Monday, November 8, 2010

Senkha & Oliver: November 7

Macglynn says: Senkha.

Senkha says: Oliver.

Macglynn says: After th' party, we're takin' Dizzy t' Dalaran.

You blink at Macglynn.
Senkha says: Alright. What for?

Macglynn says: It'll take a night t'git there Ah reckon.

Senkha says: An' what're we doin' there?
Senkha frowns and scowls. "And what are we doing there?"

Macglynn says: Why'd y'repeat yerself?
Macglynn says: Anyway.
Macglynn says: There's a lady there whut trains bears ta be rode. Ah even seen 'em carryin' kids. Ah was thinkin'. Well.
Macglynn says: Th' kid likes bears.

Senkha says: She -loves- bears.
Senkha smiles slowly. "They had bear cubs for sale in Stormwind. I almost bought her one. This may be the best idea you've ever had, love."
Senkha says: ...aside from marrying me, of course.
You wink slyly at Macglynn.

Macglynn says: Ah seen people keep stranger animals'n bears, an'-
Macglynn says: 'Sahd from that, yes.

Senkha says: Well. I think that's a great idea, and she'll love Dalaran. We should make it a treasure hunt for her to find the boat tickets that'll take us north. And I promised her months ago that we'd take her.

Macglynn smiles. "It's settled, then. Ah got-- hm. Well, Ah'll give whut Ah got to pay." He looks guilty. HAVE A FAMILY, GET A JOB, HOBO.

Senkha smiles at Oliver understandingly. "It's alright. We'll figure it out. And speaking of figuring things out..."
Senkha says: I didn't quite understand what you were explaining earlier and I was wondering if you could demonstrate a few of the concepts to me.

Macglynn says: Hah. Haha.
Macglynn says: Okay.
Macglynn says: Ah'm better with hands-on demonstratin'.

Senkha says: Hands-on, hm?

Macglynn says: Mhm.

Senkha wheels her horse around (where did she get a horse, wtf) and starts slowly walking back to the house. "Not one to work with diagrams and charts?"

Macglynn says: Ah'm not very good at writin'.

Senkha says: You're not too bad at drawing.
Senkha says: I saw you draw...things in that journal that I gave you.

Macglynn says: Well, Ah work better if whut Ah'm doin' is right there in frunna me.
Macglynn says: Nah, whut, th' stars?

Senkha says: Mmm. I like them.

Macglynn says: Never thought much 'a 'em, really. Jus' t'git the ahdea across.
Macglynn says: S'pose that's whut a diagram is.

Senkha says: Mmhm.
Senkha says: Marius draws them of...things.

Macglynn says: Dicks?

Stehlp happily repeats Oliver!

Senkha says: I heard that he drew diagrams for someone illustrating the 'birds and the bees.'

Macglynn says: ... Maybe Ah should try drawin' dahgrams.

Senkha says: You should try diagramming me!

Macglynn says: ... Whut.

Senkha says: Well, I don't mean literally diagramming, but maybe just drawing?

Macglynn says: Well-- if y'want?

Senkha laughs, blushing a little and fumbling with her keys. "It'd be interesting. You could practice drawing on me...maybe you could make loads of money from it!"

Macglynn says: Please.
Macglynn says: Ah ain't that good at it.
Macglynn bonks you on the noggin. Doh!

Senkha kicks off her boots and plops down by the fireplace, leaning back against the wall. "You could be if you practice! Practice makes perfect."

Macglynn removes his blade, and his cloak follows. He sets the blade against the wall and tosses his cloak in a heap on the floor beside it. "Fine. But Ah ain't promisin' it'll look anythin' like yah."

Senkha grins, crossing her legs and closing her eyes lightly. "I don't expect it to at first, but I'll bet that if you practice..." She shrugs and holds out her hands towards him.

Macglynn seats himself beside her. He doesn't seem particularly confident, but he's smiling just the same. He's holding his journal, hardly written-in as it is, and an old pen.

Senkha is a wonderful writing teacher but she knows little to nothing about drawing. "What would you like me to do?" she asks, smiling eagerly.

Macglynn scoots around a bit so that he's actually facing her. He slouches forward a bit, pen held out over the open journal. "Uh. Jus', uh. Stay real still-like."

Senkha says: Alright.
Senkha gets as comfortable as she can, eyes still closed, and tries to relax so that she doesn't feel the need to move a muscle.

