Saturday, July 2, 2011

A Typical Night in Cathedral Square

Mairèad half looks up from her libram and jumps to see Bryn, as if expecting anything but the other girl sitting there. "Oh! Light, I wasn't expectin' you there."

Bryn deadpans, "I be errrwhar."
A sly smirk spreads across Bryn's face.

Mairèad says: Yer like magic or somethin'.

Bryn says: I'ma wizard.
Bryn says: In disguise.

Mairèad glances across the Square to where Shepard is talking. "How're you doin', then, wizard?"

Bryn follows her gaze curiously, "Hungover. You?"

Mairèad says: Well, Stehl's turnin' into rill fire and yelled at me last night and I hugged a deader and fought with Shep, but then we made up, and... hopefully thin's are good. I hope. Distractin'.

Bryn says: ... uh-huh.
Bryn says: I wish I could say that sounds outta th'ordinary.

Mairèad says: No, y'rilly don't. Shep told me about all th'outta the ordinary thin's what happened today, like that elf over there? With th'pigtails? Y'don't wanna be part 'a that shit.

Bryn says: Mefinks enny elf wiff pigtails 's somfin' I don' wanna be part of.

Mairèad says: That one fer special. She's th'type what goads people into hittin' her and then gets pissy when they do.

Bryn says: Sounds rill, uh, special.

Mairèad says: That's one word fer it.

Taylinda sighs softly before running over to the bench and throwing up her hands in exhausperation. "I don't goad anyone! Quiet with your slander! Sheesh!"

Mairèad says: Yahar, y'do.

Bryn stares Taylinda down.

Taylinda says: No, I don't. You're not in my bloody head.

Mairèad says: Don't hafta be. It don't gotta do with yer head. It's gotta do with yer behavior.

Bryn says: ... Hoi, y'dress like a whore an' sound like an even dumber whore.

Mairèad says: I wasn't even -talkin'- t'you.
Mairèad says: You talked t'me.

Bryn says: Yer th'one tha' keeps goin' back t'her.

Taylinda says: ...This is whorish? Then...
Taylinda points at Feloraea.
Taylinda says: SHe's a whore too?
Taylinda says: And she?
Taylinda points at Juhla.

Mairèad says: Th'point: yer missin' it.

Taylinda says: Oh heck that lady has an exposed naval.

Mairèad makes a whoosh sound, zooming her hand over her head.

Bryn snickers at Taylinda.

Taylinda says: So pretty much you called half the women here a whore. What a nice person.

Mairèad says: Think all her brains went into her pigtails.

Bryn says: Maybe 's like how bugs don't have brains just spines.
Bryn says: So like...

Bryn says: Her spines are in her pigtails.
Bryn says: Yeah.
Bryn says: Makes sense.
Bryn says: Oh look, she turned into a cat.

Mairèad says: Somehow, I ent surprised.

Bryn laughs.
Bryn says: We can leave it at "dumb bint 's dumb".
Bryn says: I don' see elves. I see purple humans.
Bryn says: Purple humans everywhere.

Mairèad says: Their ears are too long.
Mairèad says: Humans don't got ears that long.

Bryn says: But I wanna be an elf now.
Bryn says: Me name is Bryn N'ounverb Gobblypoo Adj'ectivebutt.

Mairèad peers searchingly at Bryn. "...are y'drunk again?"

Bryn says: Hungover.
Bryn says: Mebbe a wee bit buzzed.

Taylinda sighs softly and walks down the road, her ears drooped and her head low.
Taylinda sighs softly and glances between random people. "I don't get it..."

Bryn sets her hand on her forehead. "Oh, I don't get it. Why ev'ryone 's a stupid twat t'me. I am a snowflake in a world of yellow snow on a plain of snowiness."
Bryn says: Hoi... oaky. Maybe a wee bit drunk. Buzzed. I said buzzed.

