Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Mairèad, Chadley, Nialos, Stehl, Teach & Patrick: September 11

Mairèad says: S'Chad.

Chadley says: Mm.

Mairèad says: I was finkin' 'bout some fin's an' I fink I need ter 'polergize t'ye.

Chadley says: 'Bout what.

Mairèad says: I been tryin' t'make ye inner somefin' yer no'. I been tryin' t'force ye t'look a' fin's th' way 'm used ter ye seein' fin's, no' ha' ye akshully see 'em.Mairèad says: An' tha's wrong 'a me.

Chadley says: ... It must be frustrating.

Mairèad says: Frustratin'?

Chadley says: Me not bein'... me.

Mairèad shrugs her uninjured shoulder and nods. "I' kin be. Bu'...well, if I love you, which I do, I should letcha be yerself, 'cause yer still you. I know tha' na'. An' I been a rill spoilspor' la'ely, ent I?"

Chadley says: Well. You've known two versions of me. It's only natural you'd want to bring back the one that was less of an asshole.

Mairèad frowns, then nods, conceding. "Ye have been kinna more assholish since th' accident. Bu'...tha's ha' ye were when I metcha, too. No' t'me, mind, bu' t'everyone else."

Chadley says: Well, seems I've been an asshole to you, too.

Mairèad doesn't say anything to confirm or deny this, just plucking a few pills of fabric off of her sling.
Mairèad says: ...I know i's hard fer ye, too. I's no' like 'm th' one who dun' r'member th' pas' eigh' monffs 'a me life, y'know?

Chadley says: Well. I still feel like a dick. Maybe I can... do something fun, or something. Or meet one of your deader friends and not.... be....

Mairèad reaches over with her uninjured hand, turning to face Chadley and squeezing his arm as she does. "Ye don' hafta do anyfin' ye don' wanna do, Chad. I wantcha t'know tha'."

Chadley says: ... Well. I want to.
Chadley smiles at you.

Mairèad raises her eyebrows skeptically. "Ye do?"

Chadley says: I try not to make a liar of myself.
Chadley says: Thought I've told you this.

Mairèad says: I fink ye have, bu' r'mind me agin.

Chadley says: ... I'm not a liar.

Mairèad says: Oh okie.
Mairèad says: If ye wanna mee' one 'a me deader friends, thar's one righ' thar.
You point at Nialos.

Chadley blinks at Nialos.
Chadley says: ... He's on a lamp.

Mairèad says: He's lampin'.

Nialos blinks and looks around. "Oh, me. Yeah."

Chadley peers at Nialos searchingly.

Mairèad says: Chad, tha's Mr. Grrrrrhelm. He delivers th' mail. Mr. Grrrrrhelm, this is Chad. He dun' r'member ye.

Chadley stares for a moment longer. He bites his lip.

Nialos says: Heard that, yeah.

Chadley , after a long, long moment, quietly says, "Hi."

Mairèad looks very proud of Chadley and squeezes his arm again.

Nialos says: Hey there, lad.

Mairèad says: One time, Mr. Grrrrrhelm wen' away an' th' mail didn' git through near's good.

Chadley says: They let deaders handle the mail?
Chadley looks sulky.

Nialos says: Well, I don't sleep, demand pay and I wash my hands.

Mairèad chews on her bottom lip and nods. " 'Paren'lee they do."

Nialos says: Perfect worker, really.

Chadley says: ... Why do you wash your hands if'n you don't sweat.
Chadley seems to be trying very hard.

Nialos says: Regulation. I may not sweat, but you've still gotta follow the rules.
Nialos says: People ship all kinds of sensitive material. Gotta make sure none of it is contaminated. So I'll also wear gloves when it requires as such.

Mairèad says: Mr. Grrrrrhelm rilly is th' bes' a' th' mail. Mr. Stehl likes him lots.
Mairèad has firmly established criteria for whether or not someone should be liked.

Chadley stares balefully up at Nialos.

Mairèad leans over and whispers to Chadley, "Yer doin' rill good, 'm rill proud 'a ye."

Chadley glowers.
Chadley says: So, uh.
Chadley coughs.

You look at Chadley.

Chadley says: What did you do before you died.

Nialos says: Military.

Chadley says: I see.
Chadley says: Is it, um. Fun.
Chadley says: Being dead, I mean.

Nialos says: It has its advantages, just like anything else.
Nialos says: But no. Not really.

You gasp at Stehl.
Mairèad says: Mr. Stehl!!!

Stehl says: ...

Nialos says: I don't enjoy the lack of feeling.

Mairèad says: 'm takin' yer advice!
Mairèad does not specify which advice she means.

Stehl says: ... Which advice?

Mairèad says: 'bout people bein' happy!

Stehl says: ... I don't remember what advice I gave.

Chadley glowers some more.

Okatorin says: Humans!

Stehl says: Draenei!

