Monday, November 1, 2010

Selvaggia & Lius: October 31

Lius plops down, letting out a massive sigh. Being polite had been quite the battle.

Selvaggia gives Lius a very sweet smile, slipping her hand into his. "You can relax now, darling. I am very proud of your acting skills."

Lius grunts, it may have been a laugh. "Should'a let me cut th'leg off."

Selvaggia nods her agreement. "I quite agree, love. I can understand her reluctance, but it's only really hurting her in the long run. Still, she may come back to us yet, if the Cathedral cannot give her real aid."

Lius waves a hand again, disgusted by the idea. "Light mumblin' crazies, th'lot of 'im. Faith 'ealin m'arse."

Selvaggia's lip curls in undisguised disgust. "No science behind it whatsoever," she agrees. "They think they can simply sparkle at someone and magically make them well. It simply doesn't work that way."

Lius says: Jus' sparkle 'ands an' BAM, cured! Nae, it takes blood, sweat, an' tears. Well trained professionals, tha' wha' it takes.

Selvaggia nods her agreement again, scooting closer to Lius and touching his face lightly, hoping to catch a little bit of shadow against her fingers. "Well-trained professionals like you...and me, eventually, I hope."

Lius grins behind the shroud, nodding lightly. "Aye, ye're nae t'far out now. Did well while we were gone."

Selvaggia says: I appreciate you saying so! I know I've still quite a bit to learn, but you are a wonderful tutor.

Lius says: Well, 'm still learnin' m'self. Impossible to ever really be prepared for it all, I thin'. Nae met anyone tha' was, atleast.

Selvaggia says: Still, I have faith in your tutelage, love. It helps a great deal that you seem to have at least some faith in my knowledge and talent, yes?

Lius says: Wouldnae let ye close t'me with anythin' sharp if I didnae 'ave faith in ye, Selvie.

Selvaggia gives Lius a slanted grin. "Ah, but having faith in someone's ability to perform a smooth surgery and trusting someone to only hurt you as much as you want to be hurt are two different things."

Lius shrugs, tracing his fingers along the shroud of shadow. Teehee, it tingles. "Obviously I 'ave faith in yer control in both situations."

Selvaggia says: You don't worry ever that I would lose myself in...the moment...and thereby lose control?

Lius chuckles lightly, fingers still lingering near the shadow. "Losing control, now tha' woul' be quite th'show. I'm confident of m'ability t'gain control, shoul' ye lose it."

Selvaggia brings her hand up to brush her fingers against the shadow as well, shivering. "Tangentally related, but I wondered where in Arathi you would like to go for our trip this Wednesday."

Lius says: Doesnae matter t'me, I know of a certain farm tha' woul'....'ave plenty of crop, aye?

Selvaggia presses her lips together, brushing her fingers against the shadow still. "...we also have the possibility of picking up our harvest and taking them elsewhere. I could arrange a portal for us...have you ever heard of Eldre'Thalas?"

Lius doesn't want to shake his head, his eyes tracking the movement of her fingers. "Nae."

Selvaggia continues to move her fingers against the shadow, almost hypnotically. "It was a High Elven city years ago...though it has since fallen into disrepair, the magical currents there are incredibly powerful. Not to mention the beauty of the setting."

Lius says: So we jus' kidnap some greenskins an'...'aul them there?

Selvaggia says: Alternately, I believe the greenskins have an outpost not far from there. We could see how many we could round up from could use your magic to convince them to follow us...
Selvaggia trails off, brushing her hand through the veil of shadow to touch Lius' cheek and smiling sweetly.

Lius grins behind the shade, his hand stretching to the small of her back. Small arcs of shadow bounce from his fingers, contacting the cloth. "Tha' sounds like quite th'plan."

Selvaggia inhales sharply at the sensation and smiles, shivering again. "You're dressed differently tonight," she observes, bringing her free hand to rest against his knee.

Lius nods, trailing his hand up her spine. The shadow continues to flow, intensifying over time. "Mhm, figured it may be time fer'a change."

Selvaggia swallows lightly, making a vague attempt to maintain any sort of composure. She shivers again. "A change? Are you...are you focusing more on working with the shadows?"

Lius lets out a whistle, a sizeable burst of shadow launching from his fingers. "Shadows? Now, tha's grim talk, love." He chuckles, the best non answer.

