Saturday, October 23, 2010

Senkha & Bordros, October 22

Senkha looks around with a snarl under her breath, running on instinct.

Bordros yells: Capital!
Bordros folded his arm.
Bordros cackled wildly, "I smell a wench... A delicious morsel."

Senkha remains in the shadows, laughing softly. "A delicious morsel, mm?"

From the crypt emerged a host of skeletal warriors, an abomination, and a squad of geists, "As you see, I'm no pushover..."
Bordros cackles maniacally at the situation.

Senkha emerges from the shadows with a yell. A single Light-blessed, boomerang-shaped dagger is in her hand, and she throws it, letting it arc through as many of the undead as it can, focusing her attentions on the abomination.

Several of the geists would be felled instantly, a minor amount of skeletal warriors. The abominations hook-arm was severed, it roaring wildly. Edwin growled, pointing his index forward, "Slay the wench, bring her to my chamber when you're done." he scurried back into the crypt, the abberations charging at Senkha.

Senkha begins to laugh as she sees this, oddly enough. She moves quickly, the Light-blessed daggers blurring as they cut through the undead horde, dismantling the magics holding them together. At several points, she disappears into the shadow to emerge somewhere new entirely, daggers blazing. Laughing the whole time.

The abberations were absolutely torn to shreds, leaving nothing but limbs.

Bordros yells: ...So, you're not entirely useless. Very well, meet me in the antichamber and we shall -begin-.
Bordros yells: I didn't know Blightreaver took a portly wench. You're going through this slower than a one-legged-.

You smirk slyly at Bordros.

Bordros yells: Aaaaah... The entertainment.
Bordros yells: Welcome, welcome... Before we engage, care to talk?
Bordros says: Yes, talk...

Senkha leaps down, landing in a crouch. There is no invisible wall there. She sets her sights on Bordros, smirking. "I can't imagine anything I'd want to hear from you, save for your screams."

Bordros says: Just hear me out, dove.

Senkha says: You'll do well not to call me that.

Bordros ran his index along the table, "Your daughter screamed like an angel... Her tears were savory.

Senkha only continues to smirk behind her mask. "Like an angel, mm? You'll receive no such sweet mercy."

Bordros says: ...Delicious blood, so innocent, she was... The daughter I never had.
Bordros says: ...Mmmm.

Senkha watches Bordros pacing. "Is that all?"

Bordros says: Tell me, -dove-. Wot's your name?
Bordros says: It'd be informal not to know.

Senkha says: You needn't know my name.

Bordros says: ...Hmph.
Bordros says: You're no fun.
Bordros says: You know, your husband, Blightreaver... He can crack at -any- moment.

Senkha begins to pace as well, not at all unlike a lion stalking her prey. Her muscles are tense. "I crack him -regularly-."

Bordros says: I'm just waiting for the opportunity to tie him to something and use him as a weapon.
Bordros says: Was that a crude sexual joke?

Senkha laughs at this, cold and unimpressed, still pacing. "He would make a terrible weapon. No drive whatsoever, no plan whatsoever, nothing but a battering ram."

Bordros says: Hence the point.

Senkha says: Are you quite finished?

Bordros says: Quite.

Senkha laughs loudly. "Good." And with that, she vanishes into the shadows of the crypt in a puff of smoke.

Bordros says: ...Very uncapital

Senkha chuckles. It sounds like it's coming from the back of the room. "Quite."

Bordros clapped his hands, a gas beggining to pour from the cracks in the room, "Come on out... Harlot."

Senkha only laughs at the gas, unimpressed. "That's the -thing- about geistskin armor...made for Icecrown to keep these nasty things out."

Bordros says: ...Hmmm. You're a clever shrew. How the hell did Blightreaver bag you before -me-?

Senkha says: I know you wish he was into you, but frankly, you're not his type.

Bordros says: ...Where are you, my leather-bound concubine...?

Senkha leaps, without warning, and latches herself onto Bordros' back, driving her daggers down into any gap in his armor that she can find. They are blessed by the Light and would be highly painful.

At the point of feeling light-infused pain, Edwin sent necrotic energy pouring around the frame of his body, the daggers entering the parting in his shoulders. This 'shell' would reduce the light-infused pain... But holy hell, still daggers in his back. He raised his fist in the air, attempting to literally boil Senkha's blood, to reopen old wounds and inflict pain.

Senkha removes her daggers from his shoulders, flipping away from him as he casts this spell. Under her armor, her most recent wounds reopen and sear, but she still laughs, pulling another three knives from her belt, small throwing daggers, all blessed. These she throws at his head and neck in rapid succession.

Bordros hissed and screamed in pain as the daggers stuck into the back of his head, "LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!" he yelled, turning around and growling ferally at Senkha. He sent runic energy coursing to his weapon, empowering it further in his assault. He charged head-on at her, swinging his axe strongly at her solarplexis.

Senkha does a back handspring, bringing her feet up and aiming for his face as she moves out of the way of the axe. She still laughs. "Have to be faster than that, -pet-."

Bordros arched his neck back, "Don't taunt me, -wench-." he balled up a death coil in his fist. Discharging three and sending them in various directions at Senkha. One directly forward, to her left, and to her right.

Senkha is slammed by the death coil to her left, skidding across the floor. She grunts, winded, but stands quickly, throwing a fourth knife at him. She half-snarls and half-laughs. "What's the matter, -pet-? You can dish it but you can't take it?"

Bordros raised his massive axe-head to parry the thrown dagger, "No. A woman whom has an attitude stokes my ire..." he flicked his wrist at her, dark chains slithering toward her. This would attempt to strangle her remotely, "Choke on your suffering..."

Senkha shields her neck with the Light-blessed daggers, still laughing. "That is terribly unprogressive of you." She once again disappears into the shadows, only to reappear directly in front of him, slashing her daggers at his face in a downward motion. "Boo."

