Sunday, October 24, 2010

Senkha & Marius: October 23

Mariius eases open the door with a careful word-- Something slipped to the newly established ward system.

Macglynn is unconscious! Amazing. When is he not? His chicken every so often plucks another bug from his exposed decay.

Mariius says: ... Mn. I don't see Senkha-- she's possibly upstairs with Oliver. Dizzy's room is here; we can set Ziichi there, I'm sure.

Senkha is sound asleep with a crossword puzzle resting on her chest. She is snoring lightly.

Kyrita buckles a little from the quake, stepping in. She moves to place the sleeping Ziichi as suggested, tucking the child into one of the far beds. The teenager is quickly draped over with a blanket, before pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. She stands, grinning to Marius. "Sure we can be in here?"

Mariius says: I told Senkha I'd bring Dizzy back safely-- and so. *He nods gently, setting Dizzy out on her bedspread as well.* I guess it was a lot of excitement.

Kyrita says: Something upset Ziichi. Couldn't figure out how.
Kyrita says: Wore my mask to cheer her up.
Kyrita says: ... Look.
Kyrita says: Help me.
Kyrita says: Trying to.
Kyrita says: Lick my eye.

Mariius says: ... What.
Mariius says: -I-- Oiy.

Kyrita thinks this is the best clipped-through-hair ever.

Senkha stirs slightly at the sound of voices downstairs. She pushes herself into a seated position, rubbing her eyes and yawning, and looks down at Oliver. Gives a sigh and then slips out of bed, pantsless and groggy to stumble down the stairs.
Senkha says: Nn. Someone here?

Kyrita says: -- Hi.

Mariius says: I and Kyrita, Senkha. Ziichi and Dizzy are here; they're both asleep.

Senkha stares at Kyrita, bleary-eyed, then at Marius. She's not quite awake yet. "Lot of exciteme-hent?" she asks, yawning mid-sentence. That Kyrita has a giant Gnome face doesn't phase her after this weekend.

Kyrita 's hand comes to lift the mask upwards, revealing her grinning visage. "Hi Senkha. Okay if I left Ziichi in a bed?"

Mariius says: -They both had a good time. Ziichi seems ... upset, though. I'm not sure why.
Mariius says: I just have a feeling that it has to do with Ludovick.

Kyrita says: Think it was because of Ludo.
Kyrita says: -- Yah.

Mariius says: ... Who I need to -talk to-.

Kyrita says: Asking about him.

Senkha tilts her head one way and the other, blinking when Ludovick is mentioned. "Ludo? He and I go wa-ha-hay ba-ack." Another huge yawn. She glances at the ceiling uncertainly, as if trying to will Oliver awake.

Mariius says: ... Do you suppose you could grant me an audience with him?
Mariius says: I want to know how close he is or is not to ziichi.

Kyrita says: -- Platonic lovers.

Senkha says: I could try. He and I are supposed to have tea sometime soon, and you could 'show up.'

Mariius says: ... That's an oxymoron.

Kyrita says: Well. Not lovers.
Kyrita says: She loves him though.
Kyrita says: -- And knowing her.

Mariius says: ...

Kyrita says: Love is a bit much.

Mariius lets out a long, drawn-out sigh.
Mariius says: Great.

Senkha gives a sleepy, wry smile. "Oliver and I have to be Platonic because I'd die." She is so out of it guys.

Kyrita says: Kek.

Mariius says: .. Yes, well. Brainsex. There you go.

Senkha says: Brainsex. We had real sex last night. He was ali-hive.
Senkha yawns again and smiles with half-lidded eyes. She might still be sleeping. Hard to tell.

Mariius rubs at his features.
Mariius says: ... How is he, anyway.
Mariius says: Mind that I check his vitals? ... So to speak.

Senkha 's eyes open wider, which is not that hard, all things considered. "Sure! I'd like that a lo-hot. C'mon upstairs, he's sleeping, has been since he died last night."
Senkha beckons for the merry party to follow her upstairs.

Kyrita says: -- I'll stay down here.

Senkha sits on the edge of the bed, patting Oliver's hands. She also tries to soothe the chicken nesting by his head.

Macglynn looks actually rather peaceful, and about as healthy as a rotten, sunken-cheeked, pale, old person can be.

