Monday, November 1, 2010

Senkha & Arubrey: October 30

Arubrey says: I'm going to be killed if caught. Just so you know.

Senkha stiffens at the sound of an approaching rider but relaxes when she hears Arubrey's voice. Her shoulders sag. " 'lo."

Arubrey peers over to her sadly - a hand reaching out to her pauldron. Just letting it rest there. His mouth fidgets awkwardly - before his hand falls back to his lap and he looks over to undead's machinations.

Senkha says: It's the Wickerman. You used to be able to throw a bundle of wood on it and burn away all the bad in your life before winter came.

Arubrey says: Used to?

Senkha looks over at the abominations and Forsaken standing around the giant wickerman. "...for a long time, nobody did anything because they were all dead and scattered. And then the Forsaken took it over. It means something different now."

Arubrey says: And what's it mean now?

Senkha rolls a shoulder in a halfhearted shrug. "Not sure. It's something to do with being freed from the Lich King, which I'm glad they can celebrate. I just miss being able to burn away everything you didn't want to take with you into the winter."
Senkha sighs and loosens the rope around her neck, letting the mask fall back to reveal her worn features, her cheeks grimy and streaked with dried tears.

Arubrey just frowns, observing the flames flicking off the hay-man. He sighs, leaning back as his palms came to rest against the grimy dirt behind him. His head turned to her. "Nostalgic?"

Senkha says: ...sick. I'm sick. I hurt.

Arubrey blinks - before lidding his eyes. He shifts towards her, arms offered out to gently take her into a small hug. "I'm sorry."

Senkha moves over and rests her head on Arubrey's shoulder, letting him hug her. She closes her eyes and sighs shakily. "Oliver is tearing all of Lordaeron apart looking for them."

Arubrey says: Yeah.
Arubrey says: -- I'll be slipping into the Undercity.
Arubrey says: Silvermoon too.
Arubrey says: -- Owe it to you both.
Arubrey 's teeth sink into his bottom lip, holding back a swear.

Senkha says: I'd slip in, too. I should. I...owe us? What do you mean?

Arubrey says: I fucked up.

Senkha says: How?

Arubrey says: I lost my niece.
Arubrey says: -- Acted too quickly.

Senkha looks at Arubrey and shakes her head. "No, this isn't your fault, twin. Bordros is a monster...if it's your fault, it's all of our fault."

Arubrey says: -- You could have gotten him if I hadn't acted.
Arubrey says: Just saying.

Senkha says: Not necessarily...he's gotten away before, when things were different. He's slippery, like a fucking snake.

Arubrey parts his eye - peering down at her. He nods his head slowly, the motion guiding his vision back to the wickerman. His arms squeezing down her a bit tighter. "Twin?"

Senkha looks up at Arubrey, also chewing on her lower lip. Slowly, her arms have come around his waist. "Yes, twin?"

Arubrey says: I figured it out.
Arubrey subject change!

Senkha says: ...figured what out?
Senkha has had a long day and isn't very quick on understanding subject changes.

Arubrey says: I'm not mad at you.
Arubrey says: Never was.
Arubrey says: ... Just lashed out at you.
Arubrey says: Because no one else was around.

Senkha says: Because you knew I would love you anyway and forgive you.

Arubrey says: ... Yeah.
Arubrey says: ... I love you. And I'm going to do my best to help find Dizzy.
Arubrey says: I owe it to my twin.
Arubrey says: -- And to my niece.
Arubrey says: And to my brother-in-law.

Senkha sighs softly, shakily, and nods. She looks back at the Wickerman, staring at the brightest part of the flame until her eyes begin to tear. "I love you too. will always be my twin, Arubrey. Nothing you can say or do will -ever- change that. You'll always be right here." She places her hand over her heart because she needs shmoopy now, damnit.

Arubrey looks to her - and cannot help but chuckle briefly at this. Worn, scarred lips spreading into a gentle and warm smile. His head coming to lean over hers - looking back to the Wickerman. Always going back. "You're - ..."
Arubrey says: The best sister I've had.
Arubrey says: Wouldn't change that for the world.

Senkha grins as well, though her grin is tired and falters brokenly. "You're my favorite twin, and I can actually say that. And I wouldn't trade you for anything."
Senkha says: ...even if. I even if I have to choose my husband and my d-daughter sometimes.

Arubrey says: ... Wouldn't expect anything different from you.
Arubrey says: And I'm sorry about getting - no.
Arubrey says: Not even saying sorry.
Arubrey says: You know.

Senkha drops her hand from her heart and covers Arubrey's hand with hers. "I know. I want to help you, still...I can't leave them, though."

Arubrey says: Never wanted you to.
Arubrey says: ... Would make me feel even worse.
Arubrey 's fingers close around her hand, his shoulders rising with a soft sigh.

Senkha wraps her fingers around his, echoing his sigh almost as if the bond still exists between them. "I know. I still want to help you, though. When she's back, Dizzy will want to help, too."
Senkha says: She'll draw pictures for you.

Arubrey smiles, nodding as he rested his cheek against her head. His body would fall still after this, only shifting to the pace of his breathing and the beating of his heart. It's just nice to be back here again. He tries to express this, mouth fidgeting - but nothing really comes all that close to what he thought could be best.

Senkha says: --it's nice.

Arubrey says: Yeah.
Arubrey says: It - really is.
Arubrey says: ... Forgot how it felt.

Senkha says: You were asleep for a long time. I...yeah.
Senkha says: I've really missed you.

Arubrey says: Me too.
Arubrey says: -- I'll make up for the lost time.
Arubrey says: Promise.
Arubrey says: ... We will.
Arubrey says: Together.
Arubrey says: Once you get Dizzy back.
Arubrey says: We'll sit down and be - normal.

Senkha shakes her head and sighs softly. "Being here right now is what I need from you. Oliver can't be here, and I need someone...I...I'm not str- I'm not strong enough."

Arubrey's eye flutters open. As if in shock. He gently lifts his cheek from her, slowly turning to look down at her - a kiss to her forehead. His eye lids, she's tugged against tightly.

Senkha 's arms around him shake, and she pulls herself closer to him. She rests her head against Arubrey's chest and takes a shuddering breath, eyes still tearing from the brightness of the fire. "--is it bad? That I'm not strong enough?"

Arubrey says: ... I don't know.
Arubrey says: But - you're not alone.

Senkha says: I'm glad that I don't have to be.

Arubrey murmurs this, just offering his body to be there. Holding a beloved a child's beloved ragdoll to their chest. To be protected - nurtured and loved. "Me too." He hiccups - burrowing his tears into her. He's missed this.

Senkha closes her eyes and presses her head against Arubrey's chest. She doesn't cry--she's past that--but she does allow herself to sink into a deep, quiet sorrow that she hasn't allowed herself to feel yet tonight. It aches, to her very bones.

Arubrey repeats to her - more than once. "I'm here." Even without the bond - he could still do it. He never needed it to do it. To feel what she did - because in the end they were ultimatly twins. Far too similiar for their own good. And he would be here.

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