Mairèad says: Dranee!

Chadley says: Welcome to fucking Stormwind.

You gently pat Chadley.

Okatorin says: Any human know human language teacher?

Stehl says: Hit him, will you?
Stehl says: ... What, common?

Okatorin says: Me wake from long sleep.

Chadley says: My father's fantastic; you should talk to him.

Stehl says: Any teacher here could teach you that. Perhaps one of the draenei here could even teach you.

You blink at Chadley.

Stehl says: Not literally here. Here in the city.

Okatorin points at Chadley.

Stehl says: ... Not him.

Okatorin says: Where father?

Chadley says: Dunno.

Okatorin lets out a long, drawn-out sigh.
Okatorin says: Human.

Mairèad says: ...dranee're weird.

Stehl says: What crawled up your ass and died?

Mairèad says: Chad's jest had a long day.

Chadley says: I'm trying to be friendly, damnit.

Stehl says: I can see that.

You blink at Teach.

Teach says: Stehl.

Stehl says: Well, now I can't, Teach is in the way.
Stehl says: What.

Teach says: Ahoy.

Stehl says: Yo ho.

Chadley says: ... Hello, Teach.

Stehl says: ... Those are some... ugly colors you're sporting on that tabard.

Mairèad sits on her uninjured hand, pressing her lips together and closing her eyes, as if repeating a mantra.

Teach says: Mairead!

Stehl squats down a little, staring at Teach's chest. "... Yeah. You spill mustard or something?"

Mairèad opens one eye and smiles at Teach, a bit reservedly. "Hullo, Dad. 'm sorreh fer no' bein' in yer mill'tree uni' anymore."

Teach says: Oh's'all'roight. Wass'rong?

Mairèad says: ...yer no' mad a' me?
Mairèad unsits on her uninjured hand.

Teach raises an eyebrow. "I'ain'a stickerler fer milertary service. Privateers always make more anehway, yesee."

Mairèad says: Oh! I fough' ye were mad a' me, 'cause...
Mairèad gives up and jumps up to give Teach a huge hug...or as huge of a hug as one can give with only one good arm. "Dad!"

Chadley stands. He shuffles past the two men, and approaches Nialos. He stares up, still balefully.

Nialos blinks at Chadley.

Chadley stares Nialos down.

Nialos smiles at Chadley.

Teach wraps his arms around Mairead, noticing the arm. "MAIREAD, WHA"APPENED?"

Stehl says: ...

Okatorin looks at Teach.
Okatorin says: You human's daughter, yes?

Mairèad says: A bomber'nashun disloca'ed me arm.

Stehl says: I'm going to go across the street. Where I'll probably still hear you.

Okatorin says: Me need human language teacher.

Chadley says: I, uh.

Nialos says: Hm?

Stehl tries to cuff Chadley upside the head, "Knock that off before it freezes."

Okatorin tries to get Teach's attention.Okatorin says: Human!

Teach says: Oh'boi tha loi- WHAT?!

Okatorin says: You this human's father, yes?

Chadley holds out a hand, upward. He's then knocked on the head, and scowls in Stehl's direction. "Fuck off."
Chadley looks back up at Nialos.
Chadley says: Was... good talkin'.

Teach says: Yahar - kin'che'see'I'be buseh?!

Okatorin says: Me need human language teacher.

Stehl says: Boy, you have an attitude problem. Again. Get rid of it. Again.

Okatorin motions for Mairead to tell him to explain.

Mairèad says: Mebbe ye could aks in th' Cathedral. An' Mr. Stehl, Chad's jest fine, please stop yellin' a' him.

Teach says: Troi tha Chapel!

Nialos says: Ah, just let him say his piece, Stehl.

Stehl says: I am.
Stehl says: Just informing him of his lack of progress.

Mairèad says: Yer a lack 'a progress.

Chadley scowls deeply. He's still holding his hand out. "I said my piece."

Stehl says: No, your manchild is.

Mairèad cringes when Mr. Stehl looks at her. "Sorry."

Okatorin says: I will wait for humans to finish.
Okatorin nods.
Okatorin lets out a long, drawn-out sigh.

Nialos slides off to the side, a dull cracking noise coming from his legs. He mangages to take Chadley's hand, however.

Teach says: Yer'dun gettin'it treated?

Okatorin looks at Teach.

Mairèad says: Yahar. I gotta keep i' immobyoolized 'til Mondee, though.

Chadley cringes at the sound, and even more from the handshake. He manages a smile. Through lemons.

Nialos says: Stehl's right, you've still got a lot of progress ahead of you.
Nialos gives the hand a shake. "But you're getting -somewhere-."

Teach says: Aye.

Okatorin says: You done?

You look at Okatorin.
Mairèad says: Yer a awful demandin' dranee, entcha?

Okatorin lets out a long, drawn-out sigh.

Chadley still forces that smile. "Makes me happy to hear."

