Tuesday, September 14, 2010

9/13/2010: Senkha and Oliver

Macglynn says: Yer... yer treatin' me special-like.
Macglynn says: Like "hide th' scissors" special.

Senkha says: ...no I'm not. I just want to make sure you're alright, since you couldn't -move- all weekend.

Macglynn extends his arms a bit to draw eye to himself. "But Ah'm better na'!"

Senkha fiddles with her gloves uncertainly, looking more than a little apologetic.Senkha says: I know, I know. I just worried about you is all. I'm sorry.
Senkha says: I'll stop treating you like that. I'm sorry, love.

Macglynn says: Y'know whut, Ah'm goin' home anyway.

Senkha says: Oh! Alright. I think that sounds like a good idea.

Macglynn says: Yeah. Tired.
Macglynn says: These burns is deep. Ah'd likely not be able t' walk from all th' pain Ah'd be feelin'.
Macglynn says: Drainin' me.

Senkha makes a face, gripping the reins tighter. "I wish I could do something for you...I...damnit."

Macglynn says: Most wives ain't able ta do no healin' anyway. Don't feel like y'don't do a good job.

Senkha 's shoulders sag. "I know. I know. I just...I have the -power- to do something, to fix it. And I -can't-. And you have no idea how much that frustrates me."

Macglynn says: Well it don't make me love y'any less.
Macglynn shrugs, walking past her.

Senkha says: ...I know.

Macglynn says: We have ants.

Senkha says: ...I'll find an exterminator. Alternately, you could just go poison them.

Macglynn says: ... Is Stehl in there? He kin jus' kill 'em.

Senkha says: No, he's still with 'Brey.
Senkha says: I'm going to have to talk to him--Arubrey, I mean--about the clothes Rethen's been making for Stehl.
Senkha says: Badass armor is totally acceptable, but booties are not.

Macglynn says: He's a -dragon-. They don't need armor!

Senkha says: Yes, but it -looks- badass.
Senkha says: I mean, some Death Knights also don't need armor, but that doesn't stop you from wearing it!

Macglynn says: Bein' honest, Ah think it's more used fer coverin' me an' makin' th' smell stay in that it is purtectin' me.

Senkha says: And for holding eucalyptus?

Macglynn says: ... An' fer that too, yeah.

Senkha smiles, lacing her fingers through his. "So...we should probably go elsewhere until the ants have cleared out. Any ideas?"

Macglynn says: ... Where's a place we ain't been?

Senkha says: Hmm. The Wetlands maybe? Or Arathi?

Macglynn says: Y'ever been ta either?

Senkha says: ...nngh. Not in a while.
Senkha says, quickly, "Actually, Arathi is a bad idea. Forget that I suggested it."

Macglynn says: ... Well shit, Ah was gunna suh-jest we go there.

Senkha chews her lower lip, obviously uncomfortable. "...the last time I was there, I was running, without a stitch of clothing on me, to get as far away from Southshore as I could before Mystadon came back."

Macglynn says: ... Mm.
Macglynn says: Well'n we don't have ta go there.
Macglynn smiles at you.

Senkha says: We could...hmm. What's south? I know what's north, but I don't know what's south as much.

Macglynn says: From 'ere? Jus' th' Blackrock region an' th' Stormwind area.

Senkha says: ...there's Deadwind Pass, I think. And the Swamp of Sorrows, but that's orc land.

Macglynn says: Deadwind Pass, hm? Ain't that where that haunted tower is?

Senkha says: Yep. Karazhan.

Macglynn says: Sounds like a great place t' rest.

Senkha says: That's where the mage Medivh used to live, back when he was possessed by Sargeras and doing a-- you're kidding, right?

Macglynn says: Ah was bein' sarcastic 'cause yuh even suhjested it!

Senkha laughs. "I wasn't being serious! Maybe we could snag a portal out to Kalimdor and see what else is there? Or we could go north?"

Macglynn kneels in the snow. He draws an -exceptionally- crude map.
Macglynn says: Okay, there's that. An' that...

Senkha looks over his shoulder, trying to make sense of the map. "And that, yes."

Macglynn says: There's th' Hinterlands.

Senkha says: Well that's true, we haven't been to the Hinterlands before. What's up there, anyway?

Macglynn says: ... Elves. Lots 'a grass. Moonkin. Trees. Trolls.

Senkha says: Have -you- been there?

