Thursday, October 28, 2010

Selvaggia & Lius: October 28

Selvaggia tugs really hard and manages to remove the pumpkin from her head. Her hair is covered in pumpkin goo and she doesn't look happy about it.

Lius pats his pumpkin.

Selvaggia says: What, don't want to see what I'm going to do to you, pumpkin-head?

Lius says: Jus'...jus' nae sure 'ow t'go about removin' it.

Selvaggia says: ...well, I could tug it off. Or maybe see if I could cast something on it that would make it really brittle and shatter it.

Lius grabs his mace, thwapping the pumpkin hard. The mace smashes through, leaving a hole, but doing little to remove it.
Lius says: Well...

Selvaggia walks right up to Lius and glances around, as if expecting someone to catch her at any second. "Don't move a muscle. I don't want to hurt you." With that, she casts a simple Curse of Weakness on the pumpkin attempting to make it more brittle.

Lius thumps the side of the pumpkin with his fist, it breaks and slides away. Hooray, fresh air! "Tha' far better."

Selvaggia grins, dropping her hands to her side, but not before plucking some pumpkin goo from Lius' hair. "You don't mind, do you? What I just did?"

Lius shakes his head, sending a bit of goo ERRYWHERE. "Nae really. Stehl isnae aroun' t'get all pissed."

Selvaggia wrinkles her nose and laughs at the pumpkin goo flying all over the place, trying to pull some of it from her own hair. "I don't -like- to do things like that, but...well. Fel magic has its advantages. A few of them."

Lius says: World is splittin' in two it feels like, I donae thin' Fel magic is a major source of concern..

Selvaggia smiles sheepishly, resting her forearms on Lius' shoulders. "Well, then. Shall we?"

Lius says: Aye...'spose it's abou' tha' time.

Selvaggia looks around and sighs softly. "I -do- wish this place was less of a dump, but it will do, for now."

Lius says:' needs t'be off?

Selvaggia mumbles something about "everything" but more loudly says, "Well, that depends where you would like me to begin cutting."

Lius grins, his back remaining turned to her. His shoulder dips, the medical bag sliding away. "Tha's yer call, doc."

Selvaggia says: Well, perhaps we ought to start at the top and work our way down. I promise not to cause anything vital to rupture.

Lius nods and begins to remove STUFFS. "Tha's quite a promise. I feel safer already."
Lius lifts himself up onto the table, sitting there with a stupid grin, his legs kicking like a child.
Lius says: Directions!
Lius shrugs, his legs still kicking off the edge.

Selvaggia also grins, pulling her mask up and tucking her hair behind her ears. She opens her surgical pack and removes her very own lancet--yay for wedding presents--and holds it in the palm of her hand to heat the blade.
Selvaggia says: Well, would you prefer for me to cause you pain or for this be an actual learning experience?

Lius says: Tha's yer call, aye?

Selvaggia smirks and steps forward, running her fingers against his bare chest for a moment before testing the hot edge of the knife directly above his pectoral muscles. "My call it may be, but it is also your body. I'm simply unsure how much you can take."

Lius does his best not to move, or show any reaction at all. "A fine night t'find out, aye?"

Selvaggia gives a slanted grin. A challenge! "That it is," she murmurs and presses the blade in further, cutting a long and jagged line down the length of his chest. The cut isn't deep, but it's one of those surfacey cuts that just stings when the air hits it.

Lius rolls his bottom lip under his teeth, his eyes closing for a split second before he gathers himself. He doesn't speak, just stares at her.

Selvaggia continues to smile, twisting the blade a tiny bit before removing it. A bit of fire flares around the fingertips of her opposite hand; she drags one fingertip down the length of the wound to cauterize it.

Lius forces himself to keep breathing, though his body is screaming for him to hold it. His posture has already started to shift, slightly hunched. "Tha' all?"

Selvaggia shakes her head, grinning and twirling the knife between her fingers. "I'm simply getting started...'warmed up,' you might say, if you were feeling punny." She brings the lancet to his chest again, digging in deeper this time, working the blade in a definite pattern.

Lius lets out a gasp at this, his eyes slamming shut. Fingers wrapped around the edge of the table, he fights to stay upright.

