Monday, September 6, 2010

9/5/2010: Senkha and Oliver

You cheer at Macglynn.
Senkha says: What's he say, love?

Macglynn unrolls his fortune.
Macglynn says: Ah got th' same one.

Senkha says: What?!

Macglynn stares Sayge down.

Senkha says: That is such a waste of time. I could totally be a better clairvoyant than this yahoo.

Macglynn says: He is jus' a talkin' ha-yena.

Senkha says: He's a Gnoll.

Macglynn looks around.
Macglynn says: Same thing.

Senkha says: Yeah.
You point at Pygmy Cockatrice.

Macglynn looks at Pygmy Cockatrice.

Senkha says: Now that is one fancy chicken!

Macglynn picks the chicken up. "Well, they's jus' askin' fer a fine animal like you t'git stoled by lettin' yah run around like this."

Senkha says: Oliver, are you stealing the fancy chicken?

Macglynn says: Y'accuse me 'a chicken-thiefin'?!

Senkha says: No! I was just asking!
Senkha is trying to hide her smile but not succeeding very well.

Macglynn says: Do Ah honestly look like a guy whut kin git 'isself away with thiefin'?
Macglynn turns to her, still holding the chicken.

Senkha says: ...probably not. Want me to steal one for you?
Senkha smiles up at Oliver, opting not to point out that he's still holding onto the chicken.

Macglynn says: ... Naw, Ah kin pick you outta a crowd too. We'll jus' have ta miss out this tahm.
Macglynn puts the chicken down. It skitters away.

Senkha says: Alright. Maybe I'll buy you one for Winter Veil.

Macglynn says: We don't even got nowhere- Whut is -that-?
Macglynn says: Hah.

Senkha says: What -is- that?

Macglynn says: Ah don't got a fuckin' clue. Look at it go!

Senkha watches the tonk spin around her until she gets dizzy.
Senkha says: Ooh! I want to try!

Macglynn says: There's one by me!

Senkha takes control of a nearby tonk!

Macglynn hangs his head dejectedly.

Senkha says: Ha.
Senkha does a little victory dance as her tonk decimates Oliver's.

Macglynn says: Kids unnerstand these weird things better'n old bastards like me.

Senkha says: I think it's Gnomish. So...nobody really understands it. I just pushed buttons.

Macglynn says: Ah stared at 'em wonderin' whut colors meant whut.

Senkha says: At least neither of us killed the fancy chickens in the process!
Senkha sounds very proud of herself.

Macglynn says: Ah don't think Ah could live with m'self.

Senkha puts her hands on Oliver's arm, trying to be soothing but unable to keep from giggling. "It's alright. The fancy chickens will live."

Macglynn says: These is actually weird chickens.

Senkha says: What next?
Senkha says: How d'you mean?

Macglynn says: Hm? Ah dunno, whut's 'ere?

Senkha looks back at the faire. "Animals. And a lot of booths."

Macglynn says: An' Ah dunno, lookit th' patterns on 'em. It's like whole new breeds jus' fer th' sake 'a lookin' purty.

Senkha says: Would you rather have pretty chickens or chickens that tasted good and made good eggs?

Macglynn says: They's damned chickens. They ain't fer show.

Senkha says: These are, apparently. They're chickens. Like show ponies, only featherier.

Macglynn says: Who shows a bird? They shit in their nests an' don't got a braincell ta do a trick neater'n comin' ter their names.

Senkha says: I've heard that chickens can live for weeks without their heads on. That's a pretty neat trick.

Macglynn says: Ah kin live fer weeks without m'head on. Nobody congrajuhlates me on that.

Senkha frowns, considering this. "I don't think I'd like that very much. How would we be able to have conversations if you were headless?"

Macglynn says: Magic.
Macglynn says: Whut else is there!

Senkha says: Hmm! Looks like these folks are selling things.

Macglynn says: Flowers.

Senkha looks over the goods for sale.

Macglynn says: Weenies!

Senkha says: What.
Senkha says: Weenies?

Macglynn takes a string of links and holds them out to Senkha. "Weenies!"

Senkha says: Anyway. What do they have besides 'weenies'?
Senkha says: FUNNEL CAKE.

Macglynn says: Ah dunno, don't much look at food.
Macglynn says: ... What.

Senkha says: Oliver! You've got to see these drinks!

Macglynn blinks.

Senkha says: They have limeade and slush!
Senkha says: And -booze-!

Macglynn says: ... Well. Have fun.

Senkha is busily chugging a mug of Darkmoon Special Reserve while eating some funnel cake. She nods at Oliver.
Senkha hash another mugfull of Darkmoon Shpecial Reserve.
Senkha says: Holy shhit I can't shee.
Senkha drinksh another Darkmoon Shpecial Reserve and then vomitsh all over the ground. Woe.
Senkha plopsh down on the ground in front of the shtand, shtill nursing a mug of drink, but looking nauseated.

Macglynn says: Senkha!

Senkha says: Oliver, I can't shee.