Macglynn says: Yes?
Macglynn says: Long, long, long tahm ago.

Senkha seems exceptionally amused by this. "You've been somewhere I haven't! When was this?"

Macglynn says: Second War. A few 'a us went t' meet with some gryphon riders.

Senkha says: So. We'll go to the Hinterlands and you can show me what you remember and then we can explore or something.

Macglynn says: Ah jus' wanna end up somewhere where Ah kin sit.

You smile at Macglynn.

Macglynn seems sad. God does not want him to rest.

Senkha says: Wait.
Merry-the-mammoth throws Oliver onto his back, petting the Death Knight derpishly on the head.
Senkha says: Where do we fly to get there?

Macglynn actually sags into the seat. He rests his head back, closing his eyes. "One sec. Imaginin' real hard Ah'm asleep."

Senkha says: ...we could just find a quiet room in Ironforge and I could let you sleep.
To Macglynn: *"Along with other things..."*

Macglynn says: That ain't fun- oh.

Senkha says: Just a thought.

Macglynn waves a hand. "Y'wanted t' explore."

Senkha says: I want to be with you. We can explore some other time...not like we're exactly lacking for free time lately.
Senkha says: Tell you what. Let's fly up to the Hinterlands and find someplace peaceful where we can sit and be together.

Macglynn says: Fair trade.

You smile at Macglynn.
Senkha says: We're pretty good at that, huh?

Macglynn says: Tradin'?

Senkha says: Being fair.

Macglynn says: We could star in a Light-damned kids' show.
Macglynn says: Also, we wanna fly.

Senkha says: Like a puppet show?

Macglynn says: Yeah! A puppet show.

Senkha says: ...we should put on a puppet show sometime.
Senkha says: For Dizzy.

Macglynn says: That'd be a helluva-- where'd she go, anyway?

Senkha says: ...I don't know. I dropped her off with the White Sigil a couple of days before we went to Southshore, but I haven't seen her since we got back.

Macglynn says: ... Ah hope she's a'rite.

Senkha says: Me too. Where are we flying?

Macglynn says: Anyway, Aerie Peak!

Senkha says: See you there!

[they arrive in Aerie Peak. It is raining]

Macglynn says: ... Gloomy night.

Senkha says: How is it that whenever we go somewhere, it's always raining?

Macglynn 's hair is now matted to his face. Now he looks tired, and wet. "We're such rays of sunshine."

Senkha says: ...let's see if we can find someplace drier. Somewhere slightly drier.

Macglynn says: Hm.
Macglynn blinks.

Senkha says: ...lot of hay in here. Huh.

Macglynn looks around the cavern. "Oh. It's a gryphon roost."

Senkha says: Really? So that's what that smell is.

Macglynn says: Yeah. Hell wi' this place.
Macglynn says: ...
Macglynn says: Not walkin'.
Macglynn says: ... Fuck it, let's ride.

You nod at Macglynn.
Senkha says: So where are we going?

Macglynn says: No clue.

Senkha says: Lead on, love!
Senkha says: Maybe by the time we get there, it'll stop raining.
Senkha says: Oh, and guess who I saw today?

Macglynn says: Who?

Senkha says: Groudin.

Macglynn says: Yeah. Nialos said somethin' about that.
Macglynn says: Oh look, slahms.

Senkha says: He stopped by your bench today, and we had a ni-- slimes.
Senkha says: Huh.
Senkha says: What the hell is with these slimes.

Macglynn says: ...

Senkha says: ...wonder where that bridge leads.

Macglynn stops. "Is it safe 'nough?"

Senkha says: I'll try it first...one sec...
Senkha steps back and whistles sharply. Merry-the-mammoth comes galloping for them seconds later and lifts her onto his back.
Senkha says: Let's do this.

Macglynn says: ...Senkha!
Macglynn climbs on as they walk.

Senkha says: ...oh.
Senkha says: Dragons.

Macglynn says: 'A fuckin' 'course.
Macglynn says: Well, it's a spot.

Senkha says: And there aren't dragons.

Macglynn says: It's actually... purty.

Senkha says: It is. Prettier if it wasn't raining, but...yeah. It is.

Macglynn says: Ah think th' rain is purty, bein' honest. Jus' when Ah ain't in it.

Senkha smiles at Oliver and pushes some of his hair out of his face, kissing his right cheek. "True. It's soothing...relaxing. Peaceful."
Senkha says: Even more so up here where there aren't a lot of people.