Artim says: I think you should blame the one that turned the snow yellow, though. Go talk to him about it.

Bryn says: Well th'fucktit tha' pissed in'the snow deserves a punch in the throat.

Mairèad says: buzzed is buzzed, Bryn?

Artim says: But that fucker ruined it all.

Bryn says: I'unno.

Mairèad says: How many drinks?

Bryn says: ... define drinks.

Mairèad says: Alcoholic beverages.

Bryn says: What d'yeh call them wee glasse- Oh. Shots. Um... fiiiive shots.
Bryn says: Close.

Mairèad says: ...-five- shots?

Artim says: If they say five, it was really more than ten.

Bryn says: To somfin' like tha'.
Bryn says: I said 'm buzzed.
Bryn says: Not drunk.

Artim says: And if they say ten, it was.. alot.

Bryn says: Nyeeeh.

Mairèad says: Bryn, y'ent but wee and y'ent got a great tolerance I don't think.

Artim says: She wasn't completely shitfaced.

Bryn says: I can see straight!
Bryn says: Mebbe I jus' act too seeryus 'round you.

Artim says: .. how many fingers am I holding up?
Artim raises four digits.

Bryn stares Artim down.
Bryn says: Four fuck yous an' a kick t'the purple balls.

Artim --one is a thumb. Derp.
Artim says: You're so polite, humie.
Artim says: I wonder why you were drinking in the first place.

Bryn says: Yer so edgy an' cool, elfy.

Artim says: Hell to the fuckin' yes.

Bryn says: I wanna be like you when I grow up.

Mairèad says: Bryn, yer... y'sound li--

Bryn says: Wiff th'headband an' shit.

Artim says: You're probably older than me.
Artim says: Oldy-pants.

Mairèad sighs and shakes her head, her previous cheerful mood dissipating. "Nevarrmind."

Artim says: -McCrabby.

Bryn says: Crabby? Naw, only hoors get tha'.
Bryn says: In th'pants.

Artim says: Zing.

Bryn says: So watch out fer ennyfin' wiff pigtails.
Bryn says: I hear they got all th'fun stuff down souf.

Artim says: Pigtails make women look stupid.

Bryn says: Ayerp.

Sidoni yells: Wilhiem! Ya big ol'hunkin' handsome piece of manmeat! Where are ya, heart of my heart?!

Wilhiem yells: C'here, you.

Bryn freezes. That voice.

Mairèad looks up at the sky. "...was that...?"


Mairèad says: Bryn, don't do anythin' stupid. She's jest an old bitch with saggy tits.

Bryn covers her face with her hands, cursing rapidly and loudly.

Artim says: ...
Artim says: Kiss your mother with that mouth?

Bryn says: People tell me me mam was a fifteen year old drug addled whore.

Artim says: She's probably right, though.

Bryn says: So mebbe.

Mairèad says: ...Light's sake.

Artim says: Human.

Mairèad says: And I don't kiss me mam, she don't swing that way. But she's worse'n I am, so...

Artim says: You're my new best friend.

Bryn says: Don' wanna be yer bes' friend. Y'look stupid.

Artim says: Too bad.
Artim says: Now we can skip through the forest, and have a fucking tea party.

Bryn says: Aw fuck yiss.

Artim says: Cuddle our new-found forest friends.
Artim says: Water some gods-damned flowers.
Artim says: Make a fuckin' leaf pile.
Artim says: And jump in that shit.

Bryn says: Hey knife ears, leave her be.

Artim says: -What?

Bryn says: Let her grow some fuckin' flowers.

Artim says: I don't--

Mairèad says: Bryn...

Bryn scowls.
Bryn gives the thumbs up. It's k.

Artim says: You humans are fucked up, okay?

Mairèad murmurs something to Bryn.
To Bryn: "I know yer drunk and sad and pissed, but... this is jest makin' thin's worse."

Bryn says: Yer mum is.

