Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Cinnamon & Liotuse: July 2

Cinnamon isn’t really one used to having men in her bed, for love or any other reason. She’s only just gotten used to having an empty apartment for the first time since leaving Gilneas, and then suddenly, from nowhere, a bleeding Lio. Leo? Lio? Did it matter? To be sure, she feels like something of a creepy character from a creepier novel, keeping him in her apartment when nobody else knows where he is, but he said last night that he’d be gone by this morning, and Cinna wants to believe him.

So when she comes home after a long day’s work at the library, she fully expects the apartment to be empty, not even bothering to look at the bed. Her staff and bag clatter to the floor, mindless of any noisiness, and she even lets her hair down around her shoulders, massaging her neck. With any luck, Lio will have gone to the Square and she can check on him, make sure that his wounds haven’t reopened or anything.

Her luck was bad and she’ll most likely feel bad. Liotuse was in fact not in the Square nor was he even out of the house. But at one point it seems he accomplished getting out of the house to collect some things. There were two sets of clothes present now, one being on him. A plain white shirt and clean shorts. Maybe not much of a set, considering the two pairs of pants were instead folded and neatly placed at the foot of the bed amongst other garments.

The other important prize being a moderately sized dumbbell, stone weights set on it. It was in his left hand, burning through reps at a set pace but nothing too lazy. The right of course, arm still being damaged to a point, was neatly settled on his lap with a book in hand. All in all, Lio looked incredibly comfortable sitting next to the bed, back pressed against the wall with his legs stretched out. The bed? No bloody sheets in sight, fresh bedding set down and tightly. Military style.

Cinna doesn’t even notice Liotuse at first, still setting her things down. It’s not until she’s moved to start undoing her trousers that she turns around and sees her patient still sitting there and using a dumbbell and reading one of her books like he lives there or is a boyfriend or something. She can’t really help herself and lets out a shriek, jumping back and grabbing a coat from near the doorway to cover herself, as if she’s actually not wearing clothing.

“You’re... still here,” she observes after a moment, still hiding, half behind the coat and half behind a long, multicolored scarf. What in the Light’s name is up with this girl’s apartment? Between the ten million books, the dark wood, the coats and scarves, the tiny windows, the teapots, it has to be the strangest dwelling in all of Stormwind.

He makes a loud swear and winds up dropping the dumbbell onto his thigh. Thankfully not on the inside of it or else the bruise that’s sure to show up would be a little scarier to deal with. Liotuse is amazingly quick in removing it and setting aside with a loud thunk as he springs to his feet. Still unsteady as hell from yesterday’s events though, he’s not as hasty as could be with it and wobbles as he raises his left hand and the book in it.

“Sorry! Sorry. Yeah. I didn’t... mean. You know.” No elaboration. She might not know. He turns his torso some to toss the book back onto the bed. It was a ‘romantic’ sort of novel. ‘Romantic’. Lio doesn’t seem too bothered in reading it. More out of possible hilarity instead of actually getting into it. Nothing to say for it downstairs too with no manly protrusion to horrify her.

Cinna tries to regain some sense of composure, but this isn’t very easy, not when he’s still here and that was the opposite of what she expected. Her glasses continue to slide progressively further down her nose, threatening to fall right off, but she ignores them in favor of holding that multicolored scarf over most of her face. It’s kind of like an invisibility potion, right? Just...more colorful?

“You, um. You’ve been out and about at least,” she offers as a sort of truce with the awkwardness, nodding at the pants over on the foot of the bed. And the made bed. What the hell is with this strange man in her apartment and all his pants. “And you’re looking... I mean, your color’s looking much better, so I’d assume you’re, um. Feelin’ better?” Not that he can see it, but the inner kicking of Cinna’s is at an epic level right now.

His bottom lip is taken between his teeth, sucking in a small breath as he squints at somewhere above Cinna. “Enough to be more talkative and roll out of the... your bed.” Left hand flapping backwards to indicate it, still talking as he moves to the foot to collect a pair of pants and actually do a better job of covering his lower half. “I did go out. Blacked out once. My body’s still not cooperating a bit.”

A beautiful demonstration is given as he favors the left hand a majority more. Still, some progress can be seen even just for the night and day in terms of a recovery. Mostly being able to curl his fingers and grasp things. Like the rich, appealing fabric of his pants as the leggings were slowly drawn up to cloak those blazing hot limbs. Toned, trim tanned muscle. Could crush a melon between them, obviously.

