Friday, September 17, 2010

Senkha, Oliver, and Arubrey: September 17

Senkha says: ...I hope he changed the sheets.

Macglynn pries the booties off of Stehl.

Senkha has already ripped the bib off and tossed it at the table.

Macglynn doesn't have the heart to throw them in the fire, but tosses them aside. "He's a dragon!"

Senkha says: Oh, I meant Arubrey.
Senkha says: He, um.
Senkha says: Well.
Senkha says: Heh.

Macglynn says: ...
Macglynn stands abruptly, still holding Stehl.

Senkha looks down at the sheets, which are mostly smooth and seem unrumpled. "...I -think- he probably did, but I'm not sure."

Macglynn holds up Stehl still, away from the sheets, as though he could possibly become tainted. "They didn' let y'watch did they?!"

Senkha says: ...oh Light, I hope not. The last thing we need is for him to be imitating -that-.
Senkha reaches down to place her hands over her rear, as if remembering something she Did Not Want.

Stehl makes a garbled noise that sounds a lot like moaning.

Senkha says: . . .
Senkha says: ...he's not answering.
Senkha looks like }8

Macglynn looks devastated. Stehl, on the other hand, merrily pipes up, "Boners!"

Senkha says: . . .

Macglynn turns Stehl upside-down. "Y'got a language problem, son."
Macglynn stares Crimson Whelpling down.

Stehl-the-whelp pipes up, as if in agreement, "Shit howdy!"

Macglynn says: ... You doin' this on purpose?

Senkha says: Light, he's going to go and join up with the other reds when he's all grown and be a complete embarassment.

Macglynn says: Ah sometahms wonder if us even havin' 'im around's at all good fer 'im.
Macglynn says: Ah mean, whut good's a dragon gunn be if 'e kin't even do... dragon things.

Senkha says: I think it -has- to be now. He's used to us...we're his family. If we sent him away now...

Macglynn says: Ah'm jus' curious about ha' this is gunna work, is all.
Macglynn says: He's gunna git bigger, too. Way bigger.

Senkha says: Well, we can deal with that when we come to it. It probably won't be for another twenty years or so.
Senkha says: And by then, we may have a bigger place or no place at all.

Macglynn says: Whut if 'e meets other dragons? He kin't even say nuthin' in, uh. Dragontalk.
Macglynn says: Light, Ah think Afterburn kin talk with dragons more'n this kid can.
Macglynn is still holding Stehl upside-down.

Senkha says: That's why we should get in touch with Mr. Campion and see about socializing him with Scarlet.

Macglynn says: So there'd be... two dragons whut kin't speak dragon.

Senkha says: Maybe they can and we don't realize it.
Senkha says: I mean, does he have a reason to speak Draconic around us?

Macglynn is silent for a moment. Finally, he responds, "That's dumb."

Senkha says: What's dumb about it?

Macglynn says: ...
Macglynn says: Ah'm sayin' it's dumb 'cause Ah don't agree with it an' kin't think of a better argyamint.

Senkha laughs, finally getting off the bed, and rests her arms on Oliver's shoulders. Stehlp takes advantage of this situation to clamber up on top of Oliver's head.
Senkha says: I figured as much and that, my dear, is why I love you.
Senkha says: ...even though that makes -no- sense.

Macglynn says: Neither does raisin' dragons like puppies!

Senkha says: I'm not raising him like a puppy. I'm raising him like a son. There is a difference.

Macglynn says: Light, he's probably smarter'n we is.
Macglynn tries to pry Stehlp off. "Ah ain't bein' insultin' ter yah, yeah?"

Stehlp blows a smoke ring in Oliver's face. He looks like he is smiling.

Macglynn says: ... Ah think there's somethin' wrote somewhere that says all kids, n'matter whut species, gotta be a pain in th' ass.

Senkha says: Of course! Otherwise we wouldn't appreciate it so much when they grow out of it.

Macglynn says: Ah dunno, lookin' at my track record, Ah'd say they's better off as kids.

Senkha frowns at this, looking downward. "...right. I'm sorry, love."

Macglynn blinks at you.
Macglynn says: Fer whut.

Senkha says: For not thinking of that. I should've been thinking.

Macglynn says: Y'been apologizin' fer purty meaningless shit.

Senkha says: I know. I know. I'm s--
You blink at Macglynn.
Senkha says: ...sorry.

Macglynn sighs at you.

Senkha chews on her lower lip, looking more than a little nervous and embarrassed.

Macglynn takes her by the shoulders, and sits her on the bed.

Senkha is sat.

Macglynn sits next to her. Stehl leaps from his head to hers.
Macglynn says: Don't gotta say yer sorry.

Senkha says: I just don't want you to be upset. I don't want you to worry that I'm going to hurt you again.

Macglynn says: ... When have Ah ever got upset about... anythin' at all?