Artim says: That's how she had me, humie.
Artim says: Damn good move, if I say so myself.
Artim says: --Which I do.

Teristha says: Stop acting like children.

Artim says: We're not acting like children.
Artim says: -Duuuuh.

Bryn grunts crossly.

Artim says: I can't help but notice, humie.
Artim looks to Bryn.
Artim says: You seem angry.
Artim says: Or are you always like this?

Bryn says: An' you seem t'haff daddy problems. Are y'always like tha'?

Artim says: Seeing as he was killed not long ago.

Teristha says: I'm not angry, perhaps if you looked at me you might understand why I have this growl to my voice.

Artim says: Yes.

Bryn says: Prollum solved.

Artim says: Meh.

Bryn says: Now go away.

Artim says: Damn, humie.
Artim says: You need to get -laid-.

Bryn says: I would.
Bryn says: But me boyfrien' is dead.

Artim says: Should-a, could-a, would-a.
Artim says: Go fuck around.
Artim says: -Oh, he's dead?
Artim says: Finally drove him to the breaking point?

Mairèad turns and -glares- at Artim. "Shut. Up."

Artim says: Damn, humie.
Artim says: Simmer the fuck down.

Teristha glares at Artim, "You should stop while you are ahead."

Artim leans in, hands set on his hips.

Mairèad says: I dunno -who- y'think you are, but yer actin' like a cuntwaffle with extra syrup.

Artim says: Noted.
Artim says: You can sit down now.

Mairèad says: Leave her alone.

Bryn says: Oh yeah, totally did. To th'point where his bes' friends broke his legs and drove a sword through his gut.

Artim says: Are -all- human women like this?

Mairèad says: She won't talk t'you, you don't talk to her. G--

Artim says: Oh, well.

You stare Bryn down.

Artim says: Tha's a shame.
Artim says: Sorry 'bout that.

Bryn says: Don't matter now.
Bryn shrugs. Who knows?

Artim says: Better luck next time, right?

Mairèad throws up her hands. "Y'know, I give up. Do what yer gunna do."

Artim says: Good.
Artim nods at you.

Mairèad sits again with a clank and a grunt. "I don't fuckin' care."

Artim shakes his head, muttering in Darnassian.

Bryn says: Fun times.
Bryn pats Mairead on the head.

Artim says: Your idea of fun and mine are quite different.

Bryn says: Sod off.

Artim says: What the hell does that mean?
Artim says: Do you just make up your own insults on the spot?
Artim says: .. they're not that good.

Teristha says: In essence, leave.

Mairèad looks back in Shepard's direction again and just stares straight ahead at the Cathedral steps. Her cheek is twitching.

Artim sighs heavily, gaze darting briefly to the two sitting on the bench. He shakes his head, turning to leave. As he walks by Bryn, his hand would move to simply pat her on the head as he passed.

Bryn mumbles a quiet apology to Mairèad. "I'll try harder t'morrow..."

Mairèad says: No. Do or don't. There's no try.
Mairèad says: Either drink or don't drink.

Bryn says: I-I'll... I'll try.
Bryn says: 'm glad you 'n Shep made up.
Bryn says: 'm late fer shit.

Mairèad grunts and leans forward, resting her forearms on her knees. She rests her head in her hands and just sighs.

Destiany peered down to the woman. "you alright?"

Mairèad says: Yahar, I'm fine.
Mairèad says: This place jest gets to you.

Destiany says: The Cathedrial? Might I ask to why?

Mairèad looks up at Destiany with a laugh of disbelief. "Yer new here, ent you?"

Destiany offered a nod. "I am, well not new. I lived in the city when younger."
Destiany says: Might it be to much to ask if you might fill me in? I seen much changed.

Mairèad shrugs a shoulder nonchalantly. "I dunno how th'city's changed meself. I've onleh been here since December. But... well, sit around th'Square a day. Th'shit that happens here's enough to drive anyone insane."