“No, no! I mean...” Cinna lets the scarf drop, finally, revealing bright pink cheeks, more at her own awkwardness than anything else. She also finally pushes her glasses up on her nose, hazel eyes now magnified by thick lenses. “Well, you’re the one who’s hurt, so it’s only fair that if you’re going to stay here, you might as well sleep there. In the bed, I mean. Not on the chair. Unless that’s more comfortable.” She shuffles forward to try and actually make it seem like she’s coming in to her own home, but she also manages to bump her knee against several pieces of furniture as she goes, eliciting more than a few “bother”s along the way.

“And more to the point...” Cinna doesn’t quite look at those blazing hot limbs as she finally settles herself near the pillow of the bed. “Does anyone know you’re here? I... I don’t want your harem or a brigade of Cathedral Square lackeys to come arresting me for kidnappin’ you.”

A tug of his sleeves to hike and bunch them up on his biceps, a fold of his arms followed swiftly by leaning on half the wall and half a pile of books. Then he’s clear to relax somewhat, closing his eyes as if ready to nap there. “No, no. I’m... I know people are going to be concerned. Not to the point of a witch hunt. But. It’s better this way. For one.” Liotuse’sleft hand is used as an abacus, counting on it. “I know if I tell anyone what happened. They’ll go off to deal with it. Then get horribly would-be slaughtered like I was supposed to be.”

A small sigh at that. His big tell, if he were playing cards, that he cares more about his friends than himself. Selfless, an actual paladin trait he has. “Two. Letters could be intercepted. Tracked back probably. Then there’s only so much I can do to defend my injured self and you from killers.” Lio’s voice drops to something more sincere and honest to her, features settling some as his eyes open. “Three. If it is really okay for me. Until I’m covered. Enough to function well in combat. I already owe you more than enough. Might as well keep adding to my tab, huh?” The ghost of a smile, not a classic smirk, crosses his face.

Cinna smiles thoughtfully at this list. It’s quick and logical, perfect things for a paladin to worry about, and she appreciates the balanced concern for himself and others (herself included). “I couldn’t possibly keep a tab,” she answers, relaxing some. It helps to be in her own home, among her trappings and keepsakes. “You’d ring up a debt impossible to pay back and, anyway, it’s an old witch’s law not to require repayment for a saved life. But... but if you feel safer here, you’re welcome to stay as long as you need. Goldrinn knows...” She trails off, suddenly aware that she’s rambling.

“...are they that sort, then? The people who...you know, did this to you?” Cinna finally looks up at Liotuse, staring at some point in the center of his forehead because that’s easier.

He doesn’t seem to notice the pointedly nowhere-else-only-there watch on him even as his own gaze is tossed to Cinna. A quick look over of her, nothing perverted, is done. He’s only really seen her in something of a passing at the benches in the Square. Then the whole dying schtick. “I’ve had people do more for me for less, I’m sure. Just because we’re friends.” His back slides against the wall as he drags himself down to the floor, taking a seat once more. “And by ‘that sort’ do you mean ‘tyrannical’ and ‘villainous’? Then the answer is yes.”

Liotuse offers a sigh, pulling his knees up and resting his arms on them with hands clasped between. He blinks a moment and looks to her. “And I’m not psycho myself. Not trying to trick you or anything.”

Friends. Not something Cinna’s really used to since coming to Stormwind, and she’s not sure if he means the kind of friends that are actually friends or the kind of friends who know each other incidentally and then through strange circumstances, save each other’s lives. But either way, it works. “Mm, I meant more the type who order hits on people. You know, like in those crime stories. Or maybe you don’t have those in Stormwind. They’re a huge hit in Gilneas. Or. Were.”

“Though I suppose that would make them psychopaths, hm?” She takes to arranging the bulky quilts on the bed, fluffing the pillows, anything to keep her hands busy and away from her hair and face. “And...for the record, I didn’t think you were a psycho. A lech possibly, but not a psycho.”

“Oh no. It’s okay. They’re set up for that.” The dam springs a leak, some sarcasm taking advantage of the breech. “They’ve got more than a few shadow-walking folks to just show up. Blades and all.” His left hand pulls away from its twin to scrub at his face. For a moment, the bridge of his nose is taken between index and thumb. “...Thanks, Cinna. Really. For hauling me off. Mending. And letting me stay.”

The dam forms another crack, a chuckle slipping loose as he manages to revert somewhat to a more Liotuse state. “I’ve got two questions already. No. Wait. Three. Is there a Mister Cinna I have to be worried about? What specifically do I owe you? Annnd. Where in the Light’s name did you sleep last night?”

“Why would they order a hit on you? I mean, you seem like a reasonable person and all.” Cinna finishes fluffing the pillows and adjusting the quilts and now can do nothing more than fiddle with her boots and eventually remove them, mimicking Liotuse’s posture with her knees drawn up. “And it’s nothin’, really. I couldn’t let someone die, especially not there, and...” Well, she really has no reason for letting him stay beyond he’s right here and it’s rude to throw someone who’s right here back to the street.

