Monday, October 25, 2010

Senkha, Oliver, Salarous & Marius: October 24

Senkha's shoulders sag; she decides that her own family's health is more important than old friends. "...wanna go to the Lighthouse, love?"

Macglynn says: Th' Lighthouse! Don't y'think we should be not leavin' Dizzy alone?
Macglynn says: An' fuck th' runes.

Senkha says: You might not have faith in Marius, but if those runes are good enough to protect -his- daughter...

Macglynn says: Ah trust mah own two hands more'n anythin' else.

Senkha sags again, tired of arguing and just plain tired. She leans her head on the front of the saddle. "You can barely walk."

Macglynn also sags forward in the seat, his chin resting on the... dragon neck thing. "Don't ask me t'xplain it."

Senkha says: We'll go home then.
Senkha says: Oliver, I...I'm sorry. About this whole thing.

Macglynn says: Ah don' even know whut happened.

Senkha looks straight ahead as she talks. "Whatever it was that woman gave you, your body already thinks it's -necessary- for your suvival."
Senkha says: If I'd stayed, as you asked me, it wouldn't have ever happened.

Macglynn says: Ah didn' ask you t' stay.
Macglynn says: Or... did-
Macglynn frowns.

Senkha nods slowly. "You did. You said Dizzy needed me here."
Senkha says: All I could think of was tearing that monster apart...and I did. And now things are a mess.

Macglynn says: Oh please dun' start feelin' guilty over that too.

Senkha sighs, frustrated, pressing the heels of her hands into her eyes. "I'm not guilty. I'm...I'm afraid, Oliver. I'm afraid of what this has already done to you."

Macglynn looks at her, insulted. "Nuthin's been done t' me! Ah ain't runnin' off after 'er a 'spite all we know, right?"

Senkha cringes at the tone of his voice, looking away. "No. You're not. I'm just afraid of what I felt when I looked're not going after her, but if you had some of it in your hands, would you be able to give it to me and let me take it away?"
Senkha may not be looking at him, but she's definitely staring at his mind to see if he'll be honest.

Macglynn says: It wouldn' be possible t' split it?

Senkha closes her eyes, her shoulders sagging.

Macglynn looks at you.
Macglynn says: What?

Senkha makes like she's going to walk to the door, almost in a daze, but then simply sinks to the ground and just stares, her hands resting face-up on her lap, shaking.

Macglynn falls to his knees beside her and wraps an arm over her. He leans in close. "Senkha. Ah don't like lookin' without you tellin'. Please -tell me-."

Senkha 's shaking only grows worse as Oliver puts his arm around her; she's actually beginning to hyperventilate and sob uncontrollably. If there are any words coming out, they can't be understood.

Macglynn looks at her desperately. "Senkha, please!" He removes his arm from around her and crawls in front of her and takes her by the shoulders, trying to get her to face him. "Please."
Salarous slides from his saber and moves over quietly- dropping his shadows as he approaches.

Senkha continues to hyperventilate and sob, hands and arms shaking uncontrollably. She's shaking her head no, no, no, but she doesn't even know what she's saying no to. Some primal part of her tries to grab onto Oliver's hands but she can't seem to find them. This only makes her panic more.

Macglynn's attentions are so focused on Senkha he doesn't see Salarous approach. He moves his hands from her shoulders to her cheeks, his hands shifting with them as she shakes her head 'no'. He tries to get her to focus on him. "Senkha. -Please-."

Salarous steps forward quietly- "..Senkha-...Oliver have you the strength to carry her within?" Eyes lidded, he peers from the couple to the door behind the Knight.

Macglynn looks up at Salarous, his eyes tired. After a moment, he confirms, "Yes."

Senkha once again tries to hold onto Oliver's hands, finally managing to catch hold of them, but her hands are so shaking and tense that she actually claws at her own face in the process. She sounds about a moment away from screaming.

Macglynn whispers into Senkha's ear as he stands and picks her up. His knees buckle a bit; he's clearly not ready, but be walks to the door just the same.