Teristha says: The park nearby is gone.

Destiany smiled to her. "I agree, and I have and seen some things I do not agree fully with."
Destiany says: But that little matter. What troubles you tonight? The odd elf with the magazines?

Mairèad groans and shakes her head, the groan turning into a disbelieving laugh. "It is a -long- story, miss. A very long story."

Destiany says: Well, should you ever wish share it. I would welcome to hear. Even bring the coffee.

Mairèad chuckles. "Make it rum and I might take you up on it."

Destiany says: I'll bring a jug worth.

Mairèad says: Fer this story, y'might wanna make it a bathtub's worth.

Destiany says: If you have the time, I can grab my husband and we could dive the rum at least.

Mairèad says: Eh, I can't right now. I'm supposed to wait -right here-.
Mairèad looks over towards where Shepard is talking yet again, expression somewhat tense.

Destiany says: Of course, you have a pleasant evening.

Mairèad spots Shepard and exhales through pursed lips. She manages a highly forced... and there they go. Smile gone.

Thanatosá says: Vandrin.

Teristha says: All is well, I assume.

Sidoni peeks around the side of the tree.

Wilhiem tosses the flute up, twists it, catches it again.

Vandrin swats a hand behind him. "Not now."

Thanatosá says: Verywell.

Shepard makes a point of ignoring Teristha for the moment, looking to Wilhiem. He nods.

Thanatosá says: Limited time offer however, so be a little nicer next time.

Wilhiem clicks his tongue. He raises a thin silver flute to his lips and starts up a fluent, simple melody.

Shepard follows suit with a soft, melancholy voice. He's singing!
Shepard says: There's an old tale wrought with the mystery of Tom the Poet and his muse, and the magic lake which gave a life to the words the poet used.

Shepard says: Now the muse she was his happiness and he rhymed about her grace, and told her stories of treasures deep the blackened waves.

Vandrin reaches for Emirdelle's hand.

Shepard spares Vandrin a glance as he continues, never breaking the pace.

Mairèad glances over, the smile threatening to return.

Shepard says: 'Till in the stillness of one dawn still in its mystic crown, the muse she went down to the lake and in the waves she drowned.

Wilhiem 's melody matches to accompany Shepard's voice perfectly- almost. He's nervous, he'd slip every now and then.

Emirdelle quirks a brow at Vandrin.

Sidoni rubs the back of her neck. She is staring -intently- at Wilhiem from her place hidden behind the tree.

Shepard says: And now to see your love set free, you will need the witch's cabin key. Find the lady of the light gone mad with the night, that's how you reshape destiny.

Vandrin says: Interesting story.

Wilhiem looks down to the ground - thank god. Otherwise he'd be dealing with Sid-eyes.

Teristha says: It is.

Shepard smiles at Vandrin, crossing his arms as he looks to Wilhiem. He's gonna let him have a solo.

Vandrin looks at Emirdelle. "And suprisingly relevant. You're a constant beacon of hope in an otherwise crumbling society."

Mairèad watches Vandrin and Emirdelle with interest, tilting her head to the side. What.

Wilhiem 's melody soon comes to a climax - descends, faints down to light fluttering. His fingers move about the surface of the flute, just barely.

Shepard leans back some, arms folding behind him. Some might see the faintest glow of the Arcane.

Emirdelle was lagging hardcore.

Sidoni has one hand raised, covering her mouth. She might be trying very very hard not to laugh.

Shepard thinks Emi should say something sweet about Vandrin.

Emirdelle ...Can't think of anything =/

Mairèad suggests calling him her hero.

Teristha thinks it would be easier if Vandrin showed his face... ever.

Wilhiem is running out of breath. He lets a note linger.

Sidoni facepalms. Except she uses the tree as her palm.

Sidoni glances sidelong at Wilhiem.

Shepard grunts, keeping the smile. His right eye is twitchng, though.

