Saturday, October 23, 2010

Senkha, Oliver & Dizzy: October 22

Merry skids to a halt outside of the house and Senkha dismounts before he's even stopped moving. She still has the head in her hand like a fucking lunchsack. She runs for the door, tearing off her ruined mask, bloody and an absolute mess.

Macglynn turns to face the door. He has Dizzy on his shoulders and hi, he's alive.

Senkha stands in the door, holding Bordros' severed head, bleeding from the face and chest, neck burned pretty severely. When she sees Oliver standing there, alive, she promptly faints.

Ariadine freezes, eye severed head. No plz.
Ariadine is all D:

Macglynn says: Shit!
Macglynn lowers Dizzy from his back and runs over.

Ariadine slides off of Mac's shoulders and runs to Senkha. "Shit!"

Macglynn kneels before Ariadine.

Ariadine shakes Senkha's shoulders, tears forming at the corner of her eyes. "Momma! Momma!"

Senkha is shaken! The more severe of her wounds slowly begin to close up, as if something is subconsciously mending them. She's not in any danger, but she does look like hell.

Macglynn cups her cheeks and turns her to face him. He kisses her, wiping blood from her cheek. "Hey."

Senkha is not a Disney Princess, Oliver :( She doesn't wake up from that.

Ariadine begins to cry again and runs to her room. Fuck man, long day.

Macglynn picks Senkha up and carries her upstairs! Eddy's head chills in the doorway.

Senkha twitches at the sound of Dizzy's crying and gives a weak groan from Oliver's arms.
Senkha starts to come to just as she's placed on the bed. Seeing suddenly-living-Oliver does not help matters and she scrambles away from him. "Who are you. What are you doing in my house."

Macglynn lets out a long, drawn-out sigh.
Macglynn whispers: "It's me."
Macglynn says: ... It's me.

Senkha also has tearstreaks of blood on her cheeks. Happy days are here again. She stares at Oliver scrutinously. "...prove it."

Macglynn looks around. How is he supposed to prove something like that. He looks somewhat flustered. He then looks back to her and blurts, "Sally Whitemane."

Senkha stares for a long minute as if replaying the conversation in her mind. "The Light has spoken..." she murmurs and then, without pausing to consider the effect this may have on her injuries or what other sort of dark magic this might be pulls Oliver into a full, breathtaking kiss.

Macglynn returns the kiss, not really stopping to think himself because he is quite literally on ecstacy right now. He breaks away. He's also forgotten to breathe again. "Don't know whut it is."

Senkha just stares at him, giving a breathless and almost maniacal laugh. "Can you...can you feel this? Is it real?"

Macglynn laughs too, because it's easy to do that when everyone else is laughing! "It is! It's real an' Ah'm real an' how warm th' fahr is, that's real too--"
Macglynn is crying again. Seriously, double-rainbow all night.

Senkha actually gives a sob of disbelief herself. "We--we should. I must've scared the shit out of Dizzy--" Her thoughts are SO SCATTERED MAN.

Macglynn says: ... We should see t' her. Ah gotta tell y'more 'bout this.

Senkha brings a shaking hand to her armor, which is torn and bloody in many places. "...should. I should. I want to take a bath." From the sound of her voice, she seems to think she might be dreaming.

Macglynn snaps his fingers and starts breathing again! He remembered to! "Ah'll take one with you!"

Senkha stares at Oliver with her jaw hanging open. "A-are you sure that's the best idea? I mean, won't Blight get into the water and..."

Macglynn shakes his head. "No. Well- look." He picks up his runeblade, which is glowing -exceptionally- brightly for some reason, and runs his hand along the edge. From the wound bleeds genuine blood.
Macglynn 's wound seals up instantly.

Senkha stares at the fresh wound and the genuine blood. "--what's done this?" she asks, not sure if she's seeing a miracle or a nightmare.

Macglynn says: Fahv hours, she said. Fahv hours an' it ends. Ah don't know. Ah don't--
Macglynn sets down his blade. he sighs, wiping the blood from his hand on his pants and looking at his palm. No wound.

Senkha swallows a few times, her eyes the size of dinner plates. She begins to undo her armor slowly and carefully, less focused on romance and more focused on getting the ick away from her body. Her hands are shaking.