Selvaggia laughs softly, wickedly, finishing the first design and moving onto the second. As she bears into his skin again, she cauterizes the first wound with the fingers of her free hand. She is very good at multitasking.

Lius fights to free his right hand from the table, eventually it releases the table and moves towards her neckline. He presses it flat there, his face twisted in pain, though a grin still lay across his lips. He obviously isn't thinking straight. His hand still flat against her chest, just above her breasts, a holy flame ignites from his pointer and middle fingers, digging into the flesh.

Selvaggia almost drops the lancet at this, gasping at the sudden pain, and then laughing as if she's enjoying it. She presses onward, though her hands are now shaking somewhat, working on the third part of the design and cauterizing the second.

Lius fights on! His eyes squint in a mixture of concentration and pain, doing his best to focus on the flame. His fingers trail across her neckline, searing flesh along the way.

Selvaggia lets out a soft groan, not quite of pain and not quite of pleasure. It's a battle of the wills now, though, and she's determined to win. "'re g-going to have to live with-th it if you m-make me mess this u-up..." she murmurs and digs the knife in, creating the fourth part of the design and cauterizing the third.

Lius is quite obviously biting on his lip to deal with the pain. Small trails of blood leak down along his chin, his eyes close once again. The flame leaps to a third finger, all of which now dick into her flesh and scrape further to the side.

Selvaggia freezes in her work, giving a small cry of pain, the flames on her fingers flaring even further, leaving burns on his skin. She screws her eyes shut for a moment, trying to regain concentration, and finally sets to work on the fifth and final part of the design. It's more intricate than the previous pieces and takes a little bit longer...and it still needs to be cauterized.

Lius is no longer paying attention to what he's burning, his hand slips under the cloth of her tunic, his fingers trailing down her shoulder and arm, likely taking cloth with it. His teeth part and his bottom lip is free, a small groan escaping.

Selvaggia gasps softly at this, the cloth of her tunic falling aside, leaving her shoulder and quite a bit of her arm exposed and burned. She freezes in her design again, regaining her composure before twisting the blade in the final curl of the design. Once this is done, she lays the lancet aside and traces her fingers along the cuts she's made on his chest until the wounds have all cauterized. She drops her hands to rest on the table, breathing heavily.

Lius forces his eyes open as the last cut is made, wandering to the trail of seared flesh he's left behind. With a single shake of his hand the flame is gone, leaving his fingers bare to trace along the damage. "Quite..." he pauses, out of breath, takes a deep breath, pain heavy on his voice. "Quite th'contest..."

Selvaggia hums her agreement, swallowing a few times before she can speak. When she does, her voice is airy and strained. "Wanted to finish my work..." she murmurs, leaning her head forward to rest on his shoulder.

Lius nods, his eyes still locked onto the dark streak of seared flesh. "Wonder 'ow deep tha' goes.." He shrugs, tapping a finger against the freshly burned skin.

Selvaggia flinches as he taps her new burn. Odd that she's flinching now and not several minutes ago when the burn was made. She leans back some to admire her work on his chest and smiles. " Not bad."

Lius grins at her response, his fingers rolling along the burn in taps. "Mhm, tha' was fine work. Were...y'drawin'?"

Selvaggia hisses in pain with each tap and responds by tracing her fingers along his wounds, light enough to cause something of a sting. "Mm, I was. I...I think it's turned out nearly perfect."

Lius hisses lightly, his taps now landing with more force. "Wha' is it ye were drawin'?" He mutters, not daring to look down.

Selvaggia, rather inadvertently, presses harder against the wounds she's created. "Runes."

Lius grabs ahold of the arm she's using to prod, his free hand still taunting the edges of the burn. "Aye? Wha' runes?"

Selvaggia shifts her hand back to lace her fingers with the fingers of his free hand, pulling it away from the burn. "Nothing evil or related to fel magic...they're the sort of things Elves used to protect their lands. I was...marking you." She ducks her head clearly embarrassed by this.

Lius nods, not fighting the movement of his hand. "Tha's acceptable. Markin' if anyone else will see 'em."