Okatorin says: Continue, and fast.

Nialos says: Nah, doubt it. But at least you're humoring an old man.

You stare Okatorin down.

Mairèad says: ...Imma go ovarrrr thar 'til th' dranee finishes talkin' ter ye, Dad.

Okatorin looks at Teach.

Mairèad says: Tha' dranee's rill demandin'.

Okatorin says: Human, you give human language lessons, yes?

Teach says: Aye.

Okatorin says: I offer copper.
Okatorin says: All I can afford.
Okatorin says: I rich in Draenie world, but not in human.
Okatorin lets out a long, drawn-out sigh.
Okatorin says: So I poor.
Okatorin says: I can not afford much.

Nialos glances over to Mairead. "Your boy made some progress!"

Teach says: I'ain'qualerfoid ter teach'ye common.

Okatorin lets out a long, drawn-out sigh.

Chadley 's hand is still in Nialos', for he has yet to be let go. His arm sags, and he looks defeated.

Stehl says: Squeezing lies out of that smile doesn't count as progress.

Okatorin says: Please?

Mairèad says: He's tryin' Mr. Stehl.
Mairèad says: I's rill hard fer him, okie?

Stehl says: Seriously, you look insane now. Smile like a regular person and not a maniac.

Nialos maintains the grip for some reason.

Okatorin says some cursus in his own language.

Chadley says: I thought I told you to fuck off.

Mairèad says: An' yer makin' i' worse, Mr. Stehl. I don' fink Chad needs tough love righ' na'.

Stehl says: No.

Teach says: Miss'er'blue boy, ye'see, I'dun'talk norrmal boi citeh standarrds.

Stehl says: You're right.
Stehl says: Let's coddle him.

Teach says: Troi mister Stehl ovar thar.

Chadley says: I'M RIGHT HERE, GUYS.

Nialos says: Doubt they care.

Stehl pats Chadley's head, "Swearing at people and rampant sarcasm is pretty cool."
Stehl ruffles his hair a little, too.

Mairèad sighs heavily and turns back to Nialos. "Mr. Grrrrrhelm, kin ye let go 'a Chad's hand? We're gunna go."

Chadley 's hand squeezes Nialos' in frustration.

Stehl says: You can keep coddling him. Enjoy as he develops slower than bunch of lichen on a rock.

Chadley immediately tries to relinquish the hand.

Nialos pulls his hand back, allowing Chadley's to slip free.
Nialos says: Hm. I'll have to remember that.

Teach says: Ahoy.

Nialos says: Yo ho.

Stehl says: Yarr.
Stehl says: ... It's like some freakish ponytail club.

Mairèad smiles broadly at Mr. Grrrrrhelm and even moreso at her father before turning to Chad. "I was wunnerin' if ye wan'ed ter come on a rapter chase wiff me. Me dad kin come, too, if he wan's to."

Teach says: Oho?

Stehl says: Raptors are key to making men stop acting like boys.
Stehl says: I guess.

Mairèad says: Yahar.

Nialos cranes his head. "Raptor chase, eh? Hm..."

Stehl says: Raptors are silly.

Chadley says: I own one.

Mairèad says: does tha' sound fun t'you, Chad? Dad?

Stehl says: ... And?
Stehl says: Your point being?

Teach says: Oh aye, troll killin' eh?

Chadley very, very, very slowly backs away. "Sounds like fun."

Nialos says: Well, I have a trip to prepare for, so... I wish you all luck in your hunt!

Mairèad says: Mebbe. More rapter chasin'. Fanks, Mr. Grrrrrhelm, fer ever'fin'!

Stehl says: Another one?

Nialos says: Well, the other one was cut short.

Stehl says: Ah.

Nialos says: I'd like to have a proper trip.

Mairèad waves her uninjured hand at Mr. Grrrrrhelm before turning to Teach. "D'ye wanna come, too, Dad?"

Stehl says: I suspect your mailbox will have a nice tan.

Nialos says: ... Yeah. Yeah it probably will.

Chadley says: I fucking love field trips.

Teach says: Aye!

Nialos says: He really does swear a lot, doesn't he?

Stehl says: No. He's trying to be civil with you and it isn't working. I think.

Mairèad turns back to Chadley with a slight frown, more of confusion than disappointment. "Don' ye like rapters?"

Stehl says: Or it's me belittling his efforts.

Chadley says: Give me credit.

Stehl says: No.
Stehl says: You're being a little bitch. No credit for you.

Chadley says: Well what the hell do you want me to do.

You let out a long, drawn-out sigh.

Stehl says: Fall off of Icecrown again. Or whatever it was.

Chadley says: ...

Stehl says: Maybe there's a decent person that can get jumbled up to the surface of that great void you call a skull.

Mairèad says: ...either way. 'm goin' jungleward an' Chad, ye kin come wiff me if ye wanna.
You glare angrily at Stehl.
Mairèad says: STOP talkin' about Chad tha' way.