Wilhiem ...may or may not be playing the Jeopardy theme.

Vandrin does a high pitched voice, imitating that of a woman's. "Love you too."
Vandrin bites his bottom lip, hard. He sighs -happily-, or so it sounds, then walks off with Emirdelle's hand in his. His bottom lip was practically bleeding.

Emirdelle says: Sorry.

Shepard sighs, but takes what he can get. Instantly, a small cloud forms above... and it begins to rain. The glow of the Arcane vanishes.

Vandrin says: It's cool.
Vandrin gently pats Emirdelle.

Wilhiem attempts to hide a snort. He, then, clears his throat and starts the melody anew.

Emirdelle says: Just another thing I'm horrible at.

Shepard goes back to singing!
Shepard says: The poet came down to the lake to call out to his dear. When there was no answer, he was overcome with fear.

Vandrin says: Oh, hush.

Shepard says: He searched in vain for his treasure lost and too soon the night would fall, and only his own echo would wail back at his call.

Emirdelle says: It's true.

Mairèad blinks at Shepard. She had no idea he could do that! But the sight of the rain brings an almost wistful smile to her face.

Vandrin says: Stage pressure, is all. You were fine.

Shepard says: And when he swore to bring back his love by the stories he'd create, nightmares shifted in their sleep in the darkness of the lake.

Emirdelle says: I was never a...Theater type? i don' tknow....

Shepard says: And now to see your love set free, you will need the witch's cabin key. Find the lady of the light still raving in the night, that's how you reshape destiny.

Vandrin gives her a gentle, quick hug. "You were fine, Emi. Thanks for doing that for me."

Wilhiem struggles to scratch his nose while still playing.

Sidoni comes swaying around the tree, pressing one hand to the lamppost to support herself, as though viklempt. Whatever sort of adjusting she's done, her cleavage looks fantastic. Her gaze comes to rest on Wilhiem, and although her full lips part, she speaks not a word. She's totally banging him with her eyes, who needs words when she's doing that?

Mairèad watches Sidoni now with a perplexed expression. She seems to be holding in a whole -slew- of giggles, though.

Shepard pauses again, gaping at Sidoni. Then he slooooowly looks to Wilhiem.

Sidoni raises her other hand, and crooks a single finger at Wilhiem. It's sort of like Sandy at the end of "Grease" saying 'tell me 'bout it, stud'.

Wilhiem lofts a single eyebrow at Sid. His outh parts in a wide grin, and he lets the melody pick up, his fingers running across the flute faster and faster.

Sidoni likes dat. Work them fingers, boy. She runs the tip of her tongue across her lower lip.

Shepard is now just staring at Sid. Almost horrified.

Wilhiem starts moving across the small opening - slowly - still playing, stepping one foot over the other. The stupid grin is still plastered over his face.

Sidoni 's face is turning red with the effort of simply standing there and trying not to say anything stupid.

Shepard resumes the actor's mask, and smiles as Wilhiem leaves his side. And again comes that Arcane glow.

Wilhiem sighs, exhales, and ceases the melody. He pockets the flute and chuckles, flicking his hair back like a model from a shampoo commercial. He walks up to Sidoni and holds out a hand.

Shepard shakes his head, still smiling, and the same downpour from before returns. The worgen, meanwhile, continues his song.

Sidoni takes that hand, and LEAPS into Wilhiem's embrace. She wraps herself all around that lanky gray whip of a man and buries her face against his throat, making loud smooching sounds. "Oh snookums... oh ya fuckin' handsome beast..."

Mairèad -stares- at Sidoni.

Shepard would have started again, but a snort happens instead.
Shepard begins to sing again. For real this time.
Shepard says: In the dead of night she came to him with darkness in her eyes, wearing a mourning gown, sweet words as her disguise. He took her in without a word for he saw his grave mistake, and vowed them both to silence deep beneath the lake.
Shepard says: Now if its real or just a dream, one mystery remains. For it is said on moonless nights, they may still haunt this place.

