Monday, October 25, 2010

Senkha, Ludo, Ziichi & Faronne: October 24

Senkha makes her way towards the house bearing a mug of hot tea and two small cups. She stares at the door and looks around, half-expecting to see Marius somewhere nearby. When she doesn't, she walks forward to knock.

Ziichi wrinkles her nose at this. "Mar ain' jus' m'friend... tha's... he's like..." She just sighs. "Sure."

Senkha says: --Light, I hope this is the right place.

Ludovick pats her hair, running his fingers through it. "That is all I wanted to-" He breaks off, staring at the door. What. Now.
Ludovick slowly begins to push Ziichi away from him, holding a finger to his lips as he slides off the bed.

Ziichi slides over and out of his way. "Maybe Mar fergot t'give y'somethin' t'take?" She quiets after this, however..

Senkha knocks again, lightly, trying to balance the thermos and cups in one arm. "Ludo? It's Senkha," she calls out, a note of uncertainty in her voice.

Ludovick looks back to her, whispering. "If it is Lady Price, I want you to go to the balcony and climb down. Do not come back." And with that, he makes his way over to the door with a bit of a groggy limp, unlocking it and flinging it open. -
Ludovick, at the sound of Senkha's voice, and the sight of her, visibly softens, his expression still deadpan, but no longer tinged with anger or fear. He doesn't look all to well, but better after Marius has gotten a hold of him, his torso covered in bandages underneath his thin shirt. "Senkha," he says flatly.

Ziichi doesn't listen, as always, getting up and grabbing her sword. She approaches behind him, carrying it with her, then pauses and peers around his arm. "Senkha?"

Senkha smiles to see Ludo, not looking too wonderful herself. There are dark circles under her eyes, as if she hasn't slept in a couple of days, and on her cheek and abdomen are two new scars...though these scars are kind of silvery compared to the others for some reason. She blinks to see Ziichi. "Oh! this a bad time? I brought...tea?"

Ludovick slowly turns his head to look at Ziichi, as if disappointed that she disobeyed him, but not all that surprised. He looks back at Senkha, shoulders slumping. "Everyone has felt themselves free to barge into my house today. You are no exception," he sighs, though steps back for her to enter.

Ziichi offers Senkha a wan smile. She, too, looks exhausted. The kid hasn't slept yet, and the night before included waking Ludovick up with nightmares, so she's been better. "Tha' means c'mon in, nice t'see yeh."

Senkha chuckles and makes her way through the door, settling her tea down on the nearby table. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to barge in or anything. Has it been an insane weekend for you lot too?" She doesn't bother to question why Ziichi is there because who is she to judge?

Ludovick follows Senkha over to the chairs with a limp, gesturing for her to sit. He grabs Ziichi's hand as he goes, attempting for force her, if gently, to lay down on the rug, pulling the blankets Marius had laid out earlier over her.

Ziichi glances up at Ludovick, then sighs and looks down at the rug. She grumbles, "Y'better be sittin' wi'me," before flopping down on her ass, accepting the blankets onto her lap.

Senkha looks at Ziichi and Ludo both on the rug and decides that sitting in a chair would be impolite. She takes a seat on the rug in a more ladylike manner than she usually would.

Ludovick deadpans, though he sits with Ziichi anyhow, letting out a grunt. Looking over at Senkha he inclines his head, staring at her. "How did you know where to find me?"

Senkha looks more than a little embarrassed, taking the thermos of tea from the table and smiling with relief that she brought four cups. "I, um. Followed Marius. He'd mentioned he wanted to speak with you last night and I felt horrible about missing our tea."

Ziichi gives Ludovick no chance at all. She moves over and settles herself behind him, wrapping her arms around his chest and then leaning her cheek against his shoulder. Apparently Senkha being there doesn't bother her at all when it comes to affection.

Ludovick gives Ziichi's face a quick nuzzle with his cheek before composing himself, looking across at Senkha with his usual blank expression. "I am sorry I missed it as well, Senkha. Things came up. Are you well?"

Senkha unscrews the top of the thermos of tea and pours three cups, distributing them with all of the proper Lordaeronian pinky-extensions she can. "Mm, I'm getting better. Things came up for me as well."

Ziichi doesn't move, still hugging Ludovick tightly. She rests her feet on the rug on either side of his legs, pretty much like a human sweater right now. She looks to Ludo and then at the tea, clearly expecting him to pass her some.

Ludovick takes his tea, and Ziichi's as well, handing it over to her as he sips his politely. "Thank you kindly," he says flatly, keeping the cup by his face. "I see neither of were destined to have peace, hrm?" He says so with the slightest hint of humor, face still completely blank.