Macglynn looks between the paper and Senkha multiple times, like he's trying to figure out how a piece of paper is somehow going to become his wife. He touches the pen tip to the paper like he's ready to begin. He then circles the pen around over the paper, but makes no marks. He then looks between her and the paper again, back to square one.

Senkha has no idea what's going on and simply keeps her eyes closed and her face serene. She even tries to relax her hands, letting them fall face-up on her lap.

Macglynn makes a sudden, quick, curved line, something of an oval at the top, and three diagonal lines straight through it. He stares at it. "Right."
Macglynn begins to add a mess of lines in every direction. What results is a light and scribbly human-shaped mess.

Senkha still doesn't move, even when the earth shakes, but there's an aura of pleasure about her, as if this is both flattering and fun.

Macglynn goes over the light scribbles again and again, darker and darker in the places where there are shadows, the figure starting to have a sense of volume.
Macglynn smiles, not looking up from the drawing. "Never noticed y'got one tiny freckle on th' side 'a yer jaw." He crosshatches a few details into her clothing.

Senkha barely moves to say, "Have I?" Without really meaning to, she reaches a hand up to touch her jaw...and then drops it, remembering that she's supposed to be sitting still

Macglynn still smiles, and gives a small nod. "'S right there, right where it curves up t'erd yer ear." He frowns as it comes to detailing the shoulderpieces. Who designed these things, honestly?

Senkha has no idea who designed them, but they are some of the nicest rogue armor in the world. Either way, she tries to resume her earlier serene posture, though her lips twitch slightly as though she wants to smile.

Macglynn holds up the picture, apparently finished. He tilts it a few degrees, his expression very much =/. "Well."

Senkha opens her eyes and peers over, barely containing her almost childlike excitement. "Can I see?"

Macglynn turns it around. It's a sketchy, crosshatchy mess, but the mess is almost organized in how all the tiny lines mimic shape and shadow. It's not confident, but it's surprisingly proportionate, if not a little exagerrated on the more detailed features.

Senkha isn't really much of an artist, as her previous attempts at carving deathchargers have shown, so she's genuinely enthusiastic about his attempt. "Oh wow! This is so good! She looks just like me! You even made shadows!" Senkha laughs in disbelief.
Senkha says: I never thought someone'd be drawing pictures of -me- of all things. Samira was always the prettier one.

Macglynn says: ... Well 'a 'course Ah made shadows. That's whut it all is, if y'look at...
Macglynn stops as she laments not being the "pretty one". He looks at her, somewhat sadly, but doesn't say anything.
Macglynn whispers: *doesn't think Senkha is unpretty*

Senkha doesn't notice the sadness at all, she's just so excited about someone drawing a picture of her. "You and Dizzy both, we're going to ha--" She stops at this thought and turns to look at Oliver curiously. It's less disbelief and more that she's never thought about it, at least not recently. Not really able to say anything in response to that thought, she leans over and very gently kisses Oliver.

Macglynn blinks at you.
Macglynn says: ... That mean y'like it?

Senkha grins, pulling back and nodding eagerly. "I told you, it's really good. I wish I could paint; I'd paint it and hang it on the wall and everyone could think I was this grand lady."

Macglynn looks back at it. "Hm. Well, that's good. Ah s'pose that'll gimme somethin' ta work on."

Senkha laughs lightly, leaning back against the fireplace again, still oddly giddy. "Mmm, if you're not careful, you'll overinflate my ego and I won't be able to walk through doors anymore, my head'll be so fat."

Macglynn says: Yer ego's in yer head?

Senkha says: It's an expression. When someone's got a big ego, people say he's got a fat head.

Macglynn says: Huh. Y'think if somebody had a fat head, they'd think less 'a themselves.

Senkha says: I think it's because all the praise "goes to their head," so to speak. I don't really know many people who are -really- like that.
Senkha says: Maybe Selvie.

Macglynn says: Y'know, th' more Ah hear y'say 'bout yer sister, th' more Ah wanna meet 'er again so Ah kin punch 'er in th' ovaries.

Senkha's smile fades some, and she shakes her head. "...maybe just give her a stern talking-to. She's happy now, I hear, off married to Lius. I don't want anything to do with it."

Macglynn says: ... Lius? Really?

To Macglynn: *most of her thoughts are on the fact that she wouldn't wish not being able to have kids on someone who's still her sister, despite everything. Nicene, maybe, though...*

Senkha says: Mmhm. Who'da thought, right?

Macglynn whispers: *Oliver firmly believes that no one like Selvaggia should have children.*
Macglynn says: He is kinna a dick, Ah kin see it.