And maybe a little he’s cute.

The paladin’s slow relaxation gives Cinna some ease as well, and her smile becomes much less nervous and more genuine. It’s a pretty smile, at that, and brings out dimples. “As you can see, the line of candidates for the position of ‘Mister Cinna’ goes practically all the way to Northrend, which is to say, no to the first. Second, you owe me nothing, like I told you, though if you stay more’n...well, we’ll say three months, I’ll start buggin’ you for rent. And third, in that chair. I think I dozed off with a teacup in m’hand.” She can’t help but let out a nervous giggle.

Liotuse’s hands clap together jokingly, snickering softly as he rubs them. “Good. Means I’ve got a head start, then.” Fingers weave together as his arms relax to let the clenched hands hang. He falls silent, though nothing negative shows on his face. Contemplative and thoughtful. “...Nah. I’d be gone before even two months. Not... that came off rude. Not that I don’t mind it for the under twenty four hours I’ve been awake and alert. I don’t think I’d be a burden for that long.”

The back of his head makes a nearly muted thump against the wall, resting it backwards. “I’ll sleep on the floor. You get the bed.” Said like a friendly but final order. “The whole chair thing wouldn’t work for either of us.”

Cinna doesn’t bother to argue against Liotuse’s head start comments, though she certainly thinks she could. “You aren’t a burden,” she decides to say, her smile becoming friendlier. “It’s just me living here with a bunch of books and teapots and things. And just as long as you don’t mind the herbs or get too excited about the tawdry books, you’re not a burden.” Her eyes light on the cover of the book Liotuse was reading earlier at the mention of “tawdry books” and she even dares to (gasp) wink at him.

“And anyway, the chair’s fine for me. Or...well, the floor, really. I’ll have to shift to keep warm, but I can do that better than you can, and anyway, I can handle the cold better at this point.” She wrinkles her nose to push her glasses up without hands. “I don’t want you to go into shock. That would just make me a terrible hostess.”

“Cinna. Doll. I live off of tea. Specifically green if you... have...” His words start to wander as well as his eyes as he looks around. Surely somewhere in the place will provide him with a physical example. “...It.” A small pause. That cause was abandoned far too quickly. The place was a little baffling to him and intimidating, if just for the volume of teaquipment and books.

“...Anyways. No. You. Are. Taking. The. Bed.” He smirks now to escort his words, looking a little too sly for a guest in her home. “I can help with the cold thing if that persists. But even cuddling in a somewhat still random woman’s bed would make me look like such a tramp.”

“Do you now?” Tea is something familiar for Cinna, obviously. “I do have some green tea, though I usually mix it with other herbs for different effects... pain soothing, mind focusing, and so on.” She stands and begins digging through a drawer, finally coming up with a small pouch of herbs: green tea and something that looks floral. “Something I brought from back home. The herbs there... they don’t dry as well, but I think our tea is good.”

Cinna slips the pouch into Liotuse’s hand before returning to the bed. “I could heat up a pot now, if you like, though it’s still rather warm out.”

Of course, it’s less that it’s warm out and more that she’s been confronted with a new challenge: a man in her bed while she is in her bed. She has to clear her throat several times before finally saying, in as grown up a voice as she can muster, “...I suppose we could just share, then. It’s not a small bed, after all, and we’re both adults.” Adults. Right. That’s... right. Yes.

The pouch is tossed between hand and hand. For about half of a second, unable to grab it in time with the right. He’ll get angry at the right one eventually, more blaming himself somehow instead of the man that drove the knife under the arm. Liotuse’s more functional hand reaches across to pluck up the pouch and flick it to the foot of Cinna’s bed, letting it flop next to his boots.

“Not too thirsty, really. And it’s more my... calm down or wake up thing. I’m pretty well off for the moment.” Alright. He’s bad at avoiding subjects at times when they aren’t dire or prone to causing turmoil. “I’m uh. Going to apologize in advance if I do any rolling over and smothering. Or an arm around you. Getting a little... snug.” A hand tips towards his lower-half. Referring to the almighty spooning. “Sleeping habits are hard to break after a serious relationship.”

“...But I’m on the floor. You. Bed.”

Cinna folds her arms across her chest, looking far sterner than anyone her age has a right to look. “Lio. Look. You almost bled out on this bed last night. I don’t mind sharing it with you, but I shan’t let you sleep on the floor, yeh? Not until it’s been at least a week that you’re recovered. We’ll just...divide things up somehow. Halvsies or something. Not a big deal.”

