Monday, October 4, 2010

Senkha & Campion, October 2

You blink at Campion.

Campion looks up. And gives a small wave. He's frowning, as per usual. At least from what one can see behind the mask.
Campion says: It's about time.

Senkha squints at Campion, trying to make out features because masks are silly. The whelp in her arms squirms and makes and adorable "CRAWWW" noise. "Oh! Mr. Campion! I'm sorry, I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long."

Campion gestures in a KEEP IT DOWN frantic sort of way. "I'm sorry, you must have me mistaken with someone else. The name's Redwall. Nathan Redwall." He gives her a POINTED look.

You peer at Campion searchingly.
Senkha says: Redwall. Right. My mistake, Mr. Redwall. I forgot that my friend Mr. Campion does not wear dresses.

Campion sputters.

Senkha nods sagely.

Campion says: Well, ARCANISTS do, so...So yes. Simple mage. All that rubbish.
Campion grumbles and looks around. "Too much bloody Horde around here. Can we move."

Stehl-the-whelp spots Scarlet and makes an excited croaking sound, trying to get out of Senkha's arms. She lets him down. "I see, an arcanist. And sure, we can. Want to head to the Antonidas Memorial?"

Campion says: Is there less Horde? I try to stick to the areas that are Alliance exclusive, so I wouldn't know.
Campion scoffs.

Senkha nods her understanding. "Might not be, with Blood Elves and Forsaken wanting to pay their respects. How about the Beer Garden?"

Campion says: Sounds excellent. Let's do that.
Campion gets up and straightens his robes, grumbling more. Scarlet stays nicely on his shoulder, being quiet and well-behaved! But she watches the other whelp with keen interest.

Senkha nods and scoops Stehl-the-whelp back up in her arms. The whelp looks irritated and lets out a string of profanities that no whelp that age should know.

Campion stares.

Senkha says: --sorry.

Campion says: ...Did that whelp just-...
Campion looks horrified.

Senkha nods, making a face. "I think he does it to annoy me. He knows better. Don't you, Stehl." She gives the whelp a stern look. The whelp responds with a cheerful, "Shit howdy!"

Campion looks increasingly horrified. "Let's-...yes. Let's move towards that garden, why don't we." He waves for her to lead the way.

Senkha does so!

Campion walks with a limp, but keeps up all right.

Senkha perches on one of the tables, letting Stehl-the-whelp tumble to the ground again. He seems very interested in the other whelpling, making strange and adorable noises at her.
Senkha says: Oh! Almost forgot...

Campion eases down onto the bench with a relieved sigh. Walking. Ugh. Scarlet crawls off his shoulder and onto the table. She trots over to the edge of it to peer down at Stehl curiously!

Senkha reaches into the bag at her hip and pulls out a pack of cigarettes. She offers them to the "arcanist" with a smirk. "Thought you could use some, yeah?"

Campion says: LIGHT, you have no idea. You are a blessed, beautiful thing right now.
Campion takes them eagerly and pulls the scarf askew enough to take one in his lips.

Stehl-the-whelp approaches Scarlet with caution...despite having a great deal of interest in the other whelp, he seems more than a little nervous. He streeeeeetches his neck forward to sniff at Scarlet.

Senkha says: Yeah, from what I'd heard from a mutual friend of ours, things are...insane. I haven't heard from her in ages, though.

Campion is fumbling for a match with more difficulty than usual while Scarlet continues to peer at the other whelp. Then she cheeps! Hi! I love you!
Campion says: Things have gone well beyond insanity, that much is certain.

Stehl-the-whelp looks surprised at this cheep and sits back on his haunches. Well. Huh. That was unexpected. Also unexpected is the fact that the ground around him suddenly glows green, several flowers growing around him.

Senkha says: I know how that can be. Light, I hope you're alright. You seemed to be limping on the way in...

Campion grumbles and fumbles with the match long enough that he finally pulls his mask down, puts the cig in the corner of his mouth, match between his teeth, and holds it steady there as he scratches it against a buckle on his gloves. Whatever works, right?
Campion takes the match quickly and puts it to the cigarette, then starts puffing, keeping the mask down. "Had a spot of trouble with the family."

Senkha frowns, shaking her head with a bit of understanding. She crosses her legs under her. "I'm sorry to hear that. Our friend was saying similar things...actually how we met, she and I." Meanwhile, Stehl looks more than a little embarrassed about his random floral fart. Oops.

Campion watches the whelps with vague interest. Scarlet has finally hopped down and prances towards and around the other. Hi! Hi! Hi! I love you! She seems to like the flowers too, so it all works out.
Campion says: Might this friend be an elf?

Senkha nods, giving the arcanist a slanted grin. "Met her through a mutual friend. We get along very daughter calls her Sad-Ears." Stehl, having no idea what else to do, picks a flower and offers it to Scarlet, his mouth hanging open.

Campion says: ...You have a daughter?

Senkha says: of last Sunday. Yes.

Campion says: How does THAT work.

Senkha says: We adopted. She's an orphan, child of war...she found Oliver and then me and...Light, it's a horrible idea, but she adores us.