Macglynn sits, resting his wrists on his knees. He smiles at looks out at the rain. "Th' smell 'a th' valley jus' after it rained was one 'a my favorite things."

Senkha says: It never really rained much in Theramore...just misted. But Andorhal was nice when it rained. I like the rain.

Macglynn says: It'd mist around there, too.

Senkha says: Around Corin's Crossing or around Andorhal?

Macglynn says: ... Corin's. Ah never spent more'n a night in Andorha; at a tahm.

Senkha grins, leaning forward on her hands. "Andorhal wasn't really appealing to you?"

Macglynn says: Jus' had no reason.
Macglynn says: Ah'd either pass through on business, or not at all.

Senkha says: I can't blame you, really. I wouldn't have much use for Andorhal either, if I hadn't grown up there.

Macglynn says: It seemed like a nice city.

Senkha says: I guess it was, sometimes. People there were weird, though. Or maybe it was just my family. I liked it in the fall, though.

Macglynn smiles. "Th' fall was always best round 'bout my home, too. Th'colors... an' th' festivals."

Senkha's smile grows wider, and she shifts over to sit on Oliver's lap, smiling up at him. "I -loved- the festivals. Harvest Festival was always so happy...and recently, I've become very fond of Brewfest."

Macglynn says: That's comin' up soon, ain' it?

Senkha says: They both are. Harvest Festival starts Thursday and then Brewfest starts next week...Light, I hope I don't get accosted by any bears this year.

Macglynn says: Do Ah wanna know this?

Senkha says: I don't remember his name, but last year, some druid tried to take me to the back room of the inn in Kharanos to fuck me while he was -being- a bear.

Macglynn says: Y'punched 'im in 'is nuts, yeah?

Senkha says: I apologized to him and left him with blue balls.

Macglynn says: They still blue if yer a bear?

Senkha says: ...you know, I didn't stay around to check.

Macglynn says: Ah s'pose that's a good answer.

Senkha says: Now you, I wouldn't dream of leaving with blue balls.

Macglynn looks downward. "Eh. Think yer a little late there; they's more... black."
Macglynn coughs.

Senkha gives a half snort that turns into a giggle, and shakes her head. "Light, that's bad."

Macglynn looks like he honestly doesn't know if it's funny or not.

Senkha says: I'm sorry, love. That's...I don't know if I'm laughing because that's funny or because I feel bad.

Macglynn says: It's... a little 'a both.
Macglynn does laugh.

Senkha also laughs, shaking her head and kissing Oliver's cheek again. "I'm glad that you have a sense of humor about it. Remember when we first met and you laughed at me saying you weren't so badly rotted?"

Macglynn grunts, leaning forward a bit to remove his blade from his back. He eventually gets it undone, and clutches it by the hilt, falling heavily onto his back with a loud 'clank". "It was funny."

Senkha lets herself fall forward on top of him, kicking up her feet as she does. "If I'd known you then as well as I know you now, it would've been different, I think."

Macglynn says: Ha' d'you mean?

Senkha says: I would've been less upset that you laughed at me being nice, and probably would've said something like "well, you've got a great smile."
Senkha brushes her fingers across his lips, smirking.

Macglynn does kiss her finger, though. He's still clutching his blade with his right hand, letting thin blue lichflames creep up his arm and into his burns. "Shouldn't be walkin' around so much."

Senkha says: Are your burns bothering you?

Macglynn says: They jus' ain't goin' away quick enough.
Macglynn says: Ah'm right spoiled. Back in th' day, it took weeks recoverin' from burns!

Senkha says: Maybe I sh-- Light damnit. Whoever decided that repairing dead flesh is necromancy should be slapped. It's a different world now than it was then.

Macglynn looks mortified. "Scripture says it's bad!"

Senkha says: What Scripture? When did they write it? A hundred years ago? A thousand?

Macglynn says: A little 'a both? It- it's in all th' Scripture nearly!
Macglynn picks up his libram with his left hand and flails it around.

Senkha says: When did they decide it, though? Were there any free-minded undead then? And how did they decide that being undead and necromancy were damning, anyway?

Macglynn says: Because it goes against th' Light.

Senkha sighs, resting her head on his chest. "I'm sorry. I just...it's really been bothering me, the idea that someone as good as you is going to be punished for eternity because of something you didn't choose and that I can't -heal- you or else I face it too."