Selvaggia barely flinches at the shadow launched into her back, but along with the slight flinch comes a teasing smile. "No grimmer than our plans for this week, mmm?" she asks, brushing her fingers against his cheek again.

Lius frowns at this, A CHALLENGE! He glances around, making sure that his hand his hidden from any others that may be around. A larger burst of shadow is launched, a light chuckle following it. "Jus' as grim, aye, if ye're t'believe th'clergy."

Kialthos glances at Lius and Selvaggia. Wat r they doin wit dat shadow stuffz.

Selvaggia grits her teeth and continues to smile at Lius. She's obviously uncomfortable, though whether out of discomfort or enjoyment is unclear. "Since when have I believed the clergy?" she asks lightly.

Lius resists the urge to sigh, refusing to be bested IN PUBLIC of all places! His entire hand flexes, a rather large burst exploding from his glove. He risks a glance over his shoulder, checking to see if anyone was about to stab him. "Tha's fair."

Kialthos says: What the fuck?
Kialthos says: Are ya doin'.

Selvaggia gives a soft cry, jerking forward and almost falling off the bench. She glances sideways at Lius and then at the draenei, finally answering, "Nothing at all. Apologies for disturbing your evening."

Kialthos says: Not my evenin'. Are you okay?

Selvaggia says: Yes.
Selvaggia gives Lius a fervent glance, looking more than a little flustered.

Lius does his best not to laugh, small bursts of shadow launching from each finger every few seconds. "Quite fine."

Kialthos says: Doesn't look like it. Dude, would you quit that?

Lius says: Quit touchin' my wife? Uhh....nae.

Kialthos says: Jus' lookin' a bit...strange, neh?

Selvaggia squirms uncomfortably for a moment, eventually whacking Lius on the thigh and turning to whisper something in his ear.
To Lius: "Either take me someplace private or stop that."

Lius bursts into laughter, his hand returning to his side. VICTORY, and so mature about it! "Yer strange, shu' up."

Kialthos says: Whatever.
Kialthos sits back down, giving them the occasional glance.

Selvaggia pretends to glare at Lius but doesn't manage to do so for very long. "This new outfit suits you very well, love."

Lius nods, stretching his arms out infront of him. " 'M quite fond of it. I do miss th'Medical robes...bu'...these 'ave a certain feel t' 'em."

Selvaggia grins, brushing her fingers against the shadow veil in front of his face again. "I can tell that you adore them. You're more...mmm, enthusiastic about life tonight?"

Lius says: "Life"....aye, y'coul' say tha'. Jus' a lovely night, aye?

Selvaggia says: It really is. You know, the Day of the Dead is tomorrow...Hallow's End is just about over.

Lius shrugs, glancing around the square. "Nae all tha' upset abou' it, may stop tha' crazy 'eadless lad on th'orse. Gettin' tired of 'im tryin' t'burn everythin' down."

Selvaggia says: You'd think that something without a head would be able to find a better hobby, mmm? I'll grant that he couldn't take up hat-making, but still. Perhaps he could take up deep sea diving?

Lius says: Tha's perfect, or serve as a target dummy. Become a pro at limbo.

Selvaggia says: He would win every limbo tournament in the world. Though it's really no wonder he hasn't thought of it, as he hasn't got a head.

Lius says: Tha's a shame, 'd be a fan of 'im. Wear a 'eadless 'orseman shirt an' all.

Selvaggia says: I would send him fanmail. Of course, he couldn't read it, since he has no eyes.

Lius says: 'E will never know of our love for 'im, an' tha' makes me sad.

Selvaggia puts her free hand over her heart, still lightly touching the shadow veil with the other. "Truly, it is a devastating circumstance. To be so loved but to be unable to read the fanmail that says as much!"

Lius says: An' soon 'e will be gone, so we cannae suggest th'new career t'im. 'E is a dick anyway, likely try t'take our 'eads.
Lius says: I like yer 'ead, donae lose it.

Selvaggia says: I rather like your head as well...attached to your body, even. It would be a pity if I had to carry my husband's head around with me and introduce you to people that way, as if we were trolls or other savages.

Lius says: Or yer sister.

Selvaggia says: Does my sister carry her husband's head around with her? The last time I saw him, he was a corpse, but his head was still attached.

Lius chuckles, patting her on the leg. "It was a joke, Selvie. Oliver still 'as 'is 'ead, las' I checked."