Campion keeps watching the whelps, puffing smoke lazily. Scarlet takes the flower in her own mouth and trills a tiny, happy dragonsong.
Campion says: I could think of stranger pairs adopting.

Senkha sounds almost contrite as she says this, but she's smiling broadly. Stehl, seeming pleased that Scarlet likes his gift, lets out a tiny plume of flame and starts trying to sing along, adding in his own lyrics, which are all very coarse.
You smile at Campion.
Senkha says: I'm glad to hear you say that. I can, too, really.

Campion says: You could have a dead man and BOTH be men. That's pretty-...Hnn.
Campion looks away, huffing a dense grey cloud of smoke. Scarlet decides now is a good time to initiate DRAGON WRASSLES.

Senkha says: Or a dead man and a dragon in disguise. Or all of us dead and at least one of us a dragon.

Campion says: I think a dragon could do a fine job raising a mortal. Seems to work out the other way around, and I've nothing but respect for the-...Okay, not a Bronze. But nearly any other flight?

Senkha eyes Campion with some concern but doesn't say anything, mostly out of politeness. Stehl, suddenly tackled for WRASSLIN', gives a squawk and tries to find a way to chew on Scarlet's tail.
Senkha says: Bronze have bad attitudes. And the blacks...nngh. But red would work, I think. Blue would be weird, though.

Campion says: My...friend has a blue whelp. I found her in Crystalsong and brought it to him. Now he does nothing but feed her sweets and she's getting a bit round. I should be more concerned about it, but he swears she's happy.
Campion peers at the whelps. Scarlet puts up a LOUD FUSS over her tail being nipped. She doesn't fight back, she just wails. Campy watches with concern there too. DON'T HURT HIS BABY GIRL.

Senkha says: Mm, I'm trying to--Stehl, stop that.

Stehl-the-whelp looks up at his mother balefully and politely releases Scarlet's tail, giving it a dragon kiss to make it better.

Campion says: Reds aren't normally this agressive. Or foul-mouthed. What are you teaching this child.

Senkha holds up her hands innocently, shaking her head. "Not me! I'm trying to teach him to say 'Daddy' or 'Mommy' but he prefers cruder language. The aggressive, though...that's probably because of how much time he spends with Nathanstrasz."

Campion says: Nathanstrasz? Another red?

Senkha says: Ziichi's. She' Our mutual friend sees her as a daughter or a sister, I think. Or did, the last time I saw her. Our friend, I mean.

Campion says: Mm. I saw her just last night. Don't tell her I was here, by the way. If you see her soon again as well. She'd pitch a fit I'm not laying all useless in bed.
Campion rests his elbows on the table and blows a relaxed stream of smoke upwards.

Senkha raises her eyebrows, but nods her agreement. "Hate staying in bed myself. A couple of months ago, I got banged up pretty badly in an incident with that ass Patrick Morgan, and the staying in bed was the worst part of recovering."
Senkha says: So I'll keep my mouth shut.

Campion snorts at the mention of that name but otherwise keeps smoking. "I've had quite enough of laying about in the past few days. I'd rather be out and about and getting shit DONE, you see."
Campion coughs and looks down at the whelps, Scarlet now busy rubbing up against Stehl, feline-like. No swearing in front of the babies.

Senkha doesn't seem phased by the language and neither, for that matter, does Stehl, who is looking at Scarlet as if he has no idea what to do with her. He finally settles for draping a wing over her, watching for a reaction.
Senkha says: I can't really blame you, honestly. And, for what it's worth, you look like you're doing alright...physically at least.

Campion shrugs. "It's just the fingers, mostly. The leg'll mend. So long as I can stand and hold a sword, that's all I need for what's next."

Scarlet, meanwhile, is fine with the wing over her! She keeps cuddling. She's a cuddlebug.

Senkha leans forward to look at his fingers, less out of any sort of sick curiosity and more with a healer's eyes. When she notices he's wearing gloves, she sits back, looking embarrassed. Derp.

Campion watches her reaction. "What, you want to see them? It's-...Ehhh. I don't mind, but..." He picks at the edges of one glove.

Stehl looks more than a little pleased about this, though he does look up at his mother with wide eyes and a "what is this I don't even" expression. Senkha just shrugs at him.

Senkha says: Not if you're not comfortable with it...I've, um. I've been studying mending under Marius' care, so...
Senkha shrugs again, sheepishly.

Campion says: They're on the mend. That's the most I can say. And keeping them covered is the best option at this point. Just a lot of scraping. Some fingernails. Nothing like them being broken.
Campion shrugs, like losing fingernails ain't no thang.

Senkha winces at that, removing the glove on her right hand, revealing her wedding band and the pinky, which had its nail torn off long ago. "Hurts like a bi-- a mo-- er. Hurts a lot when it happens, but eventually, it just looks weird."

Stehl, with his wing still draped over Scarlet, veeeeery carefully leans his muzzle towards her for further cuddling.