Senkha says: So I guess if they're happy and all.

To Macglynn: *vaguely, she remembers some of the nicer things about Selvaggia...just under the surface is the suggestion, and her own knowledge, that a lot of it is resentment that Selvaggia herself did nothing to help*
Senkha says: I mean...she knows how I feel about her, so I doubt we'd ever see her around here.

Macglynn whispers: *Oliver still thinks she's a cunt, but he won't punch her in the ovaries if his waifu doesn't want him to.*

To Macglynn: *Senkha appreciates this. He can punch her in the teeth if he wants, though*

Macglynn says: Maybe settlin' down'll make 'er less 'a bitch.

Senkha gives Oliver a hopeful smile. "Well, it's done that for me. Look how domestic I've become, making pancakes for anyone who stumbles in the door, getting fruit baskets..."

Macglynn closes his journal and tosses it across the room. It skids across the floor until it's blocked by the pile of cloth that it his cloak. He rests back against the hearth with her. "This ain't where Ah thought Ah'd be a year ago."

Senkha grins and shifts over so that she's resting her head in his lap and looking up at him. "A year ago, I accidentally joined a cult," she confesses with a laugh behind her voice.

Macglynn laughs. "Ah think y'told me 'bout that. Somethin' about skulls."

Senkha says: I wanted to prove a I sent that cult leader thing skulls because he said I was bad at hiding. And then he roped me into his cult. It was incredibly stupid.

Macglynn says: It sounds stupid. Ah hope y'reported 'em all to th' city guard.

Senkha says: I didn't have to. The leader hired me to assassinate Afterburn.
Senkha grins, reaching up to touch Oliver's left cheek. "And, seeing as how I wasn't suicidal then, I told him the whole story. Things happened, Winter Veil sucked, and here we are."

Macglynn says: Well.
Macglynn looks like he doesn't know what to say!
Macglynn says: Ah'm glad y'wasn't dumb.
Macglynn nods.

Senkha laughs again, shaking her head. "Now that's something I'm not at all used to hearing. How about you? Where were you a year ago?"

Macglynn says: ... A year ago? Hm.
Macglynn looks thoughtful. "Ah s'pose a year ago Ah was carryin' out whut'd normally be suicide missions fer th' Argent Crusade."
Macglynn says: Wun't much to me, a year ago. Even less so two years ago.

Senkha hums thoughtfully at this. "You mean right after you were freed. What day was that?"

Macglynn says: Whut day? Hm. It'd be-- heck, two years ago in jus' about a week.
Macglynn says: Th' thirteenth 'a November.

Senkha says: ...kind of like a second birthday for you, isn't it?

Macglynn laughs. "S'pose it is, in a way. Day after my boy's birthday, if Ah kin remember it right."

Senkha also laughs, though her laughter is sadder. "We'll have to do something special, you and I. Though I can tell you...Ziichi already has plans for your birthday in February."

Macglynn says: She whut na'? Aw, Senkha, why're yah goin' around tellin' people when it's m'birthday? Ah ain't alahv n'more, don't think they even count!

Senkha says: Well, because her birthday's just five days before. She wanted to celebrate with you...make you a cake and make me taste it for you.

Macglynn sags a bit, though in truth, there's a slight underlying happiness. "... S'pose that's real nice 'a her t' think that."

Senkha drops her hand from his face to lace her fingers with his. "I think the November one, though, should just be us. If you want to do anything at all, that is. I think we should."

Macglynn laughs softly. "Ah'd not mind an excuse ta be goin' an' doin' somethin'."

Senkha says: We'll have to leave Dizzy at the Quel'Talan, but...well. Where would you like to go? Your choice, lover.

Macglynn says: Always saddlin' me with th' tough decisions, huh?
Macglynn smirks slyly at you.

Senkha chuckles, squeezing his hand lightly. "Well, it's a day that we're celebrating for you, so by rights, you should be the one to choose what we do then."

Macglynn says: Ha' 'bout Ah throw a dart at a map an' let fate decide?

Senkha says: Do we have any maps?

Macglynn says: ... Ah don't think we does.
Macglynn says: Fuck it, let's go someplace pretty, outta th' way, with nobody around fer miles.

Senkha says: Hmm. Twin Colossals? Like our first day out? That's pretty and out of the way.

Macglynn grins. "Y'kna' whut? Ah think that sounds lahk a plan."

Senkha says: Only this time, I'll wear clothes more suitable for traveling -to- the jungle instead of just short trousers for actually being -in- the jungle.

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