Stehl says: No. I don't think I will.

Mairèad says: An' if yer gunna talk about Chad tha' way, do i' whar I kin't hear ye. Yer nuffin' bu' a big bully.

Stehl says: When he starts acting like somebody I can be civil with? Then I will.

Mairèad says: He was bein' jest fine wiff civil'tee 'til YOU came 'long.

Chadley turns to Stehl, and puches him on the chest like a really threatening bro. "Who the hell do you think you are, anyway?"

Teach pats Mairead on the head, "Goo'girl."

Mairèad says: Mr. Grrrrrhelm kin tell ye. Righ', Mr. Grrrrrhelm?

Nialos shambles over to the lamp with his broken legs. "Tell him what?"

Stehl grabs Chadley's wrist and twists, "Another paladin expecting better of some little whelp."

Mairèad says: Tha' Chad was bein rill-- STOP IT!

Nialos says: He was trying. But I don't think it was for the reasons you think, dear.

Mairèad fumbles for her sword with her good arm and tries to flail it at Mr. Stehl.

Chadley tenses, and tries to wrench his hands free. He probably gets all up in Stehl's grill. He doesn't say anything, though.

Stehl twists Chadley's arm further, trying to maneuver him in the way of Mairead's... flailing. "Yeah, because I'm the aggressor here. That's me. Beating up poor Chadley."

Mairèad says: Ye are! Le' him go!

Nialos says: Verbally assaulting him, yes. Chadley initiated this little show, however.

Stehl says: He punched me. I'm showing him that wasn't a good idea.

Teach says: Ah'come now matey, le'im'go. 'e's'importan'te'er.

Chadley 's eyes go wide, and he ducks his head out of the way. He grits his teeth in pain as his arm is twisted further. "F-- fu- Let me go!"

Mairèad 's sword flail swipes downward towards Chadley's shoulder, though as soon as she realizes that she can't hit Mr. Stehl without hitting Chadley, she stops.
Mairèad says: You provoked him to i' by bein' a jerk!

Stehl says: If it took words to do this much, imagine if I really wanted to get him mad.

Nialos says: Words are simply words. He could have chosen to ignore them.

Mairèad says: He was bein' comple'ely civil 'til ye came along an' decided to star' tellin' him tha' he's n'good.

Stehl says: I came along and heard him complaining. It degenerated from there.

Mairèad says: Tha' still doesn' mean ye kin go 'round sayin' horrible fin's 'bout people.
Mairèad says: Mebbe he shouldna taken th' words t'heart, bu' ye shouldna said 'em in th' firs' place.

Chadley flails stupidly trying to escape, not contributing to the conversation.

Nialos says: I think that's one of Stehl's angles.

Stehl places his free hand on Chadley's head and starts ruffling his hair, "Yeah. Other is that the truth hurts."

Mairèad says: LET HIM GO!
Mairèad is actually tearing up now, really not able to do anything.

Stehl leans down slightly, staring at Chadley, "Have fun on your fucking field trip, dude. And all you need to know is that I'm your better in many, many ways." With that, he lets go.

You glare angrily at Stehl.

Stehl says: ... Draw that blade on me again without a damn good reason, and I break it. Miss.

Chadley staggers backward, clutching his wrist. "I never said that I doubted that. But a greater man would hold his tongue."

Mairèad says: Ye attacked summone. Tha's a good reason fer you, an' i's a good reason fer me.

Stehl says: Look who's talking, tiger.

Mairèad says: Tha' wasn' self defence, neither, s'don' try tha' on me.

Stehl says: He punched me in the chest. You want him doing that to somebody unarmored?

Mairèad says: He wouldn'.

Chadley says: I somewhat pushed you!

Nialos says: Are you sure?

Stehl says: If he got mad enough? Bet he would.

Mairèad says: No, he wouldn'.

Teach says: Oh'come now Stehl'ye'done'ad'yer fun.

Mairèad says: I know him be'er than you.

Stehl says: Not at this point, you don't.
Stehl says: I've seen this nonsense before. And helped him out of it in my own way.

Mairèad says: Yes. I do. Have ye been in Icecrown wiff him? Have ye been livin' wiff him? Have ye been takin' care 'a him all this time?

Stehl facepalms. "Okay. Blinded by love, then. You've got some growing up to do as well. Enjoy your raptor punching."

Nialos says: Ah, youth.
Nialos says: The past repeats itself, lass. You should learn that.

Stehl says: I can't wait until he proves you wrong, though.

You glare angrily at Stehl.
Mairèad says: Ye dunno whatcher talkin' 'bout.

Stehl says: Yes. I do.

Mairèad says: No. Ye don'.

Chadley says: Just what the hell -do- you want with me? Want me to go over there and kiss the old deader on the cheek?!

Mairèad says: Chad.

Stehl says: No.