Of course, she isn’t looking at him as she says this. It’d betray her innate awkwardness over the situation, over the idea of having a man in her bed for the first time ever, and just in general. He doesn’t need that; he’s down an arm, gods’ sake.

It’s okay though. He has fingers he can use while she’s around. “That’s not how I work, damnit.” Cuss aside, he’s not legitimately bothered, features even and relaxed. “I’m bugged when people extend big -” It’s just a bed, Lio. “- courtesies like this. Taaake. Iiiit.” His left hand’s fingers snap to collect her attention. “And for Light’s sake. You’re obviously not completely comfortable with it.”

But Lio wouldn’t mind in all honesty. She was cute in turn and maybe the side-comment of something shallow like ‘hot’ could be tagged onto the side. Hair down and all. The spectacles? Maybe.

Cinna sighs and shakes her head. “Look, not like it’s gettin’ married or picking out window dressings. I’ll get over it. I’ll be fine.” She’s quietly and mentally going over her entire pyjama drawer, trying to remember which ones cover the most and which ones are the most lightweight for summertime sleeping. In a bed. With a man.

It’s a short list.

She finally looks back at Liotuse, tucking some hair behind her ear, though with the nature of her hair, it sticks up wildly and looks a bit like some draenish hairstyle rather than just some loose hair behind her ear. “Lio, I just... don’t feel right makin’ you take the floor. Please. You want a way to pay me back, take the bed. That’s how you can pay me back.”

His lips part, though doesn’t return anything to her involving passion. She’s stilled his tongue except only with words. A shame. Cinna got a bit of Liotuse points for throwing some sly his way with the tab he’s started.

“...Pants on or off?” Acceptance. But he’d make her pay for this through teasing and joking around. Will he ever get her back, if gradually. The bunched sleeves on his biceps are jerked on to bring the cuffs back down to his wrists, rolling his shoulders as he looks at her. Then realizes she needed to change. Two seconds to keep his eyes on her before Liotuse turns on a bare heel to stare in the completely opposite direction.

“On, please,” Cinna answers, almost too briskly, before adding, “I’ll let you know if you can ever take them off” even more briskly. And realizing this sounds more like an invitation than she means it to, she slips out of her leggings, vest, and blouse and into the kind of nightshirt and leggings combo that should only ever be allowed after people have been married for ten years. She also removes her glasses and has the quilts pulled all the way up to her neck before she manages to say, in a quiet voice, “Alright, all set.”

He keeps his back turned completely, even mustering the control to not even steal a peek. “I’ll start filing the documents for this tomorrow morning, I’m sure.” A hum and tap of his foot as she changes out of her clothes. Even with being informed on the crisis being cleared, Lio lets a few more moments pass before turning. A grin teases at his mouth as he sluggishly works off his shirt with his good hand. She didn’t say anything about that. Then it’s to the edge of the bed with him, slipping delicately underneath the quilt.

Then he’s wonderfully disrespectful and genuinely curious, lifting the quilt and peering down with what light was available. There’s a soft laugh at her choice of apparel before lowering the cover down. Liotuse is sure to keep at the very side of the bed and give her a hefty portion of it, looking ready to roll over and fall off.

Cinna makes a noise that’s halfway between a shriek and a growl with maybe a groan thrown in there for interest when Lio lifts the covers. “By the fang,” she hisses, holding more tightly to the quilt once he’s had his sneak peek. “If I wanted you to see my ratty sleepin’ clothes, I’d have changed in front of you.” Still, despite her blushing and despite her awkwardness, it’s pretty clear that she’s not really mad at him. She is, after all, smiling. Then again, that might also be because he seems to understand personal boundaries.

“Oh. And I promise not to punch you or anything if you do spontaneously get handsy while you’re sleepin’.” With that, Cinna turns over as if going to sleep. Of course, her eyes are wide open and remain that way for hours. And this close up, she smells pretty clearly of earth, flowers, and cinnamon. If he’s one to notice these things.

“You keep saying things that are digging you a deeper and deeper grave, Cinna. Thankfully.” A small shift could probably be felt by her as he settles a bit more onto the bed. “I’m a gentleman and don’t do anything without consent... beyond grabs. I’ll put that off too.” His eyes close and he just rests on his back, hands down by his sides. Reserved for her sake.

...Except his mouth keeps running. “I was sort of expecting black and lace, actually.”

Cinna raises her eyebrows, still facing the other way. “Do I seem like the black and lace type?” she asks, her voice rising sharply in pitch on the last word. She then coughs a few times, trying to cover up that particular faux pas. “I mean... in that regard, I suppose I should’ve been surprised to see you in simple shorts and not ladies’ hosiery when I came in. If we’re talking about expecting the unexpected, I mean.”

