Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Senkha & Ziichi, October 6

Ziichi says: How long y'know Mar?

Senkha frowns, considering. "...mmm. Since about March, I think. Maybe February. It feels like it's been much longer."

Ziichi says: Y'know Ky's out 'ere, ain't yeh?
Ziichi looks at Senkha nervously, chewing her lip.

Senkha says: Mm. We've come to an agreement of sorts. Kind of an...hmm. Like "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" sort of thing.

Ziichi looks visibly relieved. "Tha's good t'hear!"

Senkha says: I still don't know what happened with her and Arubrey, but seeing how she treats you and Dizzy, I can't imagine she'd lie about it.

Ziichi says: An' she bakes cookies wi'me!

Senkha smiles and gives a small laugh. "That she does."
Senkha says: Want to sit somewhere?

Ziichi looks around, then heads over, pointing as she goes, "There's a dock, y'know!"
Ziichi says: Me an' Larrk found this...

Senkha follows, her smile growing fonder as she looks around. "Mm. I'm pretty fond of this place. It's where Oliver and I were married, almost six months ago."

Ziichi looks over her shoulder, surprised, then grins. "Were it a nice weddin'?"

Senkha says: Small. But perfect. Just the people we loved.

Ziichi snorts in amusement at the idea, then turns to look out over the water, swinging her legs and allowing her heels to hit lightly against the wood.
Ziichi says: Did y'meet Rasik?

Senkha says: In passing. I'm sorry I wasn't more focused on taking care of him when I did meet him...things were sort of chaotic that night.
Senkha gives Ziichi a wry smile, clearly not pleased with the way that night turned out.

Ziichi says: Tha's okay, Sinka. Shit's bin crazy... think we's all bin a bit...
Ziichi tries to articulate with a rather crazy hand motion, then shrugs and drops her hand to her lap.

Senkha nods her understanding, even without the specific word. "To say the least. You'd think the universe would afford some of us a break from this sort of madness, yeah?"
Senkha says: Feels like I haven't had more than a day's peace since the year began.

Ziichi leans back against her hand, looking up at the light house. "Dunno, las' couple days - leas' onna ship - bin quiet... feels like somethin's comin', y'know... somethin' bad an' we're jus' in th'calm part b'fore th'shit starts up."
Ziichi says: Like a storm.

Senkha says: ...that's how it felt my wedding day, too. And that's what happened...literally within an hour of the wedding, I was bruised and bleeding, and not three days later, Oliver was gone.
Senkha says: I hope there's no storm this time.

Ziichi doesn't look away from the lighthouse, but her expression looks pinched. She finally sits properly, then reaches over and takes Senkha's hand softly in her own.
Ziichi says: Me too.

Senkha squeezes Ziichi's hand and gives her another wry smile. She does that a lot. "We'll ride it out, even if there is a storm. We're all stronger together, after all."

Ziichi worries at her lip, then looks at Senkha and smiles softly. "Tha's right, we are..." Shuffling a bit, she scratches at her cheek. "Rasik got beat up 'gain. 'e were drunk."

Senkha 's shoulders sag slightly, and she shakes her head. "It's one of the reasons we--I mean, me and Marius and Kyrita--are all so worried about you and Dizzy drinking. It's harder to stop bad things from happening to you when you're drunk."
Senkha says: Is he alright?

Ziichi says: I... I ain't drinkin' no more, Sinka. M'hands shook fer a week when I stopped... but ain't doin' it no more. Don' wanna dis'point Mar. An' Rasik... ain't jus' got beat up. Don' know if'n 'e e'er be okay. Like no matter wha' 'e do, someone's doin' somethin' t'him.
Ziichi lets out a sharp, icy-sounding bark of a laugh, suddenly, after saying that.

Senkha watches Ziichi carefully and squeezes her hand again. "I'm glad you're not drinking anymore. I'm really proud of you. And...some people attract trouble like that. Oliver and I do, that's for sure."

Ziichi works her teeth again at the scar on her lip, staring into the water. "Yeah..." she finally concedes, before continuing with, "Priest looked inta Ras's head, t'see who done it."

Senkha says: What'd the priest find out?