The daggers tore down his face, making it all the more skeletal and imposing. His mask fell down, him giggling, "You're like a child." he attempted to lift Senkha's mask slightly with one hand, and furiously spray plague, from the sprayer in his gauntlet to the possible open neckhole.

Senkha catches his movement and jerks the rope around her neck tighter. The plague would burn and sear the skin of her neck, however. She snarls in pain at this, driving her daggers towards his neck in a smooth arc.

[disconnected here and lost the part about Senkha leaping back and torturing Bordros mentally and him thinking that she's his horrible ex-waifu]

Bordros slobbered ichor, turning to face Senkha and charging fastly at her. He swung his axe wildly at her, death coils using the axe as a conductor and shooting in all manner of locations, "I'LL KILL YOU AND ANYTHING THAT RESEMBLES YOU!"

Senkha leaps out of the way, a death coil catching her in the hip and causing her concentration to wane. The emotional pain would ebb some, but the physical pain would remain.

Bordros spat ichor on the ground, his voice frothy, "Trrrying trrr toooy wrrth my emoottions?" while she waned, he attempted another strangulation at her, "I'rrr shrr you EMOTIONRESS!"

Senkha is caught by the strangulation this time, gagging. Her focus narrows, a narrow and focused beam at the center of his mind, where he would feel the most pain, the intent to distract him.

Bordros shrieked loudly, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAALICE!" this waned his focus on the strangulation, the chains growing weaker. He clicked his tongue wildly, ghouls bursting from the already decayed floor. They poured in, attempting to dog-pile Senkha and suffocate her. Faol style!

Senkha brings her daggers up and cuts through the strangulation chains easily with his focus on them broken. She takes hold of smaller blessed daggers on either side and, as the ghouls pile in around her, throws them in a flashing arc, cutting through decayed flesh. One is aimed specifically for Bordros' head, dead center.

Bordros lowered his head, the dagger grazing along the top of his head and making a noticeable gash. He stood, licking his moreso skeletal face and cackling darkly, "Hehe...Heh....Heh." he attempted to death-grip Senkha, extending his axe so that she'd land directly on the head if succesful.

Senkha allows herself to be deathgripped, though she twists in midair at the last second, narrowly avoiding the axe's head and taking ahold of its hilt instead with both hands. She manages to slash her arm on the head in the process, but doesn't seem to care.

Bordros growled, attempting to press forward and continue the axe into her stomach, "...N-..." he slobbered heavily.

Senkha moves swiftly, positioning herself to the side and giving the axe a sharp jerk. Her mind is still focused on his, causing the unbearable pain that only seems to intensify with every passing second.

Bordros grinned wolfishly at this, his arm wrenching in an awkward position as she did this. He extended his jaw, attempting to take yet another bite out of Senkha. Only this time, in the facial area.

Senkha is bit in her right cheek, but her concentration does not waver. The agonizing pain continues, though she releases the axe with one hand to drive a Light-blessed dagger into his shoulder, tearing downward as she does in an attempt to incapacitate that arm.

Bordros arm went null, him wrenching his teeth and attempting to completely tear off that portion of her cheek. That arm drooped, it clinging weakly to the axe. With his free hand, he attempted once more to boil Senkha's blood, to increase the pain she already felt.

Senkha snarls in pain as the spell takes effect, but her focus still does not waver. She takes hold of the axe in both hands, yanking it away from him and swinging it at that arm in an attempt to remove it completely.

The arm is severed, it -crawling- away. Like, 'Thing' from the Addams Family. Edwin took his free gauntlet and attempted to spray blight into Senkha's exposed mask. If this were succesful, she bleed from the eyesockets, come with a fit of regurgitation, then slip into unconciousness.

Senkha 's mask makes and odd hissing sound as the Plague is sprayed for her face, the systems in the center of the mask activating and drawing as much of it as possible away from her face and back towards him. She coughs as she inhales some of it tears of blood pooling in her eyes and trickling down her cheeks. She does ot relent. She brings the axe down again on his other arm, aiming to either remove it or at least destroy his plague dispenser.

The axe met with his shoulder, breaking the source of the gas as blight would spray wildly around the pair. Edwin recoiled, spitting ichor at Senkha's feet. He drew the axe on his adorned kilt, flaring his tongue, "Choke on it... Wench."

Senkha 's mask continues to hiss as do her pauldrons, spitting out the blight as quickly as it comes for her. She leaps at Bordros with an inhuman roar, bringing the axe down towards his head with a bizarre sort of strength.

Bordros took a step backward... This, didn't help him -much-. The axe cut through his ribcage, useless organs... Atleast to a deader, pouring out. He raised his axe, attempting to dig it deeply into the top of Senkha's cranium.

Senkha moves her head out of the way, though the axe would still tear through her chest. She snarls again in pain, lifting -her- axe and bringing it in a sweeping arc for his neck.

Only a thin shred of muscle remained as Edwin toppled to the floor, lifeless. His head only attached by that, his remaining arm going limp. His azure eyes faded.

Senkha coughs hard and throws the axe to the side, slicing through that last shred of muscle and severing his head completely. She puts the head almost lovingly to the side...and then begins tearing into his body, daggers flashing as she mutilates him, removing limbs, organs, and bones in haphazard fashion.

The head's lips moved, "...I'm quite lucky I didn't keep my tome on me... See you at body #3, -dove-." the voice would fade, the remaining portion of Edwin fading to ash.

Senkha stares at the head for a long moment before screaming, "Son of a BITCH!"

The ashes would gently skitter along the floor.

Senkha seizes the head by the hair and carries it, much like a lunchsack, out of the crypt with her. To say that she does not look happy would be an understatement.

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