Selvaggia laughs and brushes her fingers against Lius' cheek again, bringing some shadow with her. "Light knows at this point little about them would surprise me."

Lius presses against the contact, an arm lounging around her shoulders. "Tha' is true. Ye ever speak with yer sister anymore?"

Selvaggia leans against Lius, smiling contentedly, but shaking her head just the same. "She wants nothing to do with me, and I choose to respect her wishes."

Lius says: Tha's quite th'shame, though 'm nae one t'talk. Nae sure where Zhael is anymore.

Selvaggia says: Mm. Siblings are a peculiar thing, really.

Lius says: Nae much point t'em, as far as 've seen. 'E will end up with th'Brotherhood, callin' it now. They will get 'im killed.

Selvaggia says: ...or turned into a worgen. Would you...I don't suppose you'd want to dissect him after that happens, would you.

Lius says: 'E woul' jus be another corpse, aye?

Selvaggia nods, relenting some. "He would. I just don't want you to be made uncomfortable by our work, my deity." The term of endearment slips out without her intending it to.

Lius says: Woul' perhaps 'ave t'cover up 'is face, or remove it. Beyon' tha'? Shouldnae be a problem.

Selvaggia says: Mm, good thing we wouldn't have to break his jaw.

Lius says: Well...we wouldnae 'ave to...bu' who is t'say tha' we cannae do it anyway?

Selvaggia raises her eyebrows, laughing softly. "No love lost between you, is there?"

Lius says: 'E made 'is choice, I made mine. All there is t'it, really.

Selvaggia nods, deciding it's wise to change the subject. "How is your chest feeling?"

Lius turns his head, a slight tilt to it as if to say "HRRRRM?!" before the question really hits him. "Oh! Righ', aye, it's doin'...well."

Selvaggia giggles airily at this, bringing her hand down from his face to gently brush against his chest in a definite pattern. "I'm glad you're in no permanent pain. The marks will remain, I'm sure, but at least the pain was temporary, yes?"

Lius dips his chin to get a better look at her hand, giving a slight nod. "Aye, an' overwhelmed by...other emotions, at th'time."

Selvaggia can't help but to smile fondly at Lius, none of her usual wickedness in the smile. It's so overly sweet, but it is what it is. She reaches up to kiss him, shivering as the shadow veil brushes against her face.

Lius leans down towards the kiss, suddenly very pleased with his new choice of helmet...collar...thing.

Selvaggia closes her eyes and breaks the kiss after a moment, exhaling slowly, a cloud of steam coming from her lips despite the mild evening. "I like your hat," she murmurs, still less than an inch from his face.

Lius grins, his expression finally visible as she had pushed through the veil. " 'M quite th'fan of it m'self. Th'fact tha' ye enjoy it, well...tha' makes it all th'better."

Selvaggia exhales another cloud of steam, amused. "How does the shadow veil work? Is it simply shadow magic suspended like this?"

Lius lowers his voice. "A constant supply o'shadow, requires nae any focus. Jus'....pulls th'energy from me, an' this is 'ow it puts it t'use."

Selvaggia laughs, brushing her lips against his again, untintentionally. "It's amazing. You know how I feel about shadow magic...I've been learning a few tricks myself, though they're a bit more dangerous."

Lius edges his head forward a bit, planting a light kiss. "Tha' so? Tricks tha' woul' be safe t'test on me?"

Selvaggia nods, her voice low and gentle. "A few of them. More in shadow than in fire or fel lately...since most soulplay is related to shadow magic anyway."

Lius grins at this, his fingers suddenly alive with shadow magic, small bands that weave from finger to finger. Small enough to easily hide if needed. "Quite a powerful feelin', aye?"

Selvaggia laughs again, exhaling more steam. Something about shadow magic makes her breath seem colder. "It truly is. If I didn't fear the implications, I would show you now..."

Lius says: Mhm, well, quite a few places tha' are a bi' more private.

Selvaggia says: Mm. Would you like that?

Lius says: Woul' enjoy gettin' away from all th'stares, aye.

Selvaggia leans against Lius, murmuring almost too low to be heard, "The usual spot or would you prefer someplace else?"

Lius grins, so pleased. "Th'usual spot almos' feels like 'ome now."

Selvaggia says: It almost does, doesn't it? If it wasn't so...dilapidated, I would call it home. Shall we?

Lius nods. "Mhm, lets."