Salarous says: - Is the door unlocked?
Salarous moves to try and open it.

Macglynn says: Yes.

Salarous pushes the door shut firmly and turns, frowning quietly.

Macglynn sets Senkha in the chair and kneels by her side, holding her steady.

Senkha doesn't fight against Oliver's arms around her, but she's fighting against something. She has no idea what. She seems to have no idea that they're even in the house or that anyone else is there. If not for Oliver holding onto her, she'd have fallen to the floor by now.

Macglynn whispers: *"Sal'rus is 'ere. Y'called an' 'e's here, gunna be okay."*

To Macglynn: *She can't conceal her emotions and he doesn't even have to dig for them. Everything she's felt the past three days is right there on the surface, along with something that almost sounds like Senkha screeching in rage, YOU DID THIS TO HER! YOU DID THIS!*
To Macglynn: *it all resembles a very messy tornado*

Macglynn smiles at Senkha, calmly.

Salarous - If Oliver was not there, he perhaps would speak- or try to comfort her. But with him here he does not feel it is his place- and so, arms set over his abdomen, he watches with quiet eyes. He would be here if he was needed.

Macglynn 's smile fades, as though something's just struck him across the head. His hands shake, but he holds onto her. It looks like it pains him to do so, but his eyes slide over to Salarous and he mumbles, "... Help me calm her."
Macglynn says: Uh.
Macglynn says: Please.

Salarous frowns quietly at Oliver, "...Are you alright?" He moves down to kneel infront of Senkha- he watches her a moment, then firmly grasps her features. "Senkha. -Senkha-. *Look at me.*"

Mariius grumps. And lets himself in.
Mariius : -He just as quickly leans against the wall and folds his arms.

Senkha cringes at Salarous' touch. She's still sobbing hysterically and hyperventilating. Also, excitingly, she's beginning to send out waves of extreme emotion towards anyone who happens to be in the vicinity. It's ugly, guys. Some part of her tries to obey Salarous and look at him, but she only manages to succeed for a few seconds at a time.

Salarous - Mental barriers aged thousands of years hold steady: The emotions wash over him, giving him tastes of what she was suffering but held firmly at bay. "Senkha. Good- good. Hold my gaze, Senkha. Look at me." He takes one of her hands- presses the palm of it firmly down against his own chest. "Slow your breathing- In. Out. Do you feel? Like this." He inhales deeply- exhales slowly, having her feel the rise and fall of his chest. "Come now- try it with me." He tries to maintain her gaze- breathing in and out, slow and deep.

Mariius doesn't seem to change, much. He shifts just-so, utterly quiet.

Macglynn is not thousands of years old and his illusions and mind powers are kind of like card tricks compared to these people, so he just tiredly- and worriedly- holds Senkha stable.

Senkha 's hand claws inadvertently at Salarous' chest, but after a moment, she manages to focus on him. She tries to match her breathing to his, but it takes a while for it to actually take effect, and her breathing is shaky either way, choked with sobs still.

Salarous ' voice is surprisingly soothing- its dark timber encouraging as he holds her gaze. "Good- ...good. You're doing well, Senkha." He doesn't seem to mind- or give much attention to the clawing; simply holding her hand in place. His other rises- brushes gently at her features and presses ebony hair back away from her eyes. "You're safe- you're alright. Oliver is here- Marius and I are as well. Everything's alright." He moves just a touch, going to gently tip her chin in MacGlynn's direction.

Senkha 's eyes dart almost frantically between Salarous and Oliver, her hands slowly calming their shaking. The hand that's not on Salarous' chest she reaches over and puts on Oliver's left cheek. She's still not speaking, though, but she is much calmer.

Macglynn blinks at you.

Mariius says: ... What happened, Salarous? *Softly*

To Macglynn: *Don't leave me.*

Macglynn says: Ah'm not gunna leave you.

Mariius doesn't say it. Gods-- he never would. But there are times he think Oliver should, however much he supports their relationship.

