Friday, September 17, 2010

Senkha & Oliver: September 17

Macglynn inspects his blade in the firelight. Pristine!

Senkha says: ...that went better than I expected.

Macglynn says: Nice kid.
Macglynn seems to be smirking.

Senkha , with a whelp on her face that she's decided to leave there, doesn't see the smirk. She just sort of groans. "You have no idea how terrified he was just then."

Macglynn says: Ah don't see any reason why 'e shoulda been.
Macglynn shrugs. "Again, when Ah ever git upset about anythin'?"
Macglynn smiles, resting his blade against the wall by the chair. He leans back, crossing one ankle over another.

Senkha says: ...unless I'm hurt, you don't, really. Annoyed, but not upset.
Senkha finally removes Stehlp from her face and turns to look at Oliver, the blush finally leaving her cheeks.

Macglynn crosses his hands in his lap, his pipe still at his lips. "See? No problems."

Senkha says: ...I mean it could've been worse, all things considered, but...
You let out a long, drawn-out sigh.

Macglynn says: Y'knew 'e was comin'?

Senkha says: I asked him to come.
Senkha says: ...apologize to you, that is.

Macglynn says: ... Mm.
Macglynn says: This, uh. This bond 'a yers.

Senkha says: Mmm?
Senkha says: What about it?

Macglynn says: Is it...
Macglynn pauses. He frowns for a moment, and is motionless, save for the smoke of his pipe.
Macglynn says: ... nice?
Macglynn still frowns, dissatisfied.

Senkha also frowns, considering. She takes a long time before she says, "...yes."
Senkha says: ...I...I'd like to have that sort of bond with you. You know, permanently, even more than what we already have.

Macglynn says: There's days when Ah'm thankful nobody's got a window into my thoughts.

Senkha says: Why?
Senkha says: ...well, I mean.
Senkha says: I understand -why-, but...I guess I can't imagine you thinking anything that...I don't know. That was a stupid question. I'm sorry.

Macglynn says: Ah'm only human.

Senkha says: We're trying to figure out how to block each other out but still keep the bond. I...well. I wish it was you I had this bond with, you know?

Macglynn says: Is that... somethin' you'd want.

Senkha lies back, eyes closed. She nods. "Yes."
Senkha says: ...but only if you want it, too.

Macglynn is quiet for a very long time.

Macglynn says: Ah don't think it's much about whut Ah want.

Senkha opens her eyes to look at him. "Yes it is," she says quietly. "I'm not the only one who would be affected by it. You'd feel everything I feel, all the time. I wouldn't listen to your thoughts purposely, but...I still might hear things you wouldn't want."
Senkha says: ...and then there's Blightreaver.

Macglynn looks irked at even the mention of the name.

Senkha winces at his irked look. "...sorry. I know. Same person. I know. I'm sorry."

Macglynn says: It ain't secrets Ah'm worried about.
Macglynn says: Never was real big on keepin' secrets.

Senkha closes her eyes halfway, lying with her hand up by her head. "What are you worried about, then?"

Macglynn says: ... Jus' not secrets.

Senkha frowns, squinting up at the ceiling. "I don't understand."
Senkha says: ...if you don't want it, though...I understand. I'm sorry I suggested it.
Senkha really does sound sorry.

Macglynn stands. He very slowly walks to the table and sets down his pipe. He then walks to her, and puts his hands to the side of her head. He kneels as he does this, causing her to bend a bit, and he looks her up in the eye. For the first time, he opens the bond himself. His expression deadpans and his eyes blaze, the flames reaching out for her own eyes. Whatever reserves were in his mind are gone, and he gives all he has to her. And as it is, she'd feel everything.
Macglynn is open to her. There is a near incessant chatter in his mind, an easily recognizable "voice". A constant terror. The deep and unimaginable loathing a paladin holds for undeath held for oneself. And fear.

Senkha stares as Oliver makes his way over to her, and her eyes are as large as dinnerplates when he is the one to open the bond between them. The sensation takes her by surprise at first--for a moment, she even forgets to breathe--and she reaches up with both hands, shaking, placing them on top of his. Her breath catches a few times, more from emotion than from anything: sadness that he should feel this, wishing he wasn't afraid, maybe I can help but I don't think I'm strong enough.

Macglynn holds the bond, though without knowing, his clutch on her head grows tighter, and his hands shake. He doesn't speak, and simply gives her what she wanted: everything. The chatter grows louder, almost chiding as it laughs about nothing.

Senkha closes her eyes, steadying her hold on his hands. She breathes slowly, deeply, trying to concentrate, not trying to make sense of the chatter or the laughter, but simply listening. Ever so slightly, she leans forward and presses her forehead against his.

The chatter doesn't become understandable. It simply grows louder and more malicious, and very subtly, would put words of doubt in the mind of anyone listening in on it. A feeling of sickness would likely overcome her; the sickness one feels in their gut upon witnessing a great disaster. The feeling someone experiences after taking their first life. It doesn't fade.

Senkha seems unfazed by this sickness, save for a memory and an ever-present, familiar sense of guilt. Distantly, something that almost sounds like Senkha makes a shrieking sound, but it's so far away that it's impossible to reach. She still remains largely still, only moving to place her hands on either side of his head. Her own thoughts are mostly silent.

Macglynn 's deadpan slowly twitches to an off-kilter grin. Their heads so close, he pulls the two of them into a kiss. His eyes still blaze with the invasive lichfire, filling her eyes as well. It's deathly cold, as would be expected. The chatter grows slightly more intelligible, but ever so slightly. Noticeable amongst the banter is a repeat of his words from earlier: "I'm only human."