Macglynn feels the back of his neck. No boils or rot, what is this. He watches her undress and extends a hand to offer to help, but thinks better of it. This is both awkward and a buzzkill.

Senkha keeps her eyes on Oliver as she removes the bindings around her hands and wrists, her pauldrons, and her chestpiece. A large gash streaks in a slant from just under her heart across to her side. Blood is also dripping from a larger wound on her back.

Macglynn seems to sober significantly when he sees her wounds, though he still moves quickly, almost jerky. He turns. "Ah should, uh-- get th' water started. Get y'cleaned up."
Macglynn says: ...

Senkha watches Oliver as he turns and slowly undresses the rest of the way, chewing on her lower lip.
To Macglynn: After some hesitation, but with a firm certainty. "I do want to take a bath with you."

Macglynn looks over at Dizzy. She's fallen asleep. He frowns, and fills two buckets of water from their tap. When she speaks to him, he simply exclaims, "Yes!"

Senkha sits patiently on the bed, cross-legged in an almost meditating pose. Her wounds are slowly beginning to seal, though she is still covered in blood and other nasty things.

Macglynn fully fills the buckets. He lifts them with ease and trots back up the stairs. When he does, he dumps them into their tub thing. He repeats this numerous times until the tub is filled. He does trip once on the stairs when the ground shakes, and he curses loudly as his shin hits a step. She'd sense from him a very real pain.

Senkha flinches at Oliver's shin bumping, her concentration wavering for a second, but not quite enough to completely break. When she's satisfied with how sealed her wounds are, she rises from the bed and pulls some bandages from their medicine chest.

Macglynn dumps the last two buckets of water into the tub and sets them at its side. He crosses his arms over his front and pulls his own shirt off. His body is clean of scars and rot. His skin is a healthy color, and there are no boils. There's also some hair wat.

Senkha walks out from the bedroom, not wearing a stitch of clothing on her. She looks at Oliver as if she can't believe he's real. Her expression is dazed.

He turns around to look at her. He holds out his arms as if to say, "I don't believe this is real either". He adds out loud, "It's fuckin' cold all 'a sudden."

Senkha takes a few steps forward, still clutching her bandages in front of her almost like a shield. "I-- it gets cold when you're naked."

He nods slowly. He works at his belt and mutters something about giant lobsters. "Ah must 'a fergot," he finally says to her.

Senkha worries her lower lip as she watches Oliver undress. She sags slightly and leans against the table, letting her bandages fall there and pressing her hand to her side, trying to close the wound further.

He'd probably be just as worried as Senkha right now, were he in his right mind. But no, for him, everything is awesome, and this is no exception. Fuck yeah, a living bath with his waifu! He sheds his pants and walks to the tub.
He restrains himself from jumping in and rather gets in slowly.

Senkha makes her way around the table and looks Oliver over, not quite scrutinously, but curiously just the same. She lowers herself into the tub beside him, her arms and legs shaking as she does, and gives a cry of pain when the water hits her wounds.

He looks her over as well. He's in a daze, and for the life of him can't figure out how to respond with what is going on right now at this very second because holy shit, man, the ceiling is really high in this room.
He narrows his eyes. "Ah gotta concentrate!" He picks up a cloth and looks at her. "Lemme clean y'off."

Senkha swallows a few times, unnerved by the way he's looking about, unnerved by how he -looks-. She chews on her lower lip again and nods. "Alright. Fair enough, since I do that to you all the time." She tries to laugh; it comes out more as a croak.

Macglynn holds the cloth to her wounds, shifting to face her. "Here, lean f'urd a bit an' lemme get this one on yer side."

Ariadine is totes not crying anymore but she might as well start again. Awkward situations YEEEAAAH.

Macglynn blinks at Ariadine.

Senkha moves sort of mechanically in the tub, wincing as the cloth touches her wounds. As she moves, she sees Dizzy come up the stairs and immediately sinks down in the water, up to her nose. Her feet are sticking out now, though.

Ariadine staaaaares.

Stehlp barks in the background, "Son of a bitch!"

Ariadine turns around and walks back downstairs. NO PLZ. Her face pretty is this: O___O

Macglynn says: Shit, Dizzy--

Senkha says pretty much the same thing, only it's underwater, so it comes out as "Glub Blubglub."

