Saturday, July 2, 2011

Mairèad & Shepard: July 1 (part II)

Mairèad says: ...Shep, I gotta say. I'm kinda disappointed in that story.

Shepard says: ... What? Why?

Mairèad is smiling like a retard still, so obviously she's not -that- disappointed. "Cause we ent gunna go hide under th'lake or anythin' and you'd better not stop singin'."
Mairèad says: But...I always hoped that story would end this way.

Shepard huffs, shaking his head. "If I had more time..." he says, grinning.

Mairèad says: Well. Before you send that one to th'printers, you should change the end. That'd be wicked. But... well, I dunno. Fer print, I guess th'sadder endin' works.
Mairèad says: Also, holy shit, this -booty-.
Mairèad is not going to stop talking about the booty. She might bone the booty and not Shep.

Shepard says:'s literally magical, too. Transformed something ordinary into- well. That. So you're carrying a chunk of me around at all times.

Mairèad says: ...this ent a soulstone, is it?

Shepard says: Nnnno.

Mairèad shifts, examining the ring. It sparkles. It is pretty. And piraterdins like sparkly, pretty things. "Oh good. What is it? I nevarrr seen anythin' like it."

Shepard says: Well, mages can summon gems and such, and it's a fairly easy spell. I can manage it even without most of my abilities.

Mairèad grins and hugs Shepard warmly. "That whole thin' was amazin'. As soon as I saw th'rain, I knew. And... well, if it hadn't been fer Tenoly, I think I'd'a cried."

Shepard says: ... I think I 'grew' on Tenoly. In the wrong way.

Mairèad says: ...ew.
Mairèad says: That... ew. Looks like we decided this jest th'right time.

Shepard says: ... Hey Mair? Could we just go somewhere nice and... talk?
Shepard says: After today, I think- I think I need it.

Mairèad nods and rests her head on Shepard's shoulder. "Anythin' you want, love."

Shepard says: Right then. Back around we go.

Mairèad says: Wanna spend th'night on the boat?

Shepard says: Sounds like a good idea.

Mairèad grins, swinging her feet slightly. "Actually, we could spend a couple days. I can jest put her out t'sea enough that we ent near th'mainland."
Mairèad says: Set down the anchor.
Mairèad says: Y'know. That.

Shepard says: I don't know... lot of people need me here to insult them, and poke holes in their plans with logic.

Mairèad says:'ve had a longer day than y'let on, haven't you?

Shepard says: Days, really.

Mairèad kisses Shepard's temple. "I'm sorreh, Mine. I'm sorreh I contributed."

Shepard shrugs. "That- really wasn't so bad."

Mairèad says: Well, mebbe start at th'beginnin'.
Mairèad says: And when y'get to the end, stop.

Shepard says: Well.
Shepard says: I killed a worgen on the Cathedral's steps.
Shepard says: Lopped its head off.

Mairèad 's cheerful expression flattens immediately. "What."

Shepard says: It was attacking someone, and... well.

Mairèad settles down off of Shepard's back, resting on the captain's bed. Because she's like that. "Oh Light, Shep. I wish you'd said somethin'."

Shepard grunts, settling down beside Mairead. "Well, you had a lot on your mind -- Lius, Stehl, paladinhood -- and I didn't want to contribute."

Mairèad says: Nah, that wouldn't've contributed. It would've kept me mind off that shit. Kept it on you, which is th'best place fer it.

Shepard says: It wasn't- wasn't too bad, really. He was a worgen. Possibly feral, even.
Shepard nods. "I- I did the right thing."

Mairèad says: You did. You were savin' people's lives. And he was beyond help. You probably put him outta his misery.

Shepard says: What's weird is, I always thought that now I'd feel something -- anything -- if I killed one of my people. But. There was nothing.
Shepard says: ... Well, I was irritated, but I don't think that counts.

Mairèad says: Did you know him?

Shepard says: No. Just another face in the crowd.

Mairèad says: That's probably why. It wasn't rilly that it was one 'a yer people... it was a dangerous person what needed t'be stopped. I mean, would you've felt anythin' if it was a human?

Shepard says: ... Hungry? Ah, that's terrible... but no.
Shepard flops onto his back, sighing. "Then earlier in the day... a Warlock was staging a 'silent' protest."

Mairèad snickers and squeezes Shepard's hand. "Then that's jest it. It's not about yer people or me people or anythin'."

Shepard says: Well, my people are morons- and I think the Shattering shattered their heterosexuality.

Mairèad says: Not yers, at least.

Shepard says: Mmm... so. Are you really going to be a Lovells?

Mairèad takes a deep breath and exhales slowly, eyes going wide. "Are you gunna go by Lovells or Grrrrhelm?" she asks. She's totally serious about the Grrrr part, too.

Shepard lifts a brow. "'Grrrrhelm', hm? I'm tempted to take that for the irony. But... I've been a Lovells all my life, so I'll go with that."

Mairèad says: Then yahar. I wanna be a Lovells. Mairèad Isolde Lisa Fallon-Lovells.

Shepard says: Aha, decided to go that route, hm?
Shepard says: ... What do you think your mother will say?

Mairèad says: I still got time to decide, right? Not like we're gettin' married tomorrow. We need t'wait fer a naval battle.
Mairèad says: She is gunna shit a brick. So will Bryn, fer that matter.

Shepard says: ... Wait, naval battle? Oh, that's right...