Mariius frowns softly as he approaches Oliver's bedside. Two fingertips press gently against the side of his next. he's not looking for a pulse-- he's taking a sort of 'imprint' of his general state; Determining the basic heartbeat of his undead energy.
Mariius says: ... Mn.
Mariius says: I hope he'll be alright when he wakes. Everything 'seems' normal.

Macglynn's blade feeds a steady flow of energy to him, it's all just a matter of when it's finished. Marius may notice some sort of disturbance from Faronne's drug?

Mariius says: As normal as undeath can be, I suppose.

Senkha is beginning to wake up a bit more and nods slowly. "He's got his tongue and eyes back...and his left ring finger." This last one seems to bother her slightly, but she doesn't state why.

Mariius peers at her quietly.

Senkha says: ...the feeling I put back in his right hand is gone, though. I won't put it back.

Mariius says: You realize something, Senkha.

Senkha says: Hm?

Mariius says: I don't know what kind of sorcery was implemented that was actually capable of granting him life--
Mariius says: But that it could. That it could be real, and note an illusion--
Mariius says: That he's returned somewhat -restored-, if even -dead-...
Mariius says: -That's a breakthrough. That's nothing short of a miracle.
Mariius says: It defies everything we know about the plague and how it works.

Senkha clenches her teeth and looks down at her sleeping husband. "I know. That's why I don't trust it. It seems too good to be true...if not for that, I'd be chasing Ms. Price down to find a way to get enough for him for all time."
Senkha says: ...well, that and it made him...well. -High-.

Mariius says: ... It still begs the question; How was it done at all. And can it lead to a cure for the -plague-.
Mariius looks at her in all seriousness.

Senkha speaks slowly and hesitantly. " you think I should try to get some more? Not for Oliver, but to study?"

Mariius says: .. Yes.
Mariius wets his lips.
Mariius says: -Because I have never.
Mariius says: Ever.
Mariius says: Encountered anything capable of what this... potion has done.

Senkha nods slowly, chewing on her lower lip. "That's what terrifies me. Whatever can do this must be incredibly powerful...and if it is, if it's a real cure, then it begs the question of why whoever created it isn't mass-producing it and fixing...well."
Senkha says: Everyone.

Mariius says: Or at least offering it up for research.

Senkha says: Exactly.

Mariius says: I don't know. This 'Miss Price' sounds like a strange character.

Senkha says: I met her the day I was reacquainted with Ludo...she was helping to save Ziichi from an attacker.

Mariius narrows his eyes. You can see that something sits poorly with him.

Senkha says: What is it?

Mariius says: ... I've heard of three-degrees of seperation. But this is ridiculous.
Mariius moves 'round the bedside, reaching to fold his arms around Senkha's shoulders.
Mariius says: Don't worry. It'll be alright.

Senkha says: Marius, I'm afraid. I'm afraid of what sorts of side effects that drug will have...I don't want to lose my husband.
Senkha leans against Marius weakly, clearly exhausted. She closes her eyes and gives a soft sigh, once again seeming far too old for her age.

Mariius says: ... I will not let you lose your husband.

Senkha doesn't open her eyes. She just leans against Marius, relieved at having someone to hold her instead of being the one holding things together..
Senkha sighs. "This weekend's kind of that." She shifts to the side stiffly, touching a hand to the wounds on her face and her bandages.

Mariius says: -You're still healing yourself, Senkha. *-And he eases his palms against her shoulders, scowling quietly.

Senkha suddenly looks more than a little sheepish, ducking her head. "I was too tired to close them all the way. I had the bites cleansed this morning, just in case."

Mariius says: ... Honestly, Senkha-- I'm worried about healing you again. Your body will grow over-accustomed to my touch at this rate, and yet I dislike the option of letting this mend-over naturally due to the rather... unfortunate reality of your dangerous situation
Mariius says: That said. You need to come with me to Kalimdor.
Mariius says: -Because at this point? You need the touch of a moonwell's graced waters.

Senkha blinks at Marius. "Right now?"

Mariius says: When prudent. I can understand if you'd rather not leave his side at the moment.

Senkha says: When he wakes, and if I can move him...Light, you don't think a Moonwell would help him, do you?

Mariius says: They're sacred waters, Senkha. An undead won't be welcomed.

Senkha says: --oh.
Senkha looks back at Oliver with a torn expression. She touches her right cheek again, feeling the nasty tears in flesh. She sighs weakly.

