Friday, November 26, 2010

November 25, Part IV: Senkha and Arubrey

Arubrey stops.
Arubrey ... looks over his shoulder.

Senkha is very slowly shuffling up the ramp, holding her left arm against her chest. Her head is bleeding pretty profusely. She's crying, but she's making no sound.

Arubrey says: ... -- Fucking...
Arubrey leaps off of No-Name, before his hand came to Senkha's shoulder, trying to cease her crawling. "Stop it!"

Senkha stops and looks up at Arubrey. She lets out a soft wail and drops her head forward to rest against his chest, still bleeding.

Arubrey just - stares, a little confused. He sits himself up higher on the hill, gently pulling Senkha back into his lap. Hands combing through her hair. "-- Twin - what... ?"

Senkha is crying too hard to talk at first, but when she finally does, her voice is weak and broken. "Oliver is angry with me. Dizzy...I don't know. Ludovick is going to kill himself. I am a horrible mother. My head is bleeding."

Arubrey says: ... Fucking...
Arubrey this is all he can manage, his arms folding over his twin sister, tugging the woman as tightly to his body as possible. His hand resting over her head, his signet ring by his lips.

Senkha looks at Arubrey as he speaks into his signet and shakes her head, ever so slightly. She doesn't want to go back to the boat.

Arubrey says: P-Please love.
Arubrey says: This - is really stupid of you.
Arubrey looks down, bringing his hand to her cheek, trying to look at the reopened wound. He's worried, his breathing paced. He's not really happy with this scene. "Really stupid."

Senkha sobs softly, shaking her head. "Every time I'm there, something worse happens. I don't need to be back there. I need someone to--" She chokes out another sob as he turns her head to look. "I need to be u-understood, -PLEASE-."

Arubrey says: ... -- Okay.
Arubrey says: Okay.
Arubrey says: I'm here.
Arubrey says: Please - talk.

Senkha doesn't talk. Instead, she lifts her good right hand and places it on Arubrey's cheek, closing her eyes and being incredibly stupid.
To Arubrey: It's not their bond back the way it was, but it's similar. She gives him the entire past three days in vivid technicolor...

Arubrey blinks, not expecting the hand to be brought to his cheek. He whispers back to her, trying to coo - and then, he shudders.

...the stench of their house as she cleaned it, the sudden orange of the dragon, falling-- then dark and closed, very closed, and wet. The stone is two inches from her face. She can't move. She can hardly breathe. Her left hand is in agony. Consciousness comes and goes; when she is conscious, she forces herself to relive the first time she and Oliver danced together to feel alright. Then the stone is lifted. Oliver is there--he's happy! But Dizzy is gone. Senkha feels lost...betrayed. Dizzy ran off again. Doesn't she realize it hurts her? Doesn't she realize it hurts her parents? Why did she run off again? Back on the Quel'Talan. Marius' aspects are too familiar to Senkha, but he heals her anyway and she feels too close to him again. Riley comes in: Vesiel is dead, he's not Riley anymore. Where is Dizzy? Where is Arubrey? The healing -hurts-. Oliver found Dizzy; he's so happy. Senkha is terrified. She's not happy. She's angry. She's hurt. Dizzy hurt her, scared her, and Senkha is afraid of who she'll become when confronted with that. And then, Ludovick comes, Senkha's old, dear friend...

Arubrey just - clings to his twin now. His eye wide open in terror. He's shaking now, his breathing completely ceased. His fingers dig into her. And the tears come. This is way too much at once.

...Ludovick wants to kill himself, over someone who isn't worth it. Senkha tries to reason with him. He won't listen. Marius tries to knock him out. He leaves anyway. Senkha snaps. She sees Dizzy. She doesn't react how Oliver wanted her to. He's been angry with her all day. Now he's angrier. He's hungry. His runeblade is broken; what if he dies? Why is he angry? She doesn't understand why he's angry. She follows him off the dock, trying to apologize, falls on her injured hand...

Senkha drops her right hand and just leans against Arubrey, exhausted, heaving another weak sob. The mental connection breaks; she's shaking with the effort of it.

Arubrey just collapses ontop of her. All those experiences just forced into his brain. His individuality lost for a moment. He's just - angry. Sad. Mad. In terror... He just cries against his twin, shaking. Fingers cutting into her leathers. Bleeding.

Senkha still shakes with the effort, but she seems to have calmed enough that she can pull herself closer to Arubrey. " understand," she says softly.

Arubrey is just gasping. And crying. And just clinging to her. His mind tries to force out some words - that he had heard he. That he understood. but there was just too much.

Senkha sags against Arubrey, letting out another exhausted sob. "It is too much," she agrees. "I think everyone wants me to be strong and be okay now, but I -can't-, 'Brey, I can't."

Arubrey -snarls- out another 'fucking'. He lifts himself from her, terrified eyes just looking to his twin. He's wibbling. And crying. And - his breathing's picking up. Really steady.
Arubrey is hyperventilating. Those images, plus what he had experienced in Auberdine?

Senkha just looks at him. She's crying as well, but it's empty and defeated. She reaches out her right hand again, instinctively, and without closing her eyes, begins to regulate her twin's breathing with her mind. In with the good air, out with the bad. She breathes in sync with him, still resting her hand against his chest. It's much easier to worry about someone else than it is to worry about yourself.