She lies quietly for a few minutes before eventually deciding that she’s comfortable enough to lie on her back and not try and sleep on a square inch of mattress. “Lio isn’t your full name, is it? Forgive me for sayin’ it, but you don’t really look like a Lio. Leo. However you prefer.”

He makes a little amused snort. “It’s hard for a woman to not pull off dark, lacy stuff. But you’d look...” His words trail off as he decides against getting evicted. “Cute in it, I’m sure. The hosiery is only if a woman really gets to know me. Special occasions and whatnot.” His right hand lazily flops over to his chest to rub at his collarbone as he drops the quilt to just above his waist. Comfier like that it seems as he goes still.

“L-I-O. But pronounce like Leo.” The question from her is remembered swiftly and answered accordingly. “Liotuse Antonio Bordeau. Cinna doesn’t sound like a full name either, darlin’.”

Cinna is very glad for the dim light to hide her now beet red cheeks, but even in this lighting, it’s clear that there’s more color in her face. Whether this is at being called “darlin’” or at the words about to come out of her mouth, however, is unclear. “...it isn’t. My parents... well, you see. Harvest witches and all. They’re earthy sorts. I have two younger sisters and one younger brother: the sisters are Saffron and Sage, and the brother is Basil.” She pauses and laughs, almost disbelievingly. “He’s the lucky one.”

A cough and some awkward shifting. She’s trying to get more comfortable without accidental touching, but on a bed this size, that’s nearly impossible. “...Cinnamon. Cinnamon Brighid Diggory.”

His right shoulder pulls in as he acknowledges the room issue, but quickly invades once more to nudge her arm. Then his left hand swings up and over, hovering somewhere above her and awaits for a shake from Cinna. He rolls onto his side and his eyes open. It would be amazingly creepy if Liotuse wasn’t the friendly fellow he was. Thankfully, he’s not all too bad. Hopefully in Cinna’s eyes too as he rests his gaze easily on the side of her head.

“Cinnamon. Yeah I think I’m spot on with the ‘cute’ thing. Especially if it was the theme with your siblings.” A smile brightens his face as he rests his right arm down a little closer to her. Trespassing might be in the near future.

That Lio hasn’t fallen out of the bed laughing at her name is enough for Cinna to decide that he is not, in fact, amazingly creepy. Just slightly. She reaches up to shake his hand. “A pleasure to make your acquaintance.” Her voice hints at something of a giggle behind the words, and some of that giggle escapes as he calls her cute. She’s inwardly kicking herself, and this shows outwardly in her muttering something that sounds like “get a grip” before rolling over herself, facing her new roommate.

“Yeh, it was cute as long as we didn’t attend the village school, but you know how kids can be. I only attended for a few years before my parents decided to teach us at home, but I don’t think a week went by without someone trying to lick my cheek or something.” Her own grin is slanted, if increasingly relaxed.

Because lying on the side totally dampers the effect of a handshake somehow, he makes sure it’s a hearty and friendly one. As if a gentleman having the honor of being introduced to a lady, the hand is taken to Lio’s mouth and the back of Cinna’s hand is bestowed a most elegant kiss. “A pleasure indeed.”

He neatly settles her hand back underneath the quilt and gives it a pat, ensuring its safe-keeping. “Licking... your cheek.” His face goes deadpan with a glint of amusement in his eyes. “...Lewd and obvious. But. You taste good, huh?” A brow arches as he looks down the... quilt. Not like it was much different than if it weren’t in the way due to her choice of clothes for sleeping.

If this girl was blushing any harder, she’d be leaking blood out her cheeks. Cinna falters for a moment, unsure whether to draw her hand back to the safety of Her Side of the bed or just leave it where it is. She opts for the latter, drumming her fingers somewhat neurotically. “I’ve no idea how I taste, honestly. I simply try to wear cinnamon essence because...well, it’s appropriate, for one, and for two, it helps when deaders or other foul-smelling things are nearby. I mean, not that they can’t be decent individuals, but when your sense of smell is enhanced with that bloody curse, just about anything helps. With the smell, I mean. Not the curse.”

She’s still on her side, watching Lio, because he’s new and interesting and in her bed, what the hell. This reminder is enough to stop her ramble and she shrugs. “Well, you know how kids can be. I doubt they even thought of any other implications.”

