile; it's tired and wavery, but it's real.

Mariius nods at you.

Senkha says: Enjoy the ball. I wish any of us were feeling up to it. Light be with you, Marius.

Mariius smiles kindly.
Mariius says: -We'll try. let me know when you're ready to take that small trip. I think you'll like the area.

Senkha says: I will. It'll do all of us good, I think. It'll probably be a couple of days at least, but I'll let you know.
Senkha steps back and bows before Marius, a gesture of respect.
Senkha says: ...Marius. I've just had an insane idea.

Mariius says: -I'll see you soon, dove. Call me if you've need of-- ... eh?

Senkha says: Dizzy would love a Hallow's End Ball, but I have to stay here with Oliver. Do you think you could take her? It would make her week.

Mariius blinks. Looks over his shoulder.
Mariius says: ... Well, yes; That'd be fine.
Mariius says: She'll be in the company of Sigil; So I wouldn't worry.

Senkha absolutely beams and runs to the back room. "Thank you!"
Senkha says: I never do where you're concerned.
Senkha knocks on the door. "Dizzy! Dizzy, love! Do you want to go to a ball?"

Ariadine pokes her head out of the door, nodding furiously. "YES!"

Senkha grins. "Mr. Marius is going to take you to a ball! Do you want me to fix your hair up before you go?"

Mariius smiles helplessly.

Ariadine nods again, "Yeah yeah! Wait! I got something in my room." In this next part we appreciate the beauty of the 'A WIZARD DID IT' phrase as Dizzy reemerges from her room in a very round pumpkin outfit with little red dragon wings.
Ariadine says: Can Stehl come?!

Senkha says: Sure! Just keep a close eye on him and stick by Mr. Marius all night, okay?

Ariadine salutes you with respect. Well, she tries to salute, but her hand can't reach her arm in her super awesome costume.

Senkha grins and kisses Dizzy on the forehead. "Good girl. Be safe and have f un."
Senkha says: Thank you, Marius.

Ariadine half waddles have runs to Marius, "I betcha can't guess what I am-- OH! IS THERE GONNA BE CANDY?"

Mariius says: ... Alright then, Dizzy. Let's head to the Sigil-boat and meet up with the others.
Mariius says: I'll take care of her, Senkha.

Ariadine says: Love you!

Mariius summons his spectral mount, reaching to pulling Dizzy alongside him.

You wave at Ariadine.
You blow a kiss to Ariadine.
You sigh at Macglynn.
Senkha kicks off her boots and slips into bed with Oliver, smiling contentedly.

Macglynn at least -looks- 100% better, though he's not woken up. His runeblade pulses a dull blue beside him as it works to energize him.

Senkha starts humming quietly--not exactly cheerful, more like trying to cheer herself up. She closes her eyes and leans back against the pillows. "And to think, last weekend, we were most worried about me making nice with Blightreaver. Ha!"

Macglynn doesn't respond, as would be expected. He looks peaceful enough, and clean. Somewhere between Senkha's last time seeing him and now, his chicken has nested beside his head, and curiously pecks at his hair.

Senkha continues her monologue with an ironic sort of laugh. "You know what's funny? I can't have kids. Isn't that funny."

Macglynn is the best audience, truly. Lucy looks up at her voice, though. She puffs out her feathers.

Senkha smiles at Lucy and wiggles her fingers at the chicken in greeting. "I mean, not that I could have kids anyway, but I thought maybe after last night..." She trails off and shakes her head. ""

Lucy's feathers settle back against her and she settles back in her blanket nest by Oliver's head. She pecks at a bug that's found its way out of his cheek.

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