Arubrey just sobs now, his breathing returning. He can properly cry. He -folds- himself over her, draping his arms over her shoulders, clinging to her back. "... Fucking... Twin."

Senkha closes her eyes again, resting her head against Arubrey's. She continues to cry silently. "I'm sorry. I d-didn't want to hurt you."

Arubrey just shakes his head into her, tucking himself into her neck. His lips just remaining there as he cried. It would be a bit, before he had the will to even speak again. "... I'm so sorry."

Senkha is -understood-. The relief of this alone keeps the tears going. She turns her head to rest against Arubrey's, taking a shaking breath and exhaling again. It takes her a moment to start speaking again. "I-I'm sorry, love. I didn't want to hurt you. I..."
Senkha says: I j-just didn't know what else to d-do. I can't -carry- this anymore.

Arubrey says: ... This is stupid. Thi - This is stupid. Please - can we move.

Senkha suddenly seems to realize where they are. "Oh my!" she exclaims, looking around and sitting back on her heels. She blinks several times. "Yes. Yes we can move." Her voice sounds odd, as if there's a laugh behind it.

Arubrey doesn't even register it immediatly. He's gathering his senses, looking blankly over the hill, shakingly trying to get onto her feet. His teeth sinking into his lip.

Senkha very carefully stands. The gash on her forehead has stopped bleeding some, though she's still in a lot of pain. She takes Arubrey's hand with her right. "Okay."

Arubrey just - breathes. In and out. And he slowly returns, looking back down to his twin, bearly eyed. "... T-Thanks."

Senkha says: By the statue?
Senkha nods at the miraculously unharmed lion statue ahead.

Arubrey says: -- Yeah.
Arubrey says: ... I -
Arubrey says: There was a woman.

Senkha says: A woman?

Arubrey says: A woman.
Arubrey says: When the ground - cracked.
Arubrey says: She was screaming at me.

Senkha closes her eyes.

Arubrey says: Just screaming.
Arubrey says: And I tried to turn around to try and catch her arm.
Arubrey says: And - it broke again.
Arubrey says: And it just - ate her.
Arubrey says: The look in her eyes.
Arubrey says: She - was still alive.
Arubrey says: Just - half eaten.
Arubrey says: It...
Arubrey says: And then the wind picked up - and I grabbed onto the lodge.
Arubrey says: And held - and it broke.
Arubrey says: And I was thrown.
Arubrey says: And then

Senkha squeezes Arubrey's hand and nods. He understands.

Arubrey says: I was caught in a tree. Held onto that.

Senkha nods again, squeezing his hand again. She's staring at the statue, as if it holds all life's answers.

Arubrey squeezes back. He's sweating, but his shaking's ceased. His breathing is normal. He's just - scared. He looks to her, looking for sympathy from her. Since she forced it onto him.
Arubrey says: Her corpse was thrown in with me.
Arubrey says: And then - the flames.
Arubrey says: And then more wind - and.
Arubrey says: Nothing.
Arubrey says: Woke up after it.

Senkha closes her eyes and pulls Arubrey's hand close to her heart.

Arubrey says: ... I wasn't...
Arubrey says: She was still screaming.
Arubrey says: Senkha - twin - love. Why would...
Arubrey says: ... No.
Arubrey says: I know.
Arubrey says: I know why.
Arubrey says: Undestand.

Senkha looks at Arubrey. "Why what?" she asks softly. She's still crying quietly.

Arubrey says: ... I don't like thinking about that.
Arubrey says: Why would...
Arubrey says: ... I'm so sorry.
Arubrey just kinda - fumbles into her.

Senkha sighs and shakes her head, still staring at the statue. "It's not your fault, Arubrey. None of this is anyone's fault. Not even mine for once." She laughs bitterly.

Arubrey nods his head, looking down to the lion's paws. A foot kicking out to it. "... Fucking -light-."

Senkha just hums her agreement, leaning her head against Arubrey's shoulder and sighing. "I think I've lost my mind today," she comments and then laughs, like this is the funniest thing in the world.

Arubrey slumps, staring over to his twin. He nods his head, a little bitterness flowing in. But - "... Me too."
Arubrey says: ... I want - to sit down.
Arubrey says: Yeah.

Senkha continues to laugh as they sit, carefully not putting any weight on her left side. "Light...who the hell has this much -shit- happen to them?

Arubrey says: Us.
Arubrey says: ... Kyrita.
Arubrey says: Marius?

Senkha says: Marius.

Arubrey says: Probably.
Arubrey nods.

Senkha laughs again, wiping away tears as she does. "It's like the entire fucking world is out to get us."

Macglynn yells: Senkha?

Arubrey says: ... And your husband.

Senkha cringes at the sound of Oliver's voice. "And my husband."

Arubrey blinks, swinging his head over to look at her. Brows furrowed. "Go see him."

Senkha smiles weakly and reaches over, giving Arubrey a chaste kiss on the cheek. "Thank you. I'm sorry for putting all that on you. I just...couldn't carry it alone."

Arubrey smiles back - wearily. His arms wrap around her, pulling the woman into a hug, before she could flee. "... What else am I for?"

Senkha stands slowly and stiffly. "...fuck, I don't know where Merry is," she muses before walking off, blowing Arubrey another kiss.

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