Wilhiem is an actor. Wilhiem is an actor of IRON WILL. Despite blushing furiously, he manages a purr, and wraps his arms around her, effectively carrying her /off/ and behind the tree. You know. In the bushes.

Shepard glances around, lamenting his solitude. But then, big voice, lots of passion.
Shepard says: And now to see your love set free, you will need the witch's cabin key. Find the lady of the light gone mad with the night, that's how you reshape destiny.

Mairèad turns her gaze back to Shepard, that derpy smile returning. She almost looks dazed.

Wilhiem fumbles with a small remote. A mechanical strider sneaks its way behind Shepard and he runs over there. Inconspicuously. Through the fountain.

Sidoni lets go of Wilhiem quickly. But she totally starts rattling the bushes while gasping and moaning. "Oh! Ya beast! Oh! Ya big naughty man!"

Teristha says: Shepard? Are you all right?

Shepard says: And now to see your love set free, you will need the witch's cabin key. Find the lady of the light still raving in the night, that's how you reshape destiny.

Tenoly crossed her arms, twitching. "Shep, no offense...but no matter how much that thing around your neck makes your voice still suck at singing."

Shepard slides off the bench, casually strolling over to Mairead. He offers a hand -- there's a ring resting on his palm. "Will you be my lady of the light?"

Vandrin says: Tenolyshutthefuckupforfiveminutes.

Tenoly says: Good, now speak common this time Van.

Mairèad was distracted by turning that -glare- on Tenoly, so when she turns back and sees a ring, she lets out a yelp because the ring? She genuinely wasn't expecting that. "Holy shit! Where'd y'get booty, Shep!?"
Mairèad says: Oh! I mean yes.

Shepard grins, chuckling softly. Then he speaks into his signet.

Sidoni is still putting on a loud, flagrant show! Those bushes are rattling. Her voice is ringing.

Wilhiem 's strider emits a fury of fireworks! Happy day. Some of the sparks burn his hair and he bursts into curses.

Vandrin promptly runs up, flailing flower pedals.

Sidoni says: Oh! Yer fireworks! I told ya they was in yer pants baby!
Sidoni plants her forehead on the tree trunk. Her husband is going to kill her.

Mairèad grins up at Shepard and stands, removing her helm. She wraps her arms around him and whispers something to him.
To Shepard: "That. Was amazin'."
To Shepard: "Also, fuck Tenoly, yer amazin'."

Wilhiem rolls over a keg for a good measure.

Tenoly deadpanned, heartily disapproving. Shep acted like a fourty-something old man, and Mai was barely something other than a kid, this was least to her.

Sidoni doesn't realize Wilhiem has revealed he's no longer with her. She's still kicking the bushes to rattle them, and moaning like a hydra in heat.

Shepard smiles, wrapping an arm around Mairead. Then he whispers!
Shepard whispers: "I'm glad you think so, my dear."

All of the sounds behind the tree stop, except for a grateful, "LIGHT FUCKIN' BLESS."

Mairèad continues to stand there, whispering!
To Shepard: "...should I say somethin'?"
To Shepard: "Besides 'go die in a fire, Tenoly'?"

Sidoni ruffles Wilhiem's hair.

Shepard chuckles. "I think all you needed to say was 'yes'. ... Was this 'theatrical' enough?"

Tenoly thinks this sentimental moment needs Deathwing in Underbite form.

Mairèad says: That was amazin'ly theatrical. I can't believe y'pulled it off at such short notice!
Mairèad was obviously totally surprised by this whole thing. Or maybe just the ring.

Shepard deadpans. "Neither do I."

Tenoly says: Van...are we supposed to watch them for a reason? Cuz this staring is hurting my eye.

Mairèad says: And seriously, where'd y'get the booty?

Vandrin says: No. Stop watching if you're so souless.

Tenoly says: Meh...