Campion looks with vague sympathy at the rogue's injured finger. "They do grow back eventually, at least." Scarlet, meanwhile, nuzzles more and cheeps and tweets as she does so! Yaaay, other dargons.
Campion keeps eyeing her hand, however. "...How long have you been wed?"

Senkha touches her gloved hand to the ring, almost self-consciously. "It'll be...actually, it was five months yesterday. Huh." She looks surprised by this fact, though quickly darts her eyes down to Campion's gloved hands.

Campion says: Congratulations. I-...Uh. I'm not going to lie, I don't see the appeal in it being a dead man. But so long as you're happy and actually love one another? Stay faithful and with one another? More power to you.
Campion gets another cigarette out and lights it on the end of the prior one, rather than having to do that whole mess with the matchstick between the teeth deal again.

Senkha smiles, running her hand along her wedding band again, and nods. "Thank you. How's married life treating you?" Stehl, encouraged by Scarlet's cuddliness, snuggles even closer. He farts flowers again, though he doesn't seem to notice this time.

Campion pauses in the midst of taking a fresh drag off the new cig. He looks down at his own hand, where the ring is. Still put it on over the glove, even when he had to remove it for the bandaging.
Campion is quiet for a long while.
Campion says: ...I'm...not.

Senkha blinks a few times, and then looks incredibly sorry and embarrassed. "...I'm sorry," she murmurs, pulling on her right glove again.

Campion waves it off. "It's misleading. Still wearing it. I-...Well, I don't think I ever properly WAS married, so maybe it doesn't matter." He laughs and tugs the ring off. But then doesn't seem certain what he's supposed to do with it. So he just tucks it under the hem of one glove. Yeah, that wasn't awkward.

Senkha says: ...if you don't mind my asking. Er. How would you have been not married? I just...wonder. Because I'm not always sure if Oliver and my marriage is legally valid, either.
Senkha says this very self-consciously, looking over to the whelps. Stehl is busily gathering the flowers he grew and presenting them, one at a time, to Scarlet.

Campion leans on his elbow again, running his fingers back through his hair. He sighs. Scarlet, meanwhile, loves the flowers! She takes one after the other, putting them in a little pile next to her.
Campion says: ...It was-...
Campion goes quiet again. Fingers back through the hair again. Sighs. He mumbles finally, "...It was to another man." He is VERY much not looking at Senkha right now.

Senkha blinks just twice at this, but looks otherwise unphased. "Oh," she says after a moment. "Well. That's probably more legally binding than mine...after all, we couldn't really say 'until death parts us,' could we?"

Campion says: I'm hardly concerned with the LEGALITY of it. More about the MORALITY. And it's a farce either way. Light. What was I thinking...
Campion scrubs the heel of one hand against his face, sighing again.

Senkha considers this for a long moment. Why do people always converse with -her- about morality, of all things? After considering, she says, "...the morality issues are strange, yeah. But...well. Were you still able to call on the Light while you were...?"
Senkha says: ...well. With him?

Campion nods, fingers raking back through his hair, plucking his cigarette from his lips with the other hand for a moment. Scarlet, meanwhile, has begun to roll happily in the pile of flowers. Yaaaay.

Stehl happily continues to add flowers to this pile as she rolls. Don't ask where they're coming from. You don't want to know. Senkha, meanwhile, leans forward on her hands.
Senkha says: I don't know as much about the Light as you do, I think, but I'd say that if it didn't abandon you, the morality issues weren't...well. Weren't as much of an issue.
Senkha says: But then, I'm married to a corpse, so I may be insane.

Campion finally looks back at her and huffs a laugh. "Maybe we're just two different perversions. After all, neither are really...accetable. At least not in HUMAN society."

Senkha chuckles softly. "No, I've heard that elves are very fond of...well. Buggery." Calling a spade a spade. "But for what it's worth, I don't think it's long as you loved each other."

Campion frowns a little at the casting towards elves. HE IS SO NOT LIKE ONE OF THOSE-...Anyways. He goes back to smoking. "Well, -I- loved -him-. But either way, goes to show how I'm not much of a confessor, am I? Mob, sinner, queer..." He laughs again.
Campion says: ...Although bringing your confessions to me is still well within your discretion. I'm just saying. I don't consider myself perfect. Not by a LONG bloody shot.

Senkha quietly slips off the table and goes to sit next to Campion, very gingerly putting her arms around his shoulders so as not to cause any pain. She gives him a quick hug. "I still think you're the best damned confessor there ever was."

Campion looks at her sidelong. "You must not have known very many, then."

Senkha folds her hands in her lap and shrugs. "Most of them just throw penance at you with such self-righteous pomposity that you know they've no idea where you're coming from. But you've -been- there, so you understand."
Senkha says: I feel much better telling you my sins than telling someone who's, say, never tasted alcohol for example.

Campion says: ...I suppose. I'm hardly in much places to judge anyhow. And it's the only reason I became ordained as one. So the family could have someone to take their sins to. Still be absolved without having to take it to the church.
Campion says: Which is strictly forbidden, of course.

