Sunday, July 10, 2011

Cinnamon & Chadley: July 9

Cinnamon stops midstep upon seeing the book on Chadley's lap. With all the hesitance of a skittish thing that is skittish, she approaches. "Em. Excuse me, sir? What book is that, if I might be bold enough to ask?"

Chadley opens the now-dry, but still recently water-damaged book. He flips through each fragile page, frowning as it becomes more apparent that not much has survived. He jumps slightly at the voice and looks up. "Uh- nothing. It's nothing."

Cinnamon holds her bookbag to her chest. Apologetically, she explains, "I work in the book-binding rooms at the Royal Library. It loooks like it's pretty valuable... I wonder if I mightn't just... I mean..." She's looking more at the book than Chadley.

Chadley winces as one of the pages makes an audible 'creak' sound as he tries to turn it. He sets the page down and doesn't try again. The book remains open in his lap, though. "The damage goes beyond the binding," he mumbles.

Cinnamon says: What happened to it? I don't mean to intrude or anything, I'm sorry.

"Fell in the canal," he says sourly, looking down at the open page before him. The water damage has ruined the hand-penned ink, there's barely even any indication of the prayers that once filled its pages.

Cinnamon steps forward and looks down at the page. She cringes slightly at the damage. "This would have to be rescribed, but if it's old enough, the ink would've left an impression. If someone could rescribe it for you... if you know any scribes. Or, well, I know a few, but I might have to slip them some coin to pay for it. But, em. I could rebind it? If I could find someone to rescribe it? I think?"

Chadley 's brows flatten, but he looks up from the book. Not at her, just up. "Interesting. I didn't know this amount of damage wasn't beyond restoration. How much would such services cost?"

Cinnamon says: It depends on the scribe. I have a friend with connections, though. I can ask him and see what his price would be. The rebindin'...
Cinnamon laughs sheepishly, adjusting the pencils in her hair and causing most of it to fall. "...I kind of love rebinding books, so I wouldn't charge. Especially for a gorgeous piece like that."

Chadley finally peers up at the girl. "How do you make a living if you offer your services for free?"

Cinnamon says: I work officially for the library; book-binding's just part of my job. I don't usually get to work with pieces like this one... by the fang, how old do you think it is?

Chadley looks back down to the ancient book in his lap and closes the cover shut. "I am unsure. It seems to pre-date the Silver Hand, yet instructs a number of combat-applicable prayers. I don't know when it was written, and it doesn't say."

Cinnamon lets her bookbag fall to her side and holds her hands behind her back, apparently to keep from making grabby hands at amaaaazinnnnng buuuuuuuk. "I'd guess at least three hundred years. Perhaps more."
Cinnamon says: Also, it was my understanding that combat-applicable prayers were never unique to paladins; they simply came more into favor during the time of the Silver Hand.
Cinnamon says: But I've only begun reading about them recently.

Chadley says: You're correct; it's simply surprising to see them all compiled like this. And three-hundred, you think? Lady S- eh, my superior found it in the Cathedral library. I could ask about it there, maybe.
Chadley says: -- After it's been restored, if that's even possible.

Cinnamon hefts herself up onto the wall several feet away from Chadley and removes her staff from her back, laying it on the wall behind her. "No use givin' up when you haven't tried yet, hmm?" She smiles tentatively before digging in her bookbag. Several books and other artifacts spill out, including a well-worn deck of fortune cards. She finally finds what she's looking for in a small notepad and pen. "What was your name, then?"

Chadley blinks. "Ah- Chadley Fairdale. I, uh- am I to leave this with you?" He looks skeptical- Stormwind is crazy and you shouldn't trust anybody.

Cinnamon writes his name on her notepad in slow, careful penmanship. "No, no! I want to make sure my contact can actually provide some assistance in this before I take that away from you."

Chadley nods. "I understand. This isn't something you need to do, you know. You've known me all of five minutes."

Cinnamon 's cheeks flush as he says this, and she shoves her glasses up on her nose. "Honestly, Chadley Fairdale, I'm doing it less for you and more for that gorgeous book. No offense or anything, though I have only known you five minutes. But I did let a man spend a week in my apartment recovering from stab wounds after knowing him only ten minutes so perhaps I'm just odd like that." She shrugs and begins restuffing her bag.

Chadley stares sort-of deadpan at the tattered, cracked, and now water-damaged leather cover of the book. Despite the damage, the beautiful holy circle design on the front is still quite clear. "I see," he simply says. "Well, thank you anyway."

Cinnamon says: ...I'm Cinna, by the way. Cinna Diggory. I suppose I should've given you my name before askin' for yours or talking about your book or anything, but there you go.

Chadley says: I'm rather used to strange women approaching me and asking about my reading material, oddly.

Cinnamon pauses in her restuffing and raises an eyebrow at Chadley. "Really? I've noticed that about this city. A lot of people tend to be very interested in others' personal business. Though I suppose I'm not helpin' that stereotype."

Chadley says: Not in particular, though you've at least something to offer and don't exist merely to annoy.
Chadley looks up at the Cathedral and eyetics.

Cinnamon says: Mm, you spend a lot of time around Cathedral Square, then. I've had the misfortune of encountering several... circus acts there, I think that's a good way of puttin' it. One girl kept shrinking and asked me to carry her around. It was... odd.
Cinnamon resumes her restuffing, hands resting on her deck of cards. "But then, it seems a prime spot for practice. Have you ever had fortune cards read?"