Mairèad says: I' ent worff i'. Mr. Stehl's jest a bully an' won' see reason.

Nialos says: I'd prefer if you didn't, but go for it.Nialos says: I seem to be good at being used for stuff.

Stehl says: ... Pot calling the kettle blacker than the depths of a coal mine.


Stehl says: Clearly, I must have broken him!

Mairèad says: He was tryin'! An' then ye told him i' wasn' good 'nuff!

Stehl thumbs up Mairead.

Chadley looks very ready to punch Stehl.

Teach covers his face with his palm.

Nialos says: Lass. Back down from this.

Mairèad puts her uninjured hand on Chadley's shoulder. "C'mon. Le's go."

Nialos says: Some fights are not your own. Even if you wish it so.

Chadley says: ... Fine.

Stehl says: Have fun, brochadcho. Fucking love field trips.
Stehl fingerguns.

Chadley snubs Stehl.

Mairèad says: 'm sorreh tha' happen't. Ye were doin' rill good.

Chadley says: Where are we going.

Mairèad says: ...we were goin' t'th' jungle. Strangleforn. Bu' if ye don' wanna, we don' hafta.

Chadley says: I like jungles.

Mairèad says: Okie.
Mairèad says: Then we'll fly t'Booty Bay.

[Upon reaching the Rebel Camp...]

Chadley blows a whistle and yells, "I know you followed!" And, sure enough, his raptor runs to him from the brush.
Chadley says: I told you I had one.

You grin wickedly at Chadley.
Mairèad says: We named him, y'know.

Chadley says: Did we? I never was much good at naming things.
Chadley says: You must've come up with the name.
Chadley smiles.

Mairèad chuckles. "I fink we came up wiff i' t'gether. You were th' one t'decide on' i', though. Ye called him 'Trollbane.'" She's smiling brightly at the irony.

Chadley says: ... That's a terrible name for a raptor.
Chadley says: I like it.

You laugh at Chadley.
Mairèad says: 'm glad ye like i'.
Mairèad says: Ready t'go? I fink me dad's meetin' us a' some troll ruins wiff rapters in 'em.

Chadley pats his newly-named raptor on the neck. "Y'ready? C'mon, let's go kill hundreds of your kin."

You giggle at Chadley.
Mairèad says: He kin figh' 'em, too! Ye had him figh' 'em when we were in Dustwallow, after we found th' dargons.

Chadley says: We saw darg-- dragons!?

Mairèad says: Yahar!
Mairèad says: I' was a rill good day.

Chadley says: I need to hit my head a few times and scramble that memory back in there.

Mairèad smiles sadly and shakes her head. "Nah. We'll jest make some new mem'ries. Though...tha' day was th' firs' time ye kissed me."
Mairèad says: ...'cause I toldja to.
Mairèad says: ...yahar, i's okie if ye nevarrr r'member. I jest wantcha t'be happy, y'know?

Chadley says: ... Hey.

Mairèad says: Hmm?

Chadley says: Was that dickhead paladin' telling the truth?

Mairèad says: ...'bout what?
Mairèad says: 'cause he said a lotta stuff.

Chadley says: 'Bout me not bein' sincere.
Chadley says: Also 'bout me bein' a whelp.

Mairèad says: ...well, I dunno, Chad. Only you kin say if yer bein' sincere.
Mairèad says: Whelp's a silly name t'call ye 'cause ye don' even have scales.
Mairèad says: -Were- ye sincere when ye talked t'Mr. Grrrrrhelm?

Chadley says: No.

Mairèad says: Oh.

Chadley says: But I tried.

Mairèad says: Ye did try.
Mairèad says: Ye can' force yerself t'be sincere.
Mairèad says: Ye kin only rilly try.
Mairèad says: Chad, kin I aks ye sumfin' while me dad's zoned out?

Chadley says: ... Yeah, Mair?

Mairèad says: Why were you tryin' wiff Mr. Grrrrrhelm? Was i' 'cause ye wan'ed ter be nicer or was i' fer another reason?

Chadley says: ... Because I thought it'd make you smile.

Mairèad smiles, genuinely, and reaches up to give Chadley a light kiss on the cheek. "I love you, Chad. Ye make me smile, even when you don' try."

Chadley withers a bit at this.
Chadley says: ... I- I guess that's good.

[ZG fighting, epic battle with priestess, cue the Final Fantasy cutscene]

Mairèad 's right arm hangs uselessly at her side, jostled out of the sling by fighting. She tries to move it back and winces.
Mairèad says: ...tha's n'good.

Chadley holds his hands out over her arm, lowering his head slightly to inspect it.
Chadley says: ... May I?

Mairèad chews her lower lip and nods. "Yahar. 'sme own faul'."

Chadley very, very gently holds her arm. "This, uh. Is it okay if this hurts?"

Mairèad takes a deep breath and nods, closing her eyes and bracing herself. "I' hur' when th' Argent healers fixed i', too. Go 'head."