Senkha laughs, shaking her head. "Of course. Actually...that reminds me. What do you know about necromancy? Not that I'm trying any because I like my soul undamned, but...would mending the flesh of the dead be necromancy as well, not just animating corpses?"

Campion makes a face and LOOKS at Senkha, but rolls with it eventually. "Necromancy seems an ugly craft and I don't think it would necessarily be required for the mending of an undead."
Campion says: Healing by way of the Shadow seems to work wonders, but I refuse to touch that craft as well. Though I have a close friend who's remarkably adept...

Senkha holds out her hands in front of her, as if expecting shadow to start emanating from them. "'s part of what I'm learning, from Marius. He hasn't touched the subject of mending dead flesh yet, but Oliver...well. Oliver doesn't want me to damn myself."
Senkha says: Accidentally, of course.

Campion says: Yes, none of that. The LIGHT can mend them as well, but it seems to put them through wretched amounts of pain. And doesn't work near as well as it would on a living person.
Campion says: Is your husband unwell?

Senkha shakes her head, touching her hand to her chest and scratching, though there doesn't seem to be anything there -to- scratch. "Not anymore. Someone stole him the other night and carved a rune into his ches...and I feel like I could've fixed it..."
Senkha says: ...if not for, well. Morality.
Senkha says: And souls.

Campion says: Excuse me, STOLE him? Is he missing NOW?

Senkha says: Oh no. It brought him back, stuffed into a purple dress. We had to ask Stehl to burn the rune off, though, and -Light- did that hurt.

Campion says: ...Why a dress.
Campion is more concerned about dress-wearing that rune-burning.

Senkha touches her hand to her chest again, grimacing. "...damned if I know. Not even a nice dress, either. A purple dress. A -purple- dress. His skin is -grey-."

Campion says: ...I'd sooner go naked than wear a dress.

Senkha looks at Campion and raises an eyebrow. "...current attire notwithstanding?"

Campion says: THIS IS A ROBE.
Campion tugs up the front regardless. Man cleavage. >:[

Senkha presses her lips together and nods. "A robe. Of course. I can see the difference now, with the, um. Masculine fit."

Campion says: I'm wearing trousers underneath too.

Senkha says: Definitely ups the masculinity.

Campion says: It better. Ugghh, this is why I can't respect arcanists.
Campion tugs at the neckline of his dress-...ROBE again.

Senkha wrinkles her nose, shaking her head. "My biological father was an arcanist. I...don't have a lot of respect for them either, mostly because of him."

Campion says: Was he a rubbish one?

Senkha says: ...from what I hear, he was very good. But since I wasn't much of a mage, well...he wasn't fond of me.

Campion looks at Senkha properly again. "...Do you mind if I ask about that?" He's speaking a bit more quietly now.

Senkha takes a breath then sighs, shaking her head. If you can't tell your confessor about your shitty childhood, who can you tell? "Ask away."

Campion says: What does 'not fond of you' entail exactly?

Senkha shrugs, glancing back at the whelps. Stehl is now wearing a crown of flowers. "For him, mostly ignoring me. Didn't hit me or anything, but he made it pretty damn clear that the sooner I left home, the better."
Senkha says: My mother was the one who yelled...occasionally set things on fire.

Campion says: Not being regarded can be just as painful as the blows. Considering that a parent is supposed to be someone that loves you unconditionally? It's hardly a lesser evil to being struck.
Campion says: Hopefully never set YOU on fire.

Senkha makes a hoarse noise in the back of her throat, almost like a laugh. "Never me. My sister's boyfriend, though, once."

Campion says: Was that warrented, or just for mad shits and giggles.

Senkha says: They caught him with his trousers down in the barn...with her. So possibly warranted. Funny either way.

Campion grimaces a little. "Well, I suppose some parents can be protective..."

Senkha grins, leaning forward again and resting her chin on her hands. "Protective of her, at least. Selvie was the golden child...the mage of the family. I was just 'trouble.'"

Campion grins as well, though humourlessly. "Second-born?"

Senkha says: Twins. Youngest of...fff. Six?

Campion says: Light. I only had the one older brother. And that didn't last. Can't imagine growing up around that many children.

Senkha says: I was the younger one...born second, so they named me Senkha because it means 'shadow.' And...they were mostly much older. Closest one was Ioan and he was ten years older.

Campion says: You're the third from a set of twins I've ever met. They seem to go through unique trials.

Senkha says: It's kind of weird, honestly. I think we're supposed to get along really well, but I can't stand her.

Campion says: Sibling rivalry can be potent, yes. Do you still care about her in SOME capacity, though? Siblings seem to fight, or disagree strongly, but there can be latent love still. Blood vs.water and all that.

Senkha shrugs and nods slightly. "A little bit. I'd be damn pissed if someone hurt her, but I'm not running out to mend fences or anything."

Campion says: Precisely.

Senkha sighs and nods. "Yeah. I guess she's happy now. Involved with someone in my unit, even."

Campion says: That must be bizarre. Do you look the same?

Senkha says: Pretty similar. She's got longer hair and is much thinner. Reddish eyes, too, last time I saw her. I can't help but wonder if she's on drugs or something.