Selvaggia relaxes some as he's no longer tapping against the burns he's just created. "It's more than that...they have power to them. They'll protect you and tie you to me." And she exhales slowly, bringing her head up to rest against his shoulder again.

Lius smiles, pulling his arm free to loop both around her. "Protect me? Tha' sounds'ole linkin' us though. Aye, tha' 'm a fan of."

Selvaggia allows herself to be pulled closer to him, turning her head to kiss his neck. "I'd read about deeper methods of linking people, but I don't think you would approve of them. It's very dark magic indeed."

Lius tilts his head on instinct, his grip around her tightening. "Dark magic...Stehl woul' some'ow sniff it out."

Selvaggia drags her lips along the length of his neck, nipping lightly at the skin there. "I know he would. As it is, I'm terrified to see him again for another several days because of what I did to your pumpkin."

Lius says: 'E is mostly 'armless. Jus'....alot of 'itting.

Selvaggia says: Would he simply hit someone whom he knew to be practicing dark magic?

Lius says: 'E would 'it me fer it.
Lius says: Nae sure 'e would 'arm you.

Selvaggia hums skeptically, bringing her hand up to Lius' head and running her thumb along his cheek, still kissing his neck. "Are you sure of that? He doesn't like me very much."
Selvaggia says: I'm halfway convinced he's waiting for an excuse to cut my head off.

Lius says: 'E can be hateful, aye. but 'e is a good man all in all.

Selvaggia says: Even towards...people like me?

Lius says: 'M nae sure. Nae ever seen him cut down a member of th'Alliance.
Lius says: So....there's tha'.

Selvaggia takes a hesitant breath and blows out slowly. " would involve me taking a piece of your soul. Not much, not a lot. But...just the same. It's -very- dark magic, and I'm not even certain that I could viably do it without hurting you."

Lius ponders this for a moment! He lets out a whistle, smiling lightly. "Piece of m'soul, aye? Tha's some grim shit."

Selvaggia runs her fingers down the opposite side of his neck, eventually resting them lightly against the wounds she created earlier. "Fel magic is rarely cheerful."

Lius says: Mhm, I 'spose tha' makes sense...'ow woul' this ritual go, exactly?

Selvaggia says: Very simply, at least in the set up. I'd only require a summoning circle and the protective runes those entail. After that, it would be a question of finding your soul, taking out just enough to tie you to me, and materializing it.
Selvaggia adds, in a much lower voice, "More complex rituals exist to bind the essence of our lives together, but those are extremely dangerous and require a great deal of...well. Nothing we can acquire."

Lius says: An' jus'...'ow would we be tied together. Wha' effects woul' it 'ave?

Selvaggia says: With the simpler ritual, I would carry a part of you with me. I would know if you were ever in danger or hurt. I'd be able to find you more easily...but it would be more like a compass than anything else.

Lius says: Tha'...doesnae exactly sound all tha' evil.

Selvaggia shakes her head, still resting against his neck thoughtfully. "I don't believe it is. Most people believe soulplay to be necessarily evil, but ultimately, I think that it is the goal of the magic and not the magic itself that is evil or good."

Lius nods lightly. "Aye, perhaps we shoul' give it a try..."

Selvaggia stiffens a bit, inadvertently digging her fingers into the fresh wounds on his chest. "...are you serious?" she just barely whispers.

Lius winces a bit, nodding. "Aye. I mean, I love ye an' all"

Selvaggia says: Enough to give me a part of your soul?
Selvaggia says: ...that's less love and more trust.

Lius says: Th'two are closely related, aye?

Selvaggia just now realizes that her hand is on his chest. "Aye," she murmurs, moving her head so that their foreheads are touching.

Lius says: Jus' nae sure 'ow I would explain it t'anyone. Is it possible to detect?

Selvaggia presses her lips together, considering. "It might be, at least initially. The processes used to find the soul and extract a bit of it -are- fel magic, so more perceptive people would notice a taint around us for a few days. After that, though..."

Lius nods again, eyes unfocusing as he rolls the thought around in his mind. "So...would 'ave t'stay away from people fer a wee bit, aye?"

Selvaggia closes her eyes and hums her confirmation. "Only a few days. We've only just got back, I know."