Mariius says: I know it's not a... desirable notion, right now. But I feel the waters would do you well. They can cleanse and better your wounds; help them sew up quickly. put some strength back in your limbs.

To Macglynn: *"Can you hear me? Please tell me you can hear me."*

Macglynn whispers: *"Oh, hi."*

Senkha suddenly smiles, relief washing over her features.

To Macglynn: *"Thank the Light. Love...can you hear anything that we're talking about?"*

Macglynn whispers: *His voice seems very far away, like he's not putting much energy into this. "Not been payin' attention."*

To Macglynn: *"Marius wants to take me to Kalimdor to heal my wounds. I...don't want to leave you, but..."*

Macglynn whispers: *"Go. May not act like it all th' tahm, but Ah'm grown up. Where will Dizzy be?"*

To Macglynn: *"She's downstairs, safe. Marius runed the house, so you're protected. Kyrita is here."*

Senkha opens her eyes and looks to Marius. "He wants me to go."

Mariius nods quietly.
Mariius says: -When?

Senkha says: When do you think would be best?
Senkha says: ...he just wanted to make sure Dizzy is safe.

Mariius says: This house-- and your sleeping daughter-- are currently blessed by the presence of the same catagory wards that I use to protect my -children-. The vial remains here: The presence is strong and the construct is set.
Mariius says: Right now. They're as safe as they're going to get-- even from these quakes, of the moment.

Senkha nods slowly and rises from the bed with some stiffness. She reaches for her discarded leggings and boots and tugs them on, not even pausing to consider how this all looks. "...then I suppose now is good."

Mariius nods quietly.

Senkha leans down and presses her lips to Oliver's. "I'll be back soon."

[They travel to Auberdine]

Mariius smiles gently.
Mariius says: .. I had to ask a favor of the sentinels. But they've agreed to allow this. It.. --Does occur to me, all the same, that you may not want we do this in such an otherwise open place. I can take you to another if you'd rather; Kaldorei don't share some of the same stipulations as men."

Senkha puts her hands on the moonwell's stones and peers at the water. "I...suppose here mightn't be bad. Unless you think somewhere else would be better."

Mariius says: You'll be the one devoid of your armor, Senkha. It's why I ask; I've no want to trouble your modesty.

Senkha looks around at the sentinels and, eventually, shrugs again. "I think here is fine. Traveling..." She leans more heavily on the stones, pressing a hand to her side. "...took a lot out of me."

Mariius says: Just as well, Senkha. This is the deeper part of the pool, here. *-And he holds a large white cloth to her inspection. It's too thin to be a towel; something for her modesty, perhaps.* --Strip yourself of armor, and you may use this to cover yourself.
Mariius says: -Ease in. It'll be warm, dove; The waters here always are when you need them to be.

Senkha takes the cloth and swallows hard before undressing, quickly. She takes more time removing her bandages, wincing as the cloth pulls away from her wounds, then wraps the cloth about her. She turns and tries to find a good place to ease herself into the water.
Senkha says: --just climb in? Like a bath?

Mariius remains at the edge of the pool with his eyes adverted. A wry smile paints his lips at her amusing question.
Mariius says: It's sacred water, Senkha; But still water, all the same. Go ahead. I'll turn back when you're submerged a bit and help you clean your wounds out.

Senkha exhales slowly. "Right." She steps into the water, as if expecting it to be cold, and is surprised to find it just the opposite. Still, she takes a few minutes to find her way to the deeper part of the well and, removing the thin cloth, sink down until the water comes up to her chin.
Senkha says: --alright.

Mariius : -The water's of a moonwell-- any pure well-- are drawn to purify the unmade. It's -soft- more than wet; Warm more than dense. The powers here are very old and every-helpful.
Mariius pulls his boots, setting them on the lip of the well proper. His robes are clean and so he doesn't mind them; Just slips into the water and focuses a healer's sight on Senkha's back. Ginger fingertips touch here and there, and if it's intimate-- It's only a mender's touch, just the same. He 's procured a half-shell; Something he can used to douse her still-healing injuries proper. Ugh, Elune-bless; She has bits of soiled bandages ground into the worst of them.
Mariius kneels down.

Senkha closes her eyes, grimacing as Marius begins to clean out the wound on her back. That one's the worst, long and deep and across the small of her back, where Bordros' axe caught her. Another deep wound travels from just below her heart to her lower righthand side. And then there are the bite marks--a graze on the back of her head and a tear on her right cheek. Her neck is also burned raw.