Campion coughs into a fist. "Users are accountable for their own vices. Not the dealers." A DISCLAIMER.

Senkha raises an eyebrow. Oh, so they're -those- kinds of mafia people. Got it. She shrugs. "It doesn't matter to me one way or another. We all have our vices and addictions."

Campion says: In any case, back to the matter at hand. You were simply the second best. The unfit child. Does that sound accurate? Or was it simply just being the second best.

Senkha nods. "The unfit child, the second best. Both sound pretty accurate, yeah."

Campion says: I understand that kind of mentality can stick for ages. What with it being reinforced by your own parents.

Senkha chuckles, halfway nudging Campion with her arm. "Very insightful of you."

Campion says: I'm observational like that.

Senkha says: So I see. A helpful trait for a confessor like yourself to have.

Campion says: I try. The human condition i something I'm trying to be more compassionate towards. Helps to know where most of our vices and issues stem from.

Senkha nods again. "And then you can work at getting to the root of the problem instead of just treating the sins that are the symptoms."

Campion stubs out his cigarette on the table, leaving a black smear, but is already putting a third between his lips. He glances over at the whelps. Scarlet has a flower crown now too!
Campion says: Yes. Like you said, there's throwing absolution and saying, "Go and sin no more," and then there's trying to offer help to abolish it.

Senkha says: And that's what makes you an excellent confessor. Fingernails notwithstanding, your family's lucky to have you.

Campion smiles. "I care about them more than I can say. Enough that I wish to free them now."

Senkha frowns again in curiosity. "Free them?" she asks, but covers her mouth as soon as she has, not wanting to pry. Mobs are dangerous business, kids.

Campion just looks at her sidelong and nods. Then hands her a match. Don't make him do it with his teeth again.

Senkha kindly strikes the match on the table and holds it up to his cigarette to light. Once the cigarette is lit, she blows out the match and grinds it to ash on the tabletop.

Campion grunts in thanks and puffs contentedly for a moment. "...There's an undercurrent of change in the family. I'm not sure what all our elf friend has told you."

Senkha shakes her head, leaning on her hands again. "Not much, really. I just know she's been keeping safe with some good friends of mine...really good people. -My- family, in a manner of speaking."

Campion says: That's good. Like I said, I saw her again recently. Just the other night. Thankful for that as well. I was in a bit of a rough spot, but she showed up and drug me out. And now it's just all down to the planning.
Campion blows a slow stream of smoke. "...I'll spare you the details," he says with an air of finality. For her own good, it seems to imply.

Senkha says: Well I definitely wish you the best of luck and all the Light's blessings with it. Family changes can be terrifying, but if you need to hide, alibi, know how to reach me.
Senkha doesn't ask for details. She knows how these things go.

Campion says: I do. And I thank you for that.

Senkha nods, still resting her chin on her hands. "And I really do hope you both come out of it alright. I've grown rather fond of you."

Campion says: Why me? Her, I can understand. She's insufferable but endearing. Noisy but loving. Me, I'm just some bastard with knotted fingers and a charming smile.
Campion looks at her with his usual frown for illustration, snorting smoke from his nostrils.

Senkha grins at him. "The most charming smile." After a moment, she shrugs. "You understand where I'm coming from, probably better than most people. You don't ever make me feel like a bad person for doing what I do. And I like talking to you."

Campion says: Well, for what it's worth, I value your company as well. And encouragement. Giving me this chance to feel and act as a good paladin should.

Senkha says: You are a good paladin. Better than a lot, honestly. Don't ever doubt that.

Eugen says: ....
Eugen yawns sleepily.
Eugen says: A paladin....

Campion shrugs, but smirks slightly as well. "Thank you. I'll do my best to keep that in mind." At the arrival of another, Campion hastily tugs his mask back up, though.

You look at Eugen.
Senkha says: Can we help you?

Campion says: Sorry, you're mistaken. Just an arcanist.

Eugen says: Ahhhh oh well...
Eugen says: Not really.

Campion says: Toddle off, then.

Eugen says: Tsk...

Senkha says: Light be with you.

Eugen says: Likewise.

Campion scowls under his mask. He had to throw away a perfectly good cigarette!
Campion says: A bit stupid of me to go showing my face this long. Light knows where her eyes are.

Senkha taps the pack in front of them and fishes for a match, ready to light a new one. "He-- oh. Family stuff. Right."

Campion says: Speaking of 'family stuff', you sound like you're buidling a fine one all on your own. A husband, a child, both whom you seem fond and devoted to...

Senkha smiles softly and nods. "Never thought that would be what would make me happy, you know? I've always hated kids. Still do...except Dizzy and Ziichi. Dizzy's my daughter."

Campion says: Curious name.
Campion says: How old is she? Given that you're adopting her as a war orphan and all, I hardly suspect she's an infant.

Senkha says: She's fifteen, but she has some problems...acts more like she's about seven.

Campion says: Problems as in...she's slow?
Campion is the picture of tact.