Ziichi says: Described guy t'me. Tall. Redhead. Scars on 'is nose an' forehead, like a... like acid.
Ziichi doesn't look at Senkha at all, staring down into the water again.

Senkha 's mouth becomes a thin, grim line. To say that she looks nauseated would be an understatement. She waits a moment before speaking and then asks Ziichi, "Do you think it was Patrick?"

Ziichi glances to Senkha, finally, and nods. "Were in th'Dwarven area. Pattick an' Nicene are stayin' there fer th'Brewfest. Pattick... 'e drinks lots, y'know..."

Senkha hums, not in agreement, but more in thought. "It doesn't surprise me that he drinks lots. Do you think he'd have a reason to beat up Rasik?"

Ziichi says: I... 'e 'ates draenei, leas' tha's wha' I 'eard...

Senkha pauses to consider her words carefully, trying to stay as neutral as possible. "He's a very angry man with a very troubled past. It doesn't excuse it if he does bad things to people, but...well."
Senkha says: Not everyone is strong and capable of dealing with a painful past. And sometimes, people deal with pain by lashing out to hurt others.

Ziichi sighs and nods, swinging her legs again for awhile. After doing this, apparently collecting her thoughts, she looks to Senkha. "I tol' Helly who I though' it were, when Rasik were sleepin'. Now Rasik won' tell no one nothin'. I feel real dumb."

Senkha says: Are you afraid that it makes you look like a liar?

Ziichi says: Yeah... but 'm more 'fraid that 'e DID do somethin', an' now 'e ain't gonna get no reper... repuri... bad affects.

Senkha grimaces, looking out toward the lighthouse. "The injustice of Patrick Morgan has long been one of the things that I...don't really know how to deal with, to be honest."

Ziichi mumbles, just loud enough to be heard, "I know where 'e an' Nicene live."

Senkha doesn't answer this for a long time, though she finally gives a small smile. "You remember the first time we met? Right after Marius threw the bench at them?"

Ziichi blushes deeply at this, nodding. "An' I still know wha' a womb is," she offers helpfully. "But ain't 'member much as I wanna, 'cause so much happenin'..."

Senkha laughs quietly and nods. "Understandable. I remember...Marius scared the shit out of you that night because he was so angry. He wanted to kill Nicene and Patrick for what they did. He may have been right to do so." She shrugs, not much advice to be found just thoughts on a similar situation.

Ziichi creases her eyebrows, then turns to look at Senkha. She looks older than fifteen like this, the iciness Borgen left her showing when she's not joking around. "Do y'think I shoul' tell Mar where 'e lives?"

Senkha doesn't seem phased by the slight change in Ziichi's appearance; if anything, she looks like she's familiar with such a look. "I think you could, though keep in mind that Marius probably won't go there to kill or hurt them."
Senkha says: Oliver asked him not to.

Ziichi says: Well... jus'... Helly were talkin' 'bout arrestin' him.
Ziichi says: I... I don' know. Is not tellin' wha' I know like a kinda lyin'?

Senkha says: It can be. But it...I think you have to decide for yourself if you think it's worth it to tell the truth in this case. If you did tell the truth, it's possible that Patrick would not just be arrested, but would actually be killed.
Senkha says: Stormwind's got a long memory.

Ziichi chews on her lip, looking more conflicted than ever, the iciness fading as she tries to work through these thoughts. "I... I don' know wha's th'right thing t'do." Shoulders slumped in defeat she adds, "Wish things ain't so... grey."

Senkha lets go of Ziichi's hand--or stump, one of the two--and puts her arm around the girl's shoulders, hugging her close.

Ziichi leans against Senkha, sighing softly. "Thanks fer listenin'... jus'... life's dumb."

Senkha says: It is. And the grey areas don't ever go away. It's...well. Part of growing up, unfortunately.
Senkha gives Ziichi another squeeze and a sad smile. "I'd tell you what I think you should do, but I'm not really an unbiased person when it comes to Patrick."

Ziichi turns a bit and leans her head back against Senkha's shoulder, avoiding the pointy bits of her armour. She peers at the woman's face, clearly hanging on her words. "Wha'd y'do, if y'were me?"