To Macglynn: *Don't leave me. It's less to do with the panic of that moment and more to do with the entire situation: mentally and physically.*

Salarous shakes his head a little at Marius- before slowly releasing Senkha back to Oliver and moving back the wall.

Senkha 's breathing slows and calms, her hiccuping sobs diminishing. She lets her hand fall into her lap and sags for a moment, only then realizing that other people are in the house. "--oh."

Macglynn smiles at you.
Macglynn says: Hey.

Senkha says: Oh...oh...oh no. No. I'm sorry, this wasn't...I mean. I didn't mean to...I...
Senkha gives up.

Macglynn 's still smiling. "Welcome back?"

Salarous says: It's alright, Senkha. We have our moments. All of us.

Mariius smirks at Salarous helplessly. "... Some more than others."

Salarous smiles quietly at him.

Senkha blinks at Salarous; even though she's been looking at him and being calmed by him for the past several minutes, she's only just realized that he's here. She then looks to Marius, her shoulders sagging weakly.
Senkha says: --I'm sorry. I should've held it together. I don't know what came over me.

Mariius says: .. You're stressed.

Salarous says: All is well.

Mariius says: I'm sorry if the debaucle at the ship prompted this to occur.

Macglynn says: ... It was me.

Senkha looks at Oliver when he says this, almost like she's about to cry again. "--no. It's not your fault. It's that Price woman's fault for giving you that...that drug without..." She sighs again, looking at Marius. "...he's already dependent on it."

Mariius frowns.
Mariius says: ... Then what--?
Mariius says: he craves it? Physically? Like withdrawl?

Macglynn looks at Mariius.

Senkha makes an uncomfortable face, still leaning on Oliver a lot. "'s all he's thinking about. Even right now. And...I...I probed deeper than I maybe should have. His body thinks he needs it."

Macglynn admits, shrunk back a bit, "Like it's s'posed t' be that way."

To Macglynn: *It's -not- your fault. You didn't know what it was. It's not your fault. I don't blame you. I don't blame you.*

Mariius says: .. Were he alive, I could perscribe something that would ease the withdrawls. But I've nothing that will work on an undead's chemistry.
Mariius says: Admittably. It's not a situation i've encountered before.

Macglynn says: Ah'll be fine.
Macglynn says the flatly, as if he wants the subject dropped.

Senkha nods weakly. One arm comes up around Oliver's shoulders, trying to hold him closer to her. "I didn't know what to do. After everything, I..." She shrugs, not quite looking at anyone. Nervous breakdowns are embarrassing.

Mariius doesn't really... Say anything. Mostly out of respect for Macglynn. But you can see the worried expression on his face creeping into his eyes.

Salarous says: - If it's getting him addicted, and he can't flush it by the usual means of undeath, it must be afflicting his soul to some degree.

Macglynn says: ... My soul.

Salarous nods gently.

Macglynn lets Senkha go and stands. "--Excuse me."

Salarous says: All the more reason to have it handled sooner then later.

Senkha looks at Oliver, panic creeping back into her features.

Salarous nods once at Senkha- and follows.

Senkha says: Oliver--?

Macglynn runs upstairs and grabs his runeblade, pulling it from the cloth it had been wrapped in. The runes pulse bright- brighter than normal.

Mariius settles a hand on Senkha's shoulder. He calls after his lover gently.

Salarous rests a hand on the doorway, grimacing quietly as he watches him.

Senkha relaxes some at Marius' touch, but she still looks back towards the stairs with concern.

Macglynn holds his blade up and eyes it curiously. He then looks at his left hand and the restored finger. He touches his hand to his neck. He mumbles quiety, "Can't make life from undeath."

Salarous says: What is it, Oliver?

Macglynn turns around. He looks like he's suppressing a great deal of pain. "There's only one thing that'll empower a deader so much he'd feel alive."
Macglynn dramatic gopher turn.
Macglynn lowers his blade so the point rests on the floor. "Th' blade is energized."

Salarous peers at him quietly, "...Is there something that can be done?"