Lius says: Perhaps bes' t'wait until we 'ead off fer somewhere, aye? Another trip t'Stromgarde, or somewhere else...jus' where people willnae notice it. Or...if they do, where we can silence 'em.

Selvaggia opens her eyes at the idea of silencing people; there's something slightly malicious in her voice as she speaks. "...the other ritual requires half a body's worth of blood."

Lius grins again, his grip growing tighter. "Nae of our own, aye? Hrm...perhaps two birds with one stone. Jus' 'ave t'string a body upside down, let it flow."

Selvaggia blinks a few times at Lius, as if she's not quite certain she heard him correctly. " would be alright with this? We would have to drain the blood early enough that I would have time to prepare the ritual circle, and--" She cuts herself off breath suddenly shallow and excited.

Lius says: We jus' fin' someone tha' deserves it anyway, aye? Nae 'arm, nae foul. Aslong as nae one else fin's ou', I donae see th'problem.

Selvaggia takes a shaky, hesitant breath, bringing her hands up to hold onto his arms. She looks amazed but somehow also ravenous as she smiles at him. "Well. If we're up in Stromgarde or something like that, I suppose a greenskin would do the trick."

Lius smiles, eyes shifting from spot to spot on her face. "Always loved cuttin' through their muscle."

Selvaggia also smiles, leaning in to brush her lips lightly against his. "Now, we must be careful if we do this, as we cannot waste too much blood with dissection, as much as it pains me to say so."

Lius lets a small sigh loose at the contact, a smile taking his lips. "Plenty o'th greenskins up there. Nae a rule tha' says we jus' 'ave t'take one." He whispers, tilting his head to kiss her.

Selvaggia closes her eyes, leaning into the kiss and exhhaling slowly, shakily. Whether her breath is shaking because of the kiss, because of the prior pain, or because of the idea of killing several greenskins, is anyone's guess.

Lius leans his forehead against her own, the smile never leaving his face. "We're jus' servin' th'Alliance at tha' point, aye?"

Selvaggia reaches down, lightly tracing her hands along the very edges of the wounded portion of his chest again. "Aye," she agrees after a moment's consideration and laughs. "Hell's bells, you're every inch as wicked as everyone thinks I am, and I love you for it.

Lius chuckles, allow a hand to roam higher towards her shoulder, brushing against the seared flesh. "We're nae wicked, Selvie, jus' of a different sort than th'others."

Selvaggia hisses in pain, though her fingers still just tease around the edges of his wounds. She is smiling. "Of a different sort. I rather like that."

Lius nods, his fingers tracing along the streak. "Th'bes' way t'explain it. We 'ave our lovin' moments, some may consider th'rest t'be dark...bu' they 'ave no say."

Selvaggia closes her eyes and lets her head fall back some, relishing in the pain. "Mm, they haven't. What we choose to do with our own lives and hands is between us; no living person can judge us."

Lius smiles wider, adding further pressure. "Tha's m'girl. we 'ave t'pick a day fer this."

Selvaggia groans quietly in pain, her fingers trailing upwards to his fresh wounds. "Hallow's End is half birthday is the fifth of November..." She seems to be having trouble concentrating on dates.

Lius nods lightly, moving his fingers a couple inches along the burn. "Mhm?"

Selvaggia exhales slowly. "--and your birthday. Or we can ch-choose a different date, one without any real importance."

Lius shakes his head. "Such'a long time t'wait if we decide on m'birthday."

Selvaggia says: Well, what date would you prefer, then? Something much sooner or simply sooner?

Lius says: I was thinkin' much sooner...before th'world splits in two 'er wha'ever it is tha' it is doin'.

Selvaggia raises an eyebrow at her husband, smirking slightly. "Are you thinking this weekend much sooner or tomorrow much sooner or...?"

Lius shrugs. "Whenever. I donae much care, nae any plans. Sit on th'bench, get 'it by Stehl....tha's abou' it."

Selvaggia pauses to consider and finally nods. "How about a week from tonight? That will give me time to collect the materials, give us time to find a few 'assistants' and make our excuses..."

Lius thinks on this for a second, giving a nod to confirm. "Aye, tha' sounds proper."

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