Friday, November 26, 2010

November 25, Part III: Reunited with Dizzy, Oliver Leaves

To Macglynn: And then there's a wave of nausea, despair, and loss. And then just blankness, an emptiness of any emotion. Her thoughts sound more than a little odd. "You can come in now."

Ziichi is soaking wet. Yay. "Sinka?!"

Macglynn smiles at Dizzy. "Hey. Ha' 'bout we go an' say hi t'yer mother?"
Macglynn says this very loud.

Senkha 's voice is flat and emotionless. Her expression is blank. She looks at Ziichi. "Ludo is gone."
Senkha says: I am going to see my daughter now.

Ziichi creases her eyebrows. "Where did 'e go?"

Senkha doesn't answer this. Her expression remains completely blank as Oliver and Dizzy enter the room. "Hello."

Ziichi growls and then turns and leaves, quickly. When Ludovick outright breaks promises, something is up.

Macglynn looks at Senkha, brows lofted almost as though he expects something. "Hey."

Ariadine smiles and runs over to the bed, "Momma!"

Macglynn whispers: "Look at 'er. She's jus' -terrifahd- 'a th' state yer in, ain't she."

Senkha lets Dizzy hug her, though she doesn't return the hug, except with a light pat with her right hand. "Hello," she repeats.

To Macglynn: Nothing.

Macglynn leans on the doorframe. His expression goes from expectant to unimpressed.

Senkha 's head wound has begun to bleed again.

Ariadine crawls onto the bed beside Senkha, "'M sorry! I was 'fraid you were dead!" She looks over her mother, "Are you okay?"

Senkha says:

Ariadine smiles, "'Kay..."
Ariadine says: Have 'y seen Stehl?

Macglynn turns abruptly and leaves.

Senkha blinks a few times, shaking her head. She frowns, touching her hand to her head wound and bringing it down to see blood on her fingers. She finally turns to -look- at Dizzy. "--Dizzy."

To Macglynn: Her entire mind is hugely suppressed, but the suppression is starting to fail. She barely squeezes something out. "Ludo is going to kill himself and I couldn't stop him."

Ariadine looks up at Senkha and answers reluctantly, "...Yeah?"

Senkha lifts her right hand to touch Dizzy's face. "Why'd you have to run off?" she asks before her voice breaks. She pulls Dizzy tightly against her, shaking with sobs.

Macglynn whispers: His response is a quick and very direct, "Why." He's obviously referring to his reasons for killing himself, not why she couldn't stop him.

To Macglynn: More of the emotion leaks out, and none of it's good, save for a sort of minor key version of the joy he felt earlier. "Faronne was unfaithful. He's going to carve out his own heart."

Ariadine wraps her arms around Senkha and remains silent, letting her mother cry. "'M-m sorry."

Senkha just holds Dizzy tight for a long moment, crying, before pulling back and giving her daughter a very watery, very weak smile. "I'm s-so glad you're alright."

Macglynn whispers: King of sensitivity he is, today. "Whore girlfriends is th' best thing ta kill yerself over."

Ariadine says: I'm glad 'y are too...
Ariadine eyes Senkha's bloodied hands, "Momma... 'y okay?"

To Macglynn: Once again, it's as though she's been slapped. The slow leak of emotions gets larger, but she draws back. If this was happening face to face, she'd be leaning back and staring at him like D:

Macglynn whispers: Good thing he's not there, then. He's pacing out on the ship's deck, milling over what's gone on today, but not really to any end. Just milling.

Ziichi comes inside and then starts rifling through Marius' desk drawers to find the GOOD STUFF for pain killers. She's leaving burnt fleshy bits stuck in the process; her hand to her shoulder is... burnt up badly, and smells disgusting. The leather has melted into her flesh as well.

Senkha has put Dizzy to sleep on the bed, touching the girl's face with her good hand, before standing. She would be alarmed at Ziichi, but at this point it's like, what else is new? So she simply asks, "What happened."

Ziichi glances over, shrugs her undamaged shoulder, and returns to looking. She finds a small bottle and pulls it out, then finds herself a syringe. Based on her expression and demeanour, she's pretty much in the same space as Senkha is about injuries.

To Macglynn: She listens. Less willingly and more because she wants to know what he's thinking of her at the moment. Because she needs more punishment.

Senkha says: Did you find them?

Ziichi shakes the bottle a bit, then growls and grabs the bottom drawer, ripping it open and breaking the lock. She is going to be in shit later. So much shit. She hurts too much right now to care, though. Her only response to Senkha is a grunt as she finds herself some morphine. Yes, please.

Senkha sighs, giving up on getting any information tonight. Cradling her left arm against her chest, she turns and very stiffly leaves the room.

Macglynn whispers: His thoughts are kind of a tangled mess on stream-of-consciousness, though an overlying theme to them that she may find, and probably find suitable punishment, is an uncharacteristically angry internal monologue about keeping up face in front of children. This past week has been brutal to him, hell, the past ten years have been brutal, but that's not his daughter's concern.

Senkha sags against the doorframe, as if she's just been punched in the gut. The wound on her head is bleeding profusely now, making her look quite the gory mess. She takes a deep breath and exhales before stumbling forward, towards the dock.
Senkha doesn't even see Oliver. Capital!

Macglynn has since quit pacing and has seated himself, looking dully out over the water. There's also a... really large grub in his hand. It squirms, and he sighs and throws it onto the dock. Go away. It lands with a thud.
Macglynn looks at you.
Macglynn says: ... Sen-
Macglynn stops. No, screw this.

To Macglynn: She's trying to withdraw even further, but her emotions are -screaming-. She's terrified, angry, heartbroken, confused, and a failure. And she keeps feeling like she's in that space again. And it won't stop.

Senkha doesn't hear him. She does, however, stop once she reaches the dock, more because she's lightheaded than anything. She takes a knee, closing her eyes and trying to think of -something- to calm her, but she usually thinks of Oliver...and he's angry.

Macglynn gets up and walks back inside.
Macglynn walks by Senkha, blade slung over his shoulder. His thoughts are closed, the old but familiar haze blocking anything that'd pry.

To Macglynn: "Wait."
Senkha says: Wait.
Senkha says: Wait. Please...I'm sorry. I'm sorry...

Macglynn whispers: There's nothing. Emptiness. A sort of dark, allowing nothing in nor out.

Senkha is hobbling as fast as she can, which isn't fast at all, considering. But she's a rogue. She starts to break into a run.
Senkha grabs Oliver's cloak and falls on her bad hand, crying out. "Please! Please, I'm sorry, I'm sorry--"
Senkha says: Don't make me do this alone, I can't be alone, please, please...
Senkha says: I'll do whatever you want me to do, please, please, don't leave me alone again...

Macglynn turns, causing his cloak to tear free from her hands. Something isn't right about his eyes. "Go back to th' ship."

Senkha falls back when he does this, looking like hell. She catches his eyes and instantly her mood changes. "Go. Feed your blade. Go -now-."
To Macglynn: The command comes mentally, too. She doesn't command him...well, ever. But now she is.

Macglynn turns sharply and walks away, without so much as another word.

Senkha sits for a moment and then pushes herself up. She squares her shoulders, wincing in pain at the left, and begins to walk, shufflingly and slowly.

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