Admittedly. He was and enjoyed it there. Twas a comfortable and masterful bed. Her being not hard on the eyes always helped sway the guy too. But on the other hand. Those pajamas, man. Them jammies. “Which I get, yeah. Because they’re all innocent and such. Unfortunately. Hey. I’m Liotuse.” He repeats, tweaking his voice some to have a smooth refined edge. It was the sound of a dapper, dashing middle aged gentleman smoothly running the flat of an elegant blade along a woman’s collarbone. She gives an amused titter and allows him to part one of the two strings of her bra from the primary covering. All with a flick of his wrist to sever the thing with his blade. They both share a small, knowing smile and some brandy.

That’s how Liotuse tries to make his voice. “And I have other implications. Even with this technically being a first date.”

“Date?!” Somewhere, in the back of Cinna’s mind, there is a list of things she didn’t expect Lio to say. Among those things are “I am the Lich King” and “have you ever wondered if our lives are being controlled by small gods in another world sitting at mechanical devices?” and “would you like fries with that?”

And “first date.”

So shocked is Cinna at these words that the witty banter, if they could indeed call it that, comes to a screeching halt and she just stares.

He actually flinches when the word is tossed back to him. She might as well have slapped him. Over the ears. It felt like that anyways with the exclaimation it was. “Easy, easy! I’m kidding. Kidding. That’s it. Harmless joking. I don’t follow through. Er. Without consent.”

Lio’s face is just slowly turning into ash. Ever digging himself into a deeper, stupid hole. Filled with stupid of course. “You’re lovely and all but I sort of am the one owing you and don’t exactly need that fulfillment because I’m sort of our of condition at the moment. Or. Something. Plus I am sure you are fine without sex even if that were to be a request of yours in how I pay you back.”

“...I’ll stop talking.”

Cinna can’t quite hide her awkwardness now, shuffling under the covers. Her hand still hasn’t moved from where he left if, but she’s drumming her fingers doubletime now. It’s almost a twitch at this point. “...it’s not that,” she finally says, her voice a lot quieter than it was before. “I’m not offended or anything, merely surprised. You’re...remarkably attractive, but a girl like me doesn’t stand a chance with someone like you, so I never even considered thinking of you as more than ‘that funny man with the thing about lampposts.’”

“...and anyway, I’ve never even been kissed before, so requesting sex as repayment is entirely out of the question. Not that I don’t know the positives and negatives of such a thing, but...” There’s more awkward fiddling under the quilt, mostly Cinna trying to get her hand to stop. moving.

“Diseases if you aren’t careful. If the other person isn’t clean downstairs and all. Bruising if the couple decides to really get into the swing of things. Positives is like... a high. Afterglow. And... kids could be a negative or a positive. It just involves playing safe.” A moment’s pause. Forgetting something that would and should be typically obvious. “Or. Y’know.” No she doesn’t, Lio. “Sheepskin or one of those fancy concoctions.”

Lio’s eyes narrow and he gives a slight ‘bah’ under his breath. “Listen. That whole... league. Idea. Is silly. Anybody can get anybody it just takes effort. Firsts are supposed to be special though!” He pretty much chirps this. “I’m just some bloody bum. Literally, yesterday. There’s a Mister Right or Miss Right out there for everyone. To take their hand, virginity and kiss-virginity.” Both eyes of his narrow as he thinks on that. “Except everyone steals and the like, because it’s rare that the person you stay with is the one for firsts like that.”

“Or potions. I know, my mother used to brew them and I brew them now.” Cinna relaxes again, though she’s not entirely sure why. Something about the man sharing her bed (oh yeah, there’s that anxiety) has put her entirely at ease, despite the conversation topic. “No, I know how sex works. I know... well. I’ve read mountains of books on the subject. Not that I’m perverted or anything, but I like to read. About everything. As you can likely tell.” Another cough, sort of clearing her thoughts and the air.

“And I mostly say that having seen the women who seem to follow you everywhere you go. They’re... well. Lithe, lovely, and very flirtatious. I can’t see why someone like you would give someone like me a second glance... which isn’t a bad thing! I mean, tastes are tastes and all. Just it didn’t seem prudent to feel wistful over you.” She looks Lio over again, quietly. “Though...well. Yes.”

“No, no. I can tell.” He agrees with a soft, warm laugh. “Means you’re well versed. Just not experienced. Which... can be a sort of deciding factor in things. But who knows with some people.”

A few moments pass as he falls silent with a small smile from her and the conversation he was thoroughly enjoying. Shared in a bed with the woman. All was well. “...Yeah. A few of them are all like that. Easy on the eyes. Fair. Because I’m amazing like that and this is totally possible. To uh... say in front of you. It’d be interesting having a time with each one.” Lio’s stare is awkward for a moment.

“...Anyways. I don’t want to horribly relate these two. But you and your mother brewing those aside and my suggestive joke discarded. You ever cuddled with anyone?” A brow rises, the unease from his own dumb words slowly pushed away.