Senkha allows a wry smile to come to her face, sipping at her tea. She reaches up a hand to touch the scar on her face self-consciously. "Unfortunately, I am beginning to believe that you are entirely correct. Admittedly, I'd hoped things were beginning to calm down recently, but...well." She sips her tea again, making the kind of face that indicates they haven't calmed down.

Ziichi sighs and then kisses the back of Ludovick's head, taking the tea. She sits back a bit to drink some, then sighs. "Needs more sugar. Do we gots sugar?"

Ludovick rolls his eyes back towards Ziichi. "Upstairs, lamb," he says flatly, rising to get it. He isn't letting Ziichi run errands in her sleepy state. Or, perhaps, he doesn't want her rummaging through his things. He continues to speak to Senkha as he attempts to get up. "You have my deepest sympathy, Senkha." He sounds like he means it.

Ziichi sits back and lets him go, looking rather regretful about this. "Sinka, why'd y'bring tea?"

Senkha give Ziichi a slanted grin. "It's sort of a -thing- in Lordaeron. Or...well. Was. Every afternoon at four, right Ludo?"

Ziichi peers up at Ludovic, fascinated with this. "Were y'guys rich growin' up or somethin', havin' all've these fancy things?" Her nerves from SUDDENLY MARIUS have her much better at the acting thing, now that she's more alert and not trying to stop POSSIBLE FITE.

Ludovick nods his head at this, making his way up the stairs and taking quite a strained effort to do so. "Quite right, Senkha. It is a shame some traditions have died."

Senkha actually wrinkles her nose at the thought of being rich. "My parents had quite a bit of money, yes. Ludo's father used to stay with us when he was in town, and my parents treated him a bit like royalty because he had money."

Ziichi stares at Senkha in amazement at this. "So y'really are a laydee."

Ludovick digs around through the stacked crates upstairs, still rather unpacked. He eventually finds his sugardish, which looks so neglected, having not even been used in probably ages, the sugar inside clumped together in a near brick.

Senkha speaks more into her cup than to Ziichi, her voice intentionally low to keep Ludo from hearing. "Don't let it get around."

Ziichi snorts and shakes her head. "Did y'take milk baths?"

Senkha says: Light, no.

Ludovick begins to hobble his way down the stairs with the sugar, a spoon sticking out of the bowl as his heavy boots thump against the stone steps.

Senkha amends, "...or at least I didn't. I've no idea what Selvie did."

Ziichi turns a bit and looks up at Ludovick, looking emotionless again as she relaxes in the house. She holds her hand out towards him, clearly hoping for the sugar.

Ludovick finishes his descent, leaning heavily on the banister before pushing off and handing the clumped, old sugar to Ziichi. "Apologies, lamb, but I fear I have never been one for sweets." He sits with as much dignity as possible back onto the rug, staring at Senkha. He reaches over and grabs his blood-encrusted robe from the floor, producing a cigarette from its pockets. "Do you mind such?" He asks, tilting his head down to the cigarette.

Senkha seems more startled by the robe than by the cigarettes. She shakes her head. "Of course not. I only smoke when I'm with my confessor, but I don't mind it."
Senkha says: ...are you a confessor as well?

Ziichi cocks her head to the side, regarding the sugar with utter confusion. After a moment, she puts it onto the ground, stands up, and then steps into it. Once she's crushed it, she scoops a great deal up and puts it into her cup. As an afterthought, she brushes the remainer under the rug, before resealing the container with what's left.

Senkha asks this with a slanted sort of grin that turns into a look of surprise when she sees Ziichi stomping on sugar like grapes. What.

Ludovick opens his mouth to reply to Senkha, then slowly turns his head upwards to stare at Ziichi. "Lamb...," he trails off, blank. "Just ask for me to help you next time, please." With a shudder, he turns his attention on Senkha. "And yes, I am."

Ziichi drinks some of her tea, scooting over on her butt to sit behind Ludovick again, cuddling up against him. Setting the mug down, she rests her head against his own and smiles, nodding.

Senkha sips at her tea again, her smile genuine despite the what-the-fuck going on around her. "I believe it. I think you'd make an excellent're just peculiar enough to make it work."

Ludovick actually smiles at this. Hey, a compliment that isn't from a crazy woman shoving drugs down his throat. He cuddles back against Ziichi, lighting his cigarette up and taking a long drag from it before returning to his tea. "You flatter me."

Ziichi is pretty much just being a human sweater, draping her limbs around the priest and leaning on him. Clingy and possessive. Yay. Enjoy that, Ludo.

Senkha smirks, pouring a bit more tea into her cup and cooling it with a soft breath. "Less flattery, more honesty. How did you come to join the Church? The last I saw you was..." She exhales, her eyes widening. "...a long time ago."

Ludovick sets his tea aside, focusing on just smoking his cigarette now, resting it in between his lips as he rolls his shoulders with a wince. "A long story," he says flatly in response to her question. "I am blessed to have come into my work."
Ludovick pauses.
Ludovick corrects himself, looking back at Ziichi. "My joy," he says with a raised brow. Gotta make kids learn.