Senkha sags against Marius' hand, as if she's feeling every bit of pain Oliver is feeling. Because, well, she is. Silly thing, these bonds.

Mariius says: ... Energized. *-And he calls up gently.* -What does that imply?

Macglynn 's grip on the blade fails, and it clatters to the floor. He's a little deadpan. "No. They're-"
Macglynn dryly states, "Souls."

Mariius blinks.
Mariius says: ... -Souls-? The sword is energized with -souls-?

Senkha gives a dry sob. She hasn't really got any tears left to cry, but damnit, she'll try.

Mariius cups her cheek, baffled as he stares at the landing.

Senkha says: Th-that's what empowers a Death Knight. Keeps him going. Remember in the h-house in Ironf-forge?

Mariius says: Well-- yes. But why would-- how did--

Macglynn can't support himself in the quake. He falls to the floor.

Senkha says: Whatever that -bitch- gave my husband must have been made with so--

Salarous takes several swift steps forward to try and help catch and steady him- though it mostly fails, given he himself has issues keeping his grounding. Grunts a bit.

Senkha cuts herself off as she hears Oliver fall. She goes to stand but gets dizzy and sinks back down in the chair.

Macglynn holds up a hand. "Ah'm good. Ah'm jus' good... right here on th' floor."

Mariius says: .. That's how she unmade undeath. By injecting his body with temporary life; An echo of life. A harvest of souls.

Salarous offers Oliver a hand up.

Senkha nods weakly, closing her eyes. Suddenly, this burden is a different sort of heavy, and she's not sure if it's better or worse.

Macglynn shakes his head, holding up his hand to decline. He looks like he's in shock somewhat.

To Macglynn: *"You didn't know, you couldn't have known. You didn't take them yourself. -It's not your fault.-"*

Salarous nods a touch, watching him quietly. Mn...

Macglynn dully states, "They're mine, now."

Salarous peers at MacGlynn quietly, eyes lidded. "...It's not your fault. You couldn't have known."

Senkha screws her eyes more tightly shut and leans back in her chair, as if listening for something.

Mariius wets his lips.
Mariius says: .. Could they be freeds, perhaps, with a paladin's calling.

Macglynn says: If th' blade was broke.

Senkha says:
Senkha says: No, no.
Senkha shakes her head firmly, almost violently.

Mariius nods.

Macglynn says: S-Senkha, they'll be-

Senkha actually shouts it. "NO!"
Senkha says: It's not -worth- it!

Salarous says: That is not an option, Oliver.

Mariius says: .. What's done is done.

Macglynn says: ... Then they are gone.

Salarous says: We'll figure it out.

Macglynn whispers: *and i am damned for living*


Mariius takes Senkha's hand to steady her, squeezing gently.

To Macglynn: *You are -not- damned, this WASN'T YOUR FAULT! You didn't take those souls, they were -forced- on you! It's no different!*

Macglynn whispers: "THERE'S A CHOICE."

To Macglynn: *...please*

Senkha sags against Marius' hand, barely whispering, "...please."

Macglynn whispers: "... For you."

Mariius wets his lips.
Mariius says: ... Salarous. You're a warlock. Have you any way to-- ... I don't know.

Senkha says: ...Salarous is a warlock?
Senkha had no idea!

Mariius nods quietly.

Macglynn seems to be in far too much of a moral dilemma right now to care about this news.

Salarous says: ...- I may able to try and soul drain them from the blade. ...It's- not something I've ever tried before. And I'm sure there may be failsafes to the blade safeguarding its souls- but... I can try.

Mariius wasn't afraid to say it; they knew him for his Sindorei orgins.
Mariius helps Senkha up. Eventually he just -picks her up-, knowing how unsteady she is. He makes for the stairs.

Senkha is so glad Marius read her mind.

Macglynn says: It'd likely put me out again, but-- where'd they go from there?

To Macglynn: *For Dizzy.*

Mariius seats her on the bed quietly.