Cinna tilts her head against the pillow, pursing her lips. “Not really,” she admits. “...I shan’t lie and say that I’ve wished for it before, but well. That can get painful.” And realizing this is dirty laundry and he probably doesn’t care about the secret life of this wallflower, she stops there. “I haven’t cuddled before, no.”

His left hand rises to gesture to... the quilt? No. The woman beneath it. Lio clears his throat gently before speaking. “Mind if I? It’s not so bad, really. Winds up being comfortable and a little warmer than any sort of blanket. You can slap me if you feel anything suspicious or if I start grinding.” The prod of humor being punctuated by a grin.

“Well!” Cinna is at a loss for words for a long moment. Her eyes dart from Lio’s face to his figure and back to his face. Then to the quilt. Then to the chair, almost wistfully. And then back to his face. Her voice carries more seriousness than his at this point. “And what happens if this strikes a chord for me and makes me feel something for you? And when you recover and leave and return to your willowy harem?”

“...It’d be more to the bench than anything.” Even though he didn’t rush through the statement. It was a little too fast for his tastes. Didn’t leave him much thinking time. “Do a little experiment here and there. Make sure I make mysterious, alluring visits during the night now and then.” He skips a beat. “Wonder if I can settle down a little more.”

Cinna tilts her head to the side again, though this time, it’s accompanied with a slanted grin. “I mean no offense askin’, Lio. You’re a decidedly charming roommate and I am very glad that I saved your life. But... I don’t want to risk getting my heart broken.” She hesitates another beat before adding, “...though one night probably won’t completely destroy everything ever. Just... please be...” She makes a whining sound; the word she’s looking for isn’t the one she uses. “...be gentle. With my heart, I mean. With me.”

“It’s a lovely heart considering it didn’t leave me facedown in a puddle of my own blood. Mmmaaaybe I shouldn’t manage too much, lest I mess up. Stumble over myself and risk damaging it.” A brief frown, looking a bit disappointed. In himself, considering she’s been nothing but sweet and the like to him. “Tampering and feeling like I’m pressing the issue. Leave some claims to another guy or something.”

Awkward. Lio shifts some and rolls mostly onto his back, still angling himself somewhat in Cinna’s direction.

Cinna hesitates once more and then moves that hand under the covers until it finds Lio’s hand there. Considering her lack of experience, this is tantamount to straddling him and calling him Papi or something else similarly disturbing. As it is, she simply rests her hand on top of his, fingers still moving idly. “I appreciate it. It... it means a lot. That you’re not takin’ advantage of the situation, I mean.”

The hand is adjusted, but the severely lacking movement might as well have been nonexistant. Liotuse nods once and smiles anew. It’s friendly all over again and bright. “The temptation to use force might have added a little spice to things. But even if my armor isn’t glowing and all. I wouldn’t have much of a right to wear it after.”

“...Plus I’m a little above crying about how much I’m aching and sore until I get some sex as an amazing distraction. I can deal.” Even winking to Cinna now, back in a comfort zone.

Cinna is very glad to be back in this comfort zone, shifting again under the covers until she, too, is mostly on her back. Hand still in place. “Mm, even if I was the type to give myself to men as a distraction, I doubt I’d be good enough to really distract. You’d probably wish you were readin’ that book again.” She’s back to smiling, though now it’s more at the ceiling and the collection of hanging doodads up there.

“You said something earlier about a serious relationship?” she asks after a moment’s pause, trying to balance her curiosity with the knowledge that maybe some people don’t like telling these stories, Cinna.

“Year-long relationship ending with an elongated engagement. Shit got in the way. The roaring flames of love were stomped on.” A sigh through his nose. This topic. Always repeated. Do not want repeat and explanation with ladies.

Being Liotuse though. It’s amazingly easy for him to try and misdirect the topic with Cinna, tweaking his hand enough to make a bowl shape to cup hers some. “You’d be surprised and... possibly enjoy a man just keeping a woman down and in place. While he just goes all the way. It’s a lovely sort of thing and leaves the guy focused intensely. With the added benefit of him being wonderfully exhausted after.”

“I am not having sex with you tonight,” Cinna says in that hilariously serious voice, though she turns her hand over in Lio’s, ending with their fingers linked. “And I’m sorry to bring it up. That was very stupid of me. Just... curiosity killing the cat, I suppose.” Her voice has brightened again, kind of like a kitten clawing the shit out of your hand and then purring against it.

Knowing he wants the topic changed. Being a gracious bed hostess. Cinna tries again. “So what do you do when you aren’t collectin’ a harem or getting stabbed or trying to seduce healers?”