Senkha says: Yes, I know, but I don't want you to get upset is what I'm saying.
Senkha says: ...I don't want to give you reason to leave or anything.
Senkha 's voice is timid and small. She looks down at the quilt as she talks.

To Arubrey: *" changed the sheets, right?"*

Arubrey whispers: "Yes."
Arubrey whispers: "Uh - yeah."

Macglynn laughs. A chuckle at first, though it grows. He kisses her on the cheek, and it is dead and gross and cold. "Y'sound like me."

Arubrey whispers: "Sorry."

Senkha looks up with a slanted smile. "...I do, don't I? I'm s--" She laughs, shaking her head.

To Arubrey: *"You may want to come and apologize to Oliver. I think he wants to burn the sheets."*

Arubrey whispers: "I am in so much trouble, aren't I?"

Macglynn says: Though, Ah don't got half m'subconscious missin', so Ah dunno whut my excuse is.

To Arubrey: *"Stehl started moaning like one of the three of you and then said 'boners!' So...yes."*

Arubrey whispers: "... You taught him that word. Coming."

Senkha reaches over to kiss his cold, dead right cheek...not the bony, rotten, left cheek. "It's because you have a good heart and because you don't think you deserve me."

To Arubrey: *"I did no such thing!"*

Arubrey whispers: "I remember it!"

To Arubrey: *"...oh right. Heh."*

Macglynn says: So y'admit it!

Arubrey whispers: There's a really reluctant sigh on Arubrey's side. As well, he's incredibly worried and - scared. "Coming."

Senkha says: Admit what?

Macglynn kisses her again. "That Ah don't deserve you."

Senkha laughs, shaking her head. "That is not what I said! You -think- that you don't deserve me, but the reverse is true."

Arubrey ... Knocks against the door, a hand coming up to rub the back of his head nervously. Someone's in trouble~

Macglynn kisses his wife again, this time on the neck. He looks incredibly irate at the DOOR KNOCK.
Macglynn says: Whut miser'ble excuse fer a human bein' is knockin' on th' fuckin' door.

Arubrey is a miserable excuse for a human being.

Macglynn opens the door. He stares.
Macglynn shuts the door.

Arubrey says: -- H -
Arubrey slumps.

Macglynn says: Salesmen.

Arubrey whispers: "It's me."

Senkha says: ...Oliver.

Macglynn says: ... What?

Senkha says: That is not a salesman.
Senkha says: That is Arubrey.

Macglynn says: ...
Macglynn swears quietly to himself. He doesn't look like he intends on getting up to open the door.

Senkha says: ...
Senkha pushes off the bed, rolling her eyes and goes to open the door.

Arubrey is kinda drooping her looking really defeated.

Senkha opens the door. Stehl-the-whelp is clinging to her head and blowing smoke rings. She looks half amused and half annoyed. "Come on in, l-- twin."

Arubrey says: Hi.
Arubrey says: Thanks.

Macglynn stares Arubrey down.

Arubrey steps in, closing the door behind him. There's a deep breath, feeling Oliver staring LASERS into Aubrey's head. He just offers an ashamed smile over to Senkha - and a wave to Oliver.

Arubrey says: Uh - hi.

Senkha takes note of the sword strapped to Arubrey's back and frowns slightly, though she says nothing except, " know, I remembered that I was the one to teach Stehl to say 'boners.'"
Senkha says: Just throwing that out there.

Macglynn drums his fingers on his knee. "Ah'll keep that in mind." He looks to Arubrey, and smiles. "Well, boy? Y'gunna lurk th' door, or y'gunna sit?"

Arubrey says: -- Right. I guess - yeah.

To Arubrey: *"He doesn't bite, you know."*

Arubrey frowns towards the chair by the table. It's the closest to the door, which he happily takes. His legs cross and his hands come together on his lap.

Arubrey whispers: "Just worried."

Arubrey says: Sorry.

Senkha looks between Oliver and Arubrey with a tentative smile, as if trying to make peace between them with her mind.

Arubrey says: I'm sorry.

Senkha says: So! I wanted to thank you for watching out for Stehl and the house while we were away.

Arubrey says: -- You're welcome.

You let out a hacking cough.

Macglynn says: Ah hope y'changed th' sheets.

Arubrey says: Sorry about the booties - yeah.
Arubrey says: We kept it clean.
Arubrey coughs.

Macglynn says: Good.

Senkha says: definitely took it up the ass.

Macglynn covers his face with his palm.

Senkha realizes she's spoken outloud a moment too late.
You cover your face with your palm.

Arubrey -stares- his twin down, a little mortified. His cheeks are bright red, completely shocked.

Macglynn says: ...

Senkha is still covering her face with her hands, looking similarly embarrassed...or at least her ears are bright red.

Arubrey says: ... Thanks for that.
Arubrey says: Really.