Ziichi sighs softly and relaxes, closing her eyes and curling up against him like this. Eventually her eyes close and she smiles a bit. "Y'calllin' me wha'?" Such a pain.

Senkha smiles at the two of them, not remarking on their snuggling. "I imagine it would be a joy to work in the Church. Unfortunately, my own past is checkered enough that it isn't an option for me, but I'm happy for you."

Ludovick deadpans at Ziichi, instead patting one of her hands around his middle. That'll do, pig. That'll do. -
Ludovick focuses on Senkha, smiling as well. "Thank you. Though, I must admit that my past is not washed in ivory. If you wish to help, I am sure I could pull some strings...?"

Senkha gives a wry smile and shakes her head, holding up her right hand to show her wedding ring. "I have an obligation to my family...they need me. And, well..." She flushes somewhat as she murmurs, "...-they- are my joy."

Ziichi quiets as she listens to them talk, intertwining her fingers with his own. She murmurs nonsense to him, her weight increasing against his back as she starts to drift off.

Ludovick exhales, blowing smoke away from the group. "I am glad to hear that you have found such joy," he says flatly. "I have my own," he says with a soft smile, eyes slowly turning to look at the sleepy Ziichi.

Senkha 's smile softens as she looks at the two of them. Once again, she can't really judge because she's married to a dead guy, hey. "She's lucky to have you," she remarks quietly, sipping her tea again.

Ludovick fidgets at this, his lips a thin line. Just to be polite, he nods his head a little, slowly wriggling from Ziichi's arms as he stands to snuff his cigarette out into a nearby ashtray. "I believe I will put her to bed. We may converse upstairs, if you wish."

Senkha nods, scooping up the thermos and cups as she stands. "That's fine. Will she be alright here?" She glances to the door nervously, not sure how warded the place is.

Ziichi doesn't seem that bothered, curling up once Ludovick settles her down.

Ludovick purses his lips at this, considering. "I believe she will be tired enough to not be awoken by our conversation. We will remain here. Please, have a seat," he says, gesturing to one of the chairs as he makes his way over to Ziichi, scooping her up in his arms. At the quake he grits his teeth, but does his very best to not drop her, hobbling over to the bed with a stiff limp, trying his very best to not use his left arm much.

Senkha takes a moment to get settled in the chair, largely because it's so huge. Why do Dwarves have such big chairs, anyway? She settles the tea and teacups on the table. "Do you need any assistance?" she asks, noticing Ludo's limp.

Ludovick shakes his head at this, going about his work as he lays the girl atop the bed, pulling the loose covers around her before placing a soft kiss to her forehead. Limping back to Senkha, he takes a seat, still staring over at the sleeping Ziichi. "She had a long day," he comments, as if this is enough.

Senkha nods her understanding and takes her cup of tea again, sipping it. Her shoulders sag some at the mention of long days. "Mm. Marius and Kyrita brought her to my house last night after the ball...apparently, there was a lot of excitement there and both she and my daughter were sound asleep by the time they came home."

Ludovick leans back in his chair, smoothening out one of his pant legs, which are a little bloody, but not near to the level of the robe near his feet. At the mention of the Hallow's End party, Ludovick frowns. "Yes, excitement," he says flatly. "I did not see you in attendance, though I was rather...busy," he stresses the last word.

Senkha shakes her head, smoothing down her robe and touching the scar on her face again, self-consciously. "Oliver and I were resting...both of us spent the better part of the weekend trying to destroy the man who kidnapped our daughter, and though he was temporarily neutralized, we both came away worse for the wear. He's still recovering." She brings her hand to cover the scars on her abdomen at this, strangely embarrassed about them for some reason.

Ludovick quirks a brow at this, taking his cup of tea from the table and sipping politely. "Your daughter? You have a daughter?" He asks, his voice showing a tinge of emotion as he looks over at her, not even commenting on the kidnapping until he is answered.

Senkha nods, smiling fondly. She keeps her hand over her abdomen still. "Dizzy. She was a war orphan in Stormwind...we adopted her a few weeks ago."

Ludovick smiles, albeit wobbily, remembering that Oliver, is, well, undead. "That is quite noble of you." He reaches a hand to scratch at the bandages underneath his clothing as subtly at he can. "Children are a joy, are they not?" -
Ludovick 's eyes drift over towards the bed with the sleeping Ziichi, who is probably snoring loudly.

Senkha follows Ludo's gaze and smiles fondly. "Ziichi's a sweet girl. Like I said, she's lucky to have someone like you. I can see that you're very close." And she leaves it at that.

Ludovick places a hand to his forehead, rubbing his temple. "I do not think your friend Marius is fond of her and I's situation," he says, speaking freely in a rare turn of events.