Again, from somewhere far away, unreachable, there is a screech of rage and desperation, something trying to get free but unable to do so. Senkha, for a moment, is distracted by the bizarre sensation, but allows one thought through towards Oliver's mind: if I die, you die.
Senkha exhales a cloud of steam, despite the heat from the fireplace. Stehl-the-whelp looks concerned.

Macglynn brings them into a full kiss, the link still not breaking. A deep kiss, still smiling, though not in his usual manner. He rises, pushing her back onto the bed. The chatter grows to a level of insanity. A thousand voices, some noticeably young. The words break their way through the cacophony, an almost pride behind them. we give them names. it makes them seem more human to us.

Senkha falls backwards, still oddly unfazed by the entire ordeal, her eyes still closed. Another shriek of rage, a rattling of chains, faintly. I forgot their names. I'm sorry you have to hear them all the time. She may as well be apologizing for being late to dinner with how calm she is. There's a new understanding laced through her thoughts, though.

The words carry on, as if not actually addressing anybody. took their lives ALL OF THEM part of me now isn't it good for them their SOULS BINDING ME they can fight forever. The word 'forever' punctures and bleeds into her mind, a simultaneous sense of accomplishment and terror behind it: two people speaking. I CANNOT KILL YOU. BUT IT'S A BOND YOU WANT?

The shriek of rage returns, along with a much louder rattling of chains. Immediately, like a fortress, what would seem like iron walls clamp down around her mind; in fact, they sound just like prison doors, if they could have sound. Senkha tries to wriggle out from under him, eyes open now, brown and lichfire blue flickering.
Senkha says: Not yet. Soon. But not yet.

Macglynn 's eyes dull, and he pulls away. He staggers back into the table, and tries to find balance. He looks at her with an unusual calmness.

Senkha blinks a few times, the blue clearing from her eyes entirely. The only bond between their minds is the usual one that never closes, though it's a one-way flow now. Out, not in. She speaks in a steadying voice. "Oliver."

Macglynn doesn't respond. He just looks at her, as though waiting for something.

Senkha repeats his name, more loudly. "Oliver. Answer me." A silent plea is sent towards his mind.

Macglynn says: Y-- the...
Macglynn speaks? It's a start.

Senkha nods slowly, her voice forcibly firm as she speaks again. "Come back to me. I want Oliver. You will come back to me." Less as a threat, a rattling of chains echoes across their bond.

Macglynn says: Here-- always here, don't...

Senkha 's voice is still forcibly firm, though gentle. "It's alright. Thank you for showing me. I understand much more now. I'm not going to hurt you." Her voice breaks on the last word, though just barely.

Macglynn says: ... Beg pardon.
Macglynn walks outside.

Senkha says: Oliver...
Senkha says: You have nothing to feel sorry for right now.

Macglynn says: ...
Macglynn says: Go back inside.

Senkha folds her arms across her chest. "No. Not this time. I'm not going to let you wallow and think you're a horrible person because you actually give a damn about what happens to people, even the ones whose names you don't know."
Senkha follows this with a mirthless laugh. "And I hope you don't think that it was anything new to me."

Macglynn turns. There's something desperate in his expression, and his eyes have flared again. Mood-eyes. Better than mood rings, because everyone can see them. "Never ask anythin' of you. Not gunna give me this?"

Senkha actually rolls her eyes at this; it's the closest she's been to angry in weeks, though her voice is still calm. "Why is it that you always ask me for things that will hurt you but deny me the chance to hurt myself, hm?"
Senkha says: When you find out I've whipped myself, you scold me, but I'm supposed to sit idly by and watch you do the same thing to yourself? What hurts you hurts me...i--
Senkha 's shoulders sag as she cuts the thought off, looking at the snow.

Macglynn says: Bein' pissed at m'self outside fer a spell ain't gunna hurt nobody.

Senkha says: Why are you mad at yourself, though? You didn't do anything wrong.

Macglynn says: Y'don't need any 'a that.

Senkha says: I don't-- Oliver.
Senkha takes his face in both of her hands, pulls it close to hers. Immediately, the bond between them is wide open, though it's still a one-way street. A parade of memories flashes through their minds, blood and gore, screams, and over it all, an infectious sense of glee, the feeling he has when he dances. The memories grow faster and faster the longer they parade on. There must be hundreds, thousands. Like a narration, she presses understanding on his mind: I already -have- it.

Macglynn looks at her, the deadpan returning. "Y'fell in love with me because Ah made y'smile."

Senkha continues to allow the parade of memories to dance before him, though the sound of a cracking whip can now be heard, like a steady drum. Yes, I did. Senkha keeps her hands on either side of his face and draws him down into a full, long kiss, not at all unlike the one he gave her.

Macglynn says: ... It's why a lot 'a folk tolerate me.
Macglynn seems to just be talking and not really paying attention to anything happening to or around him.

Senkha doesn't break the kiss to respond, though he might feel a slight niggling at the back of his mind to pick her up. She speaks without speaking, the memories of that bloody dance vanishing into memories of a different dance--the dance with him. From the first dance to the present moment, every step, every smile, every tear. Through it all, like a narration: I don't tolerate you. I choose you. You're a part of me now, and you always will be.

Macglynn does manage a smile. He wraps his arms around her, though doesn't pick her up. "That's corny as hell."

Senkha still doesn't break the kiss or the bond, though she smiles against his mouth. It is corny as hell. But it's the truth. Always will be.

Macglynn says: Ah'm not carryin' you inside.

Senkha finally breaks the kiss, though the bond with his mind remains...still one way, but steady. "Will you come inside with me, though, at least?"

Macglynn says: S'pose so. Th' night air don't makes as good 'a company.

Senkha smiles and kisses him again, lightly, before leading the way back into their house.

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