Senkha says: Sort of. Well, I mean. She's not deficient, I don't think. She just has some slight developmental delays.
Senkha would totally be tactless if it was anyone but her daughter.

Campion says: You've more patience than I. And knowing myself, I'd probably only make it worse. I'm unfit to raise much of anything, let alone a human child.

Senkha glances back at the cuddling whelps and shrugs. "You're doing a pretty good job with Scarlet, it seems. At least she doesn't communicate like a sailor."

Campion says: Whelps are different! If I was left to raise another PERSON? Light, I wouldn't know where to start. I have no real examples to follow, and I'm-...Well. Me. The poor brat would just end up angry and confused and ignorant, most likely.
Campion is the paragon of self assurance.

Senkha pats Campion lightly on the arm. "Hey, I don't exactly have the best examples to follow either. Just my adopted fathers. But I figure, as long as you love the kid more than anything, things'll turn out right."

Campion says: Adopted fathers? Two? What?

Senkha says: ...Nialos, who's a Death Knight and has since gone out to sea, and Marius, my trainer. His bonded is a man as well.
Senkha mentions this in what's supposed to be an off-handed voice.

Campion blanches under his mask. "Hardly fit to raise another person. They'd just grow up all kinds of strange and confused..."
Campion mutters to himself. Does he do ANYTHING but self-depreciate?

Senkha speaks very gently. "Marius and Salarous are both father to many people. Myself, Ziichi, plenty of people whom they've adopted and care for. I think we're mostly better for it. Though...I now like to throw chairs when I get angry." She grins to herself.

Campion sighs. "They'd just grow up confused. It's just as well Grinne didn't like children. And not that THAT matters either way now..."

Senkha says: ...what happened to him? Did he...?
Senkha looks down at the table, sorry she asked, not wanting to cause any undue discomfort.

Campion says: ...He left.

Senkha frowns at this, then reaches over and lightly squeezes Campion's arm again. "I'm sorry."

Campion shrugs. "He was tired of a lot of things. I hardly blame him."

Senkha says: Still. Even if you hardly blame him, that doesn't make it hurt less.

Campion says: He's someplace away from everything that was bothering and harming him. Someplace he's happier and nothing can follow him. It's better this way. I've made my peace with it.
Campion folds his hands very carefully on the table.

Senkha looks at Campion's hands and nods slowly. "It's good that you've made your peace with it. It took me years to make peace when I lost who I thought was the love of my life...and then, wouldn't you know, right when I thought I was over him..."
Senkha says: ...someone hired me to kill him.

Campion looks at her a bit aghast. "Did you?"

Senkha shakes her head. "I didn't. I did, however, fall back in love with him...only to find that he didn't remember me and had moved on."

Campion grimaces and reaches over a hand to her arm as well now, patting it consolingly. "I can't imagine a worse pain, honestly. To be forgotten."
Campion says: Moving on is one thing, but that...?

Senkha puts the hand of her opposite arm on top of his, resting it there a minute. "It hurt, yeah. And I was stupid about it...did a lot of things that really hurt me and the people around me."

Campion sighs and leans a little. Aw. "But you're married now. Blissfully so, I should hope. I should take solace in that. Perhaps there is moving onwards still. Though I-..." He frowns a little.

Senkha frowns slightly. "Though you what?" she asks, also leaning, more comfortingly than anything else.

Campion says: I should think moving too quickly would make me look-...well. A lot of unpleasant things. He's hardly out of my life by a month. I shouldn't be concerned with that.

Senkha shrugs. "Just...promise you won't do anything stupid in the name of moving on. Remember who -you- are, with or without him. And there's no time limit on these things."
Senkha says: But just...don't let it make you bitter. You're allowed to hurt. You're allowed to wait.

Campion snaps a little quickly and defensively, "I'm not bitter!" And then blinks. "...Apologies."

Senkha gives Campion a sad and understanding smile. "Didn't say you were. But it can be easy to get that way, yeah? Light knows I did."

Campion says: ...I've got a history of ending up that way, yes.
Campion coughs a little, and pats her hand. Sorry about the snapping, honest.

Senkha just gently squeezes his arm. Snapping is hardly the worst thing that's ever happened to her. "It'll work out. I'm sure it will. I sounds trite, but if he wasn't right for you, that means there's probably someone even better out there."
Senkha says: ...which sounds really cliche and shit, but it's true.

Campion sighs. "...Maybe I was wrong with-...Well. Maybe it was just more proof towards the fact that THOSE sort of things aren't meant to be." You know. THOSE things. Given all the prior fretting about the morality of his union, well. Implications are strong.

Senkha nods her understanding. "It may be. I don't know...I don't know enough about the Light to say. I just think...well. I'm not in a place to judge, like I said. If you're happy...I think the Light doesn't mind."

Campion says: I think these sort of things are doomed to failure. I should be looking elsewhere if anything. In the, er. The proper places.
Campion mumbles, "I HAVE had girlfriends, in the past. I'm not like that. He was-...He was exceptional."