Chadley bites his lip, seeming extra careful not to do anything too terrible. He exhales, and closes his eyes. As always, the ribbons of Light curl down his arms, and into her flesh. The bone shifts, and it would be painful.

Mairèad grasps the hem of her tabard with her free hand, cringing hard as the bone shifts against bone. She tries not to cry out, but only manages that for about thirty seconds before letting out a yelp of pain.

Chadley winces, but not terribly. His condition is trancelike, and not easily broken. The Light wraps around her arm as well, settling into it, causing it to illuminate. The stressed muscles mend slightly, and the bone shifts into place. It cannot mend, though.

Mairèad is breathing heavily, her hand shaking, tears of pain streaming down her cheeks. She doesn't at all relinquish her hold on her tabard, though she does appear to be trying to control her reaction to the healing. "F-fuck--" she manages.

Chadley lets go. As he opens his eyes, there's a flash of fading light. "I think maybe we should stay behind your old man from now on."

Mairèad relaxes some, flexing the fingers of her right hand and still wincing. She nods. "Prolly a good idear. I've missed ye healin' me, Chad. Fanks."

Chadley says: ... Is your sling working okay?

Mairèad nods and, very gingerly, tries to move her arm to rest it back in the sling. "I's keepin' me arm immobile, yahar. I shouldna fough'. Tha's me own faul'."

Chadley says: ... Oh well. Let's go, I bet he's waiting.Chadley says: ... Where'd he go.

Mairèad says: ...I dunno.

[they come across Hakkar]

Chadley says: Fucking Light what is that.

You stare Hakkar down.
Mairèad says: ...I dunno, bu' i's bigger'n th' bomber'nashun wha' go' me arm.

Chadley says: ... That's what got you in the arm?

Mairèad says: Yahar.
Mairèad says: ...y'know tha' day when I wasn' in bed when y'woke up?

Chadley says: ... You didn't tell m-

Mairèad says: Dad?


[Teach is mindcontrolled by Hakkar and starts attacking Chadley]

Mairèad says: DAD!
Mairèad says: Dad, Chads are friends, no' food.

Teach says: 'E'S CONTROLIN' MEH!

Chadley says: You sure you're not doin' that on purpose?!

Mairèad says: Wow, this guy's a jerk.

[After the fight]

Mairèad says: ...tha' was th' weirdes' fin' evarrr.

Chadley says: ... Is this normal of trolls?

Mairèad says: I dunno, I never been 'round trolls 'afore. Whar'd me dad go?

Chadley says: We should find him.
Chadley says: What.
Chadley boggles at the situation.

Mairèad shifts her arm uncomfortably in her sling. "Well. Tha' wunna rapter, bu' i' was still rill excitin'!"

Chadley says: We killed some...

Mairèad says: We did.

Chadley says: We should get back to the city!

Mairèad says: Wanna go t' Booty Bay fer drinks?

Chadley says: I-- sure.

Mairèad says: Ye sure? I mean...we don' hafta go thar if ye don' wanna.

Chadley says: I'm just embarrassing when I drink.

Mairèad chuckles softly. "I seen ye drink 'afore. You were drinkin' th' firs' time we me' Patrick an' then a' th' picnic."

Chadley says: ... Then you know I can't hold it very well.

Mairèad says: Ye didn' seem embarrassin' t'me, bu' mebbe Mr. Stehl's righ' an' I'm blinded by love 'r sumfin'.
Mairèad frowns, shoulders sagging.

Chadley says: Hey, um. I appreciate, um. The love.
Chadley says: ...
Chadley says: Let's leave.

Mairèad says: ...okie.

Chadley says: Are we going home, or Booty Bay?

Mairèad says: Up t'you.

Chadley says: Booty Bay.
Chadley smiles.

Mairèad says: Booty Bay migh' have less deaders'n Mr. Stehls, bu' we could always g-- okie.
You smile at Chadley.
Mairèad says: Booty Bay i' is, then.

[Upon arriving in Booty Bay, they come across Patrick]

Chadley blinks at Patrickk.

Mairèad says: Patrick!

Patrickk is very surprized!

Chadley says: ...

Mairèad says: I been lookin' fer ye. Didja git me le'ers?

Patrickk says: Mai and Chad! What a fuckin' surprise!

Mairèad says: We were jest over in th' troll ruins, tryin' t'chase rapters.

Chadley pulls her in closer. "I thought you said you didn't know anybody here."

Patrickk says: I got that one, yeah, and I sent you back one.

Mairèad is pulled in closer. She looks very happy about this, even though it causes her to lean against Chadley on her bad arm.
Mairèad says: I didn' fink Patrick lived here...I fough' ye lived in Dalaran. An' I musta los' i' in th' mail. I was gunna git ice cream an bewy an' bring Shenanigans.