Senkha deadpans, considering this. She seems to honestly be trying to put herself into Ziichi's shoes. When she finally does speak, it's in a tentative voice.
Senkha says: I'd tell Marius what I knew...not because I want to see Patrick hurt, but because I wouldn't want to see him hurt someone else. And because I'd know that Marius would do the right thing with what I told him.

Ziichi considers this, then seems to react as though a weight has been taken off of her. She even physically relaxes, and allows a genuine smile to show. "Yeah... jus' won' tell th'Sigil, jus' Mar."

Senkha says: You know, right after the riots, all Marius wanted to do was to help Patrick.

Ziichi says: Really?

Senkha nods. "That's probably wise. And yeah...he had me find Niami and bring her up to where they were holding him after the riots ended. You know Marius. If it's broken..." She gestures, with her free hand, to her own abdomen. "...he likes to fix it."

Ziichi follows Senkha's hand with her eyes, then glances to the woman's abdomen. She nods, absently tracing her own through her vest. Yet more in common, dear lord.
Ziichi says: Tha's kinda wha' he do... so wha' happened?

Senkha says: Well. From what I understand, Patrick attacked his sister's boyfriend at a picnic. His sister responded by locking him in a cage and then asking Oliver to come undo the damage in Patrick's mind.
Senkha 's voice gains a very slightly bitter edge as she talks about this, despite her efforts to sound neutral.
Senkha says: We went. Oliver...Light, sometimes I can't believe how good and trusting he is. He tried to undo the damage, but in the process, Nicene attacked him, and he lost control. And, well. Oliver and I almost died. Marius found us.

Ziichi listens quietly; if she notices the bitterness, she doesn't show it, merely lolling against Senkha's shoulder and staring out towards the lighthouse as the woman talks. She rubs her thumb over the ring on her finger absently during.
Ziichi says: An' tha's when Mar had t'fix y'up?

Senkha nods, a soft, fond smile on her face. "It was. I suppose that's when he stopped feeling sorry for Patrick Morgan."

Ziichi says: Why'd Nicene attack 'im?
Ziichi says: Other'n her hatin' undead.
Ziichi does not sound impressed, in the least, when she says this.

Senkha grimaces and swallows hard. Trying -really- hard to remain neutral. "There was that, yes. She also...well. Part of the process of what Oliver did caused Patrick a lot of pain. Have you ever broken a bone?"

Ziichi looks at Senkha, momentarily amused in a rather morbid way. She lifts her amputated arm up wordlessly, then settles it at her side again.

Senkha chuckles. "Kind of like that, yeah. When you set a broken hurts like fuck, worse almost than breaking the bone. But you have to do it. And that's what happened with Patrick."
Senkha says: Nicene...I told her not to attack, told her that things were under control, but...well.
Senkha very, -very- neutrally says, "We're not always at our brightest when someone we love is hurt."

Ziichi considers this, then sighs and nods. "Don' member much, but think Larrk kinda lost 'is shit when I were 'urt, even though Mar were tryin' t'help. But 'e ain't -attacked- Mar fer doin'
Ziichi says: wha' he had t'do... ain't like like no kinda excuse fer somethin' like tha'...

Senkha slowly nods her agreement. "The saddest part is that if she hadn't attacked Oliver, Patrick probably would've been fixed completely."

Ziichi 'hmms' at this, then rubs her face, looking a bit distraught at first, before settling back to being calm. She asks, tentatively, "Were y'friends, b'fore all've tha'?"

Senkha says: Me and Patrick?

Ziichi says: Yeah, an' Nicene, too?

Senkha , to her credit, manages to keep from laughing at this. She simply shakes her head. "The first I knew of Patrick was when he came to Stormwind and started trouble...murdering death knights, dumping bodies in the canals, bringing heads into bars."

Ziichi says: Bringin'--- wha'?
Ziichi looks rather shocked, staring at Senkha with a wide-eyed expression. She looks more owlish than ever.

Senkha says: ...before the riots. He came into a bar where a friend of mine was drinking and dropped a few heads on the table. Death knights. He was very proud of himself. My friend was not impressed.

Ziichi looks shaken by this; she has a fondness for a number of Death Knights, and this apparently is very upsetting. Drawing her legs up to her chest, she elects to quietly rest her chin upon her knees now.

