Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Senkha & Kyrita: September 28

Senkha exhales heavily as she sees Kyrita, frowning. No Ziichi or Dizzy means she can show her emotions and they are not nice ones.

Kyrita is sitting here on a stool, before her forge. Her hands hold a cup of freshly brewed thistle tea in her hand. She's trying to keep awake. A deep, regretful sigh, as she looked towards her 'home'.
Kyrita looks at you.
Kyrita says: ... Hi.

Senkha makes several false starts before looking over to Marius' shed. She once again makes several false starts and finally begrudgingly admits, "You did a good job rebuilding the shed."

Kyrita says: Yeah. I owed Marius that much.
Kyrita says: Owe him a lot more.

Senkha says: That's an understatement.

Kyrita says: I know.
Kyrita nods her head, taking a sip of her tea. It's held in a dirty glass that's seen a lot of use over the past week.
Kyrita says: Owe you too.

Senkha grunts in response. It's so much easier to start a fight when people disagree with you and don't say nice things like that. She stares at the shed, still. "Did you mean to kill him? I saw the look in your must've known who he was."

Kyrita says: No. I knew who he was when I knocked him down.
Kyrita says: ... But if you are his sister now.
Kyrita says: Then you know he would have gotten back up to attack again.

Senkha says: Of course he would've. There are ways to incapacitate someone without killing them, though. Light above, you of all people would know -that-.
Senkha is totally pulling bullshit things from Arubrey's bullshit memories and bullshitting.

Kyrita says: Didn't think he had become so weak.
Kyrita says: Didn't expect him to shoot that far.

Senkha says: He is -not- weak.

Kyrita says: I made an error of judge - no.
Kyrita says: Weak as in his weight. Body.

Senkha rolls her eyes. "Well of course, when standing next to a half-giantess."

Kyrita says: ... Not that.
Kyrita says: I raised him. Saw him develope. Found him when he was first sick.
Kyrita says: ... He was blue. Like he had not been breathing.
Kyrita says: He's better.

Senkha says: ...wait, found him?
Senkha says: And how the hell is he "better"? He's in a fucking -coma-.

Kyrita says: He'll wake up.
Kyrita says: Grahm has his hands in it.
Kyrita says: If Arubrey was to die, Grahm would have come back to me.
Kyrita says: Arubrey is the last sane son of blood. As muddled as it is.

Senkha says: The only reason he -didn't- die was because that fucking -sword- told me to stab him. You people and your-- his blood is not muddled.

Kyrita says: It is.
Kyrita says: He takes after his father.

Senkha says: Lucky him.
Senkha sounds like she means it.

Kyrita says: Why he -
Kyrita grunts at this. She knows it's an insult at her person and she cringes. But - she stares the woman back, annoyed.
Kyrita says: Why he's so short.

Senkha says: Nothing wrong with being short.

Kyrita says: No.
Kyrita says: But I speak the truth.

Senkha says: Your opinion. You said his blood is muddled and that's ridiculous.

Kyrita rolls her eyes. "Have you come here to seek vengence?"

Senkha says: Marius told me not to antagonize you until he got to the bottom of things. Presumably he believes your bullshit or else you wouldn't be allowed on the boat after attacking one of the Sigil.

Kyrita says: ... Come closer, girl.

You eye Kyrita up and down.

Kyrita coughs this, placing her tea-cup to the forge behind her. Her forearm comes up, bracing it over her mouth to catch the spittle.

Senkha says: Why, so you can toss me into the shed, too?

Kyrita says: No.
Kyrita says: Want to look.
Kyrita hacks.
Kyrita recovers from her coughing fit. Wiping her arm against her shirt. She hunches forward, putting herself to eye-level with Senkha, looking back at her stoicly.

Senkha stands with her hands on her hips, looking stoically at Kyrita because...well. Still can't get properly angry without a migraine.

Kyrita says: What is he to you?
Kyrita says: Your brother, yes?

Senkha says: My twin. He's like the other half of me. My best friend.
Senkha says this with more emotion than she intends and looks away quickly, back towards the boat.