Macglynn says: Even if it's wrong, why risk it?

Senkha says: Because I love you and I don't like seeing you in pain when you don't have to be. I won't risk it...but it's...I don't know.

Macglynn says: Ah ain't in pain. All m' energy's jus' bein' put inna healin' them burns.

Senkha says: And I could help...I just...ugh. Maybe it's all necromancy. Maybe everything I've been doing is necromancy. I don't know anymore.
Senkha 's voice is muffled against Oliver's chest.
Senkha says: ...I'm sorry. I'm sorry, love. Just...I mean, imagine if you had the power to heal me but you couldn't do it or risk your soul. It -hurts-.

Macglynn says: ... Would rather not imagine that.

Senkha says: ...neither would I. Sometimes, I think this mental thing is as much a curse as it is a blessing.
Senkha allows her legs to fall on either side of Oliver so that she's almost straddling him. "I have the power to help people, but there are rules in place that say I can't do it."

Macglynn says: They're there fer you. People's tahms come an' go, it's th' natural way 'a things. Keepin' somethin' around long past it's s'posed ter be there, y'don't do that.

Senkha says: You didn't used to. Things are different now. The world's a different place.

Macglynn says: Still don't make it right.
Macglynn says: There's a reason th' Light burns me.

Senkha says: Maybe it's not that it's bad, per se. Maybe it's just like...fire and water. Or salt and ice. Neither are bad, but when you put them together, one hurts the other.

Macglynn says: But th' Light -is- good.

Senkha says: It is. But maybe its opposite isn't bad...just different.
Senkha says: Like fire and water, you know? Fire isn't bad, it's just different.

Macglynn says: But it'll still boil water. Nekermancy an' Shadow won't hurt th' Light.

Senkha says: But is boiling water really hurting it or just changing it?

Macglynn says: Well, it won't "change" th' fire none if it's jus' a bit 'a steam.

Senkha says: It will if it condenses.

Macglynn says: Still don't change that it's bad an' y'shouldn't use it.

Senkha says: Why is it bad, though? Just because it's opposite of the Light?
Senkha sighs. "I'm not going to use it. I'm just...thinking out loud. I'm sorry."
Senkha says: ...I shouldn't even be thinking like this. I know it upsets you.

Macglynn says: ... Ah'm not upset, jus' worried. Sorry if'n y'thought Ah was upset.

Senkha says: No, I don't want you to worry either. I'm sorry for worrying you. I don't mean to.

Macglynn says: Ah jus' don't want any trouble 'cause 'a me. Y'don't gotta be apologizin', it's just somethin' Ah gotta git over.

Senkha says: You don't have to get over it. I should just stop worrying about it and find some other way to deal with it when you're hurt.

Macglynn says: Y'don't gotta deal with it at all! Ain't yer problem, love. Ah gotta be less stubbern'n learn ta run away.

Senkha says: I shouldn't expect you to run away just because it upsets me when you're hurt. I need to learn to accept that you'll be hurt sometimes and I won't be able to do anything about it.

Macglynn says: It ain't jus' about upsettin' you. Ah could'a been killed! By all rights Ah should be dead! Ah don't need t' put two families through that.

Senkha says: But I know that you can die at any time, and I really shouldn't try to force you to stay out of danger when I don't do it myself.

Macglynn says: Ah'm so reckless 'cause Ah don't put no value on m'self. Ah gotta realize that somebody gives a shit if Ah don't come back in one piece

Senkha says: But I-- Oliver, this is stupid.

Macglynn says: Ah jus' wanted ta see ha' long 'til yah got pissed.

Senkha stops with the apologies and reaches down to kiss him firmly, pulling back for a moment. "I'm not pissed. I...haven't been able to for weeks now."

Macglynn says: Bah.

Senkha says: ...I can't decide if it's a good thing or a bad thing.

Macglynn says: Ah noticed y'been real skeered 'a things since then. Ain't... you.

Senkha says: I guess you could say it's the real me? Well, I mean. You'd know that. All that anger I have, that rage...it's all mostly just a way to keep from being afraid all the time.

Macglynn says: That's you too.

Senkha says: ...I guess it's part of me. It's so strange, Oliver. All the rage and bloodlust is missing...I don't know what to fall back on when I'm afraid.

Macglynn says: There ain't nuthin' ta fall back on. It's s'posed ta be there.