Salarous says: If their bodies still exist, we might be able to find them. If not- we release them to be on their way.

Mariius nods gently. "I can help them find the between."

Macglynn stammers, "Hundreds."

Mariius says: -You didn't kill them, Oliver-.
Mariius says: She did.

Senkha sort of falls off the bed and crawls over to Oliver. He may not want her nearby, but she still wraps her arms around him, settling herself as close to him as she can. For both of them.

Mariius jerks in place. "---!!" But calms as he realizes what she's doing.
Mariius rubs at his face.
Mariius says: ... I don't want that we put either of you at risk. But it's my only thought just the same.

Macglynn says: ... Light whut's happened t'me these past eight months.

Mariius peers at Salarous in understandable concern.

Senkha looks at Oliver with concern and touches her hand to his left cheek. She manages a sad sort of smile at him. "I did. Oops."

Salarous' eyes are lidded and quiet on Oliver, arms folded beneath his chest in a relaxed manner. He doesn't seem especially sunsettled.

Macglynn frowns. He stands, despite her clung status, and straights out his tabard. "Ah became a whiner's whut's happened. Wuz'at you?"

Salarous - An ear twitch, a jerk of his head. For a moment he watches the window- and then back to Oliver and Senkha.

Mariius places a hand on his arm, peering at the window.
Mariius says: ... Why do you do that.
Mariius says: What do you see.

Salarous says: Hm? Nothing.

Mariius says: -It started after Athanae took you.

Salarous rubs at the dark circles under his eyes as he watches Oliver. "...Would you like us to try, Oliver?"
Salarous says: ...- I'm just being jumpy, Mine.

Senkha also stands, still holding Oliver around the waist.

To Macglynn: *"You never whine, love. Even when you have nails in your head or almost die, I've never heard you complain."*

Mariius thins his lips. "...." But says nothing more on the subject.

Macglynn says: No sense not givin' it a shot.
Macglynn whispers: "Sure whine about m'self a lot, though, don't y'think?"

Mariius departs Salarous side, gaining his distance and peering between the two. "Senkha--" And he gestures to her. "With me."

To Macglynn: *"...yes. You do. I do wish you wouldn't...I'm rather fond of you, you know." There's a sort of fondness in her mind and a familiarity. It's part of the making of him*

Salarous nods quietly.

Senkha looks at them and holds her arms around Oliver's waist for just a second longer, kissing his right cheek. She steps back to Marius and wraps her arms around his waist instead, looking small and childlike.

To Macglynn: *"...please don't leave me. I love you."*

Mariius wraps a heavy arm 'round Senkha's person like a comforting shawl.

Macglynn watches his wife leave his side. He looks at Salarous and holds out his blade, his expressions something of, "let's get this shit done".

Salarous watches him for a lingering moment. His guise drops then- the tall Sin'dorei standing with back straight and shoulders squared. "...If you are able- I would ask that you open what channels you can to make this easier- it will be less painful, and more successful, if such things can even occur." A hand is lifted then- and with little to-do, slips of shadow-clad power seep from his palm and leap to wind greedily around the blade.

Senkha is mostly huddled up against Marius, childishly and worriedly, watching the process with wide eyes.

Macglynn nods, and genuflects before Salarous with his blade displayed before him. He lets the shadows twist and grab at his blade, wincing as they do.

Salarous - Hungry shadows reach tiny claws for the essence of souls- they dig in and start -dragging- with the potent force of the power behind it. Salarous eyes narrow- tension running throughout his frame as he feeds his power into the spell: Tearing a soul from a body was difficult- but trying to pull many from a sword? A new experience all together.

Macglynn 's hands tighten around the hilt of his blade, and his eyes widen, flaring with runic energy as his blade reacts to the outside intrustion. The blade itself glows a pale blue, and flames of lichfire whisp up from the runes like smoke. There's a sharp sound, something unidentifiable and otherworldly, and Oliver screams as the soul is torn from his blade and ripped from his essence. One.