Senkha glances sideways at Ziichi with a slight frown. "...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you," she says quietly. "It was a pretty ugly time in Stormwind."

Ziichi shakes her head, her spiky hair bobbing almost comically. "No, wanna 'ear th'truth. I jus'... Mn, Pattick were nice t'me, weird thinkin' him doin' this kinda stuff, y'know?"

Senkha says: He can be nice. The very first time I met him face-to-face, I knew who he was, but he didn't know who I was.
Senkha says: He was nice enough then. It was kind of eerie.

Ziichi says: Met 'im in Dalaran, after th'bench shit. He were... drinkin'. An' had a look like 'e seein' ghosts, y'know?
Ziichi says: Were somethin' like three inna mornin'...

Senkha nods, also pulling her knees up to her chest and resting her chin on them. "After the riots, I actually came across him in Shattrath. We had a drinking contest."

Ziichi snorts at this, and can't help but laugh a little. "Y'did? Who won?"

Senkha says: ...I don't remember. I stupidly decided to take a look in his mind, he took it as an attack and tried to kill me.

Ziichi says: A look in 'is mind? Why'd y'do tha'?

Senkha shrugs, looking not a little bit sheepish. "Shouldn't have poked around in his mind, but I wanted to see if I could help."

Ziichi makes a 'hm' in response, wondering at this. "Can... can y'fix nightmares?"

Senkha says: I...don't know, honestly. Not yet. If I could...well. I'd sleep a lot better, that's for sure.

Ziichi creases her eyebrows, watching the sunlight play on the water. She scratches at her scalp where Senkha had healed it earlier -- the hair hasn't finished growing in -- and then angles her head to look at the woman beside her.
Ziichi says: So... y'have nighmares too?

Senkha doesn't quite look at Ziichi, instead glancing out towards the lighthouse, though she doesn't seem to really see it. "More often than I'd like to," she admits in a quiet voice.

Ziichi lowers her voice, tone soft -- and a bit nervous. "Are they... bout tha'... draenei?" As soon as she asks, she tenses and ducks her head a bit, as though to defend from a blow.

Senkha turns to look at Ziichi, though it's more a surprised look than an angry look. "How'd y--" she starts, but then stops, her shoulders sagging. "A lot of the time, yeah. After we were in the cage...he turned into Patrick a lot of the time."
Senkha says: ...are yours about Borgen?

Ziichi at first looks unwilling to open up at all, until she hears mention of Patrick. She swallows and nods, resting her hand against her head, as though defensive. "Borgen, an' Larrk. Sometimes th'same person..."

Senkha grimaces and nods, closing her eyes and hugging her knees closer to her chest. " time it was Oliver. No. Not Oliver. Blightreaver. I'd never felt sicker when I woke up from that one."

Ziichi hunches her shoulders up, then asks, almost frightened to, "Blightreaver?"
Ziichi says: Y'mean... like from when 'e los' control?

Senkha nods, still not quite looking at Ziichi. "The monster in him," she clarifies. "Does Larrk have a monstrous side?" Somewhere, some part of her brain is happy to finally find out that his name isn't Lurk.

Ziichi shakes her head, then looks confused as she tries to search for the words. "No... jus'... Larrk left me when I... when I needed 'im mos'. It hurt. Now... I... have these nightmares where 'm... with him, but he's Borgen... sometimes it's like th'dungeon when Borgen were-- but-- it's like th'same person. E'ery night. I... it's so hard not t'drink."

Senkha is quiet for a long time, thinking about this. She chews on her lower lip and finally speaks in a sort of shaky voice. "...the nightmare I had. Patrick kept telling me that everyone would leave me...Marius, Nialos, Riley..."
Senkha says: I told him Oliver never would, but he just laughed, and then I was back on that boat, back tied up on that bed. And he-- and I kept asking for Oliver to come and save me, screaming for him, but he never came.
Senkha adds, almost too quietly to be heard, "...just like on the boat."

Ziichi creases her eyebrows and shuffles backwards, then moves her arms around Senkha; she wants to talk, but finds comforting someone she cares for far less frightening. She holds onto the woman tightly, seeming almost protective.