Patrickk says: Me and Nicene just got a place here, to get away from Dalaran, and the cold.

Mairèad says: I's pre'y cold up thar, yahar. We been in Stormwind while me arm's healin'. Oh! Chad, ye don' r'member Patrick. Chadley Fairdale, this is Patrick Morgan.

Patrickk says: Well, Nicene went to bed. She's pretty exhausted after travelling here, but... well fuck, I could join you for ice cream and drinks.
Patrickk looks over at Chadley, and his face falls. "Oh. That's right, you had that..."

Chadley extends a hand, looking mildly uncomfortable. "Hey."Chadley interrupts Patrick.

Mairèad looks up at Chadley with a smile. "Y'wanna do tha', Chad? I dunno wha' kinna ice cream they go' here, though."

Patrickk nods. He steps forwards and awkwardly shakes Chad's hand.

Chadley says: It's... good to meet you. Sir.

Mairèad looks down at her armor and suddenly flushes. "...'m sorreh, we were jest in th' troll ruins, I didn' have time t'change." She seems very wary of upsetting Patrick for some reason.

Patrickk looks quite unsettled

Chadley says: So... if it's not too much trouble, I just like asking people this. How did we meet?

Patrickk nods at Mai.

Mairèad idly picks the pills off of her sling, still looking very wary, almost afraid. Even though littlest palerdins aren't supposed to be afraid.

Stehl says: ...

Patrickk says: It was with Mairead here-

You blink at Stehl.


Chadley stares Stehl down.

Mairèad says: ...rilly?

Chadley says: Oh, come on.

Mairèad says: -RILLY-?

Patrickk turns around to see what all the commotion is.

Stehl drops his D.I.S.C.O. on the ground, the device activating, "Hey. I needed to get this thing fixed."

Chadley says: I'm done. Mairead, I'll be getting drinks.

Patrickk 's hand instantly goes to his sword.

Stehl says: Best paladin activity, that.

Mairèad looks at Chadley and nods. "I'll be righ' thar wiff ye."

Stehl tries to cram the ball into the thing again.

[in the bar]

Mairèad says: ...I fink he's stalkin' us.

Chadley says: Where's the other guy.

Mairèad says: Patrick?

Chadley says: Yeah, him.

Mairèad says: I dunno. I hope he an' Mr. Stehl ent fightin'. I'm tired 'a people fightin'.

Chadley says: ... Mairead. That there is undead.

Mairèad says: ...I know. 'm sorry.

Stehl waves.

Mairèad drops her head down on the table with a thonk and a frustrated sigh.

Chadley ... does the same.

Stehl waves his hands, "Oh no, here I am to RUIN YOUR FUN. Pricks."

Chadley says: ... Why are you even -here-?

Mairèad says: ...ignore him, Chad.

Stehl says: I had to get something fixed. Got it from the goblins.

Mairèad 's voice is muffled from her head still being thonked on the table.

Chadley says: I can't ignore it! He's trying to be a jackass!Chadley has since sat up.

Stehl says: ... I'm getting something to drink.
Stehl says: Wow. That guy likes water.
Stehl says: Dick.
Stehl says: MON.

Chadley says: ... Will you leave us alone, then?

Mairèad says: He's gunna keep bein' a jackass to you as long as y'keep talkin' t'him.

Stehl says: ... Really?

Chadley says: Yeah. I think I've finally realized this.

Stehl says: Weren't you hanging on my every word a day ago?

Mairèad doesn't respond to Stehl, instead looking at the candle, still resting her head on the table.

Stehl says: The moment I even -question- your perfect boyfriend though, that goes to hell? -Really-?

Chadley says: Don't even start that shit. I'm not perfect, and she doesn't think I am.

Mairèad says: ...whaddya wan', Mr. Stehl? I don' fink he's perfec'. I fink he's an asshole some 'a th' time.

Chadley says: Just shut up for her sake, though. You're making her upset.

Mairèad says: A lotta th' time.

Chadley says: ...
Chadley frowns.

Mairèad says: Bu' he's good inside.
Mairèad says: An' he loves me.

Chadley covers his face with his palm.

Stehl says: He is. It just has to come out again.

Mairèad says: An' i's gunna come ou' by you bein' an asshole t'him? Is tha' whatcher tryin' t'say?

Stehl says: From what I've seen, he's the same person I saw months ago. Before you even showed up.

Chadley says: Well, you don't seem to be helping it along with your snide remarks.

Mairèad continues to look at the candle more than Stehl. "Las' time he star'ed bein' nice, i' was 'cause he realized fin's on his own, wiffou' people tellin' him t'think 'r feel thin's."

Stehl says: What do you even know about last time? He was a huge dick. And know who helped push him away from that? Or who was at least right -every single time-?

Mairèad is still looking at the candle. "I mean' recen'ly."

Stehl says: Oh, recently? Worked the first time. Maybe he can damn himself again!