Senkha says: So's Oliver. I'm not...I hope you don't think I'm a necrophile or anything. I don't love him -because- he's dead, just in spite of it.

Campion says: I can understand that. Unlike Ley. She prefers them dead.

Senkha wrinkles her nose and laughs. "Really? I can't judge, but really?"

Campion says: She does. Tried to explain to to me once about something to do with the taboo of it all. I just-...I just don't think about it.

Senkha says: Nngh. There are some taboos that I like exploiting, but that one...I mean, Light. Oliver was a Plague-carrier. -Is- a plague carrier. It'd kill me.

Campion says: And is dead. Ley has a pill, you know. Maybe another reason she got into it. Decided to try it, it worked, and now, uh. Well.
Campion says: The rest is history?

Senkha nods, though her nose is still wrinkled. "She said they were on the outs, which is a shame, if she likes it so much. Doing it with him even though he's dead, I mean."

Campion says: Who, her and Lazaar? Yes. I-...It's a shame. He's not a bad person. He and I near killed one another ages ago, often. Always at one another's throats. We eventually came to an understanding.
Campion says: But then all this current rubbish with the family has been going on, and we found ourselves on opposite dies of the conflict.
Campion lets out a long, drawn-out sigh.

Senkha says: I guess it can't be avoided. It's still a damn shame. I hope he comes to understand your side of things, honestly.

Campion says: I don't think he will. He made that much clear.

Senkha gives Campion a sad smile. "I'm sorry to hear that. I hate the idea of family being torn apart, even if it's eventually for the best."

Campion says: So it goes. If nothing else, Ley can turn her pills over to you now.

Senkha laughs and shakes her head. "I appreciate the idea, but Oliver and I are celibate."
Senkha does not add, "physically at least" though she's sure thinking it!

Campion says: And yet married? I mean, I hardly frown on vows of celibacy, given my own callings and bonds with the church and faith. But...
Campion waves vaguely, making a 'ehhh?' noise? Married and celibate?

Senkha says: We...find other ways of intimacy. Deeper ways. It's...heh. It sounds kind of disturbing. Hard to explain.

Campion says: I don't think I'll pry.

Senkha says: ...probably wise.

Campion finally relents and gets another cigarette out. Doesn't pull down the mask; just tugs it aside just enough. "...Is he doing well? Your husband, that is. We sort of derailed from the subject of his health. Unhealth. Whatever."

Senkha says: Well enough, all things considered. He's deliriously happy to be a father again. And since we bonded, well...I haven't seen him happier since I met him.

Campion says: Father AGAIN? Has he had others? Had them before death?

Senkha nods. "He was married before...his wife's since passed away and stayed dead, Light rest her. He just has a son...Chadley."

Campion chokes as he's taking a drag of cigarette smoke, coughing and soon thumping his chest to clear it. Which doesn't work so great with injured fingers. He's soon coughing and shaking that hand in pain instead.

Senkha lets go of Campion's arm and reaches over as if to find some way to heal him, but as she has no idea what he's choking on or why he's choking, she is at a loss. "Are you alright?"

Campion takes a shuddering breath. "Ch-Chadley? Did you say Chadley?"

Senkha says: ...Chadley. Chadley Fairdale. Do you know him?

Campion says: He's-...AHEM. He's not a...paladin, is he? Younger man? Blonde?

Senkha says: That's him exactly. Always scowling, too. And...chin-pubes.
Senkha says: ...I'm sorry, I shouldn't speak so rudely about my stepson. He's had a horrible accident recently. Doesn't remember anything about the past nine or so months, according to Oliver.

Campion says: Chin WHAT. What did-...What! Light, Senkha. It's your husband's boy! Exactly!
Campion says: And Light, WHAT! What SORT of accident?
Campion is leaning on the table now, looking at Senkha raptly.

Senkha just sort of stares at Campion, more than a little bemused. "Something happened to his head. He's...well. He doesn't remember much of anything, apparently. Not even that he'd made amends with Oliver."

Campion looks horrified. "That poor boy. I-...I should have kept in touch with him. I should have helped more. He was mad and crying and babbling last I saw him, sobbing about his father, about eyes in the desert..." Campion trails off, looking concerned.

Senkha grimaces. "...he was possessed by a shade of an Old God. I was there when it was exorcised from him. Then he got involved with Patrick Morgan...the kid finally had things all figured out and, by all acounts, was happy and in love. And then BAM! Gone."

Campion says: That-...Light, that fu-...
Campion stops when he sees the nearby whelps still. No bad language! "That monster."

Senkha is still looking at Campion with her eyebrows raised. " I'm assuming you knew Chadley, then?"

Campion says: I did. When he used to live in the Bay. I'd spoken to him a few times, at the behest of a girl now in our family. He lived with her at the time, I suppose.

Senkha says: Mm. I've met that girl. I don't think she liked me much.
Senkha says this very neutrally.

Campion says: She came to me because she said he was a paladin, and I was the only other one she knew. Who wasn't a twit, anyhow. And, uh. Well, Mandy doesn't like anyone.

Senkha says: Fair enough.