Senkha slips her arms around Ziichi's waist and leans against her, closing her eyes and just sitting in silence for a moment. Her lips are moving, as if she's repeating a mantra to herself, but it's nothing that can be heard.

Ziichi chews her lip, watching Senkha's expression. She murmurs, "Do it e'er get better?"

Senkha takes another moment, but finally speaks quietly, her eyes closed. "...some days. Yes. There are days when I forget that it happened. And then there are days when I have to remind myself..."

Ziichi looks back out to the lighthouse, a little disheartened. "I... I gotta sleep beside someone, or I get th'nightmares. Mar's bin puttin' up wi'me when e's onna ship."

Senkha says: ...they get worse when life is hard. When I'm angry or sad or guilty, I think. Right after it happened, I couldn't sleep at all, so Stehl taught me to meditate.

Ziichi seems startled, then stares at Senkha. "He... he wha'? Ain't tha... um."
Ziichi misunderstands this word.

Senkha blinks a few times at Ziichi, as if not sure what she's saying, and then laughs when she understands. "Oh! Oh, no. Not that. I don't think he knows how to do that. No...meditating is learning to quiet your mind and just be. It's...hard."

Ziichi seems perplexed at first, then blushes deeply. She mutters something about Stehl and sex and her head hurting, before paying attention to the conversation again. "Sounds kinda like... fishin'."

Senkha says: ...I guess it kind of is. I've not done much fishing myself,'s sort of like that, yeah. You're not thinking about anything at all, really, when you do it. You just are.

Ziichi says: Is tha' anythin' like wha' you an Mar work on t'gether, wi'the mind stuff?

Senkha says: Sort of. When he has the time, he teaches me to defend my mind against attacks and to heal. Meditation is part of it, though, so I don't -lose- my mind with everything in it.
Senkha looks very relieved to be no longer talking about draenei and nightmares.

Ziichi seems to be a bit more relaxed as well, once they're off the topic. She stretches her legs out again, taking in the sun. "Is tha' wha' yer book were 'bout? Wha' were those... drawin's in it? Looked kinda... weird." She wrinkles her nose, but smiles.

Senkha nods, smirking and reaching back to pat the book with one hand. "Marius wrote it three thousand years ago. It's called 'Viramata Nas Vox: A Planar Guide.' Don't ask me what the title means."

Ziichi snorts loudly and then laughs, shaking her head. "Him bein' so ol' is real weird, y'know? Sayin' three thou'and like it's jus' nothin'."
Ziichi says: Ain't know wha' t'do, livin' so long...

Senkha says: Me neither. I can't imagine it...but then, Marius and Oliver and, well, a lot of people will probably still be around three thousand years from now.

Ziichi says: Yeah, Olly an' Nialos said they's were gonna live fer a real long time... How old're yeh, Sinka?
Ziichi looks her over, curious.

Senkha says: Twenty-four this past May.
Senkha chuckles dryly. "Wasn't the best birthday ever."
Senkha says: ...when's your birthday?

Ziichi looks impressed, eyebrows jumping upwards almost ridiculously. "Yer older'n I thought y'were, Sinka! Mus' be nice, bein' growed up an' doin' wha y'wan', most've th'time..." Picking at the material of her pants, she adds with a tone of bitterness, "February. February fourteen."

Senkha says: It's not always so great. Sometimes, I wish I was know, go back in time, be a bit more innocent. And hey, that's right before Oliver's birthday.

Ziichi says: Guess so... ain't so fun havin' people thinkin' yer dumb cause yer young. When's Olly's birfday?

Senkha says: You are anything but dumb, Ziichi. And trust me, people think I'm dumb all the time, even though I'm almost ten years older than you are. His birthday's February 18.

Ziichi says: 'm gonna make 'im a cake, then, when it's February! An' we can put streamers in 'is hair or somethin'.
Ziichi says: An' get Turry, an' have Death Knight joustin'.

Senkha grins, leaning back on her hands and finally stretching out her legs. "I think he'd appreciate that...well. The jousting at least. He can't eat and he can't taste, which is very depressing."

Ziichi holds her finger up in the air, looking much more excitable and fifteen, now that they're not discussing serious topics. "Ain't y'tell 'im wi'yer brain magics tha' it tastes good?"