Kyrita says: I see.
Kyrita holds out her palm to her, her back straightening. It's brought to her abdomen.
Kyrita says: I gave him to you.
Kyrita says: Darian and I did.
Kyrita says: Darian died to keep him safe.
Kyrita says: I lost my oldest.
Kyrita says: He is of -my- blood. Even if he is no longer my child.
Kyrita says: Remia has him now.
Kyrita says: I am okay with this.
Kyrita says: I am okay with you loving him.
Kyrita says: I am greatful for this.
Kyrita says: I am thankful to you.

Senkha snorts wetly, scrubbing at her cheek with the back of her hand. "That's great, really. My parents did all sorts of wonderful things, too, I'm sure. That didn't change that he--" She stops, hearing the words "I am okay with this."

Kyrita says: I am thankful to you for giving him something that was taken from him.
Kyrita looks at her - the stoicism breaking. She jerks away for a moment, her elbow resting on a knee. Her face hides behind a large hand, pushing back her hair. Eyes hidden.

Senkha looks back to Kyrita, her cheek twitching. "You are a fucking contradiction. I don't understand you and I don't like that everyone thinks that you are made of sunshine, light, and puppies."

Kyrita says: I'm not.
Kyrita says: You came here to do something.
Kyrita says: So please do.

Senkha says: I came here to look at the shed because I m-- because I miss him.

Kyrita 's grinding her palm into her eyes. Something's in it, she swears.
Kyrita says: I do too.

Senkha swallows really hard and try not to start crying. "You're the one who -did- this to him! Whether he's sick or not, whether you're right or not, you're the reason this happened!"

Kyrita says: Yeah.
Kyrita just repeats this back. Sniffing. Her hand comes away, resting on her knee. She stares the girl back down, like a scared, wounded animal.

Senkha looks entirely disarmed by this look on the enormous woman's face. It looks not a little like she's been slapped in the face with a dead fish or possibly a dead husband. She takes a moment. "--Oliver believes you."

Kyrita says: I like Oliver.
Kyrita says: He's a good man.
Kyrita says: You chose your partner well.

Senkha says: He believes the best about the man who kidnapped him and tortured him.
Senkha says: ...would've killed him if I hadn't--

Kyrita says: Thank you.
Kyrita croaks this. Her normal, grainy voice breaking up. As if she's having problems even uttering the words.
Kyrita says: He has a good family now.
Kyrita says: Who cares.
Kyrita says: Thank you for loving my lost boy.

Senkha takes a long, deep breath and lets it out shudderingly. "There's nothing I wouldn't do for him. But if you come near him again or try to hurt him..." She trails off because she knows she'd probably get in trouble for that, too.

Kyrita says: You'll hurt me.

Senkha says: If I did, I'd probably lose my husband, my father, and several friends.
Senkha says: So I honestly don't know what I'd do.

Kyrita says: ... I would have fought back.
Kyrita says: I would not let myself be taken easily. Even if you're his twin.
Kyrita says: I love my boy. But I still have things to do.
Kyrita says: Another boy to kill.

Senkha allows small smirk to come to her face. "There are ways to disarm someone without fighting them physically. And you are a very strange mother. Like those voles, you know, the ones that eat their babies?"
Senkha says this less cruelly and more scientifically.

Kyrita says: ... Kek.
Kyrita smirks, looking away from her, to the ground to her right. Her eyes slowly creep back up to watch her, though.
Kyrita says: ... I need to go buy some supplies.
Kyrita says: Anything else?

Senkha doesn't really respond much to Kyrita to explain how she'd disarm the woman. She simply nods. "No. I'm leaving. Thank you for respecting our need for you to keep your distance."
Senkha says: ...and thank you for...what you are to Ziichi.

Kyrita says: Okay.
Kyrita says: ...

Senkha takes a deep breath and nods, turning to go and sort of swishing Oliver's cape behind her like a superhero. Away!

Kyrita pauses at this, just watching her. Her chin comes back up, giving Senkha a clear face of her visage. Her smirk droops down, becoming a flat line. A shallow bob of her head, barely noticable.

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