Mariius treats each wound with a tenderness reserved for his family and his patients. He carefully splits the flesh of sealing lacerations-- Makes a point of letting the water cresh through each exposed gash. It steals the pain from her; drinks it in. Destroys it. And then again and again, the half-shell smooths clean water around her neckline, where painful-looking abrasions are brought relief and due health. Gingerly, his fingertips knit through tense musculature; He knows the human body well enough to loosen it up and work it out with a strange, removed understanding of the dense, fiberous tissue.
Mariius says: ... You took a beating.

Senkha, without realizing it, has begun to weep as Marius cleans her wounds. It's a cleansing sort of weeping, not from pain or anything similar, but just an emptying. "H-he made me cry blood," she confesses, almost childishly.

Mariius lids his eyes quietly.
Mariius says: ... No pain can last forever, Senkha. You needn't cry, thought I know it sometimes-- ... That it sometimes helps to be capable of it.

Senkha swallows hard, trying to gain control of herself, but it's near impossible. She sags in Marius' arms, her limbs trembling, eyes lidding. "...and even after that f-fight...still, he'll come back..." She winces again at the pain of her wounds being cleaned.

Mariius kneads gently beneath the water. He feels along the forming scar-tissue beneath his hands, stroking a thumb along the crest of it; The bizarre knowledge that it's smoothing out under the literal inspection of his touch.
Mariius says: -The things worth doing are rarely easy, Senkha. You stand and fight, and you progress. We're learning. He'll meet his end one way or another; Eventually they run out of tricks. Or glass mirrors to break.

Senkha inhales sharply at this sensation, her breath hitching, and again exhales. She swallows hard again and lifts a hand to wipe the tears from her cheeks, nodding. "Oliver said he would help me practice what I learned in your book, so we both can get better."

Mariius nods gently.

Senkha 's voice is growing faint, less from weakness and more from relaxation, the way one's voice relaxes during a really good massage.

If he's anything, he's good with his hands. Surgery makes that a necessity. A sentinel nearby casts them a watchful look as Marius wets her hair and combs it through, grooming the girl of grit and dried blood. He preens over her scalp and he dips his head gently over one shoulder. "--Are the wounds better? They're looking it."

Senkha touches her hands to the wounds on her back and side, inspecting herself. Her hands aren't as practiced, but she can tell when something's doing better, and she nods. "They feel it. That's...kind of amazing, really..."
Senkha says: I've never even had the Light work so well.

Mariius nods to himself. "--I've a dry shif for you, if you're ready to get out."

Senkha nods slightly, her hands subconsciously coming to cover herself.

Mariius reaches to the bank, pulling a second cloth from beside both pack and boots. He ruffles it up, holding the fabric open. Golden eyes slip closed; It's simple respect.

Senkha rises slowly, taking the shiff and wrapping it around her in a fluid motion. She tucks the end of the cloth in and moves toward the edge of the well.

Mariius : -The subtle internal glow of his eyes ignites -after- he hears her soles hit the stone around them. He lofts himself out of the water-- wrings the hem of his robe-- and fits his boots back on either foot with a bemused grunt.
Mariius says: Feel free to your armor.
Mariius says: -I'd like that you dress into something lighter when you get home; your skin needs to breathe.

Senkha reaches down and dresses as quickly as possible, glad she's only wearing a shirt, leggings and boots. She runs her hand through her hair and turns back to Marius. "Alright. Would, um. Would my training robes do? The ones I got to practice Viramata things?"

Mariius says: That's fine, Senkha.
Mariius taps his com. "...."

Senkha looks down at her ring and sighs softly. She doesn't say anything into it; it's not her place. "I'm going to head home now then. Marius...thank you."

Mariius says: You needn't thank me, Senkha. Take care of yourself.
Mariius says: I'll see if I can't look into what's going on.

Senkha once again wraps her arms around Marius' middle. It's clear that her gratitude is for more than just a nice bath.

Mariius smiles down at her, ruffling the girl's still-damp hair. "
Mariius says: Go ahead, Senkha. I'll probably grab a bite to eat and berate Arubrey. *wry*

Senkha looks up at Marius with a soft smile and blows him a kiss, more daughterly than anything. "I'll get back to you with that sample. And...yeah. He'd probably enjoy that."

Mariius inclines his head.

Senkha touches her hand to her heart, bowing slightly.

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