Mariius grits his teeth. "...."
Mariius ' eyes fall on Salarous quietly. A soft nod.

Macglynn shifts on his knees a little, getting comfortable. His head is low. He is so ready.

Salarous - A crystal forms in his free hand- pale purple in hue, and alive with energy. It's tucked into his pack- his palm reaches again, and the spill repeats. A little stronger- a little more knowing, it moves forward this time with a better idea of how to see it done.

Senkha instinctually buries her face in Marius' side at the sound Oliver makes, gritting her teeth. She gives a small whimper, determined to be strong...but not that strong.

Macglynn is on fire. That's what he feels, and that's what he knows as each soul is torn from his blade. There are a few that have been spent and are beyond saving. With each soul, the process grows easier on him, though never painless.

Salarous - It's something Salarous executes with disturbing ease, though his features are masked his eyes show little of mercy or remorse for his actions: A stony wall of absolute indifference. In truth- he almost keeps going, beyond the point which he should- it becomes -too- easy, and the reward of power is invigorating. The last soul hits his palm- his extended hands fingertips twitch just a little, shadows flare towards oliver- then there's a soft breath, and the power dies down.
Salarous allows his arm to return back to his side, his expression showing nothing.

Mariius lets out a breath he hadn't know he'd been holding. His grip on Senkha is strong-- and careful.

Senkha's fingers have dug into Marius' robe; with every scream of Oliver's, she lets out a growl of pain. By the time it's done, she's barely standing on her own, brow and face drenched with sweat, hands and legs shaking.

Mariius drops a bit; Eases Senkha down, that she might sit.

Senkha does sit, though she's still trying to cling to Marius and bury her face in his robe. She looks nauseated.

Macglynn stares at the carpet with an equal display of emotion: that is to say, none. His hands are glued to his blade, his eyes are wide, and the runes have calmed to their typical glow.

Mariius says: --Salarous. *Gingerly.*

Salarous says: ...Are you alright, Oliver?
Salarous peers over at him.

Mariius parts his lips.

Macglynn whispers: *I need to kill.*
Macglynn stands and without waiting, takes his blade and runs without a word.

Salarous - Parts his lips. Takes after him.

Senkha speaks mechanically. "He needs to kill."

Salarous draws to a stop.
Salarous says: ...Mn.

Senkha says: There are murlocs down by the river. He kills them.

Salarous holds to the banister a moment, frowning quietly after him.
Salarous says: ....Very well.

Mariius lofts a hand towards Salarous.
Mariius upturns his palm.

To Macglynn: *she gingerly reaches out for him...not to do anything but to let him know that she's there and she's not leaving*

Salarous takes his hand quietly and moves over beside him.

Mariius tugs him close, winding one arm around his middle. He bows his forehead against Salarous' own.
Mariius says: -Good work.

Senkha hasn't yet stopped clinging to Marius' legs, though when Salarous approaches, she lets go and tries to assume a more ladylike pose. She looks like she just gave birth or something, what the heck.

Salarous smiles faintly, eyes lidded. "...Some of the souls are spent beyond proper repair- ...but. A majority of them are still 'healthy.'"

Mariius grunts faintly, nodding his understanding.

Macglynn whispers: *Oliver is in a frenzy. Please leave a message after the tone.*

Mariius : -And parts his lips for a soft, if brief kiss.
Mariius says: I'll stay here. Keep an eye on things.

Senkha says: Nnn...
Senkha pushes back from Marius and tries to stand. She manages, with some effort, and staggers for the door.

Mariius says: Senkha--
Mariius says: Be careful. Give him some time.

Salarous offers him the kiss- then settles to watch Senkha. It was likely he would remain as well.

Senkha nods, putting a hand on the doorjam. Whether she actually heard is a different question entirely.

Macglynn returns some time later, his blade dragging in the dirt behind him. When he sees her in the doorway, he drops the blade, and runs up. He hugs her.

Senkha leans against Oliver, her arms coming around his waist. She doesn't say a word, but from the way she's clinging to him, the meaning is clear enough.

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