[they travel to Raven Hill]

Selvaggia says: So.

Lius nods towards the table, placing a hand on it. "Where d'ye wan' me?"

Selvaggia simply smiles at him, placing her hand on his shoulder. "Where you are is fine." And without warning, a bolt of shadow energy shoots from her hand into his shoulder. Oops.

Lius had been smiling at the time, that quickly faded. His body responded before he could gather himself, a solid flinch. The grin returned shortly after, right hand clenching into a fist. "So...tha's 'ow it is, aye?"

Selvaggia says: That's how it is, aye.
Selvaggia sends another, less potent jolt of shadow energy into his shoulder, grinning.

Lius doesn't respond to this, standing his ground. His clenched fist swarms with shadow, tendrils of the energy soon jutting forth from beyond the veil, suggesting that his eyes had become overwhelmed by the magic. "Tha's a dangerous game, doll."

Selvaggia smiles softly as he calls her doll. "You know how I feel about shadow magic," she murmurs. No more shadow jolts this time, though her hands are dark with the energy and growing darker by the minute.

Lius shifts his hand to her hip, the shadow crawling along the edge of the surrounding cloth. Most of it continued to cling to his hand, unreleased. "Enough pain may change tha' opinion."

Selvaggia actually laughs loudly at this, rolling her head back and looking back at him. "Have you ever known me to dislike pain at all, my deity?"

Lius gives a final nod, his hand unclenching. The magic instantly slams into her side, every bit of it launching away from his hand.

Selvaggia cries out at the shadow magic released into her body, nearly crumpling in pain. Her hands dig into the cloth at his shoulders in an attempt to hold herself up, though she is still smiling shakily.

Lius seems offended by the smile, his hand flexing as a fresh flow of shadow opens up. A constant assault, which would shortly after see his hand shaking from fatigue.

Selvaggia continues to cry out in pain, though her cries become whimpers the longer the assault continues. Her knees eventually buckle and she is relying entirely on him to keep from slipping to the floor. This does not, however, stop her from murmuring a word in Eredun, casting a single bane on him, one that would cause wave after wave of pain throughout his body.

Lius gasps at the sudden onslaught, doubling his efforts. His head bows in concentration, attempting to maintain the flow of shadow, and doing his best to control the surging pain.

Selvaggia drops to the floor, shaking in pain at the continued assault. Another word in Eredun and she begins to attempt to draw strength from him for herself.

Lius falls to his knee, his hand doing its best to stay attached to her. A quiet chant escapes the veil of shadow covering his face, an explosion of Shadow follows shortly after, a creature of shadow screeching into existence behind the duo.
Lius falls silent as the Shadowfiend crawls towards Selvie, silently watching her.

Selvaggia stops looking quite so pained, suddenly narrowing her focus. Beings of shadow can't be dispersed with more shadow, so she conjures a bit of flame. With another demonic word, the flame shoots towards the creature and would continue to burn at it until it is consumed.

Lius lets out a grim chuckle as his Shadowfiend screams out in agony, flopping around on the floor. "Tha'..." he mutters, trying to catch his breath between waves of pain. "Was rude of ye..." he sputters, hand raising to brush through her hair.
Lius sighs, doing his best to concentrate through everything. A sudden surge of shadow overtakes his hand, launching towards her head.

Selvaggia screams in agony as the shadow energy connects with her head, eyes actually darkening with the magic. She clutches her head in her hands silently for a moment, shaking almost uncontrollably.

Lius smiles behind the veil, one hand shakily lifting to pull his hood away. His hand trails down from her head, backhand brushing against her hands. "So beautiful when yer in pain..."

Selvaggia doesn't respond with words but does raise her hand as if to ask for help up. Strangely, though, he would feel a tugging sensation from the runes she carved on his chest, causing pain that goes well beyond skin and nerves, down to his very core. There is a tugging, a tearing, and strange violet tendrils snake out towards her hand.

Lius lets out a pained groan, clutching at his chest. His eyes go wide in agony, unable to gather himself enough to cast anything in response. He simply kneels there, fighting off the urge to scream.

Selvaggia lets the sensation continue for a moment longer, slowly standing, her smile returning. She stops draining his soul after a minute, the tendrils coalescing into a small purple gem that rests in the palm of her hand, no larger than a carat in size. She examines the gem with greedy eyes and smiles at Lius, sinking to the floor again, pressing her lips against his. "So are you."

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