Ariadine grumbles something about missing rotting!Dad. At least she doesn't have to worry about walking in on him. "STEHL!"

Macglynn sort of throws himself out of the tub and stumbles to his feet. He grabs a towel and pulls it around himself. He runs downstairs, looking mortified. "It-- it wasn't what it looked like!"

Senkha begs to differ, but also rises from the tub after scrubbing some of the blood from her face. She touches the burns on her neck and winces; those are going to take a while. She wraps herself in a robe and also makes her way downstairs.

Ariadine does the ">B[ u srs bro?"
Ariadine covers her eyes, "Didn't see nothin'!"

Macglynn stammers a bit. "Ah- Ah mean it! We was jus' gettin' her cleaned up, was all."

Senkha laughs awkwardly. This night, what the hell. She walks over and puts her hands on Dizzy's shoulders, giving her a smile. "Hey. Look at me, Monkey."

Macglynn whispers: "Don't think that'd work anyway."

Ariadine spreads her fingers to peek. "Didn't see nothin'."

To Macglynn: She hadn't even considered it until this very moment. "...never know until we try."

Macglynn whispers: "Yer hurt!"

Senkha laughs again, shaking her head. "You're alright, baby. Daddy was just getting some of the bad man's blood off of me. See, look." She gestures to her face, where the hideous wound has mostly healed.

To Macglynn: "Not as bad as I was. When are we going to get this chance again?" There's something desperate in her thoughts.

Macglynn nods vigorously. dat troof

Ariadine smiles slightly, "'S good." But she quickly spins around to not face the two. "Um, I'ma go in my room now."

Macglynn whispers: "Ah reckon we got two hours left 'a this 'fore-- Ah dunno, whutever this is fades."

Senkha grins and pulls Dizzy into a quick hug, kissing the side of her head. "Go get some sleep, Dizz. You've had a big day. Everything'll be back to normal when you wake up, promise."

To Macglynn: "Two hours. Right."

Macglynn whispers: "Ah dunno whut happens at th' end 'a this."

To Macglynn: "I'll be there with you, whatever it is."

Ariadine nods, for once in her life awkward Dizzy feels awkward. She skuttles off to her room, and leaves the door open a crack. PARENTS NEVER HAVE SECKS. TRUFAX.

Macglynn looks at you.

Senkha watches Dizzy go off and sighs softly, shaking her head. "...never thought we'd have to deal with -that- of all things."

Macglynn laughs. And he laughs hard. This is apparently hilarious to him.

Senkha glances back at Oliver and raises an eyebrow. And without another word, she heads up the stairs, shaking her head and chuckling.

Ariadine covers her head with her pillow. xC

Macglynn stares blankly for a moment, dripping water on the floor and holding a wet rag up in his hand. He sets the rag on the banister and tightens the towel around his waist and walks over to Dizzy's room. He peers inside. "Hey."

Ariadine 's reply is muffled by pillow, "'Llo."

Senkha, meanwhile, lets her robe fall from her shoulders and begins wrapping bandages around her torso, careful to cover the most open parts of the wounds. She frowns down the stairs as she hears the door to Dizzy's room open.

Macglynn says: Y'uh... y'don't like this, do you?

Ariadine pills the pillow off and shakes her head vigorously, "No I do! Like it lots!"

Senkha hitches her robe back up on her shoulders and goes to stand outside of Dizzy's bedroom, listening.

Macglynn says: ... Y'sure about that?
Macglynn says: Ah didn' mean t' scare you none.

Ariadine smiles, "'M happy 'yer happy, Daddy."
Ariadine says: 'S okay! Really!

Macglynn says: ... Mm. Well. Ah'm glad yer all right after all whut's happened. Jus', uh. Jus' yell if y'need anythin, Ah'm gunna be upstairs helpin' yer mother with 'er cuts.

Ariadine smiles at Macglynn.

Macglynn turns sharply and opens the door to leave. Terrible dad is terrible.

Ariadine nods at Macglynn.

Macglynn shuts the door.
Macglynn looks at you.


Senkha looks at Oliver, tilting her head to the side slightly. She chews on her lower lip.

Macglynn smiles at you.
Macglynn says: Let's get y'cleaned up.

Senkha slowly lets herself smile back at him. "Alright."

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