Senkha says: That's why I couldn't stay in Southshore without you or Arubrey. I kept feeling like I was going to throw up.

Macglynn frowns, and looks at her apologetically.
Macglynn says: Ah don't wanna be harsh, but one thing y'kin do without this is face things another way.

Senkha says: How do you mean?

Macglynn says: Yer fallin' back on fear. Th' anger ain't there when it's s'posed ta be, jus' like anythin'.
Macglynn says: But...
Macglynn says: There's more to yah 'n anger an' fear.

Senkha says: So what can I fall back on, then?

Macglynn says: Courage.

Senkha says: ...haven't got much of that.

Macglynn says: Bullshit.

Senkha looks up at her husband, frowning. "Really?"

Macglynn says: Y'was afraid, but that wasn't th' only thing guidin' you through that crowd in th' riot.

Senkha says: No. It was love...I was afraid, mostly of losing you, so I just stopped thinking about my own life and thought just about getting to you and getting you away from there.

Macglynn says: It is sometahms more 'bout what you want, than anythin'. Y'wanted me alive. Be it fer me or fer you, that's whut you wanted. An' y'made it happen.
Macglynn says: So y'gotta ask yerself, d'you wanna see that week in yer mind ever' tahm yah pass through Southshore an' Arathi?

Senkha says: No.

Macglynn says: Whut're y'willin' ta do t' make that happen?

Senkha says: ...not go to Arathi or Southshore ever again?

Macglynn says: Arathi is beautiful.

Senkha says: I...well, so are other places.
Senkha says: A lot of other places.
Senkha says: And besides, it's not all of Arathi. Gin and Lisa live on that farm in Arathi and that didn't make me sick.

Macglynn says: Ah'm hearin' a whole lotta excuses but not a lot 'a facin' whut's a problem.

Senkha says: How -can- I face it, Oliver? How do you face it when you go back to Corin's Crossing and see where you--
Senkha cuts herself off, suddenly looking horrified and apologetic. She looks down at her hands, chewing her lower lip.

Macglynn says: Ah remember that life didn't really end there after all.

Senkha doesn't respond to this at all for a very long time, staring at the rain over through the columns. When she finally does, it's very quiet. "...thank you."

Macglynn watches the rain, too. "Yeah."

Senkha says: I...I love you, Oliver. I love you for telling me things like that. I love you for loving me enough not to just let me be afraid and wait for you to rescue me.

Macglynn pats her once on the head, since his hand is still there.
Macglynn says: It's m'job.

Senkha smiles up at Oliver, turning back from watching the rain to kiss him again, lightly. She barely shifts from that position, though he might notice that he now has a heartbeat and can feel the warmth of her body against him.

Macglynn says: ... Smooth.

Senkha smirks at her husband, running her fingers lightly through his hair. "The smoothest. It's a warm rain, you know...still summery. Kind of weird for September."

Macglynn says: Ah think th' weather's fucked t' hell this far north. Lordaeron's jus' over them hills, y'know.

Senkha says: I know. Hope this rain isn't bringing Plague with it, but I doubt it is. If it was, all this grass would be dead.
Senkha has begun to kiss along Oliver's neck as she says this, barely grazing over the burn to avoid causing him discomfort.

Macglynn says: Mm. Ah think th' green dragons jus' over yonder may have a hand in that.

Senkha speaks in between kisses. "Mm, I thought the reds did that, not the greens."

Macglynn says: Ah don't know. Greens always got flowers an' plants an' shit around 'em too.

Senkha says: I think the only ones who don't are blacks. They're always on fire. That's got to be awkward.

Macglynn says: Ah never seen a blue or a bronze be all queer with flowers in their footsteps.
Macglynn says: Aw, Light. Ah hope Stehl don't shed petals.

Senkha laughs, gently running her hands along Oliver's chest and side. "Well he already has booties, so that's a step in the right...or wrong, maybe...direction."

Macglynn says: Ah ain't raisin' a gay dragon.

Senkha says: We'll have to introduce him to Scarlet as soon as possible, then.

Macglynn says: Scarlet... that's-- oh, did y'know Ziichi has a red too? They really is like chihuahuas, ever'body's got one.
Macglynn says: They's gunna grow up an' kill us all.

Senkha says: Is hers a boy or a girl?

Macglynn says: ... Ah think it's a boy.

[and then branesecks]

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