“Well shoot I am going to pack my things and leave n-...” He trails off. Well. That was certainly different and actually rather touching. Cinna’s fingers aren’t left too alone in the effort, Lio curling his between hers and clasping hands in full. “...Leave now. That or pass on overnight because I am still recovering and the cold from no intimacy, not even cuddling, will have taken its toll.”

The smile remains on his face even as his eyes close and he hums contently for a second. “...Heal myself, actually. Socialize. Or obliterate things while screaming and foaming about the Alliance, of course. Beyond that my agenda is... average.”

Cinna has to catch her breath a second at the sudden linked hands, less because it’s new for her (which it is) and more because...well, it was more touching than she expected it to be. She doesn’t pull away any and actually rolls onto her side again, facing Lio. “Average means different things for different people. Average for me is an entire day spent puttin’ books back together in the library and takin’ home the ones they don’t want anymore, but I’ll bet you don’t do that.”

“Oh. And cards and practicing with herbs,” she adds after a beat. It’s now definitely dark enough that he can’t see the color in her cheeks and might even miss that she’s taken the opportunity of a dark room and superior eyesight to finally give him more than a quick glance.

And so, Liotuse relaxes there to be oblivious to the check performed on him. Sort of asking for it with his torso bare. It was more of a spur of the moment to get a reaction sort of thing, so he was all used against his will and such. “I don’t. But it doesn’t sound horribly outlandish to me. Means you’re a smart, well learned and intelligent woman. Clever comes into play as well during cards. Unless you’re utter crap like me.”

“Herbs was... sort of a given. With the performance done on my wounds and inklings of ‘you can do naughty things in me and we’re good’ elixirs that were passed down, apparently.” The last? It would just be impossible for the man to do without a smirk and squeeze of her hand. For good measure.

Cinna is surprised at how easily she returns the squeeze, smiling at him as well, even though he can’t see it. “Not those kinds of cards,” she corrects quickly. “You’ll likely think it’s ridiculous, though... most people do.” She doesn’t offer up much more on the subject of cards, instead turning to outlandish average lives.

“See, it’s entirely normal to me to go through those steps, but I’m certain you’d find a day in my life rather peculiar, just as I’d find a day in your life the same sort of strange.”

Liotuse’s face lightens a bit as he feels her return it. “Like... the fortune cards? Hm. Always gives me chills up the spine when I just... listen.” He works a shoulder and then the other as he lets himself sink into the bedding, lazily flapping a hand out to work the quilt’s edge up higher. Not only over him but her as well. Maybe he’s a little too quick on being so at ease with her, so comfortable to dote like this. The harlot he is.

“It sounds charmingly plain enough. Where my stuff when it gets a bit more excitable maybe is just... flat out dangerous.”

“Like being nearly stabbed to death on parapets?” Cinna asks with a smirk. The quilt-adjusting is accompanied, on her part, by an attempt at snuggling under the quilt without getting closer to Lio, and this half works--she’s more comfortable and decidedly snugglier, but she’s also decidedly closer. Still not so close that things are about to get weird, but closer. She also gives his hand another inadvertent squeeze during this whole snuggling process because bed sharing: how does it fucking work?

Once all that is done (which really only took about half a second), she continues. “Yes, fortune cards. It’s... well, most people think they’re a bit silly. And they are an imperfect art, but...” A shrug, one that he can probably feel more than see.

“Something like that.” The answer’s honest, immediate and light-hearted despite the subject matter. He’s the guy that can laugh off being stabbed twice and slashed across the neck. Oh so casually does his thumb brush at Cinna’s hand though, making a content Liotuse-sigh as he settles with all that hard work done. Charming ladies through the slight nuance of caring about their bed-state. Through quilt interaction. A most difficult task.

“Imperfect as in...? Hard to get right all the time? Sorry for the dumb questions... you know. I just hit things.” The corners of his mouth lift in a smile. “So you’re the professional here.”

Cinna shivers at dat thumb brushing and immediately blushes from that, too. It’s like this girl’s blood is hard-wired to go flooding straight to her cheeks at the slightest provocation. “Imperfect as in it’s reading symbols. See...” She shifts to bring her free hand out from under the covers, gesturing with it pointlessly because it’s not like Lio can see her gestures or like they mean anything. “The cards have images on them. Symbols. When I read them, I interpret the symbols and can divine the future that way. It works very well when I’m reading for myself, but when I’m reading for someone I don’t know...”

Cinna shrugs and drops her hand, inadvertently letting it land on Lio’s chest for half a second before drawing it back like his chest is made of BEES. “Well. If it’s a good fortune, they’re usually rather happy. If it’s not good, they tell me I’m mad and storm off without even leavin’ a tip.”

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