Senkha says: That I do! We've tried steak and cookies before, but never cake.

Ziichi says: Gonna make real cake, not th'weird stuff tha' Kia got. Like... fuzzy moldy bread.

Senkha 's cheek twitches slightly at the mention of Kialthos, but she nods. "I'll sneak around and find out for you what kind he likes best."
Senkha says: I know he likes pie, too, though. His old wife used to make pie.

Ziichi grins broadly now, then hugs Senkha abruptly. "Then maybe I'll make 'im pie!" She squeezes tightly; one-armed bear hug time. "Thank y'fer talkin' wi'me an' not flippin' yer shit. People... like t'do tha' when they's talk 'bout serious stuff."

Senkha grins knowingly. "They do. Or they don't know how to react. It's kinda weird, isn't it?"

Ziichi sits back a bit and then nods, sighing and rubbing the back of her head. "Yeah, don' know why people do tha'... jus' talkin'-- they all wanna fight instead."

Senkha says: I think it's because they don't know what to do with things...they want to make life better for people, but they don't know how.

Ziichi says: Mhn... learned hard way tha' y'ain't ne'er make nothin' better no more, y'jus' learn t'get by. Issat selfish, y'think?

Senkha says: Not at all. I's what you've got to do for yourself. You can't be good to other people if you're a mess yourself, yeah?

Ziichi sighs at this, then creases her eyebrows and looks thoughtful. "Do y'think it's okay t'think tha' way, if'n I wanna... y'know... work wi'Mar?"
Ziichi ducks her head down after saying that, as though embarrassed at voicing the concern.

Senkha smiles and nods, shrugging. "I think it's okay, but at the end of the day, you'd have to ask him. does get better. Slowly. It might take years, but it does get better."

Ziichi smiles a bit at this, then nods. "Still 'member when I were too scared t'leave Mar's room. Used t'sleep behind a chair... an' now I wanna... DO somethin'."
Ziichi says: How long did it take yeh t'get t'where y'are now?

Senkha says:'s been almost eight months. I...still. I don't think I'm really fixed, yet. Last week, I did some pretty nasty stuff...felt like I did back there again.

Ziichi says: Some... nasty stuff? Wha' kinda stuff are y'meanin'? Do y'mean... all tha' stuff wi'Aroo?

Senkha says: ...that was part of it. But...well. I was kind of stupid. Marius was disappointed in me and I thought I should punish myself, so I did.
Senkha shifts to the side and lifts up the back of her vest, just enough to show some of the crosshatch of whip scars.

Ziichi leans a bit to look, then turns and touches the marks softly with a finger. She looks at Senkha questioningly.

Senkha speaks quietly, a note of shame in her voice. "...whip scars. In the Church...some people whip themselves to punish themselves for what they do wrong."

Ziichi considers this, then her expression becomes almost understand. She holds her left hand out to Senkha; the Signet ring from Marius is there, but beneath it is a huge black burn scar, looking as though the skin had been torn away at some point.

Senkha looks at the burn scar, her expression softening. "What happened there?" she asks quietly, as if she already knows.

Ziichi bites into her lip, then moves her hand to rest against her stomach, cradling it almost protectively in the curve of her vest. "Mhn. All do stuff tha's kinda dumb, tha's all." She glances down towards her hand, then elaborates briefly with, "Were tryin' t'burn him inta me, instead'a wonderin' if I needed 'im at all."

Senkha says: ...that happened a few times with Oliver. I threw myself into the relationship with him because it made me feel less empty inside.

Ziichi flinches when she hears that, then almost chokes. She has to turn away; talk about pressing buttons. "Y-yer happy now, ain't yeh? Wi'Olly?"

Senkha nods slowly, not looking at Ziichi again. She's staring back at the lighthouse, not seeing it. "We had to realize...both of us...that I couldn't depend on him for my happiness."
Senkha says: And vice versa.

Ziichi says: Y'can still be happy t'gether, e'en if'n y'both know tha'? It ain't bug 'im or nothin'?
Ziichi keeps herself turned a bit, staring down into the water. She runs her hand over her face, clearly bothered by the topic.

Senkha shakes her head. "It doesn't bother him. I think he likes it better this way...I'm a more complete person without depending on him."