Senkha leans back in her chair some, chewing on her lower lip. "Marius sees Ziichi as a daughter...he worries for her. I don't know enough about your situation to comment about whether this worry is warranted, but rest assured that he only ever has her best interests in mind."

Ludovick huffs through his nose at this, grunting a little. "I am doing my best to keep the girl happy. I am not pleased with the company I have seen her in. It disgusts me."

Senkha frowns contemplatively, setting her teacup down and turning to face Ludo more directly. "What sorts of company? We know many of the same people; perhaps I can alleviate some of your fears."

Ludovick 's eyes drift over towards her, though he doesn't turn his head, still massaging his forehead in a tired manner. "Drunken draenei, self-pleasuring device toting riff raff, and not to mention just about every one of them swearing up a storm in front of the poor dear. How does anyone expect her to grow into a lovely young lady with these influences?"

Senkha sneers at the mention of the drunken draenei. "I don't suppose that draenei is the...-creature- named Kialthos, is he? He disgusts me. He -sent- my daughter into a -bar- to pick up his -drugs-."

Ludovick coughs at this, jerking his head to stare at Ziichi as if almost afraid she's got Zeal hidden in her boots. "I would love to end him," he says through grit teeth, grumbling a little to himself before settling down. "And yes, I believe that is the one I am speaking of."

Senkha looks more than a little disgusted. "He somehow was there when Dizzy was kidnapped...whenever he is around, she gets hurt. I don't like him in the least and would be very happy to throw him off of a dock with a pair of lead shoes."

Ludovick leans forward at this, his expression that of pure distaste. "I sometimes wish I was allowed to indulge in such hated," he says, a mix of humor and wistfulness in his voice.

There's a loud crack of arcane energy; teleportation. And then, an unceremonious thud of a body landing on the floor. Shit's going down upstairs!

Senkha smiles wryly, reaching across to give Ludo's wrist a squeeze...and frowns at the crack of energy. "...what was that?"

Ludovick jerks his head to stare at the ceiling, throwing a hand out towards Senkha. He doesn't know how capable she is, so he simply spits out a "Run!", clambering up the stairs with quite the effort.

Senkha says: --wha-
Senkha doesn't run, instead hitching up her skirt and grabbing for the dagger she keeps for just such an occasion. She steps back into the shadows.

There's a body on the floor. It's a heap of ghastly pale skin and a mane of black hair. She's got a sheet haphazardly wrapped around her, and otherwise, no clothing. Her left hand is still smashed, and she's got drawings all on her chest, and left arm. She's traced the blood vessels coming from her heart, extending down her arm with ink. Her right hand is completely stained with black from the ink.

Ludovick doesn't notice Senkha, hobbling as quickly as he can up the stairs until the body of Faronne comes into view. "Get out!" He bellows, already beginning to chant a prayer, hand outstretched towards her form on the floor.

Senkha presses her back against the wall, slowly creeping up the stairs. She remains silent as she takes in the scene, though she mouths 'what the fuck.'

Faronne groans, and turns over onto her back. Her bare, inked chest is showing, and her crippled leg is contorted at a painful angle. "..." She -stares- at Ludovick.

Ludovick throws a shield of Light over himself, releasing the spell with a flourish of his right arm. Unable to strike her now, or her him, he is content to scream at her, his voice nearly breaking from being so loud. "I will not be your pet!"

Senkha just sort of stares and then makes a funny squawking sound, coming out of the shadows, when she recognizes the body on the floor. "Ms. Price?!"

Faronne reaches the ink-covered hand over her face and begins sobbing near-uncontrollably. Nervous breakdown is now. "Didn't-- didn't WANT to-- d-don't have any--"

Ludovick balks at this, though is still quite wary, given Faronne's, er, history, He pushes the Light shield away with a wave of his hand, turning to Senkha, his expression tinged with fear. "Get Ziichi and leave. Now."

Senkha is stupid. "--she gave Oliver something that made him -alive- again," she says in a choked voice, not leaving.

Faronne chokes back another sob, and pushes her hair from her face. She gets a big black ink smear on her face, and her fingers tangled in her beyond messy hair. "I don't know why I'm here."

Ludovick snarls at Senkha, as if through with playing nice with 'idiots' for the day. He screams at her, livid. "You are to take Ziichi and leave, now!" With this, he turns, tearing the shirt from his torso, revealing the bandage around his upper left arm around his shoulder, along with the hideous scars on his back, which are now joined by four long, deep rivets of carved out flesh. He steps over to Faronne, as if disgusted by her, tossing the shirt to her with a sneer.

Senkha stares at Ludo's scarred up chest, startled by his screaming, but doesn't disobey any longer. She hurries down the stairs to gather Ziichi...but leaves the tea. TEA FOR LUDO AND FARO :D

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