Macglynn says: Yer stupid, that's why.

You hang your head dejectedly.
Senkha says: I'm not shtupid, I had three drinks. That'sh all. ...hic!
Senkha says: And shome funnel cake, but I puked.

Macglynn says: ... Let's gitcha home.

Senkha shmiles derpishly up at Oliver and nods. "Okay."
Senkha says: I'll drive!

Macglynn holds out his hands, looking upward. "No."
Macglynn says: No.
Macglynn says: ... No.

Senkha says: No? ...hic!

Macglynn says: No.

Senkha says: Who's gonna drive then?

Macglynn says: Th' one 'a us that ain't hammered?

Senkha pausesh to consider thish then gasps with enlightenment. "That's you!"

Macglynn gently pats you.
Macglynn says: Climb on.

Senkha does.

Macglynn is impressed.

Senkha says: That was hard.Senkha pats Gatha on the head. "Good corpse-horse." ...hic!

Gatha's head cants to the side. He makes a bizarre humming noise.

Senkha says: Hey Oliver? I'm a hypocrite kinda. I didn't mean to get drunk. That shit'sh really shtrong.

Macglynn says: We'll consider this payback.Macglynn smiles at you.

Senkha looksh appropriately contrite, staring down at her hands. "Okay. Can we shtill have another unbirthday and sex? ...hic!"

Macglynn says: Well, we are goin' home.

Senkha says: ...hee.
Senkha says: Oliver, I love you. You're the best husband. ...hic!

Macglynn says: Good! Ah try.
Macglynn says: ... Real hard.

Senkha says: You succeed! I don't think there could be a better husband in the world than you.
Senkha shoundsh very certain of this.

Macglynn says: Maybe if Ah was alive.

Senkha says: Yeah, but if you were alive, you'd probably shtill be married to Adeline, and that'd be shad for me.

Macglynn says: Yeah. Shit happens in life.
Macglynn says: Best not think 'a whut it'd be like if it didn't.

Senkha says: Yeah. I like the way thingsh are now.

Macglynn says: ... Ah could stand not bein' dead, though.
Macglynn says: Bein' honest.

Senkha says: If you weren't dead, we'd have a chicken farm by the sea.
Senkha sounds as if she's thought about thish before.

Macglynn smiles softly. "Yeah. Yeah, we would."

Senkha says: Just you and me and the chickens. Maybe a baby someday. Maybe.

Macglynn says: Ah'd be a little old fer that, don't y'think?

Senkha shakes her head. "No, men can keep making babies until they die. It'sh us women who have to worry."
Senkha says: Which, for the record, I'm not doing.
Senkha says: Worrying, I mean.

Macglynn says: Ah more meant that Ah'd not be around that long fer 'im.

Senkha says: What if it was a girl? And you'd have a good twenty years at least, maybe twenty-five.
Senkha says: Longer than I had.

Macglynn says: Should be there longer'n that, if yer good.
Macglynn says: That'd be a downside, Ah s'pose. Ah'd not be around much longer at all.

Senkha says: Fuck should be.
Senkha says: Should be is stupid. No one should be anything. You just are.

Senkha clambers onto Oliver's back for another piggyback ride.

Macglynn says: ... Lazy.

Senkha says: Mmhm!
Senkha says: you want me to get down?

Macglynn says: Ah don't mind this. Yer jus' lazy, is all.
A sly smirk spreads across Macglynn's face.

Senkha says: Not usually! Usually, I drive Merry.
Senkha says: But, well. You seem to enjoy carrying me around, so...
Senkha shrugs and links her fingers in front of Oliver's chest.

Macglynn says: ... Ah like havin' y'close, is all.

Senkha smiles and kisses the back of her husband's head. "I like being close to you, so that works out well."

Macglynn says: Y'kna', y'mind if Ah run th' rest th'way?

Senkha says: Not at all!

Macglynn says: Don't cutcherself on m'sword.

Senkha holds on tight!
Senkha says: This sword and I are good friends. I'll be fine!

Macglynn 's voice is level as he runs, uninhibited by breath. "Where's th' whelp?"

Senkha pats the bundle at her side. "Sleeping."

Macglynn barges in!

Senkha slides down off of Oliver's back, removing the bundle from her side and placing the whelp in his bed by the fireplace. She then goes to sit on her bed, crossing her legs and smirking at Oliver.

Macglynn says: Well.

Senkha says: Well.

Macglynn walks over to the bed as well, and sits beside her. "That was fun. AN' y'got yer revenge."

Senkha says: I did in fact. I feel vindicated. Though...I'd still like sex.

Macglynn says: Forward.

Senkha says: Forward?

Macglynn puts an arm over her shoulder. "Ah'm not even sure where Ah was goin' w'that. It was comin' real close ta complainin'."

Senkha leans against Oliver and looks up at him, running a hand along his cheek and jaw. "You're allowed to complain, you know."

Macglynn says: Why'd Ah complain about that?

Senkha says: Complain about what, me being forward?

Macglynn says: In certain areas more'n others.

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