Ziichi creases her eyebrows, holding her hand against the side of her head for awhile as though staving off a headache. Finally she asks, "How did y'learn t'do tha'? Stop bein'... needin' him?"

Senkha says: --he almost killed me.

Ziichi snaps her head up and looks over at Senkha again, startled.

Senkha says: It was my fault. I knew he was dangerous, but I tried to...well. Tried to convince him to do some things with me. I almost died.
Senkha doesn't explain the things because that would take about fifty years.

Ziichi says: But... yer okay now, ain't yeh? Were... were it worth doin' tha'? Wha'ever it were? T'get t'where y'are now?

Senkha finally smiles and nods, turning to look at Ziichi. "Yes. I don't know that I'd almost die again, but it was worth it."

Ziichi narrows her brows and thinks about the situation. "Ain't... well... ain't like Larrk tried t'kill me or somethin', but him leavin' felt like dyin'. I... I dunno... if'n I were ready fer..."
Ziichi says: I feel bad fer bein' angry wi'someone fer somethin' so dumb.

Senkha shakes her head. "It's not dumb. It hurt when he left, and when things hurt, you get angry. Just because you love him doesn't mean you can't be angry with him."

Ziichi stares over at Senkha again, then lets out a soft, helpless laugh. "Wish e'eryone were as..." She considers a word, then snorts, "SANE? as y'are."

Senkha blinks a few times about being called sane and also laughs. "Yeah, I wish more people understood things like you do. It's...well. Nice."

Ziichi smiles and nods at this, finally settling herself again, apparently not so upset now. "Yeah... are nice talkin' wi'yeh, Senkha. Feels like ain't gotta 'splain in between e'erythin'... like y'get it?"

Senkha nods her agreement. "Same. there's not this barrier. Like we're sort of in the same world?"

Ziichi brightens at this and nods enthusiastically, then bumps her shoulder lightly against Senkha's -- she's getting the hang of avoiding the spiky things. "Yeah... jus' like tha'!"

Senkha grins and laughs, nudging Ziichi with her arm...not her spiky shoulder but her arm. "Good to have someone here with me, then."

Ziichi says: Real glad tha' Dizzy has you an' Olly. She's real special, needs people what'd love 'er like parents oughta. Feel safe knowin' she's got you guys.

Senkha smiles warmly, nudging against Ziichi again. "I'm glad you think so. She means a lot to us both."

Ziichi gets up and brushes herself off, then stretches and cracks her back. "E'ery time I seen 'er, she's real happy. Tha's wha' matters t'me. If'n y'guys e'er do somethin' bad..." She gets a rather dark expression for a moment, then shrugs and looks away again, clearly very protective of the other girl. "Well, ain't think y'will."

Senkha stands, smiling fondly at Ziichi's dark expression. "Don't worry. We'll take care of her. You ready to head back to the boat?"

Ziichi nods, her hand moving to her locket at her throat. She moves her fingers softly over it, and then the ring. "Yeah," she murmurs, distant sounding. "Think from talkin' wi'you... think 'm ready t'let some things go now..." She drops her hand from the locket, then smiles at Senkha.

Senkha smiles gently at Ziichi and gives her a sideways hug before hopping down from the post. "I'm glad."

Ziichi says: When y'think y'gonna do writin' stuff?

Senkha says: Well. If you like, we can do that this weekend?

Ziichi says: Sure! Long as there ain't dorfs tryin' t'blow shit up or somethin'!
Ziichi rolls her eyes at the idea.

Senkha says:'s happened before. One killed my horse. That was a special time.

Ziichi says: Yer... horse?

Senkha says: Mm. Was an asshole of a horse. I like Merry better.

Ziichi snorts at that, resting her hand behind her head as they walk, kicking a stone along.
Ziichi says: Weird how much people gots a problem wi'the Sigil...

Senkha says: It really is. Who hates -charity-, really?

Ziichi says: Guess dorfs wi'bombs an' Jadagar.

Senkha says: And radioactive elves.

Ziichi says: .... Jus' crazy shit.

Senkha says: Pretty much. They're all mad.

Ziichi says: Need more hugs or somethin'.
Ziichi says: Or chairs.

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