Campion says: Gave him advice. He was losing his mind over those old god eyes, over losing his touch with the Light, about any and all and ever sin he'd ever commited? He was completely out of his mind.
Campion says: I would like to think I gave him some solace. I calmed him down and got him speaking rationally. Helped him get some rest. But I should have kept in touch...
Campion sighs and rakes his fingers back through his hair.

Senkha gives a sad smile. "Well. Not too late for that, yeah? I'm sure he could use some guidance now, and Light knows he won't hear it from me or Oliver."

Campion says: Gladly. I-...Well, nothing can be sure with where the family is at. But I am more than willing to speak with him and help. Do you, uh. Do you know a means I can get in touch with him...?

Senkha nods and takes a piece of paper and a pencil from her amazing bag o' stuff. She jots down a couple of names on the paper. "Mairead Teach is his girlfriend, and I think they're both at the Cathedral. At least according to what my daughter tells me."
Senkha says: Though Stormwind may be too dangerous for you now, but I'm sure Chadley'd benefit greatly from a letter.

Campion says: It is dangerous, but I'm increasingly beyond caring at this point. Cringing and skulking grows bloody tiresome over time, you see.

Senkha grins and nods her agreement. "Sounds like me before those damnable riots. Hiding all the just got old. I wanted to face my death head-on, not shying away from it in tears or something."

Campion says: Precisely. I've been shot, electrocuted, chained, boxed and attacked with ghouls. I've gone past being afraid and am now just, frankly, pissed.

Senkha says: --Light above, Miles!

Campion says: What.

Senkha is so shocked by all of this insanity that she forgets to be proper!
Senkha says: ...I mean. Sorry. Electrocuted? Attacked by ghouls? What the hell is that?
Senkha says: -Boxed-?

Campion says: That's gnomes. And death knights. When they have it out for you in the name of family business.
Campion makes a the shape of a box with his hands on the table. "Coffin, to be more precise."

Senkha wrinkles her nose and puts her hand back on his arm, comfortingly. "Light, I'm sorry. I'm glad Ley got you out of it. What a bloody mess."

Campion says: Hey, she didn't get me ENTIRELY out of it. I was well enough on my way out on my OWN. She just drug me the rest of the way when I got a bit tired.
Campion frowns.

Senkha smiles placatingly. "I believe you."

Campion says: You better.

Senkha says: I do. You're the determined sort...I don't imagine anyone could keep you cooped up for long if you didn't want to be.

Campion says: Like I said, I'm good and fed up. Come hell or high water, this is going to end soon. You have my word on that.
Campion taps his fingers on the table...and then winces. Aagggh, healing fingers.

Senkha says: I'm glad to hear you want me to do something for those fingers? I can't do much, but I can speed things up a little.

Campion says: I'm a healer too, you know.
Campion huffs and looks offended.
Campion is kind of an ass a lot of the time. Good ol' Miles.

Senkha says: I thought as much. But sometimes, it's harder to heal yourself, you know?

Campion says: ...True. I've been, er. Recuperating in other ways since. I've only been out since yesterday. Hence, Ley shitting a screaming worm if she knew I was out and about. Auro too, for that matter.

Senkha says: Mmm, might be wise to get you back to them, then. I don't think Dalaran could handle two screaming worms being shat out in one night.

Campion says: Haha, disgusting.
Campion says: I shouldn't keep you either. Err, and I suppose a letter to Chadley is in order. And-...Well, is there anything else you need of ME?

Senkha considers for a moment, then shakes her head no, though she does lean over and give Campion another hug. "Just recover well and keep in touch. And let me know when you're back in Stormwind. I want to see for myself when you two come out of this victorious."

Campion gives her a sideways, one armed hug. You know, a MANLY hug. "I'll have to introduce you to Auroran too at some point, I should think. You'd have a great deal in common, AND he's the one proficient in shadow-healing. Might be able to take a look at your husband sometime."

Senkha says: I'd appreciate that. Any friend of yours is a friend of mine. Er. Well. Probably.

Campion says: I assure you, I associate with only the most upstanding and LEGAL sort of folks.
Campion looks over at the whelps. Scarlet's dozed off in a giant pile of flowers. A-Aww.

Senkha grins sideways at Campion. "Of course. Same here. And when you're able to be back in Stormwind, I'll have to introduce you to Oliver and Dizzy. They'll love you." She also glances back at the whelps. Stehl's nose is touching Scarlet's and he is snoring.

Senkha says: ...we'll have to get these two together again sometime.

Campion says: Clearly. It's good for them, to socialize with their own. Especially of their own flights.

Senkha says: I agree. And maybe Stehl will learn some good habits from her.

Campion stands carefully and limps over to the dozy whelps, scooping up his little girl one and cradling her closely. "Here's hoping."

Senkha kneels down and picks up Stehl-the-whelp, securing him in a bundle she's tied to her side. "Light be with you, Miles. Heal quickly."

Campion says: And you as well. I'll do my best to keep in touch.

Senkha 's cheek suddenly twitches, but she keeps smiling. "As will I."

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