Monday, September 6, 2010

9/5/2010: Selvaggia and Lius

Lius grasps her hand, head tilting to plant a kiss on it before lowering the lancet. The incision starts near the tip of the index finger, trailing down. It ends just above the carpal, the lancet slowly pulling away from the fresh wound.

Selvaggia doesn't cringe until the lancet leaves her fingertip, and evenwhen she does cringe, it's slight and accompanied by a soft gasp. The fingers of her opposite hand curl into a fist, but she doesn't move a muscle, eyes darting between her opened hand and Lius' face. "...not so bad," she breathes, after a moment's pause.

Lius drops the lancet to the table, his finger drifting across the open wound. "Normal reaction to trauma." He mutters, talking to himself. "Didnae 'it th'digital artery, tha's good." His head lowers, peering along the fingertip. "Th'tissue is jus'...scorched. Mos' noticeable along yer Distal Phalanges."

Selvaggia nods as if she understands everything Lius is saying, also looking down at the open wound, still chewing on her bottom lip. A small amount of blood is sliding down her wrist and bare arm, dripping onto the table. She's relaxed some since the initial shock of pain has faded, though she's clearly still resisting the urge to close her hand against further invasion. "Tell me more," she murmurs, scooting closer to Lius, as if he is a palm reader and not a surgeon.

Lius grasps the lancet, bringing it up to dig further into the incision along her fingertip. "Th'tissue is 'eavily damaged, yet still 'as blood reaching it. Mus' be quite a bit of nerve damage, ye cannae feel th'area, aye?" Lius questions, giving her split fingertip a prod with the lancet.

Selvaggia doesn't even flinch as he prods at the fingertip. Blood does trickle down her hand, but she appears not to feel it in the least. "Can't feel a thing," she confirms. "I think my nerves just gave up on trying to do anything after the six thousandth time I conjured fire with them. It hurt like you wouldn't believe when I was little."

Lius nods, dropping the lancet once again. He tugs his mask down, frowning. "I donae know of a way t'brin' the nerves back. 'Ow ye managed tha' much tissue damage withou' cauterizing anythin' tha' would carry blood is a mystery."

Selvaggia shrugs her free shoulder, as if she'd never given it much thought. "Magic," she guesses. "Perhaps it has to do with techniques I learned as I got older to keep the flames away from my fingertips themselves." She flexes the fingers on that hand, causing more blood to trickle down her arm and drip on the table, making quite a mess. She quirks an eyebrow at Lius, as if waiting for him to go on with his diagnosis.

Lius gives a nod, accepting that as a possibility. "Tendons are obviously fine, muscle caught th'brunt of it. If ye'd like, I coul' remove th'blackened areas of yer fingers an' treat it. May 'ave some luck removin' th'marks."

Selvaggia continues to quirk her eyebrow at Lius, almost challengingly. "It's your call, love. I've lived with them so long that I hardly know what to do otherwise. But...if you want to." She seems to guess that he would like that very much.

Lius grasps a scalpel, pulling his mask up with a short chuckle. He simply couldn't help himself. "Well, this shoul'nae 'urt t'bad if th'nerves are all dead." Lius takes hold of her hand once again, adjusting the scalpel against her flesh multiple times before making the first cut. The already cut index finger is the first. The slices are quick, taking a thin chunk of meat as he goes from finger to finger.

Selvaggia doesn't flinch at all at this process, the nerves in her fingertips not registering any pain. As he works on her left hand, she traces the fingers of her right along the incision, wincing at the pain but smiling still under her mask.
Selvaggia says: You're very efficient, you know.

Lius shrugs, grasping her other hand as he begins the process anew. "Usually th'entire finger 'm cuttin' off."

Selvaggia grins, flexing the fingers of her left hand a few times. "I'm rather grateful that you're not doing that tonight. I enjoy having all ten of my fingers, personally."

Lius grins, glancing up from his work for a second. "I'm findin' tha' I enjoy tha' fact as well." and then the final slice! He drops the scalpel to the table, clearing his hands of blood against his robes. "Now, goin' t'suture yer index finger." Lius reaches for his bag, pulling a roll of bandages, a potion, and a thread with needle. "Then dress these wounds, then give ye a little somethin' t'make ye feel jus' fine."

Selvaggia continues to smile softly, bringing up her right hand to rest in Lius' hair. "Can I confess something? I already do feel just fine," she murmurs, cheeks flushing slightly.

Lius glances up again, needle piercing through flesh as he begins to suture the incision. "Tha' so? Well, jus' make ye feel fantastic then. donae wan' tha'."

Selvaggia hisses in pain at the first suture, though she also closes her eyes, almost as if she enjoys it. "Lius Brethil, if I didn't know better, I would think that you were simply drugging me to take advantage of me. That said, I...admit that I enjoy pain. A bit." She says this quickly, as if admitting to something terribly shameful. "Though if you really feel the need to give me some sort of medication, you -are- the professional here."

Lius chuckles, cutting the line free as he finishes his work on the incision. "Well, if I 'ad any doubt tha' ye knew of why I was goin' t'give ye th'injection, I wouldnae 'ave ever dreamed o'tryin'." He winks at her, SO SMOOTH. Lius grasps the fresh roll of bandages, pouring the potion out onto the cloth. Wrap wrap wrap, thick layers to prevent anything from touching the freshly sliced flesh.

Selvaggia laughs, still not moving her freshly-bandaged hand, but bringing her free hand down from his hair to the side of his face, grazing her thumb against his lips. "Do you really think you'd need drugs to have your way with me, my love?" she murmurs and leans in to kiss his neck, lightly and tenderly.

Lius shrugs his shoulders, body falling still as her thumb traces along his lips. "Of course nae. Jus' figured...well, nae ever tried it b'fore."

Selvaggia lowers her right hand to his neck, pulling herself closer to him, legs falling on either side of him as she reaches the edge of the table. "Well, I'm all for experimentation."

Lius bites down on his lip, thinking on it for a moment. His hand snakes into his back, pulling a syringe full of orange liquid out after a moment of searching, he had been prepared. "It'll make...well, every inch of yer body scream in joy."
Lius says: Yer limbs may feel heavier, head may feel as if it's floatin' a bit.

Selvaggia brings both hands up, pulling down her mask and resting her arms on his shoulders, kissing gently along his jaw. "Well, making every inch of my body scream in make it difficult to say no, my deity."

Lius lifts a hand to her neck, gently urging her head to the side. He brings the syringe down quickly, injecting as soon as the needle sunk in. It was out just as quickly, tossed to the side of the room. Stehl was not here to fetch, sadly. "Jus' wait a second."

Selvaggia nods, still resting her arms on his shoulders. The drugs, whatever they were, are faster-acting than she expected, and after a moment, she gives a surprised, airy laugh, bringing her head to rest against his. "What...what -was- that?" she wonders airily.

Lius now has the largest grin possible. "A fine mixture of herbs, aye?" He questions, trailing his finger down her arm. " 'ow does it feel?"

Selvaggia shivers at the sensation, the hairs on her arm standing up in gooseflesh at his touch. "Like I am about to float away, but everything...I feel -everything-, everything is electric." She gives a dazed laugh.

Lius breaks into light laughter, his arms wrapping around her as he tilts his head in to kiss her. "Jus' ye wait, love." He mutters as they part, not at all feeling bad that he just drugged his girlfriend or anything guis.

Selvaggia leans her head back, still giggling as he kisses her. She pulls back, just barely, just enough to say, "Show me. Make me feel what you want me to feel."

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