You let out a long, drawn-out sigh.

Stehl says: Just maybe, with enough inaction!

Mairèad says: Mr. Stehl, kin ye either help 'r leave?

Stehl says: Your brand of 'help' won't help him. Just like whatsherface's didn't either.

Mairèad says: Don' compare me t'her!

Chadley says: Oh, we don't need to -hear- this.

Mairèad says: I akshully been tryin' stuff, a'righ'?

Stehl says: Too late. Already did,.

Chadley says: Stehl, was it?
Chadley says: Just get the fuck out and leave us alone.

Stehl says: Trying what? A light swat to the wrist when he does something actually wrong?

Chadley says: I didn't do anything wrong!

Stehl says: 'Bad Chadders!'

Mairèad just sighs, her shoulders sagging, and shakes her head. "Please go 'way. I don' wanna figh' wiff ye an' I don' wanna feel bad t'nigh'. Kin ye save this fer some ovver time?"

Chadley 's fist clenches, his nails digging into the table as it does.

Stehl says: Tell me, what time would be good? Doubt you'll listen at any time.

Mairèad says: ...jest no' t'nigh', please.

Stehl says: He'll be fixed with the power of LOVE and FRIENDSHIP.
Stehl fistpumps.

Mairèad says: I'll listen t'ye t'morrow. We kin talk 'bout i' firs' fin' in th' mornin'. Promise.
Mairèad says: I'll even buy ye breakfas'.

Chadley says: Are you just looking for a fight?

Stehl says: No. I'm not.

Chadley says: Then why do you continue to antagonize me.

Stehl says: Came here to fix something. Didn't know you'd even be here. Then I came here for water and you two just started whining about how I'm so mean and just going to be a jerk.

Chadley says: You can walk away at any time.

Stehl says: NOW I'm antagonizing you two because maybe, just maybe, it's possible that I'll be nice if people are nice to me!

Mairèad says: ...'m tryin' t'be nice. I wanna be nice. 'm...'m sorry, Mr. Stehl.

Stehl says: You want to be nice, but you- No.

Chadley says: Look. We're just here to relax. We'll shut up, and you can ignore us.

Stehl says: But you start out by assuring him I'm here to ruin his weekend.

Chadley says: Enough!

Stehl says: No! You've already pissed in my delightful breakfast!

Mairèad says: I'm -sorry-. A'righ'?
Mairèad says: I didn' mean t'git mad atcha. Ye were righ' before 'bout a lotta fin's, bu' I'd rilly rather jest have a good nigh' na' an' talk 'bout i' la'er.

Chadley says: Look. Apologies everywhere. Now please. Stop upsetting her.

Stehl grabs a chair and pulls it up, "Apology accepted."
Stehl is totally in a chair.

Chadley boggles at Stehl.

You blink at Stehl.

Mairèad says: ...hi.

Chadley says: I- what. No.

Stehl kicks up his feet, "How'd raptor wrasslin' go?"

Chadley says: We didn't say--

Mairèad says: ...wen' good. We killed a big red fin' dad go' mind controlled.
Mairèad says: Bu' he go' be'er.

Chadley says: Mairead, stop talking to him!

Stehl says: Excuse me.

You blink at Chadley.

Stehl says: I'm trying to hold a conversation.

You blink at Stehl.

Stehl says: Thank you.

Chadley says: No.

Mairèad says: A--

Chadley says: No, I'm not fucking putting up with this.

Mairèad drops her head to the table with another thonk and groans, covering her head with her hands.

Chadley stands, ignoring the chaos upstairs. He stares down at Stehl. "I aksed you nicely. Get the hell out."

Mairèad says: Chad, please--

Stehl says: I'm not leaving, though.
Stehl nods at Chadley, flashing a thumb's up.

You begin to groan.

Chadley kicks the leg of Stehl's chair. "Get up!"

Mairèad hears the kicking and the yelling and sighs. "Chad, please don' antagernize him anymore. Please, he kin stay."

Stehl 's chair tips to the side dangerously, before he manages to balance it the right way, "You heard the lady. Don't antagernize me. I can stay."

Mairèad says: ...please don' make fun 'a th' way I talk, Mr. Stehl.

Stehl says: ... I'm not.

Mairèad says: ...

Chadley kicks the chair leg again. "No, Mairead. I'm not putting up with this."

Mairèad says: ...he's gunna kick yer arse if ye keep doin' tha'. I kin't stop him wiff jest one good arm.
Mairèad is still thonked.

Chadley says: Then let it be between the two of us.

Stehl almost tips over again, "Chair'll break if you keep that up."

Mairèad says: ...fine. Come an' find me in Stormwind when yer done, if ye kin walk.

Chadley doesn't let the chair fall back down. He kicks it over -again-, mid-tilt.

Mairèad stands, looking at Chadley almost tearfully, and walks out of the bar, towards the flight masters.

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