Monday, November 1, 2010

Selvaggia, Faronne, & Lius: October 31

Faronne stops to rest, leaning heavily on her cane. She takes a long look around the Catehdral Square, and spots Selvaggia. She offers a slight nod in greeting, having recognized her from the party.

Selvaggia blinks a few times and nods in recognition of Faronne. "Good evening, ma'am."

Faronne turns, and begins to limp over to where Selvaggia is. She's briefly stopped by the raised edge of the fountain's platform, "May I sit?"

Selvaggia nods, indicating the seat beside her. "Of course; I was simply waiting for my husband to come by, but I would be glad of company in the meantime."

Faronne smiles to Selvaggia, and makes her way over to the bench. She plops down rather unceremoniously, and her sword clatters against the stonework, "Thank you, dear. Walking is a trial, and my mare despises the city. I think you see my dilemma."

Selvaggia looks at Faronne with some concern and curiosity. " know, my husband is a doctor and surgeon. Would it help at all if he had a look at your leg?"

Faronne shifts rather uncomfortably on the seat, and gently taps her chin in thought, "Perhaps it'd be better for the more medically trained to look at it. Mister von Diehl, bless his heart, couldn't make heads or tails of it."

Selvaggia 's eyebrows shoot up. "von Diehl?" she asks, still in a calm and polite voice. "The name is very familiar to me...he doesn't happen to be from Capital City, does he?"
Selvaggia says: ...I beg your pardon. I mean Lordaeron.

Faronne smirks, "Yes. And I knew what you meant, dear. I'm from the area as well-- come to think of it. You're one of the Fuoco girls, aren't you?" She squints at Selvaggia.

Selvaggia smiles politely, nodding. "I am. Or...was. I've since married. Selvaggia Brethil." She extends her hand towards Faronne to shake.

Faronne smiles softly, and faces forward again. She massages at her crippled leg, "My, how they grow. I don't see many from Andorhal these days. It's truly a pleasure to run into you."

Lius nods at you.
Lius says: Love.

You smile at Lius.

Selvaggia says: Hello, love. I was just getting acquainted with an old friend from back home, Ms. ...Price, right? Faronne Price?

Faronne nods politely to Lius, "That is correct."

Selvaggia looks pleased that she remembered. "Ms. Price, this is my husband, Lius Brethil."

Lius glances to Faronne, forcing himself to give a nod. "A pleasure."

Selvaggia says: Love, Ms. Price has some trouble walking and I mentioned to her how brilliant a medic you are. I thought that, perhaps, you might take a look at her leg and examine the damage.

Faronne looks as though she were about to say something else-- then nods, "Ah, yes. A bit of trouble recently."

Lius raises a hand to his chin, pushing through the small shroud of shadow. "Tha' so? Describe th'problem."

Selvaggia smiles more brightly when she sees the shroud of shadow, chewing on her lower lip.

Faronne gestures to her right thigh, "I was attacked, and my leg broken and otherwise mangled. I was tended to by a druid of the White Sigil"- her lips curl up in the slightest bit of disgust at that- "And they only succeeded in stopping the bleeding."
Faronne says: I've not walked right since. Perhaps they mended it incorrectly? I'd love a trained medic's opinion.

Lius drops his hand, waving it dismissively infront of him. "Tha's th'problem with 'alf of th' so called 'ealers out there. Nae an idea of wha' they're doin'. Very well, show me where th'pain is."

Faronne smirks slightly at that remark, then gestures to her left thigh, "From... here, to about here," she taps her leg just above the knee, then a few inches from her lap, "Much of the muscle is destroyed or otherwise missing. Can you do anything about that?"

Selvaggia raises an eyebrow curiously. "Destroyed? That must have been a horrible break, Ms. Price."

Faronne nods, "The woman was outright insane. Attacked me with no provocation-- jumped upon me, and used a spear enchanted with flame. If you see such a woman... I suggest not catching her attention."

Lius drops to a knee, looking none too pleased that he's getting his robes dusty. His fingers trace over her robe, following the length of the described wound. "Perhaps. It's possible t'remove muscle from other areas, use certain drugs t'promote 'ealin'."
Lius says: Woul' require quite a bit o'surgery, an' nae tellin' 'ow well it woul' work. My suggestion? Amputation.
Lius shrugs, pushing himself back to his feet.

Faronne deapdans at this. "..." Then shakes her head.

Selvaggia looks disappointed at this, though whether it's on Ms. Price's behalf or on her and Lius' is anyone's guess. "That's a pity. I'm sorry, Ms. Price."

Faronne says: ...I believe I will seek another opinion. Thank you, though, Mister Brethil. I appreciate you taking the time.

Selvaggia says: ...if you do not mind my asking, Ms. Price, is the muscle simply atrophied or did something unnatural destroy it?

Lius shrugs, brushing his robes off. "Nae a problem. May be wise t'seek out one of th'ligh' wielders, word is they can work wonders."

Faronne says: I believe what caused the muscle atrophy was magical in nature; the woman's blade had an enchantment on it. I was hoping it was a simple fix, but I suppose I am wrong.

Selvaggia says: It may be a curse, then, in which case your best bet would likely be a Light-wielder--a paladin who could decurse the tissue or a priest who could do the same.

Lius glances around the square, as if expecting to see someone. "Lass by th'name of Istari Adkins may be able t'elp you more than I."

Faronne says: Thank you, dear. I'll look into it. In the meantime... mind helping me up?
Faronne smiles helplessly.

Lius glances to Selvie, seeing if she responds to the request of a hand. After a moment of simple staring he offers Faronne his hand.

Selvaggia simply smiles politely; she is, after all, a least at the moment. Not to mention that it's lovely to see her husband being such a gentleman.

Faronne takes Lius's hand and pulls herself up. She plants her cane on the cobblestones, and offers a smile, "Thank you. I should be going, now. Enjoy your evening."

Lius gives another nod. "Same t'ye."

Selvaggia says: It was lovely seeing you again, Ms. Price. I hope that you're able to find help for your leg.

Faronne says: Thank you.

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