Friday, November 26, 2010

November 25, Part I: Oliver Finds Dizzy

Macglynn whispers: Suddenly, there's a spark of pure -joy- from his end.

To Macglynn: Senkha is too deep asleep to notice.

Macglynn whispers: JOY.

To Macglynn: SLEEP.
To Macglynn: She's starting to wake up, slowly, but there's a lot of pain. "...Oliver, what..."

Macglynn whispers: JOY.

To Macglynn: Now she's awake. "Is she...?"

Macglynn whispers: "She's safe."
Macglynn whispers: JOY. ALSO BAWW.

To Macglynn: "Is she hurt. Is she awake."
To Macglynn: Also a whole lot of pain.
To Macglynn: "Oliver, answer me. Is she hurt? Is she awake?"

Macglynn whispers: "We'll be there soon. She's fahn."

To Macglynn: Sudden panic. "No. No no. Not here. No."

Macglynn whispers: "We're coming there." He sounds firm.

To Macglynn: "NO."
To Macglynn: "Take her home, please, take her anywhere but here, SHE CAN'T SEE ME LIKE THIS."

Macglynn whispers: "She's upset an' wants t'see you, dammit!"

To Macglynn: "NO."
To Macglynn: "Take her home. Don't let her see me like this, I can't see her like this."

Macglynn whispers: "Fer Light's sake, what's more importn', yer pride, or yer daughter?"

To Macglynn: Mental silence, as if she's just been slapped. But there's a sense that it's not about pride. She doesn't want to scare Dizzy. She doesn't want Dizzy to know how hurt she is. And...she's angry? Hurt? Betrayed? None of that makes sense. She pushes it away.

Senkha is half awake and groaning something panicked under her breath. She's trying to get off the bed on the opposite side.
Senkha is not doing very well with this.

Ziichi moves over towards Senkha, touching her arm softly at first, and then holding her firmly. "Sinka, Olly's bringin' 'er. Don' fall down an' git y'self 'urt. Tha' ain' help no one."

Macglynn whispers: His thoughts are curious. Is it really about not wanting to scare her? What's more terrifying to a child, seeing a hurt parent, or being told that they can't see a parent right now?

Senkha panics more at the touch. "Get off of me, she CAN'T COME HERE, get off of me!"

Ziichi moves her hand away and creases her eyebrows. "W-Why, why ain' she come 'ere, Sinka?"

To Macglynn: Senkha's gone into total panic mode because SOMEONE IS TOUCHING HER. Dancing at the Shady Serpent, dancing at the Shady Serpent, dancing at the Shady Serpent--

Senkha doesn't answer, just trying to get away to absolutely no avail. It hurts too much to move so she just tries to pull the covers over her instead.

Ziichi sits back a bit and watches Senkha, chewing her bottom lip. After some time, she pulls her boots off and sets them beside the bed, then settles with her back against the headboard and sings softly in Thalassian; it's pretty much her one talent. ...although she's not bad at sewing.

Senkha manages to get most of the blankets over her left side, though she only keeps them over her head for about half a second before throwing them off. She looks like she's gone -completely- insane (Gone? ha.).

Macglynn whispers: A mental sigh, if one is possible. Also something of a mental wince. He's going to get anger-braned later and he knows it.

Senkha throws the blankets from the bed to the floor in her increasing panic. And then cringes in pain, right hand shooting to her left arm. She just gives up and lies back, sobbing silently and squeezing her eyes shut.

Ziichi watches Senkha quietly, then looks over towards the windows. She slides off the bed and pads barefoot over towards the bank of glass, opening them one at a time to get air and light in. Dizzy did this for her; it's only fitting she do the same.

To Macglynn: Dancing at the Shady Serpent, dancing at the Shady Serpent, dancing at the Shady Serpent...

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