Mairèad says: Mmhm.
Mairèad says: Preferably in th'rain fer luck.

Shepard says: I'm still not sure that's how weddings are actually done... at least, not on land.

Mairèad says: How are weddin's done on land?

Shepard says: If I remember it right, my grandmother described it as...
Shepard speaks as if he's reading off a cue card. "Pleasant, if loud. There were decorations, food, drinks and hundreds of people. I wore a white dress, while your grandfather was dressed in the most dashing of suits."
Shepard coughs.

Mairèad suddenly looks horrified. "I ent gotta wear a dress -again- do I?!"

Shepard says: I- don't think- well. If you -really- don't want to, why should you?

Mairèad says: Plus ent white dresses fer virgins?

Shepard says: Well. I'm not sure.
Shepard says: I just thought you- wore dresses. Or something.

Mairèad says: about dress armor?

Shepard says: I have to wear a suit?

Mairèad says: I think we can wear whatever th'fuckin' hell we wanna wear.

Shepard says: I think. That sounds like a brilliant idea.
Shepard says: And- hm. Maybe I can arrange for, like... a fight to break out.

Mairèad giggles. "We're gunna hafta have it in the Cathedral, ent we? And let errybody what wants t'come show up."

Shepard says: Oh. Oh Light. That'd just be-
Shepard shudders. "Do you honestly want someone like -Tenoly- showing up?"

Mairèad says: That's why we get security. Kialthos'd be so happy.

Shepard says: Nngh. But then there'd be a scene, and... well. I suppose we'll think of something.
Shepard says: Not like this all has to happen right away. ... Right?

Mairèad says: Oh shit no. I still think we should wait fer a naval battle.

Shepard says: And tell me, my dear, what a naval battle is like.

Mairèad says: Well. First thin' what happens, th'ships come alongside each other. This is if one hasn't blow th'other to smithereens while chasin'. They open cannon fire and th'goal's to sink the other ship.
Mairèad says: When yer close enough, half th'people from each ship swing over to the other one and stab and shoot the evarrrlivin' fuck outta the crew.
Mairèad says: It ends when a captain parleys.

Shepard says: ... And this is how a wedding for you goes.

Mairèad says: Noo, the weddin' takes place in th'middle of all that. I seen me mam do it dozens 'a times.
Mairèad says: Y'gotta keep fightin' while it happens or it ent bindin'.

Shepard says: That sounds- what if one of us died? Somehow.

Mairèad says: That's why y'get married.

Shepard says: But. Then you got married, and I'm dead.
Shepard says: That seems depressing.

Mairèad says: Or you get married and I'm dead. So... mebbe the Cathedral's best.

Shepard says: Or maybe... hm. I'll have to collaborate with Wilhiem. -We'll- have to collaborate with him.
Shepard says: And Vandrin. He helped come up with tonight's idea.

Mairèad says: Vandrin is highly clevarrr. I hope he realizes that. And Wil seems pretty wicked, too.

Shepard says: ... I liked my original idea better, though.

Mairèad says: What was yer original idea?

Shepard says: I tried getting Wil and Vandrin to act as a couple.

Mairèad blinks several times and then bursts out laughing. "That woulda been a sight! I'll betcha Tenoly woulda shit even more bricks."

Shepard says: And Emi...
Shepard lets out a long, drawn-out sigh.
Shepard says: Probably would have been better with the original idea, too...

Mairèad says: Poor Emi. Must've been 'cause it was Vandrin that she was jest standin' there like a fish.

Shepard says: I don't know. But I suppose Sid saved the show.

Mairèad says: Nngh. I hate her, but she is a very good actress.

Shepard snorts. "... I noticed Bryn was chatting with you. How is she?"

Mairèad's happy expression fades again. "Drunk and actin' like Lius. So... shitty."

Shepard says: Do you think you should talk to her, or...?

Mairèad says: I tried. She... well, she started fightin' with some random Night Elf. Then she said she'd try harder tomorrow.

Shepard says: And by harder, she means... what? Drinking, fighting and screwing at the same time?

Mairèad says: I got no idea. I told her to either drink or not drink, not try one or th'other.

Shepard says: Maybe you should check in on her tomorrow, then. Make sure she's doing alright.

Mairèad says: That's what I was gunna do. I'm jest glad she ent run across Stehl.

Shepard says: ... I'm sure Stehl has plenty of questions for her, yes.

Mairèad says: Why questions?

Shepard says: Remember? Stehl menti--
Shepard freezes, then shakes his head. "Nothing."

Mairèad says: ...Shep, what'd Stehl mention?

Shepard says: ... He- he mentioned that Lius had more than one request.

Mairèad says: What'd Lius request?

Shepard looks away, obviously trying to hide the biggest frown ever. "... I'm not- I'm not sure I should tell you. It's... what made Stehl so angry yesterday."

Mairèad swallows hard. "It ent somethin' I did, is it?"

Shepard says: -No-. No.

Mairèad says: Then what?

Shepard says: I just don't- Mair. I don't think it'd make your life any easier to know.

Mairèad sighs and then just turns and relaxes against Shepard. "Tell me in th'mornin'?" she asks quietly.

Shepard says: ... Maybe. We'll see.

Mairèad laughs quietly and snuggles close, going into that sleepy-girl-is-cute mode. "Mmmkay. Hey, I love you."

Shepard snakes an arm around the sleepy cute girl, smiling. "Love you too, my dear."

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