Macglynn seems content to remove himself from the situation. He walks across the house and sits, and immediately lights his pipe.

Stehlp, sensing his mother's embarrassment, covers her face with his wings.

To Arubrey: *"...sorry. Didn't mean to say that out loud. But he -knows- already, Light."*

Arubrey slumps in his chair, looking over towards Oliver. He tries to make polite conversation! "Good to see you well, Oliver. Was worried."

Arubrey whispers: "I-It's fine... I..."

Macglynn says: 'Bout whut.

Arubrey says: Your injuries.

Macglynn says: Soldier. Shit happens.

To Arubrey: *her discomfort is more than apparent. "...well, I mean. It's practically like living out some sort of fucked-up threesome anyway. Or something." She withdraws slightly.*

Arubrey whispers: "... Senkha?"

To Arubrey: *faintly. "...sorry..."*

Arubrey whispers: "I love you. How mad is he at me?"

Arubrey says: ... Yeah.
Arubrey says: But - even still.

To Arubrey: *"Not really mad. Irritated. Keep trying."*

Arubrey says: I am sorry. About a lot of assholery I've done around you.
Arubrey says: The Sigil house and on.
Arubrey says: It - I think we got off at a bad foot.
Arubrey coughs at this, trying to muster up a weak smile.

Senkha tries to push Stehlp's wings out of her face. The whelp seems more interested in keeping her face covered than she is interested in having her face covered.

Macglynn puffs at his pipe for a moment, looking at the fire. Finally, he looks at Arubrey and asks plainly, "Feel good fer yah when Ah fuck 'er, Arubrey?"

Arubrey ... Is honest back. "I don't feel a thing."
Arubrey says: It's - her. She feels it and I just -
Arubrey says: Nngh.
Arubrey covers his visage with his palm! Awkward!

Senkha looks like she wants to melt into the floor. She stops trying to pry Stehlp's wings away from her face.

Macglynn taps the bit of his pipe on his exposed jaw. "Choose yer words careful na'."

Arubrey says: ... I don't feel it. She does and I just - get a sense when it happens.
Arubrey says: I don't pay attention to it. I don't want to.
Arubrey says: And I keep my mind off it when it does.
Arubrey says: How's that?

Senkha , able to stop covering her face since Stehlp has taken on that duty, reaches down to cover her ass, because that was not okay, even the hint of it.

Macglynn says: Is that th' truth, or y'tellin' me that 'cause yah like havin' that eye.

Arubrey says: Truth.

Senkha nods feebly in confirmation. She still looks like she wants to die.

Macglynn stops tapping, and puts his pipe back to his lips. "Guess y'live another day, then."

Arubrey looks to the man carefully, his breathing a bit rigid. He's scared of Oliver for all the wrong reasons. He gives a dutiful nod. "... How can I continue living past this?"

To Arubrey: *still faintly, as if she's trying to force the words out around her massive embarrassment. " that Grahm."*

Arubrey whispers: "Yes. I - got him back."

Senkha pries one wing away from her face for long enough to stare at Arubrey blankly before letting it fall back again.

Macglynn says: Never speak 'a it.

Arubrey says: ... Done.
Arubrey coughs, looking back to Senkha with a frown. He tries to throw a genuine careless grin - but it falters a bit.

Senkha speaks from behind Stehlp's wings. "So...good that we can move past this, right?"

Macglynn stands, picks up his runeblade from the corner, and takes a sharpening stone from his belongings. He proceeds to sharpen his blade. "Yep."

Senkha hears the sound of the sharpening stone and groans. "This is ridiculous."

Macglynn says: Ah said yep.
Macglynn sharpen sharpen sharpen

To Macglynn: *faintly, through a very large amount of embarrassment. "You're terrifying him more."*

Macglynn whispers: <"Good. See if 'e grows some balls.">

Senkha turns her face as if to stare at Oliver, but the whelp remains in front of her face. "...seriously?"

Macglynn turns his sword on its point as he inspects the blade's edge. He smiles at Senkha, and offers a smile to Arubrey as well. "When have Ah ever been serious?"
Macglynn finds an old cloth and begins to clean grime out of the grooves made by the runes.

Arubrey totally drifted off, a small headache overcoming him. His hands came up for his temples, massaging into them with a thumb. He offers a weak smile over to Oliver, giving a nod. But he's silent.

Senkha sighs quietly behind the whelp's wings. "...sorry, love."

Arubrey says: I should get going, you two.
Arubrey says: -- Thanks for your time.
Arubrey stumbles to his feet, still leaving a hand to his cheek.

Macglynn says: Pity. Yuh'll have ta come earlier nex' tahm.
Macglynn turns his blade again. He wipes away grime that looks suspiciously like dried blood.

Arubrey says: One day.
Arubrey staggers his way out.

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