Kialthos says: I forgot to clap.

Mairèad is -staring- at the ring. It's like instinct for her.

Tenoly says: Not my fault I aint a sap....I blame ya'll for drooling...

Shepard says: ... A friend. I had to- it doesn't matter.

Mairèad says: ...excuse me -one- second, Mine.
Mairèad disentangles herself from Shepard and marches over to Tenoly.

Tenoly seems to tower over Mai, considering she's a bit taller than she is.

Mairèad says: Look. I get that bein' a bitch is yer 'thing' and that's fine and whatevarrr, but fer -fuck's- sake, let people be -happy- if they've a mind to and if yer gunna ruin their happiness, keep yer opinions in yer Lightdamned -mouth-.

Kialthos says: BURN.

Mairèad doesn't really care how tall Tenoly is.
Mairèad says: That's all. Light protect.

Tenoly thinks height is important...that...damnit...what was the race from Invader Zim again?

Mairèad still doesn't care about Tenoly's height.

Tenoly smirked. "Tough words coming from a runt..."

Shepard blinks at you.
Shepard says: ... I think this will be happy marriage.

Mairèad says: ...let's go celebrate. Or...what are we supposed t'do now?

Vandrin says: So when do the storks come?

Mairèad says: ...storks?

Vandrin says: Yeah.

Mairèad says: What storks?

Vandrin says: With the baby.

Mairèad says: Why'd-- WHAT.
Mairèad says: No. No babbies.

Tenoly says: Now, this is entertaining.

Vandrin says: Oh, okay. Yeah, fuck children.
Vandrin nods.

Tenoly says: Van, what kind of face heel turn is -that-?

Mairèad grins at Vandrin. "Thanks, Vandrin. Fer errythin'."

Shepard looks at Wilhiem.
Shepard cackles maniacally at Wilhiem.

Mairèad says: You too, Emi.

Vandrin says: Fo sho.

Emirdelle says: No problem.

Teristha says: Wish I could have helped.

Tenoly eyed Kialthos. "We're chopped liver, I swear."

Shepard looks at Teristha.
Shepard says: You were- a valuable audience member.

Mairèad leans past Shepard to look at Wilhiem, "And you too... Wil, right?"

Wilhiem offers a salute and a nod.

Teristha says: Hmm... suppose that is comforting.

Mairèad says: Yer a very good actor.

Kialthos says: Mother of god, you could have been polite and at least stayed silent.

Mairèad smiles over at Kialthos, too. "Thank you, Kia."

Kialthos says: I didn't really do anything but okay.

Vandrin says: You're back.

Tenoly resists the urge to make a 'what's god' comment...lulz.

Mairèad says: Nah, y'jest did.

Kialthos gives Vandrin a side-noogie.

Mairèad reaches up to whisper to Shepard again.
To Shepard: "Seriously, let's go home and get naked."

Shepard says: I'm not sure if this is normal- but it's funny.

Tenoly says: It's never normal Shep...not here...but good on ya anyway I guess.

Shepard blinks at you.

Wilhiem pulls a disappearing act, the strider clanking loudly.

Shepard says: Right, I don't like it. Let's go.

Kialthos says: Warm winds, uh...
Kialthos says: The new Mr. And Mrs. Shepards.

Vandrin says: Chumba wumba. I don't like the look of it.

Tenoly leaned against the wooden barrier.

Mairèad chuckles and, with some effort, hefts herself up on Shepard's back because that's what she does.

Shepard says: That- huh. Thanks, Kia.

Tenoly says: Shepard's not his family name is it?
Tenoly glanced to SHep. "What's your last name again?"

Shepard says: Lovells. Or Garhelm. Depends on who you ask.

Tenoly says: I'm sort of asking what's your answer?

Shepard says: Lovells, I guess.

Mairèad says: Anyway. Goin'. Let's.

Shepard says: Anyway. We're going now.

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