Chadley says: Did she try to crawl down your shirt? I believe I've witnessed such a thing before, though we could be speaking of two separate occurances. I'd not doubt it.
Chadley says: -- And no. I'd rather remain ignorant of my future, if it's anything like my present.

Cinnamon laughs softly and shakes her head. "Thankfully, I think I managed to communicate rather thoroughly to her that I wasn't interested, or at least she got bored, one of the two. And they don't -really- tell the future."
Cinnamon says: They provide more insight into your current situation and possible outcomes that you should consider when framing your actions.

Chadley says: Yesterday, I learned that genuine mind-reading is possible. I don't know what else is. You're not a mind-reader, are you.

Cinnamon shakes her head, cheeks flushing again. "Oh, by the fang, no. I can do some natural magic, but that's really the extent of it. The cards are... well, they're like books. You read the symbols on them and see how they apply to your life."

Chadley says: ... I see. So they're vague and can apply to anybody.

Cinnamon shrugs a shoulder and places the cards back in her bag. "They could. I've found them to be oddly specific more often than not."

Chadley says: How does that work?

Cinnamon says: Oh, a variety of ways. Sometimes, I'll draw a card that describes to a tee a person I know. Other times, it just paints a relatively accurate picture of events and circumstances.

Chadley says: I'm almost curious how that works. It must be psychological, like you just look for...
Chadley says: -Can I see how it works?

Cinnamon blinks a few times and readjusts her glasses. "Certainly! Let me just shuffle. And while I'm shufflin', I want you to think of something that's been on your mind lately that you haven't an answer to."

Chadley rests his mail-clad forearms atop the cover of the book, watching as she takes out the cards. "Alright."

Cinnamon spreads the cards on the wall between them, all face down. "Now, still thinkin' about what you want to know, choose five cards and lay them face down right here." She indicates the area just above the spread-out deck.

Chadley doesn't take any time at all to pick five cards at random, not stopping to put any consideration or ~feeling~ into it. He places them facedown where he's supposed to. "Okay?"

Cinnamon reaches for the first card. "This card represents your long past." She flips the card over to reveal a man standing alone, looking over a cliff amidst three staves: the three of staves.

Chadley nods slowly. Everyone's got a long past, dammit.

Cinnamon says: Long ago, you began an enduring partnership that's bettered both you and the other person. You also were in a position where you had to take responsibility for your own decisions in order to further your journey towards your goals.

Chadley smirks slightly. "Well, it's not necessarily untrue, but I still say that could apply to almost anybody."

Cinnamon smirks in return and moves on to the second card. "We'll see. In the meantime, this card is about your recent past." She flips the card over, revealing a king holding four gold coins tightly to him against the backdrop of a city: the four of pentacles.
Cinnamon says: So according to this... you recently have been holdin' fast and tight to everything you know because you're afraid you'll lose it all. Maybe you've lost recently or maybe it's just a pattern you've seen, but for whatever reason, you're afraid of things changin' too much or thinkin' of things differently because you don't want to lose more. You're jealous of the people who have what you want, but you're making yourself a stumblin' block by not considering other options.

Chadley stares at the cards. "These cards are beginning to sound like my superiors."

Cinnamon grins and moves on to the third card. "This card represents where you are now." She turns the card over, revealing a woman sitting on a throne and holding a sword aloft: the queen of swords.

Cinnamon says: This card says that you're a very insightful and intelligent person, but it's not enough to simply possess that knowledge. You have to not simply hold it, but actually wield it in order to recover from the losses you've experienced. It also points to a female mentor of some sort; a combat trainer, perhaps, or someone of nobility.

Chadley gives his usual short, incredulous laugh as he looks at the three upturned cards. "You're right, they are very good."

Cinnamon smiles and touches the fourth card. "Then I hope you like what this one says. This is about your immediate future." She turns the card over to reveal a carefree man, smiling as he walks down a path, a bundle on his back: the Fool.

Chadley blinks.

Cinnamon says: Well, this is good news for your superiors: in the near future, you'll learn to let go and let things happen as they happen. This card suggests contentment and happiness, openness to whatever life brings. Sort of... greeting it with open arms, if you will. It also suggests travel.

Chadley doesn't say anything at all, positive or negative, after she explains this card. His subtle perma-frown returns, though.

Cinnamon watches Chadley's reaction before moving to the final card. "This is the one you could call your fortune... your future, overall." She turns the card over, revealing a young man in fancy clothing holding a golden cup: the Page of Cups.
Cinnamon says: Your longterm future looks bright, should things stay as they are. This card speaks to a great deal of spiritual illumination bringin' you great joy. You'll have a more childlike faith, embracing these things for what they are. Love is in your future as are good, strong bonds with a lot of people. And possibly a child.

Chadley snorts at the final addition to his fortune. "Unlikely. Still." He looks up at her. "Very interesting. I still maintain that they can find meaning to anybody, but it's interesting how well they do."

Cinnamon smiles and draws the cards back, stacking them neatly and placing them back in her bag. "I mostly enjoy them for the stories they tell. Still, interesting." She stands after a moment, adjusting her bag on her shoulder. "I'm going to head out and see if I can't find that contact of mine and what he'll charge. I'll send you a note if I find anything out. It was nice to meet you!"

Chadley says: Hey, uh- yeah. And thanks again.

Cinnamon says: No problem. Have a good evening.

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